Webpage idea: Next predicted difficulty change
It would be neat if someone had a page (like that handy calculator at http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator.php) that projects what the next difficulty adjustment will be.

projected difficulty adjustment multiplier =

 blocks_since_last_adjustment / 2016
 time_since_last_adjustment / 14_days

For instance, if it already got half way to the next adjustment in only 3.5 days instead of 7, we would expect difficulty to double:

 (1008/2016) / (3.5/14) = 0.5/0.25 = 2.0

Also, it could show the predicted time when the next adjustment will occur, and tell when the last adjustment was and how much it changed.
Can you put it on the main site in a box somewhere, kind of a like a mini-dashboard?  :)
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