Why you rename and block your previous thread?;allWas " BTC in 72 Hours-3% Payment Every Hours"
Now: "close"
I see that you don't did refund after collapse for members. That bad for you. Very bad.
Let's begin new game in parallel.
1 step.
Your robots.txt:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
What is interesting that when you login to your server there is nice form wp-login.php?action=lostpassword with nice long redirects
where server store your details. There so much interesting info. I gave that info to my friends.( yes, I have a lot of friends ). I won't post here all tips and tricks.There is not a a school but some will. Coz game. Result is that I have your identity at my hands.
Inside /wp-admin folder (that you hiding of course from kids) is admin-ajax.php and in folder wp-includes couple of scripts include
jquery. Unfortunately old software ( 2005 ) have a couple of bugs ( like Peter Norton said in past backup and updates forever).
Nice.That's only beginning. After my game finishing you'll be hunted and killed by members think so
. They are so angry to find you coz scammed a lot. Or there will be solder iron into your ass. It depends what I decide. Remember I have your identity. Even thinking to publish here coz members is too angry to find you. ( But there is some cons that I will loose my 20% coz any my work should be paid. Let's see how it will be.)
Actually dogolus (check your blocked thread) absolutely right that doubling or trippling bitcoins in such 2 days impossible.
I give you chance make refund to paid members+10% bonus coz they are newbies and don't knows what are they doing. I can play such games even loose something coz have my own miner of course I'm not so reach too.
Some guys paid to you very hard-earned coins collected from fausets about half of year. Or you can do refund after collapse.
It's up to you.
Nice game........
He-he..... to be continued.
Did you ask friends what is fa-get?
Did you?