The programs started with good intentions but the fraud rates are going up. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Free is a dangerous concept.
Any free food given to a country population for prolong period of time will destroy the country agriculture industry. Same with cloth and textile industry.
Short term assistance to relieve disaster is fine. Long term dependency will destroy the country population ability to stand on their own two legs.
There is no such thing as a free lunch (no pun intended)
When people are given "free" money for food or other forms of welfare it must be ultimately be paid for by other people.
Welfare is way to prevent crime and costs related to it. Other way is to not punish for petty theft, because lack of resources or waste lot more money for that punishment.
Welfare also prevents people from wanting to get a job in order to support themselves. Most people on food stamps remain on food stamps for at least 3 years. Most people on disability never look for a job again.
Real problem is that there just isn't options for everyone to provide for themselves at this time...
If you count commuting time/costs, income taxes, and lost welfare benefits then a well paying job could potentially only pay someone ~$2 per hour in additional income above what they got before leaving the various welfare rolls.