You masturbate with company? I thaught this is one of the few things that are more apropriately done in privacy.
Wait... what!? I meant masticating. Damn you auto-correct! Damn you!
As for your claim, there's one group that may, or may not, have been behind the creation of Bitcoin.
Meet the Raëlians: the history of Raëlism, members of the Raëlian Church have toured public settings advocating masturbation, condoms and birth control.[63] Raëlians hope that genetically modified food[72]:pp. 35–37 and nanotechnology[72]:pp. 69–74 will allow humankind to eliminate the obligation to work, in a world that embraces science and technology.[11]:p. 156
Raëlians have founded Clonaid, a company that envisions that someday human beings can be scientifically recreated though a process of human cloning, and Clitoraid, an organization whose mission is to oppose female genital mutilation.[73][74]