Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 04, 2014, 08:34:38 PM Last edit: February 06, 2022, 01:31:42 PM by Emerald_Crypto |
IntroductionEmerald Coin was originally launched June 16, 2013. The first developer, picasso (Original Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=235870.0), abandoned the project after a few months. The community stepped in and has kept the currency alive. This thread was created as a launching point for the next step of that community driven re-birth. Being that the community is looking to continue this coin, we thought it best to re-brand the currency. We thought it important to keep Emerald as part of the name and the ticker symbol EMD, but we also felt the need to distance ourselves from the original developer. The name, Emerald Crypto, was devised so as to keep the old Emerald alive, but show that it is being developed into something other than just another alt-coin. We are looking to develop Emerald Crypto into a currency that has real world uses. One that is backed by applications and marketing to make it easily adaptable to business markets both large and small. Emerald, at it's inception, had one of the fastest block times of any currency. While there will be changes made to the structure of the coin in the future, it's basic features: block times, coins per block and total coins are not planned to be changed. Coin Specs- Scrypt - Proof of Work
- 20 second block times
- 0.1 EMD mining reward per block
- 3 Confirmations per transaction
- 50 Confirmations per mined block
- Difficulty adjusts each block with DGW3
- 32,000,000 total coins over time
- P2P Port - 12127
- RPC Port - 12128
- Tickersymbol EMD
LinksEMD Websitehttps://www.emeraldcrypto.de
| EMD static Logo

PNG 128x128 [download]
| EMD animated Logo

| DownloadsWallets on GithubSources on GithubMining PoolsOn MiningPoolStats you find the current mining pool statistics for mining of Emerald Crypto https://miningpoolstats.stream/emeraldExchangesWe are looking for new Exchange listing. Feel free to contact us. Block ExplorersDigital servicesEMD wikihttps://coinwik.org/Emerald_Cryptovalid market informationhttps://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/emeraldhttps://www.coingecko.com/de/munze/emerald-cryptovalid mining informationhttps://www.coinwarz.com/cryptocurrency/coins/emeraldhttps://coinpaprika.com/coin/emd-emerald-crypto/seed nodeshttps://seed1.emeraldcrypto.de/EmeraldNodeStatus/https://seed2.emeraldcrypto.de/EmeraldNodeStatus/EMD P2pool Mining Poolhttp://pool.emeraldcrypto.de:12125/EMD TinyMiner - mining guidehttps://www.emeraldcrypto.de/Mining/Emerald_TinyMiner.html/EMD Block Explorerhttps://explorer.emeraldcrypto.de/Web Wallethttps://webwallet.emeraldcrypto.de/ snapshot service repositoryhttps://snapshot.emeraldcrypto.de/ bootstrap service repositoryhttps://bootstrap.emeraldcrypto.de/ bootstrap service #2https://cryptochainer.com/dir/?page_id=881EventsMay 26, 2019 - EMD Roadmap availablehttps://www.emeraldcrypto.de/Impressum/Roadmap.htmlJuly 26, 2018 - EMD new Client and Source Availableimprovements of EMD wallet V0.8.7.7 New checkpoints added. New alert system keys added. Alert system reactivated. New DNS seed nodes June 16, 2018 - EMD celebrates its 5th Birthday * 5 EMD for each new $EMD webwallet user, who will publish his EMD address on our Facebook site http://fb.com/EmeraldCryptoCoinApril 4, 2018 - EMD Web Wallet Available! Released on 28.04.2018 - 11pm (GMT+1) https://webwallet.emeraldcrypto.deCurrent Needs- realizing of an Electrum Wallet
- realizing of a mobile Wallet (Android - iOS)
- faucets for EMD
- more Block Explorer
- more 24/7 Nodes for EMD
- more mining pools for EMD
- more exchanges for EMD
- Games and services
Development- - Released 26.07.2018
Update: Source Code Development by Spidersbox, Pazor New checkpoints added. New alert system keys added. Alert system reactivated. New DNS seed nodes
- - Released 20.07.2017
Update: Source Code Development by Spidersbox disables the alert network system, like all the major currencies have done
- - Released 01.02.2017
Update: Source Code Development by Spidersbox improved new wallet with clean Qt-gui, corrected EMD currency tag, updated colors, changed icons and added home button. Now with fast levelDB handling, filter peer connection, that drops non EMD connections and enhanced peer connection, that allowes 36 outbound peer connections
- - Released 21.12.2015
Update: Source Code, Windows Client Development by GWCalvert Dark Gravity Wave 3 implemented at block 1,600,000 Difficulty adjusts each block Smooth mining. Consistent ~20 second block times.
- - Released 21.12.2014
Update: Source Code, Windows Client Development by GWCalvert
- - Released 01.09.2014
Update: Source Code, Windows Client Development by GWCalvert
- - Released 14.08.2014
Source Code Update Development by GWCalvert
- - Released 13.08.2014
New Windows Client Development by GWCalvert
- WP Emerald for Wordpress - Released 06.08.2014
Development by GWCalvert
- - Released 16.06.2013
Update: Source Code, Windows Client Development by Picasso
Social MediaOutlookProject Z Video Overview
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 04, 2014, 09:39:35 PM Last edit: April 28, 2018, 01:24:16 PM by Emerald_Crypto |
Thanks for the well-wishes. We have a long way to go, but Emerald is a good coin and very much worth developing. In the interest of transparency, the community members involved in the development of EMD are (as of this writing): GWCalvert (me), lesni4ok and m0gliE. I am a web developer, by trade, specializing in WordPress. Lesnik (lesni4ok) did the latest source update and Windows wallet. m0gliE has been active in the community for a long time and done much with keeping the coin alive and helping out other users with problems. If anyone else is interested in joining the team; send a PM. Being that I created a new account for this thread, there is a time limit imposed between posts. So, I may be combining several replies/announcements in single posts. Any pool ops, game sites, faucet providers, etc that wish to include EMD, send a PM and we will include you in the OP when you are set up. BCT does not allow you to post your announcements in the main thread any longer. More to come... soon. Update (April 2017)--------------------our old and new team members Emerald_Crypto (major account, announcements, development, founder) pazor_true (website, twitter account, communication, sponsor) spidersbox (development, sponsor) byter.sky (russian EMD thread) Update (April 2018)--------------------meet the EMD Core Team and EMD Contributers and Supporters https://www.emeraldcrypto.de/Impressum/EmeraldCoreTeam.html
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
August 05, 2014, 04:25:11 PM |
Looking forward to seeing more! You certainly have a decent foundation to begin from.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
August 05, 2014, 04:26:56 PM |
I have some EMD since the last summer, maybe I should find my old wallet... 
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 05, 2014, 05:15:04 PM |
Looking forward to seeing more! You certainly have a decent foundation to begin from.
The coin design is good, except for the difficulty schedule. Then again, 14 months ago there were no scrypt asics to contend with. Definitely a good foundation to start with. Just needs a little tweaking of the code, development of apps and services, and a little marketing. All of which are coming soon. Thanks for the support. I have some EMD since the last summer, maybe I should find my old wallet...  Dig that old wallet out. Download the latest version and replace the wallet.dat with your old one. If you have any trouble with the wallet syncing, try adding some of the nodes above. The first three or four in the list are usually active in my peer list. Will try to add a hard-coded node or two in the next wallet update.
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1005
I wish you all love and profitable investments!!!
August 05, 2014, 05:37:37 PM |
Looking forward to seeing more! You certainly have a decent foundation to begin from.
The coin design is good, except for the difficulty schedule. Then again, 14 months ago there were no scrypt asics to contend with. Definitely a good foundation to start with. Just needs a little tweaking of the code, development of apps and services, and a little marketing. All of which are coming soon. Thanks for the support. I have some EMD since the last summer, maybe I should find my old wallet...  Dig that old wallet out. Download the latest version and replace the wallet.dat with your old one. If you have any trouble with the wallet syncing, try adding some of the nodes above. The first three or four in the list are usually active in my peer list. Will try to add a hard-coded node or two in the next wallet update. In addition, the coin has a very beautiful name and always it is well traded. This means that it has never been abandoned by the community. Good luck with Takeover!

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
August 05, 2014, 05:41:38 PM |
Good luck for the takeover, need to add new stuff in the coin, it's too old...
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 05, 2014, 08:33:29 PM |
In addition, the coin has a very beautiful name and always it is well traded. This means that it has never been abandoned by the community.
Good luck with Takeover!
Good luck for the takeover, need to add new stuff in the coin, it's too old...
EMD trading has remained fairly active even without development. The quick block times and low number of coins per block make it an appealing investment. Multipool action has driven the price down, recently; but, with improvements to the code and development to support the coin, that all should be changing, soon. EMD is still easy to mine, so it should appeal to people with smaller hash rates. The coin-base pool, the dedicated node at hash-for-coins and both of the p2pools find blocks regularly, even with lower hash rates. There are also several solo-miners out there finding blocks. The coin is too old? Well I suppose you do not like BTC or LTC, either.  There will be new features, apps and services available for EMD as we get more into the development. The main focus at this point is getting the core updated to include the new difficulty schedule. The apps, services and real world uses are being worked on, but the EMD core is what needs to be fixed first. Thanks for the support!
Activity: 1572
Merit: 1002
August 06, 2014, 05:54:58 AM |
August 06, 2014, 06:12:36 AM |
ok look for this
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 06, 2014, 03:00:34 PM |
We have a block explorer once again! We were only without one for a few days, but I sure did miss having one... We also have a new faucet! I personally sent 10K EMD to the faucet. Any of you "whales" out there with lots of EMD should consider sending a few, too. Unfortunately, BCT will not allow my newbie account to link to the [dot] tk domains... WTH??? The addresses of the block explorer and faucet are in the OP. Copy and paste, then replace the [dot] with a .  I'll set up a redirect later so that we can link directly to them... Kind of like trying to post BCT links from Twitter...  There should be a new MPOS pool coming online in the next couple of days. The pool op is tied up, at the moment, with another project. I'll post the link in the OP when it is live. Lastly, I'll be finishing up the WP_Emerald plugin today and should have a link to it posted by this evening. You can see a slightly modified version of it running on the main Emerald Crypto website. Just the beginning, folks! Plenty more to come!
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1005
I wish you all love and profitable investments!!!
August 06, 2014, 09:46:23 PM Last edit: August 06, 2014, 10:22:58 PM by *Sakura* |
I want to give one piece of advice for new developers.
You need to do hardfork and start a new blockchain. Since synchronization of 1.5mln blocks takes a lot of time for beginners. Old coins can be swapped for new at rate of 1:1 through the exchange or using a privatekeys.
Emerald_V2 New coin = New prices. Just look at the HyperStake...
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 07, 2014, 04:02:47 AM |
I want to give one piece of advice for new developers.
You need to do hardfork and start a new blockchain. Since synchronization of 1.5mln blocks takes a lot of time for beginners. Old coins can be swapped for new at rate of 1:1 through the exchange or using a privatekeys.
Emerald_V2 New coin = New prices. Just look at the HyperStake...
That would be starting a "new" coin not doing a hardfork... EMD has been around for a long time, so there would be several people who are still holding coins from earlier mining that may not get word and lose their coins when a swap was done. Then there are always the questions and accusations about what happened to the extra coins that nobody redeemed their old coins for... m0gliE created a bootstrap file earlier, that could be downloaded and added to a new wallet which drastically reduced the time it took to download the blockchain through the wallet. After we get the new code ready and a wallet released with the fork in it, we will create a new bootstrap file, to help out with the sync times. *Trumpets Blare* Announcement! WP_Emerald is now available for download. The link from the OP takes you to a page with instructions and the download link. Enjoy! More to come!
Baird Ben
August 07, 2014, 04:20:58 AM |
Good job,but this is not enough,you guys should work harder then the coin will fly!
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 07, 2014, 08:52:47 PM |
I'll be out for most of the weekend. It's birthday week... Sure hope the next 50 go by a little slower...  Will check in here when I can to answer any questions and/or announce any new developments. Have been working on the core code the past couple of days. Would like to get it all wrapped up in the next week or so, and get the new wallets out. Will need to do some conferencing with the other dev team members, to finalize the details. After the core update, I will be focusing my time on creating a digital marketplace for EMD. Have a few other plans... more coming soon!
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
August 08, 2014, 02:46:14 AM |
so... is there a linux client for this yet ?  ))
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 08, 2014, 10:29:19 PM |
so... is there a linux client for this yet ?  )) There is no linux "client". For now, you can build it from the source. We plan to have clients for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux with the new core release. If you wish to know a bit more about me, this is probably a good place to start: Gary's 50th Birthday ThoughtsI'm headed to the pub for a couple of cold birthday beers! 
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1005
I wish you all love and profitable investments!!!
August 09, 2014, 09:06:12 PM |
so... is there a linux client for this yet ?  )) There is no linux "client". For now, you can build it from the source. We plan to have clients for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux with the new core release. If you wish to know a bit more about me, this is probably a good place to start: Gary's 50th Birthday ThoughtsI'm headed to the pub for a couple of cold birthday beers!  Happy Birthday, dear Gary!!!
Emerald_Crypto (OP)

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
EMD Core Team
August 11, 2014, 09:09:43 PM |
Although it was a birthday weekend; I have been busy working on the Emerald Core. The new code is finished!... Hopefully...  I will be compiling a new wallet today and doing some testing to be sure that the fork to a new difficulty schedule will be smooth. The planned fork is for block 1600000. Under perfect conditions, that would be 11 days from today. But as the amount of blocks being found has been, roughly, half of the scheduled amount; it should make the fork occur somewhere during the first week in September. This gives the exchanges, pools, etc plenty of time to get the new source compiled and up and running. We chose to go with DGW3 for the difficulty adjustment. This should make it unprofitable for multipools to jump on and grab 200 or so blocks at a time. There may still be some action, but it should be limited to just a few blocks, as the difficulty adjusts with each new block instead of every 180. I also added another checkpoint and upgraded the openssl to the latest version (1.0.1i). I think everyone will like the new wallet. It has been given a bit of a new look that makes it stand out from most other standard QT's. I will try to post some screenshots in the next day or two. The new wallet should be available for download by Thursday, if not sooner. With this release we will only have a windows wallet to begin with. The MacOSX and Linux wallets will be coming later. After the fork there will be another wallet coming with more features. This wallet will be based on the latest Bitcoin core (9.2.1). This will be a minor upgrade (code wise), but should be a much better wallet, feature wise. We plan to have a couple of seed-nodes hard-coded into that release, so that syncing will never be an issue. The OP will be updated to reflect this and other new information in the next few days. Much more still to come! 
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1053
bit.diamonds | uNiq.diamonds
August 11, 2014, 09:15:14 PM |
good luck wishes also from diamond foundation! as gemstone coins we are a big family 