So you must be gay,
Reputation yes due diligence, let's address those. Much like you took a few minutes to read my post history I spent a few minutes looking at you trust history and I feel bad for you that you were never able to gain any ground on your graphics card scam, well you know the one you tried to pull off back in February.
Much to my surprise you a brand new member of only 2 months well close enough to 2 months happen to vouch for
Posts: 26
Activity: 26
Position: Newbie
Date Registered: December 06, 2013, 08:03:59
Now let me get this straight you joined on December 18, 2013, 12:36:16 only 12 days after him and you two have a parking lot meeting where you happen to buy in cash 9 of his so called cards for sale, then bla bla bla some other people buy all the rest on paypal and stuff like that.
When people start asking questions like
Then all the sudden all the cards get sold under the table.
I'll tell you another funny thing, benigeri or you or sta, have not used the benigeri account to make one single post since March 03, 2014, 11:30:17 AM, yet last login was August 04, 2014, 10:07:11 PM. That is the guy you give +ve to, almost a shame people didn't fall for that little racket. You may of never had to go into the fake poker site scam business.
Now the real question here is how long will it take you to log into your benigeri account and find this topic and start crying I'm not sta! Don't forget to talk bad about me also. Otherwise you may look foolish, okay well more foolish than you already do.
Accusing everyone who doesn't immediately agree with you because you're gorgeous (cough cough) of being gay also undermines your credibility.
benigiri is one guy I have did a single deal with for $3.5K in graphics cards. It is entirely inappropriate to bring him into this discussion, as he has virtually nothing to do with it. However, I can assure you that his opinion is so much more credible than yours will ever be. None of the cards were sold under the table - 16 of them were sold on LitecoinTalk, which you would have realized if you had better reading comprehension.
Also, I did not take a few minutes to read your post history. I didn't even spend 20 seconds. I just remember your posts, as you have always stuck out on this forum as someone who doesn't belong here.
Hey I can't help it if your Gay By the way sta we all know this is you, yeah how dare me call bs on your bs.
Do me a favor you want me to leave this forum I want you to take a picture of these 9 cards, but I want you to be next to them holding a sign saying exactly what I say to put on it.
You do that and I will leave this forum for good. No second thoughts, or let's have the bs excuse why you could of but bla bla bla.