garbage collection - trim - only works when specific criteria are met, you need to be sure that it is actually working and it simply may not clear data you want to protect, while
one hdd overwrite cycle is enough
USB sticks are rated for around 10 or so years.
MLC chips, not whole pendrive!
In an air tight PVC pipe underground, a memory stick is in a better environment than above ground. Above ground, you have more extreme temperature and humidity fluctuation.
check what happens with tin at low temperatures - α-tin
Granted. My approach lacks redundancy
say you just used 20 new pendrives... from batch that was recalled later because of technical problems... you must have diversity there
With your method, you have just exposed your BitCoins to seizure by the state. With my method, there would be nothing encrypted on my computer.
this is fairly small amount of data and can be hidden in number of ways, tc containers are not distinguishable from random data