Original Masterpiece Bitcoin Oil Painting on primed oil canvasThis is the one and only original masterpiece Bitcoin Oil Painting by The Divine Ruler His Majesty The King Cuong V Truong.
The painting was painted on July 2nd and July 3rd and finished on July 4th, 2014.
This masterpiece oil painting was painted using a particular style known as "
The Chinese Calligraphy"
http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/20000/nahled/chinese-calligraphy.jpgThis painting literally took a really long time to dry.
This painting symbolize the decentralized currency world wide movement.20 years from now, this painting will be treasure by all men, women, and children world wide.
This is the one painting that is a history in the making and will forever change the future of mankind.
The Divine Ruler His Majesty The King Cuong V Truong will never, ever, paint another Bitcoin related painting.
Send a private message if you are interested in purchasing this painting for your collection.
Minimum bid is 25 bitcoins.
The pictures were taken around August 2014.