Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 16, 2018, 05:53:05 PM |
Sometimes, down the bottom, when the mouse is placed over the CloakShield symbol, the symbol is greyed out and the pop-up text reads "CloakShield unavailable." What is happening / not happening here?
It happens when no anon nodes are available. I have staked Cloak for over a year. I installed Evolution. Rewards stopped on or about 2/20. I also see that the number of nodes I am connected to has fallen to only 3. Cloakshield is unavailable. Only one Enigma node available. What do I need to change to fix this? Sure, I could reinstall, but is there something else going on that I missed reading about? Thanks. Did you unlock your wallet for minting? The wallet stakes the coins fine there are no known issues with that. In avg. you can expect 60-70 anon connections or more, i think there are still a lot of older wallets not updated and the old enigma nodes cannot communicate with the new enigma nodes. Did you restart your wallet ?

Activity: 323
Merit: 19
March 16, 2018, 06:16:15 PM |
Sometimes, down the bottom, when the mouse is placed over the CloakShield symbol, the symbol is greyed out and the pop-up text reads "CloakShield unavailable." What is happening / not happening here?
It happens when no anon nodes are available. I have staked Cloak for over a year. I installed Evolution. Rewards stopped on or about 2/20. I also see that the number of nodes I am connected to has fallen to only 3. Cloakshield is unavailable. Only one Enigma node available. What do I need to change to fix this? Sure, I could reinstall, but is there something else going on that I missed reading about? Thanks. Had a similar issue around that date. Restart wallet and see what block you are on. In my case I wasn't synced for days. Wallet started syncing, caught up with the last block and I started receiving rewards again. More rewards came as they were not coming for the days I wasn't synced. Hope it helps

Activity: 131
Merit: 29
March 17, 2018, 03:10:11 AM |
Must Enigma be enabled to get the 6%? I'm pretty sure it does'nt, just wanna be sure.
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 17, 2018, 09:23:57 AM |
Must Enigma be enabled to get the 6%? I'm pretty sure it does'nt, just wanna be sure.
no enigma is not needed for the 6% stake

Activity: 131
Merit: 29
March 17, 2018, 10:21:39 AM |
So when Enigma is enabled, is there a way to calculate how much might be earnt?
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 17, 2018, 10:28:28 AM |
So when Enigma is enabled, is there a way to calculate how much might be earnt?
When Enigma is enabled, you allow your node to help "cloaking" a tx. That means when someone else wants to send with Enigma and your node is chosen as one of the mixers, you will get a share of the Enigma fee the sender has to pay. e.g. someone sends 100 Cloak and uses 10 cloakers and the enigma fee was 1 cloak, each of the 10 cloakers will get a share of the fees. and this is what you can earn with enigma. well currently there are hardly any enigma tx on the network, but when enigma is used more and more that could be a good extra income.

Activity: 210
Merit: 10
“Marketplace for sensor data”
March 17, 2018, 11:27:12 AM |
There are so many such projects now. Tell me, how do you differ from others? Your road map seemed to me incomprehensible, unfortunately. do you plan to release an app for iOS and android?
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 17, 2018, 11:34:39 AM |
There are so many such projects now. Tell me, how do you differ from others? Your road map seemed to me incomprehensible, unfortunately. do you plan to release an app for iOS and android?
Well, CLOAK has a ready and working product, our CLOAK.ENIGMA anonymity for anonymous transactions. This was audited by Cognosec in the beginning of 2018. The next steps are as mentioned in the roadmap. We work on an iOS wallet and we have an android wallet since more than a year already! Please search on the play store: cloak wallet Thanks 
March 18, 2018, 11:45:04 PM |
My folks. Did I not send the clear warning for the months now. Look where we are.. back $8 and sinking. BTC value dropping BIG too. Be careful frienddddddds the bottom is a long ways away.
Is this now the 2000th thread that you go to and post that message? You should do so as every single coin is dumping these days.

Activity: 266
Merit: 16
March 20, 2018, 10:54:45 AM |
Is there any update on binance listing ? How long it usually takes for listing on binance ?
Thank you
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 20, 2018, 11:46:51 AM |
Is there any update on binance listing ? How long it usually takes for listing on binance ?
Thank you
can take up to 3 months ....
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 21, 2018, 06:42:41 AM |
Sometimes, down the bottom, when the mouse is placed over the CloakShield symbol, the symbol is greyed out and the pop-up text reads "CloakShield unavailable." What is happening / not happening here?
It happens when no anon nodes are available. I have staked Cloak for over a year. I installed Evolution. Rewards stopped on or about 2/20. I also see that the number of nodes I am connected to has fallen to only 3. Cloakshield is unavailable. Only one Enigma node available. What do I need to change to fix this? Sure, I could reinstall, but is there something else going on that I missed reading about? Thanks. Did you unlock your wallet for minting? The wallet stakes the coins fine there are no known issues with that. In avg. you can expect 60-70 anon connections or more, i think there are still a lot of older wallets not updated and the old enigma nodes cannot communicate with the new enigma nodes. Did you restart your wallet ? Okay, something is very wrong with Cloak. Yes, my wallet is unlocked. Yes, I reinstalled the evolution wallet. I only see between 3 and 7 connections on any day, which is way down from where it used to be. And the last reward I earned was on 2/20. Enigma nodes are not available. I am synchronized and am reportedly up to date. My weight should bring a reward every 19 hours on average. How is it possible to go one full month on this new wallet release and receive nothing? I did not have these issues on the next to last wallet release. I would love to hear the explanation, and something beyond "it works perfectly well, no known issues" because clearly there are some serious issues with Evolution. And I have run Cloak wallets since late 2016. 60-70 anonymous connections? On what planet? I forward this to the dev team.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1078
Merit: 310
AKA RJF - Member since '13
March 21, 2018, 01:02:51 PM |
Sometimes, down the bottom, when the mouse is placed over the CloakShield symbol, the symbol is greyed out and the pop-up text reads "CloakShield unavailable." What is happening / not happening here?
It happens when no anon nodes are available. I have staked Cloak for over a year. I installed Evolution. Rewards stopped on or about 2/20. I also see that the number of nodes I am connected to has fallen to only 3. Cloakshield is unavailable. Only one Enigma node available. What do I need to change to fix this? Sure, I could reinstall, but is there something else going on that I missed reading about? Thanks. Did you unlock your wallet for minting? The wallet stakes the coins fine there are no known issues with that. In avg. you can expect 60-70 anon connections or more, i think there are still a lot of older wallets not updated and the old enigma nodes cannot communicate with the new enigma nodes. Did you restart your wallet ? Okay, something is very wrong with Cloak. Yes, my wallet is unlocked. Yes, I reinstalled the evolution wallet. I only see between 3 and 7 connections on any day, which is way down from where it used to be. And the last reward I earned was on 2/20. Enigma nodes are not available. I am synchronized and am reportedly up to date. My weight should bring a reward every 19 hours on average. How is it possible to go one full month on this new wallet release and receive nothing? I did not have these issues on the next to last wallet release. I would love to hear the explanation, and something beyond "it works perfectly well, no known issues" because clearly there are some serious issues with Evolution. And I have run Cloak wallets since late 2016. 60-70 anonymous connections? On what planet? I am not a member of the dev team, just offering some advise. Staking works just fine here as I'm sure many others are staking as well. Sounds like your on your own little fork. And, I've run CLOAK wallets since 2014. This is not official advise but, in situations like this, deleting the blockchain data and peers.dat then restarting the wallet so it can redownload the chain usually fixes the problem. Happens quite often when upgrading wallets that have been running for long time when a new one is released. Backup your wallet.dat file first and don't delete it with the blockchain files. Resync will take a while. Oh and, make sure you are actually running the updated wallet not the old one. An easier approach would be to totally delete everything associated with the CLOAK wallet EXCEPT wallet.dat, save that in a safe place, and do a fresh install of the new wallet. Make sure Windows put the wallet executable in the same place it was before. I assume you are using windows....
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 08:33:40 PM |
Trying to download CloakCoin_Qt_win_x86_v2.1.0.0.evolution.zip from github and either get a small faulty zip file or a page stating
"Loop detected on cache-lcy19230-LCY: TuFMEtJVICCO9h0Zpde/N9L9b7tugV9xeSSEt9M0!LCY!cache-lcy19230-LCY"
Happens on multiple computers.
Anyone got a clue?
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 21, 2018, 09:01:14 PM |
Trying to download CloakCoin_Qt_win_x86_v2.1.0.0.evolution.zip from github and either get a small faulty zip file or a page stating
"Loop detected on cache-lcy19230-LCY: TuFMEtJVICCO9h0Zpde/N9L9b7tugV9xeSSEt9M0!LCY!cache-lcy19230-LCY"
Happens on multiple computers.
Anyone got a clue?
We investigate this ....
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 21, 2018, 09:04:01 PM |
Trying to download CloakCoin_Qt_win_x86_v2.1.0.0.evolution.zip from github and either get a small faulty zip file or a page stating
"Loop detected on cache-lcy19230-LCY: TuFMEtJVICCO9h0Zpde/N9L9b7tugV9xeSSEt9M0!LCY!cache-lcy19230-LCY"
Happens on multiple computers.
Anyone got a clue?
We investigate this .... Seren8 it seems to work again, looks like github had an issue. *SOLVED*
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 09:08:19 PM |
Yes... fixed for me. Cheers! 
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 09:13:38 PM |
how much i need for staking ?
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
March 21, 2018, 09:21:33 PM |
how much i need for staking ?
The more you have the more you can stake. you always get 6% / year. If you have 100 cloak you get 6 cloak / year if you have 1000 you get 60 cloak / year simple % maths.

Activity: 323
Merit: 19
March 22, 2018, 05:16:54 PM |
CloakCoin Community Announcement: Vote for CLOAK to be listed on CryptalDash.com Exchange. CloakCoin has been featured in the New Coin Listing Competition, this is your chance to grow the market cap and liquidity pool of CloakCoin. Support your coin by voting now, voting ends in 10 days.(CloakCoin is currently in last place with 0 votes) https://www.cryptaldash.com/new-coin-listingQuit spamming all the threads. Seen this post today at least 10 rimes