May 16, 2016, 02:32:28 PM |
Hello fellow Cloakers, Im sharing this thoughs with you. ..... ... .. .
Peace & Love!
Nice thoughts about anonymity! Yes, I can confirm that, some bad things could happen, if we retrace all. But a retrace to the crowd, you will fight against the crowd? Anonymity has the ugly behaviour, that you cannot find the crowd, to find a majority against bad incoming things, whatever this could be. Yes anonymity is well, but also an ugly enemy against the social network! Putting it too simple, Anonymity is what you make of it, good or bad. A restaurant chef can use his kitchen knife to make a palat masterpiece or go to the shoppingmall butcher 10's of people, it is his joice. Should we forbid knifes and all kind of sharp tools because they can be used to do harm? My point is, not having anonymity is even more dangerous. Unfortunatly today we dont have privacy and individuals may have to resort to anonymity to grow by themselves, unrestrained. I think its a big philosophical topic. But now the bridge to cloakcoin: Cloakcoin is on the way, to do what? Some news? Steve Cloakcoin wants to change the game. Real change.
,╓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄╓ ╓▄█████████████████▄╖ ╓▄█████▀▀'▒,,,,,╠'▀▀█████▄, ,▓███▀╜,▄▄███████████▄▄,╙▀████╖ ▄███▀ ▄█████▀▀"``╙"▀▀█████▄ ▀███▄ ▓███╜╓████▀ ,▄▄█████▄▄, ▀████,╙███▌ ▓███`╔███▀ ╓▓███▀▀▀▀▀████╖ ▀███@"███▌ ]███▌┌███▌ ▐███ ███▄ ▐███ ▐███, ▐███ ▐███ .███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ▐███ ▐███ '███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ]███@╙███@ ▀██▌ ,▄██▌ ▐███ ▐███` ▓███ ▐███▄ ╙██▀╩ 9███╜ ╔███▀,███▌ ████,╙███▌ ▓███╜,████ ▀███▄ ▀╜ ▀▀ ▄███▌ ╙████▄, ╓▄████╜ ╙█████▄▄╓, ,╓▄▄█████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ '▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀'
| CloakCoin | Private, Secure & Untraceable Cryptocurrency | Enigma Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
May 16, 2016, 02:41:02 PM |
load"" Hello fellow Cloakers, Im sharing this thoughs with you. We all feel something is wrong with the system, to the point some of us considered hidding from its preying eyes. The buzz around privacy is quite ubiquitous these days, but, why do we need privacy so bad? Can privacy save the freedoms we enjoy? Freedom is undefinable, it has a different meaning to each individual you ask. Poets can give the most eloquent speachs about freedom. A simple definition of freedom is the abilty to pursue whatever interests at any giving time. Myself I dont like to be told what to do, or choose from a preset number of options handed over by the elite in control, thus being servile. Those who say that have nothing to hide therefore dont need anonymity, think again. Maybe tomorow you'l need it. Maybe that book you payed for in bitcoins gets branded illegal or sinfull in 10 years from now and maybe anyone who had contact with that book is going to get arrested or sent to reeducation camps. Imagine what the Nazis or Stalin could have done if they had bitcoin and could backtrace transactions on the blockchain. Our digital world forgets nothing. Continuing on the somehow paranoid note: imagine you are running for some political office in the future, but the elite in power doesnt like your thoughs on justice and they have those bondage website subscritions you made 5 years ago: - "change your ideas or we tighten the rope on you"... Anonymity has a purpose and it's to protect privacy. Privacy allows us to experiment new and strange things otherwise unattaible either by social prejudice, political or religious persecution. Allowing individual choices to be recorded by goverments or giant corporations, is giving them the thing they crave for the more: CONTROL. The elites already are starting to react to bitcoin creating agencies and tools to encircle it. Can we really trust goverments, when most of the laws passed are to protect them from their own people? Cloakcoin's PoSA anonymity casts a cloak of light over the darkness looming in the distance. A handfull of developers succeded in creating a technology that strengthens privacy and everyday more people come out of the shadows and join the evolution. Current price is a disapointement and valid concern if you are a short or long term investor, by now all investors expected some return as achieved by other coins but Cloakcoin plays by a diferent set of rules, no pump & dump or market manipulation inside trading. As unforgiven it may be to some this Team is motivated by a vision and tecnlogy results. Soon the 'market' will realize it and rewards will come. Anonymity is getting to be a necessity and i dont need to remind traders what happens to price when a technology becomes a necessity. I feel reassured. Finally a few words on Cloakcoin's Peace and Love signature. It isnt some hippie revival shit, see it as a statement against questionable behaviour or trade when using Cloakcoin (Use it for good, it says).  Peace & Love!Nice post,very well said! The System is Lying Us!
,╓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄╓ ╓▄█████████████████▄╖ ╓▄█████▀▀'▒,,,,,╠'▀▀█████▄, ,▓███▀╜,▄▄███████████▄▄,╙▀████╖ ▄███▀ ▄█████▀▀"``╙"▀▀█████▄ ▀███▄ ▓███╜╓████▀ ,▄▄█████▄▄, ▀████,╙███▌ ▓███`╔███▀ ╓▓███▀▀▀▀▀████╖ ▀███@"███▌ ]███▌┌███▌ ▐███ ███▄ ▐███ ▐███, ▐███ ▐███ .███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ▐███ ▐███ '███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ]███@╙███@ ▀██▌ ,▄██▌ ▐███ ▐███` ▓███ ▐███▄ ╙██▀╩ 9███╜ ╔███▀,███▌ ████,╙███▌ ▓███╜,████ ▀███▄ ▀╜ ▀▀ ▄███▌ ╙████▄, ╓▄████╜ ╙█████▄▄╓, ,╓▄▄█████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ '▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀'
| CloakCoin | Private, Secure & Untraceable Cryptocurrency | Enigma Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
May 16, 2016, 03:07:39 PM |
Buy cloak before it dies completely  ops not dies i mean moooooon Ok,i will buy again 
,╓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄╓ ╓▄█████████████████▄╖ ╓▄█████▀▀'▒,,,,,╠'▀▀█████▄, ,▓███▀╜,▄▄███████████▄▄,╙▀████╖ ▄███▀ ▄█████▀▀"``╙"▀▀█████▄ ▀███▄ ▓███╜╓████▀ ,▄▄█████▄▄, ▀████,╙███▌ ▓███`╔███▀ ╓▓███▀▀▀▀▀████╖ ▀███@"███▌ ]███▌┌███▌ ▐███ ███▄ ▐███ ▐███, ▐███ ▐███ .███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ▐███ ▐███ '███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ]███@╙███@ ▀██▌ ,▄██▌ ▐███ ▐███` ▓███ ▐███▄ ╙██▀╩ 9███╜ ╔███▀,███▌ ████,╙███▌ ▓███╜,████ ▀███▄ ▀╜ ▀▀ ▄███▌ ╙████▄, ╓▄████╜ ╙█████▄▄╓, ,╓▄▄█████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ '▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀'
| CloakCoin | Private, Secure & Untraceable Cryptocurrency | Enigma Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
lab rat hoax
May 16, 2016, 03:21:24 PM Last edit: May 16, 2016, 03:53:27 PM by lab rat hoax |
Remember cyprus ? You think it won't happen again? These control freak ponzi scheme bankster scumbags have big plans to force you to keep your money in their banks so they can steal it ! ( the war on cash ) ....negative interest rates, bail ins... Cloak is about empowernent and saying NO to their fraud If you have a bank account, you are now an "unsecured creditor"
Yes, cloak is anonymous, and also yes, it is an honest unit of value that cannot just be printed into infinity
It's MY money and i'll spend it any way i want and it's nobody's business but mine !!! THIS IS FREEDOM
May 16, 2016, 08:47:23 PM |
,╓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄╓ ╓▄█████████████████▄╖ ╓▄█████▀▀'▒,,,,,╠'▀▀█████▄, ,▓███▀╜,▄▄███████████▄▄,╙▀████╖ ▄███▀ ▄█████▀▀"``╙"▀▀█████▄ ▀███▄ ▓███╜╓████▀ ,▄▄█████▄▄, ▀████,╙███▌ ▓███`╔███▀ ╓▓███▀▀▀▀▀████╖ ▀███@"███▌ ]███▌┌███▌ ▐███ ███▄ ▐███ ▐███, ▐███ ▐███ .███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ▐███ ▐███ '███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ]███@╙███@ ▀██▌ ,▄██▌ ▐███ ▐███` ▓███ ▐███▄ ╙██▀╩ 9███╜ ╔███▀,███▌ ████,╙███▌ ▓███╜,████ ▀███▄ ▀╜ ▀▀ ▄███▌ ╙████▄, ╓▄████╜ ╙█████▄▄╓, ,╓▄▄█████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ '▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀'
| CloakCoin | Trustless Anonymous Cryptocurrency | PoSA3 Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
May 17, 2016, 11:04:00 AM |
Remember cyprus ? You think it won't happen again? These control freak ponzi scheme bankster scumbags have big plans to force you to keep your money in their banks so they can steal it ! ( the war on cash ) ....negative interest rates, bail ins... Cloak is about empowernent and saying NO to their fraud If you have a bank account, you are now an "unsecured creditor"
Yes, cloak is anonymous, and also yes, it is an honest unit of value that cannot just be printed into infinity
It's MY money and i'll spend it any way i want and it's nobody's business but mine !!! THIS IS FREEDOM
I am very optimistic and hope the best for the future  CLOAK is the future 

Activity: 119
Merit: 100
May 17, 2016, 03:59:00 PM |
We must admit developers doing their job..What else community can ask?
Sr. Member
Activity: 401
Merit: 250
May 17, 2016, 04:37:15 PM Last edit: May 17, 2016, 05:39:11 PM by wendy107th |
swap CLOAK only possible nice contracts (LIKE ETH) DAO I don't know closed source wen possible and POSA 3 
May 17, 2016, 04:51:23 PM |
swap only possibility nice contract s DAO I don't now closed source wen possible and anon  Sorry man,but i didn't understand anything!
,╓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄╓ ╓▄█████████████████▄╖ ╓▄█████▀▀'▒,,,,,╠'▀▀█████▄, ,▓███▀╜,▄▄███████████▄▄,╙▀████╖ ▄███▀ ▄█████▀▀"``╙"▀▀█████▄ ▀███▄ ▓███╜╓████▀ ,▄▄█████▄▄, ▀████,╙███▌ ▓███`╔███▀ ╓▓███▀▀▀▀▀████╖ ▀███@"███▌ ]███▌┌███▌ ▐███ ███▄ ▐███ ▐███, ▐███ ▐███ .███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ▐███ ▐███ '███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ]███@╙███@ ▀██▌ ,▄██▌ ▐███ ▐███` ▓███ ▐███▄ ╙██▀╩ 9███╜ ╔███▀,███▌ ████,╙███▌ ▓███╜,████ ▀███▄ ▀╜ ▀▀ ▄███▌ ╙████▄, ╓▄████╜ ╙█████▄▄╓, ,╓▄▄█████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ '▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀'
| CloakCoin | Private, Secure & Untraceable Cryptocurrency | Enigma Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
Sr. Member
Activity: 401
Merit: 250
May 17, 2016, 05:39:42 PM |
swap only possibility nice contract s DAO I don't now closed source wen possible and anon  Sorry man,but i didn't understand anything! I did google translate sorry for my bad english
May 17, 2016, 05:40:51 PM |
swap only possibility nice contract s DAO I don't now closed source wen possible and anon  Sorry man,but i didn't understand anything! Funny i'm drinking beer at this moment, so thought it must be it  .. I'm not crazy, that is important!
May 19, 2016, 07:51:25 AM |
Vote for CLOAK to get added on Livecoin exchange  They have about 20 coins listed with nearly 1 million $ volume a day!!! 
Activity: 2979
Merit: 1272
May 19, 2016, 07:53:53 AM |
May 19, 2016, 08:17:32 AM |
May 19, 2016, 08:55:28 AM |
Vote for CLOAK to get added on Livecoin exchange  They have about 20 coins listed with nearly 1 million $ volume a day!!!  how you sure that is legit exchange?
May 19, 2016, 09:01:02 AM |
May 19, 2016, 09:24:00 AM Last edit: May 19, 2016, 09:48:25 AM by disco987 |
Vote for CLOAK to get added on Livecoin exchange  They have about 20 coins listed with nearly 1 million $ volume a day!!!  how you sure that is legit exchange? https://www.livecoin.net/contactshttp://www.bizdb.co.uk/company/delta-e-commerce-ltd-08146865/It enough legit is it? You can call them  Ask them: "Are you legit?" 
,╓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄╓ ╓▄█████████████████▄╖ ╓▄█████▀▀'▒,,,,,╠'▀▀█████▄, ,▓███▀╜,▄▄███████████▄▄,╙▀████╖ ▄███▀ ▄█████▀▀"``╙"▀▀█████▄ ▀███▄ ▓███╜╓████▀ ,▄▄█████▄▄, ▀████,╙███▌ ▓███`╔███▀ ╓▓███▀▀▀▀▀████╖ ▀███@"███▌ ]███▌┌███▌ ▐███ ███▄ ▐███ ▐███, ▐███ ▐███ .███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ▐███ ▐███ '███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ]███@╙███@ ▀██▌ ,▄██▌ ▐███ ▐███` ▓███ ▐███▄ ╙██▀╩ 9███╜ ╔███▀,███▌ ████,╙███▌ ▓███╜,████ ▀███▄ ▀╜ ▀▀ ▄███▌ ╙████▄, ╓▄████╜ ╙█████▄▄╓, ,╓▄▄█████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ '▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀'
| CloakCoin | Private, Secure & Untraceable Cryptocurrency | Enigma Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
May 19, 2016, 11:06:53 AM |
███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ | .... |
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May 19, 2016, 11:19:34 AM |
Also voted
,╓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄╓ ╓▄█████████████████▄╖ ╓▄█████▀▀'▒,,,,,╠'▀▀█████▄, ,▓███▀╜,▄▄███████████▄▄,╙▀████╖ ▄███▀ ▄█████▀▀"``╙"▀▀█████▄ ▀███▄ ▓███╜╓████▀ ,▄▄█████▄▄, ▀████,╙███▌ ▓███`╔███▀ ╓▓███▀▀▀▀▀████╖ ▀███@"███▌ ]███▌┌███▌ ▐███ ███▄ ▐███ ▐███, ▐███ ▐███ .███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ▐███ ▐███ '███ ███ ███▌ ███▌ ]███@╙███@ ▀██▌ ,▄██▌ ▐███ ▐███` ▓███ ▐███▄ ╙██▀╩ 9███╜ ╔███▀,███▌ ████,╙███▌ ▓███╜,████ ▀███▄ ▀╜ ▀▀ ▄███▌ ╙████▄, ╓▄████╜ ╙█████▄▄╓, ,╓▄▄█████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ '▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀'
| CloakCoin | Private, Secure & Untraceable Cryptocurrency | Enigma Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
May 19, 2016, 02:07:00 PM |
hahahaha  maybe legit 