Can you provide a valid collateral? Please.
The collateral would be the silver but it would not be worth it to send through the mail to someone because of the weight and amount of loan.
It is also a BTCjam loan so not sure how collateral would work with that.
So, again, can you provide valid collateral? If not, you are wasting your time and ours posting your loan here. Your time may not be worth much, but mine is.
Apparently your time is worth quite a lot, but you posted multiple times on this thread when you say he is just a scammer. If you think he's a scammer post ONCE and move on stop arguing like children. Wrong quote lawl. *Directed to vod* You guys know what I mean. Just because somebody is new to the forums they get called scammers. Is the word scammer the new welcome?
I have actually been here on this forum longer than VOD and I think that was partly why I was so surprised at what he did by leaving the negative feedback for me.
I have been on many other forums and message boards from cards to comics to coins and while there are dishonest people there I have never been outright called a scammer and left negative feedback the way he did to me here.
It appears to me, and I could be wrong, but it seems that VOD leaves bad feedback for anyone associated with BTCjam. I understand that he feels there are a lot of scammers and dishonest people there but there are a lot of scammers and dishonest people here on this forum as well.
Its good what VOD and KWH and the others do when trying to spot scams and protect people but I think VOD takes it a little to far and leaves wrong feedback for some. Even after I offered to prove I am not a scammer he will not budge and will not remove the feedback. Perhaps he doesn't like to admit when he is wrong? I don't know.
Either way I am confident that negative feedback will be removed at some point as I have contacted the owners of this site to have a look at it and get it removed.
I am a very honest person with good feedback here and elsewhere and for one person to just ruin it the way he did is just unacceptable.