Thank you for this giveaway, but what happen if two users have the same winning number?
You just need to read carefully
Hello everyone this community has done a lot for me and so I'm here to give some stuff back.
I will be giving away a free bitcoin miner on a weekly basis. Most likely I will be giving away free GawMiner's cloud mining hashlets for a while, at least until a new less expensive physical miner comes out like an Antminer U4 type of thing.
1) All you have to do to enter is pick a number between 1 and 1000 and post your number in this thread.
2) On the giveaway date I will be using a random number generator to create a random number. The first person that posted that number will win the free bitcoin miner.
3) If no one picked that specific number then it will go to whoever picked the closest number to it.
4) If two people are the same distance from the winning number I will give away 2 miners!
5) Do NOT edit your number picking post.
6) If you'd like to change your number just create a new post and state that you're changing it.
So if you pick a number which has already been taken then you will have no chance of winning