Activity: 1764
Merit: 1000
October 13, 2017, 04:47:59 PM |
Does anybody know if Garza and Fraser are directly related, e.g., cousins? I can't get over the notion that Fraser pulled Garza in on his small nefarious entities oppose to being the other way around.
The official story is that Garza installed computers or some shit like for Fraser and that's how they got acquainted. I don't think they're related. Fraser seems to be a bit slow and Garza is a sociopath, perfect combination. this and some ball cupping / naked apron weird shit
Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
October 14, 2017, 12:41:40 AM |
No jail sentence? only fine? Wow From the case blow up and until now, the btc held by Gaw already enough to pay for it No Prison for Garza ?? I've been waiting years. He's getting sentenced in January for 1 count of wire fraud. (I think ) Then shortly thereafter, he be sporting jeebus sandals & orange jumpsuit, darning Bubba's socks and making sure he doesn't drop the soap in the shower...
Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
October 14, 2017, 01:18:01 AM |
Anyways, heres a link if anyone is curious. From what I am reading Fraser is SOOOOO Fucked! Here are a few nice quotes: "The test of whether an individual is a controlling person for the purposes of § 20(a) is not a categorical one that turns solely on the individual’s status as an officer or director. Rather, the inquiry is a functional one, as SEC regulations indicate.” "Thus, control is adequately pled when there are factual allegations that “support a reasonable inference that defendants had the potential power to influence and direct the activities of the primary violator.” Here is the biggest quote so far: The amended complaint plausibly pleads that Fraser controlled the Companies and Garza. It does so first by alleging that Fraser owned half of the equity in each of the Companies a well recognized indicator of control.In other words Fraser was absolutely in control. https://file.io/moutPFOhh, yeah, that is some serious stuff that will get him on the hook. He is going to get his..,in time.  holy shit what a nice twist. shouldn't have run the charity 9/11 scam Hey @favdesu long time What makes this EXTRA SINISTER is that HUNDREDS of Cantor Fitzgerald employees DIED at the World Trade Centers 1 & 2 on 9/11/01
Activity: 3920
Merit: 2009
October 14, 2017, 02:29:23 AM |
Hey @favdesu long time
What makes this EXTRA SINISTER is that HUNDREDS of Cantor Fitzgerald employees DIED at the World Trade Centers 1 & 2 on 9/11/01
Have any of you half-wits ever googled "Howard Lutnick"? I don't think so... BTW, you can stop feeling good about homero going to prison because he's just another trendon shavers/bernie madoff and will only do a few years and there are no bubba's at buttner...  Not to be a dick, but you have your hopes set way too high, or you don't know jack shit about american white collar crime...
BETFURY ..... | ██████▄██▄███████████▄█▄ █████▄██████▄████▄▄▄█████ ██████████████████████████ ████▐█████████████████████ ███████████▀▀█▄▄▄▄█████████ ██▄███████▄▀███▀█▀▀█▄▄█▄█▄██ █▀██████████▄█████▄▄█████▀███ ██████████▄████▀██▄▀▀█▀█████▄ ███████████████▐█▄█▀▄███▀█▀██▄ ███████▄▄▄███▌▌██▄▀█▀█████████▄ ▀▀▀███████████▌██▀▀▀▀▀█▄▄▄████▀ ███████▀▀██████▄▄██▄▄▄█▄███▀▀ ████████████▀▀▀██████████▀
| ..... UP TO 60% APR BTC STAKING ..... | │ │ |
Exclusive 200% APR in USDT & Extra Bonus ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤◤ | | | █▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄▄ | | ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄█ |
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
October 14, 2017, 03:22:27 PM |
Hey @favdesu long time
What makes this EXTRA SINISTER is that HUNDREDS of Cantor Fitzgerald employees DIED at the World Trade Centers 1 & 2 on 9/11/01
Have any of you half-wits ever googled "Howard Lutnick"? I don't think so... BTW, you can stop feeling good about homero going to prison because he's just another trendon shavers/bernie madoff and will only do a few years and there are no bubba's at buttner...  Not to be a dick, but you have your hopes set way too high, or you don't know jack shit about american white collar crime... I'm a full-wit because I Googled "Howard Lutnick", Stuart's uncle. 
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
October 14, 2017, 05:40:45 PM |
Hey @favdesu long time
What makes this EXTRA SINISTER is that HUNDREDS of Cantor Fitzgerald employees DIED at the World Trade Centers 1 & 2 on 9/11/01
Have any of you half-wits ever googled "Howard Lutnick"? I don't think so... BTW, you can stop feeling good about homero going to prison because he's just another trendon shavers/bernie madoff and will only do a few years and there are no bubba's at buttner...  Not to be a dick, but you have your hopes set way too high, or you don't know jack shit about american white collar crime... I'm a full-wit because I Googled "Howard Lutnick", Stuart's uncle.  Are you referring to Lutnick -- the acting CF CEO who *JUST HAPPENED* to be somewhere else on 9/11?  ? 
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
October 14, 2017, 05:56:26 PM |
Hey @favdesu long time
What makes this EXTRA SINISTER is that HUNDREDS of Cantor Fitzgerald employees DIED at the World Trade Centers 1 & 2 on 9/11/01
Have any of you half-wits ever googled "Howard Lutnick"? I don't think so... BTW, you can stop feeling good about homero going to prison because he's just another trendon shavers/bernie madoff and will only do a few years and there are no bubba's at buttner...  Not to be a dick, but you have your hopes set way too high, or you don't know jack shit about american white collar crime... I'm a full-wit because I Googled "Howard Lutnick", Stuart's uncle.  Are you referring to Lutnick -- the acting CF CEO who *JUST HAPPENED* to be somewhere else on 9/11?  ?  Yes, to wit (see what I did there?), he was taking his sons Brandon and Kyle to school for their first day of kindergarten on a Tuesday while his brother - now dead due to a jet engine being rammed down his throat - covered his ass for being off work.  Two days later, Lutnick tried to not pay the dead employees' salary because ... wait for it ... they were dead, including his own brother.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
October 14, 2017, 06:29:35 PM |
Yeah that was Lutnick Slutnick's brother, Lutnick, Lugnut.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
October 14, 2017, 07:06:56 PM Last edit: October 14, 2017, 07:29:18 PM by RoomBot |
Hey @favdesu long time
What makes this EXTRA SINISTER is that HUNDREDS of Cantor Fitzgerald employees DIED at the World Trade Centers 1 & 2 on 9/11/01
Have any of you half-wits ever googled "Howard Lutnick"? I don't think so... BTW, you can stop feeling good about homero going to prison because he's just another trendon shavers/bernie madoff and will only do a few years and there are no bubba's at buttner...  Not to be a dick, but you have your hopes set way too high, or you don't know jack shit about american white collar crime... Then why is it named, BUTT-ner?? /s  
Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
October 15, 2017, 02:36:27 PM |
....and there are no bubba's at buttner...  Not to be a dick, but you have your hopes set way too high, or you don't know jack shit about american white collar crime... party pooper 
Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be
Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
October 15, 2017, 02:56:42 PM Last edit: October 15, 2017, 03:06:56 PM by sirazimuth |
I got to like page 13 and then my eyeballs fell out and my poor little 10 remaining brain cells twisted up into a curly-cue pretzel... dammn! thats some serious legalese speaky! so I skipped/scrolled to this part... "Conclusion For the reasons set forth above, the motion to dismiss is DENIED" roger that....
Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
October 15, 2017, 03:17:35 PM |
I got to like page 13 and then my eyeballs fell out and my poor little 10 remaining brain cells twisted up into a curly-cue pretzel... dammn! thats some serious legalese speaky! so I skipped/scrolled to this part... "Conclusion For the reasons set forth above, the motion to dismiss is DENIED" roger that.... I, too, like page 13 ... Fraser: Joshua, I made a decision that we should buy ZenMiners, the thingy that my son built, mmmkay? JG: Great, and I decided to longer pay electric bills. Marshall Long: And I decided to cup balls since the contract with my mail order bride is coming to an end.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
October 15, 2017, 06:33:41 PM |
I got to like page 13 and then my eyeballs fell out and my poor little 10 remaining brain cells twisted up into a curly-cue pretzel... dammn! thats some serious legalese speaky! so I skipped/scrolled to this part... "Conclusion For the reasons set forth above, the motion to dismiss is DENIED" roger that.... I, too, like page 13 ... Fraser: Joshua, I made a decision that we should buy ZenMiners, the thingy that my son built, mmmkay? JG: Great, and I decided to longer pay electric bills. Marshall Long: And I decided to cup balls since the contract with my mail order bride is coming to an end. BitcoinBar: PUMP PAYCOIN NOW!
October 16, 2017, 04:14:36 AM |
I wonder how many cases pass this threshold and go to a settlement versus cases that go to trial? I'm curious what they are pushing for(trial or settlement)? I mean, it may be in Fraser's best interest to admit no guilt and settle for a million dollars. I assume he has over 10 million? I tried to assess his net worth, but it is not obvious. Maybe someone has done some better digging on his wealth?
Sr. Member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
CEO FlawMiners TM®
October 16, 2017, 08:00:25 AM |
Wow, the day has come! About time this piece of crap got what was coming to him, it was a job well done all. Bitpop I sent you some coin a couple of months ago, a company was closing and I had some coin there, have my wallet stored and didn't have access to it so I just sent them your way, wasn't much  Again, very nice work to the ones that stayed strong on him and didn't stop, aka Legendary suchmoon  I've been going after some of the "the world is ending, send me your money" preachers and am getting attacked from some of their followers, its funny to keep seeing the same type of people all over again. P.S. to Panda, GFYS 
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3948
Merit: 9202
October 16, 2017, 03:51:28 PM Last edit: October 16, 2017, 09:38:39 PM by suchmoon |
I wonder how many cases pass this threshold and go to a settlement versus cases that go to trial? I'm curious what they are pushing for(trial or settlement)? I mean, it may be in Fraser's best interest to admit no guilt and settle for a million dollars. I assume he has over 10 million? I tried to assess his net worth, but it is not obvious. Maybe someone has done some better digging on his wealth?
He's a vice-chairman (or used to be anyway) of a major Wall St bank... he should be north of $100m unless he's very fond of hookers and blow. I don't have specific numbers but for example this prospectus shows Fraser selling 0.5 million shares of BGC and keeping another 1 million shares. Price at the time of sale ~$10 each, today ~$16. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1094831/000119312511225937/d424b3.htmSo we are talking $15-25 million just in this one investment. Also there are SEC filings showing millions of dollars in bonuses to CF execs, although I couldn't find one with Fraser's name in it. And yes, settling would be wise for everyone involved. It's cheaper and I'm sure neither Fraser nor CF want lawyers digging through their dirty laundry.
October 16, 2017, 09:22:57 PM |
Wow, the day has come! About time this piece of crap got what was coming to him, it was a job well done all. Bitpop I sent you some coin a couple of months ago, a company was closing and I had some coin there, have my wallet stored and didn't have access to it so I just sent them your way, wasn't much  Again, very nice work to the ones that stayed strong on him and didn't stop, aka Legendary suchmoon  I've been going after some of the "the world is ending, send me your money" preachers and am getting attacked from some of their followers, its funny to keep seeing the same type of people all over again. P.S. to Panda, GFYS  garza the hut~  haha at least we can laugh*
©2021*MY POSTS ARE STRICTLY FOR NOVELTY AND/OR PRESERVATION/COLLECTING PURPOSES ONLY!*It should not be regarded as investment/trading advice.*advocate to promote sharing and free software for the bitcoin community* #EFF #FSF #XTZ ===> START WITH NOTHING AND BUILD IT INTO SOMETHING!
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
October 17, 2017, 04:03:00 AM |
I wonder how many cases pass this threshold and go to a settlement versus cases that go to trial? I'm curious what they are pushing for(trial or settlement)? I mean, it may be in Fraser's best interest to admit no guilt and settle for a million dollars. I assume he has over 10 million? I tried to assess his net worth, but it is not obvious. Maybe someone has done some better digging on his wealth?
Probably has little savings...seems to have zero life skills or commons sense (or taste,) but probably a huge inheritance or trust fund: Stuart Fraser is nephew of Ira Cantor, the founder of CantorFitz That's one reason why I fell for Paycoin -- he said "uncle" stu had his $10M reserve. Probably MOST fell for Garza's bullsh*t --- b/c of Fraser.
October 17, 2017, 04:14:50 AM |
I wonder how many cases pass this threshold and go to a settlement versus cases that go to trial? I'm curious what they are pushing for(trial or settlement)? I mean, it may be in Fraser's best interest to admit no guilt and settle for a million dollars. I assume he has over 10 million? I tried to assess his net worth, but it is not obvious. Maybe someone has done some better digging on his wealth?
Probably has little savings...seems to have zero life skills or commons sense (or taste,) but probably a huge inheritance or trust fund: Stuart Fraser is nephew of Ira Cantor, the founder of CantorFitz That's one reason why I fell for Paycoin -- he said "uncle" stu had his $10M reserve. Probably MOST fell for Garza's bullsh*t --- b/c of Fraser.  weeeee
©2021*MY POSTS ARE STRICTLY FOR NOVELTY AND/OR PRESERVATION/COLLECTING PURPOSES ONLY!*It should not be regarded as investment/trading advice.*advocate to promote sharing and free software for the bitcoin community* #EFF #FSF #XTZ ===> START WITH NOTHING AND BUILD IT INTO SOMETHING!