I thought people gave up on the Ripple idea? The Bitshare bullshit is taking a difficult to understand concept, for the general public, and turning it into an impossible to understand concept. Why won't developers and designers learn when it's time to stop and just promote. Let Bitcoin become fully entrenched before you mindfuck the public with yet another complicated system. So when I have tokens do I have coins and shares or do I need coins to get shares and tokens or shares of the tokens of coins? Oy vey!
You have to remember that people are doing it to make a quick buck. Marketing a new coin/network with new features blah blah blah is the same methodology as a used car salesman telling you everything you want to hear and sometimes making it so complicated you don't want to understand how it works.
It just simply "looks good".
Yes, that's what I see too. If they design and layer something on top then they become the founder/all powerful Satoshi/exalted one sitting on the fat stack of cash. "Satoshi came up with an idea but I made it wonderful." The only difference between that and starting your own altcoin is that you get to benefit from an already existing user base. They should make their own coin and experiment on that. Pretty soon the blockchain will be used to transmit and carry contracts, porn, gold futures and egg mcmuffins. The average person will end up so confused with what it is they are putting their money into that they decide to just ignore Bitcoin altogether.