cambda I really could care less if you add them to the list or not, I just posted them in case others were interested.
Pretty much every single site, you have to watch for a few seconds, click a banner, put in a captcha...... you have to perform some action... NONE of them are 'exactly free' to use your words. I have yet to see a site, save maybe a very rare one or two, that didn't have some sort of 'revenue' generating something on it.
So loading a webpage, letting it sit for 5 minutes while you do something else is considered work? hmmm... Im shocked that a website owner would actually want someone to do something for them too.. to get the coins. So exactly how many seconds of viewing is considered to be work?
They should just take every coin stash found and just distribute it to every wallet known, that way it genuinely IS free.
Reading the posts in this thread and elsewhere you can see that there have been complaints about both bitvisitor and cointube in terms of payouts etc.
And besides as has been mentioned they are not
free bitcoin sites.
Here is a couple quotes of what I have already said on this subject:
"surf these websites...
fill out these surveys...
give me your email address and personal information...
watch these videos...
reweet or post these ads...
build me a house...
Even if it is only time and attention someone wants it is still valuable to me
and anything I get in return for it, should I choose to spend it, isn't free.
Now if the only time I have to spend is the time it takes to load up a website
and input a bitcoin address, and maybe wait a few seconds for some anti-bot
process or the like, and anything else is optional then I can regard any bitcoins
given out in that case as being reasonably free.
FREE is never really means free.
TANSTAAFLBut if one doesn't have to jump through too many hoops like filling out surveys, surfing pages,
and doing other time consuming and annoying tasks, or giving away their personal information,
etc., then one might consider the coins received as being 'reasonably' free. And those are
the types of sites I try to list.
This is from the original
There are some sites where one can get free bitcoins. The catch, if you want to call it that, is
that you might be exposed to advertising. Or it might be incentive to spend more time at their site,
to gamble with or do something else there which will be to their benefit in some way. Or it might be
a way to give newbies a start with getting and using Bitcoins, which, it is hoped, will benefit
Bitcoin as a whole. As long as anything like spending more time at their site, or doing something
else, is optional then I will consider the coins given out there as "free."
Please post in this thread if you know of any other
free Bitcoin sites or have any other relevant information pertaining to this subject.
Do your best to point out if any conditions or restrictions of any kind exist that may cause some to think it isn't really that free...
e.g. a gambling site that gives out "free" bitcoins but doesn't allow you to withdraw them and requires that you use them to gamble
at their site... or a site that requires you to perform some task, easy or even fun as it may be, before they give you any coin. There is
no doubt a gray area with some sites where not everyone would agree the coin is actually free. Feel free to discuss these situations below.
I will try to update this post with the sites and information that seem to be a good fit. Feel free to give your opinion and make your case
below if you do not agree with anything that I include, or exclude. You also may find some sites listed below, which while they don't exactly
qualify as giving out "free" bitcoins and don't make it into this original post, may still hold some interest for you.
So feel free to submit sites where you feel one can get bitcoins, but if they don't fit the criteria as explained above then I won't add them to the OP. Sorry.
Thanks for your input.