I got a nice coin for you to do this with, and you will actually achieve something in the proces, namely expanding the entire cryptocommunity about 3 fold!
The coin I am talking about is EFL, I am deeply involved myself, but those new community members will also need indenti.fi to authenticate themselves on my website tbrabantskwartiertje.info/indexenglish.html so if I can ever get out in a fashionable matter you know it's well spend
Allthough the general thought on this forum is very negative towards us, it's mostly because people did got involved and ended up with a negative situation. Let this be the one time to explain you what happened in my opinion with the coin EFL as traded on bittrex and cryptsy.
Besides a pre-mine of 50% the coin was also insta mined at the beginning, with allmost 40K blocks made in the first week or so. Then there was bad communication about rewards for new wallets (Raymond To has been payed allmost a million e-ƒ, this can be found on Linkedin) and a very high inflation scale (fast maturity) and those forces combined with an anonymous dev made the community lose faith in the coin without ever trying to make something out of it.
I hope I don't have to explain to you what an influencing role my little country has in today's world, because I'm not going to, and allthough we represent a nice part of this forum, cryptomoney is in no way generally accepted, or even talked about in today's life. I'm sure most of you know NLG and some wonder why I'm not joining forces with them, but the point I want to prove is the power of crypto, I am not in for the money or name, but to explain a country why they need to re-think their thoughts. If you want to force a paradigm shift in the Netherlands, this is the time to give us a fat finger, as I believe the sheeple will only wake up if we make impact on their euro, I mean, let 1 coin be worth more then 1 cent, maybe even 5 as a kickstarter. In the process of you making money you will wake up the Dutch people and make them understand the power of crypto, this way you will actually legitimize a price rise that's not just based on good timing, but the idea of growing your community.
I want to make extra clear that I do not see any other coin as competition, I prefer to look at everyone as family, the reason why I specifically chose for EFL is because of the potential it holds as a Dutch country coin, this gives the coin a very pre-dedicated user base. Also the specifications of the coin are more my cup of tea, this impact on the euro I talked about is simply not possible (or smart for that matter) with NLG, because of their long maturity and large number of coins. Another reason why both coins can exsist in one country, is because NLG is mostly in english and we try to communicate in dutch only. I believe EFL can be the gold to NLG silver. I talk about NLG so much, because their community where mostly victims and now blame us for trying. For everyone involved in a coin themselves I think it's not that productive to spend time calling other coins a scam, it tell me you don't understand the game we are playing. Last year almost 300 people got shot out of the sky and the information involved in this proces is the bigger picture that some people forget.
To tell you what we are working on, I want to let you know our coin will have a short presentation tomorrow in Amsterdam
http://www.meetup.com/BitcoinWednesday/events/217769172/, not by me, but the chairman behind the foundation that was created by some people who did want to invest time and effort in defending crypto. Their most important point will be the launch of spaarplan.egulden.org on januari 1st 2015 and the opening of our own digital world
http://imgur.com/a/HsInK#0, which we will synchronize with our blockchain in 2015, the first steps are made already, we are working on a addressbook that holds all known names and addresses, so you don't have to type those difficult looking public keys, this will be used for the avatars in our world. This world will hold exclusive e-Gulden deals for partners who are willing to give our community some nice reduction. Our world will have e-Gulden as base currency and we try to get people and merchants sending wallet to wallet as much as possible and educate them in the process. Also, I will talk with a company that develops accounting software, so e-Gulden can be your base currency and the euro your cross-post. I want to do this for myself out of personal religion, as I feel horrible I ever came in contact with the euro and want nothing to do with it. This talk will also be tomorrow.
All information about e-Gulden starts in our new OP, from here you can find all history about us, that I know of:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=843017.0To cut it short, you have to believe that a pricespike will cause more buying and trust in me and the team to be able to spread the crypto message. I hope some sugar daddy will give it a shot and just look what he will get back, just be reminded the foundation still holds 5 million coins in a pre-mine that will distributed for free and our current daily minded coins is still 9000 out of 21M which is quite substantial if you ask me. I just want you to know that the people I got behind me are all looking the same direction, but I can't make any promises to the future outcome ofcourse. If this becomes a success I try to cool the market, explaining the new communitymembers that buying above €2,20371 a piece is not needed while the coins are still being mined (this will take about 4 more years to be completed and is enough time to get everybody involved in a new economy). All I know is our coin has some dedicated people behind it that are willing to work for it's succes, and allthough we have been mostly repairing in 2014, I think we deserve more support from this community then we get now. To conclude I believe if you bought EFL with an anonymous dev without any plans you where stupid, but if you are not buying EFL with the changes it made since the start of the foundation I believe you are also stupid! (Sorry if I sound angry sometimes, it's because I am angry sometimes
Anyway, thanks for starting this topic, I had to write this story somehow but didn't know how to start it, now you did so if you got a account on bittrex cryptsy or bleutrade send me a pm with your e-Gulden address and I send you some, tnx!
Our wallets had an SSL update: non mandatory update available here, with excuses for the delayed notification: