Step by step instructions for creating a secure multi-sig wallet


There are a lot of great resources online for securing bitcoin wallets, but I haven't found any that cover the entire process from setting up a clean OS, through wallet setup/use, to password and backup management. I put together some instructions below and would love any comments/feedback - particularly concerning any security issues I may have overlooked.


The requirement that signers boot to an alternate OS in order to sign transactions makes it too cumbersome for general use.


On the spectrum of security <-> convenience, this workflow is definitely towards the security end. In reality I would use this as a slightly more convenient paper wallet - something as secure as possible while still being usable (if painfully so) on a day to day basis. For example: a wallet used to store corporate funds for purchases larger than what can be handled by "petty cash."

In reality a multi-sig hardware wallet (e.g. multi-sig support on a Trezor) will probably be a far better solution (secure as well as convenient) - but I'm looking for an option in the meantime.

Thanks for the comment.


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