they work for ..... who?

Coindesk prints a lot of bullshit. Remember who they work for. (Also bullshit link anyway)
Coindesk is probably a shill for a lot of people, and I can say that without having to come back and retract this statement later. But what I was thinking of specifically, was this: the fine print in the article, and you see the "disclaimer," which reads:
"Disclaimer: CoinDesk founder Shakil Khan is an investor in BitPay."
Essentially, CoinDesk is serving here just as an advertising channel for BitPay, not as any real press organization. As I've pointed out in a post on the Foundation forum, BitPay is one of a variety of companies that has joined the Windhover group, whose goals are completely against everything that we should be standing for, as I explain more thoroughly here: any of that interested you at all, please check out the link below and consider getting me onto the Board - my platform is:
- protecting user choice
- bitcoin development
- privacy and anonymity