A Heroin Store

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Quote from: Nefario on January 30, 2011, 06:30:07 AM

(probably berried in the desert or in a forest)

Somehow, I'm seeing tremendous increase of popularity of forest sightseeing ;)

Quote from: altoid on January 29, 2011, 07:44:51 PM

What an awesome thread!  You guys have a ton of great ideas.  Has anyone seen Silk Road yet?  It's kind of like an anonymous amazon.com.  I don't think they have heroin on there, but they are selling other stuff.  They basically use bitcoin and tor to broker anonymous transactions.  It's at http://tydgccykixpbu6uz.onion.  Those not familiar with Tor can go to silkroad420.wordpress.com for instructions on how to access the .onion site.

Let me know what you guys think

So here we go, first Bitcoin drug store.
We're going into deep water faster than i thought then.

I wonder how long will it take for govs to start investigating Bitcoin.

Quote from: ShadowOfHarbringer on January 30, 2011, 08:09:37 PM

I wonder how long will it take for govs to start investigating Bitcoin.

Well, if we want bitcoin to be immune from government intervention, at some point we will need such a test.  We won't know if bitcoin is governmentproof until government actually tries to stop it.

I'm afraid it's a bit early though.

Quote from: grondilu on January 30, 2011, 08:45:31 PM

I'm afraid it's a bit early though.

Exactly my thinking.
But once the genie is out of the bottle, you cannot put it back.

Now we just wait and see how will the future unfold.

Quote from: altoid on January 29, 2011, 07:44:51 PM

What an awesome thread!  You guys have a ton of great ideas.  Has anyone seen Silk Road yet?  It's kind of like an anonymous amazon.com.  I don't think they have heroin on there, but they are selling other stuff.  They basically use bitcoin and tor to broker anonymous transactions.  It's at http://tydgccykixpbu6uz.onion.  Those not familiar with Tor can go to silkroad420.wordpress.com for instructions on how to access the .onion site.

This has big publicity potential and could increase the user base. It's just a bit difficult for them to build reputation as most people don't want to publicly admit they bought from there. Maybe private recommendations will do. Or people can say "I know somebody who successfully bought from them".

Anybody investigate the idea of reputation and middlemen/mules?

I could see a Tor hosted site (or a distributed trust ring, like bitcoin itself) that essentially links a bitcoin address, a PGP key, and a list of transactions completed/failed...

You route your goods - whatever they are (how about firearms - since it seems like some of you are so freaked out about drugs - HAH) through a chain of trusted mules.

The transfers start small, maybe shipping test packages with micropayments for each step in the route.

Like onion routing for the real world - exit nodes can go last mile from the postal service to a GPS dead drop.

I'd be interested in forking this topic to get away from drugs, guns, etc - whatever the contraband is.  The point is there is a "cost" with flaunting the law, and with something assuring anonymity (if done right) there is a way to arbitrage between the legal and extralegal networks.


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