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Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Fiyasko on September 06, 2012, 02:15:47 PM

Title: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Fiyasko on September 06, 2012, 02:15:47 PM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place
So you will be unable to use your "iDevice" to takedown Proof and Evidence of the protest and its actions

With this comes the question, If they can Turn it off whenever they want once this "patent" goes through, What stops them from turning it on?

IMO, Apple is a dying company, And i think people should "jump ship" asap.
The $1B lawsuit aimed at Samsung for the "look and feel" being the same that succeeded (due to the JURY agreeing that it Looks, And Feels the same)
Samsungs defense was "EVERY FUCKING PEICE OF TECH IN THERE IS DIFFERENT, ARE YOU GOING TO SUE ALL "rectangular touch screen devices with rounded corners" Because the only differance between a damn "iPod touch" And "iPhone" Are... What... Removed hardware and software?.

So when this lawsuit succeeded, GOOGLE chose to sue apple.

Who are you going to side with? A company that Sues over the "look and feel being copied from our 'iDevices'" <- You could sue practially Every smartphone company
Or will you side with Google, The ones who seem to want to control everything with google products (Gmaps, Google glass, Gmail, Google+)

Or are you going to try and sit in the sidelines with android/blackberry/windoze phone.

Apple is going too far. Wakeup people, They use someone the LOWEST grade components in thier consumer technology, Seriously... Outsourced Foxconn parts branded with UNIX?
They make really Crappy lawsuits that succeed too.

What side am i on? Just for shitz? Im a diehard Windows fanboy. I have a Java based phone (no money to upgrade, And if i could i'd pick android)

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: cedivad on September 06, 2012, 02:20:20 PM
That patent is one of the worst thing of the week, but apple is everything but a dying company.

You should keep in mind these patents when using a pc, even a linux one.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Fiyasko on September 06, 2012, 02:24:46 PM
That patent is one of the worst thing of the week, but apple is everything but a dying company.

You should keep in mind these patents when using a pc, even a linux one.
Fair enough
but Huh? @ the underlined

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: timeshareafrica on September 06, 2012, 02:43:43 PM
The first thing I am taking out from a laptop, Notebook or phone is actually the camera and the mic...

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Fiyasko on September 06, 2012, 02:52:32 PM
The first thing I am taking out from a laptop, Notebook or phone is actually the camera and the mic...
Notebook/lappy i can understand... But you only need to tape over the camera, And unplug the mic.
Annd uhh, How is that related to Protestors using apple devices getting blocked?

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: gbl08ma on September 06, 2012, 03:03:21 PM
As time goes by, I'm more and more proud of using smartphones that are more than five years old and which their only support is the hackers community. Nobody cares about those devices, and they can just access the internet and connect to wi-fi networks like any other smartphone (they just don't have Angry Birds and the like). Plus, they are fully unlocked and reverse-engineered so there's no chance some greedy company is watching you with OEM-included software (anyway, in 2004/2005 not many people thought about that). Also, these phones often have crappy cameras (my current one has a VGA one, and when you hold the phone you block its visibility), so there's no big chance you're going to get an image where you can see clear who's and what's around.
Even better, when you trigger the Airplane mode, it really goes silent. And if you choose to shutdown (not standby) they'll really go off. Oh, and did I say you can take the battery out and eventually replace it?

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Fiyasko on September 06, 2012, 03:06:18 PM
As time goes by, I'm more and more proud of using smartphones that are more than five years old and which their only support is the hackers community. Nobody cares about those devices, and they can just access the internet and connect to wi-fi networks like any other smartphone (they just don't have Angry Birds and the like). Plus, they are fully unlocked and reverse-engineered so there's no chance some greedy company is watching you with OEM-included software (anyway, in 2004/2005 not many people thought about that). Also, these phones often have crappy cameras (my current one has a VGA one, and when you hold the phone you block its visibility), so there's no big chance you're going to get an image where you can see clear who's and what's around.
Even better, when you trigger the Airplane mode, it really goes silent. And if you choose to shutdown (not standby) they'll really go off. Oh, and did I say you can take the battery out and eventually replace it?

Heh, So very true, My "shitty" java phone has a FREE UNLIMITED DATA PLAN (they tried to Recall my phone "because the screen is faulty and will soon break prematurely")
All i had to do was...... Get ready for it.....
Takeout the SIM card.

But could we please keep this ontopic, I would like to see discussion about the OP

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Rask on September 06, 2012, 03:25:18 PM
This is actually an interesting way the world is going, not positive at all but interesting, we might have a new enligthenment era with new technology etc whenever the consumers "wake up" as in actually giving some f*cks what's going on in the world.

Just thinking out loud about the general way the world is heading for.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: sLide. on September 06, 2012, 03:31:16 PM
When will the powers to be stop trying to control the masses.  

So, instead of teaching your militarized police to stop abusing citizens, let's just make it so a majority of them can't record them doing it.....WHAT THE FUCK!

A professor of mine once said,  "What I am teaching you, the ideas/techniques you will learn in this class and every class after this one could cause great harm to the public.  The methods that I will teach you can/will allow you to have access to many sensitive areas of the world.  This is when you come into play.  What side will you choice?  The responsibility to not abuse what I teach you is your choice and yours alone.  You need to have the morale character to understand what is helping the public and what isn't.  And the courage to stand up to those who oppose your stance.  I am not telling you which side to pick, because I'm a sadistic bastard and wouldn't mind seeing the world burn, I'm just too dam lazy to do the work."

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: stevegee58 on September 06, 2012, 04:00:07 PM
This story is also posted on slashdot but for some reason no one is voting it up.  I think it's interesting as hell.

Even now cell phones are nothing more than tracking devices with phones attached to them.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Portnoy on September 06, 2012, 04:10:59 PM
A few other related links you may be interested in, if you haven't already checked them out:

The #TPP is the worst thing since #ACTA and #SOPA.

The patent system is in crisis, and it endangers the future of software development in the United States. Let's create a system that defends innovation, instead of hindering it.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: cedivad on September 06, 2012, 05:12:21 PM
Anyway what's the sense of patenting a way to fuck us all?
Shouldn't that be an open source system? :D

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Gabi on September 06, 2012, 06:04:01 PM
Anyway what's the sense of patenting a way to fuck us all?
Shouldn't that be an open source system? :D
Since when apple systems are open source???

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: cedivad on September 06, 2012, 07:47:01 PM
Anyway what's the sense of patenting a way to fuck us all?
Shouldn't that be an open source system? :D
Since when apple systems are open source???
Aside that their kernel is, i was referring to the "lock the user to take photos in determinate places" patent.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: BR0KK on September 06, 2012, 07:59:31 PM
Luckily we have a jailbreak comunity with programmers good enough to counter that "software switch".....

If apple tries that it will come out ant there will be programs to avoid this. Like the internal "Kill switch" for Apps they do not like anymore :)

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: brettantipop on September 06, 2012, 08:02:08 PM
This is absolutely absurd. Like another user said, if they can turn them off remotely, who knows when they will turn them on!

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Fiyasko on September 06, 2012, 09:54:58 PM
Luckily we have a jailbreak comunity with programmers good enough to counter that "software switch".....

If apple tries that it will come out ant there will be programs to avoid this. Like the internal "Kill switch" for Apps they do not like anymore :)
Sadly the majority of the apple community wont even freakin notice when the patent rolls onto all thier devices in an update.
and less know how to or even bother to try and 'jailbreak' thier devices.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Portnoy on September 06, 2012, 10:01:45 PM
Luckily we have a jailbreak comunity with programmers good enough to counter that "software switch".....

If apple tries that it will come out ant there will be programs to avoid this. Like the internal "Kill switch" for Apps they do not like anymore :)
Sadly the majority of the apple community wont even freakin notice when the patent rolls onto all thier devices in an update.
and less know how to or even bother to try and 'jailbreak' thier devices.

And if that TPP goes through the way it is now it will become illegal to jailbreak your own device.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: gbl08ma on September 06, 2012, 10:25:05 PM
IMO the fact that Apple patented this has a really good side, though.

If they patented, that'll mean they'll go after every major corporation who steals this "invention" for their products and hasn't licensed the patent. This basically means that only Apple devices (and devices from other companies who license the patents) will have this censorship problem. Don't want to have your phone go blind and deaf at any time? Don't buy an Apple phone.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Fiyasko on September 06, 2012, 10:36:02 PM
IMO the fact that Apple patented this has a really good side, though.

If they patented, that'll mean they'll go after every major corporation who steals this "invention" for their products and hasn't licensed the patent. This basically means that only Apple devices (and devices from other companies who license the patents) will have this censorship problem. Don't want to have your phone go blind and deaf at any time? Don't buy an Apple phone.
Ka'Cha! Double edged sword!, This is the kinda stuff i want to hear

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: QuantumKiwi on September 06, 2012, 10:44:28 PM
Apple will always be a king, unfortunately...

They stole the touch screen technology from microsoft, then put it into a phone.

Of course another tech company is going to come along and make a similar smart phone, but with completely different software - samsung did it.

Apple whipped out their huge dick and decked samsung with a pathetic excuse.

and now, our technology age is slowing down due to what? GREED.

Thats all it is, GREED and its every where. Money Systems, Banks, Economy, govts, local govts, corporates....

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: blakdawg on September 06, 2012, 10:49:04 PM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place

I do not like the technology or its application, but let's at least be clear about what the patent does and does not do. The patent has absolutely no bearing on what Apple can and can't do vis-a-vis consumers' devices. The patent actually makes it so that Apple can sue other companies if they use this horrible anti-freedom technology without paying a fee to Apple for the privilege of so doing. This makes it tougher for those companies to make anti-freedom devices.  

IMO, Apple is a dying company

Does the calendar on your wall say 1996? Here are some news updates: George Bush's son was elected president. Bad guys flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A black guy is now President. Gas is $4/gallon. On August 20, 2012, Apple's valuation was the highest ever recorded for a publicly traded company.

If that's dying, pretty much every other company wishes they were dying.

If you want to take a long view, all people and all companies are dying. Some of us are going faster than others. Apple has a long, long way to go before they run out of juice.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: QuantumKiwi on September 06, 2012, 10:59:39 PM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place

I do not like the technology or its application, but let's at least be clear about what the patent does and does not do. The patent has absolutely no bearing on what Apple can and can't do vis-a-vis consumers' devices. The patent actually makes it so that Apple can sue other companies if they use this horrible anti-freedom technology without paying a fee to Apple for the privilege of so doing. This makes it tougher for those companies to make anti-freedom devices.  

IMO, Apple is a dying company

Does the calendar on your wall say 1996? Here are some news updates: George Bush's son was elected president. Bad guys flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A black guy is now President. Gas is $4/gallon. On August 20, 2012, Apple's valuation was the highest ever recorded for a publicly traded company.

If that's dying, pretty much every other company wishes they were dying.

If you want to take a long view, all people and all companies are dying. Some of us are going faster than others. Apple has a long, long way to go before they run out of juice.

All it could take is ONE really SHIT product and everyone will gap, so far there is already a lot of people moving to android because of the " clone " like idol towards apple iphones.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Fiyasko on September 07, 2012, 04:38:31 AM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place

I do not like the technology or its application, but let's at least be clear about what the patent does and does not do. The patent has absolutely no bearing on what Apple can and can't do vis-a-vis consumers' devices. The patent actually makes it so that Apple can sue other companies if they use this horrible anti-freedom technology without paying a fee to Apple for the privilege of so doing. This makes it tougher for those companies to make anti-freedom devices.  

IMO, Apple is a dying company

-Snip- On August 20, 2012, Apple's valuation was the highest ever recorded for a publicly traded company.

-Snip- Apple has a long, long way to go before they run out of juice.

@ the underlined, Uhh, Are you.. Uh, Serious?

I will never disagree with charts, Correct on the Apple company status.
Where my sense of "apple is dying" is coming from, Is that the world is slowly waking up the how big the "iOS bubble" is, And that apple (i feel) is trying to keep people inside that bubble, When we dont even use Apple products.
And they make Pissant lawsuits over Look and Feel? Im suuuurrre the trial just Had to be held in silicone valley, <10miles from Apple HQ!
LOOK AND FEEL, Guys fucking c'mon, I'll sue you and all your Monitors for having a simmilar look and feel as my companies
And your TV's
And your microwave ovens!
HERESY! they will call it!

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Garr255 on September 07, 2012, 04:40:53 AM
I've only read the first sentence of OP, and this is absolutely sickening.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: blakdawg on September 07, 2012, 04:58:13 AM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place

I do not like the technology or its application, but let's at least be clear about what the patent does and does not do. The patent has absolutely no bearing on what Apple can and can't do vis-a-vis consumers' devices.

@ the underlined, Uhh, Are you.. Uh, Serious?

Yes. Absolutely serious. The patent has absolutely nothing to do with what Apple can do with its own devices, in terms of what they build or what they enable or disable. It's just totally unrelated.

Think of the patent as a hunting license that lets Apple's lawyers go hunting for other companies who build phones with the "disable for protests" feature without paying Apple a license fee.

Patents aren't permission from the government for an inventor to use or sell their own device: they are permission slips from the government to sue everyone else who makes that device.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: paulie_w on September 07, 2012, 05:03:14 AM
guys stop picking on apple, they r a gr8 company

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Garr255 on September 07, 2012, 05:07:31 AM
The first thing I am taking out from a laptop, Notebook or phone is actually the camera and the mic...

*Takes mic out of phone*

"Call not work!"

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: hottweelz on September 07, 2012, 05:08:52 AM
I now feel guilty for typing this post on a Macbook Pro....

ok over it.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Badonkadonk on September 09, 2012, 11:38:47 PM
just me or is this patent thing getting a bit out of hand?   ;)

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Garr255 on September 10, 2012, 01:49:14 AM
just me or is this patent thing getting a bit out of hand?   ;)

Corporations get bored, too :P

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: camjenk on September 10, 2012, 02:34:10 AM
They have more money than god! With this new iphone coming out soon they will have plenty of money to crush the billion dollar lawsuit. Who knows they may actually pull it off:(

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: scintill on September 10, 2012, 02:46:21 AM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place
So you will be unable to use your "iDevice" to takedown Proof and Evidence of the protest and its actions

With this comes the question, If they can Turn it off whenever they want once this "patent" goes through, What stops them from turning it on?

In 2084: On January 24th, Apple will release the Big Brother Phone, and you'll see why 2084 will be just like "1984." (

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: URSAY on September 10, 2012, 03:11:50 AM
AAPL pays much better then Bitcoin.   8)

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: paulie_w on September 10, 2012, 03:55:02 AM
does it actually?

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: dotcom on September 10, 2012, 05:06:57 AM
as much as I don't like apple as a company, why does everybody rail agaisnt this lawsuit they have agaisnt samsung.

it wasn't just the phone hardware that fueled the lawsuit, the software works almost EXACTLY the same. has anybody
even seen the comparison videos? it's like samsung mirrored the phone and then changed 2 things before shipping.

as much as i hate apple, they had every right in the world to sue samsung.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: JoelKatz on September 10, 2012, 05:09:49 AM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place
Umm, what?! That's like describing me buying a gun by saying that I "will soon have the right to shoot people".

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: tronics on September 10, 2012, 08:02:21 AM
It's pretty sad a company like apple has so much power

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Badonkadonk on September 10, 2012, 08:51:05 AM
They have more money than god! With this new iphone coming out soon they will have plenty of money to crush the billion dollar lawsuit. Who knows they may actually pull it off:(

i realy dont belive god has money! he has BITCOINS! :D

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Gabi on September 10, 2012, 11:12:35 AM

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Foxpup on September 10, 2012, 07:55:30 PM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place
Umm, what?! That's like describing me buying a gun by saying that I "will soon have the right to shoot people".
No it's not. Bullets don't ask you to click "I Agree" to an EULA waiving your rights before hitting you. Though if they were iBullets, I wouldn't be at all surprised if people did agree to such an EULA. ::)

(Somehow I'm reminded of the forth panel of this ( xkcd strip.)

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: stevegee58 on September 10, 2012, 08:16:33 PM
Actually all Apple patented was the enabling technology for someone else to disable certain features.

Apple's not going to turn off your features, just the cops, restaurants, movie theaters and the like.

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: JoelKatz on September 10, 2012, 08:30:58 PM
Basically, If you own an "iDevice" Apple will soon have the Right to disable your camera if you are in an area where protests are taking place
Umm, what?! That's like describing me buying a gun by saying that I "will soon have the right to shoot people".
No it's not. Bullets don't ask you to click "I Agree" to an EULA waiving your rights before hitting you. Though if they were iBullets, I wouldn't be at all surprised if people did agree to such an EULA. ::)

(Somehow I'm reminded of the forth panel of this ( xkcd strip.)
When Apple modifies its EULA to include that, then you argue that Apple "will soon have the right".

Title: Re: Apple, Now trying to Block and Stop: PROTESTORS
Post by: Foxpup on September 11, 2012, 08:17:38 AM
When Apple modifies its EULA to include that, then you argue that Apple "will soon have the right".
No. When (and I strongly believe it will be when, not if) Apple modifies its EULA, then I will argue that Apple "now has the right". I will also point and laugh at Apple users saying "I told you so". Then I'll feel bad when I realise it's not funny. :-\