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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: saddampbuh on June 18, 2015, 05:13:01 PM

Title: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: saddampbuh on June 18, 2015, 05:13:01 PM
From Breitbart:

In the northern Italian city of Trieste, parents are in uproar over a taxpayer-funded elementary school program that includes dressing little boys as girls and girls as boys to overcome so-called “gender stereotypes.” Schools are calling the exercise “the game of respect,” which purportedly adopts many guidelines from the European standards on sex education, attributed to the World Health Organization.

The so-called “game of respect” consists in a box containing several cards, presenting the figures of different working roles: male and female housewives and husbands, male and female plumbers and firefighters, with the figures represented in exactly the same way to show that males and females are completely interchangeable.

There is also a card with a game called “If he were she and she were he,” where boys and girls are expected to exchange the clothes they are wearing: the boy dresses as a girl and the girl as a boy, and they discuss how they feel in that new “role.”

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: Trifixion713 on June 18, 2015, 05:36:21 PM

Parents are especially up in arms over the school district’s attempt to conceal the program and its contents from them. The father of one of the children, Amedeo Rossetti, said that in early February, he attended a PTA meeting where the program for the second semester was presented. When Rossetti posed specific questions on issues of gender, school administrators categorically denied the presence of gender-based activities at the school.

One of the goals of the protesters is the enforcement of European art. 26 regarding “informed consent,” whereby parents can ask the school to be informed before their children are introduced to courses with themes like those regarding gender theory.

Parents are also protesting a sex education program for kindergarten students intended to highlight the similarities and differences between boys’ and girls’ bodies. The program involves one child lying down and the others placing their hand first on the child’s heart to feel how it beats, then on the diaphragm to feel it rise and fall. The text reads that “obviously in the genital area children can see that they are made differently from one another.” Though the text does not specifically state that the children are to touch each other in the genital area, parents are complaining that it is “understood.”

And this is why if I had children I would home school them. It's bad enough you have to worry about your son or daughter being beaten - or raped - in what is more like a modern-day prison, but the insane amount of brainwashing by the Globalistbots with their programming is maddening.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: oblivi on June 18, 2015, 06:29:10 PM
From Breitbart:

In the northern Italian city of Trieste, parents are in uproar over a taxpayer-funded elementary school program that includes dressing little boys as girls and girls as boys to overcome so-called “gender stereotypes.” Schools are calling the exercise “the game of respect,” which purportedly adopts many guidelines from the European standards on sex education, attributed to the World Health Organization.

The so-called “game of respect” consists in a box containing several cards, presenting the figures of different working roles: male and female housewives and husbands, male and female plumbers and firefighters, with the figures represented in exactly the same way to show that males and females are completely interchangeable.

There is also a card with a game called “If he were she and she were he,” where boys and girls are expected to exchange the clothes they are wearing: the boy dresses as a girl and the girl as a boy, and they discuss how they feel in that new “role.”

I am all about respect and respecting whatever people do with their private life but this is just insanely stupid and far fetched, why would you make a straight kid dress up as a wife and act feminine? this is utter bullshit. No wonder young men are more and more effeminate and depressed in this generation. They mix respect with shit like this and so we have what we have.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: TECSHARE on June 18, 2015, 07:54:00 PM
It is a shame that transgender people feel confused about their sexuality.... lets confuse ALL THE CHILDREN'S gender identities that way it will be even for everyone! If transgender people can't have the gender identity of their choice, then boys and girls should be denied their gender identity as well!

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: blablahblah on June 19, 2015, 01:06:43 AM
LOL so much fail... brainwashing in this thread run so deep. Neckbeards don't even see which side they're on...

Children are brainwashed from day 1 that:
blue is for boys, pink is for girls.
Boys must wear "boyish" clothes, and girls "girlish" clothes. The actual style doesn't matter, as long as it conforms with mainstream dogma. Conformity for the sake of "safety" because concerned parents don't want their darling children to get exposed to other people's prejudice and bullying, when in actual fact it's their own fear and prejudice that gets transferred, thus perpetuating the cycle.
boy toys, girl toys...
That their urinating bits are like an implanted microchip in a dystopian movie where, inevitably, it's some robots or an over-the-top communist society that dictates their personal future. Think: Logan's Run.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 19, 2015, 02:10:59 AM
It is a shame that transgender people feel confused about their sexuality.... lets confuse ALL THE CHILDREN'S gender identities that way it will be even for everyone! If transgender people can't have the gender identity of their choice, then boys and girls should be denied their gender identity as well!

Italy seems to be following the example of Sweden and Norway, where the government has declared that establishing a gender-neutral society is their norm. And kids are targeted more than the adults, because they are less likely to complain, and they are more prone to brain washing. In Russia, attempting this would have been a punishable offence, and the school principal would have been jailed by now.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: jayce on June 19, 2015, 05:51:32 PM
Nice purpose, but I think its a strange method. imo let parents teach kids themselves about that in home. And, I think elementary students are not really care about genders, they just want to play with friends. The elementary school ages is not suitable yet to be taught about gender. The best way is teach it in high school ages, but it's better in normal ways.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: UliJonHoth on June 19, 2015, 05:56:45 PM
LOL so much fail... brainwashing in this thread run so deep. Neckbeards don't even see which side they're on...

Children are brainwashed from day 1 that:
blue is for boys, pink is for girls.
Boys must wear "boyish" clothes, and girls "girlish" clothes. The actual style doesn't matter, as long as it conforms with mainstream dogma. Conformity for the sake of "safety" because concerned parents don't want their darling children to get exposed to other people's prejudice and bullying, when in actual fact it's their own fear and prejudice that gets transferred, thus perpetuating the cycle.
boy toys, girl toys...
That their urinating bits are like an implanted microchip in a dystopian movie where, inevitably, it's some robots or an over-the-top communist society that dictates their personal future. Think: Logan's Run.

Logan's Run... That's a great movie, one of my all time favorites even though someone watching it now would probably find it cheesy due to the time it was made

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: Sourgummies on June 19, 2015, 05:58:55 PM
Its getting scary when a small segment of society dictate the norm for the rest of us. Recently read that a local transvestite is pushing to have gender eliminated from birth certificates as it discriminates. What worries me is this push to allow kids to have these sex changes at a young age! I see parents pushing kids in hockey living through them and giving the kid no life. Just imagine how much fun some of these people living through their kids could have pushing their kid to think they need a sex change at the age of 5!

I am all for allowing people freedom to choose but when it starts to step on the majority to make so few more comfortable,I draw the line.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: TECSHARE on June 20, 2015, 12:57:11 AM
LOL so much fail... brainwashing in this thread run so deep. Neckbeards don't even see which side they're on...

Children are brainwashed from day 1 that:
blue is for boys, pink is for girls.
Boys must wear "boyish" clothes, and girls "girlish" clothes. The actual style doesn't matter, as long as it conforms with mainstream dogma. Conformity for the sake of "safety" because concerned parents don't want their darling children to get exposed to other people's prejudice and bullying, when in actual fact it's their own fear and prejudice that gets transferred, thus perpetuating the cycle.
boy toys, girl toys...
That their urinating bits are like an implanted microchip in a dystopian movie where, inevitably, it's some robots or an over-the-top communist society that dictates their personal future. Think: Logan's Run.

Sorry but that theory has been proven incorrect. It has been demonstrated with peer reviewed studies that gender preferences towards certain toys for example are innate BEFORE socialization. This is also echoed in primate tests.

This also explains why certain industries are dominated by men, and some are dominated by women, in spite of large programs to incentivize a more balanced gender demographic.

As far as designating males blue and females pink, I am not sure I would classify that as "brainwashing". Additionally I find color choices to be largely inconsequential to this discussion, because we are talking about changing a child's gender identity by having them switch gender roles. EVERYONE has a gender role, like it or not. Colors are potentially indicative of gender, but if you saw a boy wearing pink pants, or a girl wearing a blue dress, chances are there would be no confusion about their gender for anyone.

People may feel more like one gender other than their biology, but the fact remains they still are either forced to choose one, or deal with the consequences that come to any individual for being "different". I don't think it is appropriate to confuse the gender identities of every child on an industrial scale just so that a minority of people who are unhappy with their biological gender are unwilling to either accept their biological state, or continue to deal with what happens to ANY individual when they are "different" regardless of gender.

I am not saying ostracizing people for being "different" is acceptable, but I also find it fairly naive to assume that you can condition this response out of people. It is pretty much a biological vestige of evolutionary processes. People who do not look like you are not of your tribe, and therefore potentially pose a threat.

I certainly don't think educational institutions have a right to do this either, because it also has negative effects upon children who are comfortable with their own gender by creating confusion which was not there previously during a critical stage of forming their own gender identity.

Not every boy and girl are brainwashed. In fact most boys and girls are perfectly happy just being boys and girls. What gives anyone the right to take that away from them en-mass to satiate a small group of people?

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: BLKBITZ on June 20, 2015, 01:14:51 AM
I love how they took prayer away in school yet you can brainwash a bunch of 8 year olds on gender.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 20, 2015, 05:40:18 AM
At least they are not following the example of Norway. There, the radical feminists in charge of the kindergartens and schools have made it mandatory that male children should sit down like girls, in order to urinate. Incidents such as this one has been going in Norway and Sweden for many years now. As a result, we will be having a bunch of emasculated vikings as the majority of Scandinavian citizens by the next generation.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: bitcreditscc on June 20, 2015, 06:19:34 AM
At least they are not following the example of Norway. There, the radical feminists in charge of the kindergartens and schools have made it mandatory that male children should sit down like girls, in order to urinate. Incidents such as this one has been going in Norway and Sweden for many years now. As a result, we will be having a bunch of emasculated vikings as the majority of Scandinavian citizens by the next generation.


Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: Bit-Gods on June 20, 2015, 06:37:10 AM
It is a shame that transgender people feel confused about their sexuality.... lets confuse ALL THE CHILDREN'S gender identities that way it will be even for everyone! If transgender people can't have the gender identity of their choice, then boys and girls should be denied their gender identity as well!

I think the people who come with all these kinds of 'creative games' are really stupid and sick in the mind. What they really need is some education themselves. Poor kids who are confused, are being confused more. I don't understand how transgender people might feel about this. Maybe, like a joke? Sad.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: mayflor2 on June 20, 2015, 07:06:55 AM
I agree. Its demeaning, I too wonder what would be the take of the transgender community over this. It was certainly a very innapropriate thing to do. Are the parents fine with whatever happened? If it was me, I would shut down the school, sue them for money and invest that in btc  :P

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: stallion on June 20, 2015, 07:16:13 AM
I agree. Its demeaning, I too wonder what would be the take of the transgender community over this. It was certainly a very innapropriate thing to do. Are the parents fine with whatever happened? If it was me, I would shut down the school, sue them for money and invest that in btc  :P

Haha, that's a smart move. I would do the same, but I am impotent so I need to adopt kids first :P
Just kidding, but I genuinely laughed over that last line haha

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: Bitcoiner2015 on June 20, 2015, 08:54:59 AM
I don't see the problem.  Maybe they will like it or realise that it what they want to do.  If not then go back to normal...
They aren't suggesting people try homosexual sex, that would be different.  They are just showing that social 'norms' don't need to be enforced.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 20, 2015, 09:25:07 AM
I think the people who come with all these kinds of 'creative games' are really stupid and sick in the mind. What they really need is some education themselves. Poor kids who are confused, are being confused more. I don't understand how transgender people might feel about this. Maybe, like a joke? Sad.

This is what happens when we mix politics with education. In most of the schools (especially those funded by the tax payers), we have radical feminists and the LGBT radicals in control of the curriculum and training, and in some other schools (private ones run by religious bodies), we have religious nuts in charge, who brainwash the children.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: Lethn on June 20, 2015, 09:30:21 AM
From Breitbart:

In the northern Italian city of Trieste, parents are in uproar over a taxpayer-funded elementary school program that includes dressing little boys as girls and girls as boys to overcome so-called “gender stereotypes.” Schools are calling the exercise “the game of respect,” which purportedly adopts many guidelines from the European standards on sex education, attributed to the World Health Organization.

The so-called “game of respect” consists in a box containing several cards, presenting the figures of different working roles: male and female housewives and husbands, male and female plumbers and firefighters, with the figures represented in exactly the same way to show that males and females are completely interchangeable.

There is also a card with a game called “If he were she and she were he,” where boys and girls are expected to exchange the clothes they are wearing: the boy dresses as a girl and the girl as a boy, and they discuss how they feel in that new “role.”

I am all about respect and respecting whatever people do with their private life but this is just insanely stupid and far fetched, why would you make a straight kid dress up as a wife and act feminine? this is utter bullshit. No wonder young men are more and more effeminate and depressed in this generation. They mix respect with shit like this and so we have what we have.

The people in charge who lecture the younger generation don't want respect, they want obedience and they don't care how mentally damaged and traumatised children will grow up from it.

I do think this is far fetched as well, you should all bear in mind this is posted by saddampbuh and by an obscure almost certainly idiotic news website.

However, I certainly wouldn't put it past any of those assholes to try and attempt it. By the way, here's a tip guys, I don't really consider a story real unless it's been confirmed by multiple sources, that's called peer reviewing your material.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: TECSHARE on June 20, 2015, 09:54:18 AM
I don't see the problem.  Maybe they will like it or realise that it what they want to do.  If not then go back to normal...
They aren't suggesting people try homosexual sex, that would be different.  They are just showing that social 'norms' don't need to be enforced.

"Go back to normal"? You mean that is the only time these people confuse the gender identity of these children? And why is this the schools role to do these things?

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: HigsonPP on June 20, 2015, 10:14:54 AM
I don't see the problem.  Maybe they will like it or realise that it what they want to do.  If not then go back to normal...
They aren't suggesting people try homosexual sex, that would be different.  They are just showing that social 'norms' don't need to be enforced.

"Go back to normal"? You mean that is the only time these people confuse the gender identity of these children? And why is this the schools role to do these things?
all i can say is that the hearts in the right place but they are teaching respect in a completely wrong way kids have a mind like a sponge so we have to be very careful what we expose them to. 

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: aikunsatu on July 02, 2015, 05:47:35 PM
That doesn't sound like trannies,  that sounds like equality,  it's needed in such religious communities.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: TheButterZone on July 05, 2015, 12:44:17 AM

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: TECSHARE on July 05, 2015, 03:01:28 PM
That doesn't sound like trannies,  that sounds like equality,  it's needed in such religious communities.

equality = confusing the gender identities of children who were not otherwise confused?

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 05, 2015, 03:07:18 PM
equality = confusing the gender identities of children who were not otherwise confused?

Only by confusing the gender identities of the children, they can create a pussiffied generation, as already achieved in countries such as Sweden and Norway. The Scandinavian nations used to be renowned for the Viking seafarers. Vikings still exist in these nations, but all of them are emasculated now (with the exception of Denmark).

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: WEB slicer on July 06, 2015, 12:33:31 AM
Its getting scary when a small segment of society dictate the norm for the rest of us.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: celestio on July 06, 2015, 04:09:51 AM
That doesn't sound like trannies,  that sounds like equality,  it's needed in such religious communities.

equality = confusing the gender identities of children who were not otherwise confused?

Nice assumption there. How can you say, "were not otherwise confused". Do you mean every single child was not confused or the majority?

The school is giving the children the ability to venture out and choose for themselves which gender roles they want to accept or refuse. Society is forcing gender roles on people everywhere, everyday, so it's interesting that you're against a school trying to correct that. Nice double standard there.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: katilja on July 06, 2015, 07:13:51 AM
It's funny how even some people on this site claim the superiority of the northern Italians over the southern ones. If this happened in some of the southern regions, the school would have burnt to the ground with the teachers in it.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: BillyBones on July 06, 2015, 09:20:49 AM
kindergartens and schools have made it mandatory that male children should sit down like girls, in order to urinate.
Specifically, this mandate isn't it any harm or hazardous, it avoids the splashing of pee on the walls and trees done by the boys voluntarily and purposely, it paves the way of cleanliness and keeps the environment odourless and tidy.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: TheButterZone on July 06, 2015, 09:42:23 AM
kindergartens and schools have made it mandatory that male children should sit down like girls, in order to urinate.
Specifically, this mandate isn't it any harm or hazardous, it avoids the splashing of pee on the walls and trees done by the boys voluntarily and purposely, it paves the way of cleanliness and keeps the environment odourless and tidy.

I guess it's easier to do when you're a kid, but now that I'm an adult, I can't manage to do the sit-down pee without stuff touching other stuff that should never touch.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 06, 2015, 11:57:36 AM
It's funny how even some people on this site claim the superiority of the northern Italians over the southern ones. If this happened in some of the southern regions, the school would have burnt to the ground with the teachers in it.

I really doubt that.

Southern Italy is also a part of the European Union. These people are also subjected to the same amount of brainwashing as the Northern Italians. BTW... if you are thinking that the Cosa Nostra or the 'Ndranghetta will burn schools just because they oppose sodomy, then you are wrong. They are interested only in making money.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: pureelite on July 08, 2015, 08:55:18 PM
From Breitbart:

In the northern Italian city of Trieste, parents are in uproar over a taxpayer-funded elementary school program that includes dressing little boys as girls and girls as boys to overcome so-called “gender stereotypes.” Schools are calling the exercise “the game of respect,” which purportedly adopts many guidelines from the European standards on sex education, attributed to the World Health Organization.

The so-called “game of respect” consists in a box containing several cards, presenting the figures of different working roles: male and female housewives and husbands, male and female plumbers and firefighters, with the figures represented in exactly the same way to show that males and females are completely interchangeable.

There is also a card with a game called “If he were she and she were he,” where boys and girls are expected to exchange the clothes they are wearing: the boy dresses as a girl and the girl as a boy, and they discuss how they feel in that new “role.”

I think it's ridiculous and that each school and state that it supports should be ashamed. Because children learn from an early noguda be what they are not is a big crime.

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: TECSHARE on July 08, 2015, 09:24:57 PM
That doesn't sound like trannies,  that sounds like equality,  it's needed in such religious communities.

equality = confusing the gender identities of children who were not otherwise confused?

Nice assumption there. How can you say, "were not otherwise confused". Do you mean every single child was not confused or the majority?

The school is giving the children the ability to venture out and choose for themselves which gender roles they want to accept or refuse. Society is forcing gender roles on people everywhere, everyday, so it's interesting that you're against a school trying to correct that. Nice double standard there.

What business of the school is the gender identity of the children? No one is saying stop children from choosing for themselves which gender roles they choose except you. You are advocating stripping everyone of their gender roles in favor of some mythical nonexistent non-gender status. I argue such a thing does not exist, even if a small number of people don't feel they fit into the default gender identity roles.

You are advocating forcing people into something they do not choose, I am saying that the school has no business experimenting with conditioning the gender identity of children in ANY WAY. This should be the choice of the child, and to a lesser extent the parents as guardians, not imposed by the school, and that is nothing short of abuse under the thin veil of a reckless social experiment using children as guinea pigs.

Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis

Gender reassignment as a baby went wonderfully for this boy... until he blew his brains out from the resulting trauma...

Title: Re: italian school forcing children to become trannies
Post by: Santoso on September 08, 2015, 04:39:20 AM
Well may be the school aimed to teach students respect their opposite gender more. But only the way they taught them was not appropriate. I am afraid if after they played their opposite role and became comfortable with that then they would think about becoming trannies in the future. Chance is there.