Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: felipelalli on September 16, 2012, 01:19:40 AM

Title: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: felipelalli on September 16, 2012, 01:19:40 AM
Let's go EVERYBODY to and ask to them accept bitcoins. I did my part.
Do the same on eBay and

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: Cusipzzz on September 16, 2012, 01:26:55 AM
lol .. we don't need sportingbet. Have had ( for almost 2 years now!

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: knight22 on September 16, 2012, 02:53:00 AM
Bitcoin is already in the real word and Internet is also part of the real world...

just for example

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: Capital One Corporation on September 16, 2012, 04:15:11 AM
Investing bitcoin capital into bitcoin non-related business and generating profit and distribution dividends in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: felipelalli on September 16, 2012, 05:23:38 AM
¬¬ they don't have Brazilian events! Sportingbet is much better. We need to request to traditional sites to accept bitcoins.

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: SuperHakka on September 16, 2012, 01:39:26 PM
What you need is some sort of e-petitiion with loads of signatorees. If you could sign a petition with your bitcoin wallet even better. If a business gets a petition signed by 10,000 peeps saying they will do business then a lot of the smaller websites will defo jump on board. In the petition are links to technical instructions on how to make this happen in their shopping cart. We need a proforma petition template.

EDIT: nah, just target one or two big guys like eBay and Amazon.

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: Zack on September 16, 2012, 04:06:37 PM
Something tells me it would be very unlikely for ebay to consider us, consider how much PayPal is used.

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: Zack on September 16, 2012, 04:20:08 PM
Something tells me it would be very unlikely for ebay to consider us, consider how much PayPal is used.

Considering ebay owns paypal.

Paypal should just get with the times and accept Bitcoin as a funding and withdraw method.  ;D

Wouldn't happen, paypal is way too greedy. If it were to happen, I'm sure there would be a very steep fee for every transaction.

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: evoorhees on September 16, 2012, 05:05:09 PM

EDIT: nah, just target one or two big guys like eBay and Amazon.

The big guys will not make a move on Bitcoin until there is clear legal precedent. We should not expect Amazon to be interested in Bitcoin anytime soon.

Once legal precedent happens... watch out!

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: Sage on September 16, 2012, 06:39:59 PM
Don't waste your time with petitions. That's about as valuable to affect change as voting right now.'s a rigged system. With the most rich and powerful people on the planet running it, with a deep vested interest in maintaining fiat currency.

Instead, if we put our energy into making Bitcoin easy to use and add viral tools it would be a far higher leverage point then petitions or anything else.

The problem with Bitcoin is it just for "techies" right now.  It needs to be click simple.  The Bitcoin clients need to be able to run on all mobile devices.   And it needs to be so simple a 12 year old would have no problems using it.'s far from that right now.

To a techie they see it as simple.  To a non-techie its a formidable task just to get all the moving parts working and secure.

Make it click simple.  Make it with viral devices to recruit new users friends... do that and the market will take care of the rest. 

The merchants will respond to their customers adoption of Bitcoin, not to our petitions.

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: SgtSpike on September 16, 2012, 06:45:13 PM
Something tells me it would be very unlikely for ebay to consider us, consider how much PayPal is used.

Considering ebay owns paypal.

Paypal should just get with the times and accept Bitcoin as a funding and withdraw method.  ;D

Wouldn't happen, paypal is way too greedy. If it were to happen, I'm sure there would be a very steep fee for every transaction.
Oh it will.  Paypal makes money with transaction fees.  No reason they couldn't charge transaction fees on transactions denominated in Bitcoins just the same as they do with USD transactions, and no reason for that transaction fee to be any higher than their USD transaction fees.

Title: Re: We need go to the next step on Bitcoin. Real world!
Post by: Evolvex on September 16, 2012, 06:47:43 PM
You make a lot of points that I agree with Sage!

Bitcoin is not ready for the masses as yet, its to hard for none techies to understand and use - as sage says, until its a one click deal people wont take to it as quick as techies do.

Bricks and mortar exchanges is what we need to reduce the fear none techies have until bitcoin can support 1 click type ease, come in, pay your fiat, get bitcoins on your smartphone right there, done.... im my humble opinion :)