Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling => Topic started by: bitcoinbeamer on June 27, 2015, 09:30:17 PM

Title: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 27, 2015, 09:30:17 PM
Guys, this is Bitcoin Beamer and I need your help! I want to be YOUR ambassador for Bitcoin and am here to promote Bitcoin for all of us to its fullest potential through the game of poker and other avenues. Please support me by helping me get in to the main event of the World Series of Poker this year. I've been playing poker seriously for about 15 years and have a lot of experience in the game. I've already cashed in the main event before but most importantly I believe that I have the personality to be a poster boy for Bitcoin. We all know Bitcoin has been struggling so this might be a great way to get some much needed exposure for Bitcoin through the world of poker. Last year I played the main event with my own Bitcoin gear and am here to do it again. This landed me a couple interviews and a spot on a radio show. Here's the deal...
This will be on a first come, first served basis and for the investors FIFO, first in first out. So if I cash in the main event this year, everyone who I confirmed that helped sponsor me will get their investment back in BTC plus 1% of my net winnings per 1 BTC that you paid in to the wallet address below (BTC must be received prior to the start of the event and again first come first served). Please note that I require a minimum investment of 0.5 BTC, I must confirm your BTC investment and only a maximum of 45 BTC will be accepted as sponsorship. As I confirm the investors, I will post each user name, amount in BTC contributed and each transaction ID. Once the sponsorship is closed, I will use the BTC to enter the tournament. Here's an example of how it all works:
If I win $1,000,000 then each investor would first get back their prorated share of what they contributed towards the $10,000 buy in. So if you sponsored me with 1 BTC and I cashed, you would get your 1 BTC back and then get 1% of my net winnings (about $10,000). If you sponsored me with 5 BTC and I cashed, you would get your 5 BTC back and then get 5% of my net winnings (about $50,000) and so on. Last year they gave $10,000,000 to first place so if they did the same this year and I won the whole thing, a sponsorship of 1 BTC would get you approximately $100,000, and a sponsorship of 5 BTC would get you approximately $500,000. To be clear, each sponsor will be responsible for paying for their own share of taxes as a result of these winnings. If I do not cash, then we all lose our money/BTC. No one gets anything back but hopefully some good exposure was made at the WSOP with possible TV time.
I am also pledging to give 10% of my net winnings to the Make-A-Wish foundation (Kansas chapter). After paying all the investors their share of the winnings, the rest of the winnings would go to me. Knowing myself, I'll probably use lots of my winnings to continue to promote Bitcoin in the years to come. I've started a Facebook and Twitter page so please like my FB page and follow me on Twitter.  (and no that isn't my Lamborghini)
To sponsor Bitcoin Beamer, please send me a PM with the total amount of BTC that you would like to send me and I will confirm. Then after I confirm you, please send your sponsorship in BTC to this wallet address and then reply to me immediately with the transaction ID: 
Please note that donations are welcome but in order for you to be a sponsor you must get confirmed by me first. Again a maximum of 45 BTC will be accepted for sponsorship percentages and I will make a final post to the board before the start of the 2015 WSOP Main Event Day 1C with each sponsor's user name, transaction ID's and each of their contributions in BTC.
Let's all join together for what could be an amazing ride!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitmonster1070 on June 27, 2015, 10:05:03 PM
Beamer is for real guys and I am in 5 btc on this one.  You better go all the way Beam!   Post my transaction # with my user ID in your sponsor list when you generate one.        This means I have 5% of the action , correct? Sending coin to this address Beamer : 1tN1a9BpJUE1AjT9kqDtnWHFYNCF3du7N  .   Confirm my payment on here please.   

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitmonster1070 on June 27, 2015, 10:06:01 PM
here is my transaction number/id : 78c406f12b795cc23e818e258413fe8688dfb9ed6dbf7539f2261f1eee0dc600-000

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: BitcoinDistributor on June 27, 2015, 10:14:26 PM
LOL what a ripoff.

$24,000+ being raised (1 BTC x 100) for a $10,000 tourney entry.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 27, 2015, 10:30:37 PM
To confirm, I am only trying to raise 45 BTC (around $11,500) and NOT 100 BTC. This will pay for the entry fee plus the travel costs ($10,000 entry fee plus about $1,500 in travel expenses).

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: smracer on June 27, 2015, 10:35:57 PM
Don't feed the trolls.

I am in for 3BTC. I would be there with you Beamer if I could.  Maybe next year.

Txid:  1a5e139b6b5add0a61e5c64fb0b3eb28f163e955cee57547a3dfd210d256d45b

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 27, 2015, 10:39:03 PM
bitmonster1070 this is to confirm your 5 BTC sponsorship for my entry in to the 2015 WSOP Main Event. Only 40 BTC left to go. Thank you!  :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: katerniko1 on June 27, 2015, 10:40:37 PM
i wish you good luck with it.
i hope you win some so investors gets their percentage..

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 27, 2015, 10:46:48 PM
smracer this is to confirm your 3 BTC sponsorship for my entry in to the 2015 WSOP Main Event. Only 37 BTC left to go. Thank you! :)

Transaction ID:  1a5e139b6b5add0a61e5c64fb0b3eb28f163e955cee57547a3dfd210d256d45b

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: CarlesPuyol on June 27, 2015, 10:48:20 PM
Your odds to get into the money prizes are very very low.
Its too hard to beat the pro's

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 27, 2015, 10:54:29 PM
Thank you very much for the good mojo katerniko1!

CarlesPuyol, about 10% of the entrants get in to the money and I've already done it before. Wish me luck!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitmonster1070 on June 27, 2015, 10:55:24 PM
He is a pro!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: dmwardjr on June 27, 2015, 10:56:34 PM
Do you mind giving me your real name so I can look up your stats on WSOP?

I may still donate 1 BTC regardless.  I just want to see your stats.  I've played a lot on line and LIVE.  I play WSOP Circuit myself quite a bit.  I just took a break all of 2014 to invest in BTC and LTC trading on the exchanges.

I WILL be on the circuit for 2015.  My first events will be at the IP in Biloxi, MS in September.  The new year for the circuit always starts in August and ends in July/August.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 27, 2015, 11:03:10 PM
Hello dmwardjr, my real name is Behman Zakeri. I mostly played online as well but play the main event every other year on average. PM me if you want to meet up at the WSOP or at a future event. I look forward to meeting you and thanks for your consideration!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: dmwardjr on June 27, 2015, 11:14:23 PM
Hello dmwardjr, my real name is Behman Zakeri. I mostly played online as well but play the main event every other year on average. PM me if you want to meet up at the WSOP or at a future event. I look forward to meeting you and thanks for your consideration!

Give me a moment...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: fox19891989 on June 28, 2015, 02:45:59 AM
you should give us the proof which can show your poker ability, what's your real name? Will you run away with the money if you won't join the main event? The main event is incoming, I am doubt that you can get the funds before the main event starts.

It is fishy cos you are a newbie and your FB and twitter are not active since November.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 28, 2015, 05:51:46 AM
fox19891989, I can understand your skepticism but the reality is that I'm the real deal. The money will be used as intended and I will enter the WSOP main event as I stated I would. I plan on uploading a picture of my entry slip to prove that I entered. I actually have the $10,000 cash myself but I want sponsors to limit my personal risk. I will use this $10K to buy in and the BTC will sit in the wallet until we see the results. If I cash, I will be sending the investors/sponsors back their BTC and dividing up the winnings as promised. If I don't cash then I will cash out the BTC and pay myself back. I will not be running from anyone nor stealing anyone's money as the 45 BTC that I am asking for is not worth ruining my reputation that I have worked my entire life to build. I have a conscious and would not be able to do those things and live with myself. Regardless of what I say, the beauty about the internet is you can find out large amounts of information very quickly about just about anything. My name is Behman Zakeri (Please note that In the WSOP database, they have me as Zakeri Behman). Feel free to Google me and look me up all over the internet. I'm on Linkedin and Facebook as well.

I also want to point out that last year I paid the $10,000 and entered the event myself. I promoted Bitcoin as much as one man could but it felt very lonely. It wasn't the way I wanted it to be. That's why this year, I'm asking for sponsors. I want a cheering section from all over the globe and I want to be a part of a group. It's much more powerful.

Regarding my play, you can Google my name and see some of my cashes in live play on the Hendon Mob poker database. Here's a link:

I'm not here claiming to be the best poker player in the world but I do feel that out of the entrants that will play this year, I will be one of the best and most experienced players. The truly great thing about poker tournaments is that as long as you are a solid player, you can get lucky and win a tournament. I'm confident that I am good enough to play with the best and beat them when my stars align. The important thing is that I'm not just going to play a poker tournament. I'm there to also promote Bitcoin. If any of you want to come out to the WSOP to join me and help me do this, I welcome you. We are all in this together and all want the same thing for Bitcoin. I would love to have some volunteers for this cause including a writer, freelance photographer/videographer, experienced IT professional that can set up and run a website, etc, etc. Understand that I don't want this to be a one time thing. I want to continue to do this and be one of Bitcoin's biggest promoters. Unfortunately this will take a lot of time and money. I will dedicate my time and if I don't get all 45 BTC, I will pay the difference and enter the tournament with my money. I'm asking you guys to have some faith and take a gamble with me. Worst case scenario is everyone loses a few bitcoins and we get some publicity for bitcoin. Best case scenario is I win the Main Event and Bitcoin explodes as the 10's of millions of poker players get exposed to it and want it.

I also played massive amounts of hands over the years online and have won many online tournaments. I started playing live in the year 1999 and then transitioned into online play. I mostly played on UB, Party Poker and Pokerstars. On UB, I was ROUNDERS76. I am proud to say that I helped coach and teach Green Plastic on UB how to play online poker. He evolved into one of the greatest online players ever and was the key founder of Card Runners. On Party and Stars, I was chiefs58. I played some on Fult Tilt but not much as I really didn't like the interface. I also have a large amount of experience in cash games both live and online.

What Bitcoin desperately needs is some public figures. It needs people out there that are trusted to promote Bitcoin so it can achieve the greatness that we all believe it will become. Aside from running 2 businesses, spending time with my family and trying to find some time for myself, I have decided that if the Bitcoin community will support me that I will dedicate my time and be one of those public figures. You can support me by sponsoring me. As of now, I have received 8 BTC for this event. This has motivated me so much that I'm already counting the days to the event. I have already booked my flight and hotel room. Because poker is a game that I know so well, I feel that this is the one place that I can play my part in the Bitcoin ecosystem. If I could play basketball like Michael Jordan or direct movies like Steven Spielberg then I would be promoting Bitcoin through those channels. I live in the Kansas City area and would be more than happy to meet any of you if you are in the area. I am known as "beamer" on localbitcoins and have an impeccable rating on there. Feel free to check my feedback on localbitcoins.

What's important to understand here is that you have an opportunity to help grow Bitcoin through me. Rather than ask for people to pay me a salary to go around and educate people on Bitcoin, I've decided to go this route. As to the newbie concerns, I registered all of the Bitcoin Beamer pages and user names months ago knowing that I was going to do this. I also drove down to Wichita, Kansas with my wife to meet the people at the Make-A-Wish foundation Kansas Chapter over a year ago to inform them about my idea. They were thrilled and I am looking forward to the day, we make a big score in a poker tournament so we can send them a big check. Please do not let the fact that I'm a "newbie" into thinking I'm not legitimate. Again, do your research on me and take your time. I'm not going anywhere and am one of the easiest people in the world to find. Thanks and I hope I've brought some clarity to your concerns.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on June 28, 2015, 05:58:17 AM
Good luck at the tourney
we seriously need many players like Breamer , this may attract the big sites like Pokerstarts to our currency
it would be great if we find like 30 players wearing the bitcoin gear and cashing WSOP events
we want our soldiers to appear in the magazines and in poker news
this is the only way to spread BTC , cause we see that all btc poker sites still failing and failing
this is the last hope  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 28, 2015, 06:14:15 AM
Thanks for saying all of this Sy. It's great to know that there are others thinking along the same lines as me. If I win this event, I believe it will change Bitcoin forever. I had about 25 Bitcoin Beamer T-Shirts produced. Some in my size and some in my wife's size. If I knew that people would be there supporting me, I would get more of them made. Again, I need help from the community and if we all come together, magic can happen.

P.S. Is anyone willing to come out and volunteer to help cover all of this? Do we have some professional writers, IT guys, photographers, etc that have the time to come out to Vegas and help make this a huge success? I think if we had a crew of people covering my play that it would attract a lot of attention from ESPN and other media. Thoughts?

Good luck at the tourney
we seriously need many players like Breamer , this may attract the big sites like Pokerstarts to our currency
it would be great if we find like 30 players wearing the bitcoin gear and cashing WSOP events
we want our soldiers to appear in the magazines and in poker news
this is the only way to spread BTC , cause we see that all btc poker sites still failing and failing
this is the last hope  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on June 28, 2015, 06:24:24 AM
Thanks for saying all of this Sy. It's great to know that there are others thinking along the same lines as me. If I win this event, I believe it will change Bitcoin forever. I had about 25 Bitcoin Beamer T-Shirts produced. Some in my size and some in my wife's size. If I knew that people would be there supporting me, I would get more of them made. Again, I need help from the community and if we all come together, magic can happen.

P.S. Is anyone willing to come out and volunteer to help cover all of this? Do we have some professional writers, IT guys, photographers, etc that have the time to come out to Vegas and help make this a huge success? I think if we had a crew of people covering my play that it would attract a lot of attention from ESPN and other media. Thoughts?

Good luck at the tourney
we seriously need many players like Breamer , this may attract the big sites like Pokerstarts to our currency
it would be great if we find like 30 players wearing the bitcoin gear and cashing WSOP events
we want our soldiers to appear in the magazines and in poker news
this is the only way to spread BTC , cause we see that all btc poker sites still failing and failing
this is the last hope  ;D

Sadly I can't go to Vegas , it's almost impossible for me to visit US
if I can visit Vegas you would see me in one of the events too  :D
But I'm sure that there will be a crew cheering for you , especially if they are bitcoin freaks  ;D
so ship it mate , BTW you will only play the main event or there will be other events in the list ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 28, 2015, 06:30:16 AM
I played the Colossus event a few weeks ago. Raised in the cutoff with ATs and got 2 callers. Flop was Q-T-T. One of the other players had QQ and didn't not reraise me before the flop. Cooler hand. Wish I could have hit quads. :(

If I get people sponsoring me for more events then I will play more.

Thanks for saying all of this Sy. It's great to know that there are others thinking along the same lines as me. If I win this event, I believe it will change Bitcoin forever. I had about 25 Bitcoin Beamer T-Shirts produced. Some in my size and some in my wife's size. If I knew that people would be there supporting me, I would get more of them made. Again, I need help from the community and if we all come together, magic can happen.

P.S. Is anyone willing to come out and volunteer to help cover all of this? Do we have some professional writers, IT guys, photographers, etc that have the time to come out to Vegas and help make this a huge success? I think if we had a crew of people covering my play that it would attract a lot of attention from ESPN and other media. Thoughts?

Good luck at the tourney
we seriously need many players like Breamer , this may attract the big sites like Pokerstarts to our currency
it would be great if we find like 30 players wearing the bitcoin gear and cashing WSOP events
we want our soldiers to appear in the magazines and in poker news
this is the only way to spread BTC , cause we see that all btc poker sites still failing and failing
this is the last hope  ;D

Sadly I can't go to Vegas , it's almost impossible for me to visit US
if I can visit Vegas you would see me in one of the events too  :D
But I'm sure that there will be a crew cheering for you , especially if they are bitcoin freaks  ;D
so ship it mate , BTW you will only play the main event or there will be other events in the list ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on June 28, 2015, 10:10:45 AM
I'm not looking to invest but oh wow, this does look like a great opportunity & I'm not surprised people have started donating already. That jackpot is incredible beamer, I wish you the absolute, very best of luck. I'm in the UK, if I was able to travel to Vegas then I'd donate but even though I can see you're 100% legit I feel a bit uneasy donating & not being there. I was in Vegas in March :(

I think what you're doing by trying to promote BTC is fantastic, we need more people like you in the public eye. Desperately hope you win this tournament & make everybody else money too although I'd be kicking myself then for not donating lol. Best of luck my friend.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 28, 2015, 05:02:33 PM
Thank you thank you and I appreciate the kind words LFC. Hopefully I go deep in this event and if you change your mind just let me know. You can send as low as 0.5 BTC to buy a piece. Take care.

I'm not looking to invest but oh wow, this does look like a great opportunity & I'm not surprised people have started donating already. That jackpot is incredible beamer, I wish you the absolute, very best of luck. I'm in the UK, if I was able to travel to Vegas then I'd donate but even though I can see you're 100% legit I feel a bit uneasy donating & not being there. I was in Vegas in March :(

I think what you're doing by trying to promote BTC is fantastic, we need more people like you in the public eye. Desperately hope you win this tournament & make everybody else money too although I'd be kicking myself then for not donating lol. Best of luck my friend.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: shulio on June 28, 2015, 06:04:43 PM
Sorry but I dont really know about this bitcoin beamer and the other thing but have you done this before? What is the chance for you to get the $100,000. This seems great but what if you decided to get away with our money? Sorry not accusing you , just asking because this is the first time I see this here

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: tiggytomb on June 28, 2015, 06:07:06 PM
I wish you luck, I would love to get to Vegas one day, hoping to get lucky at some point and fall into a nice bit of cash.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 28, 2015, 06:20:09 PM
Hello Shulio, please read my previous posts on this thread and I believe that will address many of your concerns. This is my first time doing this with Bitcoin but hopefully many more will follow if the community decides to continue to sponsor me. My guess is that there will be between 6000-7000 players in the main event this year. I would have to take first place for you to get $100,000 for 1 BTC (assuming the 1st place payout is $10,000,000). As stated 1 BTC gets you 1% of my net winnings. Although keep in mind that they pay approximately the top 10% so strictly statistically speaking there is about a 1/10 chance to win some sort of money and a 9/10 chance that you will lose. However, I believe with my experience that my odds are better than that. Maybe more like 1/5 to cash and 4/5 not to cash.

Sorry but I dont really know about this bitcoin beamer and the other thing but have you done this before? What is the chance for you to get the $100,000. This seems great but what if you decided to get away with our money? Sorry not accusing you , just asking because this is the first time I see this here

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: WhatTheGox on June 28, 2015, 07:08:26 PM
Your odds to get into the money prizes are very very low.
Its too hard to beat the pro's

In the WSOP there are tons of fish, anyone half decent at live poker has an edge.  The high quality pros are no problem when there is only 1 or 2 per table.  You can just avoid the better players and pray off the fish like the pros will be doing anyway.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on June 28, 2015, 07:20:54 PM
Well said whatthegox. You just gotta play solid and have lady luck on your side.

Your odds to get into the money prizes are very very low.
Its too hard to beat the pro's

In the WSOP there are tons of fish, anyone half decent at live poker has an edge.  The high quality pros are no problem when there is only 1 or 2 per table.  You can just avoid the better players and pray off the fish like the pros will be doing anyway.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: leavemealone_please on July 01, 2015, 04:38:58 AM
Sorry but I dont really know about this bitcoin beamer and the other thing but have you done this before? What is the chance for you to get the $100,000. This seems great but what if you decided to get away with our money? Sorry not accusing you , just asking because this is the first time I see this here

Hello shulio. As you can see this is my first post, so unfortunately, I do not have a lot of credibility on this forum. But I assure you Beamer is a trustwory person. He sells bitcoins in high volume in the Kansas City area. He has provided me with his service for more than a year now and not once has he, in any way, done me wrong. I trust him enough to leave thousands of dollars with him, and I always get my coins quickly and the amount is never short. He is also intelligent and hardworking, so I definitely will be throwing some coin his way for this tournament. Even if he does not win, Beamer will be promoting bitcoin and doing everyone who is a part of this community a favor. And if he does win some money, even better, money for me and everyone else who invests.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: CarlesPuyol on July 01, 2015, 07:44:47 AM
Thanks for saying all of this Sy. It's great to know that there are others thinking along the same lines as me. If I win this event, I believe it will change Bitcoin forever. I had about 25 Bitcoin Beamer T-Shirts produced. Some in my size and some in my wife's size. If I knew that people would be there supporting me, I would get more of them made. Again, I need help from the community and if we all come together, magic can happen.

P.S. Is anyone willing to come out and volunteer to help cover all of this? Do we have some professional writers, IT guys, photographers, etc that have the time to come out to Vegas and help make this a huge success? I think if we had a crew of people covering my play that it would attract a lot of attention from ESPN and other media. Thoughts?

Good luck at the tourney
we seriously need many players like Breamer , this may attract the big sites like Pokerstarts to our currency
it would be great if we find like 30 players wearing the bitcoin gear and cashing WSOP events
we want our soldiers to appear in the magazines and in poker news
this is the only way to spread BTC , cause we see that all btc poker sites still failing and failing
this is the last hope  ;D

Sadly I can't go to Vegas , it's almost impossible for me to visit US
if I can visit Vegas you would see me in one of the events too  :D
But I'm sure that there will be a crew cheering for you , especially if they are bitcoin freaks  ;D
so ship it mate , BTW you will only play the main event or there will be other events in the list ?

Im also cant go to vegas because of the visa, and I think its good because I guess i would lose there a LOT of money  :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: notserp on July 01, 2015, 08:29:02 AM
1% for 1btc? lol thats a crazy markup

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: IanQuinn on July 01, 2015, 01:53:54 PM
1% for 1btc? lol thats a crazy markup

Agreed, he's wanting to keep 55% of profit without risking his own funds.  Maybe someone could get behind this if he wanted 15%-20% but not 55%.

Besides Micon is playing at the WSOP with Bitcoin hat and shirt, and he has much more following because of his legal issues in the poker community.  Backing someone that says let get Bitcoin out there would have to work at promoting Bitcoin, and not focus on poker.


It would be better to setup a team of 5 professional, pay entry fee + 15% to play.  This team would keep 17.50% of winnings after reimbursement of the initial investment.  This still makes it worthwhile for the player to work hard, yet gives them compensation for all expenses, and their value to the team.

So any winnings less then the initial outlay would go back to investors only, and percentage of the investment would be based on the amount of Bitcoins.  Based on $250 valuation this would be 230 BTC.

Bet you we could get Micon part of this team.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 01, 2015, 05:46:11 PM
Sorry IanQuinn, but you have made some errors with this post. I am only trying to keep 45% as I will be donating 10% to the Make-A-Wish foundation. The world of poker has the potential for great exposure with ESPN and other Media outlets covering it. So the goal here is to try and promote Bitcoin as much as possible at the Main Event. I think you are also forgetting that time is money and I am always more than willing to promote Bitcoin before and after the Main Event on my own time. Taking my time to go out to Vegas for a week with the intent to promote Bitcoin is an investment on my part. Also, if I do not raise all 45 BTC then I will be putting in the extra cash out of my own pocket to play. That's the difference here.

1% for 1btc? lol thats a crazy markup

Agreed, he's wanting to keep 55% of profit without risking his own funds.  Maybe someone could get behind this if he wanted 15%-20% but not 55%.

Besides Micon is playing at the WSOP with Bitcoin hat and shirt, and he has much more following because of his legal issues in the poker community.  Backing someone that says let get Bitcoin out there would have to work at promoting Bitcoin, and not focus on poker.


It would be better to setup a team of 5 professional, pay entry fee + 15% to play.  This team would keep 17.50% of winnings after reimbursement of the initial investment.  This still makes it worthwhile for the player to work hard, yet gives them compensation for all expenses, and their value to the team.

So any winnings less then the initial outlay would go back to investors only, and percentage of the investment would be based on the amount of Bitcoins.  Based on $250 valuation this would be 230 BTC.

Bet you we could get Micon part of this team.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: hans gruber on July 01, 2015, 06:01:17 PM
Hey BTC Beamer- I really like your idea...I am sending you 8 BTC please confirm that you got em!!! See you at Final Table  :D
Hans Gruber

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: Dogedigital on July 01, 2015, 06:03:53 PM
How are you so adamant about raising Bitcoin awareness when you only have 13 activity with all the posts relating to this staking proposal?

Are you involved with the Bitcoin community or contributing to its exposure anywhere else?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 01, 2015, 06:24:23 PM
Hello, I haven't used Bitcoin Talk or Reddit much however I am part of the Kansas City Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency group. I have pushed for Bitcoin in KC and have gotten on NBC news locally. You can see the video on my Facebook page:

I also attended Freedom Fest last year in Vegas and got on a radio show called Power Talk Radio. View the video here:

I have met countless members through localbitcoins and have met lots of different business minded individuals that want to help take bitcoin to the next level in their own ways. Please do not judge me based on the small amount of posts I have made on Bitcoin Talk. I am doing lots of work elsewhere and will try to be more active on here.

How are you so adamant about raising Bitcoin awareness when you only have 13 activity with all the posts relating to this staking proposal?

Are you involved with the Bitcoin community or contributing to its exposure anywhere else?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: FanEagle on July 01, 2015, 06:29:12 PM
If I had 1 BTC I would invest too, I can only send green karma to you and make us bitcoiners proud of you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: vennali on July 01, 2015, 06:30:41 PM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 01, 2015, 06:31:20 PM
Hans, that was very generous and thank you very much! This is to confirm receipt of 8 BTC for 8% of my net winnings in the WSOP Main Event this year. Trans ID # a5b36d9de5dc4a2d0e19ae5d343badea17191d8757ff7a26b1de6c51e40aaf97

This leaves only 29 BTC worth of spots left for my sponsorship.

Hey BTC Beamer- I really like your idea...I am sending you 8 BTC please confirm that you got em!!! See you at Final Table  :D
Hans Gruber

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: Dogedigital on July 01, 2015, 06:36:48 PM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

I was pretty confused as well.  If I'm reading it right, he is selling 1BTC for 1% of NET winnings, meaning that the break-even point for investors would be somewhere in the area of a $35,000 cash.  This would mean that he needs to place near the top 100 of ~6500 players... or a 1/65 chance of breaking even for investors.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: vennali on July 01, 2015, 06:42:55 PM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

I was pretty confused as well.  If I'm reading it right, he is selling 1BTC for 1% of NET winnings, meaning that the break-even point for investors would be somewhere in the area of a $35,000 cash.  This would mean that he needs to place near the top 100 of ~6500 players... or a 1/65 chance of breaking even for investors.

So I guess the package is in no way meant to attract investors, but only those who wish to spend big on bitcoin advertisement. Still a pretty heft price to pay as an investor.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 01, 2015, 08:01:06 PM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

I was pretty confused as well.  If I'm reading it right, he is selling 1BTC for 1% of NET winnings, meaning that the break-even point for investors would be somewhere in the area of a $35,000 cash.  This would mean that he needs to place near the top 100 of ~6500 players... or a 1/65 chance of breaking even for investors.

No this is also incorrect Dogedigital. Any cash means the investors get their BTC back. Then you subtract that amount from the payout and then each investor gets 1% of the net winnings. Here's an example...I win $100,000. Since the buy in is $10,000 you would subtract that from the $100K leaving $90K to divide up. If you had sent me 1 BTC then you would get your 1 BTC back which represents part of the $10K buy in and then you would get 1% of $90K which is $900.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: Dogedigital on July 01, 2015, 08:12:43 PM
Can you do an example where you min cash then?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 01, 2015, 08:36:37 PM
Can you do an example where you min cash then?

Yes and I believe they are actually paying the top 1000 players this year and the min cash I believe is $15,000. Need to double check with WSOP when I get there. So if these numbers are correct then if I min cashed and you send in 1 BTC to sponsor me then you would get your 1 BTC back plus 1% of $5,000 which is $50. That's what is meant by net winnings.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: leavemealone_please on July 01, 2015, 08:49:48 PM
How are you so adamant about raising Bitcoin awareness when you only have 13 activity with all the posts relating to this staking proposal?

Are you involved with the Bitcoin community or contributing to its exposure anywhere else?

As stated in my last post. Beamer sells bitcoins to a large community in the Kansas City area and he does it very well and efficientluy

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: IanQuinn on July 01, 2015, 10:56:02 PM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

I was pretty confused as well.  If I'm reading it right, he is selling 1BTC for 1% of NET winnings, meaning that the break-even point for investors would be somewhere in the area of a $35,000 cash.  This would mean that he needs to place near the top 100 of ~6500 players... or a 1/65 chance of breaking even for investors.

No this is also incorrect Dogedigital. Any cash means the investors get their BTC back. Then you subtract that amount from the payout and then each investor gets 1% of the net winnings. Here's an example...I win $100,000. Since the buy in is $10,000 you would subtract that from the $100K leaving $90K to divide up. If you had sent me 1 BTC then you would get your 1 BTC back which represents part of the $10K buy in and then you would get 1% of $90K which is $900.

So again you are not taking out the full 45 BTC worth to return to investors, as you are keeping 11.25% for yourself then keeping another 55% for yourself.  Horrible investment.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 02, 2015, 01:08:11 AM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

I was pretty confused as well.  If I'm reading it right, he is selling 1BTC for 1% of NET winnings, meaning that the break-even point for investors would be somewhere in the area of a $35,000 cash.  This would mean that he needs to place near the top 100 of ~6500 players... or a 1/65 chance of breaking even for investors.

No this is also incorrect Dogedigital. Any cash means the investors get their BTC back. Then you subtract that amount from the payout and then each investor gets 1% of the net winnings. Here's an example...I win $100,000. Since the buy in is $10,000 you would subtract that from the $100K leaving $90K to divide up. If you had sent me 1 BTC then you would get your 1 BTC back which represents part of the $10K buy in and then you would get 1% of $90K which is $900.

So again you are not taking out the full 45 BTC worth to return to investors, as you are keeping 11.25% for yourself then keeping another 55% for yourself.  Horrible investment.

If I cash then all investors get their BTC back plus a share of the winnings as stated above. This is a sponsorship which is much different than an "investment".

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: theskillzdatklls on July 02, 2015, 02:01:42 AM
as an actual poker professional i can tell anyone here, LOL this guy

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: notserp on July 02, 2015, 08:19:12 AM
as an actual poker professional i can tell anyone here, LOL this guy

yup 1% for 1btc is 150% markup and if btc goes up its even more lol

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: fox19891989 on July 02, 2015, 11:22:06 AM
I don't get your point, so every donator can get 1% of your winnings? So if only 10 donators, so they only take 10% of your winning, and you took the remaining 90%? It is not fair for them cos if they don't donate u, you won't earn any money.

IMO the donators take 80-90% of the winnings and you take 10-20%, that's better.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: vennali on July 02, 2015, 11:28:36 AM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

I was pretty confused as well.  If I'm reading it right, he is selling 1BTC for 1% of NET winnings, meaning that the break-even point for investors would be somewhere in the area of a $35,000 cash.  This would mean that he needs to place near the top 100 of ~6500 players... or a 1/65 chance of breaking even for investors.

No this is also incorrect Dogedigital. Any cash means the investors get their BTC back. Then you subtract that amount from the payout and then each investor gets 1% of the net winnings. Here's an example...I win $100,000. Since the buy in is $10,000 you would subtract that from the $100K leaving $90K to divide up. If you had sent me 1 BTC then you would get your 1 BTC back which represents part of the $10K buy in and then you would get 1% of $90K which is $900.

Yes, but since total amount you are looking for is 45 BTC ( roughly $10k) , and if you were to cash 100K , then the investment of 1 BTC is roughly more than 2% of 45 BTC, but they will be getting only 1% , so its a double markup , which is a lot even though you are only doing it for bitcoin.

I do understand that you say its only a sponsorship deal and not an investment, but advertising it only to people there, could also be done with pasting bitcoin posters around . How would this be different ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 02, 2015, 02:57:05 PM
I am confused about how much are you actually using as a markup. You are looking for 45 BTC , and for 1 BTC you are paying 1% of the winnings. Isn't that a markup of slightly over 50% only for the sake of bitcoin advertisement ?

I was pretty confused as well.  If I'm reading it right, he is selling 1BTC for 1% of NET winnings, meaning that the break-even point for investors would be somewhere in the area of a $35,000 cash.  This would mean that he needs to place near the top 100 of ~6500 players... or a 1/65 chance of breaking even for investors.

No this is also incorrect Dogedigital. Any cash means the investors get their BTC back. Then you subtract that amount from the payout and then each investor gets 1% of the net winnings. Here's an example...I win $100,000. Since the buy in is $10,000 you would subtract that from the $100K leaving $90K to divide up. If you had sent me 1 BTC then you would get your 1 BTC back which represents part of the $10K buy in and then you would get 1% of $90K which is $900.

Yes, but since total amount you are looking for is 45 BTC ( roughly $10k) , and if you were to cash 100K , then the investment of 1 BTC is roughly more than 2% of 45 BTC, but they will be getting only 1% , so its a double markup , which is a lot even though you are only doing it for bitcoin.

I do understand that you say its only a sponsorship deal and not an investment, but advertising it only to people there, could also be done with pasting bitcoin posters around . How would this be different ?

Dogedigital, it's much different and the Rio won't allow me to just put Bitcoin posters up. Even if they did, it wouldn't necessarily be as effective. They charge a lot of money to allow vendors in there and with some of the responses on here, I don't think the cynical guys on here would have any interest in sponsoring a booth nor paying for anyone to run it. Either way, some people on here get it and others do not understand and see the true potential of having someone advocate for Bitcoin at the WSOP. This is fine as I don't think there's anyway to do something potentially big without having massive amounts of criticism, both good and bad.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 02, 2015, 03:03:20 PM
I don't get your point, so every donator can get 1% of your winnings? So if only 10 donators, so they only take 10% of your winning, and you took the remaining 90%? It is not fair for them cos if they don't donate u, you won't earn any money.

IMO the donators take 80-90% of the winnings and you take 10-20%, that's better.

Fox, you are entitled to your opinion about the percentage splits but you are simply not understanding the math of this whole deal. The percentage of the winnings is determined by how much BTC you put in. Maybe someone else can explain this to you better.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: IanQuinn on July 02, 2015, 05:31:00 PM
I don't get your point, so every donator can get 1% of your winnings? So if only 10 donators, so they only take 10% of your winning, and you took the remaining 90%? It is not fair for them cos if they don't donate u, you won't earn any money.

IMO the donators take 80-90% of the winnings and you take 10-20%, that's better.

Fox, you are entitled to your opinion about the percentage splits but you are simply not understanding the math of this whole deal. The percentage of the winnings is determined by how much BTC you put in. Maybe someone else can explain this to you better.

Fox did state it incorrectly, but I fully understand your math.  When a player's entry is covered by an investor they generally take 85%, after the entry fee is recouped.  You are only giving the investors 45% which is close to 50% of what they should be getting.

As for you calling it an sponsorship you know that is BS, because a sponsorship would get ZERO back therefore it is an investment.

Still believe that a team would have been a better idea for investors as long as you could prove their advance poker players.

Hope to see you here at the WSOP, I'll keep an eye out.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: fer87 on July 02, 2015, 05:31:26 PM
Good luck friends!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: fox19891989 on July 02, 2015, 06:22:37 PM
I don't get your point, so every donator can get 1% of your winnings? So if only 10 donators, so they only take 10% of your winning, and you took the remaining 90%? It is not fair for them cos if they don't donate u, you won't earn any money.

IMO the donators take 80-90% of the winnings and you take 10-20%, that's better.

Fox, you are entitled to your opinion about the percentage splits but you are simply not understanding the math of this whole deal. The percentage of the winnings is determined by how much BTC you put in. Maybe someone else can explain this to you better.

Fox did state it incorrectly, but I fully understand your math.  When a player's entry is covered by an investor they generally take 85%, after the entry fee is recouped.  You are only giving the investors 45% which is close to 50% of what they should be getting.

As for you calling it an sponsorship you know that is BS, because a sponsorship would get ZERO back therefore it is an investment.

Still believe that a team would have been a better idea for investors as long as you could prove their advance poker players.

Hope to see you here at the WSOP, I'll keep an eye out.

Since we are general members here, I think calling it an sponsorship is incorrect, we won't get any return if you can't earn your buy-in back. And we are not a company or website, how can we get returns or exposures in the public? So it is a kind of donation or investment(i prefer calling it as an investment), cos we may earn money from this crowdfunding.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitmonster1070 on July 02, 2015, 07:45:38 PM
Can't wait to see you out there playing Beamer.  Does your shirt have a nice big bitoin logo on it so the world can see?  Everyone there needs to see a nice big bitoin logo!  Maybe you could post a pic here for us so we know what to look for.  I see you got another big tipper on here.  I might have to deposit some more coins in there too.  How many days do  we have left  to buy in?     

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: FanEagle on July 02, 2015, 08:26:49 PM
I wish I could get investors to play some omaha, but I stopped askin for investors because of my surgery of next week.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 03, 2015, 01:30:18 AM
Can't wait to see you out there playing Beamer.  Does your shirt have a nice big bitoin logo on it so the world can see?  Everyone there needs to see a nice big bitoin logo!  Maybe you could post a pic here for us so we know what to look for.  I see you got another big tipper on here.  I might have to deposit some more coins in there too.  How many days do  we have left  to buy in?     

Probably by Monday night I will stop accepting coin for the sponsorship. After I buy in then no more sponsors will be allowed. The bitcoin logo will be nice and big don't worry. Thanks Bitmonster!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 03, 2015, 01:37:49 AM
I don't get your point, so every donator can get 1% of your winnings? So if only 10 donators, so they only take 10% of your winning, and you took the remaining 90%? It is not fair for them cos if they don't donate u, you won't earn any money.

IMO the donators take 80-90% of the winnings and you take 10-20%, that's better.

Fox, you are entitled to your opinion about the percentage splits but you are simply not understanding the math of this whole deal. The percentage of the winnings is determined by how much BTC you put in. Maybe someone else can explain this to you better.

Fox did state it incorrectly, but I fully understand your math.  When a player's entry is covered by an investor they generally take 85%, after the entry fee is recouped.  You are only giving the investors 45% which is close to 50% of what they should be getting.

As for you calling it an sponsorship you know that is BS, because a sponsorship would get ZERO back therefore it is an investment.

Still believe that a team would have been a better idea for investors as long as you could prove their advance poker players.

Hope to see you here at the WSOP, I'll keep an eye out.

IanQuinn, you are very incorrect here. It is very common that the players gets either 50/50 or 60/40 of the net winnings. I've never heard of backers getting 85% with the players only getting 15%. I've been around the circuit on and off for 15 years. Since you know so much about how it works in the poker world, how about you tell us all what your real name is and what credentials you have that make any of your statements on this thread worth taking in to account. I would love to meet you at the WSOP but need to know who you are.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: fox19891989 on July 03, 2015, 02:44:34 AM
Can't wait to see you out there playing Beamer.  Does your shirt have a nice big bitoin logo on it so the world can see?  Everyone there needs to see a nice big bitoin logo!  Maybe you could post a pic here for us so we know what to look for.  I see you got another big tipper on here.  I might have to deposit some more coins in there too.  How many days do  we have left  to buy in?     

Probably by Monday night I will stop accepting coin for the sponsorship. After I buy in then no more sponsors will be allowed. The bitcoin logo will be nice and big don't worry. Thanks Bitmonster!

actually if you show a bitcoin logo on your clothes, you may ask sponsorship from forum admins, they are very rich, i recommend you post other threads in bitcoin discussion section, there are many whales, but they don't gamble so can't see your thread here, just my idea.

Good luck, btw, when will be the main event?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on July 03, 2015, 02:55:43 AM
Can't wait to see you out there playing Beamer.  Does your shirt have a nice big bitoin logo on it so the world can see?  Everyone there needs to see a nice big bitoin logo!  Maybe you could post a pic here for us so we know what to look for.  I see you got another big tipper on here.  I might have to deposit some more coins in there too.  How many days do  we have left  to buy in?     

Probably by Monday night I will stop accepting coin for the sponsorship. After I buy in then no more sponsors will be allowed. The bitcoin logo will be nice and big don't worry. Thanks Bitmonster!

actually if you show a bitcoin logo on your clothes, you may ask sponsorship from forum admins, they are very rich, i recommend you post other threads in bitcoin discussion section, there are many whales, but they don't gamble so can't see your thread here, just my idea.

Good luck, btw, when will be the main event?

yeah actually this would be a great Idea
there are many bitcoin whales that don't follow this forum
this may interest them , they may put some funds in your wallet for the main event

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 03, 2015, 02:59:05 AM
Thank you Sy and Fox. Can you guys please post a link to where I could make a post for these guys? Thanks for the great idea and all your help! :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 03, 2015, 03:06:33 AM
Can't wait to see you out there playing Beamer.  Does your shirt have a nice big bitoin logo on it so the world can see?  Everyone there needs to see a nice big bitoin logo!  Maybe you could post a pic here for us so we know what to look for.  I see you got another big tipper on here.  I might have to deposit some more coins in there too.  How many days do  we have left  to buy in?     

Probably by Monday night I will stop accepting coin for the sponsorship. After I buy in then no more sponsors will be allowed. The bitcoin logo will be nice and big don't worry. Thanks Bitmonster!

actually if you show a bitcoin logo on your clothes, you may ask sponsorship from forum admins, they are very rich, i recommend you post other threads in bitcoin discussion section, there are many whales, but they don't gamble so can't see your thread here, just my idea.

Good luck, btw, when will be the main event?

The main event starts on July 5th but since there are so many entrants they break up Day 1 into 3 days. I will be playing on July 7th (Tuesday).

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: Wendigo on July 03, 2015, 06:59:02 AM
What's the difference between a sponsorship and an investment if you don't place in the cash at all?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: WhatTheGox on July 03, 2015, 07:27:26 AM
Hey BTC Beamer- I really like your idea...I am sending you 8 BTC please confirm that you got em!!! See you at Final Table  :D
Hans Gruber

Great investment Hans, you'll be sitting on a beach earning 20% off of this ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 03, 2015, 11:11:01 AM
Hey BTC Beamer- I really like your idea...I am sending you 8 BTC please confirm that you got em!!! See you at Final Table  :D
Hans Gruber

Great investment Hans, you'll be sitting on a beach earning 20% off of this ;D

Just 8% Gox.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 05, 2015, 03:44:18 PM
Guys, there's only about a day left to help sponsor me into the WSOP Main Event. Thanks everyone for your consideration and support!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 07, 2015, 08:41:46 AM
Hi All! I just bought in so no more sponsorships will be accepted for the 2015 WSOP Main Event. Wish me luck everyone and thanks to those who helped! :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on July 07, 2015, 09:33:43 AM
Hi All! I just bought in so no more sponsorships will be accepted for the 2015 WSOP Main Event. Wish me luck everyone and thanks to those who helped! :)

Good luck mate , I hope you the best in the main event
ship it and make all the bitcoiners proud , please keep us updated with your run

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 08, 2015, 08:30:38 AM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on July 08, 2015, 09:46:00 AM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

Brilliant, great stuff! We're all rooting for you bro! I think it's brilliant what you're doing & we are all absolutely 100% behind you & fully backing what you're trying to do to help the BTC community. Make sure you keep us all fully updated on your progress at the tournament.

(I am going to kick myself if you win big & I didn't donate ;D)
Bet all your donators have their fingers & toes crossed. Best of luck BTC brother.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on July 08, 2015, 09:53:51 AM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

great job bro , you have a nice start with these chips
what is the avg chips now ? and how many entrants we have this year ?
I hope that they will move you to a featured table , let's show our orange coin in the screens
BTW if you see Kara Scott tell her that SyGambler misses you  ;D
Good luck mate

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: sherbyspark on July 08, 2015, 12:03:21 PM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

great job bro , you have a nice start with these chips
what is the avg chips now ? and how many entrants we have this year ?
I hope that they will move you to a featured table , let's show our orange coin in the screens
BTW if you see Kara Scott tell her that SyGambler misses you  ;D
Good luck mate

You can find all that information here :
109K chips on day one is a good start and he is currently at 61st place , but still the event has 5000 players remaining.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: WhatTheGox on July 08, 2015, 12:12:23 PM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

Sweet we are all rooting for you.  Healthy chip stack you have there nice one!

Good luck in day 2

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: CarlesPuyol on July 08, 2015, 12:29:02 PM
Wow you are actually a professional player!
It will be amazing if we will see you at the final table!!!
Wish you luck

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on July 08, 2015, 12:38:55 PM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

great job bro , you have a nice start with these chips
what is the avg chips now ? and how many entrants we have this year ?
I hope that they will move you to a featured table , let's show our orange coin in the screens
BTW if you see Kara Scott tell her that SyGambler misses you  ;D
Good luck mate

You can find all that information here :
109K chips on day one is a good start and he is currently at 61st place , but still the event has 5000 players remaining.

thank you very much for the link
the entries this year are  6,420 and 5000 remaining
our beast gonna win this event and all the bitcoiners are cheering for Zakeri , make us proud mate

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: smracer on July 08, 2015, 01:14:56 PM
Good Job Beamer!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 08, 2015, 04:47:42 PM
Thanks Fellas! I'm going to take it easy today so this horse can rest up. Today we have a break and I play tomorrow. So its gonna be a massage and spa day to calm the nerves for Day 2. The online site is not fully updated as after day 1 there is only about 3,500 players remaining. If any of you are close to Vegas, feel free to come by and be my cheering section. I brought some extra shirts just in case. I can use all the good mojo that I can get! Guys, this really might happen and could be HUGE for all of us!! :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: notserp on July 08, 2015, 04:55:38 PM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

great job bro , you have a nice start with these chips
what is the avg chips now ? and how many entrants we have this year ?
I hope that they will move you to a featured table , let's show our orange coin in the screens
BTW if you see Kara Scott tell her that SyGambler misses you  ;D
Good luck mate

You can find all that information here :
109K chips on day one is a good start and he is currently at 61st place , but still the event has 5000 players remaining.

hes only 61st for day1c so hes probably around 200th place right now still not bad, long time more to go gl.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: fox19891989 on July 08, 2015, 05:07:03 PM
Thanks Fellas! I'm going to take it easy today so this horse can rest up. Today we have a break and I play tomorrow. So its gonna be a massage and spa day to calm the nerves for Day 2. The online site is not fully updated as after day 1 there is only about 3,500 players remaining. If any of you are close to Vegas, feel free to come by and be my cheering section. I brought some extra shirts just in case. I can use all the good mojo that I can get! Guys, this really might happen and could be HUGE for all of us!! :)

Could u show us your T-shirt? Wow congrats dude, 61th place is good cos there are thousands of players there. I am sorry I didn't have any btc one week ago, so I couldn't donate 1 btc to you, if you goes to the final table, those people who helped you to gather the fund will be fucking rich in the future, haha.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 08, 2015, 05:40:31 PM
Thanks Fellas! I'm going to take it easy today so this horse can rest up. Today we have a break and I play tomorrow. So its gonna be a massage and spa day to calm the nerves for Day 2. The online site is not fully updated as after day 1 there is only about 3,500 players remaining. If any of you are close to Vegas, feel free to come by and be my cheering section. I brought some extra shirts just in case. I can use all the good mojo that I can get! Guys, this really might happen and could be HUGE for all of us!! :)

Could u show us your T-shirt? Wow congrats dude, 61th place is good cos there are thousands of players there. I am sorry I didn't have any btc one week ago, so I couldn't donate 1 btc to you, if you goes to the final table, those people who helped you to gather the fund will be fucking rich in the future, haha.

Hello Fox, its the same shirt as I am wearing on the Bitcoin Beamer Facebook and Twitter pages. Here's links to both:

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: sherbyspark on July 08, 2015, 06:16:00 PM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

great job bro , you have a nice start with these chips
what is the avg chips now ? and how many entrants we have this year ?
I hope that they will move you to a featured table , let's show our orange coin in the screens
BTW if you see Kara Scott tell her that SyGambler misses you  ;D
Good luck mate

You can find all that information here :
109K chips on day one is a good start and he is currently at 61st place , but still the event has 5000 players remaining.

hes only 61st for day1c so hes probably around 200th place right now still not bad, long time more to go gl.
Yup a long way to go, but still a good standing since he said half of the field is already out.
@bitcoinbeamer how does the featured table get decided ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 08, 2015, 09:11:13 PM
Hello All, I finished Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event with 109K in chips! Now I just need to get on a featured table. Wish me luck on Day 2!!

great job bro , you have a nice start with these chips
what is the avg chips now ? and how many entrants we have this year ?
I hope that they will move you to a featured table , let's show our orange coin in the screens
BTW if you see Kara Scott tell her that SyGambler misses you  ;D
Good luck mate

You can find all that information here :
109K chips on day one is a good start and he is currently at 61st place , but still the event has 5000 players remaining.

hes only 61st for day1c so hes probably around 200th place right now still not bad, long time more to go gl.
Yup a long way to go, but still a good standing since he said half of the field is already out.
@bitcoinbeamer how does the featured table get decided ?

ESPN picks them and usually finds tables where big names pro's like Phil Ivey, Phil Hellmuth, etc., are and then they move that table to the featured table. So if a big name pro is at my table then there's a chance that it could turn into a featured table.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: unholycactus on July 08, 2015, 09:32:51 PM
Your odds to get into the money prizes are very very low.
Its too hard to beat the pro's

I disagree, I believe he has a good chance of cashing (around 10%).

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitmonster1070 on July 08, 2015, 10:26:47 PM
Amazing first day Beamer,  can't wait to get my cheques!!!!! 

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: smracer on July 09, 2015, 07:30:10 PM
Beamer just started today and he is up to 115K.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: casinobitco on July 10, 2015, 02:11:59 AM
Watching... Good luck man! I don't know how I missed this initial thread... we surely would have donated enough to get your to wear a  Hat!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: WhatTheGox on July 10, 2015, 07:13:46 AM
Beamer just started today and he is up to 115K.

Up to 165k im guessing thats how he finished up for the day, seems like he'll have a very good chance at cashing now. Good job if you backed.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: erpbridge on July 10, 2015, 07:23:21 AM
Very well done Beamer seems he is at 165K stack by dinner break .

Watching... Good luck man! I don't know how I missed this initial thread... we surely would have donated enough to get your to wear a  Hat!

I doubt he was accepting donations for advertising casinos , He was all in this for bitcoin. :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on July 10, 2015, 07:26:16 AM
Beamer just started today and he is up to 115K.

Up to 165k im guessing thats how he finished up for the day, seems like he'll have a very good chance at cashing now. Good job if you backed.

yeah I guess so , the WSOP page is delayed
Beamer's twitter account has good stories about the day , If he keeps running like this he would have a good chance to win that $7,680,021
Best of luck Zakeri , I hope you have attracted some new people to bitcoin  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: ranlo on July 10, 2015, 08:12:24 AM
Just now saw this thread. Is the WSOP currently active? If so, good luck to both OP and the investors! If this goes well, he might want to look into the hundreds of other tournaments around the world as well, :).

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on July 10, 2015, 11:18:53 AM
Really glad to see him doing well. I wanted to donate but was a bit hesitant to do so because of trust etc. Slightly disappointed I didn't as he's doing well. Really hope he goes far in this tournament. What are the realistic possibilities for him?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: erwin45hacked on July 10, 2015, 11:29:24 AM
I wanted to donate but was a bit hesitant to do so because of trust etc.

I wanted to put in my btc as well but you know it is hard to trust a newbie account out of nowhere as I have never even met him or heard of him before. Too bad, perhaps next time.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on July 10, 2015, 12:05:31 PM
I wanted to donate but was a bit hesitant to do so because of trust etc.

I wanted to put in my btc as well but you know it is hard to trust a newbie account out of nowhere as I have never even met him or heard of him before. Too bad, perhaps next time.

That's exactly why I didn't donate, too many scammers on here. Imagine if he wins the grand prize of 10 million USD or whatever it is. We'll be kicking ourselves ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: fox19891989 on July 10, 2015, 01:13:30 PM
I wanted to donate but was a bit hesitant to do so because of trust etc.

I wanted to put in my btc as well but you know it is hard to trust a newbie account out of nowhere as I have never even met him or heard of him before. Too bad, perhaps next time.

+1 I see so many scammers with newbie accounts, that's why i didn't invest/donate, unless i have his ID, but it is impossible.  ;D

I wanted to invest a little but i didn't have btc at that time, that's the other reason that i didn't invest him.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 10, 2015, 05:13:11 PM
Guys, yesterday the cameras were at my table because Brad Garrett from Everybody Loves Raymond was there. We put on a good show and if they show any footage, there's a chance of getting on TV.

Today is Day 3 and they are estimating that we will be in the money towards the end of Day 3. I'm hoping that with the field thinning that I will be able to get on a featured table. Fingers crossed. Blinds and antes are getting high so I'm going to need to catch some cards to stay alive. Please keep sending me some good mojo & let's BELIEVE!

P.S. Bitcoin is up a lot today. GO GO BITCOIN GO!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 10, 2015, 05:15:20 PM
Watching... Good luck man! I don't know how I missed this initial thread... we surely would have donated enough to get your to wear a  Hat!

Thank you and are you all in Vegas and does your hat have a Bitcoin logo on it? Please feel free to PM me a proposal and if it's a Bitcoin hat we can talk.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: erpbridge on July 10, 2015, 09:52:27 PM
Guys, yesterday the cameras were at my table because Brad Garrett from Everybody Loves Raymond was there. We put on a good show and if they show any footage, there's a chance of getting on TV.

Today is Day 3 and they are estimating that we will be in the money towards the end of Day 3. I'm hoping that with the field thinning that I will be able to get on a featured table. Fingers crossed. Blinds and antes are getting high so I'm going to need to catch some cards to stay alive. Please keep sending me some good mojo & let's BELIEVE!

P.S. Bitcoin is up a lot today. GO GO BITCOIN GO!

Good luck today , looking at the updated on WSOP websites seems you have pretty good chance of cashing. 117K looks like a decent stack at this point. Get some pictures clicked and we can post it around .

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: Ruzka on July 10, 2015, 10:05:51 PM
Go Beamer and those who invested in this awesome bitcoin player/representative at the WSOP. This is getting to my favourite part of the game, shame I've just found this thread although it would have took a lot to invest in a newbie account. Will be watching you and keeping an eye for the future! Good luck and take it down maan ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: erpbridge on July 11, 2015, 06:16:03 PM
Go Beamer and those who invested in this awesome bitcoin player/representative at the WSOP. This is getting to my favourite part of the game, shame I've just found this thread although it would have took a lot to invest in a newbie account. Will be watching you and keeping an eye for the future! Good luck and take it down maan ;)

Looks like it didn't end so well for him. Loss out with KK vs AA preflop all in . What position you landed in ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: Phildo on July 11, 2015, 06:31:53 PM
Oy, wish I saw this before it started.

In general with poker staking if you are getting 1% of the payouts you should pay around 1% of the buy in. Guy hasn't cashed live since 06 and was looking for people to give him a 55% freeroll in the the main event.

The poker players that get to keep 50% of the profits and put up no money are usually on long term deals that have a better chance of success and have to pay back the makeup for all the tournaments they didn't cash in.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 11, 2015, 06:33:48 PM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: sherbyspark on July 11, 2015, 07:08:03 PM
Oy, wish I saw this before it started.

In general with poker staking if you are getting 1% of the payouts you should pay around 1% of the buy in. Guy hasn't cashed live since 06 and was looking for people to give him a 55% freeroll in the the main event.

The poker players that get to keep 50% of the profits and put up no money are usually on long term deals that have a better chance of success and have to pay back the makeup for all the tournaments they didn't cash in.

Have to agree with that. The markup was huge specially with no cashes since 2006 specially if you are active in the WSOP circuit or not active for a long time.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: CarlesPuyol on July 11, 2015, 07:31:18 PM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Wow it is so bad luck.
The worst way to lose is kk vs aa. And especially few places before the money.
I think you had a great preformance and I will follow you in the next tournaments.
Good luck though

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: ranlo on July 11, 2015, 09:06:20 PM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

FWIW, you did the right thing. You could have hit trips/straight as well. In any case, KK is good enough that it's worth going all-in pre-flop. I'd have done the same.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on July 11, 2015, 09:21:49 PM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Bad luck bro! All you can do is to give it your best. Practise hard & get ready for next year. Same again, I will sponsor you next year.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 11, 2015, 10:09:23 PM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Bad luck bro! All you can do is to give it your best. Practise hard & get ready for next year. Same again, I will sponsor you next year.

Thanks LFC! :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: ranlo on July 11, 2015, 10:38:34 PM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Bad luck bro! All you can do is to give it your best. Practise hard & get ready for next year. Same again, I will sponsor you next year.

Thanks LFC! :)

Out of curiosity, since this flopped (maybe pun intended), do you have a full listing of your recent track record in other tournaments, and would you be interested in staking for other tournaments as well?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 12, 2015, 01:29:39 AM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Bad luck bro! All you can do is to give it your best. Practise hard & get ready for next year. Same again, I will sponsor you next year.

Thanks LFC! :)

Out of curiosity, since this flopped (maybe pun intended), do you have a full listing of your recent track record in other tournaments, and would you be interested in staking for other tournaments as well?

Hello ranlo, fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you view it, I don't have a recent history for poker tournaments. I played semi-professionally for about 7 solid years (1999-2006) before deciding to give up poker as a job while running my business. I've played with the best players in the world both online and live and they were my professors of the game. Even when I quit, some of the best pros offered to back me and put me in to tournaments but I had to decline. The problem was that it put too much strain on my business life and personal life. After quitting poker for a couple years (which was not easy), my wife said that she had no problem with me playing during the WSOP every year. So then I played every other year or so after that depending on my finances. What's great about poker is that the experience you gain from it stays with you forever. Although it's good to be seasoned and in the game playing full time, sometimes taking a big break from the game makes a player become greater and play at a much higher level. You truly never forget the prior experiences you've learned and after all this time, I consider myself to be a much more developed person in life which only improves my play at the poker table. They say life is poker and poker is life. I've had several humbling years to rethink my game and life itself. One other thing to consider is that poker is a volume game. The reason that you see many of the greatest players winning tournaments and making final tables is because they play so many events. Eventually each of those pro players has a great run and finishes well which makes them the most well known players in poker today.

After finding out about Bitcoin a couple years ago, I fell in love with it. I haven't gotten rich as a result of it but really like the idea of it and would like to help promote it. I feel that it's the wave of the future. The key thing we all need for Bitcoin is some good ambassadors to help promote it through many channels, not just poker. I'd like to be one of those ambassadors through poker but would need some backing. If there are any Bitcoiners out there that agree that my idea is good and want to back me then feel free to have them contact me. Sorry that I don't have any recent play history but I can assure you that I am not only a solid player but also have the will and personality to get the job done. Regarding other tournaments, depending on the circumstances yes I would consider playing more larger events. It just has to make sense for everyone.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: ranlo on July 12, 2015, 01:38:08 AM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Bad luck bro! All you can do is to give it your best. Practise hard & get ready for next year. Same again, I will sponsor you next year.

Thanks LFC! :)

Out of curiosity, since this flopped (maybe pun intended), do you have a full listing of your recent track record in other tournaments, and would you be interested in staking for other tournaments as well?

Hello ranlo, fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you view it, I don't have a recent history for poker tournaments. I played semi-professionally for about 7 solid years (1999-2006) before deciding to give up poker as a job while running my business. I've played with the best players in the world both online and live and they were my professors of the game. Even when I quit, some of the best pros offered to back me and put me in to tournaments but I had to decline. The problem was that it put too much strain on my business life and personal life. After quitting poker for a couple years (which was not easy), my wife said that she had no problem with me playing during the WSOP every year. So then I played every other year or so after that depending on my finances. What's great about poker is that the experience you gain from it stays with you forever. Although it's good to be seasoned and in the game playing full time, sometimes taking a big break from the game makes a player become greater and play at a much higher level. You truly never forget the prior experiences you've learned and after all this time, I consider myself to be a much more developed person in life which only improves my play at the poker table. They say life is poker and poker is life. I've had several humbling years to rethink my game and life itself. One other thing to consider is that poker is a volume game. The reason that you see many of the greatest players winning tournaments and making final tables is because they play so many events. Eventually each of those pro players has a great run and finishes well which makes them the most well known players in poker today.

After finding out about Bitcoin a couple years ago, I fell in love with it. I haven't gotten rich as a result of it but really like the idea of it and would like to help promote it. I feel that it's the wave of the future. The key thing we all need for Bitcoin is some good ambassadors to help promote it through many channels, not just poker. I'd like to be one of those ambassadors through poker but would need some backing. If there are any Bitcoiners out there that agree that my idea is good and want to back me then feel free to have them contact me. Sorry that I don't have any recent play history but I can assure you that I am not only a solid player but also have the will and personality to get the job done. Regarding other tournaments, depending on the circumstances yes I would consider playing more larger events. It just has to make sense for everyone.

Thanks for the response. In regards to other tournaments, I was thinking like online ones. They're a lot more versatile in terms of time commitments, and much cheaper to take part in since there's no travel, room, etc. fees associated. And many of them still have high rewards.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: SyGambler on July 12, 2015, 03:30:57 AM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Good job Beamer , you did your work and the cards did their work
there is always a next year

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 12, 2015, 07:53:14 PM
Hello ranlo, I definitely agree with you on the positive points you've made about playing online tournaments. However, in order to make a massive impact through poker, I would need to be playing live in the larger live events like the WSOP, WPT, etc. The $10K+ buy in events are the ones that get all the worldwide attention and make TV. These are the ones that I feel need to be targeted for exposure to help bring much more awareness to Bitcoin. All I need to do is win one of these events or make the TV final table and this should get it going.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: bitcoinbeamer on July 12, 2015, 07:57:12 PM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Good job Beamer , you did your work and the cards did their work
there is always a next year

Thanks Sy! I appreciate all your positive energy and support.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: WalkerIVIV on July 12, 2015, 09:27:09 PM
Hello ranlo, I definitely agree with you on the positive points you've made about playing online tournaments. However, in order to make a massive impact through poker, I would need to be playing live in the larger live events like the WSOP, WPT, etc. The $10K+ buy in events are the ones that get all the worldwide attention and make TV. These are the ones that I feel need to be targeted for exposure to help bring much more awareness to Bitcoin. All I need to do is win one of these events or make the TV final table and this should get it going.

When WSOP event starts? I've read message on fb that it finished month ago? LOL? Sorry for this stupid question I'm just lazy to find out .... :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: cazkooo on July 12, 2015, 09:35:41 PM
When WSOP event starts?

27th May and it will end the next day at 14th July and there are still 182 players now You can find all the information here It will be just a few hours left before the final table

Title: Re: Bitcoin Beamer 2015 WSOP World Series of Poker Sponsorship‏
Post by: doublemore on July 13, 2015, 07:19:42 AM
Missed the money by a few hundred places unfortunately. I got tangled in to a pot with one of the chip leaders in the tournament that was at my table. I'm not sure that I could have ever folded those pocket kings preflop. It's just unfortunate that the guy had aces. Oh well, there's always next year. I love that Bitcoin has been going up the whole time I'm in Vegas though. Maybe it's on a big uptrend now. Thanks again guys for rooting me on. I played my heart out and tried my very best!

Very bad luck with KK preflop its impossible to fold almost all the time, then when you go into flop if an ace doesn't hit nothing much you can do but get the money in.