Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Beliathon on July 16, 2015, 03:52:52 PM

Title: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 16, 2015, 03:52:52 PM
"Night gathers, and now my sex begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no sperm, father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my bedpost. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the toucher of the tits.
I am the pervert that fucks the realms of women. I pledge my penis and thrusts to the Women's Watch, for this night and all the nights to cum."

Get a vasectomy today, live a good life. Trust me, it's awesome.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: saddampbuh on July 16, 2015, 03:55:40 PM

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: TECSHARE on July 17, 2015, 03:21:50 AM
PM me for info on herbal based temporary male birth control :)
Why chop your tubes up when you can just pop a pill or drink some tea an hour before sex?

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 17, 2015, 03:55:43 AM
Why chop your tubes up when (...)
Why NOT tie my tubes when I know I'll never want children?

PM me for info on herbal based temporary male birth control
"herbal remedy" is almost always code for "pseudoscientific magic-medicine"

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: BADecker on July 17, 2015, 04:22:02 AM
I was thinking of getting married again, just to father a few dozen more children.

If you look through the Old Testament, it was not wrong to take more than one wife. So, why not today? Nobody says you have to remain in the U.S.

As a warning, if you go this route, consider the Spanish word for "wife" - "esposa." You make a word plural (most of the time) in Spanish the same way you do in English. You add an "s" to the word. So, what does "esposas" mean? Check the Spanish dictionary. It doesn't mean "wives." It means "handcuffs" or "shackles." Do you think those Spaniards knew something that they weren't afraid to incorporate right into their language?


Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Mike Christ on July 17, 2015, 08:19:41 AM
I endorse this movement.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Snail2 on July 17, 2015, 09:44:36 AM
Why chop your tubes up when (...)
Why NOT tie my tubes when I know I'll never want children?

PM me for info on herbal based temporary male birth control
"herbal remedy" is almost always code for "pseudoscientific magic-medicine"

I support your attitude. Could you please persuade your leftist and liberal friends to follow your example :)? This way you guys can save resources, money and can make a better world within one generation... :)

FYI the active ingredients of several modern medicines are based on, or just identical to the active ingredients of some herbs.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Tusk on July 17, 2015, 12:53:06 PM
I have been a sports model for years  :D

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Falconer on July 17, 2015, 01:20:43 PM
This is an act of cowardice imo  :)  Our parents have cared us for years and then we don't want to raise a child. You should have atleast just one kid to be our successor. After that, its up to you if you want take vasectomy or anything you want  :D

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 17, 2015, 02:28:48 PM
This is an act of cowardice imo  :)  Our parents have cared us for years and then we don't want to raise a child. You should have atleast just one kid to be our successor. After that, its up to you if you want take vasectomy or anything you want  :D
Sorry, too late for that now! Besides, there are plenty of homeless children, children in shelters without parents, abused children, starving children both at home and abroad. If I later decide I want to become a father (unlikely but admittedly possible) I would much rather rescue some innocent child from hellish foster home life or death by starvation than narcissistically spawn a copy of myself. Furthermore half the reason I got my vasectomy is because I would never wish my suffering on another. My DNA sucks, trust me.

Given how many children are already without homes and without food in the USA alone, frankly breeders are selfish pukes who makes me sick to my stomach.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Wilikon on July 17, 2015, 03:06:16 PM
I endorse this movement.

What the OP is doing is brave and I totally support her...

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Sourgummies on July 17, 2015, 07:20:08 PM
PM me for info on herbal based temporary male birth control :)
Why chop your tubes up when you can just pop a pill or drink some tea an hour before sex?

Why mess with drugs when a good kick to the nads will seal the deal.

Having kids is going to be a real hard road for those that want to as we see everything become harder to reach for.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: TECSHARE on July 18, 2015, 12:16:41 AM
Why chop your tubes up when (...)
Why NOT tie my tubes when I know I'll never want children?

PM me for info on herbal based temporary male birth control
"herbal remedy" is almost always code for "pseudoscientific magic-medicine"

Oh you go right ahead and tie them up. Everyone knows no medicines have ever been derived from plants right? Not once ever ;)

BTW I have scientific studies backing the claim, you on the other hand have an allergy to producing scientific studies to support your dogmas.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: pitham1 on July 18, 2015, 01:50:08 AM
If certain religions are against using condoms and abortion, I wonder what they will say about vasectomy.  ;D

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on July 18, 2015, 02:13:33 AM

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 18, 2015, 03:00:23 AM
Why chop your tubes up when (...)
Why NOT tie my tubes when I know I'll never want children?

Oh you go right ahead and tie them up.
Already done two years ago. Your turn!

If certain religions are against using condoms and abortion, I wonder what they will say about vasectomy.
Nobody intelligent gives half a fuck what any superstition-poisoned mind thinks about anything. The mind of a theist is broken, dysfunctional rationality machine.

To atheists, theists are walking tragedies, vandalized minds. I feel great compassion for these people because they were abused (intellectually) as children, just like me.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Falconer on July 18, 2015, 06:42:14 AM
Sorry, too late for that now! Besides, there are plenty of homeless children, children in shelters without parents, abused children, starving children both at home and abroad. If I later decide I want to become a father (unlikely but admittedly possible) I would much rather rescue some innocent child from hellish foster home life or death by starvation than narcissistically spawn a copy of myself. Furthermore half the reason I got my vasectomy is because I would never wish my suffering on another. My DNA sucks, trust me.

Given how many children are already without homes and without food in the USA alone, frankly breeders are selfish pukes who makes me sick to my stomach.


There is other way to solve that problem imo, you shouldn't did that ;) But anyway I appreciate your concern to homeless children, then would you raise a homeless child?

P.S: Raise a kid isn't a investment, hope after that kid grown up will repay what you have given to him. You are inappropriate to be a parent if you said that.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: PenguinFire on July 18, 2015, 06:46:56 AM
Is this not a serious thread?  Before I clicked to visit the thread I thought it was going to be able the crazy growth in the world population and how it has to end.  The Earth will be a total war zone (even more so) in 200 years if we keep growing when it is not sustainable.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 18, 2015, 09:00:01 AM
Is this not a serious thread?  Before I clicked to visit the thread I thought it was going to be able the crazy growth in the world population and how it has to end.  The Earth will be a total war zone (even more so) in 200 years if we keep growing when it is not sustainable.
World War as we know it in history is no longer a possibility in the modern age. We either keep civilization or utterly destroy it, those are our options in any world war type scenario.

This thread is serious as a heart attack. Fun fact to keep this post on topic: As you climb the IQ bell curve for women, probability of motherhood drops sharply.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 19, 2015, 02:16:54 AM
More intelligent women are less likely to choose to have children, research suggests.


Demographers debate why people have children in advanced industrial societies where
children are net economic costs. From an evolutionary perspective, however, the important
question is why some individuals choose not to have children. Recent theoretical developments
in evolutionary psychology suggest that more intelligent individuals may be more
likely to prefer to remain childless than less intelligent individuals. Analyses of the
National Child Development Study show that more intelligent men and women express
preference to remain childless early in their reproductive careers, but only more intelligent
women (not more intelligent men) are more likely to remain childless by the end of their
reproductive careers. Controlling for education and earnings does not at all attenuate the
association between childhood general intelligence and lifetime childlessness among
women. One-standard-deviation increase in childhood general intelligence (15 IQ points)
decreases women’s odds of parenthood by 21–25%. Because women have a greater impact
on the average intelligence of future generations, the dysgenic fertility among women is
predicted to lead to a decline in the average intelligence of the population in advanced
industrial nations

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Falconer on July 19, 2015, 06:36:09 AM
More intelligent women are less likely to choose to have children, research suggests.


Demographers debate why people have children in advanced industrial societies where
children are net economic costs. From an evolutionary perspective, however, the important
question is why some individuals choose not to have children. Recent theoretical developments
in evolutionary psychology suggest that more intelligent individuals may be more
likely to prefer to remain childless than less intelligent individuals. Analyses of the
National Child Development Study show that more intelligent men and women express
preference to remain childless early in their reproductive careers, but only more intelligent
women (not more intelligent men) are more likely to remain childless by the end of their
reproductive careers. Controlling for education and earnings does not at all attenuate the
association between childhood general intelligence and lifetime childlessness among
women. One-standard-deviation increase in childhood general intelligence (15 IQ points)
decreases women’s odds of parenthood by 21–25%. Because women have a greater impact
on the average intelligence of future generations, the dysgenic fertility among women is
predicted to lead to a decline in the average intelligence of the population in advanced
industrial nations

Vasectomy isn't a best way for 'intelligent men' I guess. They just postpone their desire to have children in their reproductive careers. E.g Bill Gates, he married in 1994, or when he was being 39 yo.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 20, 2015, 02:25:45 AM
Vasectomy isn't a best way for 'intelligent men' I guess. They just postpone their desire to have children in their reproductive careers.
What in Satan's Fuckhole is a "reproductive career"? What are we, breeding horses now?

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Falconer on July 20, 2015, 11:46:13 AM
Vasectomy isn't a best way for 'intelligent men' I guess. They just postpone their desire to have children in their reproductive careers.
What in Satan's Fuckhole is a "reproductive career"? What are we, breeding horses now?


Hmm, I got that term from your "scientific journal abstract", why you blame me then, or don't you read that journal before you post huh? I think what the journal mean is productive career, I rep the researcher apologize to you then.
Wait, why you care about that term, you should give your opinion about my whole comment.

Title: Re: Won't you take the Vasectomy Pledge with me, brother?
Post by: Beliathon on July 20, 2015, 12:15:35 PM
Wait, why you care about that term, you should give your opinion about my whole comment.
Sure, why not?

Vasectomy isn't a best way for 'intelligent men' I guess. They just postpone their desire to have children in their reproductive careers.
Exceptionally intelligent people like me - both men and women - are statistically much less likely to breed. So you're wrong, the end. That was easy!