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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: redandblack on July 29, 2015, 04:25:39 PM

Title: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: redandblack on July 29, 2015, 04:25:39 PM
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “love” to have former Alaska Governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in his campaign in an official capacity on Monday’s broadcast of “The Palin Update” on Mama Grizzly Radio.

Trump said of Palin being “along in some official capacity, “I’d love that.” He continued, “Because she really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person, and I think people know that. And she’s got a following that’s unbelievable. … Everybody loves her.”

He added that the other GOP candidates are “weak” and “ineffective,” and “the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.” (

Oh boy, the left's heads would explode if this happened.

If Trump did become President, then I would love to see Palin in a Cabinet position just to see the left's rage.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Loqkani07 on July 29, 2015, 04:26:30 PM
horrible idea

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: bukceline on July 29, 2015, 04:27:15 PM
Interesting..... don't think that it would be the best idea personally....

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: abasin on July 29, 2015, 04:28:12 PM
Palin is old news. Time to move on. Her time, like Romney's, has come & gone.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: peterson33 on July 29, 2015, 04:29:35 PM
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “love” to have former Alaska Governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in his campaign in an official capacity on Monday’s broadcast of “The Palin Update” on Mama Grizzly Radio.

Trump said of Palin being “along in some official capacity, “I’d love that.” He continued, “Because she really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person, and I think people know that. And she’s got a following that’s unbelievable. … Everybody loves her.”

He added that the other GOP candidates are “weak” and “ineffective,” and “the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.” (

Oh boy, the left's heads would explode if this happened.

If Trump did become President, then I would love to see Palin in a Cabinet position just to see the left's rage.

that would be the best news I heard all day if republicans choose trump and Palin for their candidates - lol

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: KriszDev on July 29, 2015, 04:30:34 PM
I thought the OP believed trump was a liberal in disguise?
Regardless if this gets more on the rihjt the back trump then I'm all for it! trump/Palin 16!

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: fitimi on July 29, 2015, 04:31:46 PM
I don't care for Palin personally - I think that her "down to earth image" was manufactured to appeal to voters, and I find it patronizing.

Though the far-left's paranoia toward her is unjustified and quite amusing - back in the day when I was extremely disaffected with the Republican party I despised her during her McCain election campaign, but couldn't name one actual fact about her beyond something that had been parroted by followers of the tabloid media..

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: rio3232 on July 29, 2015, 04:32:46 PM
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “love” to have former Alaska Governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in his campaign in an official capacity on Monday’s broadcast of “The Palin Update” on Mama Grizzly Radio.

Trump said of Palin being “along in some official capacity, “I’d love that.” He continued, “Because she really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person, and I think people know that. And she’s got a following that’s unbelievable. … Everybody loves her.”

He added that the other GOP candidates are “weak” and “ineffective,” and “the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.” (

Oh boy, the left's heads would explode if this happened.

If Trump did become President, then I would love to see Palin in a Cabinet position just to see the left's rage.

Oh man! With Trump saying that, here comes the thunder storm, lightning and all...... brace yourself. The vultures will be roaring in here in droves.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: KriszDev on July 29, 2015, 04:34:36 PM
Oh man! With Trump saying that, here comes the thunder storm, lightning and all...... brace yourself. The vultures will be roaring in here in droves.

The best part is the more the left laughs at him the more the rihjt loves him! I keep getting worried all the attention will wake the RW up, but luckily it only seems to help him!

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: redandblack on July 29, 2015, 04:35:16 PM
I thought the OP believed trump was a liberal in disguise?
Regardless if this gets more on the rihjt the back trump then I'm all for it! trump/Palin 16!

And I still believe that.

Where in my OP did I say he wasn't a liberal?

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: KriszDev on July 29, 2015, 04:38:55 PM

And I still believe that.

Where in my OP did I say he wasn't a liberal?

Just checking. If he is a liberal wouldn't you think this was some cynical joke?

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Namviet on July 29, 2015, 04:39:46 PM
She did wonders for McCain's campaign...

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: redandblack on July 29, 2015, 04:43:14 PM
but couldn't name one actual fact about her beyond something that had been parroted by followers of the tabloid media..

Here, I'll help you...

  Private business owner.
  Mayor (executive experience)
  Governor (executive experience)
  Two years as chairperson of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (energy experience)

And that's her experience way back in 2008 when she was nominated for Vice Presidential candidate.

On the other hand, back in 2008 Obama didn't have any executive experience, energy experience or private business experience.

He was just a junior senator.

Those are the facts.

Just checking. If he is a liberal wouldn't you think this was some cynical joke?
Yes, he is a joke.

He is not a conservative.

I don't trust him more than I can throw him, which is not that far.

She did wonders for McCain's campaign...
McCain did wonders for McCain's campaign.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: godlyitems on July 29, 2015, 04:44:38 PM
She did wonders for McCain's campaign...

McCains campaign was in panic mode a death spiral and he look for her, to get it too rise out of the ashes.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: godlyitems on July 29, 2015, 04:46:28 PM

Sen. John McCain took a two-point lead over Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, according to a new CBS poll. Bob Schieffer tells Harry Smith that Sarah Palin has helped excite the GOP.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: peterson33 on July 29, 2015, 04:49:30 PM
The Trump factor is historically fascinating. Dems hate him for his views and Reps hate him because he could tear apart the party. How do the Reps handle him is the question and what's historically intriguing (if you can look at it like you look at past elections we weren't alive for) Disconnecting our personal involvement is tough since it more directly affects us, but through the eyes of a student of history.... this election could shape up to be as fundamentally significant as any other election in US history.

now, with that said..... being that I AM involved in it unlike historical elections.... I'm worried Trump's involvement in the upcoming election will open the door for a Hillary win (like Perot helped Bill win)

However, everyyear, we hear complaints from both sides that politicians are all the same, dems and republicans and electing career politicians is part of the problem.

Well, Trump is not a career politician. He's blunt, he's direct, and sometimes, he's *gasp* politically incorrect...... and he makes no pretenses that he isn't any that I just stated.

Maybe it's time we don't elect a professional politician.

Personally, I am a much bigger supporter of Ben Carson, also not a career politician, but short of that..... I could get behind Trump

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: rio3232 on July 29, 2015, 04:51:23 PM
She did wonders for McCain's campaign...

It wasn't Palin, it was McCain himself b/c he was up against this nice looking, much younger, vibrant 'charismatic' guy who came across like a rock star and had the right skin color. Anyone who had an IQ of a potted plant knew that McCain, a tired old warhorse, didn't stand a chance against Obama....and that was it in a nutshell. Palin didn't have anything to do w/his loss b/c the libs tho't it would be wunnerful if we had a black man in the WH and they didn't care if he didn't have the experience.......

So here we are, 7 yrs later and according to Obama and the libs, the mess we're in is still 'Bush's fault'......

And NO, I don't like McCain either, so not finding excuses for his loss. Just saying it as I saw the 08 campaign..........

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: ezly on July 29, 2015, 04:52:28 PM
Put Palin in charge of the Dept of Homeland Security or EPA.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: godlyitems on July 29, 2015, 04:55:57 PM
this election could shape up to be as fundamentally significant as any other election in US history.

now, with that said..... being that I AM involved in it unlike historical elections.... I'm worried Trump's involvement in the upcoming election will open the door for a Hillary win (like Perot helped Bill win)

Check this out ross perot numbers drop the last week and bushs numbers fell also so its wrong to say he ruin it for bush as a independent.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: tomor on July 29, 2015, 04:57:39 PM
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “love” to have former Alaska Governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in his campaign in an official capacity on Monday’s broadcast of “The Palin Update” on Mama Grizzly Radio.

Trump said of Palin being “along in some official capacity, “I’d love that.” He continued, “Because she really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person, and I think people know that. And she’s got a following that’s unbelievable. … Everybody loves her.”

He added that the other GOP candidates are “weak” and “ineffective,” and “the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.” (

Oh boy, the left's heads would explode if this happened.

If Trump did become President, then I would love to see Palin in a Cabinet position just to see the left's rage.

It's going to be fun when your head explodes when Hillary walks into the WH in January 2017.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: tomor on July 29, 2015, 05:00:21 PM

It wasn't Palin, it was McCain himself b/c he was up against this nice looking, much younger, vibrant 'charismatic' guy who came across like a rock star and had the right skin color. Anyone who had an IQ of a potted plant knew that McCain, a tired old warhorse, didn't stand a chance against Obama....and that was it in a nutshell. Palin didn't have anything to do w/his loss b/c the libs tho't it would be wunnerful if we had a black man in the WH and they didn't care if he didn't have the experience.......

So here we are, 7 yrs later and according to Obama and the libs, the mess we're in is still 'Bush's fault'......

And NO, I don't like McCain either, so not finding excuses for his loss. Just saying it as I saw the 08 campaign..........

Still can't let it go can ya?

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: monas on July 29, 2015, 05:03:28 PM
Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin

Should Mrs Trump # 3 be worried?

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: tiffany8 on July 29, 2015, 05:04:35 PM

It wasn't Palin, it was McCain himself b/c he was up against this nice looking, much younger, vibrant 'charismatic' guy who came across like a rock star and had the right skin color. Anyone who had an IQ of a potted plant knew that McCain, a tired old warhorse, didn't stand a chance against Obama....and that was it in a nutshell. Palin didn't have anything to do w/his loss b/c the libs tho't it would be wunnerful if we had a black man in the WH and they didn't care if he didn't have the experience.......

So here we are, 7 yrs later and according to Obama and the libs, the mess we're in is still 'Bush's fault'......

And NO, I don't like McCain either, so not finding excuses for his loss. Just saying it as I saw the 08 campaign..........

The woman was a disaster. Trying to convince her base that her opponent was a terrorist was just one instance which displayed how utterly classless she was/is. Plain is a vindictive individual and I'm sure that if she and Trump spent a reasonable amount of up close and personal time together, they'd be at each other's throats

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Blackeye433 on July 29, 2015, 05:05:54 PM
She did wonders for McCain's campaign...
IMO, McCain could have had Jesus as his running mate, he wasn't going to stop the momentum. 2008, after Iraq and Afghanistan, was a 100% Democrat victory. Even I saw that coming. Even people who supported the wars, had doubts when we didn't leave right away. The fact that a young, African American guy from Harvard was running....even my Republican father voted for Obama. It might be one of the greatest opportunistic grabs of all time.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: steve.reimer on July 29, 2015, 05:07:00 PM
Palin is old news. Time to move on. Her time, like Romney's, has come & gone.
Yes BUT with Romney we missed our chance, Palin was a never was. Bobo laughed when Romney said Russia was our biggest threat. The incompetent boy thought crack prices were too high.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Kenchaa on July 29, 2015, 05:07:47 PM
If only you knew what a liberal Trump really is, your own head would explode.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: engwell on July 29, 2015, 05:10:34 PM

The woman was a disaster. Trying to convince her base that her opponent was a terrorist was just one instance which displayed how utterly classless she was/is. Plain is a vindictive individual and I'm sure that if she and Trump spent a reasonable amount of up close and personal time together, they'd be at each other's throats
I'm not exactly sure how far off the mark that was..
given all the executive orders and agendas that have been pushed since then.
Nuclear deal agreements n stuff.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: tomor on July 29, 2015, 05:12:22 PM
She didn't even know that Africa is a continent. How stupid can you be?

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: rio3232 on July 29, 2015, 05:14:12 PM
The woman was a disaster. Trying to convince her base that her opponent was a terrorist was just one instance which displayed how utterly classless she was/is. Plain is a vindictive individual and I'm sure that if she and Trump spent a reasonable amount of up close and personal time together, they'd be at each other's throats

LOL! Pain said WHO was a terrorist'??? LOL......

And she's 'vindictive'......the crap you libs come up w/is amusing.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: rio3232 on July 29, 2015, 05:15:44 PM
She didn't even know that Africa is a continent. How stupid can you be?

Ahhhh we go again.

And WHO said 'I've been to 57 states and one more to go' during his campaigning for POTUS in 08?

Now how STUPID can a U.S. senator running for POTUS be?

Hint: It WASN'T dummy McCain who babbled out that gem.

Yeah, yeah, we all know he 'misspoke' like Hillary said she did when she said she had to dodge sniper bullets in war-torn Bosnia.......

But let a Conservative woman call Africa a 'country' instead of a 'continent' and your heads explode.......

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: tiffany8 on July 29, 2015, 05:20:08 PM
LOL! Pain said WHO was a terrorist'??? LOL......

And she's 'vindictive'......the crap you libs come up w/is amusing.

Oh how conveniently we forget...

Sarah Palin: Barack Obama 'palling around with terrorists'
John McCain’s campaign has accused Barack Obama of consorting with terrorists, the first shot in a calculated programme of character assassination designed to revive his flagging presidential prospects. (

Obama Hatred At McCain-Palin Rallies: "Terrorist!" "Kill Him!" (VIDEO) (

Palin never toned down the ugly rhetoric and instead instigated even more. She is a vindictive person by nature and it never showed more than when she lost the election. She was so bitter that she condemned and poked fun at the FLOTUS for encouraging kids to eat healthy. Only kindred spirits of Palin are able to support such a horrid woman.

Back on topic... this fantasy of a Trump/Palin ticket would be the best circus ever. The Carnival Barker and the Grifter...step right up..hurry...hurry!

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: morin on July 29, 2015, 05:21:13 PM
I still don't understand the right's obsession with this woman. There are actual intelligent people on the right. Why they insist to get behind a cheerleader who has team of writers manufacturer her memes rather these intelligent people is beyond me.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: godlyitems on July 29, 2015, 05:23:45 PM
LOL! Pain said WHO was a terrorist'??? LOL......

And she's 'vindictive'......the crap you libs come up w/is amusing.

Oh how conveniently we forget...

Sarah Palin: Barack Obama 'palling around with terrorists'
John McCain’s campaign has accused Barack Obama of consorting with terrorists, the first shot in a calculated programme of character assassination designed to revive his flagging presidential prospects. (

Obama Hatred At McCain-Palin Rallies: "Terrorist!" "Kill Him!" (VIDEO) (

Palin never toned down the ugly rhetoric and instead instigated even more. She is a vindictive person by nature and it never showed more than when she lost the election. She was so bitter that she condemned and poked fun at the FLOTUS for encouraging kids to eat healthy. Only kindred spirits of Palin are able to support such a horrid woman.

Back on topic... this fantasy of a Trump/Palin ticket would be the best circus ever. The Carnival Barker and the Grifter...step right up..hurry...hurry!

Come on one democrat shill working for obama in the crowd said kill him and you think they all thought that?

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: redandblack on July 29, 2015, 05:32:12 PM
She didn't even know that Africa is a continent. How stupid can you be?

Please provide audio/video of this claim.

And no, I don't want gossip, rumors or hearsay.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Daewoo on July 29, 2015, 05:33:44 PM

Please provide audio/video of this claim.

And no, I don't want gossip, rumors or hearsay.

Remember, it's not about the actual truth, it's about what they can make the low info voter beleive about the person. They convinced a nation of low info democrats that Palin said "I can see Russia from my backyard" when it was actually Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin.

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: rio3232 on July 29, 2015, 05:35:46 PM
Still can't let it go can ya?
Can't let what go? Obama's skin color?

Hey, Leroy, I don't have a problem w/a person's skin color and never have. I'd like to see Ben Carson or Allen West run for prez and would vote for them in a heart-beat. You do know they're black?

During the 08 campaign, I heard a lot of 'oooing and aaawing' over having a black pres and no concerns about his experience and qualifications......

No, we don't vote for a POTUS according to their skin color or gender, like I've heard some lib neighbors fawning over the idea of 'we need a woman pres and Hillary is the one!'..... man, I can't get over the stupidity of people. No wonder this country is in trouble.......

So you can take your race card and....... guess..........

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Daewoo on July 29, 2015, 05:37:24 PM
Come on one democrat shill working for obama in the crowd said kill him and you think they all thought that?

just don't lump all Muslims as bad, or all blacks as dead-beat dads, or all gays as flambouyant..... because THAT would be stereotyping.... lol

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: rio3232 on July 29, 2015, 05:40:01 PM
Oh how conveniently we forget...

Sarah Palin: Barack Obama 'palling around with terrorists'
John McCain’s campaign has accused Barack Obama of consorting with terrorists, the first shot in a calculated programme of character assassination designed to revive his flagging presidential prospects. (

Obama Hatred At McCain-Palin Rallies: "Terrorist!" "Kill Him!" (VIDEO) (

Palin never toned down the ugly rhetoric and instead instigated even more. She is a vindictive person by nature and it never showed more than when she lost the election. She was so bitter that she condemned and poked fun at the FLOTUS for encouraging kids to eat healthy. Only kindred spirits of Palin are able to support such a horrid woman.

Back on topic... this fantasy of a Trump/Palin ticket would be the best circus ever. The Carnival Barker and the Grifter...step right up..hurry...hurry!
Calm down....... she was referring to his pal and author of his book,HOME-GROWN TERRORIST BILL AYERS, which is what he was. You do remember him and his background, don't you? Geeeez, so that's your beef. Palin pointed out Obama's choice of low-class friends and that hurt you. Then of course, we all remember Obama's radical pastor, mentor for 20 yrs. "He's like an uncle to me" whines Obama when Rev. "No, no! not God bless America, G-DAMN America!" Wright is dug up.......

And of course, there's another pal of Wright's and Obama's - world renowned RACIST - Louis Farrahken, Leader of the Islam Nation...

Hey, if Palin, McCain or any one else running for office had chosen friends like that and they were exposed........well, that's the name of the game. Quit complaining - you knowingly chose them as friends. Now live w/it........

"Birds of a feather flock together" is very case you didn't know.

As far as MO's 'eat healthy' school program goes - well, it made the pigs happy b/c a ton of it was tossed into the trash cans and fed to them........

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Spendulus on July 29, 2015, 08:43:46 PM
Put Palin in charge of the Dept of Homeland Security or EPA.

How much fun that would be to watch!

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Topbanker on July 29, 2015, 10:07:29 PM
Palin?? Really?? lol dumb and dumber in the white house...

Poor USA...

Title: Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin
Post by: Deadstock on July 30, 2015, 12:21:05 AM
Palin is all about that Trumpism lifestyle