Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Service Discussion (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Gleb Gamow on August 06, 2015, 09:15:24 PM

Title: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 06, 2015, 09:15:24 PM

A good dice game, or bitcoin casino, or a casino that accepts a lot of different crypto currencies, once its established you could make a mint on those babies. and it only takes a few months for them to become established a lot of gamblers in the bitcoin world. Me included

In spite of what Leroy Fodor has written above in the past, rest assured that his StakeMiners is all that he currently claims it to be, and if I had extra moneys to lose, that's exactly where I would be placing it with the promise that it'll be parlayed via a non-Ponzi backend.

Please visit StakeMiners' venerable thread over at and pay no attention to my ongoing thead - - falsely depicting Leroy Fodor as anything less than a noble addition to the cryptocurrency space.

Honestly, this is not satire! That said, all satire posts WILL be reported to the mods for its deletion SO don't even think about going there because it won't be tolerated on this thread just like those who bring non-muscle cars to car shows are not tolerated in their attempt to troll the lot.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 06, 2015, 09:26:29 PM
cyberpinoy is trying to rewrite history. I tried looking for those posts where he admitted being a noob in 2014 and they're gone... almost. Damn internet, remembers inconvenient details.

We started with 6950 rigs in 2011 added the pisonet cafe as a way to supplement the mining rigs, as they were set up to CPUMine all day while they were on we figured why not a little extra is a little extra right. We started THAT cafe in 2011 we grew the cafe in early 2012, In late 2012 the the fire destroyed everything, we then collected the funds to rebuild the cafe (since the cafe was the most profitable of the 3 businesses) the cafe was rebuilt in late feb or early march of 2013, and began buying other miners, started with usb miners moved to rockminers then to dragon and blizzard miners. We then put the cafe up for sale in late 2013 and finally sold it in mid to late 2014 and moved to Davao in late 2014.

Bitcoin: we first noticed and got into Bitcoin while in Myrtle Beach long before we ever sold our cleaning business there, we were part of the BNI business chapter of Myrtle Beach where one of the other business men brought our attention to it and we started right then investigating it as we were not satisfied with the current financial system.

I am a very new person to mining...

(June 1, 2014)

Found more proof, thanks to the WBM (it was Leroy Fodor's very fist post on this forum that I found but didn't screenshot it upon quoting it):;u=338432;sa=showPosts;start=20

The above not only honestly proves 1,000,000,000% that Katrina Fodor is a retard for being married to Leroy, but that in no motherfuckin' way in hell was Leroy Fodor aware of Bitcoin prior to June 1, 2014, with him even expressing that he thought it was some sort of Ponzi scheme on his Facebook page, ergo impossible for him to buy and sell bitcoins in 2009 and later owning a single GH/s of mining equipment (solar power operated or not) prior to when he declared doing such, again, on his Facebook page and subsequently on this and other cryptocurrency forums from June, 2014, forward.

Leroy Fodor is 100% a serial liar, and anybody who invests in his Ponzi scheme has Gone Full FODOR!

I honestly see where I made my mistake when I posted the above. No where did Leroy Fodor say that he was mining bitcoins. I simply assumed that to be the case, thus confusing 2014 with 2009 when he really did get stated buying and selling bitcoins, and Leroy doesn't have to show me or others proof that such was the case.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 06, 2015, 09:34:35 PM

When Creating a website I like to do as much myself as possible. Free websites are fun but for something important I like to create and manage the site from scratch with access to the root files . You can find other ways to get good content, you can look for some ghost writers and pay a little for their articles. either way you have to make the decision of what is best for your site and your viewers.

EDIT: I have decided to boycott GOOGLE I am even thinking of blocking all Google addresses from within my computers CMD programing.

Given that Leroy Fodor can now be fully trusted, I, too, will gamble and boycott GOOGLE. Now, I may not be able to go it cold-turkey like Leroy probably did, but I will do my best, and soon I hope to be a Bing-fu expert.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 06, 2015, 10:04:24 PM

I invite you to follow in my footsteps

I wish to apologize to Leroy Fodor for characterizing him as some sort of leader, gambling that he'll accept my honest apology.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day. Tell him that Bruno sent you, whereupon Leroy may give you a discount.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 06, 2015, 10:35:31 PM
Very take care of what he said and his career.You have problem you can ask him if he knows he tell the solution to you no hidding. Trusted to do business with.

Excellent feedback on Leroy Fodor's trust thingie from his investor, wofvman, more proof that I honestly believe Leroy's StakeMiners is one of the best, if not THE best gambles in all of cryptocurrencyland, and that it's goin' places.

Leroy Fodor ONLY stakes coins that he fully researches, thus you can honestly trust those entities, as well, since they work hand-in-hand of sorts.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 07, 2015, 02:16:21 AM
Bruno I do not remember deleting anything, I am not sure where whatever posts you are talking about went, and I think from what we see here if they existed you would have them somewhere in that folder of Leroy Fodor you keep on your computer. So you can keep asking about those posts, But I do not recall ever deleting anything form my account.;u=338432;sa=showPosts;start=20;u=338432;sa=showPosts;u=338432;sa=showPosts

Mr. Fodor, I, for one, understand full well how it's possible for a busy guy like you could've not seen the three mysteriously deleted posts from your user account on this forum in spite of you had to see them because you quoted and replied to posts prior and after the above were first introduced, including commenting on them via at least thirty other deleted posts archived here - - in my now regrettable scam thread I started about you - - of which since you have been kind enough to show me the light as to how my assessment there was a big mistake, offering up an apology in the form of this thread so others know that StakeMiners is STILL open for business.

To be clear, none of the three posts quoted above proves that Leroy Fodor WAS NOT involved in Bitcoin in 2009, even though I once tried to prove otherwise that circa June, 2014, was probably a more accurate timeframe that Leroy stumbled upon Bitcoin.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 07, 2015, 02:34:36 AM

If I ever went to vegas and put 20 bucks in a machine and won 100 id be done for the weekend.

Heard that! You, like millions of others that have visited Vegas done just that. You, like them, are called winners. Ain't it amazing, Leroy, how countless millions more go to Vegas claiming their goin' do the above, but end up flat broke days before they're schedule to return home? Those people are called losers.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 07, 2015, 06:04:33 PM
I've changed the title of the other thread so better to reflex Leroy's key attribute:

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Xian01 on August 08, 2015, 05:27:11 AM
You are a very strange dude.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 08, 2015, 06:18:24 PM
We have had 2 people have We've had only two people who've encountered some problems with the Payment payment processor, both situations were cause caused because of either to much too many BTC being sent or not enough,. Luckily, Coinpayments now has automatic refunding which is all done thru the email through email. I am I'm not sure what the process is on thier their end but I do know it is it's working.

Also, i I saw a post on here stating something about A a super fast ROI,. StakeMiners has an ROI of about 220 days right now. We are doing our best to lower this time frame, however, we also know that ROI here is a little bit different than most cloud mining,. With us, your principle investment is always there safe. I do know of a couple accounts clients who who've made a profit after withdrawing, then withdrew their investment investments after 45 or more days only enjoyed having an account with us for approximately 45 days.

In spite of ...

Yes In this thread I try my best to go back and edit them for spelling errors. Sorry about that.

... it's quite obvious that Leroy Fodor, with his business degree from Ohio University in tow, doesn't have time to concern himself with spelling, grammatical errors and properly structuring sentences. Luckily, for him, he has me to fill that honorable role as atonement for him allowing me to see the light that Leroy Fodor is not, I repeat, NOT a scammer due to his constant revisions of history pertaining to his past, e.g., accolades, namely he being a retired-cum-not retired Forex trader, selling off his profitable commodity portfolio consisting of 380 consecutive successful trades so to buy and sell bitcoins in 2009, then later operating the largest solar power bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines, a fact because all the Filipinos told him that that was the case prior to it, and three other businesses he and his wife, Katrina, ran, burnt to the ground by fire of unknown origin on December 8, 2012, hence the Fodor's GoFundMe campaign: But not to be deterred, in 2014 Leroy Fodor picked himself back up from the non-proverbial ashes and rebuilt the once again largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines sans the use of solar panels (currently in the works) via the amassing of satoshis and altshis from faucets, then parlaying them by only making sound trades using some sort of system, later shared at free seminars he conducted across the Philippines, where others who heeded his orations built their own profitable mining operations accordingly, as they, too, were able to ROI in ONLY three months, then they (among others) flocked to invest in Leroy's StakeMiners so that they can repeat their previous success and ROI in now ONLY approximately six months (currently, 220 days), with constant efforts to decease that timeframe, for if not, some investors may opt to end their relationship with StakeMiners, forfeiting 30% of their investment as for-being-special thanks for having the privilege to participate in the venerated endeavor.

Now, I know some of yous are thinking that the above account reads like a The Orion piece, but trust me, it's honestly true and I'm not lying.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 08, 2015, 09:57:50 PM
I did enter into Bitcoin in late 2009 I was introduced to Bitcoin by another business owner in the local Myrtle Beach BNI weekly meetings. I did not purchase them from an exchange I traded them thru him. While in Myrtle Beach I researched into them a bit so I could better understand what it was, what purpose it served and if it was beneficial to dig in deep and get going. I began to get the feeling the government and banks would not allow such a financial system to get to far and continued to just buy and sell them off the market and off exchanges thru the man who introduced me to them gaining small amounts of profit on each buy and sell. Since I did not trust that the government and banks would not allow it to proceed I invested very little with the mindset to only risk what I can afford to lose. I researched enough and liked the mining aspect better than the risk of trading so i then mined some and sold those to him instead of buying low and selling when they increased in value.

In 2011 we moved to the Philippines for personal reasons that do not involve crypto, we bought a large piece of land to put a business on, the business grew into 3 businesses as 2 of them worked hand in hand, we added a bitcoin mining farm and internet cafe and I then began trading them on exchanges myself. With the brownouts and expensive electricity costs we got into some solar panels. The panels were not enough to actually run the whole mine we were experimenting with them and using them to supplement our electricity and lower our cost only.

in 2012 we had a fire that destroyed everything including the external hard drive that held 15 years of graphic design work, over 4000 dollars of design software used in the graphics work and yes the bitcoin wallet we used that was mined to, also in the fire were the 3 USB sticks that contained the backups of the wallet and information, as well as a lot of cash we were saving for my wifes delivery of the baby. So unfortunately NO i am not able to provide the address for you nor sign a message from it. Its crazy how a fire will do that to things.

The go fund me campaign was started to try and help us get back on our feet, as any normal people with the ability to use would have done. I also came here for help as well, I did not want people to know I was a miner before so a lot of post you will see at that time will make reference to me being new. I did not like how the members of this forum treated people and I thought. since it was a new account and I had never had the need for Bitcoin talk in the past, it may be better if they thought I was new to the scene in general. So yes some places will state i am new to mining I am new to bitcoin and actually no i was not. I was not an expert at neither bitcoin or mining so I didnt see anything wrong with posing as a new user, to get the best information i could.

Yes i did graduate from Ohio University with a business degree not an English literature degree, and i graduated a long time ago. English was not my best class, always had red marks all over my papers, However creative writing was, which would explain why I make such long posts. I guess i learned it i college and that has stuck with me. I am not the best speller and I am not the best at grammar so i do apologize.

Yes we did Forex trading and yes I did have an account with over 300 consecutive winning trades of gold and silver with a volume of 1 or more in each trade. For people who don't understand Forex trading that is very very good actually. better than what a country boy would be expected to do on a wallstreet industry.  

After the fire in late 2012 we started another internet cafe , and started back in bitcoin. when getting into this again I saw on this forum where people were saying in order to make now after the big peak had come and gone you will need a massive amount of money to do it. I thought I could prove them wrong. So I made sure to do what I could without using funds from our own pocket to do it. I started with doing faucets every day all day long, I moved onto making referral links , got a free website and got that section going, as I built up I grew I started buying equipment, I started with usb miners, then rock miners, then dragon miners and then Zeus miners. I did go and talk to people about bitcoin to try and introduce them to it and yes it was one tracked and profitable for me, As the whole thing revolved around referral links, I talked to them i introduced them to it and the ones who wished to get started doing what I did naturally were using my referral links for anything they were doing. SO the meetups and small seminars I was doing I did for free because I am still today earning on the ones I got into bitcoin at this time.

As it grew we noticed more people in Davao were getting into Bitcoin than around our town, so we began talking about moving. we put the land up for sale, and made every attempt we could to make the deal for the house look very very nice because in the Philippines negotiating the price on a house means they try and knock 50% off the asking price off.So the nicer it looked and seemed the higher the price can be so when they hit us with a counter that was 50% less than what we were asking we were still making what we wanted from the house. This is a tactic anyone in our shoes would have done.

For a while YES we did have the largest bitcoin mining farm in the Philippines and yes this was told to us by people who were mining and met up with other Filipinos who thought they had the largest one until they saw ours. And right now it is not solar powered we are trying to get solar again so we can mine with our hardware once again, the electricity cost is just to high to mine BTC right now. I do not know if we still would have the largest mining farm in the Philippines now but I do know it would be the largest in Mindanao without a doubt. Most Filipinos trade or run an account on Local Bitcoins to get their profits, some trade and very few actually mine.

We sold the internet cafe and was swindled by our cousin in an investment opportunity that would have been profitable if he would not have just stolen the money and ran off with it. this put us a few steps behind meeting the goals we had planned. Its amazing how you hope you can get something done and how bad people can mess with the goals you want to achieve.

And yes while bitcoins were worth 400 to 600 dollars a coin we did make our ROI in 3 to 4 months on the machines, but if you really think about it we made an ROI form day one since no actual cash was ever used out of our pocket to get our personal bitcoin project going.

Stakeminers was started because we saw so many people getting screwed over with scam sites and run away thieves, so I got with a friend of mine and shared my ideas he asked if he could be part of it and our partnership began, we both then worked on getting everything we needed, we both made agreements with each other as to what our specific duties were in the partnership and both of us hold true to our promises we made that day.

Stakeminers is neither a scam, nor a fast ROI nor a ponzi, its a real long term investment and yes it does have withdraw fees, and those fees diminish over time to be fair to everyone, the fees and the reasons they exist are clearly written in the TOS of the site as well as the receipt you get after you make your deposit. StakeMiners is a long term investment opportunity where as a group we work together for an equal benefit to all of us. We now have a Board Of Investors so now I am not the only person molding the future of StakeMiners. and yes very soon a page will be available where you can see each member of the board what we discuss at the meetings and what decisions are being made. we are very transparent in all we do. if you have any questions regarding StakeMiners please use our official thread

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 04:44:30 AM
I did enter into Bitcoin in late 2009 I was introduced to Bitcoin by another business owner in the local Myrtle Beach BNI weekly meetings. I did not purchase them from an exchange I traded them thru him. While in Myrtle Beach I researched into them a bit so I could better understand what it was, what purpose it served and if it was beneficial to dig in deep and get going. I began to get the feeling the government and banks would not allow such a financial system to get to far and continued to just buy and sell them off the market and off exchanges thru the man who introduced me to them gaining small amounts of profit on each buy and sell. Since I did not trust that the government and banks would not allow it to proceed I invested very little with the mindset to only risk what I can afford to lose. I researched enough and liked the mining aspect better than the risk of trading so i then mined some and sold those to him instead of buying low and selling when they increased in value.

In 2011 we moved to the Philippines for personal reasons that do not involve crypto, we bought a large piece of land to put a business on, the business grew into 3 businesses as 2 of them worked hand in hand, we added a bitcoin mining farm and internet cafe and I then began trading them on exchanges myself. With the brownouts and expensive electricity costs we got into some solar panels. The panels were not enough to actually run the whole mine we were experimenting with them and using them to supplement our electricity and lower our cost only.

in 2012 we had a fire that destroyed everything including the external hard drive that held 15 years of graphic design work, over 4000 dollars of design software used in the graphics work and yes the bitcoin wallet we used that was mined to, also in the fire were the 3 USB sticks that contained the backups of the wallet and information, as well as a lot of cash we were saving for my wifes delivery of the baby. So unfortunately NO i am not able to provide the address for you nor sign a message from it. Its crazy how a fire will do that to things.

The go fund me campaign was started to try and help us get back on our feet, as any normal people with the ability to use would have done. I also came here for help as well, I did not want people to know I was a miner before so a lot of post you will see at that time will make reference to me being new. I did not like how the members of this forum treated people and I thought. since it was a new account and I had never had the need for Bitcoin talk in the past, it may be better if they thought I was new to the scene in general. So yes some places will state i am new to mining I am new to bitcoin and actually no i was not. I was not an expert at neither bitcoin or mining so I didnt see anything wrong with posing as a new user, to get the best information i could.

Yes i did graduate from Ohio University with a business degree not an English literature degree, and i graduated a long time ago. English was not my best class, always had red marks all over my papers, However creative writing was, which would explain why I make such long posts. I guess i learned it i college and that has stuck with me. I am not the best speller and I am not the best at grammar so i do apologize.

Yes we did Forex trading and yes I did have an account with over 300 consecutive winning trades of gold and silver with a volume of 1 or more in each trade. For people who don't understand Forex trading that is very very good actually. better than what a country boy would be expected to do on a wallstreet industry.  

After the fire in late 2012 we started another internet cafe , and started back in bitcoin. when getting into this again I saw on this forum where people were saying in order to make now after the big peak had come and gone you will need a massive amount of money to do it. I thought I could prove them wrong. So I made sure to do what I could without using funds from our own pocket to do it. I started with doing faucets every day all day long, I moved onto making referral links , got a free website and got that section going, as I built up I grew I started buying equipment, I started with usb miners, then rock miners, then dragon miners and then Zeus miners. I did go and talk to people about bitcoin to try and introduce them to it and yes it was one tracked and profitable for me, As the whole thing revolved around referral links, I talked to them i introduced them to it and the ones who wished to get started doing what I did naturally were using my referral links for anything they were doing. SO the meetups and small seminars I was doing I did for free because I am still today earning on the ones I got into bitcoin at this time.

As it grew we noticed more people in Davao were getting into Bitcoin than around our town, so we began talking about moving. we put the land up for sale, and made every attempt we could to make the deal for the house look very very nice because in the Philippines negotiating the price on a house means they try and knock 50% off the asking price off.So the nicer it looked and seemed the higher the price can be so when they hit us with a counter that was 50% less than what we were asking we were still making what we wanted from the house. This is a tactic anyone in our shoes would have done.

For a while YES we did have the largest bitcoin mining farm in the Philippines and yes this was told to us by people who were mining and met up with other Filipinos who thought they had the largest one until they saw ours. And right now it is not solar powered we are trying to get solar again so we can mine with our hardware once again, the electricity cost is just to high to mine BTC right now. I do not know if we still would have the largest mining farm in the Philippines now but I do know it would be the largest in Mindanao without a doubt. Most Filipinos trade or run an account on Local Bitcoins to get their profits, some trade and very few actually mine.

We sold the internet cafe and was swindled by our cousin in an investment opportunity that would have been profitable if he would not have just stolen the money and ran off with it. this put us a few steps behind meeting the goals we had planned. Its amazing how you hope you can get something done and how bad people can mess with the goals you want to achieve.

And yes while bitcoins were worth 400 to 600 dollars a coin we did make our ROI in 3 to 4 months on the machines, but if you really think about it we made an ROI form day one since no actual cash was ever used out of our pocket to get our personal bitcoin project going.

Stakeminers was started because we saw so many people getting screwed over with scam sites and run away thieves, so I got with a friend of mine and shared my ideas he asked if he could be part of it and our partnership began, we both then worked on getting everything we needed, we both made agreements with each other as to what our specific duties were in the partnership and both of us hold true to our promises we made that day.

Stakeminers is neither a scam, nor a fast ROI nor a ponzi, its a real long term investment and yes it does have withdraw fees, and those fees diminish over time to be fair to everyone, the fees and the reasons they exist are clearly written in the TOS of the site as well as the receipt you get after you make your deposit. StakeMiners is a long term investment opportunity where as a group we work together for an equal benefit to all of us. We now have a Board Of Investors so now I am not the only person molding the future of StakeMiners. and yes very soon a page will be available where you can see each member of the board what we discuss at the meetings and what decisions are being made. we are very transparent in all we do. if you have any questions regarding StakeMiners please use our official thread

Comment(s) forthcoming, meanwhile...

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

I guess it does make sense that Leroy Fodor did indeed have solar panels in place powering his bitcoin mining farm there in the Philippines given that most the other electricity from the local utility company had to be used to run an ice cream deep freezer, and an upright and chest refrigerators, not to mention the fans, lighting, etc., especially at night when the disco was open to power those lights as well along with the stereo equipment, not to mention juice needed to run home appliances including a 70 and 45 inch TVs.

Leroy Fodor has already clearly explained to me how it was possible to have the solar panels (completely destroyed in the fire) on the tin roof that leaned west surrounded by coconut trees, so that's now a mute concern I once had.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 09, 2015, 04:53:06 AM
Bruno stop saying there will be an ROI at the end of the day you know for a fact that is not true, so stop posting it. We do not promote a fast ROI in StakeMiners and I ask you to stop doing it as well, you are misleading people into believing in something that is just not possible with a real investment opportunity.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 05:57:50 AM
Bruno stop saying there will be an ROI at the end of the day you know for a fact that is not true, so stop posting it. We do not promote a fast ROI in StakeMiners and I ask you to stop doing it as well, you are misleading people into believing in something that is just not possible with a real investment opportunity.

You are so funny, but I guess that's why I like you. Please accept my apology for you not knowing that the term "at the end of the day" does not necessarily mean literally at the end of any given day, in StakeMiners instance we're currently talkin' 'bout ~220 days, of which you're trying to decrease that timeframe according to one of your latest post. Damn Ohio University where you received your business degree for not ingraining such in their alumni's psyche, thus allowing them to sometimes embarrass themselves once they reach a certain level of success as you've fully demonstrated in attaining.

Please keep up the excellent efforts on your part and keep posting so that others can see, then hopefully benefit by acting accordingly.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 09, 2015, 06:04:53 AM

I guess it does make sense that Leroy Fodor did indeed have solar panels in place powering his bitcoin mining farm there in the Philippines given that most the other electricity from the local utility company had to be used to run an ice cream deep freezer, and an upright and chest refrigerators, not to mention the fans, lighting, etc., especially at night when the disco was open to power those lights as well along with the stereo equipment, not to mention juice needed to run home appliances including a 70 inch TV.

Leroy Fodor has already clearly explained to me how it was possible to have the solar panels (completely destroyed in the fire) on the tin roof that leaned west surrounded by coconut trees, so that's now a mute concern I once had.

Yes you are correct the slant did face west so at the end of the day it got as much sunlight as possible however that is not why it faced that way, common water runoff knowledge came it play when designing the building. As you can see the building set down lower than the road, we made the roof slanted the way it did so the rain run off would go to the back of the building instead of the front where people would sit and drink or eat, it ran off the roof and down to the river which was not the size of any river I would consider to be a river, for me I would have considered it more a creek than a river, but it was called a river on the maps so.

It worked out quite well that way for the panels in that facing north or south direct sunlight would get cut off earlier and would have been shaded by the vast amount of bamboo coconut and mango trees on the north and south of us  but facing west it allowed sun to hit them full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally set, facing north or south or east and it would not have been as strong at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 06:36:55 AM

I guess it does make sense that Leroy Fodor did indeed have solar panels in place powering his bitcoin mining farm there in the Philippines given that most the other electricity from the local utility company had to be used to run an ice cream deep freezer, and an upright and chest refrigerators, not to mention the fans, lighting, etc., especially at night when the disco was open to power those lights as well along with the stereo equipment, not to mention juice needed to run home appliances including a 70 inch TV.

Leroy Fodor has already clearly explained to me how it was possible to have the solar panels (completely destroyed in the fire) on the tin roof that leaned west surrounded by coconut trees, so that's now a mute concern I once had.

Yes you are correct the slant did face west so at the end of the day it got as much sunlight as possible however that is not why it faced that way, common water runoff knowledge came it play when designing the building. As you can see the building set down lower than the road, we made the roof slanted the way it did so the rain run off would go to the back of the building instead of the front where people would sit and drink or eat, it ran off the roof and down to the river which was not the size of any river I would consider to be a river, for me I would have considered it more a creek than a river, but it was called a river on the maps so.

It worked out quite well that way for the panels in that facing north or south direct sunlight would get cut off earlier and would have been shaded by the vast amount of bamboo coconut and mango trees on the north and south of us  but facing west it allowed sun to hit them full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally set, facing north or south or east and it would not have been as strong at the end of the day.

I’m a No Bullshit kinda man, I call em like I see em and Ill surely tell you the truth no matter if you like it or not. I HATE stupidity, Ignorance, and just plain ungratefulness and I can not stand GREED!

Please don't hate me for being stupid, for your account NOW makes perfect sense.

Leroy Fodor

We own a grocery store in Comagascas, please NOTE this is not a Sari Sari, it is not a small little store. Our store is almost 100 Sq meters, the only grocery store in Comagascas right now. We placed an order with your company on October 3rd, which was 5 days before our opening of our store. We were given banners that we hung on our store a week before the opening stating we carried MEGA Sardines. We placed our order with the expectancy to have these products here and stocked before the opening day. Unfortunately when the day came for the opening we still did not have your products and in order to not look like idiots to the Comagascas customers we had to go to our competitor and purchase Mega Sardines, soy sauce, ketchup, cooking oil and other products at retail price and put them on our shelf. WHY?

October 17, 2011 at 12:29pm · Like

Also, please accept my apology for referring to your little store as a Sari Sari, for clearly, according to your own words to a vendor, IT IS NOT.

The building sits on the lot so that 60 percent of the lot is open for development, and inquiries have been made that people want to rent that space. You are the only disco bar and grocery store in our barangay, the sari sari traffic alone could make you a billionaire. This is a great opportunity for someone and if we dont sell by april we will just keep it all.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you were referring to some Sari Sari adjacent to your little store that you were selling back in 2012 prior to the terrible fire.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 08:15:10 AM

I guess it does make sense that Leroy Fodor did indeed have solar panels in place powering his bitcoin mining farm there in the Philippines given that most the other electricity from the local utility company had to be used to run an ice cream deep freezer, and an upright and chest refrigerators, not to mention the fans, lighting, etc., especially at night when the disco was open to power those lights as well along with the stereo equipment, not to mention juice needed to run home appliances including a 70 inch TV.

Leroy Fodor has already clearly explained to me how it was possible to have the solar panels (completely destroyed in the fire) on the tin roof that leaned west surrounded by coconut trees, so that's now a mute concern I once had.

Yes you are correct the slant did face west so at the end of the day it got as much sunlight as possible however that is not why it faced that way, common water runoff knowledge came it play when designing the building. As you can see the building set down lower than the road, we made the roof slanted the way it did so the rain run off would go to the back of the building instead of the front where people would sit and drink or eat, it ran off the roof and down to the river which was not the size of any river I would consider to be a river, for me I would have considered it more a creek than a river, but it was called a river on the maps so.

It worked out quite well that way for the panels in that facing north or south direct sunlight would get cut off earlier and would have been shaded by the vast amount of bamboo coconut and mango trees on the north and south of us  but facing west it allowed sun to hit them full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally set, facing north or south or east and it would not have been as strong at the end of the day.

Again, thank you so kindly, Leroy Fodor, for setting my ignorant ass straight. Unlike yourself, I'm not at all versed in how solar panels should be oriented. Also, I finally get it when you said that one shouldn't believe what they read on the internet, given that most all others so-called experts espouse orienting solar panels toward the south because, e.g., facing west would ONLY get the afternoon sunlight. Boy, are they off their fuckin' their rockers, for you've successfully proven them wrong with your setup surrounded on three sides (not south) by coconut trees. Even this professor - - when giving a seminar on how to properly orient solar panels in the Philippines to the south, falsely stating that if oriented east or west they would ONLY receive partial sunlight, with facing north being the worse option.

That said, your west orientation is nothing short of shear genius, and I can't wait till your white paper is published for peer review. That'll really stick it up that ignorant Filipino professor's ass, wouldn't it?

As best as I can calculate, you would of ONLY needed 20 of these 500 watt panels facing west to run you entire small farm (albeit the largest in all the Philippines) consisting of 10 TH/s.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 08:36:22 AM
We sold the internet cafe and was swindled by our cousin in an investment opportunity that would have been profitable if he would not have just stolen the money and ran off with it. this put us a few steps behind meeting the goals we had planned. Its amazing how you hope you can get something done and how bad people can mess with the goals you want to achieve.

That is totally fucked up, Leroy Fodor, having your own cousin treat you that way after you sold the cafe in 2014. At first, I honestly thought you made that story up till I read what you wrote back in 2012 on how he fucked you over.

Talk about lifestyles of the rich and famous this is it bro as good as it can get for poor folks like us. If not for my wifes family (cousin) stealing from us and scamming us out of 400,000 pesos, we would not be leaving. But I just do not want to be near them, or around them and I want to take my wife back where she is appreciated.

Again, that's totally fucked up that after you and your wife worked your asses off and finally selling the place in 2014, you trusted your cousin to invest the windfall only for him to stealing it from you, whereupon you had to amass cryptocurrencies via faucets to garner enough to purchase your first bitcoin miners to start anew, and wise enough to ROI in ONLY three months while others took twice as long, at best, to accomplish the same feat, then kind enough to go on the road to conduct free seminars to teach others how to be as successful as you, doing such because others in this space weren't sharing their secrets, being the greedy bastards they all are.

You're da man, and that's why I, and hopefully now others, love the fuckin' livin' shit outta you, and hence this thread to spread the good word.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 09, 2015, 10:39:54 AM
IT seems you are again talking in circles Bruno, and pulling numbers and figures out of thin air. Please scroll up and re-read my little story I provided you and lets not dwell on statements made that may have been advertising tactics that everyone uses.

 I apologize to have proven your assumptions of me wrong, and I do appreciate you have the time to look into my life, research me like you do as well as professors input in the Philippines and how they feel solar panels should be hooked up. Very well done, however things people advise are not always followed, experts in this very forum also stated you could not get into bitcoin without using massive amounts of money in order to do so and I proved that wrong, this very forum also states it is not profitable to solo mine BTC 3 years ago, another statement that of which was false. So sometimes, like in our case, not only is it good to do your own research you also have to do with what tools you have at hand, i had a roof that slanted to the west, So we put solar up on there. enough Solar which I clearly stated DID NOT POWER THE WHOLE FARM but was just supplemental energy to lower our electricity costs. SO I apologize if experienced solar power professors and expert electricians like yourself do not agree with what we had to do, but we used whatever the situation at hand presented us with, and since it was supplemental only, any additional electricity thew couple panels we had provided was better than nothing.

If you want real information about StakeMiners please use the official thread, this thread seems to be full of misleading errors.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 09, 2015, 01:45:46 PM

The building sits on the lot so that 60 percent of the lot is open for development, and inquiries have been made that people want to rent that space. You are the only disco bar and grocery store in our barangay, the sari sari traffic alone could make you a billionaire. This is a great opportunity for someone and if we dont sell by april we will just keep it all.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you were referring to some Sari Sari adjacent to your little store that you were selling back in 2012 prior to the terrible fire.

Unfortunately no sir, you have once again assumed incorrectly. As the sentence reads that you distracted the readers from focusing on, it states it is a grocery store, the sari sari traffic it is referencing is the sari sari stores who purchased their goods from our grocery store. see the store was located between 2 large cities and right outside of a small town, so most sari sari owners came to us for their products they needed.

Just out of curiosity Bruno can you explain to the readers what a grocery store, disco bar or any of the things you have been pointing out really have to do with a multicoin, POS staking pool and cloud mining service. How exactly does POW equipment, solar panels, Grocery stores, disco bars, internet cafes, what does any of that have to do with StakeMiners?

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Brad Harrison on August 09, 2015, 01:59:57 PM
Gleb have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: zz11 on August 09, 2015, 02:11:46 PM
Gleb have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

he is one crazy dude but gives valid points.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 05:18:39 PM
Gleb have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

he is one crazy dude but gives valid points.

As long as we all remember that all satirical posts WILL be reported to the mods marked for deletion.

Looks like my pal, Leroy Fodor, pen a couple more posts that may be corrected for spelling, etc.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 05:37:57 PM

The building sits on the lot so that 60 percent of the lot is open for development, and inquiries have been made that people want to rent that space. You are the only disco bar and grocery store in our barangay, the sari sari traffic alone could make you a billionaire. This is a great opportunity for someone and if we dont sell by april we will just keep it all.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you were referring to some Sari Sari adjacent to your little store that you were selling back in 2012 prior to the terrible fire.

Unfortunately no sir, you have once again assumed incorrectly. As the sentence reads that you distracted the readers from focusing on, it states it is a grocery store, the sari sari traffic it is referencing is the sari sari stores who purchased their goods from our grocery store. see the store was located between 2 large cities and right outside of a small town, so most sari sari owners came to us for their products they needed.

Just out of curiosity Bruno can you explain to the readers what a grocery store, disco bar or any of the things you have been pointing out really have to do with a multicoin, POS staking pool and cloud mining service. How exactly does POW equipment, solar panels, Grocery stores, disco bars, internet cafes, what does any of that have to do with StakeMiners?

you do not need 5 million pesos of capitol to open a 12 foot by 12 foot sari sari.
My wife and I opened a business with 175 dollars and sold it 2 years later for 35,000 dollars.

With the above, allow me to remind you, Leroy Fodor, that satire WILL not be tolerated in this thread, but I'll let this post of yours slide this time, but consider yourself on notice, bud.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 05:49:39 PM
If you want real information about StakeMiners please use the official thread, this thread seems to be full of misleading errors.

Do you honestly believe that your official thread littered with grammatical errors can garner more support for StakeMiners then this thread being near-grammatically correct, save for the times you post? I'm providing you one helluva service free of charge, so I advise you to not piss me off otherwise you'll be on your own to muster up investors for your venerable endeavor. Lucky for you, it'll honestly take a helluva lot to piss me off.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 05:58:53 PM
It worked out quite well that way for the panels in that facing north or south direct sunlight would get cut off earlier and would have been shaded by the vast amount of bamboo coconut and mango trees on the north and south of us  but facing west it allowed sun to hit them full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally set, facing north or south or east and it would not have been as strong at the end of the day.

Before I comment further 'bout them west-facing solar panels and those fucked up expects who obviously have it all wrong, I believe you have made a slight error in the above. The south side of your Sari Sari was the ONLY area that didn't have trees, with the building completely shaded from trees on the north, west and east side of the building, of which the images you've provided throughout the years attest to that fact.

Please accept my apologies if my assessment was based on satire on your part, i.e., west-facing solar panels hit by the sun full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally sets, notwithstanding shorter days in the winter when the sun is colder.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 06:09:08 PM
IT seems you are again talking in circles Bruno, and pulling numbers and figures out of thin air. Please scroll up and re-read my little story I provided you and lets not dwell on statements made that may have been advertising tactics that everyone uses.

Personal note: Fuck me for not attending Ohio University and earning a business degree, minoring in storytelling, like Leroy Fodor had because I don't have one iota of an idea what the fuck the above means.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 06:23:00 PM
I apologize to have proven your assumptions of me wrong, and I do appreciate you have the time to look into my life, research me like you do as well as professors input in the Philippines and how they feel solar panels should be hooked up. Very well done, however things people advise are not always followed, experts in this very forum also stated you could not get into bitcoin without using massive amounts of money in order to do so and I proved that wrong, this very forum also states it is not profitable to solo mine BTC 3 years ago, another statement that of which was false. So sometimes, like in our case, not only is it good to do your own research you also have to do with what tools you have at hand, i had a roof that slanted to the west, So we put solar up on there. enough Solar which I clearly stated DID NOT POWER THE WHOLE FARM but was just supplemental energy to lower our electricity costs. SO I apologize if experienced solar power professors and expert electricians like yourself do not agree with what we had to do, but we used whatever the situation at hand presented us with, and since it was supplemental only, any additional electricity thew couple panels we had provided was better than nothing.

Again, I've been served with another excellent comment by you, Leroy Fodor, for, again, it didn't occur to me that if I had a building surrounded by tree with its roof leaning north, attaching solar panels to it would be just as prudent considering that whatever extra power I would glean from the sun would be better than nothing, ergo solar panel expects be damned.

That said, even though Leroy Fodor has proven the experts wrong, that has nothing to do with how he would handle one's investments, for both aspects are heterogeneous, not parallel nor will they ever connect to one another.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 06:44:18 PM

I guess it does make sense that Leroy Fodor did indeed have solar panels in place powering his bitcoin mining farm there in the Philippines given that most the other electricity from the local utility company had to be used to run an ice cream deep freezer, and an upright and chest refrigerators, not to mention the fans, lighting, etc., especially at night when the disco was open to power those lights as well along with the stereo equipment, not to mention juice needed to run home appliances including a 70 inch TV.

Leroy Fodor has already clearly explained to me how it was possible to have the solar panels (completely destroyed in the fire) on the tin roof that leaned west surrounded by coconut trees, so that's now a mute concern I once had.

Yes you are correct the slant did face west so at the end of the day it got as much sunlight as possible however that is not why it faced that way, common water runoff knowledge came it play when designing the building. As you can see the building set down lower than the road, we made the roof slanted the way it did so the rain run off would go to the back of the building instead of the front where people would sit and drink or eat, it ran off the roof and down to the river which was not the size of any river I would consider to be a river, for me I would have considered it more a creek than a river, but it was called a river on the maps so.

It worked out quite well that way for the panels in that facing north or south direct sunlight would get cut off earlier and would have been shaded by the vast amount of bamboo coconut and mango trees on the north and south of us  but facing west it allowed sun to hit them full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally set, facing north or south or east and it would not have been as strong at the end of the day.

If shade from a tree or a chimney is cast on even one of the panels in the string, the output of the entire string will be reduced to virtually zero for as long as the shadow sits there.

Leroy Fodor, once again you are correct in stating that them so-called expects populating the Internet don't have a clue as to what they're talkin' 'bout, for you've single-handedly proved them wrong with your west-facing solar panel getup surrounded by trees was more than an acceptable investment given that whatever output it produced was better than nothing as you combated the daily brownouts there in the Philippines enjoying only approximately six hours of electricity from the local provider as you've once declared.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 09, 2015, 07:13:44 PM

It's refreshing to see this dude as one of StakeMiners' Board of Investors, for if anybody were able to see bullshit, it would be this dude given that he's a journalist for Bitcoinist. If he endorsed StakeMiners, you can rest assured that all his other endorsements are just as sound.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 02:55:28 AM
How exactly does POW equipment, solar panels, Grocery stores, disco bars, internet cafes, what does any of that have to do with StakeMiners?

Because your past accomplishments are a bellwether as to how well you'll operate StakeMiners, most of which you've used in the past to advance the enterprise, but if you no longer desire to showcase your accolades, that's your call, and who am I to argue with an Ohio University alumnus possessing a business degree?

BTW, excellent ploy in trolling this thread to bring further awareness to StakeMiners, thus gaining more investors. Damn me! for never attending a second of higher education like the likes of you. If only... I, too, would've probably be in position to stick it up Bitcoin developers' asses for not doing their job, i.e., promoting Bitcoin (just doing their stupid coding that anybody can do, to echo your sentiment), thus leaving it up to us to perform such duties, and learning them solar panel clowns for their choir-esque stance in declaring that in the Northern Hemisphere, solar panels should always be oriented to the south for maximum efficiency. Again, I gotta hand it to you for proven them retards wrong with your west-facing solar panel getup that completely burnt in the fire since no proof exist of their previous existence along with the batteries, relays, and the bitcoin miners that made up your largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 04:24:43 AM
Bruno stop saying there will be an ROI at the end of the day you know for a fact that is not true, so stop posting it. We do not promote a fast ROI in StakeMiners and I ask you to stop doing it as well, you are misleading people into believing in something that is just not possible with a real investment opportunity.

You are so funny, but I guess that's why I like you. Please accept my apology for you not knowing that the term "at the end of the day" does not necessarily mean literally at the end of any given day, in StakeMiners instance we're currently talkin' 'bout ~220 days, of which you're trying to decrease that timeframe according to one of your latest post. Damn Ohio University where you received your business degree for not ingraining such in their alumni's psyche, thus allowing them to sometimes embarrass themselves once they reach a certain level of success as you've fully demonstrated in attaining.

Please keep up the excellent efforts on your part and keep posting so that others can see, then hopefully benefit by acting accordingly.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Like I said, Leroy Fodor, you are so funny, for you knew exactly how I used "at the end of the day" in context:

However this is not as much the banks fault as it is the investors who buy these contracts knowing full and well it is an IOU that is backed by nothing the investors and investment firms who purchase these paper contracts already know the bank doesnt have what they are promising as the buyer you hope th bank will indeed come thru on their promise which then takes the percentage of the blame the buyers had away from them because at the end of the day its the bank who makes the rules and they know as sure as god made little green apples they will not be buying the gold nor giving it back to the investors as they will manipulate the price of that market to fall so drastically just minutes before the contract expires so not to have to pay the investor anything if not a loss on his investment.

Note to self: Commas are so overrated!

No just stay away from they are the biggest unethical pool I have ev r seen. i have compared their cloud to a lot of other cloud pools I compared my end result BTC from my machines witrh a lot more mining pools. In the end at the end of the day makes more in profit from its pool members. they flood you with numbers and statistics to make you feel like you reall are earning, its not until you go out and look around that you really se how unethical this mining pool really is.

I have a complete mining farm that started a long time ago so  we have a lot of different equipment. The electric usage stats are made with 1 THS Dragon Miners actually, I use them becasue they are some of the worst efficient miners in the farm right now. When i do the comparison test of machines, I use a solo account (one that only that machine is mining in so i can see its costs, I calculate the Kwh for that machines and multiply its months use by the monthly rate we pay for electric. (IN ADDITION Keep in mind here in the Philippines the Landlords ADD 1 to 3 Pesos to your KWH rate to have power) so we are paying drastically more than anyone else in the world at the end of the day. We have LONE meters installed for our mining equipment so we know exactly what their use is Smiley And it prepares us for solar power here in the next couple months for the Farm. SO maybe you can now understand a person like me who pays 3 times or more the amount for electric that GHASH.IO does to be infuriated with thier lies and BULLSHIT!!

Kano and his groupies can deny this shit all day every day (EXACTLY as I warned you they would in my first post) (And you noticed all the groupie false hope posters flew in like a bunch of bees to a beautiful rose) but the bottom line at the end of the day basic elementary math does not lie, You dont need a complex PPLNS bullshit equation they tell you to solve the profit margin of a PPLNS pool.

You are he who has a horrible reputation of lying, conning (DMV) Oh when you sign the papewr at the DMV stating you have insurance and will keep that insurance, if you dont you lied gleb the mighty, so at the end of the day it is you who repeatedly lies over and over, and not just to regular forum readers you have no problems lieing to the police and people of authorityu. if you are so easy to lie to them, why should any of us believe anything you say. Your reputation speaks for itslelf, you lie to get what you want.

I would advise against creating anything having to do with, or you will be in Brunos radar, he has tried to attack a few other people who refuse to stop working with me because of his trolling. The people who really know me and have seen me keep my promises, are harder to get this trash over on, and when he fails oooh boy his temper rages. To create a thread about my site, will only hurt you, your profile and your reputation. Because to be honest at the end of the day, our site does exactly as we promise and this is NOT something Bruno wants to see on the forum he thinks he owns. So as soon as you say anything positive about the site, yea you are now a magnet for him.

The honest end of the day truth is, it does not matter black or grey market, those transaction have no power on the true value of bitcoin. Unless those transactions are registered in the averages of the value of BTC they are not worth noting at all. A lot of people are like me, we see a value in our wallet and that is value we accept. I dont see a value for white market, an 2 others for its value on the black market and grey market, I see one value that is estimated with an average of the places my wallets factors and averages to give me value to BTC in USD. and unfortunately our wallets do not take the black or grey markets in its evaluation.

At this stage of the game that is what bitcoin lovers need High dollar investors because at the end of the day all bitcoin has going for it right now is its tradable market value, without a real demand set in stone Bitcoin lovers must sit back and pray and wait.

Here is what we know for certain, Bruno is a criminal, a proven liar by the autorities of the law not some troll on a forum, and a man with an extremely bad temper, even worse than mine, At the end of the day, he has no room to EVER say anything about anyone, his reputation with the law speaks for itself, not to mention how he gloats and is happy with all the crimes he committed. its funny how a man with a rap sheet like his is so quick to judge anyone.

I will say all in all what we have here is a disgruntled identity thief, one who expouses trust and demands respect wiht a hot temper (one which I experience every single time I disporve one of his accusations, he cusses, makes grammatical errors and just gets real angry when he is wrong and you prove it HAHA) he wants so bad to be part of something big but when hes not included from the start, he gets angry like a 2 year old and pouts, he rambles on and trolls a lot of forums with his nonsense, and twisting of forum posts to try and make people look like liars when at the end of the day, he is a law breaking sex offender wiht a grudge against bitcoin.

Bruno, if you are 55 grow up man, get a life, and until you are perfect yourself, don't be pointing fingers, cause the spiders in your own closet are bigger than anyones elses you attack. And stop trying to ruin other peoples projects because no one wanted to work with you on most of the lame projects you proposed. You complain about people who came to this forum looking for help or to get a project moving, and at the end of the day that is exactly why you came here.

If you sat don and did a little math you can see where the bonus comes from, we as miners are happy because this pool pays out higher than any other pool at the end of the day, It pays consistantly at the end fo the day. I especially love that when I have a concern they read the whole concern and repond to every aspect of my problem. They dont just skim thru and pick and choose what they want to answer. I am equally happy to see he is able to make a small profit doing this.

Wow, two at the end of the day terms in consecutive sentences. Again, I wish I had a business degree from Ohio University like Leroy Fodor so that I, too, could come across as a venerable member of the cryptocurrency community.

HAHAHA like I said you have no idea what your talking about THIS IS NOT AMERICA BRUNO for the how many times did I tell you that, STOP COMPARING WHAT YOU KNOW IN AMERICA WITH WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PHILIPPINES. Cause at the end of the day you know nothing, better ask your boyfriend waterwhateverhisnameis about the sizes of hollo blocks.

Gleb YOU prove nothing, You lie, you compare things unrelated to me, You assume I am associated with things that do not involve me, you copy sections of things that are not even mine, you keep bouncing about when I started in bitcoins and when I started in mining, you are an attention starving troll. the bottom line about your thread as you continue to dig and dig twist and twist and embellish, but at the end of the day the truth about your stupid thread

We do all the work for you, we have a variety of coins you can invest with, we then exchange them and put the coins in the wallets you saw above, they begin staking. you then earn BTC on your investment. Because at the end of the day you will end up selling those coins for BTC to get your fiat payout you desire.

Yes what makes it unethical is the base of its nature, imagine how much BTC they saved last week by not having to pay out an X number of accounts and making it so they never will have to pay that payment by re-investing it. It would be much different if we could sell that specific contract back to them, but that is not an option. Because we are forced to keep that contract, no matter how people want to rationalize the situation, at the end of the day what they have done is stolen.

At the end of the day it all comes down to the developers, and for the past 2 years they have done nothing but sit back and watch the time go by. They seem to worry more about the programmers and coders and forget they need regular people to be using their product as it is them who make transactions internationally every day not the programmer who can decipher RPC commands and understands C++

Correctly structuring blocks is important for both allowing you to stake more often and to get higher rewards in the long run. The best difference between POW mining and POS mining is the ability to adjust your equipment in POS. When you buy a 2 THS machine for bitcoin mining there are a lot of little things you can play with to both adjust the hashrate and efficiency of that miner but at the end of the day it is still going to hit X amount of shares, for X amount of a reward or if solo mining you will hit X amount of blocks and you have very little control over that. With POS (especially competitive coins) you have the ability to control your "equipment". If you have a block thats not hitting you can increase its strength so it becomes more competitive.

One thing I will say bruno is not stupid, he is very smart, he knows his psychology too, some of the stuff he does you can only find in Psychology books in college. Why he has wasted all that knowledge he has to troll people on forums I will never know, he could be using it for much more p[roductive ways.

But at the end of the day Bruno is the true definition of a con man. And you sir are being conned by him right now.

The last one is one of my favorites because it was penned two days prior to Leroy Fodor mistakenly misinterpreted my "at the end of the day" clause declaring that I was referring to end of any actual day. Upon seeing all the times Leroy has penned "at the end of the day" in the exact same context that I used it, one could easily draw the conclusion that we have a man among us not playin' with a full deck, but that can't be the case with Leroy Fodor, so we're left to safely assume that we're dealin' with nothing short of a genius businessman making the rounds in the cryptocurrency space, and we would be remiss if we didn't learnt from his wondrous actions.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 10, 2015, 06:48:41 AM
We sold the internet cafe and was swindled by our cousin in an investment opportunity that would have been profitable if he would not have just stolen the money and ran off with it. this put us a few steps behind meeting the goals we had planned. Its amazing how you hope you can get something done and how bad people can mess with the goals you want to achieve.

That is totally fucked up, Leroy Fodor, having your own cousin treat you that way after you sold the cafe in 2014. At first, I honestly thought you made that story up till I read what you wrote back in 2012 on how he fucked you over.

Talk about lifestyles of the rich and famous this is it bro as good as it can get for poor folks like us. If not for my wifes family (cousin) stealing from us and scamming us out of 400,000 pesos, we would not be leaving. But I just do not want to be near them, or around them and I want to take my wife back where she is appreciated.

Again, that's totally fucked up that after you and your wife worked your asses off and finally selling the place in 2014, you trusted your cousin to invest the windfall only for him to stealing it from you, whereupon you had to amass cryptocurrencies via faucets to garner enough to purchase your first bitcoin miners to start anew, and wise enough to ROI in ONLY three months while others took twice as long, at best, to accomplish the same feat, then kind enough to go on the road to conduct free seminars to teach others how to be as successful as you, doing such because others in this space weren't sharing their secrets, being the greedy bastards they all are.

You're da man, and that's why I, and hopefully now others, love the fuckin' livin' shit outta you, and hence this thread to spread the good word.

Bruno the story from 2012 was not our cousin. Id rather not go into personal details and let a dead dog die, but I know you wont let it go and act as if I was lying.

 In 2012 I was talking about my wifes direct family, we owned a coconut farm and the instructions were they were to get it harvested and split the funds 50/50, our 50% was to go into the bank and the other 50% was to be used to pay for her brothers college. When we got here we found out neither was happening and all the funds were being spent on other things. in 2014 after we sold the Cafe we had an opportunity to get in on an investment with my wifes cousin, promises were made and it all started out well (much like scam places here) then just poof he vanished and took our investment with him. We finally caught up to him where he made more promises to repay the stolen funds but never has. 2 different situations Bruno.

 I do not see how this is anyone's business Bruno, I am asking you nicely to Stop digging up the horrible crap my wife and I have gone thru, I am not this evil scamming lying nasty theif and criminal you are praying to make me out to be. I do not want to relive these horrible things that have happened to us, You may think its funny, It may be a fun game to you, and you may be sitting there laughing, but you know what man, My wife and I are the ones that had to experience that crap man, i do not appreciate you plastering the horrible things that happened to me and my wife because you want to find discrepancies in my postings.

Lets just sum this whole argument between you and me up very simply, I think i have enough proof now to say this, if something does not add up, It is not because I lied, many things happen to many people, things out of our control change the goals we wish to achieve, sometimes good things happen, most of the time good things do not happen. but the end result is very simple, if a post from 2012 doesnt match exactly with a post from 2014 its not that I lied bruno, its just you dont have all the information from one or the other, and if you dont see it online its because we prefered to keep some of it private.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: noddy2000 on August 10, 2015, 07:03:57 AM
Gleb have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

he is one crazy dude but gives valid points.

You may say crazy as you have been programmed with that. I say he's got character and charisma and a sense of humour! Something most people have knocked out of them which leads to the ignorance that allows you all to be mugged on a daily basis!

And you wonder why your all named 'sheep' by the powers that be lol. If it looks like a sheep, smells like a sheep, acts like a sheep & moves like a sheep, its probably a sheep!

Yup, heards of sheep everywhere :-(

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 04:57:55 PM
Gleb have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

he is one crazy dude but gives valid points.

You may say crazy as you have been programmed with that. I say he's got character and charisma and a sense of humour! Something most people have knocked out of them which leads to the ignorance that allows you all to be mugged on a daily basis!

And you wonder why your all named 'sheep' by the powers that be lol. If it looks like a sheep, smells like a sheep, acts like a sheep & moves like a sheep, its probably a sheep!

Yup, heards of sheep everywhere :-(

Thanks for the lies because a real fan of I would've used goats in the analogy.  ;D ;D ;D

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 05:16:29 PM
We sold the internet cafe and was swindled by our cousin in an investment opportunity that would have been profitable if he would not have just stolen the money and ran off with it. this put us a few steps behind meeting the goals we had planned. Its amazing how you hope you can get something done and how bad people can mess with the goals you want to achieve.

That is totally fucked up, Leroy Fodor, having your own cousin treat you that way after you sold the cafe in 2014. At first, I honestly thought you made that story up till I read what you wrote back in 2012 on how he fucked you over.

Talk about lifestyles of the rich and famous this is it bro as good as it can get for poor folks like us. If not for my wifes family (cousin) stealing from us and scamming us out of 400,000 pesos, we would not be leaving. But I just do not want to be near them, or around them and I want to take my wife back where she is appreciated.

Again, that's totally fucked up that after you and your wife worked your asses off and finally selling the place in 2014, you trusted your cousin to invest the windfall only for him to stealing it from you, whereupon you had to amass cryptocurrencies via faucets to garner enough to purchase your first bitcoin miners to start anew, and wise enough to ROI in ONLY three months while others took twice as long, at best, to accomplish the same feat, then kind enough to go on the road to conduct free seminars to teach others how to be as successful as you, doing such because others in this space weren't sharing their secrets, being the greedy bastards they all are.

You're da man, and that's why I, and hopefully now others, love the fuckin' livin' shit outta you, and hence this thread to spread the good word.

Bruno the story from 2012 was not our cousin. Id rather not go into personal details and let a dead dog die, but I know you wont let it go and act as if I was lying.

 In 2012 I was talking about my wifes direct family, we owned a coconut farm and the instructions were they were to get it harvested and split the funds 50/50, our 50% was to go into the bank and the other 50% was to be used to pay for her brothers college. When we got here we found out neither was happening and all the funds were being spent on other things. in 2014 after we sold the Cafe we had an opportunity to get in on an investment with my wifes cousin, promises were made and it all started out well (much like scam places here) then just poof he vanished and took our investment with him. We finally caught up to him where he made more promises to repay the stolen funds but never has. 2 different situations Bruno.

 I do not see how this is anyone's business Bruno, I am asking you nicely to Stop digging up the horrible crap my wife and I have gone thru, I am not this evil scamming lying nasty theif and criminal you are praying to make me out to be. I do not want to relive these horrible things that have happened to us, You may think its funny, It may be a fun game to you, and you may be sitting there laughing, but you know what man, My wife and I are the ones that had to experience that crap man, i do not appreciate you plastering the horrible things that happened to me and my wife because you want to find discrepancies in my postings.

Lets just sum this whole argument between you and me up very simply, I think i have enough proof now to say this, if something does not add up, It is not because I lied, many things happen to many people, things out of our control change the goals we wish to achieve, sometimes good things happen, most of the time good things do not happen. but the end result is very simple, if a post from 2012 doesnt match exactly with a post from 2014 its not that I lied bruno, its just you dont have all the information from one or the other, and if you dont see it online its because we prefered to keep some of it private.

BOY, I am so sorry dude! First you said there was one fire that destroyed everything, then there were two fires, then back to ONLY one fire. Then, due to either one fire or two, you first lost ONE largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines to losing TWO largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines, then back to there only being one largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines, that ONE of which was solar powered via west-facing solar panels surrounded by coconut trees that may or may not have dropped its fruits on passer-by fruits. NOW, you've declared that you were ripped off not ONCE, but TWICE by cousins there in the Philippines due to unsound business practices in spite of earning a business degree from Ohio University with a minor in creative writing, later becoming a Forex trading expert. I hate to say this, but that sounds a lot like a guy I knew who also lost his own moneys due to relatives, then lost others' moneys on his scheme, turning around and blaming said lost on his relatives, but later told the truth from his jail cell. Luckily, you're not literally that guy.

That said, Leroy Fodor, I'd appreciate if you not come here penning satire while I'm in the middle of spreading awareness for StakeMiners. Such actions only serve to confusing the masses.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 06:10:04 PM
I am not this evil scamming lying nasty theif

To be clear, I never, ever called you that. In fact, I don't even know what that is, nasty or otherwise. Is it perhaps some business jargon you were taught while obtaining your business degree at Ohio University where you also minored in creative writing, but never had to worry 'bout being graded on the spelling aspect in all your creative writing classes there at OU. Fast forward to today, where you are making Rufus the Bobcat proud.

Sans quoting them, you penned myriad times elsewheres about how your wife's family-cum-cousin(s) ripped you off, which begs the question, why did you do such over the years after the event(s) if you were seeking closure? That's not a dis. It's just that I, among others, are hoping to know and understand you better because obviously we have you all wrong.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 10, 2015, 07:03:17 PM
It is you spreading the satire bruno, this whole thread is full of it, what you think no one notices?

I never said there were 2 fires, (you did) I actually proved to you where you tried to fabricate another lie out of 2 sentences to make it seem like there was a contradiction. You wanted to make it look like there were 2 fires. You are just talking in circles now bruno, I dont even see what ti is I am trying to disprove anymore, i have disproved everything and you just wont accept it. 2 fires, where the panels were facing, I did not say i was ripped off twice by cousins you did. Bruno you know what man, just stop lying man, these constant bickering and purposely trying to fabricate things is really getting annoying. You are wasting so much of my time  with your going around in circles trying to push your fabricated points. There were not 2 fires and you know it, You know i didnt say it so why keep going on about it? where and how I put my solar panels is none of your business, That is the way the roof slanted, the roof was not constructed for solar it was built for rainfall, deal with it man, get over it.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 10, 2015, 07:25:56 PM
You know bruno if I tell you why we did the things we did for my wifes family (it was not her cousins both times I already addressed that above please read the whole thing so you are not confused) but if I told you, your just going to make fun of me and call my wife more names with more racial slurs and sexual comments, But I will tell you we had good intentions at heart and there were good reasons. but like I said i would rather not keep delving in my horrible things that have repeatedly stuck me in the back as I traveled the path of life. Your just another stab in the back man life has thrown at me, and to be honest its just a tiny little prick (no pun intended) compared to the stuff my wife and I have gone thru and came out of.

We will make it thru you, past your insults, your fabrications, your rudeness, your disgustingly foul language, your desperate attempts to ruin a great opportunity for people. We will not stop doing what we are doing for StakeMiners or its investors because of you. I will not let someone like you ruin the opportunity we have built, the system that to date although a very small amount has paid  close to $10,000.00 dollars in BTC to its investors. SO i will not go away, i will not stop, the system we built is working very well so far, the investors who are with us are happy, and we do a lot of work you dont even know nor give credit for. I wanted to provide the community with an opportunity that will benefit them, something they can depend on, and sir, I will not let you or your opinions hold me or StakeMiners back. We will continue to work hard for the people invested with us, respect them, and their wishes, and there is nothing you can say or do that will stop me.

If there is a question in here from another post Bruno makes please PM me and ask, set up a way to talk with me. I will gladly answer any questions you have for me, I offer you the same opportunity I have given to bruno. Get you some Pepsi, and cigarettes if you smoke and set it up, I will be there to talk with you on any questions you have.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 07:54:27 PM
It is you spreading the satire bruno, this whole thread is full of it, what you think no one notices?

I never said there were 2 fires, (you did) I actually proved to you where you tried to fabricate another lie out of 2 sentences to make it seem like there was a contradiction. You wanted to make it look like there were 2 fires. You are just talking in circles now bruno, I dont even see what ti is I am trying to disprove anymore, i have disproved everything and you just wont accept it. 2 fires, where the panels were facing, I did not say i was ripped off twice by cousins you did. Bruno you know what man, just stop lying man, these constant bickering and purposely trying to fabricate things is really getting annoying. You are wasting so much of my time  with your going around in circles trying to push your fabricated points. There were not 2 fires and you know it, You know i didnt say it so why keep going on about it? where and how I put my solar panels is none of your business, That is the way the roof slanted, the roof was not constructed for solar it was built for rainfall, deal with it man, get over it.

The following gleaned from when I once considered Leroy Fodor a SCAMER:

scammer; swindler: to obtain by fraud or deceit.

As in one who will lie through his motherfuckin' ass depicting somethin' he's not so to advance a scheme while at the same time denouncing those who point out his lies as the ones who are the real scammer and not thee.

While this fucker, Leroy Fodor, is attacking me on this forum, there's a half dozen others on another forum sticking it up his ass where he's using the same tactics to discredit them sans addressing a single major concern while Leroy continues to amass more cryptocurrencies in his coffer with his Ponzi

Leroy Fodor is now lying about there being only one fire when according to him with the facts of the events outlined there were two fires unrelated to each other. See how this fucker twists the truth?

Leroy Fodor continued to lie about selling some Forex portfolio he had even after it was shown to him all the posts he made talking about how it was ONLY demo/practice Forex accounts, when subsequent posters sticking it up his ass over there because he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. Hell, just read the first ten posts of his on this forum and you'll see a dude that doesn't have a motherfuckin' clue yet wants you to believe that he's been involved with Bitcoin since 2009, a FUCKIN' IMPOSSIBILITY!

Leroy Fodor came here and tried to sell a cafe that he had claimed elsewhere was already sold, then came back here when somebody inquired and told them that it had sold.

Leroy claimed that he quickly rebuilt and had the Internet cafe up and running, but on other sites he depicts moving away from there because his family and community are useless fucks. Later, he moved even further away (~300) where presumably he's at today working out of a virtual office, one that ONLY consist of a mail drop at a few bucks per month.

Leroy Fodor claims to have two business degree from universities in Ohio, yet shows that he doesn't know a fuckin' thing about business nor can spell, another red flag for being a scammer.

Bruno not one single thing in this post is true in any way at all and you know it!!,257.msg706.html#msg706

I got started in Bitcoin a while ago, I was a day trader in the Forex Commodoties exchange. I closed my accounts in forex and sold my whole portfolio. And I started my own bitcoin mining farm in 2012. My wife and I this time last year had just suffered a fire that destroyed our large Bitcoin Mining farm. It was complete with Solar power, and just began switching out over power super PC we built and used as rigs for larger new ASIC equipment. We then suffered a terrible fire cause by arson that destroyed 3 businesses and our home.

Let's just chalk it up to you being busy today doling out funds to your 140+ investors like you've been doing every Monday since the creation of StakeMiners for you not recalling that you did indeed allude to two fires and not one as I've so duly demonstrated with the above.

1. I got started in Bitcoin a while ago
2. I was a day trader in the Forex Commodoties exchange
3. I closed my accounts in forex and sold my whole portfolio
4. And I started my own bitcoin mining farm in 2012
5. My wife and I this time last year had just suffered a fire that destroyed our large Bitcoin Mining farm
6. It was complete with Solar power, and just began switching out over power super PC we built and used as rigs for larger new ASIC equipment
7. We then suffered a terrible fire cause by arson that destroyed 3 businesses and our home

Honestly, I don't see how you can say that there was ONLY one fire when your clearly depicted two fires unless you simply forgot due to working so hard investing other peoples' moneys.

And also, please refrain from confusing the reader with what's facts and what's satire, the latter of which won't be tolerated on this thread as I, its curator, keeps such in check as I monitor the board observing every move.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: suchmoon on August 10, 2015, 08:12:27 PM
cyberpinoy, since we have switched now to proving how truthful and honest you are could you please fill the gaps in the new version of your story line, as pointed out here:

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 08:12:37 PM
You know bruno if I tell you why we did the things we did for my wifes family (it was not her cousins both times I already addressed that above please read the whole thing so you are not confused) but if I told you, your just going to make fun of me and call my wife more names with more racial slurs and sexual comments, But I will tell you we had good intentions at heart and there were good reasons. but like I said i would rather not keep delving in my horrible things that have repeatedly stuck me in the back as I traveled the path of life. Your just another stab in the back man life has thrown at me, and to be honest its just a tiny little prick (no pun intended) compared to the stuff my wife and I have gone thru and came out of.

We will make it thru you, past your insults, your fabrications, your rudeness, your disgustingly foul language, your desperate attempts to ruin a great opportunity for people. We will not stop doing what we are doing for StakeMiners or its investors because of you. I will not let someone like you ruin the opportunity we have built, the system that to date although a very small amount has paid  close to $10,000.00 dollars in BTC to its investors. SO i will not go away, i will not stop, the system we built is working very well so far, the investors who are with us are happy, and we do a lot of work you dont even know nor give credit for. I wanted to provide the community with an opportunity that will benefit them, something they can depend on, and sir, I will not let you or your opinions hold me or StakeMiners back. We will continue to work hard for the people invested with us, respect them, and their wishes, and there is nothing you can say or do that will stop me.

If there is a question in here from another post Bruno makes please PM me and ask, set up a way to talk with me. I will gladly answer any questions you have for me, I offer you the same opportunity I have given to bruno. Get you some Pepsi, and cigarettes if you smoke and set it up, I will be there to talk with you on any questions you have.

You do realize, don't you, that it's not just SUPPOSEDLY I that's giving you grief, for there's other forums where others have, and continue to attack you? Whereas I was mainly ONLY concentrating on your lies, others were duly depicting StakeMiners as nothing short of a Ponzi. Honestly, I should be the least of your worries unless, that is, you honestly believe that a lyin' piece shit like myself has a voice loud enough to hamper your venerable operation, then I guess your in-error actions are warranted.

Also, please don't forget that this thread is meant to bring awareness to StakeMiners so that investors are made aware of all the facts that you and I, together, can present to them.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 08:19:53 PM
cyberpinoy, since we have switched now to proving how truthful and honest you are could you please fill in the gaps in the new version of your story line, as pointed out here:

Rest assured, suchmoon, that the venerable Leroy Fodor WILL address your concerns accordingly.

I would do anything I could to avoid losing my fortune, however he is making a fool of himself, he says things that support and promote bitcoin this week, then things that discredit and devalue it next week. He is like a Yo-Yo and he can not make up his mind on what is the "right" thing to say.

Meanwhile, others who have moneys to burn need not worry since this thread's for them, hence...

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 10, 2015, 09:59:10 PM
yes suchmoon is doing a great deal ofwork on another forum, he likes attacking from 2 fronts, an asks the same questions on both forums, I am not sure what the point of that is except to assume it is a purposeful attack to ruin something I have created and am building. I mean who has time to waste to do this on 2 forums.

Another big attacker on that other forum is a direct competitor who is failing at his pool where we are succeeding. And there are the few others like you have in here. I am well aware of the discomfort you have established.

But, no matter how hard you do try bruno the facts still remain you have not proven i am a scammer nor that I have ever scammed anyone, i mean lets be honest here for a minute, I know it can be complicated at times, but you dug in my life clear back in the late 90's from one of my other business I had, You are telling me in all that research, all that digging you found just about every single thing negative that has happened in my life, you degraded it, you laughed at it like it was some kins of joke to you, you have insulted my wife, insulted my family, insulted my investors and stakeminers. But in all that research you cant find one single soul to verify your claims against me Bruno. I mean I am this huge liar right, so at some point being the supposed liar I am surely you can find 1 instance where someone has been scammed by me, one instance where I stole from someone right? I mean you can not even find a post you can twist like you do all this other stuff to make it look like I scammed someone...

Whats that tell ya bruno?

EDIT since bruno does not seem interested in getting the trust of my life and would rather rant on the forum while collecting his post counts he so loves and needs. If there is a question in here from another post Bruno makes please PM me and ask, set up a way to talk with me. I will gladly answer any questions you have for me, I offer you the same opportunity I have given to bruno. Get you some Pepsi, and cigarettes if you smoke and set it up, I will be there to talk with you on any questions you have.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 10, 2015, 10:22:12 PM
yes suchmoon is doing a great deal ofwork on another forum, he likes attacking from 2 fronts, an asks the same questions on both forums, I am not sure what the point of that is except to assume it is a purposeful attack to ruin something I have created and am building. I mean who has time to waste to do this on 2 forums.

Another big attacker on that other forum is a direct competitor who is failing at his pool where we are succeeding. And there are the few others like you have in here. I am well aware of the discomfort you have established.

But, no matter how hard you do try bruno the facts still remain you have not proven i am a scammer nor that I have ever scammed anyone, i mean lets be honest here for a minute, I know it can be complicated at times, but you dug in my life clear back in the late 90's from one of my other business I had, You are telling me in all that research, all that digging you found just about every single thing negative that has happened in my life, you degraded it, you laughed at it like it was some kins of joke to you, you have insulted my wife, insulted my family, insulted my investors and stakeminers. But in all that research you cant find one single soul to verify your claims against me Bruno. I mean I am this huge liar right, so at some point being the supposed liar I am surely you can find 1 instance where someone has been scammed by me, one instance where I stole from someone right? I mean you can not even find a post you can twist like you do all this other stuff to make it look like I scammed someone...

Whats that tell ya bruno?

EDIT since bruno does not seem interested in getting the trust of my life and would rather rant on the forum while collecting his post counts he so loves and needs. If there is a question in here from another post Bruno makes please PM me and ask, set up a way to talk with me. I will gladly answer any questions you have for me, I offer you the same opportunity I have given to bruno. Get you some Pepsi, and cigarettes if you smoke and set it up, I will be there to talk with you on any questions you have.

How is it possible that no matter where one looks where you've posted before throughout the years, and no matter the subject matter you've espoused to be an expert on, somebody was always there to discredit your accounts?

BOY, I hate to say this but looks like I was mistaken in finally believing Leroy Fodor, for it once again's looking like wes' has a serial liar among us.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: suchmoon on August 11, 2015, 02:57:26 AM
yes suchmoon is doing a great deal ofwork on another forum, he likes attacking from 2 fronts, an asks the same questions on both forums, I am not sure what the point of that is except to assume it is a purposeful attack to ruin something I have created and am building. I mean who has time to waste to do this on 2 forums.

I'm helping you to straighten out your story and you call that an attack? That's not very polite. Aren't you interested in plugging the obvious gaping holes in your timeline so as to look more trustworthy to your investors?

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 11, 2015, 03:17:45 AM
yes suchmoon is doing a great deal ofwork on another forum, he likes attacking from 2 fronts, an asks the same questions on both forums, I am not sure what the point of that is except to assume it is a purposeful attack to ruin something I have created and am building. I mean who has time to waste to do this on 2 forums.

I'm helping you to straighten out your story and you call that an attack? That's not very polite. Aren't you interested in plugging the obvious gaping holes in your timeline so as to look more trustworthy to your investors?

I once did the timeline thingy, but Leroy Fodor continued to bump the thread to purposely bury it, then blamed me for bumping the thread to bury my truisms with his lies. Sad to say, but I honestly believe that fucker believes everything he writes.
"I... see... four... coconut... trees... on... the... south... side... of... the... building!"

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: cyberpinoy on August 11, 2015, 10:53:53 AM
How is it possible that no matter where one looks where you've posted before throughout the years, and no matter the subject matter you've espoused to be an expert on, somebody was always there to discredit your accounts?

Commodore 64
Type   Home computer
Release date   August 1982; 33 years ago[1][2]
Introductory price   US$595 (approx. $1,500 today)
Discontinued   April 1994; 21 years ago
Units sold   12.5[3] – 17[4] million
Operating system   Commodore KERNAL/
Commodore BASIC 2.0
GEOS (optionally)
CPU   MOS Technology 6510/8500
@ 1.023 MHz (NTSC version)
@ 0.985 MHz (PAL version)
Memory   64 kB RAM + 20 kB ROM
Graphics   VIC-II (320 × 200, 16 colors, sprites, raster interrupt)
Sound   SID 6581 (3× osc, 4× wave, filter, ADSR, ring)
Connectivity   2× CIA 6526 joystick, Power, ROM cartridge, RF, A/V, IEEE-488 floppy-printer, digital tape, GPIO/RS-232
Predecessor   Commodore VIC-20
Commodore MAX Machine
Successor   Commodore 128


The question you, and everyone is really asking is the same one that you avoid over and over and over. How is it possible you can dig in my life clear back to the late 1990's, the lying scamming idiot you boast i am and find all this stuff, BUT not one single instance where I have scammed anyone, not one single instance where i have stolen from anyone, not one tiny little situation where it proves I am a scammer. I mean that si the time spam of basically my whole adult life, and you cant find one claim, not one shred of evidence to back your claim up, how is that possible Bruno? This is the real questions, since you do accuse me so much of being this lying scammer, how is it possible that in all this research your efforts have produced you have ultimately came up fruitless like those coconut tress in that picture up their?

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 11, 2015, 04:15:31 PM
How is it possible that no matter where one looks where you've posted before throughout the years, and no matter the subject matter you've espoused to be an expert on, somebody was always there to discredit your accounts?

Commodore 64
Type   Home computer
Release date   August 1982; 33 years ago[1][2]
Introductory price   US$595 (approx. $1,500 today)
Discontinued   April 1994; 21 years ago
Units sold   12.5[3] – 17[4] million
Operating system   Commodore KERNAL/
Commodore BASIC 2.0
GEOS (optionally)
CPU   MOS Technology 6510/8500
@ 1.023 MHz (NTSC version)
@ 0.985 MHz (PAL version)
Memory   64 kB RAM + 20 kB ROM
Graphics   VIC-II (320 × 200, 16 colors, sprites, raster interrupt)
Sound   SID 6581 (3× osc, 4× wave, filter, ADSR, ring)
Connectivity   2× CIA 6526 joystick, Power, ROM cartridge, RF, A/V, IEEE-488 floppy-printer, digital tape, GPIO/RS-232
Predecessor   Commodore VIC-20
Commodore MAX Machine
Successor   Commodore 128


The question you, and everyone is really asking is the same one that you avoid over and over and over. How is it possible you can dig in my life clear back to the late 1990's, the lying scamming idiot you boast i am and find all this stuff, BUT not one single instance where I have scammed anyone, not one single instance where i have stolen from anyone, not one tiny little situation where it proves I am a scammer. I mean that si the time spam of basically my whole adult life, and you cant find one claim, not one shred of evidence to back your claim up, how is that possible Bruno? This is the real questions, since you do accuse me so much of being this lying scammer, how is it possible that in all this research your efforts have produced you have ultimately came up fruitless like those coconut tress in that picture up their?

Firstly, if them coconut trees are incapable of producing fruit, how was it possible for your wife's family kin to rip you off from the sale of said nonexistent fruit? Further, why did you lie when you were first trying to sell the property prior to the Great December Fire of 2012 in declaring all the moneys that could be made off the sale of coconuts?

Once again, I need to verse you in that a scam and lie are one and the same, by extension SCAMMER = LIAR, and versa visa.

By digging into your past, a myriad of lies has been uncovered, and since then you've compounded them lies with further lies, case in point now declaring that them coconut trees are unable to bare fruit but you once tried to pawn them off as one of the assets of the homestead-cum-businesses when it was for sale back in Q2, 2012.

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 11, 2015, 04:18:51 PM
How is it possible that no matter where one looks where you've posted before throughout the years, and no matter the subject matter you've espoused to be an expert on, somebody was always there to discredit your accounts?

Commodore 64
Type   Home computer
Release date   August 1982; 33 years ago[1][2]
Introductory price   US$595 (approx. $1,500 today)
Discontinued   April 1994; 21 years ago
Units sold   12.5[3] – 17[4] million
Operating system   Commodore KERNAL/
Commodore BASIC 2.0
GEOS (optionally)
CPU   MOS Technology 6510/8500
@ 1.023 MHz (NTSC version)
@ 0.985 MHz (PAL version)
Memory   64 kB RAM + 20 kB ROM
Graphics   VIC-II (320 × 200, 16 colors, sprites, raster interrupt)
Sound   SID 6581 (3× osc, 4× wave, filter, ADSR, ring)
Connectivity   2× CIA 6526 joystick, Power, ROM cartridge, RF, A/V, IEEE-488 floppy-printer, digital tape, GPIO/RS-232
Predecessor   Commodore VIC-20
Commodore MAX Machine
Successor   Commodore 128


The question you, and everyone is really asking is the same one that you avoid over and over and over. How is it possible you can dig in my life clear back to the late 1990's, the lying scamming idiot you boast i am and find all this stuff, BUT not one single instance where I have scammed anyone, not one single instance where i have stolen from anyone, not one tiny little situation where it proves I am a scammer. I mean that si the time spam of basically my whole adult life, and you cant find one claim, not one shred of evidence to back your claim up, how is that possible Bruno? This is the real questions, since you do accuse me so much of being this lying scammer, how is it possible that in all this research your efforts have produced you have ultimately came up fruitless like those coconut tress in that picture up their?

Clever! That pic with its specs has nothing to do with what you quoted nor with what you posted, nor are all three connected in any way. What the fuck are you smokin' there in the Philippines?
"Dude found my experimental Timothy [Leary] Grass!"

Title: Re: StakeMiners can be fully trusted and my former assessment was 100% uncalled for.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 16, 2015, 07:10:05 PM
It worked out quite well that way for the panels in that facing north or south direct sunlight would get cut off earlier and would have been shaded by the vast amount of bamboo coconut and mango trees on the north and south of us  but facing west it allowed sun to hit them full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally set, facing north or south or east and it would not have been as strong at the end of the day.

Before I comment further 'bout them west-facing solar panels and those fucked up expects who obviously have it all wrong, I believe you have made a slight error in the above. The south side of your Sari Sari was the ONLY area that didn't have trees, with the building completely shaded from trees on the north, west and east side of the building, of which the images you've provided throughout the years attest to that fact.

Please accept my apologies if my assessment was based on satire on your part, i.e., west-facing solar panels hit by the sun full stream from 8 to 9 AM until 5 to 6 PM when the sun finally sets, notwithstanding shorter days in the winter when the sun is colder.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day.

I felt it imperative to bump this thread and site the quote above so to depict Leroy Fodor's genius in proving EVERY solar energy expert on the planet wrong. Leroy successfully was able to supplement the intermittent electricity sourced from the power company with his perfectly timed intermittent solar panel array so that his largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines would be up and running 24/7. That's nothing short of genius of a man who ONLY has a B.B.A. from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

Please consider investing in StakeMiners, but ONLY IF you have extra moneys to lose with the promise it'll be parlayed so that you'll ROI at the end of the day