Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: pokeviktor on August 26, 2015, 01:51:14 AM

Title: 3rd World War
Post by: pokeviktor on August 26, 2015, 01:51:14 AM
Welcome to the 3th World War.

Yes, that sounds pretty scary (or crazy) but is the reality.

Last finantial and economic crisis was pretty hard, but US government got the solution: this crisis afects specially to hard west finantial zone (US and UE) and they use their influence in all his allies -you know, they got the power- to obligate to make them all changes to prevent a finantial capitalist collapse (in other words, a final Dollar default). What they do? Only check all new economic and social politics in Japan, all UE members, Syria, Uckraine, Russia, Irak, Iran and other Middle East countries... They all move on with the final function of keep Dollar and US Markets on best position possible, while US continue his expansionist model of capitalism -using Euro and Yen to their interests-. That all works very well for west Markets... until now.

All that movements, specially the Dollar and Euro devaluation in front of Yuan using Yen as last chance, create a new position on global economy, and that's the situation we are living now:

This time, is China who got a finantial crisis, and that's because his potential rivals (US and UE) were using his emergent situation to invest in east Markets and now, with Dollar and Euro very cheap in relation, they're returning their investions to their own Markets. What they do? A triple devaluation of Yuan and injections of liquidity on Chinese Banks in few weeks... but that doesn't works, Markets continue falling and seems they should make more changes, affecting to all other World Markets -with first devaluation all Markets began an inestability-. In future facts, economic specialist pedicts on 2016 a lowest increment of their GDP and that doesn't sound very good, a desacceleration will cost them another future settings, independent on what's happening right now. These all movements and predictions dislikes specially on US.

What's the real problem? China could need a new devaluation of Yuan if his Markets doesn't react to new liquidity injection, and if this happens will began a real Finantial and Economic World Crisis, because this time who should make movements is China and that, fo sure, will not like to US, who sure will make new politics to prevent an own default.

In that point, I want to say I know I've not spoken about petrol and what happened to Ruble in last 2 years, but is in all of that...

Now we are on a foreign exchange war, that's pretty obvious, and I think Dollar and Yuan will not arrive to a dual beneficial position in near future. That will began a Finantial Global Crisis, never seen before, and that conduct it all to an Economic World War, and after an inevitable real World War.

We'll see rockets falling in our countries? Hope not, but we don't know what are they going to do.

As I said before, only a good reaction to new liquidity injection from Chinese Government in Chinese Markets will stop that free fall, but check it this link before now:

+0.53% at opening today, that seems so good enough? I don't think so... It should be going over +5% in normal situation at opening and about +10% at half session.

In few weeks/months we all began to feel that situation, politics will change worldwide.

That should be good for BTC? I don't know, but in my opinion that will give to BTC a new chance to go really up and overcome best prize ever or directly his exctintion, only that two ways I see right now.

Good luck to all.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: afbitcoins on August 26, 2015, 08:35:30 PM
There is an economic war for sure. I've heard some interesting theories about the explosions in China as retaliation for currency devaluations ..

The US dollar is well past its sell by date, other countries are beginning to move away. But dollar won't go without a fight.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: madjules007 on August 26, 2015, 09:17:40 PM
That should be good for BTC? I don't know, but in my opinion that will give to BTC a new chance to go really up and overcome best prize ever or directly his exctintion, only that two ways I see right now.

Good luck to all.

I would say that such a situation would be crushing for bitcoin. In economic crisis, money flows to safety. Bitcoin is a newfangled and little-tested technology with a penny stock market cap. Why would money flow into bitcoin under these circumstances? Hopefully years (probably decades) into the future, bitcoin may be viewed as a more resilient store of value. But for institutional or average retail investors, why would they view it as such now?

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: gentlemand on August 26, 2015, 09:19:47 PM

I would say that such a situation would be crushing for bitcoin. In economic crisis, money flows to safety. Bitcoin is a newfangled and little-tested technology with a penny stock market cap. Why would money flow into bitcoin under these circumstances? Hopefully years (probably decades) into the future, bitcoin may be viewed as a more resilient store of value. But for institutional or average retail investors, why would they view it as such now?

Agreed. It's something you have a dabble in once you have all your other bases covered. As soon as everything else starts to look a little shaky it'll be the first thing to go.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: Racey on August 26, 2015, 09:33:32 PM
World War II ended the "depression." The same Bankers who in the early 1930's had no loans for peacetime houses, food and clothing, suddenly had unlimited billions to lend for army barracks, K-rations and uniforms.

A nation that in 1934 could not produce food for sale, suddenly could produce bombs to send free to Germany and Japan!

Some politicians were blamed for it and others took credit for ending it. The truth is the lack of money (caused by Bankers) brought on the depression, and adequate money ended it. The people were never told that simple truth and in this article we will endeavor to show how these same bankers who control our money and credit have used their control to plunder America and place us in bondage.

No Money for Peace, but Plenty for War (

I say the very same situation back then, is a mirror image of todays current markets crisis.

They love war at the expense of us, we are expendable.
Why do we put up with these greedy mofos?

Also read: Manipulating Stocks for Fun and Profit (

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: madjules007 on August 26, 2015, 09:53:46 PM
They love war at the expense of us, we are expendable.
Why do we put up with these greedy mofos?

In a nutshell, that is human history in its entirety. Most intelligent people I know acknowledge these realities. But middle classers are fighting to cling onto their disappearing social status. And when most people are in poverty and still struggling to survive, it's a bit tough to spend energy fighting the man. To make things more complex, those that do theorize on how to end this bondage have great disagreement as to the solutions to the current nation-state-capitalist system. Such is life. :-\

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: Monopoly on August 26, 2015, 09:55:47 PM
WHole worth of bitcoin market is very very very very very very very very LOw .

The total market value does not answer a million hungry people for 1 month ...........

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: talks_cheep on August 26, 2015, 09:58:45 PM

Such drama, over nothing.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: Pab on August 26, 2015, 10:04:24 PM
War3,could be,water crisis and food crisis,now in my country is unnormous hot no rain from month,rivers are dry  and will be more dry days  .Disastear.Same is in all South Spain.That is serious becous there are estimates that next year could be the same.Imagine  if will be no monsun rain in Asia,same disastear in China,Imagine time what water price will meet oil price,lets say 10$ per barrel

All that economic chaos it is change,change from industrial era to technology era.That world cant live like it is living now,corporations ,debt economy is dead,change has to come now change is coming through destroying,it is better if it is goes on markets instead on streets

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: altcoinUK on August 26, 2015, 11:24:47 PM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: jaredboice on August 27, 2015, 04:24:57 PM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Totalitarian Governments haven't been able to stop the internet.  They can't even stop peer-to-peer file sharing.  What makes you think they will stop peer-to-peer money that doesn't need them for anything?

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: oblivi on August 27, 2015, 04:35:37 PM
Well I hope you are wrong, but the thing is the economy is on a dead end. If the interest rates go to 0%, the investors will move all of their money to another place = game over. And at the same time if the interest rates are kept those who are under debt will never be able to pay which gives you a worldwide crash, again game over. So as you can see, there is no real solution. The good news tho, is alternative system like Bitcoin would benefit a lot from this, so would in theory gold and silver. I just hope it doesn't take WW3 for that to happen. What would be the point of being rich in a destroyed world anyway.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: BTChaintrader on August 27, 2015, 05:34:06 PM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Are you sure about Armstrong? If it's true, he could make BILLIONS of dollars profit.

I don't thing he is a billionaire, so why didn't he place his bet in the market and made a lot of money by predicting all these crisis?

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: Hunyadi on August 27, 2015, 06:24:09 PM
Martin Armstrong sure has a lot of nuthuggers here  ;D

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: MF Doom on August 27, 2015, 07:22:40 PM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Are you sure about Armstrong? If it's true, he could make BILLIONS of dollars profit.

I don't thing he is a billionaire, so why didn't he place his bet in the market and made a lot of money by predicting all these crisis?

he has said his computer model system has taken 100's of millions of $ to put together.  Whether he is counting his time/labor into that equation I don't know, but still I would think that would be minor to 100's of millions of $.  So maybe he is not a billionaire, but based on his acute market knowledge & forecasting, you gotta think he's worth a pretty penny.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: altcoinUK on August 27, 2015, 07:28:03 PM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Are you sure about Armstrong? If it's true, he could make BILLIONS of dollars profit.

I don't thing he is a billionaire, so why didn't he place his bet in the market and made a lot of money by predicting all these crisis?

No, he is not a billionaire, but of course he made billions of dollars profit. This is a well known fact and he was a very well known fund manager.

He has placed many bets and he was running a multi billion dollar fund, he advised the IMF, banks, prime ministers, etc. More importantly his clients has been making millions and billions based on his advices for example in the 2007 crisis. There are records with names and events about it. Watch the documentary about him (The Forecaster) and you can hear there how people has been making money since 1980 using his service.

The problem is that not easy to translate Armstrong's predictions to stock exchange trades. Yes, sometimes he say a specific day like in 1987 and then you can short everything, but most of the times he predict trends (like in October 2015 will be the start of confidence decline or he said well before that in 1997 will be the Russian crisis), and even if the trend kicks off according to his prediction there could be lots of volatility on the market, and ups and downs until the events is fully unfold, so it doesn't mean inexperienced traders can make money based on his predictions.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: altcoinUK on August 27, 2015, 07:29:56 PM
Martin Armstrong sure has a lot of nuthuggers here  ;D

If would be a few in Hungary as well then your place would be in a lot better shape.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: altcoinUK on August 27, 2015, 07:32:55 PM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Are you sure about Armstrong? If it's true, he could make BILLIONS of dollars profit.

I don't thing he is a billionaire, so why didn't he place his bet in the market and made a lot of money by predicting all these crisis?

he has said his computer model system has taken 100's of millions of $ to put together.  Whether he is counting his time/labor into that equation I don't know, but still I would think that would be minor to 100's of millions of $.  So maybe he is not a billionaire, but based on his acute market knowledge & forecasting, you gotta think he's worth a pretty penny.

I think what he said was that today would cost 100 million $ to put together such data set what he has as the result of his 30 days of research and analysing historical data. But yes, I agree what you said and that his  company will be very valuable once he release his Socrates system/service.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: BTChaintrader on August 27, 2015, 07:48:58 PM

No, he is not a billionaire, but of course he made billions of dollars profit. This is a well known fact and he was a very well known fund manager.

He has placed many bets and he was running a multi billion dollar fund, he advised the IMF, banks, prime ministers, etc. More importantly his clients has been making millions and billions based on his advices for example in the 2007 crisis. There are records with names and events about it. Watch the documentary about him (The Forecaster) and you can hear there how people has been making money since 1980 using his service.

The problem is that not easy to translate Armstrong's predictions to stock exchange trades. Yes, sometimes he say a specific day like in 1987 and then you can short everything, but most of the times he predict trends (like in October 2015 will be the start of confidence decline or he said well before that in 1997 will be the Russian crisis), and even if the trend kicks off according to his prediction there could be lots of volatility on the market, and ups and downs until the events is fully unfold, so it doesn't mean inexpedience traders can make money based on his predictions.

I will make sure to watch the documentary!

I've just read about his October prediction and I believe that there is a possibility for that. I don't know why he doesn't talk about China though.

I get that if Europe starts collapsing and Japan follows them, the money can start flowing to USA, but where is China in the picture?

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: altcoinUK on August 27, 2015, 07:51:18 PM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Totalitarian Governments haven't been able to stop the internet.  They can't even stop peer-to-peer file sharing.  What makes you think they will stop peer-to-peer money that doesn't need them for anything?

Well it's very simple and quite clear: since digital currency is suitable to hide tax as well as store value, once the money start flowing from the bond and equity markets to private assets  (during the next crisis) then governments will immediately need to control digital currencies. That's how governments work, that's how they work in the 21st century and most importantly that's how they work when there is a crisis.

Of course they can stop peer to peer file sharing any time they want, and they will stop it once the crisis kick off and the corrupt, paranoid governments want to control everything. They will prosecute everyone who don't comply with laws and regulations and use applications that challenge the governments' total control. It's unfair, unjust and shouldn't be like that, but that will be the only way the governments can manage the crisis.

It is a permanent fight between us - who cherish  technological, economic and political freedom - and the government, but in this fight in short term the government win. We use I2P, tor, lately ham radio based mesh network to form a dark net and all kind these innovative systems, but the government can shut them down any time they want. You should know that if you know how the internet and more importantly how government works. ISPs and citizens will be under 100% state control, and once it will be crime to use these applications then the government will enforce those laws.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: altcoinUK on August 27, 2015, 08:02:37 PM

No, he is not a billionaire, but of course he made billions of dollars profit. This is a well known fact and he was a very well known fund manager.

He has placed many bets and he was running a multi billion dollar fund, he advised the IMF, banks, prime ministers, etc. More importantly his clients has been making millions and billions based on his advices for example in the 2007 crisis. There are records with names and events about it. Watch the documentary about him (The Forecaster) and you can hear there how people has been making money since 1980 using his service.

The problem is that not easy to translate Armstrong's predictions to stock exchange trades. Yes, sometimes he say a specific day like in 1987 and then you can short everything, but most of the times he predict trends (like in October 2015 will be the start of confidence decline or he said well before that in 1997 will be the Russian crisis), and even if the trend kicks off according to his prediction there could be lots of volatility on the market, and ups and downs until the events is fully unfold, so it doesn't mean inexpedience traders can make money based on his predictions.

I will make sure to watch the documentary!

I've just read about his October prediction and I believe that there is a possibility for that. I don't know why he doesn't talk about China though.

I get that if Europe starts collapsing and Japan follows them, the money can start flowing to USA, but where is China in the picture?

He talks a lot about China, and so far everything is quite accurate what he said about China. Again, he is mainly talking about macro economic trends and not daily events. And he doesn't say that on the 1st October the Dow Jones will be down 1000 points, but he predicts trends. He says the confidence will be start deteriorating so much from October and that will be the start of the next bigger than ever crisis. This combined with the sovereign debt problem, Euro issues, immigration issues, etc. will change everything. The money will flow from China as well to the US, there is no other place for the big money than the US bond and then the equity market. But after (2020) the money goes back to China and from that China will be the leader, and that will be the decline of western societies and economics.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: lambdaE on August 27, 2015, 08:21:10 PM
Assuming China can still contact the western world from beneath the permanent concrete smog across the land, the dead environment, the shattered culture, and the layers of policing across every human synapse.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: AtheistAKASaneBrain on August 28, 2015, 12:24:14 AM
The thing is i dont get how a WW would developed in this day an age. If the countries start dropping bombs no one will be left to enjoy earth's resources. It only takes a country to start a nuclear blast and we are all fucked.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: pokeviktor on August 28, 2015, 12:58:28 AM
The thing is i dont get how a WW would developed in this day an age. If the countries start dropping bombs no one will be left to enjoy earth's resources. It only takes a country to start a nuclear blast and we are all fucked.

Well, worst years of 1st WW and 2nd WW weren't first ones... check any history book and you'll see what were the causes of start of both, specially the world scenario before it happened.

They even don't know how it will finish or what they should do to won or what enemy exactly got, and I think we are on same situation. It's impossible know what will happen, but one thing is for sure: that will be very heavy.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: pokeviktor on August 28, 2015, 02:58:30 AM
Seems that week it will remain over 3000, there are good news but not enought... We'll see what happens this weekend off-Markets, specially on BTC prize.

Calm before storm?

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: jehst on August 28, 2015, 03:13:41 AM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Seems that he also went to jail for lying to investors

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: zero01 on August 28, 2015, 06:42:25 AM
I hope does not happen
if it really happens to be very many casualties  :(

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: Tstar on August 28, 2015, 07:13:58 AM
Economic crisis is not the question ..but will all the money flow into Bitcoin ??
governments would do everything to stop it becaue of anonymity and Loss of power.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: mindrust on August 28, 2015, 07:22:24 AM
3rd world war probably going to happen between Arabs/Russians/China-Europe/USA.

Now world economy going down, another world war is inevitable.

USA needs to sell guns, people need to fire bullets, best solution for the economic crisis.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: BTChaintrader on August 28, 2015, 07:35:24 AM
Economic crisis is not the question ..but will all the money flow into Bitcoin ??
governments would do everything to stop it becaue of anonymity and Loss of power.

They can't get in the way of innovation. It's like stopping the internet.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: altcoinUK on August 28, 2015, 11:05:47 AM
Martin Armstrong predicted so far all major economic events and crisis. The 1987 the Black Monday with day accuracy (years before the crisis) and then the 1989 all time high stock recovery, the 1999 Russian crisis, the 2000 stock bubble, the 2007 crisis, this year Swiss Franc crisis, all of them. According to Armstrong the big crisis that we have never seen before will start in two months time October 2015.  The issues you have highlighted in the OP very much contribute to this super-crisis which will bring riotings to the streets and most likely as you said war as well.

(I have just watched the movie about Armstrong, one of the best 25 British Pound I have ever spent)

The bad news for us in here that Bitcoin will not profit from the crisis on the long term. In short term (and once it crashed) the price will go up dramatically, but in long term the government and law enforcement will not allow people hide tax money using Bitcoin. It's annoying, but that's the reality, that's how totalitarian governments operate ( totalitarianism from financial governing viewpoint).

Seems that he also went to jail for lying to investors

If it seems to you that he was lying to investors then you are looking at something different what actually happened.

Armstrong was jailed for 7 years for contempt of court. Basically he has refused to hand over tape conversations with journalists (as well as the source code of his economic model) so Judge Owen - according to many in the US one of the most corrupt judges ever - put him in jail for that. Without trial and any jury verdicts. The 7 years imprisonment without trial and any jury verdicts is the longest in the history of US justice system. In the meantime the FBI was continuously trying to get their hand on the source code of his economic model. During this judge Owen - who is well known to assists all kind of court cases that benefits Goldman Sachs and the likes - appointed Alan Cohen to receiver in the case. Currently Alan Cohen is the director of Goldman Sachs. Finally, after 7 years imprisonment that again, was without any charges and any evidence presented against Armstrong, the government said they will seek a 135 years sentence in a lengthy and expensive trial or Armstrong could plead guilty in conspiring with Republic Bank officers. Armstrong, who was sometimes kept in solitary confinement and was a broken man by then given up and pleaded guilty and after 11 years get out. Again, no evidence was ever presented that he has cheated anyone (Republic Bank admitted wrongdoing, but no Armstrong), but after 7 years imprisonment without trial he has just given up and took the guilty deal from the prosecutors.
Now he is a free man, all his clients who made billions of dollars profit in the last three decades by following his analyses are back to him and - despite the Goldman Sachs and banks controlled mainstream media never mention him - he is more influential ever. Many of the largest and most influential fund managers rely on his advices and analyses just like before he was jailed.

Anyway, Armstrong's economic model that predicts an inevitable crisis and possible military conflicts is very relevant to this thread, that's why I mentioned it here. Feel free to believe the Goldman Sachs mantra (you can see what the world became under their watch) - I believe in Armstrong's economic model which has been proven correct over and over in the last 30 years.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: Monopoly on August 28, 2015, 11:56:21 AM
World War III never will happen because Human wisdom has upgraded ......

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: MF Doom on August 28, 2015, 01:06:05 PM
World War III never will happen because Human wisdom has upgraded ......

I'd have to strongly disgree.  To say that goes against what is currently happening.  US allowing/providing weapons to mexican drug cartels, syrian "moderate" rebels, all over africa...war and violence is increasing exponentially around the world.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: dre1982 on August 28, 2015, 01:07:20 PM
World War III never will happen because Human wisdom has upgraded ......

Let's hope so but with people like Kim Jung Un in this world, you will never know what will happens.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: MF Doom on August 28, 2015, 01:12:20 PM
World War III never will happen because Human wisdom has upgraded ......

Let's hope so but with people like Kim Jung Un in this world, you will never know what will happens.

That is another good point, the leaders of the world in general are getting more power hungry, and more totalitarian.  Plus the nuclear arsenals are so spread that countries are talking about preemptive strikes, as if they can tell the future.

In addition, the citizens of the world are being dumbed down.  I mean hiliary is a candidate for president of the us?  are you kidding me?

I also think people are losing interest in world events/politics so much that they have no idea what is going on, even at their local level.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: gentlemand on August 28, 2015, 01:24:41 PM

Let's hope so but with people like Kim Jung Un in this world, you will never know what will happens.

People like that may appear to be nutters to us, but they're also very shrewd. He knows perfectly well he'd be squashed flat if he attempted to invade South Korea.

He gets what he wants from larger powers by agitating and threatening until someone appeases him.

Future warfare will become increasingly tribal, asymmetrical and by proxy. The eras of Big States facing off might be tailing off. Now it's all nipping at the edges.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: pokeviktor on August 30, 2015, 10:42:37 PM
I think this next finantial week (less than 3 hours to Shanghai Composite's opening) will be decisive for global economy.

If at end of week this Market is over 3500, my first post will be obsolet -but not false, I think is inevitable-; but if is under 3000, next movement -from China or US- will iniciate an economic collapse with all Markets making 'rollercoasting' very fast.

Using BTC value moving this weekend I think we are going on a good way, but never knows what should happen.

Keep an eye on it along this week, will be interesting to do.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: mrhelpful on August 31, 2015, 09:15:17 PM
World War III never will happen because Human wisdom has upgraded ......

Let's hope so but with people like Kim Jung Un in this world, you will never know what will happens.

That is another good point, the leaders of the world in general are getting more power hungry, and more totalitarian.  Plus the nuclear arsenals are so spread that countries are talking about preemptive strikes, as if they can tell the future.

In addition, the citizens of the world are being dumbed down.  I mean hiliary is a candidate for president of the us?  are you kidding me?

I also think people are losing interest in world events/politics so much that they have no idea what is going on, even at their local level.

North korea threats are empty though.

You see it every single time, and when a country is so poor and their citizens pretty much are half starved. Theres no way they have a reasonable military force.

Also we have the techology now that detects any nuclear threat before it happens w. our ships around south koreas water.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: MF Doom on August 31, 2015, 09:34:34 PM
World War III never will happen because Human wisdom has upgraded ......

Let's hope so but with people like Kim Jung Un in this world, you will never know what will happens.

That is another good point, the leaders of the world in general are getting more power hungry, and more totalitarian.  Plus the nuclear arsenals are so spread that countries are talking about preemptive strikes, as if they can tell the future.

In addition, the citizens of the world are being dumbed down.  I mean hiliary is a candidate for president of the us?  are you kidding me?

I also think people are losing interest in world events/politics so much that they have no idea what is going on, even at their local level.

North korea threats are empty though.

You see it every single time, and when a country is so poor and their citizens pretty much are half starved. Theres no way they have a reasonable military force.

Also we have the techology now that detects any nuclear threat before it happens w. our ships around south koreas water.

I agree, I think they have enough power to strike fear into their own citizens, but know that they could not stand against larger countries that they try to provoke.

But, if he ever did go insane enough to strike another country, given how isolated they are from the rest of the world, I dont think they would last long in conflict.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: techgeek on August 31, 2015, 10:36:27 PM
This whole concept of world war 3, I really highly doubt.

We have an on-going war with "ISIS" that alone is costing us so much money. It just means we will settle it through inner deals what the presidents will do for each different country in exchange to avoid blood shed.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: lissandra on August 31, 2015, 11:34:28 PM
I think wars are actually impossible to avoid.

But a WW3 must mean we failed at all level negogtiations with other nations on something. And it wouldnt be wise to go start another war since we seem to be never paying our trillions of debt we owe.

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: pokeviktor on September 01, 2015, 12:11:50 AM
This whole concept of world war 3, I really highly doubt.

We have an on-going war with "ISIS" that alone is costing us so much money. It just means we will settle it through inner deals what the presidents will do for each different country in exchange to avoid blood shed.

One day US cannot continue this expansionist politic without dealing directly with Russia or China, just check what happened with Ucraine and how many other countries can be envolved on war with US's allies (I think we are on red line: only Iran remains).

You're talking about a future global peace, when territories aren't possible to touch without a direct response from Russia or China, using a deal that beneficiates everybody...

I don't know a lot about it, but I think this model of capitalism is completely totalitarist: grow with expasion and eliminate our rivals.

I think wars are actually impossible to avoid.

But a WW3 must mean we failed at all level negogtiations with other nations on something. And it wouldnt be wise to go start another war since we seem to be never paying our trillions of debt we owe.

When US touch direct interests of China with other countries, first thing China will do is claim his part of debt...

Title: Re: 3rd World War
Post by: BTChaintrader on September 01, 2015, 12:47:58 PM
China actually owns a small portion of the US debt as a percentage and they can't just claim the debt, the only thing they can do is start selling US bonds, which can cause a financial crisis, no doubt about that.

But there is no chance they will do that, because China still depends a lot on exports, so they are going to loose a lot too.