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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: msc_de on November 14, 2015, 10:55:17 AM

Title: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 14, 2015, 10:55:17 AM
'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'

Miss Canada Anastasia Lin testifies on China's human rights situation at a US Congressional hearing, July 23, 2015.

When China hosts the 65th Miss World beauty contest starting on Nov. 21 on the island province of Hainan, one of the contestants will likely be missing from the line-up. Anastasia Lin, currently Miss Canada, has apparently been denied a visa by the ruling Chinese Communist Party after she spoke out publicly about the persecution of fellow members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, which Beijing has designated an "evil cult." Lin, who was born in China but is now a Canadian citizen, and whose China-based father has been visited by the state security police, told RFA's Cantonese Service that her visa application has stalled:

They need a letter of invitation if you are applying for a visa, and Miss World issued one from their London headquarters. But when I went to apply for the visa they told me that this didn't count, and that I had to get an invitation letter from inside China, from the event's organizers there.

I asked Miss World to request this from China for me, because I wasn't the only person having this problem; they all were. I was just the first person to ask them. But all of the other contestants have now received their invitation letters from China. They got them on Oct. 30. Now it's Nov. 10, and I haven't heard anything at all from them.

I was looking at photos of the letters that the other contestants sent to me, and it says that the issuing department is the Sanya Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, so it's definitely the government's doing.

What this means is that the Chinese government hasn't issued me an invitation.

There are still 10 days to go, so we haven't given up hope yet. Miss World understands that I did a few things with the intention of helping some people out. I hope they will understand that was the whole reason I took part in this contest in the first place. Maybe they'll move the contest if the Chinese government doesn't give me a visa.

I am 25 years old, and I just graduated from college. I don't represent a threat of any kind to them. I just wanted to speak out on behalf of some Chinese people. I think that it would show the world how international they've become if they allowed me to go.


CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 14, 2015, 01:05:01 PM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 15, 2015, 02:12:08 AM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!! mean the hordes of supposedly Syrian are NOT trying to get across the border into China?

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 15, 2015, 02:57:44 AM
Police: Falun Gong practitioners stage torture photos

QINGDAO, China, June 3 (UPI) -- Police in the Chinese city of Qingdao said Monday that they have arrested 16 Falun Gong practitioners who allegedly created fake torture pictures.

The arrests were made during a raid at a residence on May 2, when they allegedly found Falun Gong practitioners acting out torture scenes, China's Xinhua news agency reported.

Some of the suspects were made to look like victims, and others were acting as the ones carrying out acts of torture, police said. Other suspects were taking pictures, police allege.

Falun Gong is a spiritual practice followed in China.

Original text from:

Falun Gong fabricates article 'Falun Gong disciples receive cruel torture' on internet

On August 19th 2004, a Falun Gong Internet site named Minghui published an article with the title: Inhuman torment to Liao Yuanhua of Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison.

Less than two weeks, on September 2nd, Minghui published an article named "The Inhuman torment Demonstration of Liao Yuanhua in Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison" with 17 counterfeit photos and explanatory texts, the pictures and texts were "luxuriantly showed" nearly "30 kinds of cruel tortures" mentioned above. This was another masterpiece which was planned, organized, commanded by Falun Gong cult, it drove the diehard disciples fabricated lies, concocted the fake photo, and made rumors and slanders abroad to decry our government.

Falun Gong needs lies

Liao Yuanhua, 47 years old, became an "organized and utilized the cult to destroy the law and implement the crime" criminal in February of 2001 and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for 4 years.

On June 9th 2004, Liao Yuanhua was released and lodged in his brother-in-law Yu Jibin's house. News passed quickly to other Falun Gong disciples Shi Liping, Wu Yonghong, etc. Soon after Liao YuanHua went home, Shi Liping, Wu Yonghong, Zhang Wenfang, Lan Guowen etc. came to visit him stealthily in succession.

Shi Liping with computer specialty told Liao Yuanhua, Minghui Website was collecting the so-called "persecuted" materials of Falun Gong disciples everywhere in September of 2001.

Liao Yuanhua's understood it quickly: Li Hongzhi had said disciples should visit Minghui Website to know the attitudes on important issues, so Liao Yuanhua determined to offer an rumored article to Minghui Website at the request of Li Hongzhi.

In order to concoct this "Heavy Article", Shi Liping, Wu Yonghong, Zhu Jianxun,etc. talked with Liao Yuanhua secretly. According to the memory of Yu Jibin, the time of discuss each time was very long, once they came in at 8 o'clock in the evening and went out at 5 o'clock in the next morning.

The article had been written out through numerous planning. Liao Yuanhua looked for Zhu Jianxun and Wu Yonghong to "solicit their opinions", and then Wu Yonghong passed the article to Shi Liping. Shi Liping suggested it was better to use the third-person form to make the article "more objective" and helped add some shock words in the beginning and the end. Then Liao Yuanhua read it and "feel quite good" and thought it "could strengthen the appeal of the article", so he agreed Shi Liping to send the article to Minghui Website.

Minghui Website just like found a treasure when they received the article, then published an article named "Inhuman torment to Liao Yuanhua of Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison" on August 19th. This article were quoted by other Falun Gong Websites like "Yuming" etc., moreover, the title was revised to "Suffered nearly 30 kinds cruel torture, Liao Yuanhua defied brutal suppression".

Falun Gong needs fake photos

3 days later, Shi Liping told Liao Yuanhua that the "Master" had new command: To collect the mainland disciples' simulation photos of being persecuted.

Minghui Website sent out the order and required domestic Falun Gong disciples to offer fake photos of being persecuted, hinted them undisguisedly that they could play tricks and make rumors: "Please develop your own intelligence."

Through planning, Liao Yuanhua, et al. determined to make and offer fake photos. According to the command of "develop your own intelligence" in Minghui Website, Liao Yuanhua borrowed a digital camera; Wu Yaqin sent for 3 pairs of liberates shoes; Without police uniform, Wu Yonghong looked for somebody to borrow a traffic uniform to replace; Chen Ronghua brought two medical work clothes; Yu Jibin even found out the iron chain which lock the wooden handcart in his family and imitated it as the fetters creatively.

Yu Shaojun, Liao Yuanhua's 23 years old nephew, was responsible for photographing. He divided it into 3 times: The first time, Liao Yuanhua, Wu Yonghong, Yu Jibin and Yu Shaojun came to a brick and tile factory near the house of Yu Jibin, When the workers of the brick and tile factory worked busily, they photographed a group of brick and tile factory's photos hurriedly, and then ran away.

Liao Yuanhua, Lan Guowen, Wu Yonghong, Chen Ronghua, Yu Jibin and Yu Shaojun came to Yu Jibin's house again on that night, and photographed the scene that Liao Yuanhua rehearsed formerly. Liao Yuanhua guided other 5 people act as doctor, prisoner and jailer, and photographed some fake photos of so-called "rack plane", "play on a swing", "coat hanger hit the head" etc., they busied with it till midnight. On the night of the next day, 6 people continued working with it and rehearsed various "cruel tortures" made up by Liao Yuanhua.

They had photographed more than 100 photos totally, and Liao Yuanhua let Yu Shaojun "synthesize" them. Yu Shaojun confessed later that the so-called "synthesize" mainly was to shear, intercept, combine and concatenate. Such as later on Minghui Website published two photos of "firebrick and baked gun", those were synthesized by 4 photos: included 2 photos of the outdoor scene of brick and tile factory, 2 photos of Yu Jibin "wrestled" with Liao Yuanhua which were photographed in Yu Jibin's house, then they "substituted the photos stealthily" to merge two "real" photos of brick and tile factory.

Such kind of photos had altogether synthesized more than 20 pieces. After finished, Liao Yuanhua and Yu Shaojun brought the photos to Shi Liping's house hurriedly. By chose the "excellent in excellent", 3 people had confirmed 17 photos and spent two nights to do some later stage works like writing the photo demonstrations etc.

Under the logic of "Only say what benefits Falun Gong", an outright lie came out.

After confirmed flawlessly, Shi Liping sent the concoctive photos to Minghui Website according to the operation manual she learned in Minghui Website.

On September 2nd, Minghui Website published an article named "The Inhuman torment Demonstration of Liao Yuanhua in Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison" with 17 fake photos.

Liao Yuanhua: The articles and photos were fabricated.

Concern with the case of collusion domestically and aboardly and rumoring by Falun Gong, the public security organ of Hubei Wuxue organized picked troops to launch investigation rapidly. The case was cracked on December 2nd, and all of 11 personnel concerning the cases such as Liao Yuanhua etc. were caught.

Liao Yuanhua confessed in the watch house, "The article and photos were fabricated."

Liao Yuanhua confessed that the photos published on Minghui Website was to promote Falun Gong and to expand its influence.

In fact, not only the fact was fictitious, but also the photos were fake.

A "cruel torture" photo named so-called "play on a swing", according to the confession of Yu Shaojun, was synthesized by 5 photos actually: 2 photos of empty beds, the 3 fixed hanging body photos of Liao Yuanhua were synthesized by using 3 photos of head, leg and mid body respectively. Finally, 5 photos synthesized to 1 photo, and the sheath of the fetters was "drawn" on the computer by using the photo editing software.

There were also some rumors and fake photos which created something out of nothing appeared everywhere in this article of Minghui Website, like "rack plane", "hit the head", "forbid to go to toilet" and "inject the unidentified medicine".

Liao Yuanhua said, "Recall on the days of the prison, prison leaders and the cadres tried their best to save me, my cotton-padded jacket was broken, they sent the new cotton-padded jacket to me; on my birthday, they sent the birthday cake to me; when my child's college entrance examination was passed, the prison leaders contributed and subsidized him to go to university; they cared about my study and dailylife, and bought the harmonica for me, bought the glasses for me, and lent books to me.

But all of these were forgotten by Liao Yuanhua at that time, he said, "when I was infatuated in Falun Gong, the only behavioral standard was to do what Li Hongzhi required us to do, I couldn't distinguish right from wrong, and finally lost myself.

Shi Liping was bitter too, "I will never visit the so-called 'Minghui' Website because it made the fake too much. The dust threw into my eyes, and this fall made me shock.

Yu Shaojun sighed deeply, "The Falun Gong addicts such as me were only a tool, a victim in his (Li Hongzhi) hand. He held the sign of "truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance", but let us to do the things of rumoring and slandering!

However, these things of rumoring and slandering were the splendid sensationalizing subject in Li Hongzhi's view.

Many websites of Falun Gong such as "Epochtimes" offered cooperation immediately after the article and the photos were published on Minghui Website on August 19th and September 2nd, and then they quoted them one after another as well as sensationalized them without restraint.

The lie is a lie eventually, and all dark tricks will disappear in a flash under the sunshine finally.

(Xinhua News Agency, December 27, 2004)

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: vero on November 15, 2015, 03:54:02 AM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!
I am wondering if this so called Miss Canada stuff has been part of an anti-China campaign in disguise all along.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 15, 2015, 03:59:40 AM
US Congressional hearing for a RACISM and Racial hate activists.

 "So the man went away from God, the aliens have used a method of mixing the races."
Lee chunji have listed
ten kinds of "evil": the half-breed, homosexuals, those who work on the computer, those who violate the tradition, believers in democracy, and "superstitions in science", etc.

What is happend in "Forced Democracy Exporter Land"??

 Blood Lessons

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 15, 2015, 04:22:03 AM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!
I am wondering if this so called Miss Canada stuff has been part of an anti-China campaign in disguise all along.
I do agree with the Chinese gov that Falong is a bad cult.

Talked to some of them.  They have that glassy eyed stare...

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 17, 2015, 12:04:23 PM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!! mean the hordes of supposedly Syrian are NOT trying to get across the border into China?

 i didnot get your points

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 17, 2015, 12:05:51 PM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!
I am wondering if this so called Miss Canada stuff has been part of an anti-China campaign in disguise all along.
I do agree with the Chinese gov that Falong is a bad cult.

Talked to some of them.  They have that glassy eyed stare...

Falungong is legal all over the world except mainland china, that fact itself figures out all.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 18, 2015, 02:08:25 PM

Falungong is legal all over the world except mainland china, that fact itself figures out all.

SINGAPORE — A Singapore court Tuesday charged 15 followers of the Falun Gong spiritual movement with illegal assembly after their unauthorized vigil in memory of fellow believers they say died in police custody in China.

The nine men and six women were led into a Singapore courtroom in handcuffs to hear the formal charges. Most wore bright yellow T-shirts that read: "The great law of Fa Lun: truthfulness, benevolence, tolerance."

The charges, including obstructing a police officer, were read to each defendant in English and translated into Mandarin through an interpreter.

After their arrest on New Year's Eve, the detainees refused to post bail, saying they did nothing wrong.

But by the time the court hearing ended late Tuesday, they were each in the process of posting $1,150 bail.

Falun Gong member Ng Wee Keong said the accused were all "fellow practitioners" of the spiritual movement. Police detained them just before midnight Sunday after a three-hour standoff involving about 80 Falun Gong members in a Singapore park. The sect, legal in Singapore, has been banned in China and has been targeted by a crackdown there.

The Falun Gong members, mostly women and children, had gathered around two makeshift cardboard memorials pasted with pictures and names of the alleged victims in China. Demonstrations and protests are rare in tightly controlled Singapore, where permits are required for any public gatherings.

Most of the detained Falun Gong members in Singapore are Chinese nationals, according to a court document.

At least two dozen police cordoned off the area and demanded that the Falun Gong followers hand over the memorials. They refused, at one point locking arms to prevent police from detaining members, police said.

The crime of obstructing a policeman carries a maximum jail sentence of 3 months and a maximum fine of $285. The unlawful assembly charge also carries a maximum 3-month jail term, and a maximum fine of $2,850.

The meditation sect has attracted millions of members in China and throughout the world. Beijing, fearing Falun Gong's popularity and its threat to Communist Party rule, has banned the group and sent thousands of members to prison and labor camps.

Human-rights groups say at least 92 have died in detention since the government banned the sect in July 1999, including four who were reported dead Tuesday by the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy.

The Hong Kong-based information center said the latest victims included 33-year-old Xu Bing and 34-year-old Lou Aiqing from China's eastern Shandong province.

Police arrested the two Dec. 20, when they were posting Falun Gong slogans on walls in Shandong's Qingdao city, and beat them in detention, it said.

On Dec. 24, police informed the families of Xu and Lou that they had died of heart disease.

Spotting numerous wounds on the bodies, the families took pictures of the corpses, only to have the films seized by police, the rights group said.

- See more at:

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 18, 2015, 02:18:15 PM
"As for China, not all dissidents have clean hands. What about Falun Dafa (Falun Gong), which independent investigators have concluded is an authoritarian cult that also has a conservative Buddhist homophobic bias? Moreover, it should also be remembered that while it trails Europe and South America in LGBT rights terms, China did finally decriminalise male homosexuality (1997) six years before the United States (2003)."

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 18, 2015, 02:44:45 PM

Falungong is legal all over the world except mainland china, that fact itself figures out all.

Everyone can put on search engine "Falun Gong Practitioners Forced Deportation"

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: BADecker on November 18, 2015, 02:48:54 PM
Anybody who suggests out of the blue that they don't represent a threat of any kind, needs to be watched carefully for hidden threats.


Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Hazir on November 18, 2015, 02:58:00 PM
And the point of this thread is? Because if you think that Ms. Anastasia Lin will win against Chinese government and they bend to her will and let her in, then you are gravely mistaken.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 18, 2015, 03:05:23 PM
And the point of this thread is? Because if you think that Ms. Anastasia Lin will win against Chinese government and they bend to her will and let her in, then you are gravely mistaken.

 mainland china will be totally free , sooner or later, no doubt

obviously you think in wrong direction

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 18, 2015, 03:11:12 PM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!
I am wondering if this so called Miss Canada stuff has been part of an anti-China campaign in disguise all along.
I do agree with the Chinese gov that Falong is a bad cult.

Talked to some of them.  They have that glassy eyed stare...

Falungong is legal all over the world except mainland china, that fact itself figures out all.

No it doesn't figure anything out.  Do you have a point?

Do you actually even KNOW ANYTHING about Falong?

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 18, 2015, 03:12:16 PM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!
I am wondering if this so called Miss Canada stuff has been part of an anti-China campaign in disguise all along.
I do agree with the Chinese gov that Falong is a bad cult.

Talked to some of them.  They have that glassy eyed stare...

Falungong is legal all over the world except mainland china, that fact itself figures out all.

No it doesn't figure anything out.  Do you have a point?

Do you actually even KNOW ANYTHING about Falong?

read before you ask please

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 18, 2015, 05:41:11 PM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!
I am wondering if this so called Miss Canada stuff has been part of an anti-China campaign in disguise all along.
I do agree with the Chinese gov that Falong is a bad cult.

Talked to some of them.  They have that glassy eyed stare...

Falungong is legal all over the world except mainland china, that fact itself figures out all.

No it doesn't figure anything out.  Do you have a point?

Do you actually even KNOW ANYTHING about Falong?

read before you ask please
No, I'm asking YOU.  And you don't know what I know or don't know.  Maybe I should be making demands for you to read.

Also, are you in Falong?  Just curious.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 18, 2015, 07:47:52 PM
pretty girl, ugly chinese government!!!
I am wondering if this so called Miss Canada stuff has been part of an anti-China campaign in disguise all along.
I do agree with the Chinese gov that Falong is a bad cult.

Talked to some of them.  They have that glassy eyed stare...

Falungong is legal all over the world except mainland china, that fact itself figures out all.

No it doesn't figure anything out.  Do you have a point?

Do you actually even KNOW ANYTHING about Falong?

read before you ask please
No, I'm asking YOU.  And you don't know what I know or don't know.  Maybe I should be making demands for you to read.

Also, are you in Falong?  Just curious.

i am not falungong member,

but i know their story from very original, the case in 1999 in  my home town in my university

i know chinese politics much better and much more than you, no need discuss on this , baby

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 18, 2015, 10:13:58 PM
Falun Gong, A racist and sexist cult

king wu

bullet   According to the New York Times, Li Hongzhi said that: "...interracial children are the spawn of the 'Dharma Ending Period,' a Buddhist phrase that refers to an era of moral degeneration. In an interview last year, he said each race has its own paradise, and he later told followers in Australia that, 'The yellow people, the white people, and the black people have corresponding races in heaven.' As a result, he said, interracial children have no place in heaven without his intervention."

As noted below, homosexuality is degenerate behavior, on a par with sexual promiscuity.
Beliefs about homosexuality:

The Falun Gong movement appears to treat homosexuality -- presumably homosexual behavior not homosexual orientation -- as a degenerate behavior, on a par with sexual promiscuity:

Founder and current leader Li Hongzhi delivered a lecture in Sydney, Australia in 1996. 7 In it, he made a passing reference to homosexuality:
"A lot of people have done many bad deeds. Things such as organized crime, homosexuality, and promiscuous sex, etc., none are the standards of being human."

My name is Samuel Luo and my parents are both Falun Gong practitioners who have been hurt and exploited by this cult. Among the many harms done to them, I have been seriously concerned that they have refused needed medical treatment. In 2002, my step-father initially refused help when he had a stroke and he has suffered painful gout attacks unnecessarily for five years. He did so because he was being brainwashed into believing that Li Hongzhi, the founder and leader of this cult has the power to cure illnesses and taking medicine is counter productive.

Lord Lucan

The simplistic anti-government propganda of the FLG is so trite,
 and so blindingly obvious to any Chinese person that it could only be for foreign consumption.  
:roll: I suspect the China end of the FLG is a cynical manipulation by overseas elements to create a persecution complex among members using Chinese (fuck it, there's plenty of them) as the victims.
And it is disgusting.
 Screw the FLG.
And screw all these  fuckwits in the West blindly supporting something they know absolutely nothing about, nor have no experience of.
Give your money/support to HRW China or something, or reporters san frontiers of something, but save us from the FLG!


Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 18, 2015, 11:38:02 PM

No, I'm asking YOU.  And you don't know what I know or don't know.  Maybe I should be making demands for you to read.

Also, are you in Falong?  Just curious.

i am not falungong member,

but i know their story from very original, the case in 1999 in  my home town in my university

i know chinese politics much better and much more than you, no need discuss on this , baby

I happen to know a lot about cults, though.  Whether you know more than me about chinese politics would be something you don't know.

Regardless, I take a dim view of people that act authoritative and knowledgeable on the internet, but who don't answer actual, and often simple questions.

So would you like demands from me that you read something?

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 18, 2015, 11:50:00 PM

No, I'm asking YOU.  And you don't know what I know or don't know.  Maybe I should be making demands for you to read.

Also, are you in Falong?  Just curious.

i am not falungong member,

but i know their story from very original, the case in 1999 in  my home town in my university

i know chinese politics much better and much more than you, no need discuss on this , baby

I happen to know a lot about cults, though.  Whether you know more than me about chinese politics would be something you don't know.

Regardless, I take a dim view of people that act authoritative and knowledgeable on the internet, but who don't answer actual, and often simple questions.

So would you like demands from me that you read something?

i am sorry, your argument or comment or question are far away from the topic of the thread, sorry again, no need to answer

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 18, 2015, 11:57:04 PM
'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'

Miss Canada Anastasia Lin testifies on China's human rights situation at a US Congressional hearing, July 23, 2015.

When China hosts the 65th Miss World beauty contest starting on Nov. 21 on the island province of Hainan, one of the contestants will likely be missing from the line-up. Anastasia Lin, currently Miss Canada, has apparently been denied a visa by the ruling Chinese Communist Party after she spoke out publicly about the persecution of fellow members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, which Beijing has designated an "evil cult." Lin, who was born in China but is now a Canadian citizen, and whose China-based father has been visited by the state security police, told RFA's Cantonese Service that her visa application has stalled:

They need a letter of invitation if you are applying for a visa, and Miss World issued one from their London headquarters. But when I went to apply for the visa they told me that this didn't count, and that I had to get an invitation letter from inside China, from the event's organizers there.

I asked Miss World to request this from China for me, because I wasn't the only person having this problem; they all were. I was just the first person to ask them. But all of the other contestants have now received their invitation letters from China. They got them on Oct. 30. Now it's Nov. 10, and I haven't heard anything at all from them.

I was looking at photos of the letters that the other contestants sent to me, and it says that the issuing department is the Sanya Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, so it's definitely the government's doing.

What this means is that the Chinese government hasn't issued me an invitation.

There are still 10 days to go, so we haven't given up hope yet. Miss World understands that I did a few things with the intention of helping some people out. I hope they will understand that was the whole reason I took part in this contest in the first place. Maybe they'll move the contest if the Chinese government doesn't give me a visa.

I am 25 years old, and I just graduated from college. I don't represent a threat of any kind to them. I just wanted to speak out on behalf of some Chinese people. I think that it would show the world how international they've become if they allowed me to go.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 18, 2015, 11:58:56 PM
Human rights[edit]
Along with her acting and participation in pageants, Lin is known for her public position against human rights abuses in China, particularly against practitioners of Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline. In 2012, she was one of eleven stakeholders selected to meet Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird upon the establishment of Canada's Office of Religious Freedom. Previously, Lin was one of ten Youth Leaders who met Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bob Dechert to consult on the same issue.[5] Canadian television reports attributed her victory in the 2015 Miss World Pageant in part to her passion for human rights.

Due to her activism, Chinese state security agents visited and threatened her father in China, attempting to have him sever all contact with her. "Shortly after my victory, my father started receiving threats from Chinese security agents complaining about my human rights advocacy," Lin wrote in an op-ed in The Washington Post. "No doubt fearing for his livelihood and business, my father asked me to stop advocating for human rights. He told me that if I did not stop, we would have to go our separate ways."[6]

In July 2015 Lin was invited to testify before U.S. Congress, addressing the topic of Religion With "Chinese Characteristics": Persecution and Control in Xi Jinping's China. Speaking before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Lin said that the intimidation and threats her father received are common. "Good people like my father, a law abiding and contributing citizen, an honest businessman now too afraid to talk to his daughter, who once supported her in everything she did... now must leave her to face the world alone... Mr. Chairman, I hope you understand this is a common experience for so many American and Canadian citizens. Those Chinese who dare to speak their minds do so knowing that those still within the regime's reach in China could pay the price for it."[7]

In subsequent interviews with media, Lin has spoken out on behalf of Falun Gong and other persecuted groups in China. And since being crowned Miss World Canada, she stopped receiving invitations to attend Chinese events held by community leaders with ties to the Chinese consulate in Toronto.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 19, 2015, 12:08:44 AM

CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 19, 2015, 01:52:10 AM

CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Well, I don't even think she's cute.  About average.

So why is she "Miss World Canada?"

What the hell is "Miss World Canada," anyway?

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 19, 2015, 08:30:02 AM

CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Well, I don't even think she's cute.  About average.

So why is she "Miss World Canada?"

What the hell is "Miss World Canada," anyway?

i dont think your question made any sense

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 19, 2015, 04:36:45 PM

CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Well, I don't even think she's cute.  About average.

So why is she "Miss World Canada?"

What the hell is "Miss World Canada," anyway?

i dont think your question made any sense

I think it does.

For some reason you are posting stuff from a "Miss World Canada."

So you probably should deal with someone asking "what the hell is that?"

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 19, 2015, 04:49:48 PM
For some reason you are posting stuff from a "Miss World Canada."

This is so close with the answer - "from where "Li Hongzhi" have all this money for spreading hate to China Mainland and racist speeches."

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 19, 2015, 05:09:06 PM
For some reason you are posting stuff from a "Miss World Canada."

This is so close with the answer - "from where "Li Hongzhi" have all this money for spreading hate to China Mainland and racist speeches."

Like I mentioned, and I'm serious about this and not facetious.  I don't see this woman winning beauty contests.

Here is is pumping up Falong in the actual contest and then doing a mediocre piano jig.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 19, 2015, 08:01:38 PM

CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Well, I don't even think she's cute.  About average.

So why is she "Miss World Canada?"

What the hell is "Miss World Canada," anyway?

i dont think your question made any sense

I think it does.

For some reason you are posting stuff from a "Miss World Canada."

So you probably should deal with someone asking "what the hell is that?"

This thread not about discussing the title of miss canada, so your question is totally bullshit, that is all

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 19, 2015, 09:44:33 PM

CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Well, I don't even think she's cute.  About average.

So why is she "Miss World Canada?"

What the hell is "Miss World Canada," anyway?

i dont think your question made any sense

I think it does.

For some reason you are posting stuff from a "Miss World Canada."

So you probably should deal with someone asking "what the hell is that?"

This thread not about discussing the title of miss canada, so your question is totally bullshit, that is all

Okay, I understand your attitude.  But what I'm pointing out is that this woman has no standing to lecture me or you about a problem with human rights in China.  She is no expert, just someone voted into a dubious title with marginal public distinction.  So your using her as an authority on Falong is total bullshit.

Look, I'm opposed to harsh measures by the Chinese government, but I do agree with them on their analysis of Falong as being an evil cult.  (Just to clarify.)

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 19, 2015, 10:12:36 PM

CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015

Well, I don't even think she's cute.  About average.

So why is she "Miss World Canada?"

What the hell is "Miss World Canada," anyway?

i dont think your question made any sense

I think it does.

For some reason you are posting stuff from a "Miss World Canada."

So you probably should deal with someone asking "what the hell is that?"

This thread not about discussing the title of miss canada, so your question is totally bullshit, that is all

Okay, I understand your attitude.  But what I'm pointing out is that this woman has no standing to lecture me or you about a problem with human rights in China.  She is no expert, just someone voted into a dubious title with marginal public distinction.  So your using her as an authority on Falong is total bullshit.

Look, I'm opposed to harsh measures by the Chinese government, but I do agree with them on their analysis of Falong as being an evil cult.  (Just to clarify.)

 I am so sorry but  i have to say you are wrong again.

because when i upload this thread in the forum , i even did not know she is a Falungong member.

I just feel that is totally ridiculous for china government refuse to issue visa to Miss Cananda

you eat bullshit as meal or not is your business, i have no interest.

evil cult of Falungong? ridiculous again!! china government itself is biggest evil cult in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: BADecker on November 19, 2015, 10:13:47 PM
Look! You are a threat. You are a threat to all of us, because you are brave and bold, and we are cowards... and that embarrasses the heck out of us. It makes us angry. And we talk a lot when we are angry, because talk makes us feel good. But we are too chicken to get out there and DO something brave.

The threat exists in the fact that we might overdo it and get hurt, without realizing what we are getting ourselves into... because we are cowards! You ARE a threat. (

Easy Rider (4/8) Movie CLIP - You Represent Freedom (1969) HD (


Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 20, 2015, 12:24:08 AM

 I am so sorry but  i have to say you are wrong again.

because when i upload this thread in the forum , i even did not know she is a Falungong member.

I just feel that is totally ridiculous for china government refuse to issue visa to Miss Cananda

you eat bullshit as meal or not is your business, i have no interest.

evil cult of Falungong? ridiculous again!! china government itself is biggest evil cult in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you been to mainland china?  Do you speak Mandarin?  Have you talked with people in Falong?

And it's not Miss Canada, it's Miss "World Canada."

By the way, no need for insults.  Not that they help your argument...

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 20, 2015, 12:34:42 AM

 I am so sorry but  i have to say you are wrong again.

because when i upload this thread in the forum , i even did not know she is a Falungong member.

I just feel that is totally ridiculous for china government refuse to issue visa to Miss Cananda

you eat bullshit as meal or not is your business, i have no interest.

evil cult of Falungong? ridiculous again!! china government itself is biggest evil cult in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you been to mainland china?  Do you speak Mandarin?  Have you talked with people in Falong?

And it's not Miss Canada, it's Miss "World Canada."

By the way, no need for insults.  Not that they help your argument...

Q1: yes
Q2: yes
Q3: yes

nothing insult, the word bullshit is so weak !!!

 by the way it is not Falong, it should be Fa Lun Gong

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 20, 2015, 12:51:16 AM

 I am so sorry but  i have to say you are wrong again.

because when i upload this thread in the forum , i even did not know she is a Falungong member.

I just feel that is totally ridiculous for china government refuse to issue visa to Miss Cananda

you eat bullshit as meal or not is your business, i have no interest.

evil cult of Falungong? ridiculous again!! china government itself is biggest evil cult in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you been to mainland china?  Do you speak Mandarin?  Have you talked with people in Falong?

And it's not Miss Canada, it's Miss "World Canada."

By the way, no need for insults.  Not that they help your argument...

Q1: yes
Q2: yes
Q3: yes

nothing insult, the word bullshit is so weak !!!

 by the way it is not Falong, it should be Fa Lun Gong

Okay, so why do you defend this cult?  What makes defending it important?  There are many wrong things in the world.

Have you ever had friends whose lives were ruined by a religious cult?  I have.

Nobody is defending the Chinese government, by the way.  If you know China and you know Mandarin, you know China has made tremendous progress since the first shipping container left it's docks in 1995.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Vika NSFW on November 20, 2015, 02:34:37 AM
religious cult?

msc_de have call this dirty racist organization as "Religion"?

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 28, 2015, 05:55:14 PM
Let Anastasia Lin Into China to Represent Canada at Miss World 2015

We are petitioning you to ensure Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin is granted a visa to attend the Miss World Competition in Sanya China.

Your government has failed to issue her an invitation letter, effectively withholding the visa Ms. Lin needs to travel to China and thus barring her from attending the Miss World competition.

Ms. Lin is being discriminated against because she has spoken out about human rights abuses in China, including the persecution of Falun Gong, a meditation practice that has been persecuted in China since 1999.

Because of her efforts to bring attention to the plight of others, her father in China was even visited by security personnel in an attempt to intimidate him and compel him to silence his daughter's advocacy.

If China aspires to be a responsible member of the international community it should behave according to the standard of that community, including respecting basic freedoms and different viewpoints.

We, the undersigned, are petitioning you to make a step towards earning a respected place within the international community by ensuring Ms. Lin is able to attend the Miss World competition.

We ask you allow Ms. Lin to travel to China immediately and participate in the Miss World final on December 19, 2015. We also demand you abandon any attempts to intimidate her family members.

Chinese Leader Xi Jinping
Allow Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin to Compete in Miss World Competition in China

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 28, 2015, 06:33:20 PM
religious cult?

msc_de have call this dirty racist organization as "Religion"?

Yea, it would be like calling dao "religion."  Also spelled in english "tao."  Maybe nobody or few know the word.  But that's the problem, Chinese have this stuff like Tao, Confucius , "way of life."  Not quite religion.

But I agree 100%, Falong is "evil cult", don't care if you slap "religious" on there or not.

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 28, 2015, 11:49:11 PM
Miss Canada Stopped From Boarding Flight to Mainland China For Beauty Finals

Would-be Miss World beauty contestant and rights activist Anastasia Lin has been prevented from boarding a flight to China to take part in the final round of the competition, she told RFA on Friday.

Lin, currently Miss Canada, has apparently been denied a visa by the ruling Chinese Communist Party after she spoke out publicly about the
persecution of fellow members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, which Beijing in 1999 designated an "evil cult" in a campaign that entailed mass incarcertion and widespread torture allegations.

Lin, who was born in China but is now a Canadian citizen, had qualified to attend the finals of the 65th Miss World competition, which China is hosting this year.

Lin, 25, said she is sure that she is being barred from attending the Dec. 19 event in the tropical resort of Sanya because of her human rights activism.

Despite not receiving an official invitation letter from the Chinese government, nor a visa to enter the country, Lin decided to try traveling to Sanya. She was refused permission to board the last leg of her flight in Hong Kong, which has maintained a separate immigration border since its return to Chinese rule in 1997.

"I have taken part in various movie projects that have to do with human rights," Lin told RFA. "The first movie was about tofu buildings in Sichuan [during the devastating 2008 earthquake] where so many children lost their lives."

"After that, I was in one that dealt with religious persecution, including that of [the banned spiritual movement,] the Falun Gong and underground churches," she said.

"There was another on the situation of Tibetans."

'Stand up and speak out'

Lin said she had hoped to open the eyes of people inside China during the final, which is being broadcast on state-run CCTV.

"I think that if the Chinese people got the chance to see somebody so outspoken on the TV, they might be able to feel more hopeful and feel encouraged to stand up and speak out for themselves," Lin said.

Lin, who recently graduated as a theater major, said she wouldn't give up her activism, however.

"I won't give up, because if I drew back now, I think a lot of people would think 'well, what about us?'" she said. "They might feel that there wasn't any hope if even somebody as outspoken as myself [gave up]."

Lin, who is a Falun Gong practitioner, testified in July at a U.S. congressional hearing on religious persecution in China.

She told the Congressional Commission on China (CECC) she "wanted to speak for those in China that are beaten, burned and electrocuted for holding to their beliefs - people in prison who eat rotten food with blistered fingers because they dare have convictions."

She appears to enjoy considerable support among young people in Hong Kong, which saw 79 days of a mass pro-democracy movement occupy the city's streets last year.

"I think that the Chinese government is very narrow-minded, [to bar her] just because she spoke out for the human rights of Chinese people," a media student surnamed Hui at the Chinese University of Hong Kong told RFA on Friday.

"Such a big country can't cope with a 25-year-old young woman who is going to take part in a beauty pageant?"

"I think that the Chinese government's suppression of free speech is getting worse and worse," Hui said.

And a Hong Kong resident surnamed Tseung agreed. "This is inappropriate, but it is pretty normal for the Chinese government," she said.

"Anyone who has anything to do with the Falun Gong isn't allowed to leave the country, which violates their human rights."

Tseung added: "China is such a huge country, and yet they can't cope with a young woman attending a beauty pageant."

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Ka Pa and Dai Weisen for the Cantonese Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: Spendulus on November 29, 2015, 05:07:27 AM
Miss Canada Stopped From Boarding Flight to Mainland China For Beauty Finals

Would-be Miss World beauty contestant and rights activist Anastasia Lin has been prevented from boarding a flight to China to take part in the final round of the competition, she told RFA on Friday.

Lin, currently Miss Canada, has apparently been denied a visa by the ruling Chinese Communist Party after she spoke out publicly about the
persecution of fellow members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, which Beijing in 1999 designated an "evil cult" in a campaign that entailed mass incarcertion and widespread torture allegations.

Lin, who is a Falun Gong practitioner, testified in July at a U.S. congressional hearing on religious persecution in China.

The one-person propaganda machine masked as Miss Canada, has been stripped of any ability to become Miss World?

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 29, 2015, 09:50:57 AM
Miss Canada Stopped From Boarding Flight to Mainland China For Beauty Finals

Would-be Miss World beauty contestant and rights activist Anastasia Lin has been prevented from boarding a flight to China to take part in the final round of the competition, she told RFA on Friday.

Lin, currently Miss Canada, has apparently been denied a visa by the ruling Chinese Communist Party after she spoke out publicly about the
persecution of fellow members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, which Beijing in 1999 designated an "evil cult" in a campaign that entailed mass incarcertion and widespread torture allegations.

Lin, who is a Falun Gong practitioner, testified in July at a U.S. congressional hearing on religious persecution in China.

The one-person propaganda machine masked as Miss Canada, has been stripped of any ability to become Miss World?

people on the earth who love justice  all support her including me

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 29, 2015, 09:59:50 AM
Let Anastasia Lin Into China to Represent Canada at Miss World 2015

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 29, 2015, 05:42:18 PM

it seemed that Miss LIN is refused for visa by china government due to this film

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on November 30, 2015, 04:20:52 PM

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
Post by: msc_de on December 01, 2015, 12:42:17 AM
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support Ms LIN

Title: Re: 'I Don't Represent a Threat of Any Kind'
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