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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: azeminjo09 on November 23, 2015, 10:54:23 PM

Title: Electric cigarettes
Post by: azeminjo09 on November 23, 2015, 10:54:23 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Faradey100 on November 23, 2015, 11:11:40 PM
I guess no,taste is like water pipe with more exotic aromats and l always have headaches after smoking that electric cigarettes.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: bojan92 on November 24, 2015, 02:07:45 AM
Electric cigarettes won't help you quit smoking, after some time you will go to the store and buy yourself cigarettes, it is just a waste of money. There is not a more effective way to quit smoking than to reduce the number of smoked cigarettes per day, and than quit it. I know it is hard, but you have to be strong so you can quit. Find something to do and not to think to smoke a cigarette, that will also help you. Also, you can start swimming, that is an activity that requires large lungs capacity, and with some time you will feel sick when you light a cigarette. I am glad you decided to quit smoking, it will be hard, but stay strong :))) Do not give your money away for some stupid electric cigarette.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: xCynosure on November 24, 2015, 02:50:18 AM
Through my nursing practice, I've seen individuals quit using e-cigs, just as I have with the gum, patch, reduction strategies, cold turkey, etc.  Everyone finds their own method... and many individuals require more than one attempt to quit.

The only thing I would caution with e-cigarettes is that it can become habitual on it's own in terms of taste, should you choose flavoured varieties. For many people, it is substituting one vice for another... but, as far as the most recent studies go, e-cigarettes are the lesser evil of the two.

*Edit: Good for you on looking into quitting, though. :) It is by far one of the best things you can do for your health.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 24, 2015, 10:03:20 AM
I guess no,taste is like water pipe with more exotic aromats and l always have headaches after smoking that electric cigarettes.

Electric cigarettes won't help you quit smoking, after some time you will go to the store and buy yourself cigarettes, it is just a waste of money.
Wrong, don't listen to this nonsense.

Firstly you won't have headaches or anything similar if you buy quality vaping gear (there are fine premium sets). Secondly it will help you quit and it might not. With 'might not', I mean you will most likely switch to vaping completely. Not only is it 95% safer than smoking, it is also cheaper and there is no bad smell (can be quite nice depending on flavor). What you could do is start somewhere high (9-12mg nicotine) and stop smoking completely. Then just reduce the dosage every X amount of time. I started at 12 and I'm already down to 6 mg.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: PrikiNo.1 on November 24, 2015, 12:10:12 PM
Mate, if you never stop with smoking, believe me that electric cigarettes will not help you...

The last article that I was read about electric cigarettes was very frightening. The scholars find out that electric cigarettes makes you more addicted to nicotine and plus the final result is Cancer! There are in fact more dangerous then the normal cigarettes. Also, for example if you spent 50 dollars on cigarettes every month, you will gonna need x2 or more money if you want to smoke electric cigarettes.

I suggest you to stop with smoking sooner or later. Because, the other thing that the normal cigarettes have is GMO. It's makes you feel like you need that crap all the time.

I know it's sounds crazy, but Cannabis is the best way to quit with smoking! :)

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 24, 2015, 12:27:37 PM
-snipped due to idiocy and nonsense-
This is all wrong and propaganda spread by some media. Everything you have written is completely wrong. To summarize correct information:

1)  Vaping helps quit completely ( or switch to vaping;
2) Vaping is 95% healthier than smoking;  (
3) Vaping does not make you more addicted, you can buy 0mg nicotine flavors;
4) Vaping is cheaper than smoking (you can easily vape each day for 2 weeks with a 5ml bottle (5$), unless you're a heavy smoker).

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: GriffinHeart on November 24, 2015, 05:32:43 PM
Well, addiction is a touchy subject.
For everyone, addiction is a variable. It can be serious or light, to each his own.
The 90% effective method is to reduce to number of cigarrettes per day, as someone already said above.
Moving from one smoke to an electrical version of that smoke, even if it lacks most of the harmful chemicals, is not any better for your habit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: maartenhaha on November 24, 2015, 05:42:02 PM
no it will not
i even hear and read in some cases some people got more addicted to nicotine after puffing that electric smokepole some time, because of reasons..
like it doesn't smell "bad" as regular smokepoling you can puff moar and stuff..

see it as regular gas and unleaded gas.
goverment and their scientists prommised us we would polute less with unleaded, what happened?
feeling less guilty about driving and poluting around and started to drive and buy cars even more.
i don't know about other countries, but here it did.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: dloghwak on November 24, 2015, 05:48:28 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.
I tried it back than when I was still smoking, but I quit e-cigarettes quite fast as I haven't enjoyed it at all.
I had exactly the same worries about my health and cancer that I quit cold turkey, it still needed a few tries but know I'm smoke free for almost one year and it feels great.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: SvenBomvolen on November 24, 2015, 05:55:12 PM
If u like to smoke smoke real thing, this electronic "things" are evil. I dont know how people can even smoke this things, its just crazy.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: john2231 on November 24, 2015, 06:28:31 PM
I think its not really help about our health.. and it can cause canser..

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 24, 2015, 06:54:33 PM
dont think will hep anyhow.
If u like to smoke smoke real thing, this electronic "things" are evil. I dont know how people can even smoke this things, its just crazy.
I think its not really help about our health.. and it can cause canser..
no it will not
i even hear and read in some cases some people got more addicted to nicotine after puffing that electric smokepole some time, because of reasons..
like it doesn't smell "bad" as regular smokepoling you can puff moar and stuff..
Useless post farming. Ignore them.

Moving from one smoke to an electrical version of that smoke, even if it lacks most of the harmful chemicals, is not any better for your habit.
It is not? The day that I bought my vaping kit I stopped smoking. I'm reducing my nicotine dosage slowly to 0 mg. Once I am at 0mg, what is your point exactly?

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: fortuity on November 24, 2015, 07:14:06 PM
just fresher than the old cigarettes

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lethn on November 24, 2015, 08:03:05 PM
It's just another load of bullshit that the tabacco companies are trying to sell people, I think electronic cigarettes are at least more polite because they don't put out the same awful stink everywhere like normal cigarettes do but health wise they are just as bad as normal cigarettes.

The only way to get healthy is to get off them entirely, just face it, I do have a lot of respect for people who use e-cigerattes instead though because like I said, better for everybody else.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 24, 2015, 08:04:43 PM
It's just another load of bullshit that the tabacco companies are trying to sell people..
Incorrect.  ( Unless you think that every study as this one is fake. I'm not exactly sure how this would make sense to them either, because their profits would go down?

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: xCynosure on November 24, 2015, 08:15:25 PM

Well, I applaud Lauda on actually taking a look at research and not just spewing out the crap he/she saw on a FB post once, or developing an opinion based on ill-conceived preconceptions. 

Electronic cigarettes work for some, and not for others... But to say that e-cigarettes are "just as bad" as cigarettes should immediately cue you not to listen to those particular individuals as they have no idea what they are talking about.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lethn on November 24, 2015, 09:28:29 PM
lol I don't mind being proven wrong, I have to say though I'm still suspicious though because I'd need to know about the links these guys have to any tobacco companies and which government officials are looking at this before I 99% believe it, when I see people pushing for something so heavily I'm often very skeptical about it.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: quadriple7 on November 24, 2015, 09:29:15 PM
i actually have never done electric cigarettes so i dont know the difference

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lethn on November 24, 2015, 09:29:59 PM
Not smoking is generally your safest bet to staying healthy anyway, putting any kind of shit inside your lungs is bad for you, people can get high off glue, which is why I'm not completely convinced.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 24, 2015, 09:43:36 PM
lol I don't mind being proven wrong, I have to say though I'm still suspicious though because I'd need to know about the links these guys have to any tobacco companies and which government officials are looking at this before I 99% believe it, when I see people pushing for something so heavily I'm often very skeptical about it.
Nobody is "really" pushing for this. Actually there were a lot of "studies" saying that it might even be worse than cigarettes which is completely wrong. Such companies were either using low grade vaping equipment or low quality liquids (don't buy things from unknown companies). Tobacco companies can't really increase their profits if smokers switch to this because the costs are lower in comparison to smoking. A person that bought a pack each day should have no problem with using only 5ml (or two) of liquid bi-weekly. In other words $4 (let's say this is the price, can be higher or lower depending where one lives) x 14 = 56$ in comparison to $5 (which is how much 5ml usually costs).

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: knightkon on November 24, 2015, 11:57:46 PM
There is still to much unknown about e-cigs.  This unknown factor is what is going to hurt people in the long run and because of this, sooner or later they will be suing over the damages caused to your body because of it.  Just my opinion.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: lanbo on November 25, 2015, 05:58:11 AM
There is still to much unknown about e-cigs.  This unknown factor is what is going to hurt people in the long run and because of this, sooner or later they will be suing over the damages caused to your body because of it.  Just my opinion.

Base from what I've read somewhere some initial findings suggest that e-cigs can really do cause serious potential health problem like cancer.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 25, 2015, 06:54:21 AM
There is still to much unknown about e-cigs.  This unknown factor is what is going to hurt people in the long run and because of this, sooner or later they will be suing over the damages caused to your body because of it.  Just my opinion.
Base from what I've read somewhere some initial findings suggest that e-cigs can really do cause serious potential health problem like cancer.
Enough already. This is starting to become worse than people saying "bacon causes cancer". What you read is irrelevant (unless you post the sources); the chances of it being proper research are slim to none (as rarely anyone ever does). You do realize that nobody ever claimed that they do not cause cancer? When they say 95% healthier than cigarettes, they aren't implying there are no long term effect nor that it does't cause cancer. Regardless, they are safe enough or at least better than cigarettes. People who have not switched over or have switched over with low quality gear should not talking at all. I remember the days of coughing up so much tar, while some say they're worse.  ::)

i actually have never done electric cigarettes so i dont know the difference
Then why are you posting?

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: lanbo on November 25, 2015, 07:15:07 AM
There is still to much unknown about e-cigs.  This unknown factor is what is going to hurt people in the long run and because of this, sooner or later they will be suing over the damages caused to your body because of it.  Just my opinion.
Base from what I've read somewhere some initial findings suggest that e-cigs can really do cause serious potential health problem like cancer.
Enough already. This is starting to become worse than people saying "bacon causes cancer". What you read is irrelevant (unless you post the sources); the chances of it being proper research are slim to none (as rarely anyone ever does). You do realize that nobody ever claimed that they do not cause cancer? When they say 95% healthier than cigarettes, they aren't implying there are no long term effect nor that it does't cause cancer. Regardless, they are safe enough or at least better than cigarettes. People who have not switched over or have switched over with low quality gear should not talking at all. I remember the days of coughing up so much tar, while some say they're worse.  ::)

According to an independent study it contain cancer causing agents.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: cooldgamer on November 25, 2015, 07:21:20 AM
There is still to much unknown about e-cigs.  This unknown factor is what is going to hurt people in the long run and because of this, sooner or later they will be suing over the damages caused to your body because of it.  Just my opinion.
Base from what I've read somewhere some initial findings suggest that e-cigs can really do cause serious potential health problem like cancer.
Enough already. This is starting to become worse than people saying "bacon causes cancer". What you read is irrelevant (unless you post the sources); the chances of it being proper research are slim to none (as rarely anyone ever does). You do realize that nobody ever claimed that they do not cause cancer? When they say 95% healthier than cigarettes, they aren't implying there are no long term effect nor that it does't cause cancer. Regardless, they are safe enough or at least better than cigarettes. People who have not switched over or have switched over with low quality gear should not talking at all. I remember the days of coughing up so much tar, while some say they're worse.  ::)

According to an independent study it contain cancer causing agents.

OP, buy yourself a nice mod like the Subox Mini.  60 bucks for all you need to start except juice.  Most of the people above that didn't like vaping probably had some cheap gear. There will be a detox period from the nasty stuff in cigs, but after that you should feel much better ;)

Healthwise we don't have long term info on the effects.  However, it's hard to be worse than cigarettes.

Use low nic juice or make it a point to go outside and increasing addiction won't be much of an issue.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 25, 2015, 11:20:53 AM
According to an independent study it contain cancer causing agents.
Nonsense. Most of this "claimed" research that makes them look bad is financed by tobacco companies and is completely wrong. Why do you think they take the worst liquid producers when they do those "studies"? Liquid used for vaping does not have cancer causing agents; just because some companies include them that does not mean that vaping is unsafe.

Obviously the right one is going to cause trouble (and that's the kind that they use in these "vaping is dangerous studies"). Unfortunately people like you are easily deluded by mainstream media into thinking what capitalists want. While vaping might not be safe (as in no health effects at all), it is much safer than smoking. You can't deny it.

OP, buy yourself a nice mod like the Subox Mini.  60 bucks for all you need to start except juice.  Most of the people above that didn't like vaping probably had some cheap gear. There will be a detox period from the nasty stuff in cigs, but after that you should feel much better ;)

Healthwise we don't have long term info on the effects.  However, it's hard to be worse than cigarettes.
Use low nic juice or make it a point to go outside and increasing addiction won't be much of an issue.
Finally someone understands it. To add up on the 'low nic juice' part: you can buy liquids that have 0 mg of nicotine (yes, that's a zero).

Small note: I haven't looked into the liquid on the picture. I don't know if that information is true (specifically to that liquid brand), but that is irrelevant. The point should be pretty clear.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: maartenhaha on November 30, 2015, 01:30:12 PM
dont think will hep anyhow.
If u like to smoke smoke real thing, this electronic "things" are evil. I dont know how people can even smoke this things, its just crazy.
I think its not really help about our health.. and it can cause canser..
no it will not
i even hear and read in some cases some people got more addicted to nicotine after puffing that electric smokepole some time, because of reasons..
like it doesn't smell "bad" as regular smokepoling you can puff moar and stuff..
Useless post farming. Ignore them.

Moving from one smoke to an electrical version of that smoke, even if it lacks most of the harmful chemicals, is not any better for your habit.
It is not? The day that I bought my vaping kit I stopped smoking. I'm reducing my nicotine dosage slowly to 0 mg. Once I am at 0mg, what is your point exactly?

why is it useless postfarming and why should it be ignored? elaborate
because you're staff fancy 12k posts? because no links to back it up?

Op do you live with someone?
instead of replacing the real thing, why not try to keep it at morning coffee, after dinner and maybe after you accomplished something good? specially the last one, after time you'll be thinking lesser about it.

with my last gf, she used to smoke before we knew eachother, she never said or made fuzz about my habbits, she let me smoke inside, but i mostly went outside anyway, after time i almost didn't smoke anymore. now it's over i still do this way and i even enjoy i more then i used to do.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: healer on November 30, 2015, 02:57:06 PM
Thats a bad idea of those e-cigarettee, but lets see ..

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on November 30, 2015, 03:05:10 PM
why is it useless postfarming and why should it be ignored? elaborate
because you're staff fancy 12k posts? because no links to back it up?
Because everything that they've said is wrong and I've disproved it; you would know if you had read my previous posts. E-cigs are not dangerous especially in comparison to traditional cigarettes. They are not even addictive at all, it is the person who decides on if they want nicotine or not. This is because there are 0 mg nicotine liquids and anyone is free to buy them at the same price as the ones with high amounts of nicotine.

I've pretty much hammered down every single "potential argument" against them here. Most of these other posts are statements, not arguments nor evidence.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on December 04, 2015, 12:42:15 PM
Thats a bad idea of those e-cigarettee, but lets see ..
The study has shown that electronic cigarettes do produce considerable levels of highly reactive free radicals capable of causing cancer and other diseases as well as damaging cells, although these levels are still 1000 to 100 times lower than those produced by regular cigarettes, as the scientists claim in the paper published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology. (
Very unhealthy indeed.  ::)

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: bizerinm on February 10, 2016, 10:25:37 PM
Liquid poison..who knows what is inside?? In some countries are forbidden now..if you want to smoke smoke normal cigarettes,tompus,cigarilos..but don't take this crap

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 10, 2016, 10:27:07 PM
Liquid poison..who knows what is inside?? In some countries are forbidden now..if you want to smoke smoke normal cigarettes,tompus,cigarilos..but don't take this crap
I suggest that you stop with the signature spam or you will most likely get banned. Your post is nonsense. Vaping is apparently beyond your mental comprehension.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: hahay on February 11, 2016, 10:29:00 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

electric cigarette will not help you to quit smoking, so if you want to quit smoking try to reduce its, IMO.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 11, 2016, 10:31:42 PM
electric cigarette will not help you to quit smoking, so if you want to quit smoking try to reduce its, IMO.
Of course it will. What are you talking about? When it comes to the liquid for your vape pen you can choose the nicotine dosage and flavors. You can start off high to satisfy a heavy smoker and then keep reducing it  every few weeks (12 -> 9 -> 6 -> 3 -> 0 mg). Eventually you lose the addiction to nicotine and you can either vape at 0 mg if you like it or stop completely. This works much better than any other method (e.g. patches, gums). I've been through this process and know a few people that are halfway there.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: CoinInvestorZ on February 11, 2016, 10:42:50 PM
They are not helping.
Only cigarettes worth mention - green one :D

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: hahay on February 11, 2016, 10:53:50 PM
electric cigarette will not help you to quit smoking, so if you want to quit smoking try to reduce its, IMO.
Of course it will. What are you talking about? When it comes to the liquid for your vape pen you can choose the nicotine dosage and flavors. You can start off high to satisfy a heavy smoker and then keep reducing it  every few weeks (12 -> 9 -> 6 -> 3 -> 0 mg). Eventually you lose the addiction to nicotine and you can either vape at 0 mg if you like it or stop completely. This works much better than any other method (e.g. patches, gums). I've been through this process and know a few people that are halfway there.
I honestly do not know what it vape pen but I ever not smoked for 3-4 days and I can. it all depends on your own intentions what percentage you want to quit smoking? if you have a strong intention to quit smoking I'm sure you can.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 11, 2016, 11:07:27 PM
They are not helping.
Only cigarettes worth mention - green one :D
Stop posting nonsense.

I honestly do not know what it vape pen but I ever not smoked for 3-4 days and I can. it all depends on your own intentions what percentage you want to quit smoking? if you have a strong intention to quit smoking I'm sure you can.
You could say that they're advanced version of electric cigarettes. Read this ( You can quit smoking without any help obviously, however vaporizers help you enormously. You've got two choices: 1) Quit smoking and vaping; 2) Switch from smoking to vaping. Both options are much better than smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: criptix on February 11, 2016, 11:53:23 PM
hey people,

i started to vape for a while now and got me some new hardware to christmas.

I'm a proud owner of a RX200 and a Cuboid. Right now im using a Uwell Crown, TFV4 and a Melo 2 for my different liquids.

It is awesome and im completely cigarette free for around 1 month now.


Pro advice: Dont buy cheap 10 $ stuff - it's pretty shit imo. Just pay 30$ bucks more and buy a real vaping device/regulated mod.

/edit 2

Reddit has a pretty big community definitely worth to visit it atleast once.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: maskott on February 11, 2016, 11:57:37 PM
12 years smoking -> 1 year vaporizing, now proud non-smoker.
It helps.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: srinikethan on February 12, 2016, 04:01:39 AM
they are the best manmade inventions....on one side we can happily smoke...on the other hand our health will not be disturbed

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 12, 2016, 08:21:40 AM
It is awesome and im completely cigarette free for around 1 month now.
Great, keep it up, you're almost there! For me it was always helpful to keep my vaporizer with me if you're going somewhere with friends that smoke. It should remind you that vaping is much better and help you resist the urge (if it comes to that).

Pro advice: Dont buy cheap 10 $ stuff - it's pretty shit imo. Just pay 30$ bucks more and buy a real vaping device/regulated mod.
This is the problem with people. They buy some very cheap stuff, liquids from unknown manufacturers and blame 'vaping' if something goes wrong. Of course such combinations would be unhealthy. They don't buy cigarettes for $1 per pack from unknown labels either.

they are the best manmade inventions....on one side we can happily smoke...on the other hand our health will not be disturbed
You don't smoke, you vape.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Ashwell John on February 12, 2016, 08:34:59 AM
May be this can be helpful for quit cigeratte. But I don't like this. Because it can't give me pleasure.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: jak1 on February 13, 2016, 11:02:53 AM
I use them and they are ok for me, one of really good inventions

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 13, 2016, 11:05:34 AM
May be this can be helpful for quit cigeratte. But I don't like this. Because it can't give me pleasure.
Then you are a heavy addict. This is quite unfortunate.

I use them and they are ok for me, one of really good inventions
Anyone who buys good equipment and flavor from a good brand should be satisfied.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: arbitrage on February 13, 2016, 02:01:10 PM
I don't like cigarettes.. And those electronic cigarettes are not better at all.
Save your life from those poisons..Just quit! You don't need temporary solutions.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 13, 2016, 02:09:05 PM
I don't like cigarettes.. And those electronic cigarettes are not better at all.
Save your life from those poisons..Just quit! You don't need temporary solutions.
No, they're not. Stop posting nonsense because of your signature. There have been extensive studies and it has been shown that they are at least 95% safer than smoking. Vaping does not have to be a "temporary solution" it can be part of your life style. Either you quit or you switch from smoking to it. Both options are very good. You've either not read the thread at all or choose to ignore the evidence presented. Both are an indicator of a bad posting habit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: fuathan on February 13, 2016, 05:02:59 PM
Totally harmful things as cigarettes... Just quit smoking man... It helps...

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 13, 2016, 05:08:40 PM
Totally harmful things as cigarettes... Just quit smoking man... It helps...
Stop with the signature spam and read the thread. I've disproved this nonsense several times already.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 14, 2016, 09:34:03 AM
I tried Electric cigarettes. Waste of money in my experience.
Please elaborate. Every smoker that has tried a few puffs from me seemed to enjoy it very much. What model did you buy? I'm not sure how can it be a waste of money in comparison to smoking. You essentially save a lot of money when you switch.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: yenxz on February 14, 2016, 04:35:27 PM
i am also smokers,and also feel same like you,i worry about my mouth,exactly mouth or tooth cancer,but i never think to use electric ciggarets,my friends ever do that,and not make him stop smoking,and some fact just said electric not safe,its also have big risk.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 14, 2016, 04:49:32 PM
but i never think to use electric ciggarets,my friends ever do that,and not make him stop smoking,and some fact just said electric not safe,its also have big risk.
You're drawing a conclusion based on a small sample of evidence (your 'friends'). This is a fallacy. Vaporizers are much safe than smoking traditional cigarettes (95% safer). Even though they aren't completely safe, they are a much better alternative.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: mnightwaffle on February 15, 2016, 01:58:26 AM
I've used ecigs for maybe 6 months or more. Maybe a year? It's been a while.
I couldn't be moderate with mine... I couldn't take 2 hour breaks from vaping (@ work I didn't vape tho. At home I vaped alllll day) I suffered from .... just feeling out-of-it... My attention span went from good to poor & agitated.. my heart was wacked out. I tried many diff setups, cheap and expensive. Different liquid, made my own also, which I diluted a lot. Low mg was ideal. Still couldn't get to enjoy it fully.

My body just couldn't acclimate. One factor is I did not do any extensive cardio or anything in that time period. Maybe working out would cancel out all the jittery-ness.

Ecigs helped to quit regular cigs. But I can quit cigs fairly easy anyway... after a week or two of reg cigarettes my lungs basically force me to quit. How people smoke non stop for months and years blows my mind.

I usually come back to smoking after a few years off. Might smoke for 1 to 3 days and then quit again for a long period. Usually I'll get denicotea filters and put em on american spirits (I usually cut the AS filters in half).

Normal cigs give me a better feeling of nostalgia.
There may be a reason american indians honor non addictive tocabbo smoking in very small quantities only on 'special occasions'
Sacred kind of makes you eyeroll... but for me anyway, pure tobacco is kind of special.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Lauda on February 15, 2016, 02:09:56 PM
I suffered from .... just feeling out-of-it... My attention span went from good to poor & agitated.. my heart was wacked out. I tried many diff setups, cheap and expensive. Different liquid, made my own also, which I diluted a lot. Low mg was ideal. Still couldn't get to enjoy it fully.
That's very strange. You might be allergic to some compound(s) used in the liquids or there's something wrong with your lungs in general. I've been vaping for ~6 months now and never experienced anything and have never felt better (much better than when I used to smoke). It should not have any negative side-effects (especially not short-term) if the liquid is from a well respected brand (some bad ones tend to add potentially hazardous chemicals).

But I can quit cigs fairly easy anyway... after a week or two of reg cigarettes my lungs basically force me to quit. How people smoke non stop for months and years blows my mind.
The majority can't quit them easily even though some state that they 'could', but they never have. It is quite good to be among those that can.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: totoy on February 16, 2016, 02:28:08 AM
Just started vaping. Love it. Root beer juice 8) Im still smoking tho

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: wamlah on February 16, 2016, 03:00:59 AM
I've tried for a wile but then returned to good old Marlboro. At least to Gold instead of Red...

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: william760 on July 06, 2017, 05:16:23 PM
what set up did you have? i've slowly lowered my nic level from 12 down to a 1.5. Might try getting a dotbox or something fancy. Just dont want to wait months for it being back-ordered. Only site i have come across with it that sells next day is this ( but they are out of stock on the tank.... anyone know any other sites with the boxmod and tank for a decent price?

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: matuson on July 06, 2017, 06:10:47 PM
I've tried for a wile but then returned to good old Marlboro. At least to Gold instead of Red...
Any cigarettes are harmful to health. Light cigarettes more harmful than regular cigarettes. I heard from doctors. Electronic cigarette is also harmful for the body so I do not take them as a good way to replace tobacco Smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: halych on July 06, 2017, 07:16:45 PM
I've tried for a wile but then returned to good old Marlboro. At least to Gold instead of Red...
Any cigarettes are harmful to health. Light cigarettes more harmful than regular cigarettes. I heard from doctors. Electronic cigarette is also harmful for the body so I do not take them as a good way to replace tobacco Smoking.

I agree with you. The best way to stay healthy is to quit smoking. And electronic cigarettes are still poorly understood. I'm sure that they are doing the same harm as ordinary cigarettes

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: rachman mahesa on July 06, 2017, 07:22:30 PM
I think electric cigarettes are very dangerous for the lungs especially.

The World Health Organization (WHO), itself has never stated that electric cigarettes are healthier or say they are safer.

This electric cigarette itself is made of plastic that acts as a mini-aerosol, releasing artificial fumes with or without nicotine. (Tyo)

Description: DANGER! Electric Cigarettes Can Explode Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Mas Dowi - ItemReviewed: DANGER! Electric Cigarettes Can Explode

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: 2hot2handle on July 06, 2017, 08:35:46 PM
E-cigs don't work. Tried it and I was successful in lessening the pack I smoke but doesn't help you to quit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: energycom on July 10, 2017, 06:08:34 PM
E-cigs don't work. Tried it and I was successful in lessening the pack I smoke but doesn't help you to quit.

Never try e-cigarettes dude, they're very harmful for your body and cause damage on you.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Dawsonm on July 20, 2017, 11:16:16 AM
E-Cigarettes are very useful to quit smoking.
By smoking these our health will be safe when compared with the cigarettes.
Smoking anything is injuries to health. so better stop smokking.
Try to get rid of Smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: followmenot on July 31, 2017, 08:15:48 AM
One of my friends started using e cigarettes like 6 months ago or something. He says it really helped him. He doesn't smoke real cigarette that much now.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: estrella524 on July 31, 2017, 10:23:42 AM
i did it 5  or 6 times then  i get headcheese.

since that day on words to I'm not smoking.

electric cigarettes smell is not good.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: rubenpim524 on July 31, 2017, 10:28:44 AM
no i have no smoke habit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: AnxiousStoner on July 31, 2017, 11:31:28 AM
I have a lot of friends that have made the switch.  They then tend to end  up in two groups. Ones that get highly addicted to vaping and those that go back to cigs.

The problem with vaping is that :

1 . It can get seriously addictive as well (because the flavors taste so good and there is an endless variety. )
2. some juices can have just as much nicotine in them than cigs
3. Breathing in hot vapor all the time instead of oxygen cannot be great for the lung or brains.

Some can manage to get themselves weaned of cigs and only vape sometimes tho.  I guess it will depend upon you and your willpower.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: BTcSD on July 31, 2017, 11:31:43 AM
Definitely not i know a lot of people never smoke in their life addicted to the electric cigarettes all the time , i think it is better to stop the production of both cigarettes (Real , electronic or else) because all affect health .

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: xOdiumNostrumx on July 31, 2017, 05:31:47 PM
Cant believe the ignorance in this thread. Also if your head hurts try reducing nicotine levels of the juice. I had the same experience, started vaping 12mg with sub-ohm tank, because I didn't do enough research on it. Now I am on 3-6mg juice with zero headaches.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: mnixxo on July 31, 2017, 05:55:15 PM
E-cig works when you want to stop smoking. I was smoking for 20 years and now 2.5 y i am vaping. Also i decrease nicotine. I started with 18mg. now I am on 8mg or sometimes 11mg. Definitely it works. But also it depends at your HW for vaping.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Rdelton on July 31, 2017, 06:41:56 PM
Electronic cigars seem like a scam. Not only do you continue to use nicotine, but you also continue to miss your real cigarette. Who wants to stop smoking stops smoking, electronic cigar is just an object to get the money to people.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: crocss on August 01, 2017, 12:41:55 AM
I think an electric cigarette is more dangerous than tobacco cigarettes because anytime it can trigger an explosion

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: MaskOffFuture on August 01, 2017, 12:59:50 AM
I think an electric cigarette is more dangerous than tobacco cigarettes because anytime it can trigger an explosion

Explosion is not the thing here. Both e-cigarette and normal tobacco products has serious negative effects on lungs.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: legend2017 on August 17, 2017, 04:11:04 AM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.
And that, without electronic cigarettes can not leave off smoking? I do not know as far as such cigarettes can help, but it is better to leave off smoking and at once. If there is a will-power, then will suffer then.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: ofergul on August 17, 2017, 05:17:41 AM
Electric cigarettes helped one of my friend to stop smoking and he stopped using Electric cigarettes too later same year.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Minotus on August 17, 2017, 05:57:56 AM
Here in my country we have lots of people got hurt from exploding electronic cigarettes. You gotta be careful when you are choosing the brand, it could be deadly if it is shitty.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: DhanThatsme on August 17, 2017, 06:13:26 AM
E-sig helps me avoid cigarette specially when drinking alcohol where i want to take E-cig and/or cigarette. But in normal days i can stay now without cigarette or even e-cig.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: WpW420 on August 17, 2017, 06:16:19 AM
 ;D Hello, I quit smoking ciggs Nov 20 2017 will be 3 years since I started vaping with electronic cigarettes only...

I tried using the cheap ones and they didnt help... i ended up buying a box mod and RDA now I use a tank and a box mod. I guess my investment was about $150 but you can get better deals online and at places now. So if you are serious about quiting smoking I would suggest investing the money in a mod that gives you a nice cloud... good hit..  good luck everyone !

I am a newbie because I dont post much, so I thought I should get on here and meet like minded people.  

WpW420 ::)

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Devilcheg on August 17, 2017, 01:26:25 PM
I've never smoked ordinary cigarettes.
I've never smoked electronic cigarettes.
And I do not advise anyone to smoke.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: KrLos on August 17, 2017, 01:40:04 PM
Researches indicate that E-cigarettes potentially as harmful as tobacco cigarettes .

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: HarmlessBlueberry on August 17, 2017, 02:05:21 PM
Vape life

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: 1DC on August 17, 2017, 02:16:11 PM
First of all I am not smoker but I had a lot of experience of being 2nd smoker and I hate it a lot. For me Electric Cigarettes is the same in regular cigarette. They are both using Nicotine that will put negative effects of your lungs. When it comes to worse, this can be lead to drug using because as we all know, drug addiction starts from cigarette smoker.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: dakovic on August 17, 2017, 02:25:47 PM
I don't use them but I got friends that swear by them.  One buddy stopped smoking completely with ecigs. 

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: cantika on August 17, 2017, 03:15:14 PM
Yes, its good and  I've tried it.It's strange at first but it replicates most of the habit-forming experiences of smoking cigarettes while delivering nicotine mist instead of smoke. I don't know if it's less harmful but it definitely is cleaner. And I'm very psyched about not having to worry about ash, loss of oxygen to the brain, burn holes, stinky fingers, stained teeth, etc. It was pretty cost effective at $80 for the battery and cartridges that are supposed to be the equivalent of 10 packs of cigarettes.I believe use of the electronic cigarette was a helpful step to my eventually quitting completely

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: nagiblem on August 28, 2017, 07:15:17 AM
I dont smoke electric cigarettes nor normal cigarettes it is bad for the health

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: chrisst on September 06, 2017, 05:33:55 AM
waste time , money ,

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Pumapipa on September 06, 2017, 05:59:07 AM
I think E cigarretes will be of lesser evil. First, because the smoke or the vapor that you produce will not be as harmful as what cigarettes seem to emit. They are actually made from water vapor. Making 2nd hand smoking almost impossible. Second, e cigs has less chemicals. So less exposure, more years of life. 3rd, e cigarettes can be your hobby because you can customize your e cig kit and tailor it according to your preference. It is like building your own toy car.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: NeutralSide on September 06, 2017, 07:05:50 AM
I do not smoke, smoking is not good for health

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: redectro on September 06, 2017, 09:32:19 AM
In the long term i would say yes, it seems possibly safer than cigarettes, but if you're looking to quit in just a few days/weeks/months. It's not going to be easy, it's just for the nicotine doses, i smoked once and luckily never got addicted. Wish you luck though!

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: scribbles on September 06, 2017, 07:41:47 PM
I don't like them. Now people smoke them inside, right next to me, and even though a cigarette takes a minute or 2... people can breathe through vaporizer for an hour non stop. Wth is up with that ?!

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: JollySkipper on September 06, 2017, 08:10:35 PM
-snipped due to idiocy and nonsense-
This is all wrong and propaganda spread by some media. Everything you have written is completely wrong. To summarize correct information:

1)  Vaping helps quit completely ( or switch to vaping;
2) Vaping is 95% healthier than smoking;  (
3) Vaping does not make you more addicted, you can buy 0mg nicotine flavors;
4) Vaping is cheaper than smoking (you can easily vape each day for 2 weeks with a 5ml bottle (5$), unless you're a heavy smoker).

Well said, propaganda I don't know by whom but for sure form some people that their business are affected.. e-cigars is the best choice by people who want to quit smoking or be healthier

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Quadast on September 07, 2017, 04:42:32 AM

I myself smoked for eight years. But then at one point he refused this bad habit. For me between simple cigarettes and electric cigarettes there is no difference. I'm surprised that people believe that electric cigarettes do not cause harm to health.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: JollySkipper on September 07, 2017, 10:19:32 AM

I myself smoked for eight years. But then at one point he refused this bad habit. For me between simple cigarettes and electric cigarettes there is no difference. I'm surprised that people believe that electric cigarettes do not cause harm to health.

Make a research how cigarettes are mate, how many toxic chemicals are putted in and what e-cigarettes are. Is like arsenic vs wine.
Is not matter of believing, is matter of facts.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: arbelian on September 08, 2017, 12:21:23 AM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

Based on experience electric cigarettes will not help you quit smoking it is just a diversion from smoking traditional cigarettes but sometimes if the electric cigarette run out of battery as an addiction to smoking you would still find alternative. So better take off anything if you want to quit smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: stendery on September 08, 2017, 01:55:43 AM
Electric cigarettes really dont help in quitting cigarettes its just other form of cigarettes because the juices used in electric cigarettes do still have nicotine it depends on the juice you will buy how strong its nicotine content. Better quit for good and do not use any alternatives.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Capeshifter on September 13, 2017, 01:04:19 PM
Cigarettes are bad in general, electric or not. But if you'd have to choose one of the two, go for electric. At least the people around you will appreciate it it more as it doesn't smell as bad as normal cigarettes.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: spongegar on September 13, 2017, 01:51:37 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

Ok. I smoke a pack of marlboro reds a day 2 packs when im in a drinking session. Then i started to switch to ecigs. I used the pen type back then. I wasn't satisfied so i moved on to tube mods. That hits the spot right on. It gave me the oral and nicotine fix. At first i experience tightness of breath and then coughing and i realize, im coughing out all the tar thats been building up in my lungs.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: akosiya2 on September 13, 2017, 02:26:50 PM
I used to smoke normal cigarettes, marlboro ice blast to be specific, 1 pack for 3-4 days and 1 pack if I'm drinking. I tried the e-cigarette but it didn't last long. I'm finding the taste of the normal ones. But my friends told me to switch to e-cig if I want to live longer.  ;D

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: altercreed on September 13, 2017, 02:55:12 PM
I think they're not helping you quit from smoking since e.vaping is basically a smoking and they say that it is more dangerous than the latter.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: squog on September 14, 2017, 01:16:16 AM
I've been smoking ecigs for 6 years now. When i started with it, i had to adjust. But i like it better than smoking. For 1 it tastes infinitely better, it's not as heavy in the chest when you drag a puff. The best advantage is that im in full control of the nicotine levels

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: WilonaVictoria on September 14, 2017, 01:22:48 AM
May be this can be helpful for quit cigeratte. But I don't like this. Because it can't give me pleasure.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: squog on September 14, 2017, 01:29:39 AM
May be this can be helpful for quit cigeratte. But I don't like this. Because it can't give me pleasure.

It depends, are you using a pen type? A tube mod? A box mod?  I mean alot of factors in it. Nicotine levels of your ejuice, the build of your coils, your atomizer or even your mod itself. I mean this is not just a smoking cessation device, it is a hubby.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: ManbearpigX on September 14, 2017, 05:14:32 AM
No, electronic cigarettes does not help. tried it for a while.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: johnik45 on September 14, 2017, 10:01:26 AM
i think vape its a good inovasion

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: astrid.uchiha24 on September 14, 2017, 10:09:16 AM
May be this can be helpful for quit cigeratte. But I don't like this. Because it can't give me pleasure.
i dont think this can help you to quit cigarette, i use e-cig for quite sometime but still my body is looking for a real cigarette. and you are right, i dont feel any pleasure on this e-cig though it has a good smell.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: mx667 on September 14, 2017, 10:14:39 AM
May be this can be helpful for quit cigeratte. But I don't like this. Because it can't give me pleasure.
i dont think this can help you to quit cigarette, i use e-cig for quite sometime but still my body is looking for a real cigarette. and you are right, i dont feel any pleasure on this e-cig though it has a good smell.

Absolutely. Wether its electrical or real cigarette, all the same. They contains toxic and both are bad for our health. There is no inovasion, there can only be quit or not quit. There can only be quit disturbe people around us, and continue kill people around us. :D No offence though. Some people just cannot quit because this is the only thing that makes them relax. But some people still can quit. The truth is, smoke is not good for ourselves and people around us, okay ?  :)

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Jgatsby on September 14, 2017, 10:27:33 AM
both type of smoking is bad for your health just quit for your own good.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: lutfi-hasan on November 09, 2017, 01:30:37 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.
I think both are equally dangerous, because there is a lot of evidence of catastrophe on electric cigarettes that can cause a big explosion like a bomb. it would be nice we all stop consuming cigarettes.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: romadon on November 09, 2017, 01:40:43 PM
Electric cigarettes were originally intended to help smokers quit smoking. But along with the recent publication of electric cigarettes, scientists and health experts are investigating the side effects.
Electric cigarettes are promoted as a safe alternative to smoking. But apparently, electric cigarettes still contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: NemeSisdizy on November 10, 2017, 08:46:21 AM
elektrikli sigara nargile gibi insanı tıkıyor ve o da bi yerden sonra bağımlılık yapıyor. en iyisi sigarayı hayatınızdan çıkarmak.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: menolga on November 10, 2017, 10:47:37 AM
It is better to leave off smoking at once

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Cyprierer on November 10, 2017, 02:04:13 PM
I use them and they are ok for me, one of really good inventions

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: fanibaba on January 12, 2018, 12:01:59 PM
idont know im not smoking but i think is not healthly elec.. smoke becuse is very suspicios....

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: icreative998 on January 12, 2018, 12:05:39 PM
Electric cigarettes will not help to quit smoking. They look smoother but it's still not great with cigarettes. Cigarettes, although they do not taste different and aromatic with electronic cigarettes, but the feeling they bring is really good. They make me forget the tedium and focus more on my work. Electronic cigarettes did not help me to become more alert, it just made me feel good about my mouth.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Ozinzin on January 12, 2018, 12:44:04 PM
they are the best manmade inventions....on one side we can happily smoke...on the other hand our health will not be disturbed

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Ursuka on January 12, 2018, 12:44:19 PM
May be this can be helpful for quit cigeratte. But I don't like this. Because it can't give me pleasure.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Fionoa on January 12, 2018, 12:44:38 PM
I use them and they are ok for me, one of really good inventions

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Christini on January 12, 2018, 12:44:56 PM
I don't like cigarettes.. And those electronic cigarettes are not better at all.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Pegleku on January 12, 2018, 12:45:15 PM
Totally harmful things as cigarettes... Just quit smoking man... It helps...

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Eliza beth on January 12, 2018, 12:45:30 PM
Stop with the signature spam and read the thread. I've disproved this nonsense several times already.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Rosa bella on January 12, 2018, 12:45:44 PM
Please elaborate. Every smoker that has tried a few puffs from me seemed to enjoy it very much. What model did you buy? I'm not sure how can it be a waste of money in comparison to smoking. You essentially save a lot of money when you switch.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Mi chael on January 12, 2018, 12:46:01 PM
i am also smokers,and also feel same like you,i worry about my mouth,exactly mouth or tooth cancer,but i never think to use electric ciggarets,my friends ever do that,and not make him stop smoking,and some fact just said electric not safe,its also have big risk.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: John Nathan on January 12, 2018, 12:46:16 PM
You're drawing a conclusion based on a small sample of evidence (your 'friends'). This is a fallacy. Vaporizers are much safe than smoking traditional cigarettes (95% safer). Even though they aren't completely safe, they are a much better alternative.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Willliam on January 12, 2018, 12:46:35 PM
Just started vaping. Love it. Root beer juice  Im still smoking tho

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: santali on January 12, 2018, 12:54:50 PM
I think this electronic cigarette, a good replacement for the usual, electronic cigarette is not harmful, and eliminates the dependence on smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: vintastiko on January 12, 2018, 01:06:18 PM
I guess no,taste is like water pipe with more exotic aromats and l always have headaches after smoking that electric cigarettes.
I have never smoked cigarettes, but I think electric cigarettes are not good for smokers, things that smokers inhale are toxic and degrading people, smoking cigarettes. dead people faster

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: jeluhtajem on January 12, 2018, 02:45:08 PM
electric cigarettes are more dangerous than tobacco cigarettes
but if we could better avoid both

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: fridaykiller on January 12, 2018, 02:56:05 PM
No,because i am not smoking

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: wasiman wahing on January 12, 2018, 03:26:37 PM
it seems to me it does not help, I am a smoker and I never tried the electrik cigarette it did not help even it felt bad in the throat, i also heard the electrik cigarette explode when used, i do not know what causes it but i never again use it

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: bintangkejoraku on January 12, 2018, 03:44:20 PM
I have tried electric cigarette but it feels very different from tobacco cigarette. I prefer tobacco cigarettes. Electric cigarettes are also dangerous because they can explode

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: mirofabri9 on January 12, 2018, 03:45:18 PM
I dont think so since you continue smoking...

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: bongens on January 19, 2018, 12:44:46 AM
Electric cigarettes works by heating a liquid to generate an aerosol, commonly called a "vapor", that the user inhales. Using e-cigarettes is sometimes called vaping. The liquid in the e-cigarette, called e-liquid, is usually made of nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerine, and flavorings.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: muhipul on January 20, 2018, 04:37:31 AM
rokok listrik itu lebih bahaya dari pada rokok biasa

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: rommelo24 on January 20, 2018, 05:18:32 AM
I guess no,taste is like water pipe with more exotic aromats and l always have headaches after smoking that electric cigarettes.

Electric cigarettes won't help you quit smoking, after some time you will go to the store and buy yourself cigarettes, it is just a waste of money.
Wrong, don't listen to this nonsense.

Firstly you won't have headaches or anything similar if you buy quality vaping gear (there are fine premium sets). Secondly it will help you quit and it might not. With 'might not', I mean you will most likely switch to vaping completely. Not only is it 95% safer than smoking, it is also cheaper and there is no bad smell (can be quite nice depending on flavor). What you could do is start somewhere high (9-12mg nicotine) and stop smoking completely. Then just reduce the dosage every X amount of time. I started at 12 and I'm already down to 6 mg.
Smoking is very dangerous to our health. Electric cigarettes or plain cigarettes creates smoke which is pollution to air. You don't have to switch to E-cigar just to quit smoking. Quit smoking and start a hobby to makes you busy.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Coffee_Lover on January 20, 2018, 06:37:28 AM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.
No, you better stop before you, your love ones and the people around get cancer or other illnesses.. Are you goin' to wait for that?

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Vilfan on January 31, 2018, 03:50:51 AM
I know that electronic cigarettes are as unhealthy as regular cigarettes and perhaps even more harmful, so you should consider using electronic cigarettes.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: nebkeith on February 02, 2018, 10:31:30 PM
Replace smoking by food

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: skymia on February 08, 2018, 03:49:33 PM
Cigarettes are bad, for you, your family!! Its hard but try... to quit.

It's bad for your pocket because it is costly, and hurts your health.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Eggzootechkoyn on February 08, 2018, 05:06:16 PM
Not at all because a research study showed that e-cigarettes or vaping can cause cancer. I think you already know what part of our organs can be greatly affected because of smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Red-X on April 12, 2018, 12:55:39 AM
I vape  it's definitely not cool. Nothing is less cool than sucking steam out of a digital cigarette !I don't think it really has to do with who's using it to quit smoking  :-\

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: S.Samarakoon on April 12, 2018, 03:37:06 AM
You should stop smoking. Because its not good for your lungs 

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Hasini.Nathasha on April 12, 2018, 04:16:51 AM
Try to quit Cigarettes

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: supertalker on April 12, 2018, 04:28:20 AM
I think all kind of smokes can causes us to cancer.  So we should give up any type of smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: adel afkarina on April 21, 2018, 08:13:13 AM
electronic cigarette is not as good as herbal cigarettes. herbal cigarettes enjoyment is perfect

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Trollinator on April 21, 2018, 09:02:33 AM
There’s a new device called iqos that hears instead of burn tabacoo; since I started using it, haven’t smoked in 2 years

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Misshi on April 21, 2018, 09:32:33 AM
I guess it will still depend on you. I knew people who have been a heavy smoker before and shifted to e-cig, believing that it will help them to quit smoking. Until now they are still smoking, they just changed from tobacco to e-cig. I guess it doesn't help them to quit. You may try it and you'll know what will happen. For me, tobacco or e-cig still the same. Either way, you are still smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: LiptonIce on April 21, 2018, 09:51:38 AM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

I dont think so.. I am smoking about 7 years and i tried it too with electric cigarettes.. in my view is this wasted money   :-\ :-\

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: dominikusakinator on April 21, 2018, 04:04:54 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

I quit smoking a year ago and I feel really fitter

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: ololesia on April 22, 2018, 06:37:57 PM
I think it is a good first step to quit smoking. However, you need to get rid of your psychological addiction, so one time you will need to quit electronic cigarettes, too

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Rieri on April 22, 2018, 07:04:19 PM
E-cigs don't work. Tried it and I was successful in lessening the pack I smoke but doesn't help you to quit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Oyali on April 22, 2018, 07:04:24 PM
Never try e-cigarettes dude, they're very harmful for your body and cause damage on you.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Wabri on April 22, 2018, 07:04:28 PM
E-Cigarettes are very useful to quit smoking.
By smoking these our health will be safe when compared with the cigarettes.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Urrod on April 22, 2018, 07:04:31 PM
One of my friends started using e cigarettes like 6 months ago or something. He says it really helped him. He doesn't smoke real cigarette that much now.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Hwado on April 22, 2018, 07:04:35 PM
i did it 5  or 6 times then  i get headcheese.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Camir on April 22, 2018, 07:04:39 PM
no i have no smoke habit

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Rigio on April 22, 2018, 07:04:46 PM
I have a lot of friends that have made the switch.  They then tend to end  up in two groups. Ones that get highly addicted to vaping and those that go back to cigs.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Quric on April 22, 2018, 07:04:50 PM
Definitely not i know a lot of people never smoke in their life addicted to the electric cigarettes all the time , i think it is better to stop the production of both cigarettes (Real , electronic or else) because all affect health .

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Gimer on April 22, 2018, 07:05:03 PM
E-cig works when you want to stop smoking. I was smoking for 20 years and now 2.5 y i am vaping. Also i decrease nicotine. I started with 18mg. now I am on 8mg or sometimes 11mg. Definitely it works. But also it depends at your HW for vaping.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Gelap on April 22, 2018, 07:45:54 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.
I think electric cigarettes can not stop smoking and electric cigarettes are more dangerous than regular cigarettes. because what we sip from electric cigarettes is water batteries substances that are more dangerous than regular cigarettes. my advice if you want to stop smoking do by gradual penyuragannya in this way you will be able to stop smoking totally.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: my dream2021 on April 22, 2018, 07:59:10 PM
its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause
Jajajaj dude u ever heard name Mbah Gotho, he always smoking 2 packs one day but he can life 146th so what u think about it? ;D 8) ;D

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Bitcoin-Turkiye on April 22, 2018, 09:03:08 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

okey you left the cigarette. You are starting to smoke electronic cigarettes. how to drop the electronic cigarette? the only thing I can tell you is that  everything is in your brain. Believe in yourself,  say really want to leave cigarette.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: GeraraHere on April 23, 2018, 11:21:53 AM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

okey you left the cigarette. You are starting to smoke electronic cigarettes. how to drop the electronic cigarette? the only thing I can tell you is that  everything is in your brain. Believe in yourself,  say really want to leave cigarette.

I've already dropped electronic cigarette, it's easy

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Bitcoin-Turkiye on April 29, 2018, 04:48:04 PM
Do they really helped you to quit cigarettes

I'm smoking about 2 years, its not too much but now I'm starting to worry about cancer it can cause. But every morning I woke up and thinking to light one so I did it. And I'm thinking to switch to electric cigarettes.
So I'm asking if there is anyone with experience, can tell me are they really helping to quit smoking and are they more or less healthy.

okey you left the cigarette. You are starting to smoke electronic cigarettes. how to drop the electronic cigarette? the only thing I can tell you is that  everything is in your brain. Believe in yourself,  say really want to leave cigarette.

I've already dropped electronic cigarette, it's easy

I am delighted that you leave the electronic cigarette.. it means that man can accomplish everything he wants.  I wish you a healthy, quality long life. :)

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: kennywilliams789 on April 29, 2018, 05:27:23 PM
Reduced my cigarette intake by 90%  ;D

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Brainerp on April 30, 2018, 09:05:54 AM
Maybe that is a better alternative, but I still believe that smoking tem very often is quite toxic and unhealthy.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: shmenton22 on April 30, 2018, 09:27:04 AM
i just stopped. replaced smoking with chewing gum for 2 weeks then stopped that also

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: AKasOO on April 30, 2018, 01:48:06 PM
it is difficult for smokers to quit smoking, cigarettes can indeed bring you to death, many also think if not smoking can create stress. we have to follow our instincts if you can not stop, it's better not to smoke near the people around us.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: xuzukami on April 30, 2018, 03:04:16 PM
Drugs are electricity is a perfect invention, help us quit great and fast.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: ervanikan on April 30, 2018, 04:22:54 PM
it is not helpful,
I am an active smoker and have tried smoking electrically and it makes me cough

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Ricardo_Garcia on April 30, 2018, 04:45:37 PM
I think if it works, you should try, for your health.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: NEVILL on April 30, 2018, 04:55:56 PM

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Tunoh on May 04, 2018, 02:12:08 PM
E-cigs don't work. Tried it and I was successful in lessening the pack I smoke but doesn't help you to quit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Unemi on May 04, 2018, 02:12:13 PM
Never try e-cigarettes dude, they're very harmful for your body and cause damage on you.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Niter on May 04, 2018, 02:12:16 PM
E-Cigarettes are very useful to quit smoking.
By smoking these our health will be safe when compared with the cigarettes.
Smoking anything is injuries to health. so better stop smokking.
Try to get rid of Smoking.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Rallu on May 04, 2018, 02:12:20 PM
One of my friends started using e cigarettes like 6 months ago or something. He says it really helped him. He doesn't smoke real cigarette that much now.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Fryne on May 04, 2018, 02:12:22 PM
i did it 5  or 6 times then  i get headcheese.

since that day on words to I'm not smoking.

electric cigarettes smell is not good.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Jaria on May 04, 2018, 02:12:25 PM
no i have no smoke habit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Ogrdy on May 04, 2018, 02:12:28 PM
Definitely not i know a lot of people never smoke in their life addicted to the electric cigarettes all the time , i think it is better to stop the production of both cigarettes (Real , electronic or else) because all affect health .

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Zzast on May 04, 2018, 02:12:31 PM
Cant believe the ignorance in this thread. Also if your head hurts try reducing nicotine levels of the juice. I had the same experience, started vaping 12mg with sub-ohm tank, because I didn't do enough research on it. Now I am on 3-6mg juice with zero headaches.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Yncou on May 04, 2018, 02:12:34 PM
E-cig works when you want to stop smoking. I was smoking for 20 years and now 2.5 y i am vaping. Also i decrease nicotine. I started with 18mg. now I am on 8mg or sometimes 11mg. Definitely it works. But also it depends at your HW for vaping.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Yante on May 04, 2018, 02:12:52 PM
Electronic cigars seem like a scam. Not only do you continue to use nicotine, but you also continue to miss your real cigarette. Who wants to stop smoking stops smoking, electronic cigar is just an object to get the money to people.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Urrod on May 05, 2018, 09:58:27 PM
E-cigs don't work. Tried it and I was successful in lessening the pack I smoke but doesn't help you to quit.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: ukloonion on May 05, 2018, 10:12:30 PM
I don't smoke but find it irritating when people blow that huge amount of smoke around. Can they not just use will power and quit!  >:(

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Llace on May 06, 2018, 12:31:34 AM
No, electronic cigarettes does not help. tried it for a while.

Title: Re: Electric cigarettes
Post by: Naida_BR on November 30, 2019, 06:34:36 PM
Electric cigarettes or vapes doesn't really help you quit smoking.
You just continue the habit of smoking. If you want to really quit it, you should stop using any cigarette and any alternative that exists in the market right now. Otherwise, you would end up smoking again.