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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: cameronpalte on December 10, 2015, 02:01:45 AM

Title: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: cameronpalte on December 10, 2015, 02:01:45 AM
Donald Trump has made a number of hateful comments towards a large number of people. These comments have hurt Muslims, Immigrants, and a number of American people groups. He's also said stupid shit like cancelling vaccinations in the Untied States.

Link of stuff he's said:

Found this interesting petition online. Recommend signing it to make the United States a better place.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 10, 2015, 02:08:30 AM
What about the freedom of speech? Donald Trump has never instigated violence towards any particular minority ethnic group. He has only proposed to place restrictions upon Muslims and other immigrants entering the United States. A large section of the American population is concerned about the abrupt demographic changes caused by the unlimited immigration. They want this to stop.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: croato on December 10, 2015, 02:11:13 AM
Trump is one of few honest and able politicians in USA. Dont judge him too harsh, he just want to get rid of leaches and trash. Give him chance for Christ sake or USA will turn into poor, multicultural shithole. Also, he have his money so it would be hard to buy his opinion or influence his decisions like they can influence that black dude now.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: mtnsaa on December 10, 2015, 02:11:50 AM
What about the freedom of speech? Donald Trump has never instigated violence towards any particular minority ethnic group. He has only proposed to place restrictions upon Muslims and other immigrants entering the United States. A large section of the American population is concerned about the abrupt demographic changes caused by the unlimited immigration. They want this to stop.

Well his words can be interpreted like hate speech, I mean he's clearly crossing the line sometimes it's just a matter of opinion and many judges will rule his sentence different if that was the case. Openly mocking a disabled person is a crime in many countries already.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Monnt on December 10, 2015, 02:13:18 AM
Just saying I think you made 2 identical threads:

No point in that.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: cameronpalte on December 10, 2015, 02:15:18 AM
What about the freedom of speech? Donald Trump has never instigated violence towards any particular minority ethnic group. He has only proposed to place restrictions upon Muslims and other immigrants entering the United States. A large section of the American population is concerned about the abrupt demographic changes caused by the unlimited immigration. They want this to stop.

Banning a subsect of people from the country counts as hate speech. Freedom of speech is not a universal right. Just as you cannot yell "fire" in a movie theater you cannot say hate speech under the freedom of speech.

He also wants to do other stupid stuff like keeping people from getting vaccinated etc.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: InvoKing on December 10, 2015, 02:26:26 AM
Dunno if that was said before since I didn't check the politics section for a while (just found this topic when pressing show unread posts since last visit and it reminded me of something that I read it yesterday in news sites)
Disclaimer: this pic is in the first cover of the philly daily..
Next time he will promise a concentration camps for Muslims, Mexicans, Russians? The whole world?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 10, 2015, 02:31:43 AM
Banning a subsect of people from the country counts as hate speech.

It is not a hate-speech. It is just a precautionary measure. Do the Americans allow North Koreans to travel to their country? No. Every now and then, the Americans deny visa to high ranking politicians from around the world. A few years ago, the current Indian prime minister (Narendra Modi) was denied a visa to visit the United States.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 10, 2015, 02:32:19 AM
Trump said to ban vaccinations? Wow! Now if he banned the FDA, the medical lobby, and most of Big Pharma, I might even vote for him.


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: cameronpalte on December 10, 2015, 04:21:26 AM
Banning a subsect of people from the country counts as hate speech.

It is not a hate-speech. It is just a precautionary measure. Do the Americans allow North Koreans to travel to their country? No. Every now and then, the Americans deny visa to high ranking politicians from around the world. A few years ago, the current Indian prime minister (Narendra Modi) was denied a visa to visit the United States.

There is a difference.

Muslims represent 1/7 people across the world and actually have a lower chance of being a terrorist than White Americans. North Koreans are banned from entering the country not because of fears of terrorist attacks but instead to limit their technology and economical power as a punishment for their aggression. If Donald Trump wanted to ban ISIS members from entering it would be one thing. But banning 1/7 people for something that causes no more terrorism than Christianity is just silly.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Mike Christ on December 10, 2015, 04:49:37 AM
Muslims represent 1/7 people across the world and actually have a lower chance of being a terrorist than White Americans.

Something tells me you're not very critical about the sources you're choosing to believe.  Please link where you picked this up from.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bitfranky on December 10, 2015, 05:32:01 AM
Somebody may want to take a look at Japan as an example. They don't seem to have terrorism, but then they don't really let Muslims in either. The Japanese view Islam as a dangerous religion and publicly discourage it. You cannot pray in groups in public or you face stiff fines. And since they beheaded the two Japanese guys a few months ago, Japan has taken an even harsher approach towards Muslims.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: HarHarHar9965 on December 10, 2015, 06:56:16 AM
Donald Trump has made a number of hateful comments towards a large number of people. These comments have hurt Muslims, Immigrants, and a number of American people groups. He's also said stupid shit like cancelling vaccinations in the Untied States.

Link of stuff he's said:

Found this interesting petition online. Recommend signing it to make the United States a better place.

Accepting all and living together is all the holy books teaching us. Not accepting Muslims or other religion will destroy the Government ruling capacity. Just take If China become ruling country around world will they say Buddhism people only enter into china. This is wrong buddies.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 10, 2015, 05:11:57 PM
Muslims represent 1/7 people across the world and actually have a lower chance of being a terrorist than White Americans. North Koreans are banned from entering the country not because of fears of terrorist attacks but instead to limit their technology and economical power as a punishment for their aggression. If Donald Trump wanted to ban ISIS members from entering it would be one thing. But banning 1/7 people for something that causes no more terrorism than Christianity is just silly.

What an irony? Do you really think that White non-Hispanic Americans are more at a risk of perpetrating terrorist attacks when compared to Muslims? I don't think so. Also, I have never heard of North Koreans committing any terrorist attacks, either inside or outside their country. The reason why Trump want to ban Muslims from entering the United States is due to the fact that 99.99% of all the terrorists in the world are Muslims.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 10, 2015, 05:16:10 PM
I'm sure Trump is wearing better deodorant than Ban.

But his idea of "Banning" all those Syrian refugees is probably a good idea. After all, they may not be wearing any deodorant at all!


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: galdur on December 10, 2015, 05:21:16 PM
It´s not 1/7th but between 1/4th and 1/5th of mankind. Could even be a little more that 1/4th.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Daniel91 on December 10, 2015, 07:46:04 PM
I can't believe that such stupid man as Trump is so popular in USA and leading candidate for US presidency.
It's really something to think and even to worry, what if such person really become US President?
God, save us :)
Only US citizens can stop and ban him now.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Balthazar on December 10, 2015, 07:48:50 PM

Donald Troll :D

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 10, 2015, 08:31:54 PM
Somebody should start making banners that say "Dump Trump."


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: MRKLYE on December 10, 2015, 08:36:30 PM
Donald Trump is basically an asshole.. But I merit some respect for the lad. Atleast he's not afraid to speak his mind.

People are way to fast to get butthurt these days imho. It's honestly sport to piss off people that are easily offended in my eyes.
Granted I'm likely an asshole to.. So I sympathize more with the dude. Perhaps he will actuallly get elected and turn America into something decent.
Obama certainly ran shit into the ground.. How much worse could Trump really fuck things up? VOTE TRUMP!

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: mtnsaa on December 10, 2015, 08:47:46 PM
Donald Trump is basically an asshole.. But I merit some respect for the lad. Atleast he's not afraid to speak his mind.

People are way to fast to get butthurt these days imho. It's honestly sport to piss off people that are easily offended in my eyes.
Granted I'm likely an asshole to.. So I sympathize more with the dude. Perhaps he will actuallly get elected and turn America into something decent.
Obama certainly ran shit into the ground.. How much worse could Trump really fuck things up? VOTE TRUMP!

He's not afraid because he has nothing to lose and has plenty of money. He won't be fired or do jail time, so he's not really a "brave" man in my eyes. But in the state the world is I agree with you, a president it's just a facade. With so many people in the world right now, there's nothing really special about being human anymore, anything goes and a saint has basically the same value as the latest youtube star. We are becoming more and more disposable.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 10, 2015, 08:59:41 PM
Donald Trump is basically an asshole.. But I merit some respect for the lad. Atleast he's not afraid to speak his mind.

People are way to fast to get butthurt these days imho. It's honestly sport to piss off people that are easily offended in my eyes.
Granted I'm likely an asshole to.. So I sympathize more with the dude. Perhaps he will actuallly get elected and turn America into something decent.
Obama certainly ran shit into the ground.. How much worse could Trump really fuck things up? VOTE TRUMP!

Americans are lilly-livered cowards. The few of them that stand up are basically ignorant about how to stand up to a President's decisions, or Congress's for that matter.

If Trump wins, and does some of the freedom crushing things that he talks about, he just might make Americans angry enough that they wake up and do something about it. But that's the only good he might do.

Obama talks and gun sales go up. What will people do if Trump wins? Start manufacturing their own guns and ammo? Build bunkers?


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Lethn on December 10, 2015, 09:04:06 PM
I'm sorry but it's pathetic how people like the OP immediately lash out at assholes like Donald Trump but when it comes to Islamic psychopaths that actively try to kill us ( Just recently there was an attempted stabbing in the UK ) or any other religious nutters that think that because their god said it's okay to murder certain people just based on what they say. Yes trump is an asshole, but people like you just go after easy targets, when I see the same outrage over people trying to kill others who criticise their religion then I'll give a shit about your opinions.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: vero on December 10, 2015, 09:31:13 PM
Trump (again) does not understand what a President can and cannot do. He does not understand that the position he is running for is not "King". As soon as he does, he will quit.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: jasonjm on December 10, 2015, 10:09:56 PM
how much worse could trump really be than obama? or hillary clinton? I thought bush jr was the worst president in a long long time, but obama easily beat that.

On trumps more outlandish ideas, congress / supreme court will block him.

but something needs to change, at least Trump will try something new.

do you really want another 8 years of the status quo? because that is what clinton will get you.

maybe it's time for someone to rock the boat, to kick the lobbyists, the political elites and the banksters in the balls.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: galdur on December 10, 2015, 10:40:11 PM
Fourteen years of pretending to fight terrorism has resulted in ballooning terrorism - naturally - so yes it seems to be time for something new - I guess.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: countryfree on December 10, 2015, 10:48:18 PM
Donald Trump has made a number of hateful comments towards a large number of people. These comments have hurt Muslims, Immigrants, and a number of American people groups. He's also said stupid shit like cancelling vaccinations in the Untied States.

Link of stuff he's said:

Found this interesting petition online. Recommend signing it to make the United States a better place.

I'm certainly no fan of Donald Trump, but unlike you, I believe in democracy and free speech. So anyone should be allowed to say what he wants to say, and anyone shall also be allowed to run for a political mandate.

By the way, what do you propose regarding IS fighters having very offensive words against Christians and Jews? They are way more offensive than Trump.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bitsmichel on December 10, 2015, 11:12:52 PM
Donald Trump has made a number of hateful comments towards a large number of people. These comments have hurt Muslims, Immigrants, and a number of American people groups. He's also said stupid shit like cancelling vaccinations in the Untied States.

What about free speech? Government is cracking down on our civil rights and you are in favor of that?  ???

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 11, 2015, 01:51:37 AM
Muslims have been in the USA primarily since the early 1970's, relatively recent. As their numbers grow, so does radicalization, no go zones, sharia law, beheading, etc.

You forgot to mention that more than one-third of the American Muslims are African American, whose ancestors have been living in the United States ever since the 18th century. So far I haven't heard anyone from this community joining the Islamic State or the other terrorist organizations. One of the reasons might be that the African American Muslims give more importance to race than religion.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: jasonjm on December 11, 2015, 02:12:05 AM
cameronpalte i hope trump wins and burns it all to the ground. That will make this country a better place, the exact opposite of your petition idea, how you like that?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: jasonjm on December 11, 2015, 03:00:39 AM

“What’s it like playing chess with Obama?” asks a top aid of Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Putin replies, “It’s like playing chess with a pigeon. First it knocks over all the pieces, then it shits on the board, and finally it struts around like it won.”

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 11, 2015, 03:05:20 AM
Trump (again) does not understand what a President can and cannot do. He does not understand that the position he is running for is not "King". As soon as he does, he will quit.

Really?  I could have swore Obama was playing king.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Blawpaw on December 11, 2015, 04:19:47 AM
 It hearts my ears and head everytime Trump opens his mouth.  he should be banned to live in a Muslim country.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Hazir on December 11, 2015, 06:27:26 AM
At least Trump is honest and straight person. He talk exactly what he thinks that is a huge plus in my book. I don't want another lying politician who will sweet talk and spouting nonsense about equality and fraternity. Trump is speaking the truth, you can disagree with him but he is right. He is a man with a plan and wish the best for America.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Roquene on December 11, 2015, 06:58:12 AM
Give him chance for Christ sake or USA will turn into poor, multicultural shithole.

You are aware that the USA always where multicultural?
Your ALL comes from foreigners. Without exception. Except, of course Indians.

Even in your genes are guaranteed German, French, Spanish, English and what not.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: galdur on December 11, 2015, 08:14:39 AM

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Vod on December 11, 2015, 08:53:05 AM

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Roquene on December 11, 2015, 09:02:06 AM

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 11, 2015, 09:25:57 AM

I hear your Fuhrer of a leader does not like Trump.  Not one bit.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Dofnatues on December 11, 2015, 11:08:31 AM
What about the freedom of speech? Donald Trump has never instigated violence towards any particular minority ethnic group. He has only proposed to place restrictions upon Muslims and other immigrants entering the United States. A large section of the American population is concerned about the abrupt demographic changes caused by the unlimited immigration. They want this to stop.

Donald Trump has the rights to speak out his mind. The American has banned many kinds of people entering the US.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BigBoy89 on December 11, 2015, 12:12:19 PM

This racist should be banned from running in presidential election because a person with so much of hatred in heart can never do anything good to anyone he is new age hitler

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Altcoin4life on December 11, 2015, 02:22:04 PM
Donald Trump is a real joke and to be honest not a genuine contender in winning. I really do not think he has any chance of winning.

He should not be banned as it is better to have things in the open where people can challenge him publicly. Some of the things he has come out with about muslim's or women for example is quite ridiculous. He really is more of an entertainer and self promoter than a real contender. Anyway i am pretty sure the American people will make the right choice and just ignore him.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 11, 2015, 05:08:20 PM
This racist should be banned from running in presidential election because a person with so much of hatred in heart can never do anything good to anyone he is new age hitler

You can say whatever you want. But still, if the choice has to be made between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I'll go for the latter. At the most Trump will ban Muslim immigrants from the United States, if he becomes the POTUS. On the other hand, if the Pinocchibitch becomes the POTUS, she will trigger the WW3, which will cause hundreds of millions of deaths.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bitsmichel on December 11, 2015, 05:35:05 PM
The Hitler argument is bullshit. Every politician is now compared with Hitler.  Hitler Obama, Hilter Bush, Hitler Merkel, Hitler Putin.
Free speech should be preserved, its one of the few rights not taken away in America.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Roquene on December 11, 2015, 05:40:52 PM
The Hitler argument is bullshit. Every politician is now compared with Hitler.  Hitler Obama, Hilter Bush, Hitler Merkel, Hitler Putin.
Free speech should be preserved, its one of the few rights not taken away in America.

Who say he is not allowed to free speech? He can say whatever he want. Of course it's his right.
But do you want realy somebody with so much HATE in the heart to be the president?
someone who say that every muslim is a terrorist, even if it's only 1%?

It's like saying every German is a Nazi. Or every American is Fat and Stupid.
Or all Chinese can Kung-Fu.

He is a racist. Plain and simple. An evil man. Blinded by his own fear and hate.

And related to free speech:

He use the fear of the people to archive his own goals.

We have politicans here in germany that try the exact same thing.
They say "see, all turkish immigrants are criminals".

It's a lie. Nothing more. Don't be a Sheep.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: ridery99 on December 11, 2015, 05:55:31 PM
Is this some sort of liberals whining topic? Where my popcorns?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 11, 2015, 05:58:59 PM
Is this some sort of liberals whining topic? Where my popcorns?
Yes.  We invite all whiners to whine while we win.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 11, 2015, 05:59:49 PM

This racist should be banned from running in presidential election because a person with so much of hatred in heart can never do anything good to anyone he is new age hitler

Who would make the decision to ban him? I think you mean NOT THE VOTERS but somebody WHO KNOWS BEST FOR US.

Does that sum it up?


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Balthazar on December 11, 2015, 06:11:43 PM
The Hitler argument is bullshit. Every politician is now compared with Hitler.  Hitler Obama, Hilter Bush, Hitler Merkel, Hitler Putin.
Free speech should be preserved, its one of the few rights not taken away in America.

Who say he is not allowed to free speech? He can say whatever he want. Of course it's his right.
But do you want realy somebody with so much HATE in the heart to be the president?
someone who say that every muslim is a terrorist, even if it's only 1%?

It's like saying every German is a Nazi. Or every American is Fat and Stupid.
Or all Chinese can Kung-Fu.

He is a racist. Plain and simple. An evil man. Blinded by his own fear and hate.

And related to free speech:

He use the fear of the people to archive his own goals.

We have politicans here in germany that try the exact same thing.
They say "see, all turkish immigrants are criminals".

It's a lie. Nothing more. Don't be a Sheep.

Thank you for your message. I'm in the front of the mirror now, in the process of training my gestures and mimics. Of course, I've allowed myself to alter the order of some words there... But it's irrelevant, since your message is perfectly suitable for that purpose. I guess that I'll look like a Trump during the tomorrow speech.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bitsmichel on December 11, 2015, 06:13:13 PM
It's like saying every German is a Nazi. Or every American is Fat and Stupid.
Or all Chinese can Kung-Fu.
False. Muslim is not a race.

But do you want realy somebody with so much HATE in the heart to be the president?
someone who say that every muslim is a terrorist, even if it's only 1%?
Do you want war monger Hillary instead?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 11, 2015, 06:17:36 PM
someone who say that every muslim is a terrorist, even if it's only 1%?

I wouldn't be having a problem if it was 1%. If it was so, then I would have been the first person to condemn Trump. But unfortunately that is not the case. More than half of the British Muslims believe that suicide attacks against civilian targets within the United Kingdom are justified, if they are done in order to defend Islam. The situation is no different in Germany and France.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 11, 2015, 06:18:33 PM
It's like saying every German is a Nazi. Or every American is Fat and Stupid.
Or all Chinese can Kung-Fu.
False. Muslim is not a race.

But do you want realy somebody with so much HATE in the heart to be the president?
someone who say that every muslim is a terrorist, even if it's only 1%?
Do you want war monger Hillary instead?
Good question, but for whom does she mong war?

Not for our troopers at Bengazi....

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Jordan23 on December 11, 2015, 10:45:50 PM
Donald Trump has made a number of hateful comments towards a large number of people. These comments have hurt Muslims, Immigrants, and a number of American people groups. He's also said stupid shit like cancelling vaccinations in the Untied States.

Link of stuff he's said:

Found this interesting petition online. Recommend signing it to make the United States a better place.

You want to FORCE vaccinations on people? You know force is immoral. Get your vaccine. You got yours why do you care if I have mine? Are you and some government official going to hold me down?

Actually do you even know what freedom is? You sound like a sensitive little girl whose feelings get hurt over opinions.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Jordan23 on December 11, 2015, 10:47:55 PM

This racist should be banned from running in presidential election because a person with so much of hatred in heart can never do anything good to anyone he is new age hitler

You don't know what racism is. I'm from American. We have banned groups of people from entering numerous times. The last in 1980 by a liberal named Jimmy Carter. Turn off your TV. It's showing!

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 11, 2015, 11:26:00 PM

This racist should be banned from running in presidential election because a person with so much of hatred in heart can never do anything good to anyone he is new age hitler

You don't know what racism is. I'm from American. We have banned groups of people from entering numerous times. The last in 1980 by a liberal named Jimmy Carter. Turn off your TV. It's showing!

As said once by a Supreme Court justice, "the Constitution is not a suicide pact."  If there is factually a high risk of bad outcomes from Muslims entering the country, they certainly can be banned - by religion.   It's no different than quarantining incoming people at Ellis Island and checking them for contagious diseases before letting them loose on the streets.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Wilikon on December 12, 2015, 03:14:09 AM

Here’s the transcript from ABC News:

    Ever since Iranian terrorists imprisoned American Embassy personnel in Tehran early in November, these 50 men and women—their safety, their health, and their future—have been our central concern. We’ve made every effort to obtain their release on honorable, peaceful, and humanitarian terms, but the Iranians have refused to release them or even to improve the inhumane conditions under which these Americans are being held captive.

    The events of the last few days have revealed a new and significant dimension in this matter. The militants controlling the Embassy have stated they are willing to turn the hostages over to the Government of Iran, but the Government has refused to take custody of the American hostages. This lays bare the full responsibility of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for the continued illegal and outrageous holding of the innocent hostages. The Iranian Government can no longer escape full responsibility by hiding behind the militants at the Embassy.

    It must be made clear that the failure to release the hostages will involve increasingly heavy costs to Iran and to its interests. I have today ordered the following steps.

    First, the United States of America is breaking diplomatic relations with the Government of Iran. The Secretary of State has informed the Government of Iran that its Embassy and consulates in the United States are to be closed immediately. All Iranian diplomatic and consular officials have been declared persona non grata and must leave this country by midnight tomorrow.

    Second, the Secretary of the Treasury will put into effect official sanctions prohibiting exports from the United States to Iran, in accordance with the sanctions approved by 10 members of the United Nations Security Council on January 13 in the resolution which was vetoed by the Soviet Union. Although shipment of food and medicine were not included in the U.N. Security Council vote, it is expected that exports even of these items to Iran will be minimal or nonexistent.

    Third, the Secretary of Treasury will make a formal inventory of the assets of the Iranian Government, which were frozen by my previous order, and also will make a census or an inventory of the outstanding claims of American citizens and corporations against the Government of Iran. This accounting of claims will aid in designing a program against Iran for the hostages, for the hostage families, and other U.S. claimants. We are now preparing legislation, which will be introduced in the Congress, to facilitate processing and paying of these claims.

    Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Beliathon on December 12, 2015, 04:07:31 AM
Nuke any city that lets donald trump in.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Hazir on December 12, 2015, 11:46:29 PM
someone who say that every muslim is a terrorist, even if it's only 1%?

I wouldn't be having a problem if it was 1%. If it was so, then I would have been the first person to condemn Trump. But unfortunately that is not the case. More than half of the British Muslims believe that suicide attacks against civilian targets within the United Kingdom are justified, if they are done in order to defend Islam. The situation is no different in Germany and France.
Exactly this. Media think that Muslim's leaders are radicals and 'normal' Muslim are different. But in reality every Muslim share theirs opinions. Trump is not racist in fact he is being pragmatic here.
There is not really better candidate now.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Losvienleg on December 13, 2015, 09:56:42 AM
Thinking that Muslims are dangerous is an opinion like any other. With this mondial warfare that is preparing and that will basically be founded on Islam, the best thing to protect you is to close your borders. See what happened in Paris' attacks. A few of the murderers were illegal "refugees". Also a multicultural society will collapse at a moment or at another, so that's normal that you want to protect your country.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 13, 2015, 12:44:47 PM
Thinking that Muslims are dangerous is an opinion like any other. With this mondial warfare that is preparing and that will basically be founded on Islam, the best thing to protect you is to close your borders. See what happened in Paris' attacks. A few of the murderers were illegal "refugees". Also a multicultural society will collapse at a moment or at another, so that's normal that you want to protect your country.

If Western countries want multiculturalism, then why can't they accept migrants from countries such as Ukraine, Moldova, Greece and Armenia? Do you know how difficult it is for anyone from these countries (with the exception of Greece) to immigrate to the EU? Most of the people in these countries are highly educated, and they are civilized and friendly. On the other hand, the vast majority of the unwashed hordes from Pakistan and Eritrea are illiterate and prone to criminal behavior.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: RainDestiny on December 14, 2015, 10:22:43 AM

 On the other hand, the vast majority of the unwashed hordes from Pakistan and Eritrea are illiterate and prone to criminal behavior.

I think, its racism) Greece is a part of EU, Armenia and Moldova havent any war, religion, national conflicts, only South-Eastern Ukraine have.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: RainDestiny on December 14, 2015, 10:28:25 AM
Do you know how difficult it is for anyone from these countries (with the exception of Greece) to immigrate to the EU?
Its not difficult, high-educated people, doctors, engeneers, it-specialists always can apply for Bluecard.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Balthazar on December 14, 2015, 10:29:12 AM
I think, its racism
He's just calls the things by their actual names. And he's right here, a vast majority of muslim migrants are uneducated losers with criminal mentality. The only thing they know how to do is rape some women and then scream about intolerance.

Its not difficult, high-educated people, doctors, engeneers, it-specialists always can apply for Bluecard.
Yeah, and then go through long bureaucratic procedure. Nothing like that is required from pakistani clowns with fake syrian passports.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bitsmichel on December 14, 2015, 10:34:01 AM

 On the other hand, the vast majority of the unwashed hordes from Pakistan and Eritrea are illiterate and prone to criminal behavior.

I think, its racism) Greece is a part of EU, Armenia and Moldova havent any war, religion, national conflicts, only South-Eastern Ukraine have.

Muslim are not a race. The EU seems to be in favor of letting Muslims in (Many migrants are not from Syria).  Are they self destructive?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: RainDestiny on December 14, 2015, 12:16:17 PM
He's just calls the things by their actual names. And he's right here, a vast majority of muslim migrants are uneducated losers with criminal mentality. The only thing they know how to do is rape some women and then scream about intolerance.

Do you have any statistics on race, ethnicity and violent crime in EU?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Snail2 on December 14, 2015, 12:18:06 PM
If Western countries want multiculturalism, then why can't they accept migrants from countries such as Ukraine, Moldova, Greece and Armenia? Do you know how difficult it is for anyone from these countries (with the exception of Greece) to immigrate to the EU? Most of the people in these countries are highly educated, and they are civilized and friendly. On the other hand, the vast majority of the unwashed hordes from Pakistan and Eritrea are illiterate and prone to criminal behavior.

If our bosses want to replace whites with some mixed race population then why should they bring more whites in? Even worse, whites who can still think, rarely PC enough, and prone to a rather conservative behaviour. That would set back their project with decades.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: RainDestiny on December 14, 2015, 12:22:03 PM
Yeah, and then go through long bureaucratic procedure. Nothing like that is required from pakistani clowns with fake syrian passports.

I personally know many doctors from Russia and Belarus, who have received job in Germany just in 2-3 month. The main requirement was a good level of German.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Balthazar on December 14, 2015, 01:07:30 PM
Yeah, and then go through long bureaucratic procedure. Nothing like that is required from pakistani clowns with fake syrian passports.

I personally know many doctors from Russia and Belarus, who have received job in Germany just in 2-3 month. The main requirement was a good level of German.
I'm sorry, but did you read my previous messages?

All what you say simply doesn't matter since rights of your friends were restricted in comparison with pakistani clowns. Nobody requires them to speak german, for example... Nobody dares to test their education level. Nobody even asks them to prove their citizenship, a fake syrian passport is enough.

It's time to open your eyes and see the reality, your government is working against basic interests your nation. In fact, "government" is too strong word, it's just a liquidation committee. Nobody is interested in accepting educated and polite people, they prefer middle-age fanatics instead. They want to create another theocratic state on your territory. That's it.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Iceborn on December 14, 2015, 02:16:19 PM
If in america vot efor Donald Trump that they are just so stupid.
I bet some will just vote, but what he said is so hateful it make me really angry.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Losvienleg on December 14, 2015, 06:16:24 PM
Thinking that Muslims are dangerous is an opinion like any other. With this mondial warfare that is preparing and that will basically be founded on Islam, the best thing to protect you is to close your borders. See what happened in Paris' attacks. A few of the murderers were illegal "refugees". Also a multicultural society will collapse at a moment or at another, so that's normal that you want to protect your country.

If Western countries want multiculturalism, then why can't they accept migrants from countries such as Ukraine, Moldova, Greece and Armenia? Do you know how difficult it is for anyone from these countries (with the exception of Greece) to immigrate to the EU? Most of the people in these countries are highly educated, and they are civilized and friendly. On the other hand, the vast majority of the unwashed hordes from Pakistan and Eritrea are illiterate and prone to criminal behavior.

Ask to those morronic socialists that govern us ! They're pro-Islam at 100%, so to bring Christian whites is not good. Also, they are not in a war zones, so nothing could semi-legaly justify the importation of 100 000s of illegal immigrants.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: ridery99 on December 14, 2015, 07:30:50 PM
Trump for mankind! There's only one Trump  :)

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BigBoy89 on December 14, 2015, 07:50:34 PM
Trump for mankind! There's only one Trump  :)

Lol really? No mankind will try to ban other mankind from entering into his country and Trump is using these hate speeches as a trump card to get more votes by showing cares about USA but no he don't he only cares about his business

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 14, 2015, 08:06:16 PM
Trump for mankind! There's only one Trump  :)

Lol really? No mankind will try to ban other mankind from entering into his country....

Really?  What planet do you live on?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Chicago on December 14, 2015, 08:49:52 PM
The Donald wrote earlier today to say,

"I wanted to be the first to share the latest national poll results from the highly respected Monmouth University. The results show me with 41% support and my next closest rival with 14%. Additionally, the just released Quinnipiac poll shows me leading in Iowa with 28%. This is really exciting and a testament to your passion for my message and vision!"

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: RainDestiny on December 14, 2015, 10:00:00 PM
I'm sorry, but did you read my previous messages?

All what you say simply doesn't matter since rights of your friends were restricted in comparison with pakistani clowns. Nobody requires them to speak german, for example... Nobody dares to test their education level. Nobody even asks them to prove their citizenship, a fake syrian passport is enough.

It's time to open your eyes and see the reality, your government is working against basic interests your nation. In fact, "government" is too strong word, it's just a liquidation committee. Nobody is interested in accepting educated and polite people, they prefer middle-age fanatics instead. They want to create another theocratic state on your territory. That's it.

You havent understood me. I m not supporting EU immigration policy, I m just trying to say, that the problem is not in your goverment, the problem is bigger, it has many historical and especially economic causes. For example, Russia is christian country, Russian Ortodox Church has large influence. Russia has always criticized EU "multiculturalism", Russia has never accepted islamic refugees, but now Moscow is a capital with largest muslim population in Europe. Muslim population in Moscow has been increased  5 times in 20 years.

Thats muslim holiday in Moscow:

Can muslims kill lambs in center of Berlin or Paris? I dont think so. But they can do it in Moscow, Russia, "non-multicultural" country without any islamic refugees.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 15, 2015, 02:28:01 AM
Russia has always criticized EU "multiculturalism", Russia has never accepted islamic refugees, but now Moscow is a capital with largest muslim population in Europe. Muslim population in Moscow has been increased  5 times in 20 years.

Moscow (Gorsovet + Oblast) is having a population of around 20 million, and less than 1 million of them are Muslims. So less than 5% of the Moscow population is Muslim, compared to more than 30% in London, Paris and Brussels. And the vast majority of the Muslims in Moscow are temporary immigrants, who are not entitled to Russian citizenship. (Russia doesn't provide children born to immigrants with birthright citizenship).

And when you talk about the Russian population, use some reputed sources (Census reports, research journals) instead of blogs and YouTube videos.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: vero on December 15, 2015, 07:07:55 AM
The Donald wrote earlier today to say,

"I wanted to be the first to share the latest national poll results from the highly respected Monmouth University. The results show me with 41% support and my next closest rival with 14%. Additionally, the just released Quinnipiac poll shows me leading in Iowa with 28%. This is really exciting and a testament to your passion for my message and vision!"

The only real stat worth anything in this article is that '6 out of 10' Americans dislike Donald Trump. Which means 40% of America is in FAVOR of him. Numbers Hillary can only dream to get in the wake of her unfolding e-mai corruption scandal.

Also, before all stories of Obama filling key 'national security' positions with muslim radicals, and before the Banghazi cover up was released, in September 1/3 of Americans polled would WELCOME a military coup removing these corruptive forces from power. That wasn't mentioned nor was the question posed...what would those numbers look like today?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Balthazar on December 15, 2015, 07:38:19 AM
Russia has always criticized EU "multiculturalism", Russia has never accepted islamic refugees, but now Moscow is a capital with largest muslim population in Europe. Muslim population in Moscow has been increased  5 times in 20 years.

Moscow (Gorsovet + Oblast) is having a population of around 20 million, and less than 1 million of them are Muslims. So less than 5% of the Moscow population is Muslim, compared to more than 30% in London, Paris and Brussels. And the vast majority of the Muslims in Moscow are temporary immigrants, who are not entitled to Russian citizenship. (Russia doesn't provide children born to immigrants with birthright citizenship).

And when you talk about the Russian population, use some reputed sources (Census reports, research journals) instead of blogs and YouTube videos.
Tsss.... Show some compassion, don't destroy his illusion. :D

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: RainDestiny on December 15, 2015, 09:16:21 AM

Moscow (Gorsovet + Oblast) is having a population of around 20 million, and less than 1 million of them are Muslims. So less than 5% of the Moscow population is Muslim, compared to more than 30% in London, Paris and Brussels. And the vast majority of the Muslims in Moscow are temporary immigrants, who are not entitled to Russian citizenship. (Russia doesn't provide children born to immigrants with birthright citizenship).

And when you talk about the Russian population, use some reputed sources (Census reports, research journals) instead of blogs and YouTube videos.
Well, maybe not the biggest today, but definitely one of the biggest.
Moscow population (2015): 12 milion (in Russian)квa#cite_note-2015DS-3
Moscow muslim population: around 2 milion (in Russian)
Muslim in London - 12.4% -

And you think, that all immigrants are temporary? Its very funny.
Muslim population in Russia 2009 - 4%
Muslim population in Russia 2012 - 7%

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Rizky Aditya on December 15, 2015, 10:04:47 AM
I know right. I absolutely hate Donald Trump, he is just such an asshole. He is such a spoilt little BITCH.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: CryptoBjorn on December 15, 2015, 10:16:33 AM
Can we just kick Donald Trup out of the country, because what he said to the people is so hate full with his fake hair.
Seriously I want just to hit his face. With a bat or something this man is just stupid. Well I hope America will have good president.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: subSTRATA on December 15, 2015, 10:22:02 AM
Can we just kick Donald Trup out of the country, because what he said to the people is so hate full with his fake hair.
Seriously I want just to hit his face. With a bat or something this man is just stupid. Well I hope America will have good president.
dont get me wrong, i think donald would make a terrible country, but he is smart. hes exploiting the xenophobia that has bred in the USA for the past decade ever since the  9/11 attacks. what better way to get votes from gun toting 'murican citizens than shout hate on all those pesky muslim terrorists? it might give him a bad image with the part of the population that has common sense, but it sure does get him a lot of votes with xenophobic sheep.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: apollofire on December 15, 2015, 01:02:46 PM
I agree to the author. He has to be careful with his words. May be his focus is on uncontrolled or unchecked immigrants or outside work force but still he has to choose words which should not be racial or derogatory. He has to maintain the sanity of the office that he is fighting for..

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 15, 2015, 02:03:29 PM
Can we just kick Donald Trup out of the country, because what he said to the people is so hate full with his fake hair.
Seriously I want just to hit his face. With a bat or something this man is just stupid. Well I hope America will have good president.
dont get me wrong, i think donald would make a terrible country, but he is smart. hes exploiting the xenophobia that has bred in the USA for the past decade ever since the  9/11 attacks. what better way to get votes from gun toting 'murican citizens than shout hate on all those pesky muslim terrorists? it might give him a bad image with the part of the population that has common sense, but it sure does get him a lot of votes with xenophobic sheep.

I would seriously suggest looking at the details of his various proposals for dealing with Mexican illegals and the Muslim incoming.  See if they are so full of hate and xeophobic as the propaganda from the Left would have you believe.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: technology2015 on December 15, 2015, 07:07:53 PM
Trump has not healty ideas and i think he is not normal

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Losvienleg on December 15, 2015, 08:44:17 PM
Trump has not healty ideas and i think he is not normal

Trump is the only one that is able to "Make America great again !". He is not brainwashed nor money-manipulated.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 16, 2015, 12:42:25 AM
Trump has not healty ideas and i think he is not normal

Maybe maybe not.  But I suggest actually read his ideas, then decide.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 16, 2015, 02:34:24 AM
Well, maybe not the biggest today, but definitely one of the biggest.
Moscow population (2015): 12 milion (in Russian)квa#cite_note-2015DS-3
Moscow muslim population: around 2 milion (in Russian)

The 12 million (12.2 million to be precise) figure which you have given is for the Moscow Gorsovet. But Moscow includes the Moscow Oblast as well, which is having a population of 7.23 million. So there are 19.43 million Russian citizens living in Moscow. Out of this number, somewhere around 100,000 to 200,000 is Muslim. In addition to this, there are 1.8 million legal immigrants, and perhaps 1 million illegal immigrants. So the total population grows to 22.23 million. Of the migrants, the largest groups are Ukrainians, Moldovans and Armenians, who are Christians. Muslims are around one-third of the immigrants. So the total Muslim population is around 1.0 to 1.1 million. REN TV and VZ have not taken out any census operations in Russia.

And you think, that all immigrants are temporary? Its very funny.
Muslim population in Russia 2009 - 4%
Muslim population in Russia 2012 - 7%

Muslim population in Russia has stayed stable at around 6% for the past 3-4 decades. There has been no major increases in any of the regions. And 90% of the Russian Muslims are natives, from regions such as Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chechenya and Daghestan.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bitsmichel on December 16, 2015, 06:59:25 AM
Can we just kick Donald Trup out of the country, because what he said to the people is so hate full with his fake hair.
Seriously I want just to hit his face. With a bat or something this man is just stupid. Well I hope America will have good president.

No, hateful statements are no reason for violence or ban. This is America not a 3rd world country.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: MyBTT on December 16, 2015, 07:03:00 AM
Donald trump =

- The liar
- The racist
- The illusionist
- The rich kid

Ban him.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: galdur on December 16, 2015, 03:11:32 PM
Well, the problem with The Donald is that when the next terror attack hits (which the authorities will of course desperately try to not define as a terror attack) he will state exactly the same, but the same won´t be so easy for his detractors.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 16, 2015, 06:09:57 PM
Well, the problem with The Donald is that when the next terror attack hits (which the authorities will of course desperately try to not define as a terror attack) he will state exactly the same, but the same won´t be so easy for his detractors.

This is because government terrorists that covertly cause the attacks are the ones who want war all the time. Trump is either one of theirs, or he is playing right into their hands.


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: ridery99 on December 16, 2015, 06:17:57 PM
I vote Trump! He will make America great again  :)

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 16, 2015, 07:32:44 PM
I vote Trump! He will make America great again  :)

America is the people. As long as the people look to some president to make them great, they are taking their eyes off their own greatness... which has nothing to do with presidents. President greatness has only to do with making government great. A great government only wants to conquer people.


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Blawpaw on December 16, 2015, 09:33:23 PM
Put him in a mental institution!

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bluestar55 on December 16, 2015, 10:02:45 PM
He is beastly person! I cant belive how american people like him

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: herkul12345 on December 16, 2015, 10:25:45 PM
I wish Donald Trump will not be American president.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 16, 2015, 11:04:54 PM
Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All of his horses, and all of his men,
Couldn't put Trumpty together again.


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 16, 2015, 11:57:54 PM
I wish Donald Trump will not be American president.
But did you wish FOR Obama?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Xubu on December 17, 2015, 12:03:35 AM
Nodoby takes him serious. Leave him.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Gronthaing on December 17, 2015, 02:05:21 AM
Nodoby takes him serious. Leave him.

Lots of people take him seriously. Last I've seen he was well placed to be the republican candidate. With maybe 35% of republican voters saying they would vote for him. Even the republican establishment was planning a coup against him. Don't know if those numbers dropped after his muslim comments though.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: andromeda876 on December 17, 2015, 03:48:31 AM
I wish Donald Trump will not be American president.
But did you wish FOR Obama?

will we  compare obama and trumb ? :)

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 17, 2015, 12:37:55 PM
I wish Donald Trump will not be American president.
But did you wish FOR Obama?

will we  compare obama and trumb ? :)
Well, why not?  For seven years all we've heard from the Left is this is Bush's fault, that is Bush's fault, it's all Bush's fault.


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: egghead123 on December 17, 2015, 12:42:47 PM
I think its called freedom of speech so if you want to ban people from having an opinion you could always move to Iran or China.Unless its hate speech or telling people to go out and hurt others then he can say whatever the fuck he wants.If people are offended by it then turn off the tv or vote for some other clown to run the circus.BTW that fucking wig he wears is scarier than what comes out of his mouth most of the time.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 17, 2015, 01:22:11 PM
Bush finger. Obama thumb. Are we back to finger with Trump?


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: andromeda876 on December 17, 2015, 01:45:52 PM
I wish Donald Trump will not be American president.
But did you wish FOR Obama?

will we  compare obama and trumb ? :)
Well, why not?  For seven years all we've heard from the Left is this is Bush's fault, that is Bush's fault, it's all Bush's fault.

You are saying true
This is look like chronic subject because of you can be sure we Will talk about Bush after Obama

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: ridery99 on December 17, 2015, 02:16:22 PM
Trump will fix America back to what it was before Obama. Me and my friends will vote him  :)

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: subSTRATA on December 17, 2015, 03:00:54 PM
Trump will fix America back to what it was before Obama. Me and my friends will vote him  :)
care to explain your reasoning on why you think trump will 'fix america?'
i personally dont see what he offers other than playing on the xenophobia thats rampant with the ISIS attacks and saying upfront what people are thinking rather than doing the usual politician lying thing.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 17, 2015, 03:09:30 PM
Trump will fix America back to what it was before Obama. Me and my friends will vote him  :)
care to explain your reasoning on why you think trump will 'fix america?'
i personally dont see what he offers other than playing on the xenophobia thats rampant with the ISIS attacks and saying upfront what people are thinking rather than doing the usual politician lying thing.


All Trump is doing is to offer a different method for keeping America in the mess that it is in right now.


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 17, 2015, 04:08:49 PM
Trump will fix America back to what it was before Obama. Me and my friends will vote him  :)
care to explain your reasoning on why you think trump will 'fix america?'
i personally dont see what he offers other than playing on the xenophobia thats rampant with the ISIS attacks and saying upfront what people are thinking rather than doing the usual politician lying thing.

Can you possibly explain what the difference is between a realistic, pragmatic confrontation with the ideas and actions of ISIS, and "playing on the xenophobia thats rampant with the ISIS attacks?"

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: subSTRATA on December 17, 2015, 06:24:49 PM
Trump will fix America back to what it was before Obama. Me and my friends will vote him  :)
care to explain your reasoning on why you think trump will 'fix america?'
i personally dont see what he offers other than playing on the xenophobia thats rampant with the ISIS attacks and saying upfront what people are thinking rather than doing the usual politician lying thing.

Can you possibly explain what the difference is between a realistic, pragmatic confrontation with the ideas and actions of ISIS, and "playing on the xenophobia thats rampant with the ISIS attacks?"
i havent kept up with the presidential race as much as id have liked to with exams going on (missed the debate yesterday), but from the stuff that's making the headlines, it just seems to me that trump is more or less exploiting the sense of xenophobia that's been nurtured over the past decade or so since the 9/11 attacks. trump shouts 'deport all muslims,' trump gets votes. last i heard he wanted some sort of database made of all the muslims in the US or something. of course, i may be wrong, but this is pretty much the gist of what ive heard on the topic of trump dealing with the ISIS terrorist threat. not much to say on a practical approach to the threat, but the stuff trump has been suggesting are not pragmatic by all means.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: galdur on December 17, 2015, 06:44:02 PM
Coming To America?

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/17/2015 12:50 -0500
Sweden is in shambles (as we detailed here and here), but the latest escalation in terrorist-related threats to the refugee-protecting nation. As The Express reports, Sweden is now on lockdown after crazed Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis sent letters to European civilians ordering them to convert to Islam within three days or face being decapitated in their own homes. The chilling letters pledged to then "bomb your rotten corpses afterwards."

ISIS has posted letters threatening to decapitate people in Sweden...


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: craslovell on December 17, 2015, 11:59:31 PM
I am in no way a supporter of Donald Trump, but if it did come down to a general election between Trump and Clinton, Trump would have my vote. My opinion is that the ones to shout xenophobia from the rooftops are the ones who are "pragmatophobes."

And by the way fuck ISIS and fuck any religious zealot that would kill over a book. You are a disgrace to humanity, a waste of natural resources, and should end your own life for the good of evolution and the advancement of our species.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 18, 2015, 02:03:05 AM
I am in no way a supporter of Donald Trump, but if it did come down to a general election between Trump and Clinton, Trump would have my vote. My opinion is that the ones to shout xenophobia from the rooftops are the ones who are "pragmatophobes."....
I don't see it that way.  My opinion is simply that Clinton(s) have sold out to the higher bidder long ago - the Saudi oil interests.

So they are part and parcel of a creeping Islam, such as the Saudis want.  They are part of a no-useful-response to ISIS.  They have sold out to keeping America weak and making it weaker, keeping us from running a pipeline from Canada, keeping us from having nuclear power.

The money flows through their "Foundation."

Now take a guess as to who paid for Obama's college education.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: enhu on December 18, 2015, 02:41:19 AM

His comments actually made him more popular and could probably make him the president, he certainly knows how to use the free speech to grab attention.
I've read that having some restriction can somehow benefit the people of America regain the jobs that are suppose to be for them too.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 18, 2015, 04:26:08 AM
Why ban the Stump?    ???

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: vero on December 18, 2015, 08:38:30 AM
I am in no way a supporter of Donald Trump, but if it did come down to a general election between Trump and Clinton, Trump would have my vote.
Republicans and conservatives wake up Trump can not win in November. If he gets the nomination say hello to President Hillary.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 18, 2015, 07:29:02 PM
I am in no way a supporter of Donald Trump, but if it did come down to a general election between Trump and Clinton, Trump would have my vote.
Republicans and conservatives wake up Trump can not win in November. If he gets the nomination say hello to President Hillary.

Thanks for the wisdom, but the conservatives have already vetoed the Jeb Hillary ticket.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: sarabanda on December 18, 2015, 09:22:24 PM
trump is a crazy like putler.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BTT on December 19, 2015, 02:15:58 AM
Donald Trump is a joke candidate.

Well, he is a joke i guess.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Spendulus on December 19, 2015, 02:20:54 AM
Donald Trump is a joke candidate.

Well, he is a joke i guess.
The joke is in the office.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: BADecker on December 19, 2015, 03:06:15 AM
Donald Trump is a joke candidate.

Well, he is a joke i guess.
The joke is in the office.

The further joke is that almost 100% of the people look at the Presidency as though it were a kingship.


Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: greBit on December 19, 2015, 05:45:43 AM
Donald Trump is a joke candidate.

Well, he is a joke i guess.

Yeah he is a greedy money minded joke he wants to ban Muslims from entering USA and in Dubai he is doing business and selling his products and investing in real estate so on one hand he wants to ban Muslims and on the other hand he wants to do business with Muslims such a cheap person

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 05:56:20 AM
Yeah he is a greedy money minded joke he wants to ban Muslims from entering USA and in Dubai he is doing business and selling his products and investing in real estate so on one hand he wants to ban Muslims and on the other hand he wants to do business with Muslims such a cheap person

There is a big difference. Americans are not travelling to Dubai and the other so called "Muslim" nations to commit terrorist attacks. On the other hand, numerous Muslim immigrants have perpetrated terrorist activities in Western nations. So Trump is justified in calling for a temporary ban on all Muslims from entering the United States of America.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: vero on December 19, 2015, 09:14:25 AM
Donald Trump is a joke candidate.

Well, he is a joke i guess.

Yeah he is a greedy money minded joke he wants to ban Muslims from entering USA and in Dubai he is doing business and selling his products and investing in real estate so on one hand he wants to ban Muslims and on the other hand he wants to do business with Muslims such a cheap person
Banning a religion is probably against the law, however call them something different and I think it's OK to ban questionable people from entering. IF most happen to be Muslim then so be it.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: khalized on December 19, 2015, 10:20:13 AM
Donald Trump is a joke candidate.

Well, he is a joke i guess.

Just shows how messed up society is, we are knowhere, almost everything is going to change next 100 years.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 10:32:09 AM
Banning a religion is probably against the law

Do you know that all the religions with the exception of Islam are banned in Saudi Arabia and Qatar? Christians and Hindus living in these countries are not allowed to practice their religion, and there are no churches or temples in these countries. So what is worse? Banning all religions except Islam, or temporarily banning all Muslims from entering the United States?

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: epichaberdasher on December 19, 2015, 10:51:16 AM
Muslims are the majority source of all terrorist acts and hate crimes in Europe, Africa and Northern America. Thats fact.

In anonymous polls conducted with Muslims a large percentage show support towards terrorists groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.
This includes Muslims not living in countries with Muslim derived law.

In most Muslim states/countries they force you to live by Muslim rules and laws and can sentence you without proper defence. However when immigrants move to non-Muslim countries they insist on people accepting their religion and beliefs when they clearly do not do the same in their countries.
Their "law" still officially supports things such as dead by stoning, they also do not support equal right for women or foreigners. In Muslim countries slavery is also still effectively legal most of the World Cup construction in Qatar is being done by slave labour with attrocious conditions and high death toll, the BBC was banned from reporting on it and journalists were assaulted and illegally detained.

These are all facts, Trump is not wrong in what he says, the problem is people are too PC to want to see the truth. Yes he has not put his message accross in a "friendly" manner, but at least he is speaking about issues that DO exist. None of the above is even debatable, it is all fact. I dont blame any American for supporting him, ive personally met met many edcuated Muslims who still support ISIS and want the USA to fall.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: Balthazar on December 19, 2015, 01:08:10 PM
trump is a crazy like putler.
sarabanda seems like this guy.

Title: Re: Ban Donald Trump
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 02:11:59 PM
I dont blame any American for supporting him, ive personally met met many edcuated Muslims who still support ISIS and want the USA to fall.

I am living in South-east Asia. Here, the vast majority of the people who were arrested for having ISIS connections were well educated young Muslim men having nice job positions with various MNCs, especially in the Information Technology and the Software sectors. This is quite scary, as a lot of them travel frequently to the United States and the other Western nations, for job-related purposes.

Title: CBS Attempts to Censor Muslim Panel Who Exposes How Gov "Designs" & "Funds" T...
Post by: BADecker on December 23, 2015, 11:49:29 PM
CBS Attempts to Censor Muslim Panel Who Exposes How Govt "Designs" & "Funds" Terrorism ( (

They're egged on by bombastic politicians such as Donald Trump and mainstream media talking heads that profit from division and hatred.

CBS News recently put on the appearance of caring about what the Muslim-American community thinks of the vitriol being directed against them. The original segment contained much about how Muslims feel about this misdirected anger, but left out a host of highly informed perspectives brought by the panel members.

Even though Frank Luntz tried his best to inject loaded, dumbed-down questions into the conversation, the Muslim-Americans were having none of it.

New York City journalist Sarah Harvard, who was member of the panel, also pointed out how, "They (CBS) put hijab-wearing Muslim women front & centered. All the Arab/Desi ones in front & center. All "ambiguously Muslim" off camera focus."

Read more at (
