Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Rassah on June 08, 2011, 07:16:02 PM

Title: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Rassah on June 08, 2011, 07:16:02 PM
Direct link here:

Why some of Bitcoin’s hurdles may actually be its drivers

     There are two biggest complaints I keep hearing about Bitcoin, first, that it makes tax evasion too easy and governments will hate it, and second is that it only benefits early adopters. I argue that the first is not really thought through, and the second is already proving to be wrong.

     Bitcoin is designed to be completely anonymous, but that anonymity is only by choice. The argument is that, with people creating anonymous addresses, companies will be able to hire people and pay them under the table, and the government will have no way of tracking such transactions. Technically, the same could be said of cash payments, which could be, and very often are, paid “under the table.” However, companies have an incentive to report their financial transactions. That incentive may be due to failure to report may bring down the law on them, or that reporting transactions and being in good standing allows them to operate more securely within the government legal system, and contest any theft or dispute between other companies and participants.

     Regarding a Bitcoin based scenario, just as a company can hire employees, report their social security numbers to the government, and make payments against those social security numbers, having to report all the payments every few quarters, a company can hire employees, use their self-selected Bitcoin addresses to pay them, and report those addresses to the government. The huge benefit is that, since all transactions are public, there is no longer any need to collect and report payroll information. As long as the government has all the employee addresses, all salary information can be collected automatically from the Bitcoin blocks. And if the employees feel that they would still rather keep the rest of their transactions private, sending the received salary amounts through a few addresses before sending to another one of your own would make the amount of money anonymous again. Yes, that could be considered money laundering, but we will have to see how the law comes down on that when we get there.

     The second biggest claim I keep hearing against Bitcoin is that “it mainly benefits early adopters.” I guess the claim is that, since people who got into it early will have all the money, newcomers will want to stay out of the system, and that will lead it to failure. What this claim fails to take into account is that those people who got in early, and now have a lot of wealth, have an incredibly high incentive to see this system succeed. They will very likely use their wealth to invest in improved financial service companies, design easier ways to transact with Bitcoin, and make the system more prevalent and user friendly in general. In a way, early adopters who have taken on enormous risks on the hopes that this currency goes anywhere, will be paid by the currency itself to make sure that it succeeds. An excellent example of this is the largest Bitcoin currency exchange site MtGox. At present volume, they already make an estimated $30,000+ a day in revenues, and the owners have pledged to use the money to continue to expand and improve the system, and to create a lobby to defend Bitcoin in governments. At $14,000,000 a year that is expected to only grow, that is a pretty nice chunk of cash to run a lobby with.

     Am I sure that Bitcoin will succeed? No. Rick Falkvinge has written some excellent analysis of it’s other more realistic hurdles ( But, after reading up on the technology behind it, and meeting the community involved with it, I am personally fairly confident in it.

-- Rassah

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: finnthecelt on June 11, 2011, 03:33:16 AM
Good points.

I find it interesting that many people miss the fact that many of the complaints about Bitcoin can be directed right back at fiat currencies.

An interesting statistic: nearly 95% of US dollars has some type of drug residue. We don't however hear senators like Schumer calling for the destruction of the "narco" dollar.

Bitcoin is forcing people to talk about the very nature of money and it's freaking people out across the board. The boat is being rocked and drinks are being spilled on white shirts.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: nazgulnarsil on June 11, 2011, 06:58:40 AM
both excellent points.

and even if hoarders just cash out to buy a house and a ferrari, it's peanuts next to the wealth created by finally having a currency that doesn't inflate.  they richly deserve whatever rewards they get.  even if bitcoin fails I wont regard early adopters as scam artists.  they invested their time and money at great risk to try and get a new system off the ground.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: MoonShadow on June 11, 2011, 07:12:46 AM
both excellent points.

and even if hoarders just cash out to buy a house and a ferrari, it's peanuts next to the wealth created by finally having a currency that doesn't inflate.  they richly deserve whatever rewards they get.  even if bitcoin fails I wont regard early adopters as scam artists.  they invested their time and money at great risk to try and get a new system off the ground.

And those same early adopters can expect to be rewarded relative to the risk and efforts they put into it.  Consider the teenager who convinced his parents to let him sell their alpaca wool as socks for bitcoin.  That relatively simple action brought new business to their family farm, and also likely set that teen up for a very bright future in the process.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: finnthecelt on June 11, 2011, 02:39:51 PM
both excellent points.

and even if hoarders just cash out to buy a house and a ferrari, it's peanuts next to the wealth created by finally having a currency that doesn't inflate.  they richly deserve whatever rewards they get.  even if bitcoin fails I wont regard early adopters as scam artists.  they invested their time and money at great risk to try and get a new system off the ground.

Right. The amount of money we're talking about is nothing compared to the $1.4 QUADRILLION derivatives market!!! Investing too much energy into investigating and routing out bitcoin users could be anti-productive. Besides, it could take valuable resources away from law enforcement from searching for "terrorists" and bigfoot.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: AllYourBase on June 11, 2011, 02:46:39 PM
a company can hire employees, use their self-selected Bitcoin addresses to pay them, and report those addresses to the government.

This is the worst idea I've read in the past three days.  The point of bitcoin is to get AWAY from this crap.  If you get your jollies off reporting your employee's income to the USG, use $.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: finnthecelt on June 11, 2011, 02:53:10 PM
a company can hire employees, use their self-selected Bitcoin addresses to pay them, and report those addresses to the government.

This is the worst idea I've read in the past three days.  The point of bitcoin is to get AWAY from this crap.  If you get your jollies off reporting your employee's income to the USG, use $.

Are you sure you're not misguided? My understanding is that the idea of BTC was to decentralize the monetary powers, not destroy government. Reporting employees income to ensure taxes are paid for the benefit of society would legitimize BTC.

From Wiki under "Why?" :
Be safe from instability caused by fractional reserve banking and central banks. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system's money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) throughout the network, not monopolized by banks.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: AllYourBase on June 11, 2011, 03:13:23 PM
Well it seems to me that if x% of 1 billion people's income (take China or India for instance) goes to the same organization, that's pretty centralized monetary power.  Sure, the number one goal is to prevent central bankers from toying with the money supply for their own ends, but really whether it's through inflation or taxation, the current monetary system enables theft.  And as far as I understand it, that's what bitcoin was designed to stop.

I don't think it's possible to legitimize bitcoin in the eyes of governments whose operation rests on constantly inflating the money supply.  And I'm unconvinced that the people who worry about paying taxes will see bitcoin as legitimate when government is publicly decrying it.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Mark Oates on June 11, 2011, 03:38:58 PM
This is the worst idea I've read in the past three days.

Government isn't that bad of a thing... but right now it has accumulated many laws that cause it overstep its boundaries (many of these regulations are already outdated by technology).  And also right now it's hijacked by the banks.  And it's wading through its own outdated legislative muck.  A government can provide some good security without these ills.

Another thing that is being overlooked is that some people are still thinking of "Government" in terms of nation.  There are no "nations" on the internet.  Everyday, we are more and more all part of the same world community.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: finnthecelt on June 11, 2011, 03:49:57 PM
but really whether it's through inflation or taxation, the current monetary system enables theft.  And as far as I understand it, that's what bitcoin was designed to stop.

I don't think it's possible to legitimize bitcoin in the eyes of governments whose operation rests on constantly inflating the money supply.  And I'm unconvinced that the people who worry about paying taxes will see bitcoin as legitimate when government is publicly decrying it.

We agree here but we must take one step at a time. The suggestions you are alluding to take decades to unfold. Look how long it's taken for BTC to come around. What's our beginning reference point? Writings in Mesopotamia? 5 thousand years ago?

I see BTC (and all things digital really) as an evolution in mankind's progress path. It cannot be rushed. The destruction of governments right now would be terrible for the mass of sheeple out there regardless of your own enlightenment. Sometimes it's hard to have a grounded perspective when you've been flying through the clouds.  ;D

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: bayes on June 11, 2011, 03:54:02 PM
I don't think it's possible to legitimize bitcoin in the eyes of governments whose operation rests on constantly inflating the money supply.  And I'm unconvinced that the people who worry about paying taxes will see bitcoin as legitimate when government is publicly decrying it.

Governments subsist on the wealth and productivity of their citizens, not on any currency. 

Showing that businesses can use Bitcoins and increase their wealth while paying the appropriate taxes will get governments behind Bitcoin.  They already have small amounts of people working hard to anonymously exchange using USD, they don't really care if a small amount of people will do the same with Bitcoin. 

People arguing that tax paying USD businesses are going to become tax evading Bitcoin businesses is what will get a government to stomp its foot down.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: AllYourBase on June 11, 2011, 04:03:01 PM
Fair enough, you have more finesse and patience than I do :)

Perhaps it would be best if governments went away completely.  Time will tell.  In the meantime, I would like to escape from it.  ;D

When I first started reading the forums, there was broad support for freedom from monetary theft.  Since then, there has been a surge in forum posts supportive of making bitcoin work with government and their tax systems.  I wish those who want to do this would fork the block chain and make tax-compatible-bitcoin, rather than changing bitcoin to be something different.  Not that it really matters.  If it gets bad enough, I'll have to either fork the chain myself, or join someone else's bandwagon, but it is vexing.    

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: finnthecelt on June 11, 2011, 04:27:20 PM
Fair enough, you have more finesse and patience than I do :)

Perhaps it would be best if governments went away completely.  Time will tell.  In the meantime, I would like to escape from it.  ;D

When I first started reading the forums, there was broad support for freedom from monetary theft.  Since then, there has been a surge in forum posts supportive of making bitcoin work with government and their tax systems.  I wish those who want to do this would fork the block chain and make tax-compatible-bitcoin, rather than changing bitcoin to be something different.  Not that it really matters.  If it gets bad enough, I'll have to either fork the chain myself, or join someone else's bandwagon, but it is vexing.    

I think eventually governments do go away. Either that or manking destroys itself....

I think initially people must have really bought into the dream and then reality set in. You can't just go from an existing system to something new and radical. Things have to "break" first.

Wouldn't we all love our freedom from gov't and not fear our neighbor?

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: bayes on June 11, 2011, 04:33:27 PM

It's true that Bitcoin empowers people that want to stay hidden from the government's view.  The technology seems sound enough that this will be true no matter what additional costs governments impose on using Bitcoins.

The force that drives that empowerment is Bitcoin's ability to substantially reduce transaction costs.  This is a force that can also increase the wealth of anyone that chooses to transact in compliance with government.  Focusing on this fact is more honest to what the technology really is.  If governments don't act to impose additional costs onto Bitcoin, then everyone - governments, citizens, and the rare anarchist - will benefit.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Stevie1024 on June 11, 2011, 04:53:40 PM
What this claim fails to take into account is that those people who got in early, and now have a lot of wealth, have an incredibly high incentive to see this system succeed.

Yup, they will have that incentive, but they are a minority. A better system would be if newcomers also had that incentive.

In a way, early adopters who have taken on enormous risks on the hopes that this currency goes anywhere, will be paid by the currency itself to make sure that it succeeds.

Please tell me what "enormous risks" the finders of the first blocks took? Which cost them about half a million (current 'difficulty') times less computer power (and energy) than what newcomers have to compete for now?

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: wren on June 11, 2011, 04:55:00 PM
i just had to register after reading this idiotic post...i can't believe op is saying trickle down economics works.  are you stupid?

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: finnthecelt on June 11, 2011, 06:58:08 PM
i just had to register after reading this idiotic post...i can't believe op is saying trickle down economics works.  are you stupid?

Rassah, you have caused this lurker to crack his shell!!! Idiotic is harsh isn't it? In a world where idea leads to idea?

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Rassah on June 15, 2011, 05:51:19 PM

Please tell me what "enormous risks" the finders of the first blocks took? Which cost them about half a million (current 'difficulty') times less computer power (and energy) than what newcomers have to compete for now?

Lots of time, work, and their own money. Especially for the people who spent the time coding it and setting up the initial networks. Really, the same risks that people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Eric Schmidt, along with their first few employees, took when they created their software revolutions.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: finnthecelt on June 15, 2011, 07:27:36 PM

Please tell me what "enormous risks" the finders of the first blocks took? Which cost them about half a million (current 'difficulty') times less computer power (and energy) than what newcomers have to compete for now?

Lots of time, work, and their own money. Especially for the people who spent the time coding it and setting up the initial networks. Really, the same risks that people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Eric Schmidt, along with their first few employees, took when they created their software revolutions.

You forgot sleepless nights and nausea.....

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Stevie1024 on June 15, 2011, 09:03:35 PM

Please tell me what "enormous risks" the finders of the first blocks took? Which cost them about half a million (current 'difficulty') times less computer power (and energy) than what newcomers have to compete for now?

Lots of time, work, and their own money. Especially for the people who spent the time coding it and setting up the initial networks. Really, the same risks that people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Eric Schmidt, along with their first few employees, took when they created their software revolutions.

Lots of time and work I could understand, 'their own money' you'd have to explain. Anyhow, doesn't convince me as "enormous risks"...

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: BubbleBoy on June 15, 2011, 09:23:05 PM
Point 1 is somewhat of a straw man. If bitcoin will be used for fraud, paying black market wages is probably the least concern. High concerns are drug by mail, plutonium by mail, assassination markets, perfect bribery and blackmail, the pedo equivalent of live erotic chat, etc.
Point 2 can be shown wrong just by looking at the state of the Bitcoin Faucet. It's mostly out of coins yet it's one of the simplest ways to promote bitcoin. Someone with 300.000BTC can send 1000BTC to the faucet, and introduce bitcoin to 50.000 people. Yet no one does.
It's a classic tragedy of the commons in which your individual egotistic choice (keeping the coins) is more profitable than the marginal shared benefits of the altruistic choice (promoting bitcoins using your own money for the benefit of the other hoarders).

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: MoonShadow on June 15, 2011, 10:27:08 PM

Please tell me what "enormous risks" the finders of the first blocks took? Which cost them about half a million (current 'difficulty') times less computer power (and energy) than what newcomers have to compete for now?

Lots of time, work, and their own money. Especially for the people who spent the time coding it and setting up the initial networks. Really, the same risks that people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Eric Schmidt, along with their first few employees, took when they created their software revolutions.

You forgot sleepless nights and nausea.....

And, of course, the middle of the night runs for pickles and ice cream.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: semarjt on June 16, 2011, 12:02:07 AM
Please tell me what "enormous risks" the finders of the first blocks took? Which cost them about half a million (current 'difficulty') times less computer power (and energy) than what newcomers have to compete for now?

I am really really sick of hearing this, so I will finally speak up.

The reason th finders of the first blocks deserve their wealth is simple.

If you mined 100,000 bitcoins at the beginning and you are set up to be an 'early adopter billionare' then you had to:

  • Not sell when the price hit $1 ($100,000!!!)
  • Not sell when the price hit $10 ($1,000,000!!)
  • And so on..

I dont know about you, but that takes some balls to turn down $100,000, much less a million.

Hell, I would have had a hard time not selling at .50, i mean, come on, $50,000? How can you say no?

Those guys that still have some original blocks deserve every penny

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: MoonShadow on June 16, 2011, 12:32:10 AM
Oh hey would you look at that, another person with less than 10 posts vehemently defending the bitcoin aristocracy.

Oh, hey would you look at that!  Another bitter newbie mad that other people profited off of what he never knew!

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: MoonShadow on June 16, 2011, 12:51:52 AM
God forbid that I believe that BitCoin should be a real currency, not a pyramid scheme.

Do you also rail against the US FRN because it's a pyramid scheme?  After all, you don't have as much as Warren Buffet; and that bastard got into the pyramid scheme before you were born!

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: rezin777 on June 16, 2011, 01:03:53 AM
God forbid that I believe that BitCoin should be a real currency, not a pyramid scheme.

Like I said last time you suggested this.

You are being dishonest when you suggest Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. I don't understand how a voluntary, p2p, decentralized, open source, digital currency project that has a complete and total history of transactions and is openly traded on public exchanges could possibly be misconstrued as a ponzi scheme. Anyone who does is either ignorant or dishonest (perhaps both). I don't care how many people enthusiastically promote it.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: rezin777 on June 16, 2011, 01:09:12 AM
Lots of time and work I could understand, 'their own money' you'd have to explain. Anyhow, doesn't convince me as "enormous risks"...

Lots of time you understand, but that doesn't convince you it's an "enormous risk"?

Time may be the most non renewable, limited resource a human being has. Time spent on one thing can never be re-spent on another. My time is the most valuable thing I have.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: semarjt on June 16, 2011, 01:26:31 AM
Oh hey would you look at that, another person with less than 10 posts vehemently defending the bitcoin aristocracy.

PS - I'm quite sure there has never been anywhere near 100,000 asks at $1 or $10 or any other significant amount of money. So your whole point is bullshit as it would not have been possible anyway.

I don't know what my post count has to do with it. I'm certainly not new to bitcoin.

So you are saying 100,000 bitcoins have never been sold?
Or just not at one time? If only there was a way to sell bitcoins in chunks at a time..

Looks to me like 26,167 BTC (bout half a million dollars) have been sold in last 24 hours on MtGox alone. This ignores dark pools, otc and the other exchanges.

So indeed, it is your argument that is bullshit.

I wouldn't be surprised if more than one early adopter has realized more than 100k in profits already.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: rezin777 on June 16, 2011, 02:02:36 AM
Like I said last time you suggested this.

You are being dishonest when you suggest Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. I don't understand how a voluntary, p2p, decentralized, open source, digital currency project that has a complete and total history of transactions and is openly traded on public exchanges could possibly be misconstrued as a ponzi scheme. Anyone who does is either ignorant or dishonest (perhaps both). I don't care how many people enthusiastically promote it.
How is this any more dishonest than those with invested interests promoting this as a huge investment opportunity? There is no product except higher difficulty and more deflation on the backs of later investors.

Because calling Bitcoin a ponzi scheme is a downright lie. Saying it's a huge investment opportunity could be true (although it would be nice to add that it's extremely high risk). Saying Bitcoins are guaranteed to go up in value is also a lie, and I would call someone out on it if I saw it, the same way I call you out.

You still haven't bothered to provide your definition of ponzi scheme.

There is no product? I can very quickly send value to someone anywhere in the world with the press of a few buttons! I don't need to open an account. I don't need to register anywhere. I don't need to use a third party. I don't need to give my name. I don't even need the receivers name. This is an amazing amount of freedom for me. The properties of Bitcoin hold tremendous value to me. I could go on.

Lots of time you understand, but that doesn't convince you it's an "enormous risk"?

Time may be the most non renewable, limited resource a human being has. Time spent on one thing can never be re-spent on another. My time is the most valuable thing I have.
Yet hundreds of thousands of people work on and freely share open source software with no intention of profiting, let alone profiting into the millions or potentially billions. I guess Satoshi's time is infinitely more valuable than theirs.

If people want to share software that is their prerogative. If someone else wants to profit off of theirs, that is their prerogative as well. I'm not going to ignore a fantastic idea because someone might profit from it.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: MoonShadow on June 16, 2011, 02:03:17 AM
Do you also rail against the US FRN because it's a pyramid scheme?  After all, you don't have as much as Warren Buffet; and that bastard got into the pyramid scheme before you were born!
So we're back to BitCoin is a fiat currency?

No, we are not.  My point was, if Bitcoin is a scam and early adopters are those who got into it in the past two years before you did, what then is the US FRN when the early adopters got into it before you were born?  Injustice!  We need to gather the troops and have a flash mob protest!  Were you not alive for the past two years?  Did you not have Internet access?  Not know how to use Google?  So a few hundred people make a mint because they new about something before you did are scammers, even though you had as much chance as anyone to do the same; while the legacy currency system that you were born into is the metric by which you judge fairness?  Are you for real?

How much does Senator Schumer pay you anyway, are are you an "unpaid intern"?


 What are the advantages again? Oh it's deflationary and not controlled by the guberment!!!!111

Who told you Bitcoin was deflationary?  Are you listening to the media trolls?  Bitcoin is not deflationary, and will not be before your 100th birthday.  Read the documents for yourself, and don't depend on the opinions of strangers on an Internet forum for truth.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: rezin777 on June 16, 2011, 02:14:15 AM
You would think these people who hate the idea of Bitcoin so much would do some damn homework and come up with a few of the actual problems facing Bitcoin instead of relying on the tired and played out "it's unfair that people who found this useful tool first might profit from it". It's not hard, there are people who actually like Bitcoin that discuss these problems on a regular basis.

If you know a better way of introducing a new currency with all the advantages of Bitcoin without what you consider the faults of Bitcoin, please do it so the world can have access to such a fantastic creation. Trust me, if it's so much better, people will drop Bitcoin like a bad habit. Hell, it shoudn't be that hard, just build off of the back of Bitcoin.

I'm not going to hold my breath though, and I'll keep using Bitcoin until then.

If you suggest there are no advantages to Bitcoin, then wtf are you doing posting on a Bitcoin forum? Trying to save us? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Nescio on June 16, 2011, 02:21:10 AM
God forbid that I believe that BitCoin should be a real currency, not a pyramid scheme.

Like I said last time you suggested this.

You are being dishonest when you suggest Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. I don't understand how a voluntary, p2p, decentralized, open source, digital currency project that has a complete and total history of transactions and is openly traded on public exchanges could possibly be misconstrued as a ponzi scheme.

If you factor in the more than likely possibility that the people behind the FRS will not stand for losing their money maker (hah, literally) and stomp hard on Bitcoin before it gets out of hand, then it is (logically if not technically) the perfect ponzi scheme. A corollary in that context would be that those cashing out at the right time deserved their payout, because the rest of the suckers didn't see it coming (and it took hard work building it up).

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I'm not calling it a ponzi scheme, the technology itself is certainly more than that and more power to the early adopter gazillionaires (unless they abuse it down the line, heh). I desperately hope this takes off and I'm proven utterly wrong.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Etlase on June 16, 2011, 02:49:38 AM
No, we are not.  My point was, if Bitcoin is a scam and early adopters are those who got into it in the past two years before you did, what then is the US FRN when the early adopters got into it before you were born?  Injustice!  We need to gather the troops and have a flash mob protest!  Were you not alive for the past two years?  Did you not have Internet access?  Not know how to use Google?  So a few hundred people make a mint because they new about something before you did are scammers, even though you had as much chance as anyone to do the same; while the legacy currency system that you were born into is the metric by which you judge fairness?  Are you for real?
So because the US FRN did it, it's ok that BitCoin does it. Yet BitCoin is somehow far superior and above reproach. I suppose only because you have a vested interest, because I can't fathom any other reason why you would so defend BitCoin in one sentence, yet accuse me of having an issue with fairness when the issue exists with both. From one form of control to another, you just happen to have more power in this version so it is more appealing to you. This isn't, it's, btw.

If you know a better way of introducing a new currency with all the advantages of Bitcoin without what you consider the faults of Bitcoin, please do it so the world can have access to such a fantastic creation. Trust me, if it's so much better, people will drop Bitcoin like a bad habit. Hell, it shoudn't be that hard, just build off of the back of Bitcoin.
Working on it, although only on paper at this point.

If you suggest there are no advantages to Bitcoin, then wtf are you doing posting on a Bitcoin forum? Trying to save us? With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Keeping myself apprised, of course. You know, so I can report to my bosses at the CIA. Plus I just enjoy debating on the internets.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: MoonShadow on June 16, 2011, 03:05:03 AM
No, we are not.  My point was, if Bitcoin is a scam and early adopters are those who got into it in the past two years before you did, what then is the US FRN when the early adopters got into it before you were born?  Injustice!  We need to gather the troops and have a flash mob protest!  Were you not alive for the past two years?  Did you not have Internet access?  Not know how to use Google?  So a few hundred people make a mint because they new about something before you did are scammers, even though you had as much chance as anyone to do the same; while the legacy currency system that you were born into is the metric by which you judge fairness?  Are you for real?
So because the US FRN did it, it's ok that BitCoin does it. Yet BitCoin is somehow far superior and above reproach. I suppose only because you have a vested interest, because I can't fathom any other reason why you would so defend BitCoin in one sentence,

And because you can't fathom it, it must not be so, eh?  I don't have a vested interest.  I don't have many coins.   What I have, I bought.  I've never mined.  And 80%+ of what I have bought has been spent or donated away.  The reason that I am an advocate of bitcoin, and I am, is because of the massive potential it has in creating a better world.  If the act of doing so begets a few hundred new wealthy people with more foresight than I, who am I to complain?  Who are you to complain?  If Bitcoin fails, then they are out much, but you are out nothing.  And I am out very little.  But if it succeeds, then even those who have not yet even heard of Bitcoin, or even ever used the Internet at all, shall benefit.  Some more than others, certainly; but so what?


 yet accuse me of having an issue with fairness when the issue exists with both. From one form of control to another, you just happen to have more power in this version so it is more appealing to you. This isn't, it's, btw.

No, I'm accusing you of hypocrisy.  And of being a professional troll.  I've reviewed your entire posting history, and there isn't even plausible deniability.  couldn't even be bothered to start with some noob question, I see.  Went straight into trolling from the first post.  The only reason that you can still talk is because I don't believe in censorship.  You have a right to be an ass.  That said, I've started the process for mod accountability,  and have enlisted other mods to review your history as well.  If they agree with my assessment, well, we shall see what happens next.

Keeping myself apprised, of course. You know, so I can report to my bosses at the CIA.

If you worked for the CIA, you'd be quiet.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Etlase on June 16, 2011, 03:35:52 AM
And because you can't fathom it, it must not be so, eh?  I don't have a vested interest.  I don't have many coins.   What I have, I bought.  I've never mined.  And 80%+ of what I have bought has been spent or donated away.  The reason that I am an advocate of bitcoin, and I am, is because of the massive potential it has in creating a better world.
Perhaps then you will be a bit more open to a reasonable debate when you can see for yourself that there is another way. Until then, we'll have to wait.

No, I'm accusing you of hypocrisy.  And of being a professional troll.  I've reviewed your entire posting history, and there isn't even plausible deniability.  couldn't even be bothered to start with some noob question, I see.  Went straight into trolling from the first post.  The only reason that you can still talk is because I don't believe in censorship.  You have a right to be an ass.  That said, I've started the process for mod accountability,  and have enlisted other mods to review your history as well.  If they agree with my assessment, well, we shall see what happens next.
So because I decided to spend a lot of time reading about how BitCoin works before posting, I must be a professional troll? I found out about BC on another forum and was instantly enamored by it. Once I dug deeper, the flaws started slapping me in the face. And these were certainly not cryptographical flaws as I have little understanding of cryptography. They are basic, underlying flaws that debase BitCoin as a reliable currency. I couldn't help but post about it. Perhaps they are only my opinion, but that does not mean my posts have no merit. The vocal minority needs its place.

Pretty sad though that you can't handle a strongly dissenting voice and feel the need to have me "reviewed" even though I haven't broken any rules.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: rezin777 on June 16, 2011, 03:55:38 AM
So because I decided to spend a lot of time reading about how BitCoin works before posting, I must be a professional troll? I found out about BC on another forum and was instantly enamored by it. Once I dug deeper, the flaws started slapping me in the face. And these were certainly not cryptographical flaws as I have little understanding of cryptography. They are basic, underlying flaws that debase BitCoin as a reliable currency. I couldn't help but not post about it. Perhaps they are only my opinion, but that does not mean my posts have no merit. The vocal minority needs its place.

Pretty sad though that you can't handle a strongly dissenting voice and feel the need to have me "reviewed" even though I haven't broken any rules.

It's my opinion that these flaws you see are exactly what has allowed Bitcoin the success it has already achieved.

One of the ways to prevent the "early adopter issue" is to inflate the coins according to the difficulty instead of steady inflation. I simply don't see this working because no one would value something that was so readily available.

I look forward to seeing how you create value and spread it evenly to anyone that wants it while convincing them all that it actually has value. Of course I've been looking forward to this from every other forum member who suggested they were going to do the same thing.

Perhaps you plan skip the value part altogether and create a decentralized ledger book based on trust? It could work, if you found a way to prevent people from gaming the system. But that would require identities.

But there is no point in my speculation, I'll just wait patiently.

Oh, and I think the issue is that your dissenting voice is just an echo of the countless people before you who have made the same exact argument before. You haven't brought anything new to the table. I realize you couldn't help but post, but really, have some originality or at least define your terms. From my understanding of your usage, anything that allows people to profit from being first to the table is a ponzi scheme! A ponzi scheme relies on a lack of flow of information from the schemers to the investors, among other things. It simply doesn't fit Bitcoin, which has been open source and public from the start!

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: MoonShadow on June 16, 2011, 03:59:06 AM
And because you can't fathom it, it must not be so, eh?  I don't have a vested interest.  I don't have many coins.   What I have, I bought.  I've never mined.  And 80%+ of what I have bought has been spent or donated away.  The reason that I am an advocate of bitcoin, and I am, is because of the massive potential it has in creating a better world.
Perhaps then you will be a bit more open to a reasonable debate when you can see for yourself that there is another way. Until then, we'll have to wait.

I'll consider what you can offer.
No, I'm accusing you of hypocrisy.  And of being a professional troll.  I've reviewed your entire posting history, and there isn't even plausible deniability.  couldn't even be bothered to start with some noob question, I see.  Went straight into trolling from the first post.  The only reason that you can still talk is because I don't believe in censorship.  You have a right to be an ass.  That said, I've started the process for mod accountability,  and have enlisted other mods to review your history as well.  If they agree with my assessment, well, we shall see what happens next.
So because I decided to spend a lot of time reading about how BitCoin works before posting, I must be a professional troll? I found out about BC on another forum and was instantly enamored by it. Once I dug deeper, the flaws started slapping me in the face. And these were certainly not cryptographical flaws as I have little understanding of cryptography. They are basic, underlying flaws that debase BitCoin as a reliable currency. I couldn't help but post about it. Perhaps they are only my opinion, but that does not mean my posts have no merit. The vocal minority needs its place.

Pretty sad though that you can't handle a strongly dissenting voice and feel the need to have me "reviewed" even though I haven't broken any rules.

You have broken the rules.  The accepted rules of common Internet civility.  You have hijacked every thread I've seen you on with your "opinions".  If the "vocal minority" needs it's place, it can go found it's own.  These other forum members came here to learn about Bitcoin and how to use it.  They don't want to have to wade through your stinking pile of "opinions" in order to gleen out a respectable understanding.  You come into our house and then shit on our kitchen table and declare, "the minority needs a place to crap".  The place to spew FUD is elsewhere.  The Internet is vast, go start another "Bitcoins are a scam" blog.  If someone comes in here looking for the counterpoint, I'll be more than happy to hotlink straight to your little shit filled corner of the web.

I've had enough of this.  Go find another street corner, Padre.

EDIT:  I've deleted all your trollish comments, except those last few in this thread.  I left your non-trollish posts alone.  Both of them.  From here on out, I will delete every remotely trollish thing that you say, but I'm not going to ban you or censor you in advance.  I want you to be able to make an even bigger ass out of yourself going forward, just not long term.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: aral on June 16, 2011, 09:48:38 AM
I am really really sick of hearing this, so I will finally speak up.

The reason th finders of the first blocks deserve their wealth is simple.

If you mined 100,000 bitcoins at the beginning and you are set up to be an 'early adopter billionare' then you had to:

  • Not sell when the price hit $1 ($100,000!!!)
  • Not sell when the price hit $10 ($1,000,000!!)
  • And so on..

I dont know about you, but that takes some balls to turn down $100,000, much less a million.

Hell, I would have had a hard time not selling at .50, i mean, come on, $50,000? How can you say no?

Those guys that still have some original blocks deserve every penny

For one thing, you couldn't have sold 100,000 BTC just like that.  You have to sell it slowly, in smaller chunks, at least at all of those times in the past you mention, simply nobody would have bought it.  And there are restrictions right now on mt gox on how much can be traded in $.

But that's not the point here really, the point here is envy and a lot of people have come here and turned green when they realise some people are sitting pretty because they had the foresight and fortune to get involved in a powerful idea early on.  They know they would have taken the same choices given the opportunity, but fate didn't give them the opportunity.  That's a natural envy that some people on here are sadly too weak to resist.

But your attack on them is totally misguided. Nobody 'deserves' to be a billionaire, just as nobody deserves to be in poverty.    That's the way the world is, it ain't right but that's how it is.  There is nothing just and fair about it and there is nothing intrinsically fair about bitcoin.   Bitcoin knows no right and wrong, no deserving and undeserving, so let's cut the crap about all  of that and just get on with making the best of the opportunities presented to us.

Title: Re: Why employment taxes and enriching early adopters may actually help Bitcoin
Post by: Nescio on June 17, 2011, 02:52:38 AM
If Bitcoin fails, then they are out much, but you are out nothing.  And I am out very little.

If Bitcoin fails, we are all out a lot :) (3% inflation a year equals 1921% in a century..)