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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: af_newbie on February 19, 2016, 11:48:36 PM

Title: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 19, 2016, 11:48:36 PM
I always wondered about the historical roots of the books in the Bible.  

Who wrote the books of the Bible?  When were they written?  Why someone wrote them?

Were they inspired by God?

Wikipedia does not list the author(s): (

It seems weird that 2 billion people in the world follow this book but nobody knows who wrote it.

Comparison of Genesis' first Creation Story with Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation story

The Babylonian creation story is called by its first two words "Enuma Elish."
According to archaeologists, it was originally written circa 1120 BCE.

It was discovered in 1875 CE. It bears many points of similarity to the first creation story
in the Bible:

ItemAncient Israelite Creation StoryBabylonian Creation Story
SourceGenesis 1:1 to 2:3Enuma Elish
Date of writing (liberal belief)8th or 9th century BCELate 12th century BCE
Date of writing (conservative belief)13th century BCE, the time of MosesLate 12th century BCE.
Author (liberal belief)"P," authors of the Priestly tradition.Unknown.
Author (conservative belief)Moses.Unknown.
Creator(s) of the universeMultiple Gods, Elohim.A God battling a Goddess.
Initial state of the earthDesolate waste; covered in darkness.Chaos; enveloped in darkness.
First developmentLight created.Light created.
Next developmentFirmament created - a rigid dome over the earth separating the earth and heaven.Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.
Next developmentDry land created.Dry land created.
Next developmentSun, moon, stars created.Sun, moon, stars created.
Next developmentCreation of men and women.Creation of men and women.
Final developmentGod rests and sanctify the Sabbath.Gods rest and celebrate.


According to Christian History, the Earth is 7330 years old. Bible (66 books) was written by 40 writers over 1400 years period.


Some disturbing verses from it: (

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible and why?
Post by: BADecker on February 19, 2016, 11:57:59 PM
The "why" part is easy. John 20:30,31 says:
Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

To find the best ideas of the "who" part, Google "Who wrote the Bible?"


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 12:06:52 AM (

The Pentateuch: ( ( ( ( (

The gospels: ( (
    Mark: c. 68–73, c. 65–70.
    Matthew: c. 70–100, c. 80–85.
    Luke: c. 80–100, with most arguing for somewhere around 85, c. 80–85.
    John: c. 90–100, c. 90–110, The majority view is that it was written in stages, so there was no one date of composition.

Bear in mind that Jesus died when he was 33(?)... and the average lifespan at the time was around 30 years... so anyone writing ~100CE was not an eye-witness (John, Luke, Matthew) (

I hope this clears everything up for you

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible and why?
Post by: BADecker on February 20, 2016, 12:09:51 AM
The "why" part is easy. John 20:30,31 says:
Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

To find the best ideas of the "who" part, Google "Who wrote the Bible?"


I was thinking about the Old Testament, like the creation story etc.

Unfortunately, we have no idea who wrote the creation story originally. The structure of the written form suggests greatly that it was copied by Moses rather than written by him.

Moses had access to lots of historical material in his position as "adopted" prince of Egypt. And, according to what he wrote in the Bible, he knew that he was a Hebrew.

There are those Bible scholars who think that Adam, or someone who talked with Adam, was the one who actually wrote the first 2 chapters of the Bible that Moses copied over. But, nobody knows for sure... at least that it is public knowledge. Nobody knows what literature the Vatican Library might have in its possession.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 20, 2016, 12:15:31 AM
I interested in the first few books, as the rest is the same nonsense.

Wiki says:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers[edit]
From the late 19th century there was a general consensus among scholars around the documentary hypothesis, which suggests that the first four books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers) were created c.450 BCE by combining four originally independent sources, known as the Jahwist, the Elohist, the Deuteronomist, and the Priestly source.[9] This approach has since seen various revisions,[10] yet while the identification of distinctive Deuteronomistic and Priestly theologies and vocabularies remains widespread, they are used to form new approaches suggesting that the books were combined gradually over time by the slow accumulation of "fragments" of text, or that a basic text was "supplemented" by later authors/editors.[11] At the same time there has been a tendency to bring the origins of the Pentateuch further forward in time, and the most recent proposals place it in 5th century Judah under the Persian empire.[12]

I'm really interested what are these four sources above.  Who combined it together?

It is clear it was all made up by people.  I'm more interested in who did this.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 20, 2016, 12:21:29 AM
I interested in the first few books, as the rest is the same nonsense.

Wiki says:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers[edit]
From the late 19th century there was a general consensus among scholars around the documentary hypothesis, which suggests that the first four books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers) were created c.450 BCE by combining four originally independent sources, known as the Jahwist, the Elohist, the Deuteronomist, and the Priestly source.[9] This approach has since seen various revisions,[10] yet while the identification of distinctive Deuteronomistic and Priestly theologies and vocabularies remains widespread, they are used to form new approaches suggesting that the books were combined gradually over time by the slow accumulation of "fragments" of text, or that a basic text was "supplemented" by later authors/editors.[11] At the same time there has been a tendency to bring the origins of the Pentateuch further forward in time, and the most recent proposals place it in 5th century Judah under the Persian empire.[12]

I'm really interested what are these four sources above.  Who combined it together?

It is clear it was all made up by people.  I'm more interested in who did this.

Some answers might be found in the what we know about the ancient cities of Ugarit and Byblos.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 12:39:52 AM
You guys should check out the sumerian mythology/religion.

A lot of our world religions have their roots in their.
Creation of the world and men, paradies, great flood and so on.

This is also no surprise because usually if a new dominant religion is emerging the old one will be partly assimilated to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 20, 2016, 12:45:50 AM
You guys should check out the sumerian mythology/religion.

A lot of our world religions have their roots in their.
Creation of the world and men, paradies, great flood and so on.

This is also no surprise because usually if a new dominant religion is emerging the old one will be partly assimilated to make the transition as smooth as possible.

The thing that brought Sumer and her contemporaries down is the fact that they had turned to believing in many false gods. This is the thing that got them destroyed by the One Great God in the Great Flood of Noah's day.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 12:47:31 AM
You guys should check out the sumerian mythology/religion.

A lot of our world religions have their roots in their.
Creation of the world and men, paradies, great flood and so on.

This is also no surprise because usually if a new dominant religion is emerging the old one will be partly assimilated to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Christians would be surprised if they read the bible and the Sumerian texts... it would blow their minds...

Christians copied their entire tradition from somewhere... the texts are stolen from Sumerian and Jewish, the dates and festivals they stole are Germanic pagan...

December 25 (winter solstice), aka Yule, had been celebrated for centuries before anyone invented the name Christ (

Easter was also a pagan tradition... ever wonder what the Easter bunny and egg hunts have to do with Jesus rising from the dead?Ēostre (Ēostre)

Ēostre or Ostara (Old English: Ēastre, Northumbrian dialect Ēostre; Old High German: *Ôstara (reconstructed form)) is a Germanic divinity who, by way of the Germanic month bearing her name (Northumbrian: Ēosturmōnaţ; West Saxon: Ēastermōnaţ; Old High German: Ôstarmânoth), is the namesake of the festival of Easter.

Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaţ (the equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in Eostre's honor, but that this tradition had died out by his time, replaced by the Christian Paschal month, a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 20, 2016, 02:10:31 AM
Bible is written by many people including, apostles,kings,prophets and most of them in old testament it was written by prophets like Moses and in new testament by apostles.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 20, 2016, 02:52:48 AM
Bible is written by many people including, apostles,kings,prophets and most of them in old testament it was written by prophets like Moses and in new testament by apostles.

Yeah I guess we'll stick to Bible is written by many people.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Sturgeon on February 20, 2016, 06:56:14 AM
are you trust bible ?
bible is real "holy kitab" ? i see more people wrote it, it's abnormal for holy kitab  :-\

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 06:58:04 AM
are you trust bible ?
bible is real "holy kitab" ? i see more people wrote it, it's abnormal for holy kitab  :-\

You mean kebab? The thing that the german turks invented? Or are you talking about Kitáb-i-Aqdas?
(That is what google gives me)
Please check your translator!

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 07:00:04 AM
are you trust bible ?
bible is real "holy kitab" ? i see more people wrote it, it's abnormal for holy kitab  :-\

Hahaha... Is this a Muslim laughing at Christians for their silly beliefs?    ;D

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: nichu on February 20, 2016, 07:38:01 AM
are you trust bible ?
bible is real "holy kitab" ? i see more people wrote it, it's abnormal for holy kitab  :-\

why would they be abnormal, its just historic depiction and if you write a memoir regarding the events will that be abnormal..i am talking about new testament 

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Daniel91 on February 20, 2016, 01:51:52 PM
Bible have 66 different books, written over long period of time, more than 2000 years by many authors.
Christians believe that all this authors wrote with god's inspiration so they believe that ultimately Bible is God's words spoken through us, people.
I believe that high spiritual leaders and teachers, like Moses, through their own spiritual research find out some spiritual truth and wrote it on the paper, in order to save such precious word.
New Testament is probably created 1-2 centuries after Jesus, based on the words from Jesus followers.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Tyrantt on February 20, 2016, 02:13:17 PM
Christians copied their entire tradition from somewhere... the texts are stolen from Sumerian and Jewish, the dates and festivals they stole are Germanic pagan...

That's true, they wanted to convert the pagans to christianity but to keep them satisfied, they've kept the rituals and dates from pagan believes. There are strong connections with rituals for Jarilo and orthodox christmas eve.

in many Slavic countries, Christmas is called Bozhich, which simply means little god. While this name fits very nicely with the Christian idea of Christmas, the name is likely of pagan origin; it indicated the birth of a young and new god of the sun to the old and weakened solar deity during the longest night of the year.

and a lot more dates but this one came to my mind right now.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 20, 2016, 03:09:47 PM (

The Pentateuch: ( ( ( ( (

The gospels: ( (
    Mark: c. 68–73, c. 65–70.
    Matthew: c. 70–100, c. 80–85.
    Luke: c. 80–100, with most arguing for somewhere around 85, c. 80–85.
    John: c. 90–100, c. 90–110, The majority view is that it was written in stages, so there was no one date of composition.

Bear in mind that Jesus died when he was 33(?)... and the average lifespan at the time was around 30 years... so anyone writing ~100CE was not an eye-witness (John, Luke, Matthew) (

I hope this clears everything up for you

LOL.  Yeah this does make sense.

It reminds me the pass the message game kids play: (

The end result is the Bible.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: aardvark15 on February 20, 2016, 04:42:58 PM
This may have been said in the tread, but I was told that some people believe that Moses wrote Genesis.  He obviously was not around during the creation, so if in fact he wrote Genesis, he was either told by God or the creation story was passed down from Adam, etc.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 05:22:56 PM
This may have been said in the tread, but I was told that some people believe that Moses wrote Genesis.  He obviously was not around during the creation, so if in fact he wrote Genesis, he was either told by God or the creation story was passed down from Adam, etc.

Or... Perhaps the scholars who have researched the book are correct when they say Moses never wrote it... 4 different people helped write Genesis... Hint, none of these 4 people were God...

Or, perhaps some asshat just made it all up... How is it more believable that God wrote it, than some storyteller wrote it?

People have always had stories about dragons and such... The bible is just a fairy tale... None of it is true... none of it...

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 20, 2016, 07:28:21 PM
Looks like Bible stories were taken from other, earlier myths.

Comparison of Genesis' first Creation Story with Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation story

The Babylonian creation story is called by its first two words "Enuma Elish."
According to archaeologists, it was originally written circa 1120 BCE.

It was discovered in 1875 CE. It bears many points of similarity to the first creation story
in the Bible:

ItemAncient Israelite Creation StoryBabylonian Creation Story
SourceGenesis 1:1 to 2:3Enuma Elish
Date of writing (liberal belief)8th or 9th century BCELate 12th century BCE
Date of writing (conservative belief)13th century BCE, the time of MosesLate 12th century BCE.
Author (liberal belief)"P," authors of the Priestly tradition.Unknown.
Author (conservative belief)Moses.Unknown.
Creator(s) of the universeMultiple Gods, Elohim.A God battling a Goddess.
Initial state of the earthDesolate waste; covered in darkness.Chaos; enveloped in darkness.
First developmentLight created.Light created.
Next developmentFirmament created - a rigid dome over the earth separating the earth and heaven.Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.
Next developmentDry land created.Dry land created.
Next developmentSun, moon, stars created.Sun, moon, stars created.
Next developmentCreation of men and women.Creation of men and women.
Final developmentGod rests and sanctify the Sabbath.Gods rest and celebrate.

source: (

According to Christian History, the Earth is 7330 years old. Bible (66 books) was written by 40 writers over 1400 years period.

source: (

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 07:36:35 PM

Creator(s) of the universeA single God, YHVH.A God battling a Goddess.

I'm curious where it says YHVH created the universe... the first verse of the bible refers to Elohim, plural for gods, creating the universe

protip: Read Hebrew from right to left

Quote from: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning created gods, the heavens and the Earth.
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets.

Bereshit (בראשית) = In the beginning
bara (ברא) = created
Elohim (אלהים) = gods (plural)
et (את) = the
hashamayim (השמים) = heavens (plural)
ve'et (ואת) = and the
ha'arets (הארץ) = Earth

IIRC, YHVH (יהוה/Yahweh/Jehovah) means lord... so, lord = gods?  Now I'm confused

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 20, 2016, 07:40:41 PM

Creator(s) of the universeA single God, YHVH.A God battling a Goddess.

I'm curious where it says YHVH created the universe... the first verse of the bible refers to Elohim, plural for gods, creating the universe

Quote from: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning created gods, the heaven and the Earth.
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets.

Bereshit (בראשית) = In the beginning
bara (ברא) = created
Elohim (אלהים) = gods
et (את) = the
hashamayim (השמים) = heavens
ve'et (ואת)= and the
ha'arets (הארץ) = Earth

IIRC, YHVH (יהוה) means lord... so, lord = gods?  Now I'm confused

Fixed it.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 21, 2016, 09:03:20 AM
You guys should check out the sumerian mythology/religion.

A lot of our world religions have their roots in their.
Creation of the world and men, paradies, great flood and so on.

This is also no surprise because usually if a new dominant religion is emerging the old one will be partly assimilated to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Christians would be surprised if they read the bible and the Sumerian texts... it would blow their minds...

Christians copied their entire tradition from somewhere... the texts are stolen from Sumerian and Jewish, the dates and festivals they stole are Germanic pagan...

December 25 (winter solstice), aka Yule, had been celebrated for centuries before anyone invented the name Christ (

Easter was also a pagan tradition... ever wonder what the Easter bunny and egg hunts have to do with Jesus rising from the dead?Ēostre (Ēostre)

Ēostre or Ostara (Old English: Ēastre, Northumbrian dialect Ēostre; Old High German: *Ôstara (reconstructed form)) is a Germanic divinity who, by way of the Germanic month bearing her name (Northumbrian: Ēosturmōnaţ; West Saxon: Ēastermōnaţ; Old High German: Ôstarmânoth), is the namesake of the festival of Easter.

Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaţ (the equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in Eostre's honor, but that this tradition had died out by his time, replaced by the Christian Paschal month, a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

december 25 isn't the birth of christ as you can read the bible, they do have sheeps and the big star is there when jesus was born and the 3 kings were one the way as well.
if it were december, its going to be damn cold and has snow everywhere in jerusalem/bethlehem. so christ birthday its definitely not dec 25.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: UNOE on February 21, 2016, 09:48:25 AM
Many men wrote the bible.
The bible is a collection of many stories handed down over thousands of years by mouth before ever written down. People changed the stories over the years to make them sound more magical or to make the point seem more important, many stories were condensed. Also entire books were edited or completely left out. All have been re-written over and over again for hundreds of years by many different people who either changed to make it more updated or to translate into other languages. The translations are not all exactly the same.It does, however, have literally hundreds of contradictions.Also if you know languages, you can compare the different translations to see the contradictions there also

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 21, 2016, 03:10:02 PM
Many men wrote the bible.
The bible is a collection of many stories handed down over thousands of years by mouth before ever written down. People changed the stories over the years to make them sound more magical or to make the point seem more important, many stories were condensed. Also entire books were edited or completely left out. All have been re-written over and over again for hundreds of years by many different people who either changed to make it more updated or to translate into other languages. The translations are not all exactly the same.It does, however, have literally hundreds of contradictions.Also if you know languages, you can compare the different translations to see the contradictions there also

you mean those dead sea scrolls isn't exactly what it is and that its not really the real manuscript as these stories are handed down by word of mouth?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 21, 2016, 03:28:55 PM
Many men wrote the bible.
The bible is a collection of many stories handed down over thousands of years by mouth before ever written down. People changed the stories over the years to make them sound more magical or to make the point seem more important, many stories were condensed. Also entire books were edited or completely left out. All have been re-written over and over again for hundreds of years by many different people who either changed to make it more updated or to translate into other languages. The translations are not all exactly the same.It does, however, have literally hundreds of contradictions.Also if you know languages, you can compare the different translations to see the contradictions there also

Yes, many men wrote the bible and as of now there are many translations but it doesn't really give the sense or true message because there are words that was changed. So for me, King James Version is the most reliable version of bible.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 21, 2016, 04:03:54 PM
Many men wrote the bible.
The bible is a collection of many stories handed down over thousands of years by mouth before ever written down. People changed the stories over the years to make them sound more magical or to make the point seem more important, many stories were condensed. Also entire books were edited or completely left out. All have been re-written over and over again for hundreds of years by many different people who either changed to make it more updated or to translate into other languages. The translations are not all exactly the same.It does, however, have literally hundreds of contradictions.Also if you know languages, you can compare the different translations to see the contradictions there also

Yes, many men wrote the bible and as of now there are many translations but it doesn't really give the sense or true message because there are words that was changed. So for me, King James Version is the most reliable version of bible.

King james is just very recent maybe around 1611 years After Christ. God knows what they've changed. New testament should have been back when few disciples were still alive. i believe Paul reached Asia to spread the word..

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 21, 2016, 04:08:07 PM
Many men wrote the bible.
The bible is a collection of many stories handed down over thousands of years by mouth before ever written down. People changed the stories over the years to make them sound more magical or to make the point seem more important, many stories were condensed. Also entire books were edited or completely left out. All have been re-written over and over again for hundreds of years by many different people who either changed to make it more updated or to translate into other languages. The translations are not all exactly the same.It does, however, have literally hundreds of contradictions.Also if you know languages, you can compare the different translations to see the contradictions there also

Yes, many men wrote the bible and as of now there are many translations but it doesn't really give the sense or true message because there are words that was changed. So for me, King James Version is the most reliable version of bible.

King james is just very recent maybe around 1611 years After Christ. God knows what they've changed. New testament should have been back when few disciples were still alive. i believe Paul reached Asia to spread the word..

Yeah, Apostle Paul reached Asia, and base on my research King James Version is much closer to the translation of the original context of the bible. Because King James got the most intelligent scholars that time to translate the original bible.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bitgolden on February 21, 2016, 04:17:41 PM
The Bible is not one book like a novel and written by a single or collection of authors, it is actually a compilation of actual facts. I believe the followers of Jesus contributed to write Bible.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 04:46:47 PM
The Bible is not one book like a novel and written by a single or collection of authors, it is actually a compilation of actual facts. I believe the followers of Jesus contributed to write Bible.

You have a very loose definition of the word, fact...

How many times does the word unicorn or dragon appear in the bible? Are you saying these mythological creatures are factual?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: blackbird307 on February 21, 2016, 04:47:19 PM
The Bible is a book. Nothing more. Written by people. A collection of stories. That's it. Enough with the talking. Prove beyond reasonable doubt that it's real.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 21, 2016, 05:16:56 PM
The Bible is not one book like a novel and written by a single or collection of authors, it is actually a compilation of actual facts. I believe the followers of Jesus contributed to write Bible.

there are lots of it aren't factual. the parables like the prodigal son i think isn't real but they jsut add the story there to set an example about the lost sheep.

The Bible is not one book like a novel and written by a single or collection of authors, it is actually a compilation of actual facts. I believe the followers of Jesus contributed to write Bible.

You have a very loose definition of the word, fact...

How many times does the word unicorn or dragon appear in the bible? Are you saying these mythological creatures are factual?

snake with 7 heads as well.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: designerusa on February 21, 2016, 05:23:42 PM
I always wondered about the historical roots of the books in the Bible.  

Who wrote the books of the Bible?  When were they written?  Why someone wrote them?

Were they inspired by God?

Wikipedia does not list the author(s): (

It seems weird that 2 billion people in the world follow this book but nobody knows who wrote it.

Comparison of Genesis' first Creation Story with Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation story

The Babylonian creation story is called by its first two words "Enuma Elish."
According to archaeologists, it was originally written circa 1120 BCE.

It was discovered in 1875 CE. It bears many points of similarity to the first creation story
in the Bible:

ItemAncient Israelite Creation StoryBabylonian Creation Story
SourceGenesis 1:1 to 2:3Enuma Elish
Date of writing (liberal belief)8th or 9th century BCELate 12th century BCE
Date of writing (conservative belief)13th century BCE, the time of MosesLate 12th century BCE.
Author (liberal belief)"P," authors of the Priestly tradition.Unknown.
Author (conservative belief)Moses.Unknown.
Creator(s) of the universeMultiple Gods, Elohim.A God battling a Goddess.
Initial state of the earthDesolate waste; covered in darkness.Chaos; enveloped in darkness.
First developmentLight created.Light created.
Next developmentFirmament created - a rigid dome over the earth separating the earth and heaven.Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.
Next developmentDry land created.Dry land created.
Next developmentSun, moon, stars created.Sun, moon, stars created.
Next developmentCreation of men and women.Creation of men and women.
Final developmentGod rests and sanctify the Sabbath.Gods rest and celebrate.


According to Christian History, the Earth is 7330 years old. Bible (66 books) was written by 40 writers over 1400 years period.


Some disturbing verses from it: (

i think a person who was living in a delusional life and had schizophrenic mindset wrote the work of fantastic fiction.. when i read this , i made up my mind like that..

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: jonathgb25 on February 21, 2016, 05:26:34 PM
There is no clear authorship of the bible but I think its Jesus' disciples because they were one of the first who heard the word of God.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: blackbird307 on February 21, 2016, 05:36:01 PM
This just tiring. This must be the strategy of religious people. To make others so tired that they just give up.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 05:39:05 PM
This just tiring. This must be the strategy of religious people. To make others so tired that they just give up.

I think their strategy was to make the bible so long and boring that nobody would actually read the damn thing

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: blackbird307 on February 21, 2016, 05:43:00 PM
Well no one is lazy. They want a fight? They will have one.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: blackbird307 on February 21, 2016, 05:44:40 PM
Well not all are that lazy. They want a fight? They will have one.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 05:46:03 PM
Well no one is lazy. They want a fight? They will have one.

What?  no one is lazy?!?

Have you... met... ... people?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: adverbelly on February 21, 2016, 05:53:34 PM
I always wondered about the historical roots of the books in the Bible.  

Who wrote the books of the Bible?  When were they written?  Why someone wrote them?

Were they inspired by God?

Wikipedia does not list the author(s): (

It seems weird that 2 billion people in the world follow this book but nobody knows who wrote it.

Comparison of Genesis' first Creation Story with Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation story

The Babylonian creation story is called by its first two words "Enuma Elish."
According to archaeologists, it was originally written circa 1120 BCE.

It was discovered in 1875 CE. It bears many points of similarity to the first creation story
in the Bible:

ItemAncient Israelite Creation StoryBabylonian Creation Story
SourceGenesis 1:1 to 2:3Enuma Elish
Date of writing (liberal belief)8th or 9th century BCELate 12th century BCE
Date of writing (conservative belief)13th century BCE, the time of MosesLate 12th century BCE.
Author (liberal belief)"P," authors of the Priestly tradition.Unknown.
Author (conservative belief)Moses.Unknown.
Creator(s) of the universeMultiple Gods, Elohim.A God battling a Goddess.
Initial state of the earthDesolate waste; covered in darkness.Chaos; enveloped in darkness.
First developmentLight created.Light created.
Next developmentFirmament created - a rigid dome over the earth separating the earth and heaven.Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.
Next developmentDry land created.Dry land created.
Next developmentSun, moon, stars created.Sun, moon, stars created.
Next developmentCreation of men and women.Creation of men and women.
Final developmentGod rests and sanctify the Sabbath.Gods rest and celebrate.


According to Christian History, the Earth is 7330 years old. Bible (66 books) was written by 40 writers over 1400 years period.


Some disturbing verses from it: (

it is so complicated to understand who wrote this book because we have too many options for this..

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: blackbird307 on February 21, 2016, 05:56:29 PM
Well no one is lazy. They want a fight? They will have one.

What?  no one is lazy?!?

Have you... met... ... people?

I made the necessary corrections. It was meant to say not all people. Which is one of the things religious people are counting on, I believe.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 06:07:13 PM
Well no one is lazy. They want a fight? They will have one.

What?  no one is lazy?!?

Have you... met... ... people?

I made the necessary corrections. It was meant to say not all people. Which is one of the things religious people are counting on, I believe.

Good point...

Christianity is the laziest of all the religions

The only requirement is to believe Jesus will save you... That's it... You don't even need to know anything about Jesus...

Christianity does not care if you were a murderer before you got saved...

Christianity does not care if you were a murderer after you got saved...
(Catholics might want you to confess, but God will still let you into heaven)

You aren't required to read the Bible or go to church to be a Christian...

You are not required to help the poor or anything nice...

Sooooo lazy

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: hugoworld on February 21, 2016, 06:07:30 PM
I always wondered about the historical roots of the books in the Bible.  

Who wrote the books of the Bible?  When were they written?  Why someone wrote them?

Were they inspired by God?

Wikipedia does not list the author(s): (

It seems weird that 2 billion people in the world follow this book but nobody knows who wrote it.

Comparison of Genesis' first Creation Story with Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation story

The Babylonian creation story is called by its first two words "Enuma Elish."
According to archaeologists, it was originally written circa 1120 BCE.

It was discovered in 1875 CE. It bears many points of similarity to the first creation story
in the Bible:

ItemAncient Israelite Creation StoryBabylonian Creation Story
SourceGenesis 1:1 to 2:3Enuma Elish
Date of writing (liberal belief)8th or 9th century BCELate 12th century BCE
Date of writing (conservative belief)13th century BCE, the time of MosesLate 12th century BCE.
Author (liberal belief)"P," authors of the Priestly tradition.Unknown.
Author (conservative belief)Moses.Unknown.
Creator(s) of the universeMultiple Gods, Elohim.A God battling a Goddess.
Initial state of the earthDesolate waste; covered in darkness.Chaos; enveloped in darkness.
First developmentLight created.Light created.
Next developmentFirmament created - a rigid dome over the earth separating the earth and heaven.Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.
Next developmentDry land created.Dry land created.
Next developmentSun, moon, stars created.Sun, moon, stars created.
Next developmentCreation of men and women.Creation of men and women.
Final developmentGod rests and sanctify the Sabbath.Gods rest and celebrate.


According to Christian History, the Earth is 7330 years old. Bible (66 books) was written by 40 writers over 1400 years period.


Some disturbing verses from it: (

i understand that bible was written by many people..

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: HeadBroadway on February 21, 2016, 06:19:26 PM
The Holy Bible is written by men inspired by God and diligently followed by illumined people!

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: salinizm on February 21, 2016, 06:23:15 PM
The Holy Bible is written by men inspired by God and diligently followed by illumined people!

 you wrong.. bible was written by men who drugged-out ...

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 06:59:40 PM
The Holy Bible is written by men inspired by God and diligently followed by illumined people!

 you wrong.. bible was written by men who drugged-out ...

You don't know the half of it... (

A number of ethnomycologists, including Terence McKenna, have suggested that most characteristics of manna are similar to that of Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms...

If you read the description of manna in the bible... it sounds just like magic mushrooms... sprouts overnight, when its humid... looks like a small loaf of bread, the color of coriander seed... when the sun hits it, it shrivels up... causes 'visions'... Moses talks to God in the form of a 'burning bush' that doesn't get consumed by the fire (and nobody else can see)...

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: KiwiParty on February 21, 2016, 07:21:13 PM
Most of the bible texts are transcripts. Some by hearsay, from prayers, and preachers.
The tradition of science which tries to answer this questions, parts of, is found here (
The latin word for it is exegesis. Latin was the language of the perpetrators, the romans.
It is known they destroyed everything related to jesus, so even the new testament can't be dated precisely.
The old testament, its origin is the talmud, and it contains the heritage of the hebrews.
you should ask someone of them, a rabbi, about the origins of the talmud.
but be careful, they are known to be very, very harsh.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 07:36:07 PM
You can be sure that people who wrote this were people chose by God himself, because the Truth couldn't be let written by sinners.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: on February 21, 2016, 09:51:04 PM
Schizophrenic rabbines.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 10:20:31 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BrassicBob on February 21, 2016, 10:22:19 PM
I remember a cartoon i saw once in my dad's hustler magazine as a kid.

It had 2 monks writing the bible and one says to the other, "Imagine if someday people actually believed this horseshit"?

Not sure why, but that always stuck with me.. LOL.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 21, 2016, 10:43:57 PM
The Holy Bible is written by men inspired by God and diligently followed by illumined people!

Except there is no God.  There is absolutely no evidence for one.
So "inspired" my ass.

The guys who wrote these books were frantically trying to copy from other myths.
That is why there is so many mistakes and off the wall stories as they tried to change the original myths.
The end result is more nonsense.  Garbage in, garbage out.

Who are "illumined people"?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 21, 2016, 10:44:48 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:08:11 PM
The Holy Bible is written by men inspired by God and diligently followed by illumined people!

Except there is no God.  There is absolutely no evidence for one.
So "inspired" my ass.

The guys who wrote these books were frantically trying to copy from other myths.
That is why there is so many mistakes and off the wall stories as they tried to change the original myths.
The end result is more nonsense.  Garbage in, garbage out.

Who are "illumined people"?

Except that the scientific laws of cause and effect, complex universe, and universal entropy, when combined, prove that God exists. Cause and effect almost does it alone.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:09:38 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 21, 2016, 11:10:34 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


You do realize that by that idea anything could be possible just because.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 11:13:39 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.

God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.

Then why did God write so much about how he loves slavery and genocide, but hates fags?

What sort of immoral God do you follow?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:18:08 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


You do realize that by that idea anything could be possible just because.

There even is a Bible passage that says that with God all things are possible.    8)

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 21, 2016, 11:19:45 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


You do realize that by that idea anything could be possible just because.

There even is a Bible passage that says that with God all things are possible.    8)

All things are also possible for Odin.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:21:09 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.

God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.

Then why did God write so much about how he loves slavery and genocide, but hates fags?

What sort of immoral God do you follow?

The thing that God was writing about was the destroying of imperfection. But He realized that people like you would come along, and thought to Himself, if I keep on destroying the imperfection, Moloch will be totally gone... so He cut back on it. Then He found out that he didn't need destroying anyway, because atheists do it better... Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc., etc.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:22:40 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


You do realize that by that idea anything could be possible just because.

There even is a Bible passage that says that with God all things are possible.    8)

All things are also possible for Odin.

"Odin" is a name. That's the only reason we capitalize the thing. He certainly wasn't god, if he even existed at all.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 21, 2016, 11:23:30 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


You do realize that by that idea anything could be possible just because.

There even is a Bible passage that says that with God all things are possible.    8)

All things are also possible for Odin.

"Odin" is a name. That's the only reason we capitalize the thing. He certainly wasn't god, if he even existed at all.


Next you're going to say that Valhalla isn't real either.  ;D

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 11:25:27 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.

God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.

Then why did God write so much about how he loves slavery and genocide, but hates fags?

What sort of immoral God do you follow?

The thing that God was writing about was the destroying of imperfection. But He realized that people like you would come along, and thought to Himself, if I keep on destroying the imperfection, Moloch will be totally gone... so He cut back on it. Then He found out that he didn't need destroying anyway, because atheists do it better... Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc., etc.

I'm flattered you would put me on a pedestal with Stalin, Hitler and Mao

Why must you always bring up Hitler?

If you think all Germans are/were Atheist... Guess again... Or do you think Hitler personally killed millions of people?'s_law (

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:29:50 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.

God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.

Then why did God write so much about how he loves slavery and genocide, but hates fags?

What sort of immoral God do you follow?

The thing that God was writing about was the destroying of imperfection. But He realized that people like you would come along, and thought to Himself, if I keep on destroying the imperfection, Moloch will be totally gone... so He cut back on it. Then He found out that he didn't need destroying anyway, because atheists do it better... Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc., etc.

I'm flattered you would put me on a pedestal with Stalin, Hitler and Mao

Why must you always bring up Hitler?

If you think all Germans are/were Atheist... Guess again... Or do you think Hitler personally killed millions of people?

Do you think that these atheist leaders are still alive?    8)

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 21, 2016, 11:30:34 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


No he did not, bronze age people wrote it.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 11:31:17 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.

God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.

Then why did God write so much about how he loves slavery and genocide, but hates fags?

What sort of immoral God do you follow?

The thing that God was writing about was the destroying of imperfection. But He realized that people like you would come along, and thought to Himself, if I keep on destroying the imperfection, Moloch will be totally gone... so He cut back on it. Then He found out that he didn't need destroying anyway, because atheists do it better... Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc., etc.

I'm flattered you would put me on a pedestal with Stalin, Hitler and Mao

Why must you always bring up Hitler?

If you think all Germans are/were Atheist... Guess again... Or do you think Hitler personally killed millions of people?

Do you think that these atheist leaders are still alive?

Do you think?... Ever?... Like with your brain?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:43:56 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


No he did not, bronze age people wrote it.

Cause and effect. At worst, God programmed it into them.    8)

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 21, 2016, 11:45:28 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.

God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.

Then why did God write so much about how he loves slavery and genocide, but hates fags?

What sort of immoral God do you follow?

The thing that God was writing about was the destroying of imperfection. But He realized that people like you would come along, and thought to Himself, if I keep on destroying the imperfection, Moloch will be totally gone... so He cut back on it. Then He found out that he didn't need destroying anyway, because atheists do it better... Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc., etc.

I'm flattered you would put me on a pedestal with Stalin, Hitler and Mao

Why must you always bring up Hitler?

If you think all Germans are/were Atheist... Guess again... Or do you think Hitler personally killed millions of people?

Do you think that these atheist leaders are still alive?

Do you think?... Ever?... Like with your brain?

Do you think that you will remain alive? Or will you go their way, destruction in Hell as they have gone, and as all have gone who have died in atheism?


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 21, 2016, 11:54:14 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


No he did not, bronze age people wrote it.

Cause and effect. At worst, God programmed it into them.    8)

Do you even think before you write something?  Or you just write first thing that comes to your mind?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 11:58:53 PM
Do you think that you will remain alive? Or will you go their way, destruction in Hell as they have gone, and as all have gone who have died in atheism?

Heaven and Hell are fairy tales... metaphorically, the carrot and stick (

The "carrot and stick" approach is an idiom that refers to a policy of offering a combination of rewards and punishment to induce behavior.

It is named in reference to a cart driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a stick behind it. The mule would move towards the carrot because it wants the reward of food, while also moving away from the stick behind it, since it does not want the punishment of pain, thus drawing the cart.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 22, 2016, 12:10:38 AM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


No he did not, bronze age people wrote it.

Cause and effect. At worst, God programmed it into them.    8)

Do you even think before you write something?  Or you just write first thing that comes to your mind?

Why do you keep on posting stupid questions?     8)

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 12:12:32 AM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God wrote it by establishing in the hearts and minds of the people who did the penning, the literal things He wanted written.


No he did not, bronze age people wrote it.

Cause and effect. At worst, God programmed it into them.

Do you even think before you write something?  Or you just write first thing that comes to your mind?

Why do you keep on posting stupid questions?

I think it was a rhetorical question... you have answered it plenty of times

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 22, 2016, 12:14:37 AM
Do you think that you will remain alive? Or will you go their way, destruction in Hell as they have gone, and as all have gone who have died in atheism?

Heaven and Hell are fairy tales... metaphorically, the carrot and stick (

The "carrot and stick" approach is an idiom that refers to a policy of offering a combination of rewards and punishment to induce behavior.

It is named in reference to a cart driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a stick behind it. The mule would move towards the carrot because it wants the reward of food, while also moving away from the stick behind it, since it does not want the punishment of pain, thus drawing the cart.

God has been scientifically proven to exist. The next step is to compare the things that people say about the various gods, to find out which one is the real one, or if any of them are. When we find the Real One, we need to find out if He has told us anything. Then, if He has told us things that haven't yet been manifested, we need to believe Him or not.

Heaven and Hell are faith things. But there is a ton of evidence in and about the Bible that shows that it is the writing from the One, True God.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: clangtrump on February 22, 2016, 12:19:08 AM
What i was thought it was written by people who heard the events from people who saw the events. As for the new testament it was written by and compiled by jesus' disciples and the apostles.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 22, 2016, 12:30:22 AM
What i was thought it was written by people who heard the events from people who saw the events. As for the new testament it was written by and compiled by jesus' disciples and the apostles.

You are so good (capable at remembering what you learned).    8)

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 12:42:55 AM
julius caesar was jesus.. Go and do some research you will see..jesus come along after julius caesar died
And you will see julius caesar life story is like jesus..

Before you all jump the gun go and have a look

Do your research

Jesus was Caesar': New book by Philosopher and Linguist ...

Jesus was Caesar - Summary -

Julius Cesar as Jesus Christ
This is based on true events but the names have been changed and some situations are dramatised

they never had movies back then only books.Even writers will hear a true story an put that story in another way in there books.

The writer based the comedy on true funny events that happened over his life time but he changed the names of all the characters who these events happened too..To make the comedy show better..
most movies do this

But one thing i do know IT WAS NEVER WROTE BY A WOMAN 100% SURE OF THAT

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 12:49:05 AM
julius caesar was jesus.. Go and do some research you will see..jesus come along after julius caesar died
And you will see julius caesar life story is like jesus..

It's hard to take the bible seriously after you find out the "beast" is not Satan, but Nero Caesar... (

The number of the beast (debatably either 666 or 616)
666 = neron caesar (alternate spelling of nero's name by the Jews)
616 = nero caesar

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 12:55:33 AM
I have not seen this one so i will have a watch..LOOKS GOOD WATCH ;D


A good watch for the question ask.. WHO WROTE THE BIBLE?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 12:58:52 AM
julius caesar was jesus.. Go and do some research you will see..jesus come along after julius caesar died
And you will see julius caesar life story is like jesus..

It's hard to take the bible seriously after you find out the "beast" is not Satan, but Nero Caesar... (

The number of the beast (debatably either 666 or 616)
666 = neron caesar (alternate spelling of nero's name by the Jews)
616 = nero caesar
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 22, 2016, 01:12:35 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 22, 2016, 01:17:32 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.

The is no God. You are deluding yourself.  Bible is a collection of myths, stories, bronze age justice written by PEOPLE for the PEOPLE.  Over the course of 1500 years!!!

And yes, you are stupid believing this bronze age nonsense.

God will not return anywhere because he does not exist.  So stop worrying about afterlife, enjoy this life.
This is only life you got.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 22, 2016, 01:21:45 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.

The is no God. You are deluding yourself.  Bible is a collection of myths, stories, bronze age justice written by PEOPLE for the PEOPLE.  Over the course of 1500 years!!!

And yes, you are stupid believing this bronze age nonsense.

God will not return anywhere because he does not exist.  So stop worrying about afterlife, enjoy this life.
This is only life you got.

It's your belief and I respect it. Maybe you didn't experienced how God is good to us or you don't let God come into your life. And maybe you also didn't experience your parents to teach you how God is good and true is.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 01:25:50 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.

If God went around killing everyone who talked shit about him, we'd all be dead...

I think Madalyn Murray O'Hair replies to this best: (

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 01:27:58 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.
Richard dawkins..think he be dead by now.and if he died today he still would have had a long life..


You mock the elf i have under my bed then you will die like JOHN LENNON..Are you scared?
I feel the same as you do..Am i scared?


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 01:38:50 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.
Richard dawkins..think he be dead by now.and if he died today he still would have had a long life..


You mock the elf i have under my bed then you will die like JOHN LENNON..Are you scared?
I feel the same as you do..Am i scared?


Are you saying there is already a waiting list to kick God in the nuts?  Sign me up!

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: eon89 on February 22, 2016, 01:46:09 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 01:52:35 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D
I will have a flaming sambuca please

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 01:53:30 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.
Richard dawkins..think he be dead by now.and if he died today he still would have had a long life..


You mock the elf i have under my bed then you will die like JOHN LENNON..Are you scared?
I feel the same as you do..Am i scared?


Are you saying there is already a waiting list to kick God in the nuts?  Sign me up!
Your on the list.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: eon89 on February 22, 2016, 01:54:24 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D
I will have a flaming sambuca please

How about a "72 not virgin sex on the beach"?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 01:59:40 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D
I will have a flaming sambuca please

How about a "72 not virgin sex on the beach"?
This is you to your Gran

72 vigins too much for me 2 pumps and a squirt and i am done ;D

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 02:05:02 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D
I will have a flaming sambuca please

How about a "72 not virgin sex on the beach"?
This is you to your Gran

72 virgins too much for me 2 pumps and a squirt and i am done ;D

I know what you mean... I have a hard time finding one Clitoris... 72 of those things might as well be playing "where's waldo"

It's not very big around, but it sure is short!

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 22, 2016, 02:28:32 AM
The bible is a joke for stupid humans  :D
like reading harry potter then make it out to be real ;D

watch that movie if got time and not seen it before looks good ..

Be careful on what you are saying about God's word and don't even try to mock God. There are celebrities did try to mock God and they died because of it like John Lennon. The bible is true, and if you are saying we are stupid about believing what the bible says because we are following God. Then believe what you believe. You may laugh today but when God returns to judge this world, I don't know if you can still laugh that time. There's always time to repent.

If God went around killing everyone who talked shit about him, we'd all be dead...

I think Madalyn Murray O'Hair replies to this best: (

in the end, the Christian prick says: "if we give right, we can live right"....  That sums things up what this religion is all about.
The more money you give to the church, the better your life will be, LOL.  Fucking scam.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 02:48:12 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D
I will have a flaming sambuca please

How about a "72 not virgin sex on the beach"?
This is you to your Gran

72 virgins too much for me 2 pumps and a squirt and i am done ;D

I know what you mean... I have a hard time finding one Clitoris... 72 of those things might as well be playing "where's waldo"

It's not very big around, but it sure is short!
OH that's easy to find :D just open it up at the top with finger and thumb and lick :D
just when i shower my seeds i have had enough for 3 the time i get back to number 72 she will be bored waiting..HMMMM mind you i have got eternal life :D So if i think about myself i be alright

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: eon89 on February 22, 2016, 03:14:38 AM
Give if ye want to receive. And thou shall be redeemed.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 22, 2016, 03:25:03 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D

They think it's just nothing to mock God. But God is a righteous judge to judge each and everyone's work in this world. So according to their saying don't worry just wait for it. Don't rush on things God wants you to repent for the bad things you said a while ago.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 03:28:45 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D

They think it's just nothing to mock God. But God is a righteous judge to judge each and everyone's work in this world. So according to their saying don't worry just wait for it. Don't rush on things God wants you to repent for the bad things you said a while ago.



Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 22, 2016, 03:29:19 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D

They think it's just nothing to mock God. But God is a righteous judge to judge each and everyone's work in this world. So according to their saying don't worry just wait for it. Don't rush on things God wants you to repent for the bad things you said a while ago.

Dude, why don't you get it?  He is not real.  Does he talk to you?

It is just an idea in your head. (

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 04:03:27 AM
Oh you blasphemers! Hell awaits for you. And it has an open bar :D

They think it's just nothing to mock God. But God is a righteous judge to judge each and everyone's work in this world. So according to their saying don't worry just wait for it. Don't rush on things God wants you to repent for the bad things you said a while ago.

Nigga please... God has a great sense of humor...

Do you know what crime Satan committed that forced God to send Satan to the Abyss?

Did you know Satan was only sent to the Abyss for 1000 years? (doh!)

Quote from: Revelation 20
1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: coinplus on February 22, 2016, 10:21:23 AM
Bible is a collection of events, records, sayings and predictions during the time of the biblical era, starting with the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis and ending with the book of Revelations in the New Testament.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 10:39:57 AM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God conducted the writting of the Bible, it conducted the hands of those men, and thus, we can say that God's words are kept there.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 22, 2016, 12:05:33 PM
Bible is a collection of events, records, sayings and predictions during the time of the biblical era, starting with the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis and ending with the book of Revelations in the New Testament.

Except that the Bible expresses things from the very beginning - long before the Bible started to be written - to the very end - long after the Bible finished being written.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: eon89 on February 22, 2016, 12:06:29 PM
Bible is a collection of events, records, sayings and predictions during the time of the biblical era, starting with the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis and ending with the book of Revelations in the New Testament.

Except that the Bible expresses things from the very beginning - long before the Bible started to be written - to the very end - long after the Bible finished being written.


And they are all true. (not)

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: BADecker on February 22, 2016, 12:11:54 PM
Bible is a collection of events, records, sayings and predictions during the time of the biblical era, starting with the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis and ending with the book of Revelations in the New Testament.

Except that the Bible expresses things from the very beginning - long before the Bible started to be written - to the very end - long after the Bible finished being written.


And they are all true. (not)

It is true that the things that the Bible expresses to be lies, are lies. So, the Bible is truth.


Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: eon89 on February 22, 2016, 12:13:45 PM
Bible is a collection of events, records, sayings and predictions during the time of the biblical era, starting with the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis and ending with the book of Revelations in the New Testament.

Except that the Bible expresses things from the very beginning - long before the Bible started to be written - to the very end - long after the Bible finished being written.


And they are all true. (not)

It is true that the things that the Bible expresses to be lies, are lies. So, the Bible is truth.


Kindergarten logic.

You could also say: I'm right because my mommy says so.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Whosdaddy on February 22, 2016, 03:09:10 PM
The origins of the bible at the time were originally written on scrolls, papyrus and skin ,then later transferred to books in a collection. But the composer of first Bible was still a mystery.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 04:29:23 PM
Bible is a collection of events, records, sayings and predictions during the time of the biblical era, starting with the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis and ending with the book of Revelations in the New Testament.

Except that the Bible expresses things from the very beginning - long before the Bible started to be written - to the very end - long after the Bible finished being written.

And they are all true. (not)

It is true that the things that the Bible expresses to be lies, are lies. So, the Bible is truth.

Kindergarten logic.

You could also say: I'm right because my mommy says so.

He knows it's true because the bible itself said so... haven't you ever read a story that begins, "I know this sounds ridiculous, but I swear it's a true story..."?... Don't you know those are always 100% honest and truthful?

I don't see any incentive to lie about the bible... other than that part about "give us 10% of your money", and "bring us a bunch of sacrifices" (food for us to eat after you leave), and "follow all these rules we wrote down... even the ones we tell you orally and have no source to reference in this huge book", and "don't forget the booze" or Jesus will need to turn some water into wine, so we can get drunk!

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: michnelli6 on February 22, 2016, 05:43:31 PM
The origins of the bible at the time were originally written on scrolls, papyrus and skin ,then later transferred to books in a collection. But the composer of first Bible was still a mystery.
It has been edited and revised over the centuries by various churches and methodical groups but the fundamental facts remain the same, even though some of its contradictions leave some doubt to it's originality. Like you said the first collector/composer is still unknown.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 05:47:46 PM
The origins of the bible at the time were originally written on scrolls, papyrus and skin ,then later transferred to books in a collection. But the composer of first Bible was still a mystery.
It has been edited and revised over the centuries by various churches and methodical groups but the fundamental facts remain the same, even though some of its contradictions leave some doubt to it's originality. Like you said the first collector/composer is still unknown.

I'd recommend asking the Jews... They wrote the books and have been debating their origins for over 2000 years... Unlike Christians, Jews like to debate the bible

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: designerusa on February 22, 2016, 06:07:22 PM
Bible is a collection of events, records, sayings and predictions during the time of the biblical era, starting with the first book in the Old Testament which is Genesis and ending with the book of Revelations in the New Testament.

and all the things that it is about are not more than a fiction.. bible is a masterpiece of a schizophrenic beautiful mind for sure..

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 06:58:19 PM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God conducted the writting of the Bible, it conducted the hands of those men, and thus, we can say that God's words are kept there.

How do you know this? 

Because people who wrote the Bible, wrote that God inspired them?  Is that the only evidence you have?

The Truth can only be inspired from God itself. Also, the Bible list events that took place thanks to God, which produces the same thing at the end.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 23, 2016, 05:20:32 AM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God conducted the writting of the Bible, it conducted the hands of those men, and thus, we can say that God's words are kept there.

I agree, with this. God used the prophets,apostles,kings and other men to write His commandments, His messages for us even though it is written long time ago but when you will read it , it also tells that we are included to the commandments , people in the present time.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: Losvienleg on February 23, 2016, 09:45:11 AM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God conducted the writting of the Bible, it conducted the hands of those men, and thus, we can say that God's words are kept there.

How do you know this?  

Because people who wrote the Bible, wrote that God inspired them?  Is that the only evidence you have?

The Truth can only be inspired from God itself. Also, the Bible list events that took place thanks to God, which produces the same thing at the end.

Why you need God to inspire Truth?  Scientists are uncovering the truth about genetics, nanotechnology,physics and many other scientific fields.  People who, according to you were inspired by God, wrote the Bible and did not mention any details on genetics, artificial insemination, artificial intelligence, bitcoin, evolution, or even that the Earth is round.  Instead it describes the world as heavens and Earth, with a dome over flat Earth that is supported by four pillars.  World that is 7230 years old.  Is that the Truth you (or your God) are talking about?

You are talking about a fictional character from a book.  It is the same as believing in a Superman.
Don't you realize this?

Why would he ? Our passage on Earth is a test to make us reach Heaven or not. If you create a survival TV show, if you give the fire and the house directly, that's not really funny !

The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God conducted the writting of the Bible, it conducted the hands of those men, and thus, we can say that God's words are kept there.

I agree, with this. God used the prophets,apostles,kings and other men to write His commandments, His messages for us even though it is written long time ago but when you will read it , it also tells that we are included to the commandments , people in the present time.

You don't know this.  You believe this because the authors wrote this in the Bible.  Right?

Have you ever studied History ? You should know that this men really existed, and they transferred God's message to the humans. I don't see why you're creating a polemic where there isn't one.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 24, 2016, 04:29:01 AM
The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God conducted the writting of the Bible, it conducted the hands of those men, and thus, we can say that God's words are kept there.

How do you know this?  

Because people who wrote the Bible, wrote that God inspired them?  Is that the only evidence you have?

The Truth can only be inspired from God itself. Also, the Bible list events that took place thanks to God, which produces the same thing at the end.

Why you need God to inspire Truth?  Scientists are uncovering the truth about genetics, nanotechnology,physics and many other scientific fields.  People who, according to you were inspired by God, wrote the Bible and did not mention any details on genetics, artificial insemination, artificial intelligence, bitcoin, evolution, or even that the Earth is round.  Instead it describes the world as heavens and Earth, with a dome over flat Earth that is supported by four pillars.  World that is 7230 years old.  Is that the Truth you (or your God) are talking about?

You are talking about a fictional character from a book.  It is the same as believing in a Superman.
Don't you realize this?

Why would he ? Our passage on Earth is a test to make us reach Heaven or not. If you create a survival TV show, if you give the fire and the house directly, that's not really funny !

The Bible is even truth when it tells lies. Why? Because it says that they are lies, or it attributes the lies to people other than God.


God did not write it.  I think we established that.

God conducted the writting of the Bible, it conducted the hands of those men, and thus, we can say that God's words are kept there.

I agree, with this. God used the prophets,apostles,kings and other men to write His commandments, His messages for us even though it is written long time ago but when you will read it , it also tells that we are included to the commandments , people in the present time.

You don't know this.  You believe this because the authors wrote this in the Bible.  Right?

Have you ever studied History ? You should know that this men really existed, and they transferred God's message to the humans. I don't see why you're creating a polemic where there isn't one.

I think he is reading the bible even though he is reading it he can't understand it. Again we believe that God is real and the bible is God's words delivered by the people whom He had chosen to write it for the past,present and future generation.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 24, 2016, 05:55:14 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 24, 2016, 06:33:14 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.
ceasar's coin were discovered as well.
the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 24, 2016, 06:45:58 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.

the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

That is priceless.

ROFL...Adults drink milk and love it.

This is what you base your beliefs on?  Bible mentioned rocks, and we do have rocks now.  Is that another proof it is true word of God? ;)

i didn't say i believe it. i don't believe god either.  fuck god. but its what it is.
now the doctors says and science says that honeys are good for adults and milk are good for babies.

for some reason it proves that bibles says the truth. and that they know some things which people didn't know before.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 24, 2016, 07:06:00 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.

the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

That is priceless.

ROFL...Adults drink milk and love it.

This is what you base your beliefs on?  Bible mentioned rocks, and we do have rocks now.  Is that another proof it is true word of God? ;)

i didn't say i believe it. i don't believe god either.  fuck god. but its what it is.
now the doctors says and science says that honeys are good for adults and milk are good for babies.

for some reason it proves that bibles says the truth. and that they know some things which people didn't know before.

We are mammals. We suck on mother's breasts to get some milk.  Bronze age people knew that.
They probably found out that giving honey to babies caused them indigestion problems.  Again nothing that bronze age people could not observe at the time the book was written.

that could be true but none of them ever wrote it on paper but its written in the bible. where else can you find that? book of confusious was way older than the bible but it didn't say about milk and honey :)

those people in bronse age believe the earth is flat. but the bible says its round.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 24, 2016, 07:39:05 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.

the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

That is priceless.

ROFL...Adults drink milk and love it.

This is what you base your beliefs on?  Bible mentioned rocks, and we do have rocks now.  Is that another proof it is true word of God? ;)

i didn't say i believe it. i don't believe god either.  fuck god. but its what it is.
now the doctors says and science says that honeys are good for adults and milk are good for babies.

for some reason it proves that bibles says the truth. and that they know some things which people didn't know before.

We are mammals. We suck on mother's breasts to get some milk.  Bronze age people knew that.
They probably found out that giving honey to babies caused them indigestion problems.  Again nothing that bronze age people could not observe at the time the book was written.

that could be true but none of them ever wrote it on paper but its written in the bible. where else can you find that? book of confusious was way older than the bible but it didn't say about milk and honey :)

those people in bronse age believe the earth is flat. but the bible says its round.

Flat Earth is implied in the following verses:

Revelation 1:7
Daniel 4:10-11
Matthew 4:8

You can read some other crazy, immoral things the Bible says: (

Bible represents a bronze age world view.  Nothing about genetic engineering, nano technology, age of Earth or other planets, age of the universe, black holes, galaxies etc.  No mention of bacteria or viruses that kill by a truckload even today.

Any modern knowledge is not in the Bible, only stuff that was known at the time of when it was written.

PS.  No bitcoin reference either.

LOL clearly you didn't read the bible.

i'm no christian no catholic but read the bible like its a history book.
you need to read it back and search in the bible where they mention about earth being round.

don't come back when you can't find it! go!

but let me give you a bet. if i give you the verse, how much bitcoin will you send to my address?

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 25, 2016, 12:53:19 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.

the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

That is priceless.

ROFL...Adults drink milk and love it.

This is what you base your beliefs on?  Bible mentioned rocks, and we do have rocks now.  Is that another proof it is true word of God? ;)

i didn't say i believe it. i don't believe god either.  fuck god. but its what it is.
now the doctors says and science says that honeys are good for adults and milk are good for babies.

for some reason it proves that bibles says the truth. and that they know some things which people didn't know before.

We are mammals. We suck on mother's breasts to get some milk.  Bronze age people knew that.
They probably found out that giving honey to babies caused them indigestion problems.  Again nothing that bronze age people could not observe at the time the book was written.

that could be true but none of them ever wrote it on paper but its written in the bible. where else can you find that? book of confusious was way older than the bible but it didn't say about milk and honey :)

those people in bronse age believe the earth is flat. but the bible says its round.

Flat Earth is implied in the following verses:

Revelation 1:7
Daniel 4:10-11
Matthew 4:8

You can read some other crazy, immoral things the Bible says: (

Bible represents a bronze age world view.  Nothing about genetic engineering, nano technology, age of Earth or other planets, age of the universe, black holes, galaxies etc.  No mention of bacteria or viruses that kill by a truckload even today.

Any modern knowledge is not in the Bible, only stuff that was known at the time of when it was written.

PS.  No bitcoin reference either.

LOL clearly you didn't read the bible.

i'm no christian no catholic but read the bible like its a history book.
you need to read it back and search in the bible where they mention about earth being round.

don't come back when you can't find it! go!

but let me give you a bet. if i give you the verse, how much bitcoin will you send to my address?

I found these.  Is this what you think of?

Job 26:10
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
At the boundary of light and darkness.

Isaiah 40:22
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who ustretches out the heavens like a curtain,
And spreads them out like a vtent to dwell in.

Where does it say that the Earth is round (a sphere)?

BTW, חוּג means circle, כַּדוּר means ball, sphere in Hebrew.  Two different words.

Show me where in bible it says that Earth is a sphere?  I challenge you.

Post the original Hebrew verse.

PS. You know, they knew (imagined) Earth was flat with a dome of heaven stretching above it.  But they also observed the Moon and Sun so they inferred that the Earth must be like drawn with a compass, a circle because other things in the dome (stars) have this shape.  I think that is the meaning in the Isaiah 40:22.

English isn't even my native tongue. is that how you understand it, is old English really that hard to understand?

if i were god and intend to write something for the people, i would start at hiring someone who could write text where people could understand.
if i intend to write and send message to the cows, i would hire some cows to write the message. that's logical.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 25, 2016, 01:09:36 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.

the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

That is priceless.

ROFL...Adults drink milk and love it.

This is what you base your beliefs on?  Bible mentioned rocks, and we do have rocks now.  Is that another proof it is true word of God? ;)

i didn't say i believe it. i don't believe god either.  fuck god. but its what it is.
now the doctors says and science says that honeys are good for adults and milk are good for babies.

for some reason it proves that bibles says the truth. and that they know some things which people didn't know before.

We are mammals. We suck on mother's breasts to get some milk.  Bronze age people knew that.
They probably found out that giving honey to babies caused them indigestion problems.  Again nothing that bronze age people could not observe at the time the book was written.

that could be true but none of them ever wrote it on paper but its written in the bible. where else can you find that? book of confusious was way older than the bible but it didn't say about milk and honey :)

those people in bronse age believe the earth is flat. but the bible says its round.

Flat Earth is implied in the following verses:

Revelation 1:7
Daniel 4:10-11
Matthew 4:8

You can read some other crazy, immoral things the Bible says: (

Bible represents a bronze age world view.  Nothing about genetic engineering, nano technology, age of Earth or other planets, age of the universe, black holes, galaxies etc.  No mention of bacteria or viruses that kill by a truckload even today.

Any modern knowledge is not in the Bible, only stuff that was known at the time of when it was written.

PS.  No bitcoin reference either.

LOL clearly you didn't read the bible.

i'm no christian no catholic but read the bible like its a history book.
you need to read it back and search in the bible where they mention about earth being round.

don't come back when you can't find it! go!

but let me give you a bet. if i give you the verse, how much bitcoin will you send to my address?

I found these.  Is this what you think of?

Job 26:10
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
At the boundary of light and darkness.

Isaiah 40:22
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who ustretches out the heavens like a curtain,
And spreads them out like a vtent to dwell in.

Where does it say that the Earth is round (a sphere)?

BTW, חוּג means circle, כַּדוּר means ball, sphere in Hebrew.  Two different words.

Show me where in bible it says that Earth is a sphere?  I challenge you.

Post the original Hebrew verse.

PS. You know, they knew (imagined) Earth was flat with a dome of heaven stretching above it.  But they also observed the Moon and Sun so they inferred that the Earth must be like drawn with a compass, a circle because other things in the dome (stars) have this shape.  I think that is the meaning in the Isaiah 40:22.

English isn't even my native tongue. is that how you understand it, is old English really that hard to understand?

if i were god and intend to write something for the people, i would start at hiring someone who could write text where people could understand.
if i intend to write and send message to the cows, i would hire some cows to write the message. that's how logical.

Imagine standing in the middle of desert in 3000 BCE, now look around,  turn 360 deg, what do you see?  Horizon is making a circle.
They saw Earth as a circular flat plane with a dome (tent) on top of it.  This verse contradicts others where they said the Earth was a flat square plane.  Hell was down below, heaven up above.  

Nowhere in the Bible it says that Earth has a shape of a sphere.  It does not say it because people did not know that it was.
Earth was the center of the universe until Copernicus and Galileo times.

God could just say it was a (כַּדוּר) ball, not circle.  Here is your sign....

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: electronicash on February 25, 2016, 03:10:03 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.

the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

That is priceless.

ROFL...Adults drink milk and love it.

This is what you base your beliefs on?  Bible mentioned rocks, and we do have rocks now.  Is that another proof it is true word of God? ;)

i didn't say i believe it. i don't believe god either.  fuck god. but its what it is.
now the doctors says and science says that honeys are good for adults and milk are good for babies.

for some reason it proves that bibles says the truth. and that they know some things which people didn't know before.

We are mammals. We suck on mother's breasts to get some milk.  Bronze age people knew that.
They probably found out that giving honey to babies caused them indigestion problems.  Again nothing that bronze age people could not observe at the time the book was written.

that could be true but none of them ever wrote it on paper but its written in the bible. where else can you find that? book of confusious was way older than the bible but it didn't say about milk and honey :)

those people in bronse age believe the earth is flat. but the bible says its round.

Flat Earth is implied in the following verses:

Revelation 1:7
Daniel 4:10-11
Matthew 4:8

You can read some other crazy, immoral things the Bible says: (

Bible represents a bronze age world view.  Nothing about genetic engineering, nano technology, age of Earth or other planets, age of the universe, black holes, galaxies etc.  No mention of bacteria or viruses that kill by a truckload even today.

Any modern knowledge is not in the Bible, only stuff that was known at the time of when it was written.

PS.  No bitcoin reference either.

LOL clearly you didn't read the bible.

i'm no christian no catholic but read the bible like its a history book.
you need to read it back and search in the bible where they mention about earth being round.

don't come back when you can't find it! go!

but let me give you a bet. if i give you the verse, how much bitcoin will you send to my address?

I found these.  Is this what you think of?

Job 26:10
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
At the boundary of light and darkness.

Isaiah 40:22
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who ustretches out the heavens like a curtain,
And spreads them out like a vtent to dwell in.

Where does it say that the Earth is round (a sphere)?

BTW, חוּג means circle, כַּדוּר means ball, sphere in Hebrew.  Two different words.

Show me where in bible it says that Earth is a sphere?  I challenge you.

Post the original Hebrew verse.

PS. You know, they knew (imagined) Earth was flat with a dome of heaven stretching above it.  But they also observed the Moon and Sun so they inferred that the Earth must be like drawn with a compass, a circle because other things in the dome (stars) have this shape.  I think that is the meaning in the Isaiah 40:22.

English isn't even my native tongue. is that how you understand it, is old English really that hard to understand?

if i were god and intend to write something for the people, i would start at hiring someone who could write text where people could understand.
if i intend to write and send message to the cows, i would hire some cows to write the message. that's how logical.

Imagine standing in the middle of desert in 3000 BCE, now look around,  turn 360 deg, what do you see?  Horizon is making a circle.
They saw Earth as a circular flat plane with a dome (tent) on top of it.  This verse contradicts others where they said the Earth was a flat square plane.  Hell was down below, heaven up above.  

Nowhere in the Bible it says that Earth has a shape of a sphere.  It does not say it because people did not know that it was.
Earth was the center of the universe until Copernicus and Galileo times.

God could just say it was a (כַּדוּר) ball, not circle.  Here is your sign....

ROFL... No wonder that's how you understand it.  I'm sure not open to discuss these stuff with you anymore. ;D
its going to be hard for you to understand whats written there. a gift to understand logically is what is needed there. its simple yet seem not for you.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 25, 2016, 03:16:17 AM
The bible however tells the truth about some things which turned out to be true even before the humans knew it. like the bible says the earth is round while we just discovered it not too long ago by some conquistadors.

there were fossils being discovered like the king sargon in the bible. and just recently there were coins and fossils discovered with writings on it about the king while no records about the king but just in the bible.

Name one.

the bible says milk are for babies and honey are for the adult. thats just one.

That is priceless.

ROFL...Adults drink milk and love it.

This is what you base your beliefs on?  Bible mentioned rocks, and we do have rocks now.  Is that another proof it is true word of God? ;)

i didn't say i believe it. i don't believe god either.  fuck god. but its what it is.
now the doctors says and science says that honeys are good for adults and milk are good for babies.

for some reason it proves that bibles says the truth. and that they know some things which people didn't know before.

We are mammals. We suck on mother's breasts to get some milk.  Bronze age people knew that.
They probably found out that giving honey to babies caused them indigestion problems.  Again nothing that bronze age people could not observe at the time the book was written.

that could be true but none of them ever wrote it on paper but its written in the bible. where else can you find that? book of confusious was way older than the bible but it didn't say about milk and honey :)

those people in bronse age believe the earth is flat. but the bible says its round.

Flat Earth is implied in the following verses:

Revelation 1:7
Daniel 4:10-11
Matthew 4:8

You can read some other crazy, immoral things the Bible says: (

Bible represents a bronze age world view.  Nothing about genetic engineering, nano technology, age of Earth or other planets, age of the universe, black holes, galaxies etc.  No mention of bacteria or viruses that kill by a truckload even today.

Any modern knowledge is not in the Bible, only stuff that was known at the time of when it was written.

PS.  No bitcoin reference either.

LOL clearly you didn't read the bible.

i'm no christian no catholic but read the bible like its a history book.
you need to read it back and search in the bible where they mention about earth being round.

don't come back when you can't find it! go!

but let me give you a bet. if i give you the verse, how much bitcoin will you send to my address?

I found these.  Is this what you think of?

Job 26:10
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
At the boundary of light and darkness.

Isaiah 40:22
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who ustretches out the heavens like a curtain,
And spreads them out like a vtent to dwell in.

Where does it say that the Earth is round (a sphere)?

BTW, חוּג means circle, כַּדוּר means ball, sphere in Hebrew.  Two different words.

Show me where in bible it says that Earth is a sphere?  I challenge you.

Post the original Hebrew verse.

PS. You know, they knew (imagined) Earth was flat with a dome of heaven stretching above it.  But they also observed the Moon and Sun so they inferred that the Earth must be like drawn with a compass, a circle because other things in the dome (stars) have this shape.  I think that is the meaning in the Isaiah 40:22.

English isn't even my native tongue. is that how you understand it, is old English really that hard to understand?

if i were god and intend to write something for the people, i would start at hiring someone who could write text where people could understand.
if i intend to write and send message to the cows, i would hire some cows to write the message. that's how logical.

Imagine standing in the middle of desert in 3000 BCE, now look around,  turn 360 deg, what do you see?  Horizon is making a circle.
They saw Earth as a circular flat plane with a dome (tent) on top of it.  This verse contradicts others where they said the Earth was a flat square plane.  Hell was down below, heaven up above.  

Nowhere in the Bible it says that Earth has a shape of a sphere.  It does not say it because people did not know that it was.
Earth was the center of the universe until Copernicus and Galileo times.

God could just say it was a (כַּדוּר) ball, not circle.  Here is your sign....

ROFL... No wonder that's how you understand it.  I'm sure not open to discuss these stuff with you anymore. ;D
its going to be hard for you to understand whats written there. a gift to understand logically is what is needed there. its simple yet seem not for you.

Sure. I see bronze age nonsense.  You see God inspired, hidden message.  No problem.

PS. Just before you go, can you post the verse where you think it says the Earth is round.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 25, 2016, 03:45:02 AM

Sure. I see bronze age nonsense.  You see God inspired, hidden message.  No problem.

PS. Just before you go, can you post the verse where you think it says the Earth is round.  Thanks.

Prophet Isaiah is the first one to discover that Earth is round. Kindly refer to this verse:
Isaiah 40:22
“It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:”

"He" refers to God.

Did you even read my previous posts?  If you think circle means round, I cannot help you.  Check the dictionary.

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: bonski on February 25, 2016, 03:49:48 AM

Sure. I see bronze age nonsense.  You see God inspired, hidden message.  No problem.

PS. Just before you go, can you post the verse where you think it says the Earth is round.  Thanks.

Did you even read my previous posts?

I'm so sorry I have deleted it already, isn't this verse enough to explain Isaiah 40:22 that the planet Earth is round?
"It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,"

Title: Re: Who wrote the Bible?
Post by: af_newbie on February 25, 2016, 04:21:15 AM

Sure. I see bronze age nonsense.  You see God inspired, hidden message.  No problem.

PS. Just before you go, can you post the verse where you think it says the Earth is round.  Thanks.

Did you even read my previous posts?

I'm so sorry I have deleted it already, isn't this verse enough to explain Isaiah 40:22 that the planet Earth is round?
"It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,"

Not really.  2D vs 3D.  It says nothing about 3D shape of Earth. 

 חוּג means circle, כַּדוּר means ball, sphere in Hebrew.  if the authors wanted to say anything about true shape of Earth, they would use
כַּדוּר word.  Instead they used, חוּג .  Apples and oranges.

Give me another verse to support your claim.