Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Lauda on February 22, 2016, 07:50:49 PM

Title: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on February 22, 2016, 07:50:49 PM
Anyone with experience in extended, unconventional conflict should be able to recognize current patterns in the Bitcoin and digital currency space that resemble subversive activity.
Is a game of social engineering being leveled at the Bitcoin community? Based on open source information alone, it’s conceivable that certain individuals or teams are trying  to demoralize and disrupt the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Tactics to Be Employed by the Pseudo-Identities
Intensify Discussion: Any news that could be perceived as negative must be amplified to extremes and made into hyperbolic worst-case scenarios. The public departure of Mike Hearn from the Bitcoin space created an environment ripe for exploitation. The media got ahold of that and ran on it for days. This would have been a huge victory for subversives because it further eroded the perceived global integrity of Bitcoin both as a software and a solution. But the Hearn story is only one small example; the list of potential topics is endless: Blocks might fill up...the network will clog...nodes will crash... users will leave...Bitcoin will die!!!! Fear is not difficult to manufacture.

Depress Positive Momentum: Any story with positive attention should be downplayed while messengers of positive news should be accused of “being shills,” “scam artists,” or worse. Blockstream’s acquisition of capital and talent would, in many circles, be viewed as a net positive. Employing the simple tool of implied guilt, however, the perceived value of the asset book becomes a joke, or is used as evidence of foul play. For example: Bitcoin Core’s implementation of mempool limits to prevent the doomsday scenarios of #1 above gets spun as “another fee market!!!” Reality matters less than perception. Another victory.

Character Assassination: Identify flaws and foibles in thought leaders especially; question the integrity and good intentions of anyone who appears to possess either. Any number of names can be pointed to here. With the right amount of assets, you can accomplish quite a bit. Even if you don’t have the facts, choose potentially divisive targets and deploy your sock-puppets to make up rumors. Perception is what matters.

Instigate Fights: Mock and ridicule both sides of any disagreement that forms to accelerate existing antagonism and grow the division between disparate sides. This past month, a spam attack targeting members of the Reddit Bitcoin communities added more fuel to the fire. The message was sent from a variety of accounts, most with no posts or comments. The message was tailored to look like a personal message, championing the Ethereum platform. Naturally, this created a conflict due to the perceived competitive nature of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Maintain Access to Pseudo-neutrality: Maintain a number of pseudo-identities with mild, thoughtful reputations to build support or ridicule when advantageous; ridicule and write off any who openly challenge your intentions; when pressed, claim objectivity. Or if reputation is not needed, go into full-blown troll mode and resort to ad hominems. This creates a scene and adds to the sense of collective group insanity, which demoralizes further.

Deny and Shift Blame: Any attempts by others to accuse of exploitation must be met by either silence or derision (situationally dependent). This is a simple tactic because it never gives any satisfaction of gains made in honest, impassioned debate. If the only result of the majority of your online debates is that you dread the replies to your posts, valuable discussion slows to a crawl.
Full article can be found here. (

Does any of this seem familiar?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: whizz94 on February 22, 2016, 07:56:59 PM
For only 200 Bitcoins in advance, I'll write some auto-trol-o-matic scripts to do the abovementioned steps for you.
Send your BTC to

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on February 22, 2016, 08:01:26 PM
It does sound familiar.  :-\

At least we all have one thing to counter this type of attack, our brains. When I hear someone talking about what he did or what she said instead of the issue I assume this is not about the truth. It is an attempt to persuade me based on my feelings about his/her actions. That does not work on me. I base my financial decisions on mathematics rather than emotion. I kinda think this is true of all serious people and that FUD only works on the weak and fearful.

I can't see a FUD campaign bringing down bitcoin because the people who ignore it are going to be more successful and that will eventually argue more powerfully than childish attacks.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: hv_ on February 22, 2016, 08:05:55 PM
For only 200 Bitcoins in advance, I'll write some auto-trol-o-matic scripts to do the abovementioned steps for you.
Send your BTC to

This Is greate- and should work for headers / OPs as well... >:(

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Denker on February 22, 2016, 08:07:00 PM
I'm pretty sure this is already happening.I have no doubt about that.
Even Andreas Antonopoulos spoke about that at the last DevCore Event.
Divide and conquer!It's always the same dirty game.
So stay calm, be smart and don't fall for these bastards!!

EDIT: this should definitely be a sticky thread

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: spazzdla on February 22, 2016, 08:07:08 PM
The art of war.. a book that should be read by all.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: spazzdla on February 22, 2016, 08:12:01 PM
This is solid article.. one should be aware of this while on this forum, reddit, discuss comments, etc.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: AgentofCoin on February 22, 2016, 08:26:06 PM
Is a game of social engineering being leveled at the Bitcoin community? Based on open source information alone, it’s conceivable that certain individuals or teams are trying  to demoralize and disrupt the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Anyone who has participated in such campaigns or has educated themselves
in the history and cases of PSYOps and BlackOps knows this is very likely.

Anyone who would disregard such a notion as paranoia or the like,
does not really know of, care for, or works for such a campaign.

Our community, which was founded around the cypherpunk community,
should question whether we wish to disregard those ideals and sell ourselves to Mammon.

Beware that you yourself are not being used by those who wish to control you.

Edit: spelling

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: TheBlueMan on February 22, 2016, 08:36:43 PM
So through social engineering, not technical skills. Also - why would you want to do something like this?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on February 22, 2016, 08:47:00 PM
So through social engineering, not technical skills. Also - why would you want to do something like this?
Interesting move, you've created an account just to make this post which mentions sock-pupets as an important point.

It does sound familiar.  :-\

At least we all have one thing to counter this type of attack, our brains. When I hear someone talking about what he did or what she said instead of the issue I assume this is not about the truth. It is an attempt to persuade me based on my feelings about his/her actions. That does not work on me. I base my financial decisions on mathematics rather than emotion. I kinda think this is true of all serious people and that FUD only works on the weak and fearful.
What I'm only uncertain of currently is, who's exactly behind the campaign.

Divide and conquer!It's always the same dirty game.
EDIT: this should definitely be a sticky thread
Divide et impera, indeed. This is definitely an article that should be read by everyone in the ecosystem.

Anyone who has participated in such campaigns or has educated themselves
in the history and cases of PSYOps and BlackOps knows this is very likely.
I'm looking into spreading my knowledge in these areas (especially concerning open source projects). However, I've recognized behavioral patterns and changes of such in certain members, ergo realizing the campaign in progress a few months ago. Here's a good video: How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People (

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Jet Cash on February 23, 2016, 04:13:22 AM
Well as long as we can keep Bitcoin on track, it represents a good buying opportunity for newbies like me.

Now what have I done with those old socks? :)

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 23, 2016, 04:41:47 AM
Hahaha, Lauda yes it sounds familiar but all of those things happen in a typical day at work for me and on this forum and wherever women gather.  This is like your horoscope where it's a bunch of generalizations that are just so typical that it's not much of a prediction at all.  The predictions are usually correct.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Kakmakr on February 23, 2016, 05:34:27 AM
I have been recognizing this trend for a while now, and it gets worse with every price spike. They always have some strategy available to dump bad news, when there is a price surge. I think they are stalling for time, to engineer their own technology to replace Bitcoin, and do not want Bitcoin to be successful before they launch their replacement.

The shills and trolls crawl out of hiding, on the upward and downward spiral of the price. 

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: YarkoL on February 23, 2016, 09:39:58 AM

Does any of this seem familiar?

If not: take a look at the mirror...

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on February 23, 2016, 10:16:17 AM
Hahaha, Lauda yes it sounds familiar but all of those things happen in a typical day at work for me and on this forum and wherever women gather. 
You're blaming women?  :D

This is like your horoscope where it's a bunch of generalizations that are just so typical that it's not much of a prediction at all.  The predictions are usually correct.
This wasn't the case here 2-3 years back (at least not this intensively), so I don't think it a generalization.

If not: take a look at the mirror...
What are we trying to imply here?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: gravitate on February 23, 2016, 10:30:47 AM
Turn off the tv and the pesky shit radio and  talk to people on forums...

It's crazy people still actually watch the news it's fucking  positively crazy.

Complete lies and rubbish. They sit there watching let others control their opinions and are so arrogant to believe they are in control and have the power to make their own judgments.

Totally makes me insane that 99% of this plant are zombified anal sphyncter arse holes that makes them very dangerous.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: gravitate on February 23, 2016, 10:31:12 AM
Sorry for swearing.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: arbitrage on February 23, 2016, 10:39:29 AM
Some of us already have experience, especially if you are coming from country where mass hypnotic spin (From mass media's) was part of our daily life. I know how this can mess up many weak heads.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: YarkoL on February 23, 2016, 11:47:50 AM

If not: take a look at the mirror...
What are we trying to imply here?

That if we keep nodding contentedly, thinking that the description applies
only to the "other crowd", we might benefit re-reading the article and perhaps our own
output. That's what we try to do here.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: sgbett on February 23, 2016, 11:50:47 AM
So through social engineering, not technical skills. Also - why would you want to do something like this?
Interesting move, you've created an account just to make this post which mentions sock-pupets as an important point.

It does sound familiar.  :-\

At least we all have one thing to counter this type of attack, our brains. When I hear someone talking about what he did or what she said instead of the issue I assume this is not about the truth. It is an attempt to persuade me based on my feelings about his/her actions. That does not work on me. I base my financial decisions on mathematics rather than emotion. I kinda think this is true of all serious people and that FUD only works on the weak and fearful.
What I'm only uncertain of currently is, who's exactly behind the campaign.

Divide and conquer!It's always the same dirty game.
EDIT: this should definitely be a sticky thread
Divide et impera, indeed. This is definitely an article that should be read by everyone in the ecosystem.

Anyone who has participated in such campaigns or has educated themselves
in the history and cases of PSYOps and BlackOps knows this is very likely.
I'm looking into spreading my knowledge in these areas (especially concerning open source projects). However, I've recognized behavioral patterns and changes of such in certain members, ergo realizing the campaign in progress a few months ago. Here's a good video: How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People (

There was no "divide" until the previously uncontroversial blocksize increase was yoinked in place of something else. All the drama since then is the stuff that is described in your linked article (on both sides) is what created a divide. The entire article is a cheap parody of the "CIA Handbook" in its various incarnations. It reads very naively to me "I'm a green beret.. I'd make sock puppets on reddit".

This article seems intent on furthering the idea of a division.

The article describes controlling everything on the ground. There is inference of some kind of central command, but then nothing describing how that central command would operate. A police force is only as strong a the government that leads it. Controlling the map is done by controlling the generals not the troops. Very little is said about central command.

The article is written assuming that authority is the correct model. It characterises attacks on authority as attacks on bitcoin.

Bitcoin *shouldn't* be controlled by anyone. Any attempt to create an authority structure around bitcoin is in fact an attack on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: sgbett on February 23, 2016, 11:52:51 AM

If not: take a look at the mirror...
What are we trying to imply here?

That if we keep nodding contentedly, thinking that the description applies
only to the "other crowd", we might benefit re-reading the article and perhaps our own
output. That's what we try to do here.

Even better is that this article applies to neither side. Its fluff and nonsense designed to enrage. The article is crap.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: YarkoL on February 23, 2016, 12:06:50 PM

Even better is that this article applies to neither side. Its fluff and nonsense designed to enrage. The article is crap.

I agree that the overall scenario described here is sensationalist yarn designed
to feed conspiracy theories, but the attitudes and mud-sling techniques
described there, taken individually, do exist and are being employed by both sides
of the dispute.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Carlton Banks on February 23, 2016, 01:07:34 PM

If not: take a look at the mirror...
What are we trying to imply here?

That if we keep nodding contentedly, thinking that the description applies
only to the "other crowd", we might benefit re-reading the article and perhaps our own
output. That's what we try to do here.

Even better is that this article applies to neither side. Its fluff and nonsense designed to enrage. The article is crap.

What, it's crap because it's description describes your corpulent position?

You people are losing, and it's because you're on the losing side of history. It's over for you and your paymasters.

Take my advice, bail out fast. Bitcoin is still winning. And it will win decidedly.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: calkob on February 23, 2016, 01:27:56 PM
What does it matter because truely revolutinary tech will break through the mud slinging........ :D

Are these not classic CIA/Mi6 covert ops type stratagies anyway?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 23, 2016, 01:35:13 PM
These are just social engineering strategies that try to influence the price of bitcoin so that they'll get rich.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on February 23, 2016, 02:48:19 PM
Even better is that this article applies to neither side. Its fluff and nonsense designed to enrage. The article is crap.
It certainly applies, you're being hyperbolic and choosing to ignore the individual methods that are presented. Let's take for example:sock-puppets. Did we not see a huge increase of those advocating for either side (i.e. shilling)? We did. So how does it not apply again? It was not designed to enrage anybody, it was designed for people to realize that is going on and to wake up.

What, it's crap because it's description describes your corpulent position?
I didn't see a relevant argument explaining why it's "crap", nor arguments defeating the specifics points, ergo this possibility exists.

These are just social engineering strategies that try to influence the price of bitcoin so that they'll get rich.
It is not just about the price.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: robelneo on February 23, 2016, 03:04:51 PM
Very good article this is very new to me,so there are ways to bring down bitcoin and this is a clear methods but have they employ that already or will they employ in the future..But it's great that they are unmasked..

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: xslugx on February 23, 2016, 03:14:20 PM
I'm pretty sure this is already happening.I have no doubt about that.
Even Andreas Antonopoulos spoke about that at the last DevCore Event.
Divide and conquer!It's always the same dirty game.
So stay calm, be smart and don't fall for these bastards!!

EDIT: this should definitely be a sticky thread

Don't know about the sticky part but what's for sure is that that's a new way to see things.

It would be rather an incredible destabilization campaign! With incredible ressources thrown into the battle.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: daveon on February 23, 2016, 03:15:41 PM
Even if they take down bitcoin, what about the other 1000's of altcoins??? Does these people even have a brain?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on February 23, 2016, 03:17:47 PM
Even if they take down bitcoin, what about the other 1000's of altcoins??? Does these people even have a brain?
This is what you people fail to realize. If Bitcoin dies because of such a reason, then it is most likely that all the other experiments die with it. What is to prevent another coin from suffering the same fate? Nothing.

It would be rather an incredible destabilization campaign! With incredible ressources thrown into the battle.

It does seem like a lot, but it might be just the beginning.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on February 23, 2016, 03:33:11 PM
Even if they take down bitcoin, what about the other 1000's of altcoins??? Does these people even have a brain?
This is what you people fail to realize. If Bitcoin dies because of such a reason, then it is most likely that all the other experiments die with it. What is to prevent another coin from suffering the same fate? Nothing.

It would be rather an incredible destabilization campaign! With incredible ressources thrown into the battle.

It does seem like a lot, but it might be just the beginning.

Excellent point Lauda, the attack on Bitcoin is basically a attack on all Crypto Currencies. I doubt that a Alt coin shill will go through this much trouble to take down

Bitcoin. This is a collective and concentrated tactic from a group of people to discredit Bitcoin, in an attempt to stop all public Crypto Currencies. My farther

always said, if you are approached by 3 people in a fight, you only need to take down the biggest of the 3... When the biggest guy falls, the other 3 will hesitate and

you will take them down easier or they will run.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Blind Legs Parker on February 23, 2016, 03:34:28 PM
Does any of this seem familiar?
This definitely seems familiar. It might bring down bitcoin a little but it won't suffice to bring it to the ground, though, because there's still the lot of us who are using their brains and don't believe everything they're fed with (and our ranks increase with every passing day). Besides, anyone taking too much stuff at face value and not using their brains enough will soon find themselves with nowhere to go but out because in bitcoin anything can happen, thus if you're only here "becuz bitcoin haz bright future lol" you'll leave by your own will quite quickly, most likely to never come back.
So the worst case scenario is a price drop, several weak elements leaving, the others buying at cheap price and price rising back again, with basically only the same reliable people still being there and bitcoin having already achieved the highest degree of recognition that it will ever achieve. It's certainly sad considering all the potential that bitcoin has, but it's still not that bad for those of us here to stay: bitcoin is already great as it is now. And I'm talking about the worst case scenario, here. A sightly better one that could still happen even if we are divided like we are now is a very slow growth. But hey, a slow growth is a growth.

Anyway, we shouldn't be too pessimistic regarding human nature. I say we should wait and see.
Besides, I think that at least several devs are using the FUD to buy at cheap price. I wouldn't be surprised that some of them are being difficult to agree with because they can benefit from the situation. Now if it gets really dangerous they all have a lot to lose too, I say. Consensus is much easier to reach when everyone can see the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. Everyone has a lot to lose if bitcoin fails. Now some of us have a high decision power to end the FUD. And if motivation is what they need, then time is all we need.
always said, if you are approached by 3 people in a fight, you only need to take down the biggest of the 3... When the biggest guy falls, the other 3 will hesitate and

you will take them down easier or they will run.
I hope you'll still be in a well enough state after the fight with the big guy to still be able to count if it ever happens, or the remaining guys might notice that you're weakening and maybe seize the opportunity  ;D

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: xslugx on February 23, 2016, 03:45:52 PM
Even if they take down bitcoin, what about the other 1000's of altcoins??? Does these people even have a brain?
This is what you people fail to realize. If Bitcoin dies because of such a reason, then it is most likely that all the other experiments die with it. What is to prevent another coin from suffering the same fate? Nothing.

It would be rather an incredible destabilization campaign! With incredible ressources thrown into the battle.

It does seem like a lot, but it might be just the beginning.

Well the good point in this is that it won't really affect the true bitcoiners, those that have faith in crypto.

And that whatever the ressources in the battle, you can't just kill btc, whatever the price there will always be miners taking care of transactions.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: BoeserKeller on February 23, 2016, 04:36:58 PM
It makes complete sense, but there are something strange in this line of though.

First: who is it that is manipulating information? Don't you think there's too many players to reach a consensus on when, where and how to perpetrate those actions? (e.g. some major group could be attempting a pump & dump, while other major group just got out of one and would operate on the opposite manner...)

Second: if there's such an information conspiracy, how could we, bitcoin lovers and supporters, counter-attack?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: spazzdla on February 23, 2016, 04:40:02 PM
.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Blind Legs Parker on February 23, 2016, 04:47:28 PM
.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....
According to this research (, the world's total wealth is $241 trillion. Phail.

I didn't understand the rest of your post, by the way. What does it mean "the first threat to them in over 100 years"?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcltccoins on February 23, 2016, 05:39:40 PM
Even if they take down bitcoin, what about the other 1000's of altcoins??? Does these people even have a brain?

Firstly Bitcoins can be taken down. Secondly if it is, then there is no furture of Altcoins.
Altcoins are alive because of bitcoins.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: spazzdla on February 23, 2016, 06:01:08 PM
.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....
According to this research (, the world's total wealth is $241 trillion. Phail.

I didn't understand the rest of your post, by the way. What does it mean "the first threat to them in over 100 years"?

What form of money has been a thread to the FED since 1913. None.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcusury on February 23, 2016, 06:01:58 PM
To my mind it's almost inconceivable that this hasn't been going on.

How could there not be a war for consumer minds to direct their attention towards whatever "solution" the banksters offer when their financial system crashes harder than in 2008?

By all means, decentralized currency must not be seen as a viable alternative.

This kind of operation seems simpler than other disinfo operations, such as the Sunstein-type operations where there are seemingly thousands of posters/commenters with an epistemology so crippled and yet so inflexible as to make it quite obvious ( that they couldn't possibly really believe what they claim to believe (such as "no planes hit the towers" and "directed energy weapons destroyed the towers", and "nobody died at Sandy Hook").

I made this topic ( for anyone who spends more time on here than me who is as interested as I in identifying them. It's not self-moderated so it became another long (61 pages) XT/Classic shilling display. Good catch Lauda.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Bit_Happy on February 23, 2016, 06:08:23 PM
Anyone with experience in extended, unconventional conflict should be able to recognize current patterns in the Bitcoin and digital currency space that resemble subversive activity.
Is a game of social engineering being leveled at the Bitcoin community? Based on open source information alone, it’s conceivable that certain individuals or teams are trying  to demoralize and disrupt the Bitcoin ecosystem.


Does any of this seem familiar?

Yes, quite familiar.
To some extent, the "unconventional conflict" started here in June 2011 during the first huge Bull market rally.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Blind Legs Parker on February 23, 2016, 06:10:50 PM
.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....
According to this research (, the world's total wealth is $241 trillion. Phail.

I didn't understand the rest of your post, by the way. What does it mean "the first threat to them in over 100 years"?

What form of money has been a thread to the FED since 1913. None.

Well there's gold...
Has it destroyed printing plates like it could have? No. Instead it's co-existing together with fiat currencies. I don't think bitcoin really has much more power to destroy printing plates than gold did (to start with it doesn't even have as much power to do anything as gold  ::)). More likely bitcoin will co-exist with fiat currencies for a good while. And I mean a good while. That is, until people are no longer afraid to stand for themselves.And also it will take average people to accept going through the hassle of memorizing complicated passwords and seeds, just to do something that they think can already be done with fiat paper. We have a long way to go before bitcoin becomes a real threat for fiat currencies.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: MrGodMan on February 23, 2016, 06:12:23 PM

If not: take a look at the mirror...
What are we trying to imply here?

That if we keep nodding contentedly, thinking that the description applies
only to the "other crowd", we might benefit re-reading the article and perhaps our own
output. That's what we try to do here.
Thats is really a nice reply of it. we should be more confident what we are doing.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcusury on February 23, 2016, 06:16:37 PM

What I'm only uncertain of currently is, who's exactly behind the campaign.
How much research have you done in other areas? 9/11 disinfo? "TV fakery" hoaxers? JFK diversions? Are you familiar with the name Sunstein?

There was no "divide" until the previously uncontroversial blocksize increase was yoinked in place of something else. All the drama since then is the stuff that is described in your linked article (on both sides) is what created a divide. The entire article is a cheap parody of the "CIA Handbook" in its various incarnations. It reads very naively to me "I'm a green beret.. I'd make sock puppets on reddit".

This article seems intent on furthering the idea of a division.

The article describes controlling everything on the ground. There is inference of some kind of central command, but then nothing describing how that central command would operate. A police force is only as strong a the government that leads it. Controlling the map is done by controlling the generals not the troops. Very little is said about central command.

The article is written assuming that authority is the correct model. It characterises attacks on authority as attacks on bitcoin.

Bitcoin *shouldn't* be controlled by anyone. Any attempt to create an authority structure around bitcoin is in fact an attack on bitcoin.
You are a great example of the "old man just posting his point of view" character who never replies to counter-arguments and just pretends that his initial impression is accurate.

.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....
Make that 6,000+ years...

And it's not about the numbers (trillions), it's about the control of the issuance/creation... as debt.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on February 23, 2016, 06:25:22 PM
Hahaha, Lauda yes it sounds familiar but all of those things happen in a typical day at work for me and on this forum and wherever women gather.  This is like your horoscope where it's a bunch of generalizations that are just so typical that it's not much of a prediction at all.  The predictions are usually correct.

i agree on your point but that doesnt mean, that Govs dont try to manipulate bitcoin. they did already some research about this and some govs will try to stop/hinder bitcoin for sure.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: daveon on February 23, 2016, 09:18:55 PM
Even if they take down bitcoin, what about the other 1000's of altcoins??? Does these people even have a brain?

Firstly Bitcoins can be taken down. Secondly if it is, then there is no furture of Altcoins.
Altcoins are alive because of bitcoins.

Like they stopped filesharing? They stopped Napster. But BitTorrent popped up and is still alive and kicking as of today. How can they take down bitcoin when they cannot even stop file-sharing? You sir do not understand that you cannot control the human race.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on February 23, 2016, 09:56:33 PM
.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....

I honestly do not think such a thing will happen. The reason is because the millions of threads warning of a takeover never include a plausible way for it to happen. Until I see that I will continue to ignore these threads the way I have for years now. Banks may not like it, but what can they do about it?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcusury on February 24, 2016, 02:22:10 PM
.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....

I honestly do not think such a thing will happen. The reason is because the millions of threads warning of a takeover never include a plausible way for it to happen. Until I see that I will continue to ignore these threads the way I have for years now. Banks may not like it, but what can they do about it?

It's more subtle than the idea of a "takeover" by non-technical shadowy people sitting around a table. It's about fooling enough minds so that the project succumbs to the ignorant tyranny of the majority. Cuz, you know, democracy.

It's about getting people to believe that Bitcoin is about making a better PayPal/VISA, as opposed to making third-parties (central authorities) obsolete thus giving people control over their own finances.

It's about leveraging conformist minds (Gavin, Hearn, Garzik, ...) into diverting the project toward a state of increased vulnerability/uncertainty.

It's about creating/promoting the perception of disassociating the crypto-anarchist roots of Bitcoin and placing the steering wheel into the hands of people who don't think there's anything wrong with debt-based money (because they only pay attention to mainstream sources of information).

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: xslugx on February 24, 2016, 03:56:10 PM
.... the people in this thread wow..

So you think a multi TRILLION.. 100's.. of Trillions.. perhaps even quadrillion dollar organizations wouldn't attack the first threat to them in over 100 years...

... honestly....

It's a good question.

I'm not sure they would even care in fact...
But you're right, at a moment or another, they'll try to crush it.

But right now? Not sure we're enough of a threat for them to do anything else than lobbying.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on February 24, 2016, 09:18:49 PM
It's more subtle than the idea of a "takeover" by non-technical shadowy people sitting around a table. It's about fooling enough minds so that the project succumbs to the ignorant tyranny of the majority. Cuz, you know, democracy.
That could happen. I agree that poor decision could be a huge problem. Only a consensus can change things and a dumb consensus would likely produce a dumb result. Elections have sometimes resulted in a dictatorship or horrible policy. Still, democracy is better than tyranny. That's my hope anyway. 
It's about getting people to believe that Bitcoin is about making a better PayPal/VISA, as opposed to making third-parties (central authorities) obsolete thus giving people control over their own finances.
That may be true for some. I would not even consider using a centralized money anymore. Bitcoin has no way for a central authority to operate. No one can change the price, the supply, the distribution. No one can keep me from using it or compel me to use it. They cant change the fees or the use cases. What is left to control? 
It's about leveraging conformist minds (Gavin, Hearn, Garzik, ...) into diverting the project toward a state of increased vulnerability/uncertainty.
Gavin has no more authority than you do. There is no official anything and you could create a competing chain that becomes the "real" bitcoin.

It's about creating/promoting the perception of disassociating the crypto-anarchist roots of Bitcoin and placing the steering wheel into the hands of people who don't think there's anything wrong with debt-based money (because they only pay attention to mainstream sources of information).
What steering wheel?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcusury on February 25, 2016, 01:42:29 PM

The github code repository... If the Classic hardfork were to succeed (not that that's gonna happen), Gavin/Toomin would have the greatest access to the proverbial "steering wheel".

The problem with the idea of 'creat[ing] a competing chain that becomes the "real" bitcoin' is that it would quite probably have a devastating effect on fungibility and thus trust in the system... thus "diverting the project toward a state of increased vulnerability/uncertainty". The altcoins and crypto 2.0 projects are competition... these attempted hardforks are subversion.

It's all about managing perception; they understand that it's decentralized and thus can't be controlled.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on February 25, 2016, 01:51:24 PM
The github code repository... If the Classic hardfork were to succeed (not that that's gonna happen), Gavin/Toomin would have the greatest access to the proverbial "steering wheel".
Exactly. However, some of the 'forkers' tend to try and divert attention from this and statements that there is 'no control'. Someone is in control of the main repository though. Neither Gavin nor Toomin deserve to take up that position in any way.

Gavin has no more authority than you do.
I think what he meant was influence. Gavin has a decent amount of that (some are even blindly following Classic just because of him). However, I don't think that this is the right thread to discuss this.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: watashi-kokoto on March 12, 2016, 06:55:04 PM
We're gonna see this year if there's someone out there trying to stop Bitcoin in it's tracks. But the Classic thing is pretty lame attempt to be honest.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on March 12, 2016, 07:01:53 PM
We're gonna see this year if there's someone of there trying to stop Bitcoin in it's tracks. But the Classic thing is pretty lame attempt to be honest.
Well, I would not mind it that much if:
1) The consensus threshold was adequate.
2) Grace period was adequate.
3) The team of developers was comparable to the current one(currently it is similar to Barcelona vs. some High School soccer team).

Another fine example was the recent attack on the network that caused delays for people who were using wallets that were either outdated or had bad fee settings. They've tried to create a sense of false urgency.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Hamuki on March 14, 2016, 10:12:12 PM
What I'm only uncertain of currently is, who's exactly behind the campaign.

The easiest answer: who is their target? By knowing the target you know the attacker. I have some clues, do you? :)

I'm pretty sure, tho, the real who-vs-who is actually at higher level than those...

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: AliceWonderMiscreations on March 14, 2016, 11:08:10 PM
Anyone with experience in extended, unconventional conflict should be able to recognize current patterns in the Bitcoin and digital currency space that resemble subversive activity.
Is a game of social engineering being leveled at the Bitcoin community? Based on open source information alone, it’s conceivable that certain individuals or teams are trying  to demoralize and disrupt the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Full article can be found here. (

Does any of this seem familiar?

Thank you for posting that.

This is exactly what I see happening.

At least since the great depression, and possibly longer in other countries, there has been an economic elite that controls the flow of money. That control over the flow of money gives them an incredible amount of power.

Bitcoin has a decentralized flow of money, it brings that power back to the people where it belongs.

This is a threat to the economic elite. At first they did not recognize that threat, but now that it is clear Bitcoin is real, they recognize the threat is real. They can't take it down directly, but what they can do is attempt to seize control of the network.

And that is what I believe they are trying to do, using the very social engineering tactics quoted in your original post.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on March 15, 2016, 01:50:47 PM
The easiest answer: who is their target? By knowing the target you know the attacker. I have some clues, do you? :)
That question does not make sense as it is labeled in the title "bring down Bitcoin".

Bitcoin has a decentralized flow of money, it brings that power back to the people where it belongs.
This is a threat to the economic elite. At first they did not recognize that threat, but now that it is clear Bitcoin is real, they recognize the threat is real. They can't take it down directly, but what they can do is attempt to seize control of the network. And that is what I believe they are trying to do, using the very social engineering tactics quoted in your original post.
The worst part of this is that genuine people are being manipulated by the campaign and they're indirectly joining it. This does make a lot of sense if you consider:
1) Bitcoin "has many enemies".
2) Bitcoin can't be damaged otherwise (no known exploits).
3) Humans are flawed.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcusury on March 21, 2016, 03:44:28 PM
Bitcoin has a decentralized flow of money, it brings that power back to the people where it belongs.
This is a threat to the economic elite. At first they did not recognize that threat, but now that it is clear Bitcoin is real, they recognize the threat is real. They can't take it down directly, but what they can do is attempt to seize control of the network. And that is what I believe they are trying to do, using the very social engineering tactics quoted in your original post.
The worst part of this is that genuine people are being manipulated by the campaign and they're indirectly joining it. This does make a lot of sense if you consider:
1) Bitcoin "has many enemies".
2) Bitcoin can't be damaged otherwise (no known exploits).
2) Humans are flawed.
Indeed, people organically spread the meme ("urgent max block size increase required or Bitcoin will stagnate and possibly die") as misinformation, but its origins are probably as disinformation. It's not so much that "humans are flawed", it's more that propaganda and mind control and perception management techniques have gotten quite advanced.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: SanaButt on March 21, 2016, 03:50:21 PM
No matter what everyone says, Bitcoins cannot be brought down. It is liked by many peoples as it is easily and readily tavailable.
The current price of Bitcoins also suggests that it is growing in a positive directions.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on March 21, 2016, 10:06:36 PM
Indeed, people organically spread the meme ("urgent max block size increase required or Bitcoin will stagnate and possibly die") as misinformation, but its origins are probably as disinformation. It's not so much that "humans are flawed", it's more that propaganda and mind control and perception management techniques have gotten quite advanced.
Regardless, they are still flawed. The first thing that one tries to exploit (e.g.) when hacking is the human. Similarly, Bitcoin can't be broken by mathematics nor technology (as of today), and thus the logical step would be to try to exploit the humans.

No matter what everyone says, Bitcoins cannot be brought down. It is liked by many peoples as it is easily and readily tavailable.
That is overly-optimistic at best.

The current price of Bitcoins also suggests that it is growing in a positive directions.
This is not related.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Genius Einstein on March 22, 2016, 04:57:32 AM
Wow, what a great article. everybody who does bitcoin should be able to read this. Really good article about bitcoin. Great stuff

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: richmcrich on March 22, 2016, 08:56:30 AM
I think bitcoin can be brought down if there is a system working better than it and covers the same needs, Something like a crypto but more useful and gaining the trust of the users, I don't think that is happening though.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on March 22, 2016, 09:07:35 AM
Wow, what a great article. everybody who does bitcoin should be able to read this. Really good article about bitcoin. Great stuff
Unfortunately there are some who keep trying to deny or ignore this.

I think bitcoin can be brought down if there is a system working better than it and covers the same needs, Something like a crypto but more useful and gaining the trust of the users, I don't think that is happening though.
What makes you think that Bitcoin can't incorporate these features? The only way that it could be possible is that this 'something else' is either closed source or fundamentally different than Bitcoin in design. However, this isn't really relevant to the post.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcusury on March 30, 2016, 03:58:38 PM
Indeed, people organically spread the meme ("urgent max block size increase required or Bitcoin will stagnate and possibly die") as misinformation, but its origins are probably as disinformation. It's not so much that "humans are flawed", it's more that propaganda and mind control and perception management techniques have gotten quite advanced.
Regardless, they are still flawed. The first thing that one tries to exploit (e.g.) when hacking is the human. Similarly, Bitcoin can't be broken by mathematics nor technology (as of today), and thus the logical step would be to try to exploit the humans.
Hmm, well, yes, but maybe the term "vulnerable" is better than "flawed" then. I mean, it's not realistic to hold mathematics as the standard for human flawlessness! ;) [bump]

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Blackmet on March 30, 2016, 04:55:28 PM
I don't really imagine how bitcoin can be stoped, lol. I don't belive on it but if it will happen i will be so upset  :'(

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: Lauda on April 03, 2016, 08:16:19 AM
Hmm, well, yes, but maybe the term "vulnerable" is better than "flawed" then.
The exact term used in this case does not matter as long as the message gets through. Humanity is slowly going downhill.

I don't really imagine how bitcoin can be stoped, lol.
How about you actually read the whole post linked in the OP? Then you might understand.

Going downhill in what way?
The specifics might be suited better for another thread.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: n0ne on April 03, 2016, 02:26:27 PM
I don't really imagine how bitcoin can be stoped, lol. I don't belive on it but if it will happen i will be so upset  :'(

Agreed as quoted bitcoin won't be stopped that easy. It has achieved great height in a very short time, so it continues to grow than moving towards the fall.

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: btcusury on April 04, 2016, 10:06:51 AM
Hmm, well, yes, but maybe the term "vulnerable" is better than "flawed" then.
The exact term used in this case does not matter as long as the message gets through. Humanity is slowly going downhill.

Going downhill in what way?

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: CiaraB on April 04, 2016, 07:47:14 PM
This is all so new to me, it seems quite bonkers. If the government or whoever are trying to undo bitcoin could they not just buy a big load of it and manipulate it that way, or buy a load of mining machines and use the 51% thing.

Surely the government could do that if they wanted? :-\

Title: Re: Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin
Post by: shorena on April 04, 2016, 07:56:02 PM
This is all so new to me, it seems quite bonkers. If the government or whoever are trying to undo bitcoin could they not just buy a big load of it and manipulate it that way, or buy a load of mining machines and use the 51% thing.

Surely the government could do that if they wanted? :-\

Holding a large amount of bitcoin can only manipulate the price. Mainly upwards, as buying more coins would drive up the demand. I dont see how this could harm bitcoin. A 51% attack could certainly do harm to bitcoin, but it would require the attacker to meet the investment of everyone else on earth.