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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: galdur on April 03, 2016, 07:38:18 PM

Title: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 03, 2016, 07:38:18 PM
What is Mossack Fonseca, how big is it, and who uses offshore firms? Key questions about one of the biggest ever data leaks
Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin
Iceland’s PM faces snap election over revelations
Fifa faces new credibility crisis over leaked papers

Luke Harding

Sunday 3 April 2016 18.51 BST Last modified on Sunday 3 April 2016 19.23 BST

What is Mossack Fonseca?
It is a Panama-based law firm whose services include incorporating companies in offshore jurisdictions such as the British Virgin Islands. It administers offshore firms for a yearly fee. Other services include wealth management.

Where is it based?
The firm is Panamanian but runs a worldwide operation. Its website boasts of a global network with 600 people working in 42 countries. It has franchises around the world, where separately owned affiliates sign up new customers and have exclusive rights to use its brand. Mossack Fonseca operates in tax havens including Switzerland, Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands, and in the British crown dependencies Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man.

How big is it?
Mossack Fonseca is the world’s fourth biggest provider of offshore services. It has acted for more than 300,000 companies. There is a strong UK connection. More than half of the companies are registered in British-administered tax havens, as well as in the UK itself.

How much data has been leaked?
A lot. The leak is one of the biggest ever – larger than the US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks in 2010, and the secret intelligence documents given to journalists by Edward Snowden in 2013. There are 11.5m documents and 2.6 terabytes of information drawn from Mossack Fonseca’s internal database.

Are all people who use offshore structures crooks?
No. Using offshore structures is entirely legal. There are many legitimate reasons for doing so. Business people in countries such as Russia and Ukraine typically put their assets offshore to defend them from “raids” by criminals, and to get around hard currency restrictions. Others use offshore for reasons of inheritance and estate planning.

Are some people who use offshore structures crooks?
Yes. In a speech last year in Singapore, David Cameron said “the corrupt, criminals and money launderers” take advantage of anonymous company structures. The government is trying to do something about this. It wants to set up a central register that will reveal the beneficial owners of offshore companies. From June, UK companies will have to reveal their “significant” owners for the first time.

What does Mossack Fonseca say about the leak?
The firm won’t discuss specific cases of alleged wrongdoing, citing client confidentiality. But it robustly defends its conduct. Mossack Fonseca says it complies with anti-money-laundering laws and carries out thorough due diligence on all its clients. It says it regrets any misuse of its services and tries actively to prevent it. The firm says it cannot be blamed for failings by intermediaries, who include banks, law firms and accountants.

Panama Papers reporting team: Juliette Garside, Luke Harding, Holly Watt, David Pegg, Helena Bengtsson, Simon Bowers, Owen Gibson and Nick Hopkins

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 03, 2016, 08:14:17 PM
About the Panama Papers

By Frederik Obermaier, Bastian Obermayer, Vanessa Wormer and Wolfgang Jaschensky
Over a year ago, an anonymous source contacted the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) and submitted encrypted internal documents from Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm that sells anonymous offshore companies around the world. These shell firms enable their owners to cover up their business dealings, no matter how shady.

In the months that followed, the number of documents continued to grow far beyond the original leak. Ultimately, SZ acquired about 2.6 terabytes of data, making the leak the biggest that journalists had ever worked with. The source wanted neither financial compensation nor anything else in return, apart from a few security measures.

The data provides rare insights into a world that can only exist in the shadows. It proves how a global industry led by major banks, legal firms, and asset management companies secretly manages the estates of the world’s rich and famous: from politicians, Fifa officials, fraudsters and drug smugglers, to celebrities and professional athletes.

A group effort
The Süddeutsche Zeitung decided to analyze the data in cooperation with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). ICIJ had already coordinated the research for past projects that SZ was also involved in, among them Offshore Leaks, Lux Leaks, and Swiss Leaks. Panama Papers is the biggest-ever international cooperation of its kind. In the past 12 months, around 400 journalists from more than 100 media organizations in over 80 countries have taken part in researching the documents. These have included teams from the Guardian and the BBC in England, Le Monde in France, and La Nación in Argentina. In Germany, SZ journalists have cooperated with their colleagues from two public broadcasters, NDR and WDR. Journalists from the Swiss Sonntagszeitung and the Austrian weekly Falter have also worked on the project, as have their colleagues at ORF, Austria’s national public broadcaster. The international team initially met in Washington, Munich, Lillehammer and London to map out the research approach.
Making of

The data
The Panama Papers include approximately 11.5 million documents – more than the combined total of the Wikileaks Cablegate, Offshore Leaks, Lux Leaks, and Swiss Leaks. The data primarily comprises e-mails, pdf files, photo files, and excerpts of an internal Mossack Fonseca database. It covers a period spanning from the 1970s to the spring of 2016.
Moreover, the journalists crosschecked a large number of documents, including passport copies. About two years ago, a whistleblower had already sold internal Mossack Fonseca data to the German authorities, but the dataset was much older and smaller in scope: while it addressed a few hundred offshore companies, the Panama Papers provide data on some 214,000 companies. In the wake of the data purchase, last year investigators searched the homes and offices of about 100 people. The Commerzbank was also raided. As a consequence of their business dealings with Mossack Fonseca, Commerzbank, HSH Nordbank, and Hypovereinsbank agreed to pay fines of around 20 million euros, respectively. Since then, other countries have also acquired data from the initial smaller leak, among them the United States, the UK, and Iceland.

The system
The leaked data is structured as follows: Mossack Fonseca created a folder for each shell firm. Each folder contains e-mails, contracts, transcripts, and scanned documents. In some instances, there are several thousand pages of documentation. First, the data had to be systematically indexed to make searching through this sea of information possible. To this end, the Süddeutsche Zeitung used Nuix, the same program that international investigators work with. Süddeutsche Zeitung and ICIJ uploaded millions of documents onto high-performance computers. They applied optical character recognition (OCR) to transform data into machine-readable and easy to search files. The process turned images – such as scanned IDs and signed contracts – into searchable text. This was an important step: it enabled journalists to comb through as large a portion of the leak as possible using a simple search mask similar to Google.
The journalists compiled lists of important politicians, international criminals, and well-known professional athletes, among others. The digital processing made it possible to then search the leak for the names on these lists. The "party donations scandal" list contained 130 names, and the UN sanctions list more than 600. In just a few minutes, the powerful search algorithm compared the lists with the 11.5 million documents.

The research
For each name found, a detailed research process was initiated that posed the following questions: what is this person’s role in the network of companies? Where does the money come from? Where is it going? Is this structure legal?
Generally speaking, owning an offshore company is not illegal in itself. In fact, establishing an offshore company can be seen as a logical step for a broad range of business transactions. However, a look through the Panama Papers very quickly reveals that concealing the identities of the true company owners was the primary aim in the vast majority of cases. From the outset, the journalists had their work cut out for them. The providers of offshore companies – among them banks, lawyers, and investment advisors – often keep their clients’ names secret and use proxies. In turn, the proxies’ tracks then lead to heads of state, important officials, and millionaires. Over the course of the international project, journalists cooperated with one another to investigate thousands of leads: they examined evidence, studied contracts, and spoke with experts.

Among others, Mossack Fonsecas’ clients include criminals and members of various Mafia groups. The documents also expose bribery scandals and corrupt heads of state and government. The alleged offshore companies of twelve current and former heads of state make up one of the most spectacular parts of the leak, as do the links to other leaders, and to their families, closest advisors, and friends. The Panamanian law firm also counts almost 200 other politicians from around the globe among its clients, including a number of ministers.

The company
The company at the center of all these stories is Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian provider of offshore companies with dozens of offices all over the world. It sells its shell firms in cities such as Zurich, London, and Hong Kong – in some instances at bargain prices. Clients can buy an anonymous company for as little as USD 1,000. However, at this price it is just an empty shell. For an extra fee, Mossack Fonseca provides a sham director and, if desired, conceals the company’s true shareholder. The result is an offshore company whose true purpose and ownership structure is indecipherable from the outside. Mossack Fonseca has founded, sold, and managed thousands of companies. The documents provide a detailed view of how Mossack Fonseca routinely accepts to engage in business activities that potentially violate sanctions, in addition to aiding and abetting tax evasion and money laundering.

About Süddeutsche Zeitung
Headquartered in Munich, Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) is one of Germany’s leading newspapers. SZ has a total readership of 4.4 million for its print and online media. Its investigative journalism team counts five people, three of which are members of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). The Süddeutsche Zeitung has won a number of prestigious awards for its research work. Its team has cooperated with other media organizations on a number of projects, including Offshore Leaks, Swiss Leaks, and Lux Leaks, which ICIJ coordinated. At the beginning of 2015, an anonymous source began sending the Süddeutsche Zeitung data from Mossack Fonseca, a provider of offshore companies. This marked the beginning of the Panama Papers project.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: nihilnegativum on April 03, 2016, 08:15:10 PM
Thats not really any of the things you need to know...

Aren't the connections between the illegal money sources and politicians more interesting than what Mossack Fonseca has to say about the leak?

Among others, Mossack Fonsecas’ clients include criminals and members of various Mafia groups. The documents also expose bribery scandals and corrupt heads of state and government. The alleged offshore companies of twelve current and former heads of state make up one of the most spectacular parts of the leak, as do the links to other leaders, and to their families, closest advisors, and friends. The Panamanian law firm also counts almost 200 other politicians from around the globe among its clients, including a number of ministers.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 03, 2016, 08:33:22 PM
Nothing is going to happen. What happened after the offshore leaks of 2013? The information was hushed up, no one was prosecuted. The same will happen this time also. 90% of the politicians and the bureaucrats are corrupt. They will make sure that this time also, all the information will be destroyed and kept out of public sight.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 03, 2016, 08:49:20 PM
Nothing is going to happen. What happened after the offshore leaks of 2013? The information was hushed up, no one was prosecuted. The same will happen this time also. 90% of the politicians and the bureaucrats are corrupt. They will make sure that this time also, all the information will be destroyed and kept out of public sight.

This is much bigger and more wide ranging. It´ll be extremely difficult to defraud this off the table. Millions of documents. It´s bribes, tax evasion, criminality.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: unamis76 on April 03, 2016, 09:00:19 PM
... And then mainstream media still feed people the idea that only Bitcoin is used by criminals ::) I wonder if people would do all kinds of crap and laundering if there was a public fiat ledger where each transaction and addresses could be seen. My guess is it would avoid many things.

This is what the banking system is allowing: full anonymity for doing whatever you feel like, whether it's against the law or not and doing it in a way that no one knows about unless some angel sent from above has the balls to leak these things out.

And people still reject Bitcoin because f*ck logic ::)

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 04, 2016, 12:06:24 AM

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: no-ice-please on April 04, 2016, 12:12:32 AM

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 04, 2016, 12:18:01 AM

First Panama Papers Casualty? Former Iceland Premier Calls On Current PM To Resign To "Prevent An Uprising"

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 04, 2016, 12:42:02 AM



Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 04, 2016, 12:50:46 AM

Who are responsible for the leak and what do they want in exchange? Losers and winners. Always. This is the question one should never forget.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 04, 2016, 12:56:23 AM

Who are responsible for the leak and what do they want in exchange? Losers and winners. Always. This is the question one should never forget.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 04, 2016, 12:58:42 AM

Who are responsible for the leak and what do they want in exchange? Losers and winners. Always. This is the question one should never forget.

Who knows; maybe they got paid for what they didn´t leak. That would be my guess. There´s always someone who benefits.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 04, 2016, 01:01:37 AM

Who are responsible for the leak and what do they want in exchange? Losers and winners. Always. This is the question one should never forget.

Oh yeah, the CIA and George Soros. Well, someone got paid to leak and also for not leaking some of the stuff - I guess.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: MadCow on April 04, 2016, 11:55:24 AM
Time for monero (XMR) to shine as the premier anon crypto

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on April 04, 2016, 12:16:20 PM

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 04, 2016, 12:31:03 PM
My local news still has not mentioned this story on the morning news. They show a bridge being closed for a stupid lap dog on the loose.
Its interesting that Putin is caught in this issue. He saw this issue coming and was trying to get senior officials to repatriot their funds.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: no-ice-please on April 04, 2016, 04:49:54 PM
My local news still has not mentioned this story on the morning news. They show a bridge being closed for a stupid lap dog on the loose.
Its interesting that Putin is caught in this issue. He saw this issue coming and was trying to get senior officials to repatriot their funds.

Do you know who owns that lapdog?

Putin.... trying .... to.... ha ha ha... trying to ...ha ha ha *burp* ha ...ha ha

Oh yes, Putin got power because he is a patriot.

Let's see what the papers say about Vlad the Inhaler

As young men in the late 1970s, Sergey Roldugin and Vladimir Putin became very close, “almost like brothers,” according to Roldugin. Putin went on to join the KGB and is now president of Russia. Roldugin gained fame as a world-class cellist, eventually becoming director of the St. Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire and Artistic Director of the St. Petersburg House of Music. Throughout their lives, the two have remained close. Roldugin had a role in introducing Putin to his future wife Lyudmila. He is also the godfather of Putin’s oldest daughter, Mariya.

Inside the Mossack Fonseca data Companies received advantageous loans

Sergey Roldugin was an owner of three offshore companies: Sonnette Overseas, International Media Overseas and Raytar Limited. St. Petersburg-based Bank Rossiya, which the U.S government described as Russia’s “personal bank for senior officials,” created the first two. The Rossiya executive in charge of setting up Sonnette described Roldugin as being “assigned” to the company.. In March 2008, Sonnette Overseas and four other offshore-companies gained major influence over Kamaz , Russia's largest truckmaker, for almost a year. International Media Overseas owned Med Media Network, which in turn controlled 12.5% of Vi, Russia’s largest television advertising buyer, formerly known as Video International. Another Bank Rossiya-created company assigned International Media Overseas the rights to a $200 million loan for $1.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 04, 2016, 05:01:12 PM
Trust the msm to put a spin on it,  Putin was never involved.

Where is the proof? (

The massive anonymous leak of financial documents known as the Panama Paper could shake up Russia's elections this year. A team of international journalists published more than 11 million encrypted internal documents on Sunday from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca. Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, is not named in the documents, but people close to him allegedly are involved in a billion-dollar money-laundering ring controlled by a Russian bank. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists told CNBC the papers show Putin's close aides left a $2 billion money trail with offshore firms and banks. ICIJ's Jake Bernstein said it is amazing that Putin's name never appears in the documents.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: keyscore44 on April 04, 2016, 05:40:05 PM
About to get even more interesting, David Cameron's dad has avoided paying UK taxes for the last 30 years (I thought the tories were meant be be cracking down on tax avoidance ;))

The fund was founded in the early 1980s with help from the prime minister’s late father and still exists today. The Guardian has confirmed that in 30 years Blairmore has never paid a penny of tax in the UK on its profits.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: no-ice-please on April 04, 2016, 05:53:25 PM
 maybe they got paid for what they didn´t leak. ...

Imagine if you had the material and it had not leaked.

Hi. Mr Putin? My name is Bubba. I'm having difficulty making a car payment. It is only $120 a month. Can you help?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on April 04, 2016, 06:03:49 PM
 maybe they got paid for what they didn´t leak. ...

Imagine if you had the material and it had not leaked.

Hi. Mr Putin? My name is Bubba. I'm having difficulty making a car payment. It is only $120 a month. Can you help?
Putin doesn't own a cell phone. Medvedev can answer the call though. :)

Anyway, Occam's razor is against this possibility. Not to mention that publishing of such sensitive information would be incredibly more profitable in the long term.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: no-ice-please on April 04, 2016, 06:06:15 PM

Anyway, Occam's razor is against this possibility. Not to mention that publishing of such sensitive information would be incredibly more profitable in the long term.

This material has existed, for some time, as a mass of papers and gigabytes of computer memory, in the offices of people who are struggling to make payments on their lavish lifestyles.

You work in such a place. You have this material. You need money.

Thankfully somebody got to one of employees with some kind of appeal to ethics or something.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on April 04, 2016, 09:46:47 PM
You work in such a place. You have this material. You need money.
It's better to be honest when you're working with sensitive data. If you can't handle this, then it's better to change the occupation before it's too late. I would never have done anything like that, that's for sure. Even if you will leave ethics alone, such actions may lead to health issues.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 04, 2016, 10:05:52 PM

Anyway, Occam's razor is against this possibility. Not to mention that publishing of such sensitive information would be incredibly more profitable in the long term.

This material has existed, for some time, as a mass of papers and gigabytes of computer memory, in the offices of people who are struggling to make payments on their lavish lifestyles.

You work in such a place. You have this material. You need money.

Thankfully somebody got to one of employees with some kind of appeal to ethics or something.

Actually it´s 2.6 Terabytes. Appeal to ethics, I doubt it. Money is much more likely. The source of money being something linked to George Soros.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 04, 2016, 10:08:20 PM
Panama Papers: Mainstream Media Focuses on ‘Putin Link’, Leak Group Funded By Pro-Open Borders George Soros

Despite the high profile figures directly implicated in the Panama Papers leak – the largest financial leak in history – the mainstream media has been leading on the tenuous links to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Indeed the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which has facilitated the leak, leads with a picture of Mr. Putin on its website with the headline: “Offshore network tied to Putin”.

But the Putin links, as the media has to keep repeating for legal reasons, are not in fact linked to the Russian premier, but rather to some people they claim are in his “inner circle”.

Instead, the global figures directly implicated, including the Argentinian President, Iceland’s Prime Minister, the King of Saudi Arabia – alongside a host of other Western-allied Gulf figures, the President of Ukraine and others are being somewhat insulated by the media narrative.

The leak comes just days before a Netherlands vote on the EU association agreement with Ukraine – a referendum that is effectively about the Dutch people siding with either Vladimir Putin or the EU-backed network (including the leak-named president) of Ukraine. But the focus appears to be locked on Mr. Putin for the time being.

Questions must be asked of the tactics of the ICIJ, and indeed, their backers.

The organisation, which describes itself as “a global network of more than 190 investigative journalists in more than 65 countries who collaborate on in-depth investigative stories” lists as some of its recent financial funders:

Adessium Foundation
Funds big green, as well as financial industry lobbyists, often in partnership with the George Soros-backed Open Society initiatives or foundations. The group also supports the EUObserver website, which dedicates itself to non-biased European Union reporting, though receives 64 per cent of its funding from predominantly pro-EU foundations.

Open Society Foundations
Chaired by Hungarian-American billionaire and Hillary Clinton donor George Soros, the Open Society Foundations back hundreds of pro open borders, mass immigration groups across the European Union, United Kingdom, and United States of America. Mr. Soros is a known rival of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and has recently written about how Mr. Putin is a “greater threat” to the West than Islamic State.

The Sigrid Rausing Trust
The Sigrid Rausing Trust, similarly to the Open Society Foundations, backs open borders and pro mass migration groups across the United Kingdom, and funds anti-Israel groups in the Middle East. The organisation funds “No Borders” in Ukraine, “Reprieve” in the UK – which defends Guantanamo Bay detainees, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the radical left group “Southall Black Sisters” in Britain.

Graeme Wood
An Australian billionaire who has bankrolled anti coal projects in his home country, as well as supporting the Guardian website – which critics have highlighted the hypocrisy of for their own offshore tax set up. Mr. Wood was responsible for Australia’s “biggest ever political donation of $1.6 million in 2010 to the Greens” and funded the failed Global Mail news website.

The Ford Foundation
The Ford Foundation is one of the largest funders on the political left, giving out over $560 million just in 2013. The Ford Foundation has funded everything from Sesame Street to the radical TV show Democracy Now.

In addition to finding literally dozens of far left groups with agendas ranging from environmentalism to abortion, the Ford Foundation is one of the premier funders of the open borders movement, beginning with its 1968 grant to create the group MALDEF, or the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, as helping to creat the group National Council of La Raza. MALDEF and La Raza have become to the most influential groups in the US open borders movement. The Ford foundation is also been a significant funder for the ACLU and the National Lawyers guild, both key legal players in the fight for open borders.

Additionally, the Ford Foundation laid the intellectual groundwork for the modern open borders movement and its multiculturalist agenda with a series of grants in the 60s and 70s that created Women’s Studies and Black Studies programs at major universities across America. In a 1992 conference that Ford sponsored called “Cultural Diversity Enhancement” the closing speaker was Eve Grossman, a Princeton dean, who made the agenda very clear: “If we want to change the world, we have to change the students.”

Pew Charitable Trust
Like like The Ford Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trust is a major funder of a wide range of left-wing groups with focuses on arts and culture, environmental issues as well as public research opinion polling through the Pew Research group. In 2014 alone, Pew gave out over $110 million in grants.

A quick look at the Pew Charitable Trust’s website includes a number of helpful articles if you’re an illegal alien and you’d like to drive, such as the recent pop quiz Do You Know the Facts About Driver’s Licenses for Unauthorized Immigrants? and Alternative Driver’s Licenses for Unauthorized Immigrants.

David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Another heavy hitter in the world of left-wing grant writing, the Packard Foundation gave out nearly $300 million in 2013 along.

Aside from funding institutional left groups like Human Rights Watch, The Center for Reproductive Rights, And the Environmental Working Group, Packard is also funded open borders groups such as National Council of La Raza, the National Immigration Law Center, and the ACLU.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Snail2 on April 04, 2016, 10:18:19 PM
This is much bigger and more wide ranging. It´ll be extremely difficult to defraud this off the table. Millions of documents. It´s bribes, tax evasion, criminality.

I agree with bryant. Maybe there will be some show trials for the small fry but the really big fish bought up the court systems, press and politicians across the globe long time ago. They are out of reach for the everyday man of mould :/.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: no-ice-please on April 04, 2016, 10:54:11 PM
... It's better to be honest when you're working with sensitive data. If you can't handle this, then it's better to change the occupation before it's too late. I would never have done anything like that, that's for sure. Even if you will leave ethics alone, such actions may lead to health issues.

A person should have ethics that pre exist their occupation.

An ethical person should act ethically with sensitive information, and sometimes ethics and honesty, as you put it, collide.

Do not confuse honesty and obedience.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: coin66base on April 05, 2016, 09:12:00 AM
I think we all knew that 'our' political Leaders and big corporations use those Methods.

there are like how many offshore countrys like panama- at least 20

"They" all do it and keep doing it, none of these corporations or Politicians put all their eggs in 1 Basket, NOTHING will happen because of this leak.

That this Article just came out and is now everywhere makes me only ask 1 Question: what is it that they try to cover up??

And if this leak is not a cover up of something what are they trying to prove with it??

Putin has some of his change in this country, some in someother countrys, man they do as they please and nothing will stop them, Mossecka even benefits from that "Scandal", just look at the free publicity

its obvious by know its always the same people that tell us to pay taxes and this and that and they dont fucking do it thereself.

The iranian or all islamic leaders tell "their" people to life by the quran and do this and that but they dont even do it themself
The catholic church keeps telling their people gay is bad and abortion makes you got o hell but the whole vatican is a bunch of fags.

And how surprisingly politicians keep telling  us to work hard, pay taxes and you are a good citizen while they dont do shit and spend our hard working money.

Realise people and stand up and scream fuck the System and stop supporting money hungry greedy faggots like Apple, Microsoft, the Us government, Nike and all the rest of this big ass corporations.

Get out and scream FUCK THE SYSTEM and stop telling us what to do if you mothafuckas aint doing it yourself.

If you want to lead so bad than lead by example and not by telling us lies, fucking cockroaches

Its alwys the same MF involved in any scandal and we keep getting up in the morning to finance their live on our cost

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 05, 2016, 12:40:59 PM
Wow...local news ran a story titled "rigged game"! That seens to be a postive shift towards being more honest with the public. Or just to obvious to hide anymore.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 05, 2016, 12:44:12 PM
Unrelated, but another massive leak...

Data of nearly 50 million Turks allegedly leaked online

ISTANBUL - The Associated Press

Hackers have posted a database online that seems to contain the personal information of nearly 50 million Turkish citizens in what is one of the largest public leaks of its kind.

The leaked database contains 49,611,709 entries and divulged considerable private information, putting people at risk of identity theft and fraud. Entries include data such as national ID numbers, addresses, birthdates and parents’ names.

The hackers spotlighted the information for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, his predecessor Abdullah Gül, and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

The leak came with the message: “Who would have imagined that backwards ideologies, cronyism and rising religious extremism in Turkey would lead to a crumbling and vulnerable technical infrastructure?”

In a message on the lessons to be learned by Turkey, the hackers said, “Bit shifting isn’t encryption.”

The hackers also dedicated their stunt to the U.S,. saying: “We really shouldn’t elect [Donald] Trump, that guy sounds like he knows even less about running a country than Erdoğan does.”

The site appears to be hosted by an Icelandic group that specializes in divulging leaks, using servers in Romania.

The Associated Press on April 4 was able to partially verify the authenticity of the leak by running 10 non-public Turkish ID numbers against names contained in the dump. Eight were a match.

In an era where hackers frequently gain access to sensitive information, the Turkish government is not alone in facing a major breach.

Among the most serious recent incidents, the U.S. government’s Office of Personnel Management revealed in April 2015 that hackers gained access to the personal information of more than 22 million U.S. federal employees, retirees, contractors and others, and millions of sensitive and classified documents.

U.S. officials believe a Chinese espionage operation infiltrated OPM’s records.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 05, 2016, 03:32:44 PM
Unrelated, but another massive leak...

Data of nearly 50 million Turks allegedly leaked online

ISTANBUL - The Associated Press

Hackers have posted a database online that seems to contain the personal information of nearly 50 million Turkish citizens in what is one of the largest public leaks of its kind.

The leaked database contains 49,611,709 entries and divulged considerable private information, putting people at risk of identity theft and fraud. Entries include data such as national ID numbers, addresses, birthdates and parents’ names.

The hackers spotlighted the information for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, his predecessor Abdullah Gül, and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

The leak came with the message: “Who would have imagined that backwards ideologies, cronyism and rising religious extremism in Turkey would lead to a crumbling and vulnerable technical infrastructure?”

In a message on the lessons to be learned by Turkey, the hackers said, “Bit shifting isn’t encryption.”

The hackers also dedicated their stunt to the U.S,. saying: “We really shouldn’t elect [Donald] Trump, that guy sounds like he knows even less about running a country than Erdoğan does.”

The site appears to be hosted by an Icelandic group that specializes in divulging leaks, using servers in Romania.

The Associated Press on April 4 was able to partially verify the authenticity of the leak by running 10 non-public Turkish ID numbers against names contained in the dump. Eight were a match.

In an era where hackers frequently gain access to sensitive information, the Turkish government is not alone in facing a major breach.

Among the most serious recent incidents, the U.S. government’s Office of Personnel Management revealed in April 2015 that hackers gained access to the personal information of more than 22 million U.S. federal employees, retirees, contractors and others, and millions of sensitive and classified documents.

U.S. officials believe a Chinese espionage operation infiltrated OPM’s records.

Maybe not so unrelated. We are witnessing a chess game on a planetary level. WWHack I. Data leaks being the atomic explosions. Kilotons and megatons in bits and bytes...

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 05, 2016, 03:52:21 PM

Powerful force is behind Panama Papers

Source:Global Times Published: 2016-4-5 0:58:01

A huge leak of confidential documents from Mossack Fonseca, a Panama-based law firm alleged to have been a facilitator of money laundering for its clients has shocked international public opinion. Over 11 million documents were passed to German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung by an anonymous source. These documents have been reportedly investigated by some 300 global journalists for a year.

The Western media soon collected the most eye-catching information from the documents and leaders of non-Western countries have been scrutinized. Most media led with the allegations that a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin had laundered $1 billion. The Western media has opaquely described it as "Putin's money laundering."

Some high-profile Western public figures were named, for example Iceland's prime minister was disclosed as having a huge offshore account. But this is just small potatoes compared with the alleged scandal against Putin.

In recent years, documents exposed by Wikileaks, Edward Snowden and this time, the Panama Papers, have all made headlines worldwide. Among them, Snowden's leaks sounded the most credible since they were exposed by an admitted whistleblower. While the Wikileaks website has at least a figurehead, nobody is clearly behind these latest leaks. However the documents revealed do have basic political targets, which is food for thought.

The Western media has taken control of the interpretation each time there has been such a document dump, and Washington has demonstrated particular influence in it. Information that is negative to the US can always be minimized, while exposure of non-Western leaders, such as Putin, can get extra spin.

In the Internet era, disinformation poses no major risks to Western influential elites or the West. In the long-run, it will become a new means for the ideology-allied Western nations to strike a blow to non-Western political elites and key organizations.

The online disinformation makes public opinion precise strikes possible for the West, which always "digs out" materials from the so-called confidential information. Despite different interests, Western countries are close allies in ideology. This is perhaps the basis for the concept of the "West." Public opinion of different Western countries is quite uniform.

It is risky to claim the leaked information is fabricated. It can be predicted that such disclosure will not survive if it embarrasses the West. But the West will be happy to see such leaks happen if their opponents are attacked.

Some are wondering why so many public figures handed over their secrets to the same law firm. But it is only a minor question. For ordinary people, it is useless to wrestle with the power behind the leak, which can wield such a huge amount of documents.

Chess game.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 05, 2016, 03:59:39 PM
Well, the Icelandic prime minister has just resigned. He´s out and another minister will be shuffled in instead. Or that´s what the PM´s political party wants. It´s not clear though yet if the present coalition will continue. That´s up to the other coalition partner. And there´s a vote of no-confidence looming anyway, the resignation won´t change that.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 05, 2016, 05:06:52 PM
Panama Papers: Obama, Clinton Pushed Trade Deal Amid Warnings It Would Make Money Laundering, Tax Evasion Worse

Years before more than a hundred media outlets around the world released stories Sunday exposing a massive network of global tax evasion detailed in the so-called Panama Papers, U.S. President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pushed for a Bush administration-negotiated free trade agreement that watchdogs warned would only make the situation worse.

Soon after taking office in 2009, Obama and his secretary of state — who is currently the Democratic presidential front-runner — began pushing for the passage of stalled free trade agreements (FTAs) with Panama, Colombia and South Korea that opponents said would make it more difficult to crack down on Panama’s very low income tax rate, banking secrecy laws and history of noncooperation with foreign partners.

Even while Obama championed his commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy, he pursued and eventually signed the Panama agreement in 2011. Upon Congress ratifying the pact, Clinton issued a statement lauding the agreement, saying it and other deals with Colombia and South Korea "will make it easier for American companies to sell their products." She added: "The Obama administration is constantly working to deepen our economic engagement throughout the world, and these agreements are an example of that commitment."

Critics, however, said the pact would make it easier for rich Americans and corporations to set up offshore corporations and bank accounts and avoid paying many taxes altogether.

“A tax haven ... has one of three characteristics: It has no income tax or a very low-rate income tax; it has bank secrecy laws; and it has a history of noncooperation with other countries on exchanging information about tax matters,” Rebecca Wilkins, a senior counsel with Citizens for Tax Justice, a nonpartisan nonprofit that advocates changes in U.S. tax policy, told the Huffington Post in 2011. “Panama has all three of those. ... They’re probably the worst.”

The Panama FTA pushed for by Obama and Clinton, watchdog groups said, effectively barred the United States from cracking down on questionable activities. Instead of requiring concessions of the Panamanian government on banking rules and regulations, combating tax haven abuse in Panama could violate the agreement. Should the U.S. embark on such an endeavor, it could be exposed to fines from international authorities.

“The FTA would undermine existing U.S. policy tools against tax haven activity,” warned consumer watchdog group Public Citizen at the time, saying the agreement would encourage corporations to thwart any U.S. efforts to combat financial secrecy. The group also noted that U.S. government contractors, as well as major financial firms supported by taxpayer bailouts, stood to gain from the trade deal's provisions that could make it harder to crack down on financial secrecy.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Betwrong on April 05, 2016, 05:12:12 PM
Nothing is going to happen. What happened after the offshore leaks of 2013? The information was hushed up, no one was prosecuted. The same will happen this time also. 90% of the politicians and the bureaucrats are corrupt. They will make sure that this time also, all the information will be destroyed and kept out of public sight.

Iceland's prime minister is resigning now and I think there will be more things like this. This time the leak was huge. I'm no expert in this field but I pretty much trust what Edward Snowden said in his twitter: "Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption."

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 05, 2016, 09:34:02 PM
Man! They are reporting that a unnamed bank in Canada is being fined 1.1 million dollars for using this tax haven. So why is the fine so low and why are they not named? Surely the bank will be outed when the details become more public!
Such bullshit.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 05, 2016, 09:44:20 PM
Man! They are reporting that a unnamed bank in Canada is being fined 1.1 million dollars for using this tax haven. So why is the fine so low and why are they not named? Surely the bank will be outed when the details become more public!
Such bullshit.

Who is making the fine, where would the money go?

1.1 million dollars is piss poor, maybe its the Royal Bank of Canada as named in the papers.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 05, 2016, 10:40:37 PM
Man! They are reporting that a unnamed bank in Canada is being fined 1.1 million dollars for using this tax haven. So why is the fine so low and why are they not named? Surely the bank will be outed when the details become more public!
Such bullshit.

Who is making the fine, where would the money go?

1.1 million dollars is piss poor, maybe its the Royal Bank of Canada as named in the papers.

Seems to be the going rate for when they get slapped on the wrist,noticed it when I went looking for a link for you and came across a lot of banks getting slapped from time to time in that amount. They reported RBC yesterday on cbc,so I doubt its the same bank now being covered under a unknown aspect. Would wager that the top 4 all have a connection to this panama paper as they have all been caught at some point with their hand in the cookie jar.
The fine most likely goes into a arm of the government never to be seen from again. Kind of odd they gave this bank cloaking though,its going to raise some issues for people that are watching close enough.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: xht on April 06, 2016, 12:40:43 PM
The Panama Papers, These issues about Panama papers are probably all a big hoax so don't believe any of it.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 06, 2016, 01:29:07 PM
The Panama Papers, These issues about Panama papers are probably all a big hoax so don't believe any of it.

Wikileaks maybe to release the files, all of them.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: bitbunnny on April 06, 2016, 01:30:15 PM
The Panama Papers, These issues about Panama papers are probably all a big hoax so don't believe any of it.

At the opposite, I beleive that it's even worse then the media is showing. Why would be a surprise that politicians are dirty and that they launder money?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 06, 2016, 01:42:37 PM
The Panama Papers, These issues about Panama papers are probably all a big hoax so don't believe any of it.

At the opposite, I beleive that it's even worse then the media is showing. Why would be a surprise that politicians are dirty and that they launder money?

It´s only from one mob office providing this kind of service. So, it´s just a fraction of what´s been going on in a multitude of ratholes around the world.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 06, 2016, 02:03:16 PM

Again. Who's doing the releasing and why?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 06, 2016, 02:10:40 PM

Again. Who's doing the releasing and why?

George Soros is. Also USAID=CIA is funding the effort. Garbage media seems to focus most on those that the state department has grievances with. Of course there´s some small fry that get caught up in this.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Nemo1024 on April 06, 2016, 02:18:53 PM
#Panamapapers Leak and MSM as Weapon of Mass Disinformation: Info War vs. #Putin, #Russia, #BRICS Escalates


As far as I understand, the Panama papers leak is the most massive leak there ever was – bigger than Snowden leak.  It mentions money laundering, tax evasion and offshore accounts by various world leaders, dictators, oligarchs and public figures. Ukraine’s president Poroshenko, Saudi king, Pakistani officials and David Cameron (or is it his father – apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?) made the list.

Nowhere in 11.5 million documents is there anything about Vladimir Putin. Yet, every Western MSM and Qatar’s Al Jazeera (both the state and publication some of the biggest US stooges) printed big Putin’s pictures on top of every article dedicated to Panama leaks, although articles were about someone else.

Interestingly enough, various UK publications printed Putin’s pics in their articles, implying Putin is the biggest money launderer there is, while THEIR OWN PRIME MINISTER DAVID CAMERON is front and center on the list, along with his daddy!

This isn’t double standards and hypocrisy any more, of which US, UK and West in general get accused every day. This is lunacy and severe case of schizophrenia – a good mental institution very strongly recommended. Is it any wonder that their own readers rebel against such idiocy. I hear that after a public outcry, within several hours of publication, UK papers began removing Putin’s photos from their articles.

Let me emphasize that this post isn’t about the veracity and merit of #Panamapapers leaks. In my view, we need as much as possible disclosure of truth on all levels. But it has to be unbiased and honest truth. While the actual leak may be absolutely beyond reproach, the problem is the attempt to turn it into anti-Putin, anti-Russia, anti-BRICS circus.

What US, UK and other MSM do is this: they take the truth and then bait and switch it with a lie convenient to them, parading it as truth.

Come think of it… this may be done deliberately so that to distract the gullible public from asking inconvenient questions as to where the Western leaders’ and oligarchs’ money is hidden.


Sounds just about right...

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 06, 2016, 02:28:02 PM
It´s political but also financial. And of course the dollar and with it the price of U.S. Govt. bonds. Bond price and yield move in opposite directions. The higher the price the lower the yield and vice versa. It´s a huge debt load so it´s imperative to keep the yield down. One benefit of these leaks could be to scare money out of these Caribbean ratholes and into the U.S. tax havens. Into Nevada and other places. It´s a defensive measure for the dollar (and bonds) and since it´s a counter-trade to pretty much everything else it´s also an offensive measure.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 06, 2016, 02:34:45 PM
What is especially scary these days is that U.S. stocks and bonds are BOTH close to an all time high. That doesn´t make any sense at all. A booming stock market and therefore supposedly a booming economy can´t really co-exist with almost zero percent interest rates. At least not for long. Something has to give. Desperate times call for desperate measures.,13874A&p=m1&rev=635955355769618581

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: keyscore44 on April 06, 2016, 04:24:31 PM
George Soros?? To my knowledge the source is still unknown (and will likely stay that way if he/she/they are lucky).

As for the anti-Russia element, that's just standard operating procedure for Western msm. No conspiracy there....was a but disappointed with The Guardian having a anti-Putin article but hey ho, least the infos out there.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Smoothcoin on April 06, 2016, 04:46:13 PM
I think all those leaked documents are a new version of wikileaks and serve to America's profit..

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: designerusa on April 06, 2016, 04:56:32 PM
Nothing is going to happen. What happened after the offshore leaks of 2013? The information was hushed up, no one was prosecuted. The same will happen this time also. 90% of the politicians and the bureaucrats are corrupt. They will make sure that this time also, all the information will be destroyed and kept out of public sight.
i completely agree with you all these accusation over alleged politicians will be vanished by some forces then they will pretend victims of these offshore leaks but anyway this world will never be the same again..

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 06, 2016, 05:08:38 PM
George Soros?? To my knowledge the source is still unknown (and will likely stay that way if he/she/they are lucky).

As for the anti-Russia element, that's just standard operating procedure for Western msm. No conspiracy there....was a but disappointed with The Guardian having a anti-Putin article but hey ho, least the infos out there.

Well, a foundation of George Soros and USAID (CIA) are funding that consortium of investigative journalists so there´s a glaring connection there.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Nemo1024 on April 06, 2016, 05:24:19 PM
Hmm... Looks like this was foreseen by Moscow to some degree:

One user asked why the Independent was using a photograph of Syrian President Bashar Assad alongside President Putin, when neither man was mentioned in the trove of documents.

In response, another Twitter user stated: “Because they don't want to blame ‘friends’ like King Salman or Poroshenko...”


The smear campaign against Putin comes a week after his press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Western media intended to launch a new slander attack against the Russian president, while he also expressed regret that reporters’ professionalism is often “sacrificed to political demands.”

“Another piece of spin, which is claimed to be sensational and objective, will happen in the nearest days. We have received some excessively-rich requests that, however, in their form were more like questions at an interrogation,” Peskov said.

He explained that the letters contained some personal questions about Putin, as well as questions about the Russian president’s family, his childhood friends and some businessmen.

“They are repeating themselves. ‘Is it true that the amount of your personal accumulated wealth is about US$40 billion?’ ‘Is it true that you possess gigantic residences, mega-yachts and other assets?’

On Sunday, Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) released the biggest leak in journalistic history, posting 11.5 million documents from a Panama law firm online and providing “rare insights into a world that can only exist in the shadows.”

And apropos Assad. Saw a headline on the state-payrolled Norwegian newspaper along the lines of "Investigation uncovers: that's how Assad fuels his war machine". Never mind that the Syrian army is fighting for survival of their state... Someone is really peeved at the beating their pet-terrorists got in Syria.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: magnific61 on April 06, 2016, 05:32:07 PM
It doesn't make me interested because i hate this damn game. When someones want to put out someones, leak those dirty papers. Whom serves? To US profit.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 06, 2016, 05:38:21 PM
There´s a crime busting operation down there in the Balkans, the name escapes me, which is also funded by Soros and it focuses mainly on crimes of Putin and the Russians and other enemies of the West.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: rizkyhiw on April 06, 2016, 06:11:01 PM
nothing else,i really want to know who was on that list,is there people from my country,or there are celebrity or athlete who listed on that file,its make me corious.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: keyscore44 on April 06, 2016, 06:17:43 PM
George Soros?? To my knowledge the source is still unknown (and will likely stay that way if he/she/they are lucky).

As for the anti-Russia element, that's just standard operating procedure for Western msm. No conspiracy there....was a but disappointed with The Guardian having a anti-Putin article but hey ho, least the infos out there.

Well, a foundation of George Soros and USAID (CIA) are funding that consortium of investigative journalists so there´s a glaring connection there.

Fair enough, is there any actual evidence of this foundation funding the consortium?

- -

Breaking news:

Uefa offices raided by police after Gianni Infantino named in Panama Papers

Panama Papers reveal offshore secrets of China’s red nobility

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 06, 2016, 06:22:00 PM
It´s disclosed on the website of this journalist operation investigating this leak who funds them. It´s Open Society, USAID and a third one.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: whizz94 on April 06, 2016, 07:03:19 PM
Who are responsible for the leak and what do they want in exchange? Losers and winners. Always. This is the question one should never forget

Noting that Costa Rica and elements of Panama were the 1980's villian to Ronald Raygun's USA, it is probable that US cyber infiltration efforts will have looked toward Panama ever since it went online, but not necessarily gone public about what dirt they could find.  Has anyone seen a revelation against any prominent US citizen from these files yet?   Now rather than get bogged down in local wiretap requests to which the Panama law firm would always say "no, you can't go on a seize-n-sift fishing expedition to look for commies and Brinks-Matt robbers", I think that somebodies' white-hats just decided to make the whole stinking lot available to the most prim and proper uninvolved nation whom they could think of, so they sent it to the Krauts.  In this hypothesis, one of Noriega's henchmen and biggest stinking crooked revenue raising firms goes down, and for a white-hat being right according to everyone else about guessing who was a henchman of evil would be reward enough.

By the way, I'm a Brit, and quite a few British Overseas Tax Havens stand to lose their biggest money collecting activity if offshore tax avoidance goes the same way as dodo farming.
How about making genuine long-term agricultural productivity improvements for the middle east tax-deductable, so that any rotters who'd prefer to send money overseas than pay tax can do so forthwith.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 06, 2016, 07:16:12 PM
Some one pointed to the Soros Foundation being responsible for the leaks in another thread.

Think a lot of this off shore money will be given lip service in many parts of the world and we will go back to business as usual.
Even the people getting caught are rubbing the issue off as either a misunderstanding or ignorance of the laws.

They where saying in Canada it is not illegal and threw a number up that made little sense for tax avoidance.
Figuring they missed out on around 8 billion dollars per year in revenue through these tax havens.
But just last year they pointed to the underground economy,specifically grow ops(Pot) in my Province alone stating it was a 2 Billion dollar industry that went untaxed. So you factor in construction and the number has to balloon,think 8 billion is a small number and its much bigger.

For them to crack down it would most likely just be the banks making more restrictions and flagging cash accounts for closure.
It will just push more people into the gray area of being non banked well the rich continue on making profits abroad.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 06, 2016, 07:24:50 PM
We haven´t really seen anything yet. There´s millions of emails and other documents. It´s very likely that some of that is about outright criminal activity, bribes, tax evasion, drug trafficking et cetera. Wikileaks will most likely put that up in a searchable form. Then some very big bombs will go off.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 06, 2016, 07:30:28 PM
We haven´t really seen anything yet. There´s millions of emails and other documents. It´s very likely that some of that is about outright criminal activity, bribes, tax evasion, drug trafficking et cetera. Wikileaks will most likely put that up in a searchable form. Then some very big bombs will go off.

Meanwhile Canada wants to purchase the damn document to skim through. That would be so typical paying millions for something people can see for free. This is going to turn into a bloody gong show,can just feel it coming hard.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 06, 2016, 07:43:11 PM
We haven´t really seen anything yet. There´s millions of emails and other documents. It´s very likely that some of that is about outright criminal activity, bribes, tax evasion, drug trafficking et cetera. Wikileaks will most likely put that up in a searchable form. Then some very big bombs will go off.

Meanwhile Canada wants to purchase the damn document to skim through. That would be so typical paying millions for something people can see for free. This is going to turn into a bloody gong show,can just feel it coming hard.

I guess this has to turn attention on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Maybe these convulsions are the start of the death of fiat money. Time will tell. When every transaction can be traced on the blockchain it´ll probably lead to a much more open, fair and honest system.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 06, 2016, 09:45:26 PM
There is a short story on the death of fiat in this months forbes and it touches on why its not the best idea to let government restrict big bills due to making it easier for terrorists and drug dealers to move money. Then it goes on to talk about crypto and how government would then be able to dictate where and when we spend it. Was kind of shocked to read this in Forbes as it was mostly talking about the state of billionaires around the world.

Think we need a balanced approach and not all cryptocurrency or we do face the risk of all out control over our spending.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 06, 2016, 09:47:17 PM
We haven´t really seen anything yet. There´s millions of emails and other documents. It´s very likely that some of that is about outright criminal activity, bribes, tax evasion, drug trafficking et cetera. Wikileaks will most likely put that up in a searchable form. Then some very big bombs will go off.

Meanwhile Canada wants to purchase the damn document to skim through. That would be so typical paying millions for something people can see for free. This is going to turn into a bloody gong show,can just feel it coming hard.

I guess this has to turn attention on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Maybe these convulsions are the start of the death of fiat money. Time will tell. When every transaction can be traced on the blockchain it´ll probably lead to a much more open, fair and honest system.

Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

Humans used to betray other humans way before fiat money or bitcoin was invented. The human code needs an upgrade.


Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 06, 2016, 09:48:09 PM
We haven´t really seen anything yet. There´s millions of emails and other documents. It´s very likely that some of that is about outright criminal activity, bribes, tax evasion, drug trafficking et cetera. Wikileaks will most likely put that up in a searchable form. Then some very big bombs will go off.

Meanwhile Canada wants to purchase the damn document to skim through. That would be so typical paying millions for something people can see for free. This is going to turn into a bloody gong show,can just feel it coming hard.

And that check will be sent to....?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 06, 2016, 09:50:03 PM
Thats a good question believe these files where leaked to a German newspaper if I read correctly,so wonder how much control they have over who gets to read it after that.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 06, 2016, 10:05:15 PM
Wikileaks has a poll on Twitter today about whether they should put it on the net in their usual searchable format or let the media cherry pick from it what they want.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 07, 2016, 12:25:42 AM

Clinton campaign chief linked to Russian bank listed in Panama Papers

The head of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is linked to a Russian bank involved with an emerging international scandal, according to documents reported on Tuesday.

Registration forms indicate that the Podesta Group signed up to lobby for the Sberbank of Russia in Washington about a month ago, in early March. The bank has been implicated in a scheme unearthed on Sunday in which leaders worldwide illegally stashed their assets overseas.

The Podesta Group was founded by John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton's 2016 campaign for president and a chief of staff to former president Bill Clinton. His brother, Anthony Podesta, is listed as a lobbyist for the account on the March filing.

The form, which was first discovered by the Washington Free Beacon, also lists three affiliated companies. Those include the Luxembourg-based SB International, Cyprus-based SBGB and Troika Dialogue Group, located in the Cayman Islands.

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, the collection of journalists responsible for initially reporting on the papers, have indicated that Troika Dialogue and Sberbank are tied to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his associates. Troika reportedly signed away assets to another company, Avto Holdings, owned by Sergei Roldugin, a godfather to Putin's daughter.

The Panama Papers, comprised of 11.5 million pages leaked from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, were first revealed on Sunday.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: TECSHARE on April 07, 2016, 01:41:38 AM
Amazing timing...

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 07, 2016, 01:49:41 AM
RE: Soros. Scroll to the bottom here and you´ll see The Open Society (Soros) USAID (CIA) and some Romanian foundation funding it.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 07, 2016, 07:57:25 AM
Spies and shadowy allies lurk in secret, thanks to firm’s bag of tricks

Panama Papers reveal how spies and CIA gun-runners use offshore companies to stay hidden

Offshore world blurs the line between legitimate business and the world of espionage

‘You can’t exactly walk around saying that you’re a spy’
 Cricket Azima watches as her dad, Farhad Azima speaks of his daughter's award at YAI's 56th Anniversary Gala, "The Bridge to a new Era," on Nov. 13, 2013 in New York, N.Y.

Read more here:

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 07, 2016, 06:08:28 PM
Panama Papers: David Cameron admits he did have a stake in father Ian Cameron's offshore investment fund
'We owned 5,000 units in Blairmore Investment Trust, which we sold in January 2010. That was worth something like £30,000'

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: xht on April 07, 2016, 06:30:24 PM
Why the Panama Paper Has become a sensation, The best way of ensuring all the rumor is true because i dont think all the rumors are true.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: AzibLala007 on April 07, 2016, 07:10:45 PM
i think pakistani politiians will be down soon after the release of these papers.
all will expose there acs.
i hope i am right.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 07, 2016, 07:27:21 PM
Royal Bank of Canada defends itself from being linked to 370 foreign corporations.

"As a CEO, I have to be concerned about our brand and reputation, particularly in a situation where there's absolutely no allegation of wrongdoing," McKay said.

"We just happen to have a couple hundred files, going back 40 years, that are attached to this legal firm," he said. "That's all that's been reported."
"You can imagine how difficult it is to go back in your files 40 years," McKay said.

These banks are acting like they are being treated unfairly! They really are out of touch with the world in a humanity and moral sense.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: keyscore44 on April 09, 2016, 08:39:33 AM
He he, things are hotting up for ol Davey boy:

David Cameron's terrible week ends with calls for resignation over Panama Papers

A YouGov survey found just 18% of the public thought he had been open and honest about his tax affairs, while 56% did not.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 09, 2016, 01:53:26 PM
There´s tons of dirt yet to come out of those Panama Papers. Got to be some very inconvenient stuff in millions of emails. Once it´s up on the net with a search engine, heads will start rolling in business and politics and here and there.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 09, 2016, 08:03:38 PM
More hacks/leaks...

The Personal Information of 55 Million Filipino Voters Might Have Been Compromised in Cyberattack

Gizmodo  by Andrew Liptak 7:11 pm

The Personal Information of 55 Million Filipino Voters Might Have Been Compromised in Cyberattack
At the end of March, hackers broke into the database for the Philippine Commission on Elections in what InfoSecurity Magazine is calling “what could rank as the worst ever government data breach anywhere.”

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 09, 2016, 08:11:49 PM
US think tank: Putin leaked 'Panama Papers' as part of ingenious plan to smear himself, blackmail western leaders

Signs of the Times  7:04 pm

The Brookings Institution says that Putin is behind 'Panama Papers' leak. Sure, why not? We have to tip our proverbial shapka-ushanka to the Brookings Institution, the only American think tank brave enough to admit that Vladimir Putin is not connected in any way to the financial shenanigans documented in the "Panama Papers": Despite the headlines, there is no evidence of Putin's direct involvement—not in any company involved in the leak, much less in criminal activity, theft, tax evasion, or money laundering. There are documents showing that some of his "friends" have moved "up to two billion dollars" through these Panama-based shell companies.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 09, 2016, 08:37:57 PM
US think tank: Putin leaked 'Panama Papers' as part of ingenious plan to smear himself, blackmail western leaders

Signs of the Times  7:04 pm

The Brookings Institution says that Putin is behind 'Panama Papers' leak. Sure, why not? We have to tip our proverbial shapka-ushanka to the Brookings Institution, the only American think tank brave enough to admit that Vladimir Putin is not connected in any way to the financial shenanigans documented in the "Panama Papers": Despite the headlines, there is no evidence of Putin's direct involvement—not in any company involved in the leak, much less in criminal activity, theft, tax evasion, or money laundering. There are documents showing that some of his "friends" have moved "up to two billion dollars" through these Panama-based shell companies.

Well hey they would say that seeing as it sort of backfired, its smoke an mirrors.
Putin still has nothing to do with it,  Brookings Institution my arse.

Comment: Apparently the people at these 'think tanks' (there's an oxymoron for you) just go through mental gymnastics all day to create absolutely ludicrous stories to support their pre-conceived conclusions, regardless of how untrue those conclusions are or how stupid and nonsensical their stories are.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 10, 2016, 09:22:45 AM
...just go through mental gymnastics all day to create absolutely ludicrous stories to support their pre-conceived conclusions... In other words they´re busy creating conspiracy theories and getting paid for it. Maybe they call it  something else though.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on April 10, 2016, 03:33:58 PM
US think tank: Putin leaked 'Panama Papers' as part of ingenious plan to smear himself, blackmail western leaders

Signs of the Times  7:04 pm

The Brookings Institution says that Putin is behind 'Panama Papers' leak. Sure, why not? We have to tip our proverbial shapka-ushanka to the Brookings Institution, the only American think tank brave enough to admit that Vladimir Putin is not connected in any way to the financial shenanigans documented in the "Panama Papers": Despite the headlines, there is no evidence of Putin's direct involvement—not in any company involved in the leak, much less in criminal activity, theft, tax evasion, or money laundering. There are documents showing that some of his "friends" have moved "up to two billion dollars" through these Panama-based shell companies.


Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 10, 2016, 04:57:53 PM
So Putin leaked the papers to smear himself but made it appear as if the CIA had done it which made him look good. And he´s busy blackmailing wankers in the west with what de didn´t leak. What a devious man he is. Small wonder that Obama, that pillar of intelligence, stated that Putin wasn´t completely stupid.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: galdur on April 10, 2016, 05:23:31 PM
So Putin leaked the papers to smear himself but made it appear as if the CIA had done it which made him look good. And he´s busy blackmailing wankers in the west with what de didn´t leak. What a devious man he is. Small wonder that Obama, that pillar of intelligence, stated that Putin wasn´t completely stupid.

[1.5 mb picture 3,500px × 2,960px (scaled to 994px × 841px)]

Like most former kgb stooges, Putin has worked for the cia for years.

So Obama told Putin to leak the papers [continue starting with your post]

I don´t know; given that it´s exceedingly evident that seriously intellectually impaired people have been running U.S. foreign policy for a long time I think odds are better that the CIA have been working for the Russians and without even realizing it.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: AzibLala007 on April 10, 2016, 06:01:26 PM
i just want to know that is the panama papers also includes their black and their personal information.
or just their income that they are trying to save from texes ??
links please??

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 10, 2016, 06:31:49 PM

John McAfee Exposes The Panama Papers Hoax

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 10, 2016, 06:36:32 PM

John McAfee Exposes The Panama Papers Hoax

Just when you thought every one was in play, now we got John Macafee entering the fold. This story keeps on giving.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 10, 2016, 06:55:08 PM

John McAfee Exposes The Panama Papers Hoax

Just when you thought every one was in play, now we got John Macafee entering the fold. This story keeps on giving.

Check your quote.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: no-ice-please on April 10, 2016, 07:29:53 PM

John McAfee Exposes The Panama Papers Hoax

Just to be clear on the credibility of Mr McAfee.

After hatchet killing his neighbor in Belize and covering his trail by sprinkling hundred dollar bills, he made this Public Service Announcement

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 10, 2016, 07:57:28 PM

John McAfee Exposes The Panama Papers Hoax

Just to be clear on the credibility of Mr McAfee.

After hatchet killing his neighbor in Belize and covering his trail by sprinkling hundred dollar bills, he made this Public Service Announcement

Yes. Defending the globalists could be a good thing for some people here. I personally do not believe this is the right thing to do, especially if you believe in the bitcoin philosophy. He can make fun of himself and be serious as a presidential candidate.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 10, 2016, 08:19:28 PM
There will be this very inconvenient overhang, you never know if and when the next leak from another tax haven office arrives. Or something equally big. It seems somewhat likely, wouldn´t be surprised if it´s already in storage somewhere. The trick is to release this sort of material gradually, give people all the time to lie as much as they can and dig their own graves, then dump more.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 10, 2016, 08:37:59 PM
Will The Panama Papers Kill Journalism?

Panama Papers were described as “the revelation of the century” and “the biggest leak in history”. 11.5 million documents of Mossack Fonseca, the 4th biggest law firm providing services concerning the incorporation offshore entities. Based on facts, which came from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), global media started a series of impressive revelations. Still the biggest one is yet to be seen. Should things stay like that, we might be witnesses of the end of journalism as we know it today

As you read these lines, revealing stories about the Panama Leaks are written all around the world, but allow me to rush and make a bold assertion: Panama Papers are the last chance of journalism “to become global”. If it doesn't the future will be completely different.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on April 11, 2016, 08:09:23 AM


Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Nemo1024 on April 11, 2016, 09:45:08 AM


Hmmm... A case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't"

If Putin were mentioned in the Panama papers, the Western MSM would have had a field day smearing Putin's name. When Putin is not mentioned in the Panama papers, the Western MSM has a field day smearing Putin's name.  ::)

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on April 11, 2016, 10:43:53 AM


Hmmm... A case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't"

If Putin were mentioned in the Panama papers, the Western MSM would have had a field day smearing Putin's name. When Putin is not mentioned in the Panama papers, the Western MSM has a field day smearing Putin's name.  ::)
Not only MSM, but also all these "I hear that he's on the list for 2 billion" ( trolls.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: spazzdla on April 11, 2016, 02:52:08 PM
All I know for sure is when the media is going on about something they are just shaking keys at us so we don't see what the criminals in power are up too.   I wonder what they are hiding this time.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Rizla2345 on April 11, 2016, 02:55:37 PM
All I know for sure is when the media is going on about something they are just shaking keys at us so we don't see what the criminals in power are up too.   I wonder what they are hiding this time.

The whole package will be put online eventually. Then it´ll become evident what the media has been interested  in and what not.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: keyscore44 on April 12, 2016, 09:48:22 PM
The story that keeps on giving ;) This is ridiculous:

HMRC Boss 'Linked To Firm Named In Panama Papers'

The boss of Revenue & Customs (HMRC), which is to oversee an inquiry into the so-called Panama Papers, was a partner at a top City law firm that acted for Blairmore Holdings and other offshore companies named in the leak, according to a report.

In what is a further embarrassment for the Government, it was revealed that Edward Troup, executive chair of HMRC since April, is a former partner at Simmons & Simmons, whose clients have included the Panama-registered fund created by David Cameron’s father, Ian, The Guardian reported.

Mr Cameron announced at the weekend that HMRC would be working with the National Crime Agency to lead a "world-class" taskforce to investigate allegations of tax dodging and money laundering brought to light by the leak of 11.5 million files from the Panama law firm Mossack Fonseca.

A unit with initial funding of £10m is being set up, which will also bring together specialists from the Serious Fraud Office and the Financial Conduct Authority.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Curtains873 on April 12, 2016, 09:54:37 PM
It will keep giving. It must take ages and tons of manpower to wade through millions of emails and other documents. The bombs will go off all year. And who knows, maybe there´ll be more leaks from other tax haven offices.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 12, 2016, 10:02:00 PM

Is owning an offshore bank account illegal?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on April 12, 2016, 10:05:35 PM
Is owning an offshore bank account illegal?
Not more illegal than using bitcoin mixer.

By the way,
Listed in the ‘statues and ornaments’ section, “David Cameron” had a ‘Buy Now’ price of £65,900 (US$94,000) before the ad was removed from the site Tuesday.

That’s a steep cost for a “used” item described as being sold “for parts or not working” and “no longer needed.”

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 12, 2016, 11:57:07 PM

This is funny because they are both arms of the government. Also references papers being put online in may.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 13, 2016, 01:42:48 AM

Swiss banker whistleblower: CIA behind Panama Papers

 Bradley Birkenfeld is the most significant financial whistleblower of all time, so you might think he'd be cheering on the disclosures in the new Panama Papers leaks. But today, Birkenfeld is raising questions about the source of the information that is shaking political regimes around the world.

Birkenfeld, an American citizen, was a banker working at UBS in Switzerland when he approached the U.S. government with information on massive amounts of tax evasion by Americans with secret accounts in Switzerland. By the end of his whistleblowing career, Birkenfeld had served more than two years in a U.S. federal prison, been awarded $104 million by the IRS for his information and shattered the foundations of more than a century of Swiss banking secrecy.

 In an exclusive interview Tuesday from Munich, Birkenfeld said he doesn't think the source of the 11 million documents stolen from a Panamanian law firm should automatically be considered a whistleblower like himself. Instead, he said, the hacking of the Panama City-based firm, called Mossack Fonseca, could have been done by a U.S. intelligence agency.

"The CIA I'm sure is behind this, in my opinion," Birkenfeld said.

Birkenfeld pointed to the fact that the political uproar created by the disclosures have mainly impacted countries with tense relationships with the United States. "The very fact that we see all these names surface that are the direct quote-unquote enemies of the United States, Russia, China, Pakistan, Argentina and we don't see one U.S. name. Why is that?" Birkenfeld said. "Quite frankly, my feeling is that this is certainly an intelligence agency operation."

Asked why the U.S. would leak information that has also been damaging to U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, a major American ally, Birkenfeld said the British leader was likely collateral damage in a larger intelligence operation.

"If you've got NSA and CIA spying on foreign governments they can certainly get into a law firm like this," Birkenfeld said. "But they selectively bring the information to the public domain that doesn't hurt the U.S. in any shape or form. That's wrong. And there's something seriously sinister here behind this."

The public relations office for the CIA did not immediately return a message for comment.

Birkenfeld also said that during his time as a Swiss banker, Mossack Fonseca was known as one piece of the vast offshore maze used by bankers and lawyers to hide money from tax authorities. But he also said that the firm that is at the center of the global scandal was also seen as a relatively small player in the overall offshore tax evasion business.

"We knew that firm very well in Switzerland. I certainly knew of it," Birkenfeld said.

But Mossack Fonseca was just one of a number of firms in Panama offering such services, he said. "The cost of doing business there was quite low, relatively speaking," he said. "So what you would have is Panama operating as a conduit to the Swiss banks and the trust companies to set up these facilities for clients around the world."

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Curtains873 on April 13, 2016, 01:58:00 AM
CIA and George Soros have their hand in this for sure. Wouldn´t be surprised if they already have tons more  which they´ll leak gradually.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 13, 2016, 02:29:01 AM
Does seem to point more towards the States, also see the full papers are not going to be available. Potentially meaning backs are being scratched. Find it interesting that Putin in a sense saw this coming.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: jaff11 on April 13, 2016, 04:24:35 AM
This is much bigger and more wide ranging. It´ll be extremely difficult to defraud this off the table. Millions of documents. It´s bribes, tax evasion, criminality.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Curtains873 on April 13, 2016, 08:36:08 AM
This is much bigger and more wide ranging. It´ll be extremely difficult to defraud this off the table. Millions of documents. It´s bribes, tax evasion, criminality.

I think someone said this exact same thing back there.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: bitbunnny on April 13, 2016, 08:40:19 AM
I know that I'm not involved. :)
Really, it's a shame that something like this was going on for years and that politicians and other high ranked persons were robbering their countries and their people. And what punishment will they get? Probably none.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Evildrum on April 13, 2016, 11:49:14 AM
Panama raided the company now, cover up or more to come! Should be interesting.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: keyscore44 on April 13, 2016, 12:59:51 PM
Is owning an offshore bank account illegal?
Not more illegal than using bitcoin mixer.

By the way,
Listed in the ‘statues and ornaments’ section, “David Cameron” had a ‘Buy Now’ price of £65,900 (US$94,000) before the ad was removed from the site Tuesday.

That’s a steep cost for a “used” item described as being sold “for parts or not working” and “no longer needed.”

 ;D ;D ;D

:) Made me chuckle. Seems way too overpriced for a washed-out politician like Dodgy Dave, maybe it included postage and packaging.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: magnific61 on April 14, 2016, 09:23:02 AM
Ofcourse CIA is behind Panama Papers like Wikileaks Papers in past.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: BADecker on April 14, 2016, 10:20:40 AM
A big point of all this is that people are free.

You have people in governments using their freedom by attempting to make money off people not in government.

You have people not in government using their freedom by attempting to make money off anybody.

Anyone can do the Panama Papers thing. He can do it personally by studying and joining together with one or more knowledgeable like minded people. Or he can use funds he already has to buy a setup for himself from companies like Mossack Fonseca.

One of the best setups around is NOT offshore. It is right in the United States. It is based on a couple of basic tenets of freedom found in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution... freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.

Any two people can get together and form a church. Because of the 1st Amendment (which is backed by basic English and American common law), a church has a wide range of freedoms that the government can't attack successfully... if the people know what they are doing.

One of the biggest church freedoms is freedom from income taxes. If the church is run properly, it is excluded from the IRS altogether. If the people running the church know a little about common law, they can repel even the strongest IRS attacks against their church with ease. See for some basics about a sure way to do this.

The amazing thing is that people have been trained into thinking that starting a church for protecting one's self or family from government operated racketeering is wrong. Government continually dumbs-down people in their training in school so that they are ripe for the picking.

The various religions help to keep people ignorant of the financial protection available to them through a church. The simple, everyday religious leaders are honest enough in what they are doing. Yet, all but a few of them realize how powerful freedom of religion is in the States. So, they make the setting up of one's affairs as a church to look like it is a bad thing.

... instead of asking the IRS’ permission to be a church (as you would with a 1023 application to obtain 501(c)(3) status), you declare the existence of your church under IRC 508(a).
In other words, if your church becomes a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, it isn't a church. It is a corporation or other entity. If it is a 508(c)(1)(A) organization, it can be a church, and is an "excepted" organization outside of IRS control.

Someone has twisted the minds of the people in the local churches to make their church an exempt corporation under IRS scrutiny rather than an excepted organization completely outside of IRS control.

Time for people to take up their freedom and form their own church so that they don't have to go offshore to protect their assets.


Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 14, 2016, 04:51:48 PM
We are in the cycle of the rich separating from the poor at a large percentage,so their money influences government more than any movement to correct things could ever do. With the middle class stagnant or retracting we will most likely see more tax dodging in the future from the rich. A lot of people do not realize how much any one making over $220K a year is getting taxed,or should be taxed! The loop holes are plentiful and most new bills to close loops are only to strangle the working class.
If people paid roughly the 48%-52% tax over 220K here in Canada without using all the tricks of the trade we would be looking at a health economy.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 15, 2016, 07:32:34 PM
So they raided the place and thats the last I ever head about this issue,did anything come of it or is it all being hushed up through the raid?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: mrhelpful on April 18, 2016, 05:37:30 PM

Swiss banker whistleblower: CIA behind Panama Papers

 Bradley Birkenfeld is the most significant financial whistleblower of all time, so you might think he'd be cheering on the disclosures in the new Panama Papers leaks. But today, Birkenfeld is raising questions about the source of the information that is shaking political regimes around the world.

Birkenfeld, an American citizen, was a banker working at UBS in Switzerland when he approached the U.S. government with information on massive amounts of tax evasion by Americans with secret accounts in Switzerland. By the end of his whistleblowing career, Birkenfeld had served more than two years in a U.S. federal prison, been awarded $104 million by the IRS for his information and shattered the foundations of more than a century of Swiss banking secrecy.

 In an exclusive interview Tuesday from Munich, Birkenfeld said he doesn't think the source of the 11 million documents stolen from a Panamanian law firm should automatically be considered a whistleblower like himself. Instead, he said, the hacking of the Panama City-based firm, called Mossack Fonseca, could have been done by a U.S. intelligence agency.

"The CIA I'm sure is behind this, in my opinion," Birkenfeld said.

Birkenfeld pointed to the fact that the political uproar created by the disclosures have mainly impacted countries with tense relationships with the United States. "The very fact that we see all these names surface that are the direct quote-unquote enemies of the United States, Russia, China, Pakistan, Argentina and we don't see one U.S. name. Why is that?" Birkenfeld said. "Quite frankly, my feeling is that this is certainly an intelligence agency operation."

Asked why the U.S. would leak information that has also been damaging to U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, a major American ally, Birkenfeld said the British leader was likely collateral damage in a larger intelligence operation.

"If you've got NSA and CIA spying on foreign governments they can certainly get into a law firm like this," Birkenfeld said. "But they selectively bring the information to the public domain that doesn't hurt the U.S. in any shape or form. That's wrong. And there's something seriously sinister here behind this."

The public relations office for the CIA did not immediately return a message for comment.

Birkenfeld also said that during his time as a Swiss banker, Mossack Fonseca was known as one piece of the vast offshore maze used by bankers and lawyers to hide money from tax authorities. But he also said that the firm that is at the center of the global scandal was also seen as a relatively small player in the overall offshore tax evasion business.

"We knew that firm very well in Switzerland. I certainly knew of it," Birkenfeld said.

But Mossack Fonseca was just one of a number of firms in Panama offering such services, he said. "The cost of doing business there was quite low, relatively speaking," he said. "So what you would have is Panama operating as a conduit to the Swiss banks and the trust companies to set up these facilities for clients around the world."

Its great that this dude is shedding help light for one of many law firms that probably are doing the same thing.

When you hear the word "Panama" the word automatically reminds you of money laundering.. so even if we got one of the 4th largest one, its a matter of will this hush up the others or they continue business as nothing happened.

Keep in mind these are "elite" 1% of people who probably have bigger ties of network then the average joe.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 18, 2016, 05:40:30 PM

IRS Urges Americans: Come Clean Now, Before We Read Panama Papers

Two global meetings have been held and I did not see any news on that at all! Nothing like getting all on the same page to make sure the public some how ends up getting raped over a issue they created.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: mrhelpful on April 18, 2016, 05:45:08 PM

IRS Urges Americans: Come Clean Now, Before We Read Panama Papers

Two global meetings have been held and I did not see any news on that at all! Nothing like getting all on the same page to make sure the public some how ends up getting raped over a issue they created.

Thats normal media for you lol.

And its possible that the media network owners are also probably linked since its within the top 1% of people in america and other countries as well.

Also no ones going to come forward, honestly. The law firms job is to solely protect the identity from the true owner or they lose business.. they have technical experts as mentioned that removed all the e-files so the us district attorneys cant touch them to even start a motion.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 18, 2016, 06:14:18 PM
Canada is assigning 440 million to track down 2.6 billion in tax shelters. The problem with that is the rich always have a choice to pay without penalty and get a slap on the wrist well the average joe gets his bank account locked,daily phone calls and wages docked. So its a waste of money if they continue in that pattern,which I do not see changing any time soon.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: zenitzz on April 20, 2016, 03:17:07 AM
Panama Papers: US launches criminal inquiry into tax avoidance claims

The US Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the widespread international tax avoidance schemes exposed by the Panama Papers leak, published by the Guardian and other journalistic partners.

Preet Bharara, the US attorney for Manhattan, said he had “opened a criminal investigation regarding matters to which the Panama Papers are relevant”.

Bharara has written to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which coordinated the unprecedented leak of 11.5m files from offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca, to ask for further information to assist with his criminal investigation.

The inquiry comes after Barack Obama described the revelations from the leaks – which have caused political tumult across the world – “important stuff” and global tax avoidance as a “huge problem”.

“There is no doubt that the problem of global tax avoidance generally is a huge problem,” Obama told reporters in an unscheduled appearance in the White House briefing room earlier this month. “The problem is that a lot of this stuff is legal, not illegal.

Read more:

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Evildrum on April 29, 2016, 05:18:02 PM
​Panama Papers Part 2: The world's dirty laundry becomes searchable
The first round of leaked documents brought the murky financial practices of the world's elite to light. Now the "largest ever" release of secret corporate information will be searchable.

It might be too early for the world's rich and powerful to put their lawyers back in storage, with news that the world is about to see round two of the Panama Papers. And this time, they'll be searchable.

The Panama Papers label refers to more than 11 million legal and financial records of the world's power elite taken from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a German newspaper and other news groups spent more than a year sifting through these records, and earlier this month published documents exposing the tax shelters of 140 politicians and public figures, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, Icelandic government officials and beleaguered soccer organization FIFA.

Now the ICIJ has announced that it will be dumping a second batch of documents regarding hundreds of thousands of offshore entities as part of its ongoing Panama Papers investigation.

The new raft of documents will be released on May 9, with basic corporate information on more than 200,000 offshore entities made available in a searchable database.

While the ICIJ says round two won't include a "data dump" of the original documents or the large-scale release of personal data, it has said the next phase "will likely be the largest ever release of secret offshore companies and the people behind them."

Saw some talk that freaked me out about every ones taxes being online for people to see and search through.
Forget which Country has done this and they had some real positive things come out of it but it would be nuts having a neighbor turn you in for moonlighting or not reporting something.
Making this data base searchable(Panama Papers) is going to be interesting as people will get put to the fire as more people take interest.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 29, 2016, 05:26:54 PM

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on April 29, 2016, 05:35:07 PM

Who's doing the triage and on what basis?

Sold out.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on April 29, 2016, 06:32:00 PM
^^^ Maybe they are looking deeply into this, and giving fair warning to the people they know to move money elsewhere, then they shall be omitted from the papers.

An advantage to the US offshore accounts, those that are actually in the USA.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Farhad099 on April 30, 2016, 10:02:26 AM
I want to know what is his secret?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: garmerys on April 30, 2016, 12:05:45 PM
Canada is assigning 440 million to track down 2.6 billion in tax shelters. The problem with that is the rich always have a choice to pay without penalty and get a slap on the wrist well the average joe gets his bank account locked,daily phone calls and wages docked. So its a waste of money if they continue in that pattern,which I do not see changing any time soon.

Think a lot of this off shore money will be given lip service in many parts of the world and we will go back to business as usual.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Evildrum on April 30, 2016, 11:54:14 PM
What ever happened once they raided this place, to all the data? You would presume this also would be investigated and released due to optics of cover up.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: ZOOM007 on May 05, 2016, 10:36:01 AM
Nothing is going to happen. What happened after the offshore leaks of 2013? The information was hushed up, no one was prosecuted. The same will happen this time also. 90% of the politicians and the bureaucrats are corrupt. They will make sure that this time also, all the information will be destroyed and kept out of public sight. is not that right??

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Doms on May 06, 2016, 03:19:51 AM
I would have done similar things if I were ultra rich. I need to protect my assets and if there are shell companies that could take care of securing it, I 'm all for it. Preservation of assets and the its passing on to future generations are some of the primary considerations of families who are doing such things. How they accumulated those riches is a totally different story altogether. I heard some from my country are included in the list that leaked and some belong to prominent politicians. Would this ever be probed consistently? I doubt.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on May 10, 2016, 09:02:25 PM

Revealed: Emma Watson named in latest Panama Papers leak

Of late, Emma Watson has been taking a more active role in both UK and American politics. The Harry Potter actress recently attended the White House correspondents’ dinner, and just yesterday called on London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan to put a statue of a suffragette outside Parliament.

However, should she wish to continue to move in political circles, Watson may face questions about her use of an offshore company. Yesterday, more details of the now infamous Panama Papers were released online in a searchable database. The database provides information regarding the many offshore companies named in the confidential documents which were first leaked earlier this year.

On looking through the database, Mr S has come across Emma Watson’s name. The Offshore Leaks Database says that ‘Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson’ is a beneficiary in an offshore company based in the British Virgin Islands.

While a spokesman for the actress confirms that Watson set up an offshore company, they say it was set up for the sole purpose of ‘protecting her anonymity and safety’. They add that the actress receives ‘no tax or monetary advantages from this offshore company’:

    ‘Emma (like many high profile individuals) set up an offshore company for the sole purpose of protecting her anonymity and safety. UK companies are required to publicly publish details of their shareholders and therefore do not give her the necessary anonymity required to protect her personal safety, which has been jeopardised in the past owing to such information being publicly available.

    Offshore companies do not publish these shareholder details. Emma receives absolutely no tax or monetary advantages from this offshore company whatsoever – only privacy.’

With the details of over 200,000 offshore entities revealed in the latest leak, it seems the fall-out from the Panama Papers is far from over.

Persona non grata

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: ngocdhbk2 on May 10, 2016, 09:10:14 PM
This is, in fact, a leak of information epic in proportion and effect on the world. Hiding money offshore for the purposes of tax evasion by a small handful of highly elite leaders of the world coupled with smaller (but still vastly richer then 90% of earths population) means that all the taxes you pay to the government, buying goods, land, college tuition, gas, electricity, lawn ornament, all those taxes dollars from your pocket shuffle up through to those very rich owners of global industry keep it for themselves. It doesn’t do back into the system. Laws are made to benefit the profit of a few. NAFTA allowed American industries to export labor to pay less for employees to make their products to ship it to America. The America that lost millions of jobs from that law passing. You pay taxes on those products.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Evildrum on May 10, 2016, 11:13:32 PM
Thought this was interesting to read and imagine the list will become quite thick once we are done wading through the data.

Can some one with more tech know how post a link that is trustable for searching the database?
When I searched for the data I came across sites that felt a bit fishy.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on May 10, 2016, 11:56:10 PM
Thought this was interesting to read and imagine the list will become quite thick once we are done wading through the data.

Can some one with more tech know how post a link that is trustable for searching the database?
When I searched for the data I came across sites that felt a bit fishy.

Please... Tell us you surf the net with a good anti malware - firewall - Noscript - VPN combo....?

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: alphatv on May 11, 2016, 11:58:08 AM
Mostly all top politicians are in the list. Expose them in a big way

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Evildrum on May 11, 2016, 05:28:09 PM
Thought this was interesting to read and imagine the list will become quite thick once we are done wading through the data.

Can some one with more tech know how post a link that is trustable for searching the database?
When I searched for the data I came across sites that felt a bit fishy.

Please... Tell us you surf the net with a good anti malware - firewall - Noscript - VPN combo....?

I plead the fifth on that one..

Upgrading my computer very soon,so do not want to get to involved in any setup till that point.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on May 16, 2016, 08:43:42 PM

Gulag time...

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Racey on May 16, 2016, 09:25:25 PM
Gulag time is right and those like him, he would deserve it.
Soros thinks he owns the world to do as he sees fit, he destroys economies and countries.

Find a deep pit for him.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Balthazar on May 21, 2016, 04:01:15 PM
Uhaha, russian "oppositional politicians" were found in the database.

Mr. Andrey NECHAEV
Mr. Alexander Vinokurov

These are friends of Alexei Navalny. Why do we see no "public outcry" about their activities?  ;D

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: haseeb ahmed on May 22, 2016, 05:48:12 PM
i think they did well and exposed many famous and powerfull buisnessman of world. and i dont want to know much about it what i want is to see these people get their punishment and return money of poor and needy people who are facing problems because of them.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on May 31, 2016, 11:33:53 PM
i think they did well and exposed many famous and powerfull buisnessman of world. and i dont want to know much about it what i want is to see these people get their punishment and return money of poor and needy people who are facing problems because of them.

The issue I have is how is this "information" has been released, by whom and why.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 02, 2016, 02:21:40 AM
Gulag time is right and those like him, he would deserve it.
Soros thinks he owns the world to do as he sees fit, he destroys economies and countries.

Soros will be packed off to a gulag if Trump wins the POTUS elections later this year. On the other hand, if Hitlery wins the elections, then Soros will be made the United States Secretary of State. We can expect the US to invade even more third world nations (DPRK, Syria, Iran.etc), and the world will be in an utter mess.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Maesters1- on June 26, 2016, 11:42:14 AM
it is too much important to know about the panama paper because some of our political leaders even our prime Minister and so many other minister are found guilty in it. but the prime Minister is still arguing and not accepting his fault. i think he must still resign from his post after the leaking of these news.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: abugseuf on June 27, 2016, 10:20:56 PM
yes i really need it because there are names of some people from my country. they all are eliet class people and they have smuggle the money from the country. i just want to know about the detail of these people.

Title: Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers
Post by: Wilikon on June 27, 2016, 10:44:35 PM

It's funny how this was such world ending event a few months ago and now... Silence.
