Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Bitware on May 09, 2016, 02:06:19 PM

Title: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Bitware on May 09, 2016, 02:06:19 PM
Do you unconditionally trust your government?

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: EUROPEANTURK on May 09, 2016, 02:15:06 PM
Do you unconditionally trust your government?

i dont think anyone on this earth . everyone is suspicious about their government acts because of their doubthful behaviour..

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: BADecker on May 09, 2016, 02:17:13 PM
God is my government. I SHOULD unconditionally trust Him, but I am weak, and I don't. There will come a time when I will have to trust Him unconditionally. That time is my death. Of course, He will help me do it at that time. And if I am blessed, He will even help me do it long before I die.

If you think the United States is your government, you better ask them (just to make sure) if you are wearing the proper sox today. What? Barefoot? How "ungovernmental!"


Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Junko on May 10, 2016, 01:22:18 AM
I don't unconditionally trust anything or anyone outside of my family.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: by.Szun on May 10, 2016, 02:06:05 AM

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Moloch on May 10, 2016, 02:15:11 AM
It's a trap!

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 10, 2016, 02:36:06 AM
There are over 85,000 levels of government in the USA (not including the shadow types).  Are you referring to one level specifically or government in general?  I unconditionally trust each and every one of them to take more than their fair share of my hard-earned money and waste in on things I couldn't give a shit about.  Aside from that, I would have to say "No" both specifically and generally.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: simon_g on May 10, 2016, 03:49:23 AM
I don't all. Government officials are bought and paid by the highest bidder. The peoples welfare is not their priority list.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: by.Szun on May 10, 2016, 04:08:07 AM
I believe you will also have some issues with selection bias here. It's a forum for blokes interested in a decentralized cryptocurrency, which is not exactly something that attracts "loyal, patriotic citizens".

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: finishedgrey on May 10, 2016, 04:08:57 AM
God knows what the Government is doing behind our backs. I don't understand why people would trust the Government!

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: JesusHadAegis on May 10, 2016, 04:23:53 AM
No, I am from Philippines and i would just tell you that we had just had our election for national positions. The incumbent administration is trying to maintain their rule by betting one of their own as president. But most citizen doesnt like that admin. So the people have voted a brusque tough disciplined man who kills criminals and strictly criminals only. Most people want change so they voted for him. But the incumbent and other presidential aspirants doesnt agree mostly with his idea so they started to destroy him.

The election is 90% percent complete and this criminal killer is winning the election. Why? other Filipinos will explain that. But the incumbent administration has a bet for the vice presidential race. And some say there is cheating that is happening in the vp race....

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: gals.monsters.girls on May 10, 2016, 04:43:05 AM
Only a fool will trust the government unconditionally. Governments are created to enslaved you.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: ObscureBean on May 10, 2016, 06:10:48 AM
Haha this is a funny thread. You don't trust your governments but you're all very grateful for your little patch of dirt under the government sun. You guys do realize that you're not born chained to anything right? So you should be able to make your own way, separate from your government's. Truth is you do enjoy some of the things the government throws your way. Give and take relationship remember? They give you something you like but they also take something from you. If what they take from you means a lot to you, then it's probably time you revisit your priorities.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Holliday on May 10, 2016, 06:39:21 AM
I don't even unconditionally trust myself...

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: ~BitSy~ on May 10, 2016, 07:21:55 AM
I doubt anyone could fully trust governments regardless of the country. There are always activities done by them that no one will ever know and it will be left as a secret so people wouldn't judge them. There are always questionable moves by them and were in the world that trust isn't that simple anymore from person to person so it's worst when is in bigger number like government itself.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: requester on May 10, 2016, 07:24:54 AM
Yes i do but we are not progressing yet.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 10, 2016, 04:53:03 PM
Haha this is a funny thread. You don't trust your governments but you're all very grateful for your little patch of dirt under the government sun. You guys do realize that you're not born chained to anything right? So you should be able to make your own way, separate from your government's. Truth is you do enjoy some of the things the government throws your way. Give and take relationship remember? They give you something you like but they also take something from you. If what they take from you means a lot to you, then it's probably time you revisit your priorities.

 That's a somewhat misguided stance.  In fact, if you were born in a country then that country pretty much owns your ass until you can get some other country to take ownership of you.  Anyway, you are not able to make your own way separate from your governments in any country on this earth without running afoul of their laws.  You can't even have a lemonade stand without your gov't interfering in the USA so what priorities are we going to revisit?  The ones that keep us from breaking existing laws while we make our way on our little patch of dirt under the gov't sun?  You're a funny guy (or gal).

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: gentlemand on May 10, 2016, 07:44:56 PM
I love them all and I will let them to anything to me because that is my place as a citizen.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: ObscureBean on May 11, 2016, 05:31:09 AM
Haha this is a funny thread. You don't trust your governments but you're all very grateful for your little patch of dirt under the government sun. You guys do realize that you're not born chained to anything right? So you should be able to make your own way, separate from your government's. Truth is you do enjoy some of the things the government throws your way. Give and take relationship remember? They give you something you like but they also take something from you. If what they take from you means a lot to you, then it's probably time you revisit your priorities.

 That's a somewhat misguided stance.  In fact, if you were born in a country then that country pretty much owns your ass until you can get some other country to take ownership of you.  Anyway, you are not able to make your own way separate from your governments in any country on this earth without running afoul of their laws.  You can't even have a lemonade stand without your gov't interfering in the USA so what priorities are we going to revisit?  The ones that keep us from breaking existing laws while we make our way on our little patch of dirt under the gov't sun?  You're a funny guy (or gal).

You are absolutely right, it is not possible to fight the system and win. But then there is no need to do that. When I say you're not born chained to anything, I mean it literally. At some point, they will figure out a way to enslave both your body and mind completely, but we're not there yet. Believe it or not, right now you still have complete freedom, you can still move your finger or pick your nose when you want to, your body and mind are still your own. When I say revisit your priorities, I mean your priorities as a living being and not your priorities as a living being within society. Your priorities define your world, not the bubble world of your city but the entire planet and beyond. And no this is not some philosophical or religious ramblings  :P

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: davis196 on May 11, 2016, 05:34:48 AM
I don`t think that anyone will answer "YES" in your poll  ;D ;D ;D
If i lived in North Korea,i would unconditionally trust my government  ;D

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: dawnasor on May 11, 2016, 06:58:34 AM
I don`t think that anyone will answer "YES" in your poll  ;D ;D ;D
If i lived in North Korea,i would unconditionally trust my government  ;D

agreed because it said unconditionally. But totally no, i aint trusting them. id travel

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: faradayz on May 11, 2016, 08:24:42 AM
yes for now because i am still a liability. :(

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Elwar on May 11, 2016, 08:49:57 AM
Yes. Government can never do any wrong.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: BADecker on May 11, 2016, 09:25:50 AM
yes for now because i am still a liability. :(

No, you are not a liability. You are an asset to government. The little bit of liability that you are is nothing when compared with the great asset you are to them. It works like this.

-    You were born.
-    Your birth certificate was created as an artificial person in place of you, because you were too young to handle your life.
-    When your mom or dad (your owners, because they created you) signed the BC, they handed you over to government with themselves as caretakers of property, YOU (The BC is a UCC-1 form, a transfer of property form. Note that UCC numbers have changed now and again, so this might no longer be accurate.).
-    All your life government has been handling you in trust, using your BC as the trust doc.
-    At age 18, you could have taken over the trust, but you never showed up to do so, because nobody ever told you or your parents what had happened.
-    Your BC trust is worth $billions that government is holding for you, when you "return" to take up your BC trust (All of this has to do with English Common Law regarding the purpose for trusts. English Common Law regarding these trusts is probably why the BAR Association is an acronym for British Accredited Regency - see and
-    If you die without naming a beneficiary (because you know nothing about it), government simply keeps the money being held in trust for you, because there is nothing else they can do.

Time to take up trusteeship, or ownership of the BC trust that is in your name. It owes you $billions. Any debt that you seem to owe is really owed by your BC trust to you as first lien holder... then to banks or any other entity you default payment on (You don't really default. Your BC trust does.).

Interested in seeing the details? Look here Look while you can. This info may be bashed by government if it becomes too popular.


Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Doms on May 11, 2016, 11:02:09 AM
How could you trust a government that continues to promise bull crap year in and year out? They'd say this and that, while they rob you blind of your taxes. You commit a minor offense, they're coming for you. They create a major offense, they get away with it. Unconditional trust and government cannot ever be used in the same sentence.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: xuan87 on May 11, 2016, 11:03:55 AM
Unfortunately no, the government in my country seems doesnt care about the country development, there are times that i fully believe in my government, but all end up they are corruptor and after they do corruption they still be able to smile that they are innocent

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: murtleannie on May 11, 2016, 11:52:42 AM
Well i observe many accusations against our pres and legislators and there are still many poor and unreachable provinces. so unconditionally yes.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Elwar on May 11, 2016, 12:16:04 PM
yes for now because i am still a liability. :(

They appreciate your votes for keeping them in power. They are willing to bribe you with other people's money to get it.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: tonguetides on May 11, 2016, 12:32:15 PM
yes for now because i am still a liability. :(

They appreciate your votes for keeping them in power. They are willing to bribe you with other people's money to get it.

Ya Good point. The government do this to people and the people cant really do anything.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Tanic on May 11, 2016, 04:15:27 PM
I don't trust. But I think there r some short minded people who unconditionally trust to the government. And when the time come to governments change each other, everytime in such moments it appear some secrets and lies from previous government haha u just can't go nowhere from it.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: BADecker on May 11, 2016, 05:04:14 PM
yes for now because i am still a liability. :(

They appreciate your votes for keeping them in power. They are willing to bribe you with other people's money to get it.

Ya Good point. The government do this to people and the people cant really do anything.

But the people in the common law lands (U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia, India) CAN do something. They have a thing called jury nullification in these lands. Jury nullification means that a 12-person jury can nullify any law regarding the case at hand. Here is an example.

Let's say you were traveling 100 MPH on an Interstate Highway that was posted at 75. You get a ticket and some time in jail before trial. The jury has the right to say that you are innocent, and to award you, say, $100,000 for time spent in jail. But they can't do it if they don't know about jury nullification and their duties and rights as a jury.

Be careful. Because the jury can put you back in jail with the $100,000 fine as well, if they think you were doing something dangerous, or for any reason.

If you set your trial up correctly, the so-called judge (who is really a magistrate) doesn't have anything to say about the judging, can't instruct the jury about how they are to judge at all. See (regarding setting your trial up correctly).

This is the same with any laws and statutes in these common law countries. If enough juries convene for the same question, the laws may have to be changed. That is, if there were, say, several hundred jury trials where the jury judged that it was lawful to go 100 in a 75 on an Interstate Highway, government might have to make it a law that everybody can do this.

The jury can change the law. But they can't do it if they don't know that they can do it. Spread the word about JURY NULLIFICATION.


Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: countryfree on May 11, 2016, 05:39:27 PM
"Your government"?

The only person I know who can speak about "my government" is the Queen of England. There's no government anywhere which I shall call my own, but I government which have subjects.

It's not that I don't trust any government, the way I see it I don't want to have a government. I'm perfectly happy to live without one, and without financing one by paying income tax.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: mindrust on May 11, 2016, 05:48:29 PM
yes %0
no %100

The results are far better than i imagined. users ain't sheep at all it seems!

Governments are become too complicated beings. You can't expect them to be fully innocent even if you voted for them.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Snail2 on May 11, 2016, 09:14:15 PM
I'm unconditionally distrust my government. Even when they are rarely telling the truth they doing that only for diverting attention from lies about more important questions.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: EUROPEANTURK on May 12, 2016, 06:25:11 AM
God knows what the Government is doing behind our backs. I don't understand why people would trust the Government!

people trust their government unconditionally just because of sharing same evil purposes to surppress the society. they serve at same purposes .. governments and their supporters just want to suck people's blood.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Elwar on May 12, 2016, 11:41:12 AM
yes %0
no %100

The results are far better than i imagined. users ain't sheep at all it seems!

Governments are become too complicated beings. You can't expect them to be fully innocent even if you voted for them.

I almost voted Yes.

Because NSA.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: alphatv on May 12, 2016, 12:01:08 PM
Not at all. They are all corrupt.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: BADecker on May 12, 2016, 01:36:24 PM
yes %0
no %100

The results are far better than i imagined. users ain't sheep at all it seems!

Governments are become too complicated beings. You can't expect them to be fully innocent even if you voted for them.

I almost voted Yes.

Because NSA.


Too late, they already know you, and for quite a while now.


Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Bitware on May 12, 2016, 03:37:16 PM
Interesting. I think our leaders and legislators should take a close look at this thread. Keep the votes coming folks and thanks for participating.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Daniel91 on May 12, 2016, 04:03:00 PM
I don't trust anyone, even my wife or myself :)
It's obvious that in today's world we don't have real freedom or democracy, so even politicians are not free to do what they want.
In their political campaigns they need financial supports but when they received donation for the campaign, they are required to give something back to the donor.
Also, they have to follow decisions of their political party, even if they don't like it.
Small countries have to follow big countries because of their financial and political dependence.
So, everything is connected and on the end nobody is free to do what he wants.
So, yes, we can't trust government because they are not free and can't do what will be the best for their country, their people but they have to do what stronger and more important countries and financial organizations order them to do.
It's sad reality, unfortunately.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: BADecker on May 13, 2016, 01:34:37 AM
I don't trust anyone, even my wife or myself :)
It's obvious that in today's world we don't have real freedom or democracy, so even politicians are not free to do what they want.
In their political campaigns they need financial supports but when they received donation for the campaign, they are required to give something back to the donor.
Also, they have to follow decisions of their political party, even if they don't like it.
Small countries have to follow big countries because of their financial and political dependence.
So, everything is connected and on the end nobody is free to do what he wants.
So, yes, we can't trust government because they are not free and can't do what will be the best for their country, their people but they have to do what stronger and more important countries and financial organizations order them to do.
It's sad reality, unfortunately.

Even though you don't trust, you still do. For example. If you are walking down the sidewalk in a busy part of town, you might be uncomfortable with all those people around you, but if you didn't trust them at least slightly, you'd go nuts.

The point? Get the word about jury nullification out to people. Juries can change the laws in America, Canada, Britain, Australia, India, and a few other countries that have them in common law. But the jury can't do what it doesn't know that it can do.


Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: Mike Christ on May 13, 2016, 01:40:32 AM
I'd say, nobody with access to this website would ever say yes.  Considering any nation with a walled garden for an information distribution system, you'd probably see a lot more yes votes.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government?
Post by: BADecker on May 13, 2016, 01:45:43 AM
I'd say, nobody with access to this website would ever say yes.  Considering any nation with a walled garden for an information distribution system, you'd probably see a lot more yes votes.

But, how far can a person go not even trusting himself as Daniel91 says? If we are going to live in this life, we need to trust someone sometime. Who better to trust than our friends and neighbors... our fellow jury members. Inform everyone about jury nullification so that the laws get changed by jury court action. Then get on a jury, and change things.
