Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Web Wallets => Topic started by: Andlog972 on May 13, 2016, 08:37:57 PM

Title: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 13, 2016, 08:37:57 PM
Hi I need some help I bought coins from the guy
I have always bought from and they have not gone in to my online wallet even after 50 confirmations they still did not appear I have the txid and they are on the chain I contacted the support and they said they weren't like PayPal ect I explained about the confirmations provided txid and asked would they put them on manually as they are in the chain the last thing I've heard from them was asking if I used a third party site I've told them again that it was generated from there site this was 2 days ago now also the guy I get coins from put a second transaction threw for me and it didn't go in my wallet but is on the chain  I haven't heard anything since yesterday afternoon can anyone help me or give me some advice please I really do not no what to do thanks

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 13, 2016, 08:46:58 PM
Copy and paste the bitcoin address from your blockchain wallet and also the txid of the coins allegedly sent to this address.  Nobody can help you if you don't give some info.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: longbob72 on May 13, 2016, 08:47:28 PM
I've never read people getting this issue with but if you're 100% sure that the bitcoins went to the correct address, try importing the address to other wallet.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 13, 2016, 08:53:54 PM
Thank you for the reply I am 100% was the correct address I even gave my seller the details and password so he knew I wasn't talking shit and he messaged the support for me his more experienced friend ha herd of the same problem so would I just make  a new wallet on ?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: longbob72 on May 13, 2016, 08:57:37 PM
Thank you for the reply I am 100% was the correct address I even gave my seller the details and password so he knew I wasn't talking shit and he messaged the support for me his more experienced friend ha herd of the same problem so would I just make  a new wallet on ?

you could just make another wallet on and import the address there. but it would be much better to use desktop wallet listed here ( I would recommend to use electrum for a start.

giving your account info to another person is NOT a good idea. make sure you never use all of your past addresses after this because they can steal your bitcoins.

by the way it would be better if you do as what xhomerx10 suggested, too.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 13, 2016, 11:14:16 PM
Sorry had net trouble there here is the txid


The address: 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 14, 2016, 12:35:54 AM
Hi I need some help I bought coins from the guy
I have always bought from and they have not gone in to my online wallet even after 50 confirmations they still did not appear I have the txid and they are on the chain I contacted the support and they said they weren't like PayPal ect I explained about the confirmations provided txid and asked would they put them on manually as they are in the chain the last thing I've heard from them was asking if I used a third party site I've told them again that it was generated from there site this was 2 days ago now also the guy I get coins from put a second transaction threw for me and it didn't go in my wallet but is on the chain  I haven't heard anything since yesterday afternoon can anyone help me or give me some advice please I really do not no what to do thanks

 What do you mean "it was generated from there site?"  What was generated?  Are you referring to the address: 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco

 Can you actually see that address in your online wallet?  Are you using the new version or the legacy version of the wallet?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cr1776 on May 14, 2016, 01:09:40 AM
Export the private key for this address and import it into a lightweight wallet.  If you did generate it on their site, you should be able to do so. is often unreliable.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 14, 2016, 01:33:56 AM
can you see that address in wallet ? if not i guess their in archived addresses ..

Hi I need some help I bought coins from the guy
I have always bought from and they have not gone in to my online wallet even after 50 confirmations they still did not appear I have the txid and they are on the chain I contacted the support and they said they weren't like PayPal ect I explained about the confirmations provided txid and asked would they put them on manually as they are in the chain the last thing I've heard from them was asking if I used a third party site I've told them again that it was generated from there site this was 2 days ago now also the guy I get coins from put a second transaction threw for me and it didn't go in my wallet but is on the chain  I haven't heard anything since yesterday afternoon can anyone help me or give me some advice please I really do not no what to do thanks

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 14, 2016, 02:23:08 AM
The transaction you listed completed:

So, I do not understand your question I guess.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cr1776 on May 14, 2016, 02:48:55 AM
The transaction you listed completed:

So, I do not understand your question I guess.

I think that he is saying he generated an address for his bc.i wallet, but although the coins are showing up at that address on the block chain, they are not showing up on the bc.i wallet and he is trying to get bc.i support to "manually" apply them which isn't how bc.i works, hence their comment about not being like PayPal.

OP, if you  did generate that address there, you should be able to export the private key and import it elsewhere and avoid them entirely. 

If the address shows up in your account at bc.i, then just export it.  If not, then restore from a backup that includes that address. If you don't have access to that private key, bc.i support can't help you.


Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 14, 2016, 06:17:47 AM
Yes, everything checks out with his story in the OP.

First transaction for 5.18940764 BTC on 2016-05-11 22:08:04

A second "test" transaction for 0.0001 BTC on 2016-05-12 09:04:56

Both show up and are present in the address:

Looks good.

So not showing up in his wallet...

Perhaps the address was archived (as suggested above by vlamer)?  Check your archived addresses and see if it is there.  If so them un-archive the address.

Just a guess.  Something I have done by accident myself.  If not then we may need to dig deeper.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 14, 2016, 08:51:37 AM
Thanks everyone I made the wallet on Bc.i it's the new online wallet I dunno if I generated it was the correct term I'm rather new to this but I have never had this problem before I have created 2 more help requests with support and they haven't answered but put them as solved how do I check if iv archived the wallet  and I've never imported a wallet before what do I do bc.i sayid that there not like PayPal ect saying I should contact the seller they haven't done anything since I've sent them the txid and a link to the chain you guys have seen it 2 it's went threw there chain confirmed but yet I have not been credited I have not been hacked or anything like that as there's no transaction history or anything I made the wallet on Bc.i that day :(

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 14, 2016, 01:14:02 PM
This is why I like helping people:  you learn something new when you do.  For example before I got my Trezor hardware deterministic wallet  I used extensively.  I had not bothered to look at their new wallet because I now believe that everyone should use deterministic wallets for many reasons (see my post history on this subject). 

Behold the new wallet is a deterministic wallet!  That is fantastic.  I can now just send noobs to, have them use the new wallet and wala, they are using a deterministic wallet.  Happy day.

Knowing this let's get on with your problem.  Do the following and carefully answer all of the following questions:

Did you create a brand new wallet for this transaction (pressed Create New Blockchain Wallet) or did you use the same wallet you had used before for this transaction (pressed Login To The New Blockchain Wallet and logged into a wallet you had previously used)?

If you used the same wallet had you used the wallet once before or a few times before?

You said you had bought BTC before, right?  This is not your first purchase, right?

If you bought BTC before did you create a brand new wallet at every time you bought BTC?

You said you are using the New Blockchain Wallet.  That means to get to your wallet now you are going to this page:
and clicking on "Login To The New Blockchain Wallet".  Is that right?

1) Log in to the wallet

In the upper right hand corner is the balance shown 0 BTC or some other number that is not zero?

2) Click on SETTINGS

3) In the drop down click on Addresses

4) You should see "My Bitcoin Wallet (N BTC) / Default    Show xPub Manage Addresses"  Where N is a number of Bitcoins.

Is that true?  Is that what you see?

Is the value N equal to zero or is it another number?

5) Click on "Manage Addresses"

Are there any addresses showing up on the "Manage Addresses" page at all?

If there are addresses how many addresses are shown?

If there are addresses is the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco showing up in the list?

This is very important.  Read this very carefully, do exactly as I say, and report back exactly what happens: 

If there are no addresses at all OR if there are addresses but the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco is not in the list then press the New Address button ONE TIME.

Now you should have one address if there were none, or a new address added to the list if there were already addresses there.

Is the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco now in the list?

Do everything I asked and report back and we will take it from there.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 14, 2016, 01:32:07 PM
Thanks everyone I made the wallet on Bc.i it's the new online wallet I dunno if I generated it was the correct term I'm rather new to this but I have never had this problem before I have created 2 more help requests with support and they haven't answered but put them as solved how do I check if iv archived the wallet  and I've never imported a wallet before what do I do bc.i sayid that there not like PayPal ect saying I should contact the seller they haven't done anything since I've sent them the txid and a link to the chain you guys have seen it 2 it's went threw there chain confirmed but yet I have not been credited I have not been hacked or anything like that as there's no transaction history or anything I made the wallet on Bc.i that day :(

   You can forget about the txid now because the transaction is complete. It's clouding your mind with useless information. You have to find the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco because that is where your coins reside.  So in that vein, follow BurtW's advice.  Good luck.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 14, 2016, 09:38:16 PM
yes burtw i have boght coins before . yes i created a new wallet for that transaction but i do not always do that i have used a few wallets on bc.i and have used a cupl of them for quite a few transactions and i did use the create new blockchain wallet button i usually use a tablet\iphone im going to login and check the rest on my laptop ill let you no soon thanks agian i havent herd from bc.i support does anyone think i will ?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 14, 2016, 10:01:07 PM
1) Log in to the wallet

In the upper right hand corner is the balance shown 0 BTC or some other number that is not zero?

2) Click on SETTINGS

3) In the drop down click on Addresses

4) You should see "My Bitcoin Wallet (N BTC) / Default    Show xPub Manage Addresses"  Where N is a number of Bitcoins.

Is that true?  Is that what you see?

Is the value N equal to zero or is it another number?

5) Click on "Manage Addresses"

Are there any addresses showing up on the "Manage Addresses" page at all?

If there are addresses how many addresses are shown?

If there are addresses is the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco showing up in the list?

This is very important.  Read this very carefully, do exactly as I say, and report back exactly what happens:  

If there are no addresses at all OR if there are addresses but the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco is not in the list then press the New Address button ONE TIME.

Now you should have one address if there were none, or a new address added to the list if there were already addresses there.

Is the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco now in the list?

Do everything I asked and report back and we will take it from there.

I have done as instructed I don't no what you mean about the n value but it says 0btc it had no address atoll I pressed the new address button and the address : 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco       has appeared

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 14, 2016, 10:40:52 PM
yes burtw i have boght coins before . yes i created a new wallet for that transaction but i do not always do that i have used a few wallets on bc.i and have used a cupl of them for quite a few transactions and i did use the create new blockchain wallet button i usually use a tablet\iphone im going to login and check the rest on my laptop ill let you no soon thanks agian i havent herd from bc.i support does anyone think i will ?

I have done as instructed I don't no what you mean about the n value but it says 0btc it had no address atoll I pressed the new address button and the address : 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco       has appeared

OK, so before you pressed the new address button you did not have any addresses in the list then after you pressed the new address button you now have just one address in the list and the address is the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco.

Did the balance on your wallet change to 5.18950764 BTC?

I am going to assume the answer is NO since you did not say "thanks, everything is OK now".

Obviously your wallet should show the balance since we have proved that 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco is in fact the first Bitcoin address in the Bitcoin address sequence for this wallet.

Since this is a brand new wallet, you have never used it for any other transactions, everyone already knows the two transactions we are looking for, I am only asking for the public key from this wallet it is OK in this case for you to send me the xpub key for this wallet.  You can send it to me as a personal message through this forum.  To let you know what I would do with it, I would import it into a wallet as a "watch only" address and see if I can see the balance on a new wallet.  I would not have your private key, I could not get your private key and I would not be able to access or spend your coins.

You should see a link that says "show xPub", click that and cut and past the xpub key into a personal message to me.  Your xpub key is a very long string of numbers that starts with "xPub".

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 08:23:31 AM
Got the xpub form Andlog972 and tried it in the xpub api:

And there are no transactions at all, strange.  I did not see an easy way to get the blockchain API to dump the public Bitcoin address sequence.  Does anyone know a simple API for that?

I also put the xpub into the following wallet:

and it got an error message while it was trying to create the public key sequence.  Also the public key sequence generated by the xpub given me did not contain the Bitcoin address we are looking for (but there was the error so the sequence or wallet sequence generation code is suspect).

Does anyone know of another tool I can use to dump the public key sequence from the xpub?

Also Andlog972: 

At this point I think it would be OK and is probably in your best interests to go ahead and publish the xpub here in this thread so more people can try to figure out what went wrong.  At this point I can not figure out what went wrong and we need more help.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 08:38:03 AM
Tried the xpub again at

The sequence generated was:


Notice the address we are looking for is not in the sequence (so far).

I have concluded that the xpub you gave me does not generate the address you are looking for.

Are you sure you gave me the correct xpub?  Make sure this is the xpub that generated the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco in your wallet when you pressed the "New Address" button.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 12:22:54 PM
xpub6CVUkjcP4PUsU99V2nTpxXrjcvnjqfLkg94YnGXUW5iDBAnwPTZPK9yqjqTzprf47zC8gbvWvEo 8JomPnq22S7ABgjVPCPmCWnXbpUxx44h

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 15, 2016, 01:16:08 PM
xpub6CVUkjcP4PUsU99V2nTpxXrjcvnjqfLkg94YnGXUW5iDBAnwPTZPK9yqjqTzprf47zC8gbvWvEo 8JomPnq22S7ABgjVPCPmCWnXbpUxx44h
can you take screenshot where you can see address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco has appeared?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 01:19:11 PM
xpub6CVUkjcP4PUsU99V2nTpxXrjcvnjqfLkg94YnGXUW5iDBAnwPTZPK9yqjqTzprf47zC8gbvWvEo 8JomPnq22S7ABgjVPCPmCWnXbpUxx44h

No transactions.

Question:  even though you just used this wallet recently when was the wallet created?  Was it created a long time ago and then just recently used for the first time?

Yes, a screenshot showing the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco in your wallet would be a fantastic idea.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 01:40:45 PM
I'll screenshot it for u guys I made the wallet the same day I was getting coins maybe a day before I would be reviving them from the seller how would I attach the screen shot would I need to use a computer for this or would a mobile phone screen shot be ok thanks again everyone for your help and input to this I am every grateful

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 15, 2016, 01:42:47 PM
I'll screenshot it for u guys I made the wallet the same day I was getting coins maybe a day before I would be reviving them from the seller how would I attach the screen shot would I need to use a computer for this or would a mobile phone screen shot be ok thanks again everyone for your help and input to this I am every grateful

 Upload a photo to and post the link to it.  Newbies can't display photos here.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 01:57:22 PM

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 02:23:59 PM
this is the adress that comes up when i click receive coins

if you guys need any more screenshots or anything else  let me no and ill send the links thanks again 

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 15, 2016, 02:26:28 PM
this is the adress that comes up when i click receive coins

if you guys need any more screenshots or anything else  let me no and ill send the links thanks again 

click on "send" - this should give you a list of addresses you control and show the funds they contain.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 02:32:36 PM
I don't think a screenshot of the send screen will help much but go ahead and do that.

Then, from this screen:

Press the "<- Back" link right above the text "Your Blockchain Wallet contains" once and take a screen shot and post it

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 02:54:58 PM
here you  go   and here is what comes up when i hit send

ive noticed that it says this.... Use your Wallet ID to log in using our web client, or simply scan the code below (click on 'Show Pairing Code') with your Blockchain Mobile Wallet (iOS or Android) to access your wallet on your mobile devices.

i think i created the wallet on a ios device could this effect anything

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 03:30:33 PM
here you  go   and here is what comes up when i hit send

ive noticed that it says this.... Use your Wallet ID to log in using our web client, or simply scan the code below (click on 'Show Pairing Code') with your Blockchain Mobile Wallet (iOS or Android) to access your wallet on your mobile devices.

i think i created the wallet on a ios device could this effect anything

I am just about out of ideas.  Just to make sure:  If you start on this page: and click "Show xpub" you get the xpub you sent us.  Right?

About the last thing I can think of is to have you export your seed information and try to recover it in a brand new totally new wallet.

Does anyone have any better ideas?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 15, 2016, 03:38:07 PM
here you  go   and here is what comes up when i hit send

ive noticed that it says this.... Use your Wallet ID to log in using our web client, or simply scan the code below (click on 'Show Pairing Code') with your Blockchain Mobile Wallet (iOS or Android) to access your wallet on your mobile devices.

i think i created the wallet on a ios device could this effect anything

  You think?  This is critical information - what does it say on the ios device?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 03:46:24 PM
First get your seed information:

1) SETTINGS -> Security -> Backup Phrase
2) Print the recovery sheet
3) Press Next Step
4) Write down the first four words on the sheet
5) Write down the second set of four words
6) Write down the last set of four words
7) Verify four of the words you just wrote down by typing them back in

Now try to recover your wallet using the words you just wrote down by opening a new browser and going to:

Let us know what happens.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 03:49:11 PM
here you  go   and here is what comes up when i hit send

ive noticed that it says this.... Use your Wallet ID to log in using our web client, or simply scan the code below (click on 'Show Pairing Code') with your Blockchain Mobile Wallet (iOS or Android) to access your wallet on your mobile devices.

i think i created the wallet on a ios device could this effect anything

  You think?  This is critical information - what does it say on the ios device?

Pairing is not the issue since you never mentioned pairing your account to a device.  Did you ever pair the wallet to a device?  Creating it on a different device should not be an issue but you might try accessing the wallet from the device you used to create the wallet.  That might tell us something.

And, also try recovering the wallet from the seed as I described above.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 15, 2016, 04:09:01 PM
This is very strange.
Did you log in via an IOS device using a web browser to or did you use the IOS app to create a new wallet?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: socks435 on May 15, 2016, 04:22:12 PM
If you are using ios to make an account before just use the ios again which is its still login or try to login there..and try to backup it from your ios.. get the private keys and install it in other wallet like electrum..

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 04:38:18 PM
 done it and no luck

i didnt think that the pairing bit would be of any significance

does anyone no why support would not be answering me :/  >:( ???

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 04:51:52 PM
This is very strange.
Did you log in via an IOS device using a web browser to or did you use the IOS app to create a new wallet?

I used iOS device to make the wallet for the transaction I've used a laptop for everything today 

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 15, 2016, 05:03:33 PM
this is the adress that comes up when i click receive coins

if you guys need any more screenshots or anything else  let me no and ill send the links thanks again  
Ok we are see you have the address , so you can export private key of address, send to another address in new wallet you want ,or you can give credential to mr. BurtW he will check it for us.

EDIT: @BurtW I hope you are able to do it for us. I did not ask for it first,sorry for that.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 05:17:53 PM
Now we are getting somewhere.  Maybe.

The xpub key shown in this image: (xpub6CKq5V...)

Is not the same as the xpub key you gave us to work with:

We need to explain that difference to explain what is happening.

Explain exactly how you got the xpub key in the image that starts with xpub6CKq5V.

And try to reproduce getting the xpub key that starts with xpub6CVUkj and tell us exactly how you do it (it should be the xpub from your original wallet, if I have not lost track).

If during your investigations you find another xpub key that is different from the other two above, then make a note of that also.

Tell us what you find.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 05:21:27 PM
this is the adress that comes up when i click receive coins

if you guys need any more screenshots or anything else  let me no and ill send the links thanks again  
Ok we are see you have the address , so you can export private key of address, send to another address in new wallet you want ,or you can give credential to mr. BurtW he will check it for us.

EDIT: @BurtW I hope you are able to do it for us. I did not ask for it first,sorry for that.

I have exported the seed and retrieved it in a new bc.i wallet that's what the last screenshots were  ?

And what do you want me to give bertw iv not had slot of sleep my heads fried with this guys  

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 05:28:49 PM
I have exported the seed and retrieved it in a new bc.i wallet that's what the last screenshots were  ?

So, now you may have something to go to with, maybe.  It appears that the same seed created two different xpub keys.  That would be a bug since one seed should created one and only one xpriv key which in turn should create only one xpub key.

Why not send them an email and point them to this thread and see if they can take a look at it.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 05:32:45 PM
Now we are getting somewhere.  Maybe.

The xpub key shown in this image: (xpub6CKq5V...)

Is not the same as the xpub key you gave us to work with:

We need to explain that difference to explain what is happening.

Explain exactly how you got the xpub key in the image that starts with xpub6CKq5V.

And try to reproduce getting the xpub key that starts with xpub6CVUkj and tell us exactly how you do it (it should be the xpub from your original wallet, if I have not lost track).

If during your investigations you find another xpub key that is different from the other two above, then make a note of that also.

Tell us what you find.

The first one I gave you was before I recovered the original wallets sees and put it on a new bc.i wallet the latest xpub is when I was in the wallet I recovered the seed on  and checked the xpub  in there  I will double check tho I am Sure that's what they are

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 15, 2016, 05:46:20 PM
this is the adress that comes up when i click receive coins

if you guys need any more screenshots or anything else  let me no and ill send the links thanks again  
Ok we are see you have the address , so you can export private key of address, send to another address in new wallet you want ,or you can give credential to mr. BurtW he will check it for us.

EDIT: @BurtW I hope you are able to do it for us. I did not ask for it first,sorry for that.

I have exported the seed and retrieved it in a new bc.i wallet that's what the last screenshots were  ?

And what do you want me to give bertw iv not had slot of sleep my heads fried with this guys  
because we can not do anything if there is no external witnesses that ensure your problem is.
we see and we hear only from you, it would seem gray for me. this is just for me.

Now we are getting somewhere.  Maybe.

The xpub key shown in this image: (xpub6CKq5V...)

Is not the same as the xpub key you gave us to work with:

We need to explain that difference to explain what is happening.

Explain exactly how you got the xpub key in the image that starts with xpub6CKq5V.

And try to reproduce getting the xpub key that starts with xpub6CVUkj and tell us exactly how you do it (it should be the xpub from your original wallet, if I have not lost track).

If during your investigations you find another xpub key that is different from the other two above, then make a note of that also.

Tell us what you find.

yes, this something can we check xpub from image: is have the address with scan QR-code.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 15, 2016, 05:58:29 PM
So this wallet has never been used for any transactions.
What wallet did you use previously?  You said you always used this same guy for buying coins.  Where did he sent those?  Are you creating a new wallet each time or just a new address??

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 06:04:02 PM
What do you mean vlamer about being gray and witnesses and giving burtw credentials ?

And xhomer I made a new wallet for that transaction I just stoped using my old one once I emptied it

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 06:09:43 PM

I do not want it.  Do not send me any private keys or xpriv keys.


Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 15, 2016, 06:13:13 PM
What do you mean vlamer about being gray and witnesses and giving burtw credentials ?

And xhomer I made a new wallet for that transaction I just stoped using my old one once I emptied it
i meant ,i don't yet believe this real happened.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 15, 2016, 06:16:10 PM
What do you mean vlamer about being gray and witnesses and giving burtw credentials ?

And xhomer I made a new wallet for that transaction I just stoped using my old one once I emptied it

 I think vlamer is suggesting you give BurtW your login info and let him investigate directly.  It's a good idea but it requires trust.

I realize you're tired and we're covering the same things over and over but are you absolutely SURE you didn't create this address on your old wallet by mistake?

edit: BurtW also has to agree

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 06:21:50 PM
Ok burtw lol how would you suggest I go about emailing Bc.i with this info about being 2xpubs for the one seed so this infact is a bug or an error on there side ?

And vlamer what do I need to show you to prove it lol I feel as if everything is there I wouldn't come on here and waste peoples time including yourself I've bugged the life out the guy I buy from  he's helped me  as much as he can . I've sent multiple messages to bc.i support  to be ignored and I've done everything I think everyone here has asked me to do . I'm not lying what would there be for me to gain out of talking shit ?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 06:34:40 PM
I am also sure I made a brand new wallet for te transaction

Burtw doesn't want the login details iv already gave them to my seller as at first I think he thought I was talking shit I changed pw after

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 15, 2016, 07:00:06 PM
Ok burtw lol how would you suggest I go about emailing Bc.i with this info about being 2xpubs for the one seed so this infact is a bug or an error on there side ?

And vlamer what do I need to show you to prove it lol I feel as if everything is there I wouldn't come on here and waste peoples time including yourself I've bugged the life out the guy I buy from  he's helped me  as much as he can . I've sent multiple messages to bc.i support  to be ignored and I've done everything I think everyone here has asked me to do . I'm not lying what would there be for me to gain out of talking shit ?
This is not to not believe what you say, this is just to get clarity on what happens.
because the bc.i did not respond so you do not have a companion in this case., and I also have an account there with HD features on the new wallet and I also use a version of the smartphone wallet,and looks fine so far .

Ok, BurtW not accept it.
you just have to wait for a response from bc.i .. or someone else will be able to help you further.

I am also sure I made a brand new wallet for te transaction

Burtw doesn't want the login details iv already gave them to my seller as at first I think he thought I was talking shit I changed pw after
i think password in bc.i can not be changed.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 07:07:30 PM
i think password in bc.i can not be changed.

Yes, it can be changed:  SETTINGS -> Security -> Wallet Password -> Change

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 15, 2016, 07:12:50 PM
i think password in bc.i can not be changed.

Yes, it can be changed:  SETTINGS -> Security -> Wallet Password -> Change
ow,like that. as a warning not to forget the password, I guess it can not be replaced unless recover.

EDIT: thanks for info.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 15, 2016, 07:13:05 PM
Ok burtw lol how would you suggest I go about emailing Bc.i with this info about being 2xpubs for the one seed so this infact is a bug or an error on there side ?

And vlamer what do I need to show you to prove it lol I feel as if everything is there I wouldn't come on here and waste peoples time including yourself I've bugged the life out the guy I buy from  he's helped me  as much as he can . I've sent multiple messages to bc.i support  to be ignored and I've done everything I think everyone here has asked me to do . I'm not lying what would there be for me to gain out of talking shit ?

 That's why I'm thinking the address is not in that wallet.  Maybe you are looking in the wrong place?  Can you check your older wallets to see if you inadvertently created the new address in one of those?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 07:19:39 PM
That's why I'm thinking the address is not in that wallet.  Maybe you are looking in the wrong place?  Can you check your older wallets to see if you inadvertently created the new address in one of those?
That is exactly what I originally thought but I have been very careful in trying to rule out that possibility.  Yes, this is the most likely explanation.  Andlog972 when you get a chance please think this possibility through and make sure that is not what happened.

Ok burtw lol how would you suggest I go about emailing Bc.i with this info about being 2xpubs for the one seed so this infact is a bug or an error on there side ?
I sent an invite to the thread, we will see if we get a response to my invite.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 15, 2016, 07:47:59 PM
I am sure I made new wallet for the transaction thanks guys so my seed made 2 xpub keys instead of there being 1 for the original and new / the same one for both ?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on May 15, 2016, 08:53:32 PM

Balance confirmed and unspent....

Only two transactions 05/11/2016 for 5.1+ BTC and 05/12/2016 for 0.0001 BTC both unspent.

Raw transaction 05/11/2016 for 5.1+ BTC to 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco


Raw transaction 05/12/2016 for 0.0001 BTC to 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco

Conclusion:  Something's wrong if this is your wallet address and your wallet is not displaying a balance....try exporting your wallet to a light client, or better yet, a Core client (<-- may take awhile to synchronize, but it's worth it).  If it's just a bug in's UI (<--or some form of localized collision), then as long as you have your wallet.dat (pk) you should be able to access your balance on the ledger.  Right?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 15, 2016, 11:37:12 PM
Thanks for trying to help.  Did you read the thread?  We have been through a lot already on this issue.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on May 16, 2016, 12:58:11 AM
Thanks for trying to help.  Did you read the thread?  We have been through a lot already on this issue.

Yup, I read the entire thread....Followed along and tried to wrap my brain cell around it too.  It's a very strange situation, and it's interesting to say the least.  It seems that the problem has to be with's  reckoning....right?  The transaction is published on the ledger, as viewed through other explorers, so it seems that as long as the PK to the address is known, then it should be accessible on another client.  Right? 

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 16, 2016, 02:45:55 AM
I played around with my wallet today including creating a second, separate wallet.  When I tried to log in via windows, it defaults to the new wallet.
Then I used the security link in settings to create a "wallet recovery phrase" or "back up phrase" as the button says.  Once I wrote down and verified the phrase the 12 words I went to this site:

and I typed in the 12 words with spaces in between in the box labeled "BIP39 Mnemonic".

Then I scrolled down to the heading "Derivation Path" and selected the "BIP44 tab"

A little further down the page is the heading "Derived Addresses" and there I saw every address and private key that exists (or ever will exist) in my wallet. Note that the private keys are shown in WIF compressed format which will import into the wallet.  I think (but don't quote me on this) the core wallet requires uncompressed WIF private keys.

So if Andlog972 didn't import a private key to use the 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco address in his wallet, he should be able to see it and its private key by doing this same thing.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 12:08:02 PM
Is there anyway you can tell me how to do that xhomer and I'll give it a try I have never done anything like that before iv always kept everything as simple as I can and have had no problems

My friend has suggested I use electrum is that easy enough to use for a newbie lol thanks again guys

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 16, 2016, 12:42:29 PM
Is there anyway you can tell me how to do that xhomer and I'll give it a try I have never done anything like that before iv always kept everything as simple as I can and have had no problems

My friend has suggested I use electrum is that easy enough to use for a newbie lol thanks again guys
Yes, you can do exactly as he said - but I think you will just duplicate what we have already done.

1) Type your 12 words into this web site: in the BIP39 Mnemonic box

2) Once it accepts the 12 words, scroll down to the box that says "BIP32 Extended Key (addresses only)" that is where your xpub is.

Check this xpub.  Since we basically did the same thing when we typed your 12 words back into a new account a I will bet the xpub you get will be the same, it will probably be this one (xpub6CKq5V...)

If it is the same as the one we got by typing in the 12 words to then, yes we have duplicated that result.  If the same 12 words produce a different xpub then that would be a bug.

The problem is that since the 12 words you get from your account produce xpub6CKq5V... (I think you will find this to be true again) you do not have, or have not found, the 12 words that produce the other xpub  xpub6CVUkj... which is the one you need to produce the bitcoin address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco.  So, you are stuck and you will never find the private key to own those Bitcoins held at the address 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco until you get the 12 words or the xpriv/xpub key pair that produced that address.

If you import those 12 words (or the xpriv key produced from them) into any other wallet you will/should get the same result since one set of 12 words maps directly to only one xpriv key which maps directly to only one xpub key which maps directly to an exact sequence of private/public key pairs.

You will be able to see, when you type your 12 words into the site, the sequence of Bitcoin addresses and corresponding private keys produced by those 12 words by scrolling down to Derived Addresses.  It will show you the first 20 but you can get the next 20, and the next 20, and the next 20 for as long as you want to press the next 20 button.

You can verify all of this by checking the first 20 addresses produced at with the newest wallet you created at with your same 20 words.  Just press the new address button in your latest wallet 20 times.  It will create the same 20 Bitcoin addresses.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 16, 2016, 12:55:43 PM
Question:  On the SETTINGS -> Addresses page have you ever pressed the blue "Create New" button?  If not then please do not, that would only confuse things more.  If you have please let us know.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 01:00:35 PM
I already recoverd my original wallet like you said burtw I done it threw Bc.i wallet recovery and I clicked the create adress button once like you said will I do this all again bit use the link you sent to recover there ??

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 16, 2016, 01:03:42 PM
I already recoverd my original wallet like you said burtw I done it threw Bc.i wallet recovery and I clicked the create adress button once like you said will I do this all again bit use the link you sent to recover there ??
You could take the same 12 words to the web site, type them in, scroll down to the bottom and see 20 Bitcoin addresses.

You can go into your recovered wallet and press the new address button 19 more times.

I would expect the 20 addresses produced at to match the 20 addresses in your recovered wallet.

If they do match, that is expected.  If they do not then let us know.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 02:10:18 PM
So I put my 12 word phrase  here  BIP39 Mnemonic
Or the bit that says phrase ?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 16, 2016, 02:24:02 PM
As I said before:

1) Type your 12 words into this web site: in the BIP39 Mnemonic box

2) Once it accepts the 12 words, scroll down to the box that says "BIP32 Extended Key (addresses only)" that is where your xpub is.

Check this xpub.  Since we basically did the same thing when we typed your 12 words back into a new account a I will bet the xpub you get will be the same, it will probably be this one (xpub6CKq5V...)

If it is the same as the one we got by typing in the 12 words to then, yes we have duplicated that result.  If the same 12 words produce a different xpub then that would be a bug.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: vlamer on May 16, 2016, 02:53:54 PM
I found this article on the BC.I may be the same case of you, and this maybe can help you to export Private key

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 16, 2016, 03:52:36 PM
I found this article on the BC.I may be the same case of you, and this maybe can help you to export Private key

 Thanks for the info but I think that's a little too complicated for OP to attempt.  Besides, if he just types in the right 12 words from the right deterministic wallet, he has access to all of the private keys that could ever be created for his wallet.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 04:19:41 PM
 i think ive done what u said here is  screen shots of what i got the xpub is diffrent i think do i have to go on the wallet i put the same recovery details into check something aswell ?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 04:36:58 PM
ive also noticed that the original wallet and the recoverd one both have different xpubs i canot get on imgur but when i can illk get tghe screenshots of them if needed?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 16, 2016, 05:09:39 PM
i think ive done what u said here is  screen shots of what i got the xpub is diffrent i think do i have to go on the wallet i put the same recovery details into check something aswell ?
Since you just published every possible private key in that wallet you should NEVER put any BTC into that wallet - ever.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 05:22:25 PM
I won't be using that wallet again or Bc.i  I don't no what to do burtw lol there has been grate input from a lot of ppl on here and I still can't get my coins still not herd from Bc.i support I'm just trying everything I'm new to this before this happend I purchased  coins and spent them as fast and easy as possible  iv learned a lot more threw all of this but still no coins :(

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 16, 2016, 05:43:28 PM
I won't be using that wallet again or Bc.i  I don't no what to do burtw lol there has been grate input from a lot of ppl on here and I still can't get my coins still not herd from Bc.i support I'm just trying everything I'm new to this before this happend I purchased  coins and spent them as fast and easy as possible  iv learned a lot more threw all of this but still no coins :(

 Did you perform those actions on this ( wallet?
Did you see that address on the account before you obtained the backup phrase?
How many different wallets have you created with

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 05:49:00 PM
Yes that is the original wallet which I made the back up for I then used the phrase in the Bc.i/wallet/recovery

Which made a new wallet when I done that I'm sure
I have the original wallet and the one that I put the back up in and it created another

I have 2 wallets

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 06:03:19 PM
And I thinkso about the adress before back up not  100% tho

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 16, 2016, 06:08:40 PM
Yes that is the original wallet which I made the back up for I then used the phrase in the Bc.i/wallet/recovery

Which made a new wallet when I done that I'm sure
I have the original wallet and the one that I put the back up in and it created another

I have 2 wallets

  I really think you are doing something wrong because this is proven tech but at the same time it's hard to get the 12 words wrong because the last one is a checksum - they would show as an invalid mnemonic.
How many times have you received money on this wallet?  Is this the first time?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 16, 2016, 06:10:42 PM
And I thinkso about the adress before back up not  100% tho

 That address should still be showing in the wallet when you click on manage addresses.  If you don't see it, it's not the right wallet!

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 06:20:03 PM
It shows in the original wallet after I think u or burtw told me to press add adress because it was empty before I done that been there since then

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 16, 2016, 06:28:03 PM
I have tried everything I can think of.  I have tried to contact for you.  I am out of ideas.  Sorry.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on May 16, 2016, 07:26:38 PM
i think ive done what u said here is  screen shots of what i got the xpub is diffrent i think do i have to go on the wallet i put the same recovery details into check something aswell ?
Since you just published every possible private key in that wallet you should NEVER put any BTC into that wallet - ever.

This---Put imgur down and step away from the terminal!  LOL

I think that everybody needs to slowdown here so nobody gets hurt....keep the screenshots to a minimum....and give awhile to respond.  As long as OP keeps the keys safe, then the BTC should remain unspent until the problem is resolved!

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: steven0021 on May 16, 2016, 07:38:02 PM
I found this article on the BC.I may be the same case of you, and this maybe can help you to export Private key

 Thanks for the info but I think that's a little too complicated for OP to attempt.  Besides, if he just types in the right 12 words from the right deterministic wallet, he has access to all of the private keys that could ever be created for his wallet.

OP should try that anyway because it might help. I've tried using the 12 words on but I didn't get any address that I recognize (I could be wrong. see my post here (

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 16, 2016, 07:51:31 PM
i think ive done what u said here is  screen shots of what i got the xpub is diffrent i think do i have to go on the wallet i put the same recovery details into check something aswell ?
Since you just published every possible private key in that wallet you should NEVER put any BTC into that wallet - ever.

This---Put imgur down and step away from the terminal!  LOL

I think that everybody needs to slowdown here so nobody gets hurt....keep the screenshots to a minimum....and give awhile to respond.  As long as OP keeps the keys safe, then the BTC should remain unspent until the problem is resolved!

 This sounds like good advice.  Let's wait to see what does.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 16, 2016, 09:55:07 PM
They won't reply and I no now that was stupid I removed it but the dangerous already done I suppose I'm just baffled by it all the screen shots were a easy way for me to show what's on the screen I've never done anything like the majority of what's been said on here :(

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on May 16, 2016, 11:26:29 PM
They won't reply and I no now that was stupid I removed it but the dangerous already done I suppose I'm just baffled by it all the screen shots were a easy way for me to show what's on the screen I've never done anything like the majority of what's been said on here :(

Well, we can start a campaign to request that respond to this issue.  Just keep you're private keys safe....that's the most important thing at this point.  Another thing that might be of concern here is that there have been several phishing attempts recently to get's user's double check attention to the spellings in the URL when you visit the site. 

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 16, 2016, 11:31:54 PM
They won't reply and I no now that was stupid I removed it but the dangerous already done I suppose I'm just baffled by it all the screen shots were a easy way for me to show what's on the screen I've never done anything like the majority of what's been said on here :(
You were not stupid.  The xpriv you posted was for an empty wallet (good).  You have taken the image down (good).  I just wanted to make sure that you know that the wallet in the image is now compromised so you should not put any BTC into it.  You responded that you would not put any BTC into it so all is well.  No harm no foul.

Wait for to respond.  They might.  They might not.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on May 16, 2016, 11:36:29 PM
They won't reply and I no now that was stupid I removed it but the dangerous already done I suppose I'm just baffled by it all the screen shots were a easy way for me to show what's on the screen I've never done anything like the majority of what's been said on here :(
You were not stupid.  The xpriv you posted was for an empty wallet (good).  You have taken the image down (good).  I just wanted to make sure that you know that the wallet in the image is now compromised so you should not put any BTC into it.  You responded that you would not put any BTC into it so all is well.  No harm no foul.

Wait for to respond.  They might.  They might not.

I just submitted my own request to with a link to this thread....Hopefully, that will help.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 17, 2016, 06:05:27 PM replied thanks a lot everyone for your help hopefully they can fix this now fingers crossed

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 17, 2016, 07:46:00 PM replied thanks a lot everyone for your help hopefully they can fix this now fingers crossed
Please report back what happens.  We are all very curious.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 17, 2016, 10:11:16 PM
they have replied can you tell me your opinions on this
as you guys have seen from secreen shots there was only one adress found in the manage address section and that appeared when i think  told me to press the new address button thats right yea

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 17, 2016, 10:34:50 PM
they have replied can you tell me your opinions on this
as you guys have seen from secreen shots there was only one adress found in the manage address section and that appeared when i think  told me to press the new address button thats right yea
He is asking you to do the same things I asked you to do.  I guess great minds think alike ;)

I wonder if he would be willing to read this thread to come up to speed on what you have already tried?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 18, 2016, 01:26:11 AM
I figured they would get you to do the same things as BurtW had you do but I was also thinking that the techs would have a little more insight - I mean with this type of problem.  Seems like they don't.  If it were a glitch, you think they would have run across it already.

 Is the guy doing some research or did he just give up?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on May 18, 2016, 06:55:02 PM
Waiting for an update....Has this issue been resolved?  If so, it would be awesome to get some the details on what the problem might have been...I hope you have access to your funds by now at least.

EDIT: I see that it's still "unspent" at 1Masr1mezkmAqhtWT9RsWzt2e21aYApco so....???  Nothing???

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on May 18, 2016, 09:37:42 PM
No but thanks to the help from everyone one here I think Bc.i support have finally got there fingers out and are dealing with it getting replies :) but still no funds :/

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on May 23, 2016, 08:42:11 PM
No but thanks to the help from everyone one here I think Bc.i support have finally got there fingers out and are dealing with it getting replies :) but still no funds :/

 Still no news about your coins?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on May 29, 2016, 09:56:03 AM
i am having same problem

yesterday someone send me funds to my blockchain there are 105 conformations now and still there is 0 balance in my wallet

txid is

op did you resolve your problem

Please do reply

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 29, 2016, 01:13:41 PM
Are you saying that you are also using the new deterministic wallet and that you got the destination address from a new deterministic wallet?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on May 30, 2016, 12:04:13 PM
Are you saying that you are also using the new deterministic wallet and that you got the destination address from a new deterministic wallet?

Hi burt

i am using blockchain legacy wallet

account made 1 week ago and that was the first TX

and still nothing in my account

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 30, 2016, 02:25:54 PM
Are you saying that you are also using the new deterministic wallet and that you got the destination address from a new deterministic wallet?

Hi burt

i am using blockchain legacy wallet

account made 1 week ago and that was the first TX

and still nothing in my account
Legacy wallet is much easier:

Go to the "Receive Money" tab.  Is the Bitcoin Address you asked them to use listed there?  In other words is the destination Bitcoin address listed there on the "Receive Money" tab?  If not check "Archived" and see if it is listed there.  If it is not listed in either of those places you are out of luck.  If it is listed then it should work - I have never seen it not work or heard of it not working.

If it is listed then you should be able to click on it and see the transaction.

Which output Bitcoin address in the transaction is yours?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: jak1 on May 30, 2016, 03:34:26 PM
Are you saying that you are also using the new deterministic wallet and that you got the destination address from a new deterministic wallet?

Hi burt

i am using blockchain legacy wallet

account made 1 week ago and that was the first TX

and still nothing in my account

Try your address on another wallet. like electrum. get private key from blockchain in import/export option. and then import it on electrum and see there, I think blockchain having some issues, I also got a similar issue , I have 0.05btc in my wallet, today I open my wallet I got shocked when I see there is zero balance. but when I import the private key in electrum I see my all balance there.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 30, 2016, 06:05:58 PM
Are you saying that you are also using the new deterministic wallet and that you got the destination address from a new deterministic wallet?

Hi burt

i am using blockchain legacy wallet

account made 1 week ago and that was the first TX

and still nothing in my account

Try your address on another wallet. like electrum. get private key from blockchain in import/export option. and then import it on electrum and see there, I think blockchain having some issues, I also got a similar issue , I have 0.05btc in my wallet, today I open my wallet I got shocked when I see there is zero balance. but when I import the private key in electrum I see my all balance there.
If they are having troubles then they will sort it out.  So, if that is the case, you can just wait a while and the funds will appear.  You can move your private key to another wallet as suggested but you might just want to wait a while before you go to that trouble.

Which Bitcoin address is yours and did you find it in your wallet?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on May 30, 2016, 09:17:15 PM
Are you saying that you are also using the new deterministic wallet and that you got the destination address from a new deterministic wallet?

Hi burt

i am using blockchain legacy wallet

account made 1 week ago and that was the first TX

and still nothing in my account
Legacy wallet is much easier:

Go to the "Receive Money" tab.  Is the Bitcoin Address you asked them to use listed there?  In other words is the destination Bitcoin address listed there on the "Recieve Money" tab?  If not check "Archived" and see if it is listed there.  If it is not listed in either of those places you are out of luck.  If it is listed then it should work - I have never seen it not work or heard of it not working.

If it is listed then you should be able to click on it and see the transaction.

Which output Bitcoin address in the transaction is yours?

Hi burt thanks for the reply

there is nothing coming in receive tab

my address is 1HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe

i emailed block chain guys

they replied with this message

Mandrik (Blockchain)
May 30, 10:43

I'd like to look into this further, but unfortunately I'm going to require the password for the wallet. This isn't something we ask for under any normal condition, but without it I won't be able to look any further into this issue.

Before doing this please move all funds from this wallet to a new wallet, and be sure to never use any addresses within your old wallet ever again. You can create a new wallet here - Be sure to record the new password and identifier. If we are able to locate these funds then let us know a new bitcoin address you would like for us to send them to.


shall i try to get the private key of my account and try to export the address to other wallet or any suggestions

i have done nothing yet like haven't touch anything

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 30, 2016, 11:12:24 PM
Good news, your 0.6342 BTC are safe at that address:

Did you locate the address 1HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe in the "Recieve Money" tab in your wallet like I asked?  If it is there then click on it and you should see the 0.6342 BTC at that address.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on May 30, 2016, 11:55:42 PM
Good news, your 0.6342 BTC are safe at that address:

Did you locate the address 1HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe in the "Recieve Money" tab in your wallet like I asked?  If it is there then click on it and you should see the 0.6342 BTC at that address.

Good job BurtW!....I was worried about his post right above yours but I didn't want to interject so as not to make things more confusing.  I have a question: did the original poster get his situation resolved?  I noticed that he hasn't visited the forum for awhile yet the transaction hasn't moved.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 31, 2016, 12:06:07 AM
Good news, your 0.6342 BTC are safe at that address:

Did you locate the address 1HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe in the "Recieve Money" tab in your wallet like I asked?  If it is there then click on it and you should see the 0.6342 BTC at that address.

Good job BurtW!....I was worried about his post right above yours but I didn't want to interject so as not to make things more confusing.  I have a question: did the original poster get his situation resolved?  I noticed that he hasn't visited the forum for awhile yet the transaction hasn't moved.
I have not heard from the original poster either.

beel's coins are safe on the address he gave.  Now we just need to make sure he has the private key for that address.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on May 31, 2016, 12:40:04 AM
Good news, your 0.6342 BTC are safe at that address:

Did you locate the address 1HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe in the "Recieve Money" tab in your wallet like I asked?  If it is there then click on it and you should see the 0.6342 BTC at that address.

Good job BurtW!....I was worried about his post right above yours but I didn't want to interject so as not to make things more confusing.  I have a question: did the original poster get his situation resolved?  I noticed that he hasn't visited the forum for awhile yet the transaction hasn't moved.
I have not heard from the original poster either.

beel's coins are safe on the address he gave.  Now we just need to make sure he has the private key for that address.

Hi burt

how can i get the private key in is that 12 words called seeds ?
i did what you asked but there is no address coming in receive tab


Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on May 31, 2016, 01:23:26 AM
Please re-read these instructions and do everything I suggested, especially the "Archived" tab:

Legacy wallet is much easier:

Go to the "Receive Money" tab.  Is the Bitcoin Address you asked them to use listed there?  In other words is the destination Bitcoin address listed there on the "Receive Money" tab?  If not check "Archived" and see if it is listed there.  If it is not listed in either of those places you are out of luck.  If it is listed then it should work - I have never seen it not work or heard of it not working.

If it is listed then you should be able to click on it and see the transaction.
If the address 1HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe is not in your "Received Money" tab or in the "Archived" tab where did you get this address?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on May 31, 2016, 07:07:43 PM
Please re-read these instructions and do everything I suggested, especially the "Archived" tab:

Legacy wallet is much easier:

Go to the "Receive Money" tab.  Is the Bitcoin Address you asked them to use listed there?  In other words is the destination Bitcoin address listed there on the "Receive Money" tab?  If not check "Archived" and see if it is listed there.  If it is not listed in either of those places you are out of luck.  If it is listed then it should work - I have never seen it not work or heard of it not working.

If it is listed then you should be able to click on it and see the transaction.
If the address 1HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe is not in your "Received Money" tab or in the "Archived" tab where did you get this address?

Hi burtw

HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe this address is coming in pop up windows

How can i get the private key i think i am using the new version of as i cant see import/export options there
i am thinking to export it to eletrum but i need private key for that

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on May 31, 2016, 10:53:51 PM
someone mentioned the method to get private keys

but i dont know what is index number and account number
how can i find it

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: BurtW on June 01, 2016, 10:54:02 AM
someone mentioned the method to get private keys

but i dont know what is index number and account number
how can i find it
This does not apply to the Legacy wallet.

You said:

Hi burtw

HkJKLwAiDDBAZFWoftaZoJXQMryHewUUe this address is coming in pop up windows

How can i get the private key i think i am using the new version of as i cant see import/export options there
i am thinking to export it to eletrum but i need private key for that

Hi burt

i am using blockchain legacy wallet

account made 1 week ago and that was the first TX

and still nothing in my account

Which is it?

You also said that customer support replied they would help you.

Mandrik (Blockchain)
May 30, 10:43

I'd like to look into this further, but unfortunately I'm going to require the password for the wallet. This isn't something we ask for under any normal condition, but without it I won't be able to look any further into this issue.

Before doing this please move all funds from this wallet to a new wallet, and be sure to never use any addresses within your old wallet ever again. You can create a new wallet here - Be sure to record the new password and identifier. If we are able to locate these funds then let us know a new bitcoin address you would like for us to send them to.


I am not able to help you since you do not understand and are not able to answer fundamental questions about your account.  I suggest you use technical support as I am not able to help you.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on June 01, 2016, 01:36:52 PM
sorry but if i did confuse you

is it safe to give guys my wallet password and id?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: longbob72 on June 01, 2016, 01:59:29 PM
sorry but if i did confuse you

is it safe to give guys my wallet password and id?

Obviously no.
By the way, why don't you post the screenshot of your wallet so that we'll know for sure what wallet you're using?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Bitcoinbro on June 01, 2016, 02:28:32 PM
sorry but if i did confuse you

is it safe to give guys my wallet password and id?

Obviously no.
By the way, why don't you post the screenshot of your wallet so that we'll know for sure what wallet you're using?

Indeed, the fact is also that you should never give your wallet information in my opinion I would not risks this..
Just post a screenshot and stay away from these people.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: The_prodigy on June 01, 2016, 02:48:25 PM
sorry but if i did confuse you

is it safe to give guys my wallet password and id?

Obviously no.
By the way, why don't you post the screenshot of your wallet so that we'll know for sure what wallet you're using?

Indeed, the fact is also that you should never give your wallet information in my opinion I would not risks this..
Just post a screenshot and stay away from these people.
First you think why they are need your real identity what is their intentions? because for me i think they are using it to scam people or to use it to hack your account and banks or to get your user and password of you email. many ways will happen to you if you give all of your real information and the only way that i can suggest is to stay away from them and ignore them...

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on June 01, 2016, 03:13:09 PM
i am using new wallet

I did ask them for Index id
but they keep insisting on password
i am worried now

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: longbob72 on June 01, 2016, 04:44:41 PM
i am using new wallet

I did ask them for Index id
but they keep insisting on password
i am worried now

It is entirely up to you to give the password to them or not.
But be aware that whoever you send it to will be able to spend your bitcoins without anyone knowing because they can fetch all of your private keys (plus your wallet seed) while they're logged in to your account.

Before you give them your password, create a new wallet and transfer all your bitcoins there. Then transfer the remaining bitcoins after they fixed the problem and never use that wallet again because it's compromised.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: beel on June 01, 2016, 07:36:13 PM
i am using new wallet

I did ask them for Index id
but they keep insisting on password
i am worried now

It is entirely up to you to give the password to them or not.
But be aware that whoever you send it to will be able to spend your bitcoins without anyone knowing because they can fetch all of your private keys (plus your wallet seed) while they're logged in to your account.

Before you give them your password, create a new wallet and transfer all your bitcoins there. Then transfer the remaining bitcoins after they fixed the problem and never use that wallet again because it's compromised.

Hi longbob

i understand that
is there anyway i can get the private key and i will try to import in electrum and will see

the thing is my xpub address is not showing any balance or transaction
but my wallet is showing

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on June 15, 2016, 02:45:41 AM
 I see he hasn't logged in since June 2nd and I wonder if he ever got control of his coins.  Considering the run-up in value of late, he has a considerable amount of money tied up in these inaccessible coins.  Was anyone ever in touch with him via e-mail?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on June 29, 2016, 07:35:32 PM
hey everyone sorry ive not been on personal reasons  rely  pissed off with all this
 ill have a look at everything tonight i still havent got them the support said they were giving me them then changed there minds  and are now saying alot of bullshit ill put pics up  but its obv because they have shot right up in price i woulkd just be happy to get what i spent for them .
the wallet has been updated since i was last on and now in addresses the address used for the coins is appearing with the credit that i should have 5.2 btc  but its not in my balance

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on June 29, 2016, 08:25:12 PM
hey everyone sorry ive not been on personal reasons  rely  pissed off with all this
 ill have a look at everything tonight i still havent got them the support said they were giving me them then changed there minds  and are now saying alot of bullshit ill put pics up  but its obv because they have shot right up in price i woulkd just be happy to get what i spent for them .
the wallet has been updated since i was last on and now in addresses the address used for the coins is appearing with the credit that i should have 5.2 btc  but its not in my balance

Well, you're getting closer at least. You shouldn't have to be going through all of this mess.  Once it's all resolved, you might want to think about getting a personal wallet instead of using an online wallet....especially if you plan on moving around more than a few satoshi!  Keep us posted!

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on June 29, 2016, 08:34:12 PM
I don't know.  Administrators could have entered it as a "watch only" address in which case it would show a balance yet would not be accessible.  It's hard to say if OP is any closer to resolution.  I think we need to see those screeencaps.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on June 29, 2016, 09:48:42 PM

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on June 29, 2016, 09:51:21 PM
I don't know.  Administrators could have entered it as a "watch only" address in which case it would show a balance yet would not be accessible.  It's hard to say if OP is any closer to resolution.  I think we need to see those screeencaps.

You know....there have been others complaining about similar problems with  I can't find those threads right off hand but it seems to be a recurring theme with the site.  It just demonstrates the value of decentralization and the importance of running one's own client.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on June 29, 2016, 09:54:25 PM

It shows that you have an unspent balance at an address you control but it wont allow you to "spend" it?  Have you tried to send it to a personal client yet?  Maybe a core client or the Electrum wallet?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on June 29, 2016, 10:01:08 PM
May 27, 2016 21:21
Thank you for your patience with this. Since you shared the password with us please move all funds from this wallet to a new wallet, and be sure to never use any addresses within your old wallet ever again. You can create a new wallet here - Once this new wallet is created, and you've recorded the new password and identifier, then let me know a new bitcoin address you would like for us to send the funds to.


Mandrik | Support
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Blog: https://blog.[Suspicious link removed]/
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May 27, 2016 23:38
hey thanks alot i already have a new wallet here is my address : 1E3F2M65jeALtMpUPqdfCpTsyQmoJhHaTf

and thankyou can you tell me the cause of this problem ?

May 28, 2016 14:02
Can you message me when you have sent the coins please

May 28, 2016 18:36

May 28, 2016 20:11
Thanks for providing the return address and password. If we are able to locate these funds then let we will absolutely let you know. Unfortunately it's something that requires our developers to look into further, which they will be able to do in the office on Monday. Sorry for the additional delay.

Mandrik | Support
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Blog: https://blog.[Suspicious link removed]/
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May 28, 2016 20:33
Ok so I will be able to get them Monday do you think .i was messaged and told to make a new wallet for my funds to be sent to yesterday ? Thanks

May 28, 2016 20:59
With the information you've provided we should be able to fix this on Monday. :)


Mandrik | Support
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Blog: https://blog.[Suspicious link removed]/
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May 30, 2016 22:00
Hi is there any update on this thanks

May 30, 2016 22:00
Hi is there any update on this thanks

May 31, 2016 09:40

May 31, 2016 09:40

May 31, 2016 20:54
Sorry for the delay. Do you remember the device you used to create this wallet? What was the device and version of iOS, Android, etc. that is running on the device?

Mandrik | Support
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Blog: https://blog.[Suspicious link removed]/
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May 31, 2016 21:04
iOS 7.1.2 I think I'm not sure im using a laptop now for my wallets if that makes any differnce

June 01, 2016 08:42
And what's with the questions again someone from your company asked for a wallet address to send my funds an now you's are asking more questions iv already answered why say you's are going to give me my funds Monday and don't!!!!!!!! it's now Wednesday and why say you should be able to fix this when someone already said they were going to send them !!!!

June 02, 2016 09:15

June 03, 2016 15:47

June 06, 2016 16:20

June 07, 2016 11:39

June 07, 2016 11:39

June 07, 2016 13:34

June 07, 2016 19:14
Sorry for the continued delay, but we are still looking into this issue.

Mandrik | Support
Facebook: Twitter:
Blog: https://blog.[Suspicious link removed]/
Appreciate the help? Send me a tip at

June 07, 2016 23:52
You's said I would be getting my coins last Monday what has changed since then people are saying you guys may be scamming me but iv seen that there still not spent will I get my coins back ???thanks

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: Andlog972 on June 29, 2016, 10:04:46 PM
WITH THE screenshot i put on its the first ive seen a link between my funds and the wallet if you get me im new to all this and wouldnt no how to do that would there be any way i could try like reload the wallet or somthing im sure someone got me to use the 12word phrase and see if it reloaded the wallet and credited me but didnt work but that was a while back and i can see now that the bci wallet has been updated

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: xhomerx10 on June 29, 2016, 10:17:47 PM
Based on the screenshot is doesn't seem to be a "watch only" address so it seems like the funds are in your wallet.
Have you tried to move the coins to a new address under your control?

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: cjmoles on June 30, 2016, 01:49:32 AM
Try to send your coin from the wallet in the screenshot to a personal wallet that you set up on your laptop.  The Eletcrum wallet has a pretty fast download.  Just download the Electrum client, copy a receive address from the Electrum wallet, paste that address into the send transaction address box in the wallet in the screenshot, and click the send transaction button.

Title: Re: Can someone help me please
Post by: socks435 on June 30, 2016, 05:18:23 PM
This is just the same as mine but different company.. my wallet in conbase when i was receiving bitcoins in my old address no pending or any sign that my bitcoin is there but according to the txid its already confirm 200 confirm and the sign is spent already so it means the bitcoin should in my wallet.. i contacted the support but it takes a weeks beforethey can resovlve the issue just now my bitcoin is in my wallet because the support is there i told them that i am not new in bitcoin because they are trying to lyied to me that they have no power to touch any program in their system that i know its a bug..they said that they have no power to give the  amount directly.. so i said its impossible that they have no power to give directly the btc because its a site bug..

I suggest to you is to change your wallet import your wallet in electrum because its safe than online wallet..