Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Otoh on March 01, 2013, 03:49:21 PM

Title: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 01, 2013, 03:49:21 PM
Hi, I would like to do for Litecoin the same as I did for Bitcoin here (;all), I realize that astrology is an anathema to some so please skip this thread if you disapprove of mystic mumbo jumbo - as the original thread shows though it is of sufficient interest to some to warrant a look at from this perspective if only out of curiosity.

There's a unusually large number of trines (10) & conjunctions (11) which is very auspicious & other things like not a single opposition that make this a rather interesting chart, a preponderance of Air & Cardinal signs - Air being good for technology & innovation - Cardinal for energetic start-ups. For more on these & other aspects see

Thinking of Litecoin as a complementary partner to Bitcoin, say as the Moon to Bitcoin as Sun, we see that LTC has a very positive Moon itself & it's in the progressive forward thinking sign of Aquarius. Litecoin is a Libra Sun sign - good for partnership & balance/fairness & Mercury plus Saturn there emphasize this with communication & practicality. Venus is in Scorpio which make's LTC intense & confident which ppl will find attractive & sexy. Mars is in Leo - plenty of power & ambition there with a strong sense of authority & personal magnetism. Jupiter in Taurus gives good luck & bodes well for abundance & financial security, it attracts wealth & success.

I'll add more interpretations later, with edits to add to this OP.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: interlagos on March 02, 2013, 12:40:09 PM
This is great!

I wanted to ask you about exactly this thing a few months ago, but somehow managed to forget about it.

How did you determine the birth date?
The official public hashing started on October 13th, but genesis block was probably created a bit earlier.

The same question about the place.
Did coblee tell you where he lives?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 02, 2013, 02:27:59 PM
Yep I originally posted on,1228.0.html to ask re the exact local time & place of the first LTC block being mined, the genesis block, from I got 2011 10 07 at 07:31:05 for the first block & coblee told me where he mined it from.

Glad you like the chart, it really is a beauty imo.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 06, 2013, 02:15:53 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of March 7, 2013   "I worked as a hair stylist in Chicago's Gold Coast for 20 years with some of the most gorgeous woman and men in the world," writes sculptor Rich Thomson. "Once I asked a photographer who shot for the big magazines how he picked out the very best models from among all these great-looking people. His response: 'Flaws. Our flaws are what make us interesting, special, and exotic. They define us.'" My challenge to you, Litecoin, is to meditate on how your supposed imperfections and oddities are essential to your unique beauty. It's a perfect moment to celebrate -- and make good use of -- your idiosyncrasies.


In his book Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas says the planets don't emit invisible forces that shape our destinies as if we were puppets. Rather, they are symbols of the unfolding evolutionary pattern. Just as clocks tell time but don't create it, the heavenly bodies show us the big picture but don't cause it.

Quoting Greek philosopher Plotinus, Tarnas writes, "The stars are like letters that inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. Everything in the world is full of signs. All events are coordinated. All things depend on each other. Everything breathes together."

So it's not just the distant globes whose movements and relationships serve as divinatory clues. If you're sufficiently attuned to the gestalt of creation and pay close enough attention to its unfolding details, you can read the current mood of the universe in the arrangement of red onions in the grocery store bin or the fluttering of sunlight and shadow on the mimosa tree or the scatter of soap suds in your sink after you've finished washing the dishes.

Can you do it? Discern the signature of creation at this or any other perfect moment? Peer into the secret heart of the collective unconscious? Guess what the Goddess is thinking? Hint: You will have to switch on a dormant capacity, transforming your imagination from a mere fantasy-generator into an organ of perception.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 06, 2013, 02:26:33 PM
btw, ltc price in btc since the start of this thread, maybe the 0.002 something btc per ltc was like the $2 something per btc low from Nov 2011 ;)

for ltc/$ see here:
with an amusing 45k ltc fat fingers typo of a bid $0.60 instead of $0.06 probably, on the 4th March, posted now below:

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 13, 2013, 01:45:49 PM
Litecoin's horoscopes for Wednesday March 13, 2013

Once we develop an expectation, we find it difficult to deal with the idea that things are starting to turn out differently. If the difference is positive, we generally adapt more rapidly. But if it isn't, it can be very hard not to succumb to a sense of resentment. Even those of us with the most fluid and flexible personalities object to feeling as if life is full of the wrong kind of surprises. Partly to defend yourself against such potential disappointment, you have embraced some pessimism. You will soon see proof that this is unnecessary.

Don't go leaping into a situation too emotionally and then find you don't really want to see it through to the end, because with the Moon across the zodiac from your sign you can sometimes lose courage about things. It's a fragile kind of energy. So aim yourself towards nice, happy, reassuring mates. New relationships which appear now could be very switch-on, switch off but exciting on the way through. At work it is important to try out new ways of co-operating.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: iammagicmike on March 13, 2013, 02:33:24 PM
this is really cool!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 13, 2013, 06:56:33 PM
Hi, I would like to do for Litecoin the same as I did for Bitcoin here (;all), I realize that astrology is an anathema to some so please skip this thread if you disapprove of mystic mumbo jumbo - as the original thread shows though it is of sufficient interest to some to warrant a look at from this perspective if only out of curiosity.

"Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer." - J.P.Morgan

Could you make chart for Terracoin as well, please?

Sure, if you can give me the local time & place of when the first block that was mined, np.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 13, 2013, 09:35:53 PM
OK - I'll check it out tomorrow, probably will use the UK as location - it's about half way around the world's time zones unless someone knows a more likely country, doesn't affect most of the chart anyways.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 14, 2013, 11:06:34 AM
2012-10-26 09:11:23 but no info for location.

OK, here you go...

Teracoin is a Scorpio, to find out more about what the aspects imply then just google:

Sun conjunction Saturn
Sun trine Neptune
Sun sextile Pluto
Moon trine Mercury
Moon opposition Venus
Moon square Jupiter
Mercury sextile Venus
Mercury trine Uranus
Mercury square Neptune
Venus opposition Uranus
Venus square Pluto
Mars opposition Jupiter
Mars trine Uranus
Saturn trine Neptune
Saturn sextile Pluto
Uranus square Pluto

for starters & include the signs that they are in for further info, ie Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces ( but you may need a good astrology book for looking in to these in detail & ideally a study of what each planet represents or symbolizes combined with the same for the sign that it's in to show how those energies can manifest & at least a Wiki knowledge of the major aspects ( will give you a good basis for an intuitive understanding of the chart with it's strengths & weaknesses, challenges & opportunities.  

Also check out the little box to the right which shows which planets are in Fire, Air, Earth & Water signs - the majority here being in Water & whether they are in Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable signs.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: herzmeister on March 14, 2013, 12:11:25 PM
and one for all the failed alternatives too please, so that we can see why  :)

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 14, 2013, 02:25:52 PM
A doubling of interest over the last week in Litecoin searches on Google trends, mining especially.

Edit: I'm long term long LTC, but short term short just atm, as I attempt to get my average bought in price down a little.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 15, 2013, 11:51:46 AM
Well yesterday saw the launch of a SR type site for LTC, lets look at it's chart

A whole bunch of stuff in Pisces the 12th and final sign of the zodiac, Sun Mercury Venus Neptune Chiron, Pisces rules secrets, the unconscious and represents much that is hidden, both strengths and enemies, also hospitals, prison and institutions, reality and non-reality, the collective unconscious, escapism. Neptune is the main planetary ruler of Pisces, appropriately for Atlantis being the god of the sea, Neptune is about everything that isn't quite real: illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, drama and art, plus spirituality. Both Pisces and Neptune rule the world of drugs and those born under this sign may be more susceptible than other signs to the attraction of mind- or mood-altering drugs, as they may go through life with a feeling of non-reality that is magnified by these drugs.

A copy and paste of some traditional connections:

Pisces rules the 12th House: Institutions, jails, hospitals, karma, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-injury, self-undoing, self-injury, endings, hidden strengths and weaknesses, libraries, armed services, collective unconscious, spirituality, unredeemed karma, selfless service to humanity.

We have the Moon, Mars and Uranus in Aries, Cardinal Fire sign, so plenty of energy & surprises in store there. Jupiter is in the ever adaptable Gemini and Saturn in Scorpio which should be interesting. Pluto is in ambitious Capricorn.

Note how the majority of planets are bunched up together at 12 to 1 o'clock on the chart, many forming harmonious aspects to Saturn and mixed to Jupiter and Pluto. Being bunched up like that means that when transits occur they ding all this group one after the other as on Bitcoin's chart and rather like a pin ball machine effect. Most planets being in the signs of Water and a few in Fire as already mentioned, just Jupiter in an Air sign and Pluto in an Earth sign to try and bring some logic and grounding to this otherwise rather trippy chart.

This should be an interesting ride to watch as Atlantis "island of Atlas" sets sail.

Atlantis's DOB horoscope for the year ahead, Thursday March 14, 2013

IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY your year ahead will be a time to push ahead determinedly where cash is concerned. There will be obstacles but if you keep your focus and courage steady then you'll win through. You'll be looking great and attracting compliments and invitations. An enthusiastic mood at work and around the chores will keep you buoyant. Close partnerships will flourish after mid year as you see your way ahead clearly. Older or more serious friends will be a rock solid support

Atlantis's DOB horoscope for Thursday March 14, 2013

There's an old saying in the English language, 'You can't have your cake and eat it.' I've seen various philosophers make unsatisfactory attempts to explain what this is. Most agree that it is a way of saying, 'You either have to take advantage of a resource or keep it for a time when it might be more appropriate to use it. But once that resource has been exhausted, it will no longer be an option. Anyway, I mention all this because that's really not the case for you now. To all intents and purposes, you can have your cake and eat it.

Atlantis's horoscope for Friday March 15, 2013

In the coming week, Venus and the Sun will leave your sign, bringing to an end a remarkable phase of the year, during which, for a while, there were five (and briefly six) planets in Pisces. Plus a comet. But that still doesn't mark the end of the astrological excitement. Mercury (which normally spends about three weeks in each sign) entered yours in early February and due to retrograde motion, remains with you till mid April. That retrograde sector is finishing this weekend. You are about to start feeling much more positive.

Atlantis announces it's closure Friday September 20, 2013

The chart ( for this.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 15, 2013, 12:41:13 PM
Litecoin's horoscope for Friday March 15, 2013

I'm writing your forecast today, from a beach where waves are lapping gently against the shore. I'm not just saying that because I wish you were here (I do but I suppose, in a way, you are), I'm just noticing how each wave encroaches a little further on the sand. If I stand by the edge and stay alert, I can avoid the water by stepping back a bit as it rolls towards me. And that's what keeps making me think of you. A tide of positive change is coming in your direction this weekend. Don't be too quick to take yourself too far out of its way!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 16, 2013, 10:39:21 AM
Litecoin's horoscope for the week ahead ~ March 16, 2013

There's no easy way to do what must be done this week. You must take account of a particular 'hard fact' and act accordingly. If you try to ignore it, events will oblige you to sit up and take notice. Bad news? Not really. You face a difficult decision that is likely to involve compromise or temporary hardship. But no matter how you try to sweeten or soften it, the move is one you have long needed to make. Be honourable, courageous, wise, firm yet moderate. Then you'll get results that are right in every way.

Sunday, 2013 03 17: Mercury direct - communications delays disappear, we should expect to see some movement again.

Wednesday, 2013 03 20: Sun in to Aries for four weeks - pro-active, assertive, non-stop-go. Astronomical Spring Equinox ~ turns 11.02 GMT/UTC.

Atlantis's horoscope for the week ahead ~ March 16, 2013

You are trying hard to make sense of a situation that you don't fully understand, yet the more you try to get to grips with it, the more perplexing it becomes. Each time you think you are finally taking a realistic view, something new suddenly crops up. What you are going through is what some people call a valuable learning process and others call a tricky patch. Which is it? Both, but, Venus, Mercury and Neptune together suggest you will soon identify at least one reassuring factor that you can feel totally confident about.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: atlantismarket on March 17, 2013, 11:16:53 AM
Thanks Otoh, should be interesting to see how this plays out.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 18, 2013, 11:13:03 AM
Litecoin's horoscope for Monday March 18, 2013

I am no longer writing your forecast by the side of an ocean but I still feel inclined to tell you about a wonderful tide of change that is starting to make its way into your world. The sun, this week, will join Mars in your opposite sign. Soon after, Venus will also start to pass through that sector of the sky and the following week will bring a full moon in your own sign. You can expect to feel a little like a 'beached boat' that is now being picked up and taken away from a situation where it had been uncomfortably marooned.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 19, 2013, 01:06:29 PM
Litecoin's horoscope for Tuesday March 19, 2013

We finished your forecast yesterday, with the image of a beached boat. Sometimes, you see such vessels on the sea shore. They look a bit strange and pointless as they lie with their hulls exposed. But when the tide comes rolling back in, it's a different story. Once it gets past a certain depth, they rapidly start to float and right themselves. Suddenly, these craft that were going nowhere, are ready to go anywhere. Indeed, woe betide anyone who tries to stop them. Just such a sea change is coming to you soon.

Litecoin's Horoscope for week of March 21, 2013   The French verb renverser can be translated as "to turn upside-down" or "to reverse the flow." The adjectival form is renversant, which means "stunning" or "astonishing." I think you may soon have experiences that could be described by those words. There's a good chance that a dry, impoverished part of your life will get a juicy, fertile infusion. A deficiency you have worried about might get at least half-filled. An inadequacy that makes you feel sad may be bolstered by reinforcements. Alas, there could also be a slight reversal that's not so gratifying. One of your assets may temporarily become irrelevant. But the trade-off is worth it, Litecoin. Your gains will outstrip your loss.

Atlantis's Horoscope for week of March 21, 2013   You are not for sale. Remember? Your scruples and ideals and talents cannot be bought off for any amount of money. You will not be cheated out of your birthright and you will not allow your dreams to be stolen. Although it's true that you may have to temporarily rent your soul from time to time, you will never auction it off for good. I'm sure you know these things, Atlantis, but I suspect it's time to renew your fiery commitment to them.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 20, 2013, 12:28:36 PM
Litecoin's horoscope for Wednesday March 20, 2013

The tides always get more intense when the Moon is new, and when the Moon is nearly full. They follow a cyclical rhythm. So too do the tides of fate and fortune. Whenever we see politicians racing around compensating for some temporary ebb in the flow of the economy, it is always tempting just to say, 'Wait a while.' No tide ever stays out (or in) forever. You have lately been very concerned about the absence of some material commodity or psychological resource. But it is coming back. ~ good question & replys, especially by Normif.

Atlantis's horoscope for Wednesday March 20, 2013

You will be putting extra effort into getting the budget into ship shape order. You will also be determined to earn more for a few weeks, or manage what you already have rather more sensibly. Though your spending is also likely to shoot up at times. You will try to keep companions at arms length, since you are playing your cards close to your chest, and don't want to be manipulated. But in turn you may come across as slightly controlling.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: ralree on March 20, 2013, 12:37:41 PM
The great conjunction is coming, gelfling!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 23, 2013, 10:52:24 AM
Litecoin's horoscope for Saturday March 23, 2013

Saturn, the practical planet of limits, is now in your chart area of personal finances. So you need to be thrifty when it comes to money and possessions. You need to save for a rainy day, get your pension plan and retirement cottage all lined up.

Litecoin's horoscope for the week ahead ~ March 23, 2013

There is no law that says you have to do things the hard way. You may feel that if you have really earned a reward, it means more than if you have merely struck lucky. The universe, though, is not always so fascinated by the traditional work ethic. The cosmos gives freely. It plants abundance. Sometimes, it yields its fruits only after consistent, persistent, effort but sometimes, like a tree in an orchard in autumn, it just bestows its bounty on whoever happens to walk beneath its boughs. Trust that this week.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: wizzardTim on March 23, 2013, 11:31:21 AM
Litecoin's horoscope for Saturday March 23, 2013

Saturn, the practical planet of limits, is now in your chart area of personal finances. So you need to be thrifty when it comes to money and possessions. You need to save for a rainy day, get your pension plan and retirement cottage all lined up.

Litecoin's horoscope for the week ahead ~ March 23, 2013

There is no law that says you have to do things the hard way. You may feel that if you have really earned a reward, it means more than if you have merely struck lucky. The universe, though, is not always so fascinated by the traditional work ethic. The cosmos gives freely. It plants abundance. Sometimes, it yields its fruits only after consistent, persistent, effort but sometimes, like a tree in an orchard in autumn, it just bestows its bounty on whoever happens to walk beneath its boughs. Trust that this week.

Hmmmm so there is a sunshine for the week ahead.. 8)

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 24, 2013, 07:41:13 PM
Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from 25th March

Later in the week you may be rather unrealistic, so watch you don't sail into something thinking you can't lose. Find the right balance between confidence and common sense.

In other news

Litecoin now showing up on Google Trends maps for the first time & perking up like a bauss

Atlantis's Weekly Outlook from 25th March

If close partners are not entirely on your wavelength, maybe you need to cajole them into fitting in more with what you have in mind. You may have to give in the first instance to get a response, but it will be worth it. This week you may be overspending because you feel like indulging yourself. Don't assume that if you let money float out of one hand, it will just float back in the other. Such an approach can end up in a minor budget crisis.

Atlantis's Sunday Play List ( - Sugar Town 1967 ( - LSD Research ( - Buddhist Chant: A Lucky Star it is, a Lucky Blessing, a Lucky Dawn

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 26, 2013, 12:20:48 PM
In general, aspects atm

For today we have Mars sextile Jupiter - confident, lucky, high energy & for tomorrow a rather intense 'monster' full moon in Litecoin's sign of Libra, along with Mars square Pluto which won't be a whole lot of fun.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 27, 2013, 10:51:41 AM
Litecoin's horoscopes for Wednesday March 27, 2013

People who are long-suffering often end up regretting some of the sacrifices they have made in life. They start to wish that they had been braver and rebelled earlier. But we can't conclude from this that all gestures of selflessness and stoicism will lead to regret and recrimination. There is also such a thing as deferred gratification. You put up with a lot of what you don't like, so that you can be rewarded in the end with a lot of what pleases you greatly. That's a much fairer description of what's in store for you now.

Always pushed and pulled when the Full Moon is around, you may be especially sensitively aware since the one around now falls in your own sign, a once a year occurrence. Don't leap to any instant decisions since your judgement may be a little awry, at least briefly. Just try to keep a balanced view of your closest relationships. You can stay on top of your game at work at the moment but only if you don't get into any power struggles.

Comparison of various Alts in Google trends

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 30, 2013, 02:21:47 PM
Litecoin's April Monthly Forecast

Your April Monthly Forecast: When other people want things from you, you are usually keen to comply if you can. You take pride and pleasure in being helpful. But sometimes you start to feel as if you are being pushed too hard and too far. Where should you draw the line this month? What constitutes an unreasonable request? Will you be ultimately helping someone more if you stand up against them, than if you just meekly allow them to bulldoze their way past your doubts and reservations? Don't let a fear of conflict drive an unwise choice.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: sd on March 30, 2013, 03:02:16 PM
Litecoin's April Monthly Forecast

Your April Monthly Forecast: When other people want things from you, you are usually keen to comply if you can. You take pride and pleasure in being helpful. But sometimes you start to feel as if you are being pushed too hard and too far. Where should you draw the line this month? What constitutes an unreasonable request? Will you be ultimately helping someone more if you stand up against them, than if you just meekly allow them to bulldoze their way past your doubts and reservations? Don't let a fear of conflict drive an unwise choice.

Although the world may not be enlightened it has moved beyond this. There is no truth in any of this except what readers add themselves by fanciful interpretations of vague words. Such superstitious mumbo-jumbo belongs to some long past age of ignorance.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 30, 2013, 05:48:29 PM
Litecoin's April Monthly Forecast

Your April Monthly Forecast: When other people want things from you, you are usually keen to comply if you can. You take pride and pleasure in being helpful. But sometimes you start to feel as if you are being pushed too hard and too far. Where should you draw the line this month? What constitutes an unreasonable request? Will you be ultimately helping someone more if you stand up against them, than if you just meekly allow them to bulldoze their way past your doubts and reservations? Don't let a fear of conflict drive an unwise choice.

Although the world may not be enlightened it has moved beyond this. There is no truth in any of this except what readers add themselves by fanciful interpretations of vague words. Such superstitious mumbo-jumbo belongs to some long past age of ignorance.

Funny that you take it so seriously, do you shout out the same in cinemas that dare to play anything but documentaries? See OP please:

Hi, I would like to do for Litecoin the same as I did for Bitcoin here (;all), I realize that astrology is an anathema to some so please skip this thread if you disapprove of mystic mumbo jumbo - as the original thread shows though it is of sufficient interest to some to warrant a look at from this perspective if only out of curiosity.

Oh! & thanks for dropping in, you will see from the OP onwards what my advise here has been & don't forget to get hold of a few too < $2 while you're about it  :D

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 02, 2013, 11:38:15 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of April 4, 2013   "Pole of inaccessibility" is a term that explorers use to identify places on the Earth that are hard -- and interesting! -- to get to. On each continent, it's usually considered to be the spot that's farthest from the coastline. For instance, there's a pole of inaccessibility near the frozen center of Antarctica. Its elevation is over 12,000 feet and it has the planet's coldest average temperatures. As for the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, it's an area in the South Pacific that's most remote from land. By my reckoning, Litecoin, you would benefit from identifying what your own personal version of this point is, whether it's literal or metaphorical. I think it's also a great time to transform your relationship with it.

Oh 2013 03 01 & Congrats Litecoin on all the recent positive news & developments! :)

& on > 0.02 BTC & $2 !!! (

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 10, 2013, 10:58:52 AM
Litecoin's horoscopes for Wednesday April 10, 2013

In my childhood we had Lucky Bags. We'd buy them at the corner store and we would never be sure what they were going to contain. Usually it would be some sweets, a comic and a small toy. But which sweets? Which comics? What toy? Or might this be the one in a million where somebody accidentally dropped in an item of much greater value. Until we got them home, we had no idea. That was the fun of it all. Life presents us all with a chance to get Lucky Bags from time to time. Don't be too nervous of yours.

Predictions of upcoming news/events

Very soon to be announced, a LTC/EUR Debit card to be launched in Spain, hold your balance in LTC & convert to EUR at time of use for purchases.

Not just Mt. Gox adding LTC, but another major exchange as well - you heard it here first ;)

Happy New Moon Today ~ New Moon in Aries - new beginnings, lots of initiative

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 11, 2013, 07:04:09 PM
Litecoin's horoscopes for Thursday April 11, 2013

Maybe you need to loosen up a bit and understand that your insecurity about being short of money is an overly rigid attitude. You could let go slightly without going bankrupt overnight. Today you may be too possessive about material things or about memories from the past. Be sentimental but don't hang on too tightly. You do need to stand firm until you find the answers you are looking for, but then let go and roll with the flow.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 12, 2013, 09:15:46 AM
Litecoin's horoscopes for Friday April 12, 2013

Next time you pass a tall, sturdy tree, remind yourself of what it must have looked like when it was first planted. When you read a great novel, stop to think of how the main idea must have first arisen as an inkling in the mind of the author. What things are when we first encounter them and what they can become, with or without our help are two very different matters. Something has already started this week. A process has begun. How far can it take you? Ask yourself, this weekend, how far you want to go?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 14, 2013, 10:12:26 AM
Litecoin Your Week Ahead, Sunday 14 April 2013

You have friends in high places. Very high places. Cosmic places! The planets have your best interests at heart. They understand how easily you could become disillusioned with a particular situation. They also understand how important it is for you to retain your faith. So they are doing all they can to keep you comfortable. With nearly seven billion people on Earth to look after as well, the guardian angels cannot always give you exactly what you want, just when you want it. But they certainly intend to do their best.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 16, 2013, 10:53:27 AM
Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from 15th April

With Mars around this week you may be crashing all over the place at top speed. If you can channel your energy into pushing yourself to do something practical, it will work better. Think of what you need to get done and then just go and do it. Simple! At times this period may seem a little like a battlefield as confrontations litter your way ahead. You may complain about your difficult path just now, but it will only last for a few weeks.

Litecoin's Horoscope for week of April 18, 2013   In the English language, "low man on the totem pole" is an idiom that refers to a person who has the worst job or the least status. He or she is considered to be at the low end of the hierarchy. But it's an incorrect metaphor. The creators of the original totem poles were indigenous Native American tribes of the Pacific Northwest, and for them the figure at the bottom of the pole was the most important one. I foresee the possibility of a similar situation arising in your sphere, Litecoin. Be alert for a misapprehension that needs to be righted. It may be the case that what's last should actually be first. Something that has been beneath or behind "more important" matters should perhaps get higher priority.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 18, 2013, 09:30:18 AM
Litecoin's horoscope for Thursday 18 April, 2013 - Sun conjunction Mars in Aries

Get a grip, get cracking and don't let yourself be distracted. High energy influences around today can give you that extra zest which will make it all happen. Whatever has been stuck can now be shifted as long as you keep up the pressure. The Moon sitting at your mid heaven is nudging you into being more protective of those around you at work or out in the community. The more you give, the more everyone will think you are marvelous.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 19, 2013, 01:09:35 PM
Litecoin's horoscope for Friday 19 April, 2013

If something needs to be done but we don't know how to do it, we try to imagine how we might rise to the challenge. We might think, 'That looks easy.' Or, 'That looks really hard. I'll never succeed.' Those responses count for a lot because they shape the level of enthusiasm with which we then approach our challenge. If we feel pessimistic, each little difficulty will seem to confirm the pointlessness of the exercise. You are perfectly capable of doing all that's needed this weekend. Just believe that and give it a go. The partial lunar eclipse of the full moon in Taurus on April 25th is a chance to 'reboot' your life.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 20, 2013, 10:25:13 AM
Litecoin's week ahead, Saturday, 20 April 2013

Do you wish your finances were in better shape? Would you like to feel more emotionally secure? There may be moments, this week, when you start to feel uncomfortable about a set of arrangements. Too much hangs on a precarious factor; an untried plan or an unreliable individual. But you are in too deep. You've really got no choice other than to stick with a set of suspect circumstances and hope for the best. And all that may yet be for the best. The eclipse implies you could soon start to feel a lot safer and happier.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 24, 2013, 08:56:32 AM
Litecoin's horoscope for Wednesday 24 April, 2013

What have you ever done to help make this a better world? Plenty! Think of all the generous gestures you have made, the kind contributions, the constructive interjections. You have shared so much of your heart and soul, touched so many lives and made such a difference. Don't you deserve a little back? Whilst you can't automatically expect reward for some previous good deed, you can at least allow yourself to have a little faith in the idea that something good could be on the way to you. Because it is. The partial lunar eclipse on April 25th is a chance to 'reboot' your life.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 02, 2013, 02:01:34 PM
Litecoin's horoscope for Thursday 02 May, 2013

Let's discuss a hypothetical situation. You are a passenger in a vehicle. The driver is reversing round a tight difficult corner. You can see what they can't see, a wall very close to your side. So, should you keep quiet and be polite because you don't want to be a backseat driver? Or attempt a quick, gentle word like, 'You have noticed this, haven't you?' And if the wall does get hit and you have not said a word, whose fault would it be? OK. I will leave you to consider all that. It's an analogy that may prove helpful today!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 04, 2013, 09:59:37 AM
Litecoin's Stars for the week ahead, May 4, 2013

 'There's no business like show business...' So goes the song. And more of us are in showbiz than we realise. One way or another, we are all keeping up a pretence. We all have a bit of a front that we put on in the hope that this will give a particular impression to the rest of the watching world. There's no harm in this, nor need it be a problem when our true personalities turn out to be very different from the images we prefer to project. But it is a factor that you would be wise to make an allowance for this week.

Litecoin's Stars for Saturday, May 4, 2013

There are days when making a determined push is the right approach. But this is one of those days when doing nothing at all seemingly ends you up in the right place at the right time. Sod's law, but pleasant when it happens all the same. You are handling discreet information well now, attracting secrets from others without even appearing to ask. If you can't say precisely what you feel or think, you would rather stay silent.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 07, 2013, 11:03:07 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of May 9, 2013   Charles Ives was a renowned American composer who lived from 1874 to 1954. Because his music was experimental and idiosyncratic, it took a long time for him to get the appreciation he deserved. When he was 73 years old, he won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for a symphony he had written when he was 30. I expect that in the near future you might be the beneficiary of a similar kind of mojo, Litecoin. A good deed you did or a smart move you made in the past will finally get at least some of the recognition or response you've always wanted.

Atlantis's Horoscope for week of May 9, 2013   According to legend, Jennifer Lopez's butt is insured for $300 million. Bruce Springsteen has supposedly insured his voice for $31 million and wine expert Angela Mount is said to have insured her taste buds for $16 million. In that spirit, Atlantis, I encourage you to consider insuring your imagination. To be clear, I don't anticipate that you will have occasion to collect any settlement. Nothing bad will happen. But taking this step could be a fun ritual that might drive home to you just how important your imagination will be in the coming weeks. Your power to make pictures in your mind will either make you crazy with unfounded fantasies and fearful delusions, or else it will help you visualize in detail the precise nature of the situations you want to create for yourself in the future.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 18, 2013, 08:20:49 AM
Litecoin's Stars for the week ahead, Saturday, 2013 05 18

They say, 'There's no rest for the wicked.' The good don't exactly get to put their feet up, either. Indeed, they often have to expend a lot more energy. They can't, for example, go around taking lots of naughty shortcuts. There are many ways now in which, if you were a lesser person, you could cheat your way out of a stressful situation. You could say whatever might get you off the hook or do whatever would be most convenient. But you're going to be noble. And ultimately, that's going to bring you more peace.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 21, 2013, 08:18:36 AM
Litecoin's horoscope for Tuesday 21 May, 2013 Mercury sextile Uranus

You want to find new answers to old problems, and you will be able to. There's a lot of inspiration around. There will be all sorts of things happening rather quickly, and you'll be able to spot the things that will widen and broaden your life. There's a bit of a relief of tension, a bit of release. There may be new possibilities coming up, new ideas you have that allow you to do things you haven't been able to do before.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: vokain on May 23, 2013, 08:20:36 AM
Is Litecoin's future compatible with what Bitmessage + open transactions will offer for Bitcoin?;all

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 23, 2013, 08:25:54 AM
Hiya vokain, thanks for the PM, I'm off today traveling for 1 week - hope to get back to this after, have a great full moon eclipse on Fri/Sat!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: vokain on May 23, 2013, 01:22:32 PM
Hiya vokain, thanks for the PM, I'm off today traveling for 1 week - hope to get back to this after, have a great full moon eclipse on Fri/Sat!

Thanks, you as well. I'll make sure to open up especially for the occasion :)

Maybe I should buy that telescope like I've always wanted.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 01, 2013, 12:36:12 PM   There's a big turning point coming up this month.

Jupiter, towards the end of June, moves from Gemini to Cancer. That marks a big turning point, not just for people born under these signs or even for Pisceans and Sagittarians (the two signs ruled by Jupiter) but for us all. Jupiter only changes sign once a year or so. The collective mood shifts, almost instantly. My medieval predecessors believed that Jupiter was 'exalted' in Cancer and that all the traditional Cancerian values (compassion, empathy and sensitivity) would begin to become more prevalent in society as a whole.

For Litecoin, Jupiter's move is from the 9th to the 10th house which rules ambition, initiative, common sense, planning, hard work, being practical, discipline, security, good business, public recognition, career, status, long term goals & achievements, maturity, establishment. I believe that people generally will be treating Litecoin with much more respect & seriousness over the coming 12 months or so.

Expect to see all of these traits being most positively emphasized as Litecoin moves on to another level & is accepted by businesses that have a healthy approach to working with regulation & the traditional ways of doing things, whilst still being both innovative and revolutionary, so gaining the rewards that come with this synthesis. Any large holders should be looking to have at least a two year investment holding going forward to fully benefit from this growth & the initiatives that will be established through hard work & timing over this period.

Litceoin's June Monthly Forecast, 2013

In June, somehow, you have to accept what you cannot change and change what you cannot accept. This advice is easy to give and hard to take but it sums up the approach you require. How are you supposed to know what you can and can't change? Try to alter your situation. If it works, be glad. If not, resolve to live with as much of it as you can. Then take the remaining portion and look for some way to adjust that. The only option may not be your favourite but if it is the only way, it must be taken and trusted.

The Sun moves into cancer on the 20th for four weeks which is always your peak time where career and community ambitions are concerned. Even better this year lucky Jupiter also moves into Cancer on the 26th to stay for a year ahead. This will bring you praise, recognition and success.

After mid year you'll attract praise and recognition at work with an embarrassment of projects grabbing at your attention.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 04, 2013, 02:31:42 PM
Litecoin's Forecast for Tuesday, 4 June 2013   Don't seek an explanation for the inexplicable. Some factors in your life defy logic. Any attempt to make sense of them will result in confusion. You will, at best, come up with a theory that will collapse as soon as you test it. The notion you replace it with will do much the same. It is not a question of 'If this is happening, then that must be the reason.' It is, 'This is happening. Never mind the reason. What do I feel most strongly moved to do about it?' Trust your most constructive urge for impulse. A stressful saga ends soon.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 11, 2013, 11:15:16 AM
You can learn to be lucky. It's not a mystical force you're born with, but a habit you can develop. How? For starters, be open to new experiences, trust your gut wisdom, expect good fortune, see the bright side of challenging events, and master the art of maximizing serendipitous opportunities.

Charles Darwin said the "survival of the fittest" is a central factor in the process of evolution. What exactly did he mean by that? He makes it clear in his book The Origin of Species: "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change."

According to Darwin's definition, what would you have to do to make yourself superbly fit Litecoin?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mmitech on June 11, 2013, 12:12:23 PM
I love your charts, but i do not understand what they means most of the time, they are encrypted, it is like you can understand them the way you like .  :)

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 11, 2013, 01:27:00 PM
I love your charts, but i do not understand what they means most of the time, they are encrypted, it is like you can understand them the way you like .  :)

Many thanks!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 15, 2013, 10:36:42 AM
The Week Ahead

Earlier this month, if you looked where the Sun had just set, you'd have seen Jupiter glowing on the horizon with Venus above it. Venus is still shining at sunset but now Jupiter has moved so much closer to the Sun that you can't see it any more by day or night. The ancients insisted that the annual conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter was a most fortuitous astrological event, even if it was invariably invisible! Hopefully, this week, we'll see how right they were. Wherever anything truly deserves to go well, there's a high chance that it will!

Litecoin's Week Ahead

Daily life is starting to make huge demands on your patience, your emotional resilience and your bank account. You feel as if you are running out of the strength and energy that you need to cope with a stressful situation. And as you find out more about what's really going on in your world, you are no longer so sure about who to believe. Yet despite the uncertainty, the trouble you face is very temporary. Somehow, this week, a rather wonderful, lasting change for the better will begin to come about.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mmitech on June 15, 2013, 10:49:37 AM
The Week Ahead

Earlier this month, if you looked where the Sun had just set, you'd have seen Jupiter glowing on the horizon with Venus above it. Venus is still shining at sunset but now Jupiter has moved so much closer to the Sun that you can't see it any more by day or night. The ancients insisted that the annual conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter was a most fortuitous astrological event, even if it was invariably invisible! Hopefully, this week, we'll see how right they were. Wherever anything truly deserves to go well, there's a high chance that it will!

Litecoin's Week Ahead

Daily life is starting to make huge demands on your patience, your emotional resilience and your bank account. You feel as if you are running out of the strength and energy that you need to cope with a stressful situation. And as you find out more about what's really going on in your world, you are no longer so sure about who to believe. Yet despite the uncertainty, the trouble you face is very temporary. Somehow, this week, a rather wonderful, lasting change for the better will begin to come about.

Hard weeks ahead of us huh ?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 15, 2013, 12:20:11 PM
The Week Ahead

Earlier this month, if you looked where the Sun had just set, you'd have seen Jupiter glowing on the horizon with Venus above it. Venus is still shining at sunset but now Jupiter has moved so much closer to the Sun that you can't see it any more by day or night. The ancients insisted that the annual conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter was a most fortuitous astrological event, even if it was invariably invisible! Hopefully, this week, we'll see how right they were. Wherever anything truly deserves to go well, there's a high chance that it will!

Litecoin's Week Ahead

Daily life is starting to make huge demands on your patience, your emotional resilience and your bank account. You feel as if you are running out of the strength and energy that you need to cope with a stressful situation. And as you find out more about what's really going on in your world, you are no longer so sure about who to believe. Yet despite the uncertainty, the trouble you face is very temporary. Somehow, this week, a rather wonderful, lasting change for the better will begin to come about.

Hard weeks ahead of us huh ?

The solstice of 21st June is a powerful turning point every year for all of us & invariably the time just before the solstice is a time where we get to see what's stuck in our life, what's not moving as it needs to move, what needs to change & then we also start to see how that change can come about.

There's also the SuperMoon ( full moon on the 23rd June, so really a great potential for transformation over the next couple of weeks.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: broken_pixel on June 15, 2013, 06:05:54 PM
Awesome! I was raised on Astrology, my knew Joseph Goodavage. (

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Charles999 on June 15, 2013, 07:14:51 PM
could this show the future price?? is it over 10>??

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 16, 2013, 11:14:31 AM
Thanks for the comments, you can see the current transits on this chart, I'm not sure what is meant by the leading planet but hopefully you can see from this, I expect you were referring to your first Saturn return ( I won't try & speculate re the future price, personally I am long term long & not worried too much about what may happen in the short to medium term. I'm checking out Joseph Goodavage now, many thanks for the link.

Bitcoin Your Week Ahead, 16 June 2013

For someone with a real sense of purpose, all roads lead to the same destination. But to the person with no real desire to get anywhere in particular, even a fast car on a clear road is no guarantee of a successful journey. This is now a good time to form, maintain and confirm a clear idea about where you really want to be in your life. If you establish that, you'll eventually get to your goal, even if, for the time being, your only option is to wind a very convoluted path towards it.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 18, 2013, 11:45:51 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of June 20, 2013   Johnny Appleseed was a 19th-century folk hero renowned for planting apple trees in vast areas of rural America. During the 70 years this famous Libra was alive, he never got married. He believed that if he remained unwed during his time on earth, he would be blessed with two spirit-wives in the after-life. Have you ever done something like that yourself, Litecoin? Is there an adventure you've denied yourself in the here and now because you think that's the only way you can get some bigger, better adventure at a later date? If so, now would be an excellent time to adjust your attitude.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 28, 2013, 01:05:14 PM
Litecoin's horoscope for Friday 28 June, 2013

Nobody ever has an easy life. We all go through difficult experiences. We all find ourselves in circumstances that we wish we had never entered and wonder how we are ever going to get out of them. But never is that the full story of our lives. We all get to know joy and happiness too. There are times when it seems almost impossible to remember the good because the bad seems so bad. But then, when life is good, it is so good that it makes everything seem worthwhile. That latter experience lies in store for you Litecoin. :)

There will be fewer posts for a while as my main computer has decided to celebrate Mercury going retrograde by getting fried & I either need to get it repaired &/or replace it. :-\

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 02, 2013, 03:00:10 PM
Litecoin´s Horoscope for week of July 4, 2013   Summing up his experiment in living at Walden Pond, naturalist Henry David Thoreau said this: "I learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws will be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings." Given the astrological factors that will be impacting your life in the next 12 months, Litecoin, you might consider adopting this philosophy as your own.

Litecoin´s Mounthly Horoscope For July 2013

A triumphant success on the 22nd will seem like luck but in fact it'll be all your doing.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mmitech on July 02, 2013, 05:12:42 PM
Litecoin´s Horoscope for week of July 4, 2013   Summing up his experiment in living at Walden Pond, naturalist Henry David Thoreau said this: "I learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws will be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings." Given the astrological factors that will be impacting your life in the next 12 months, Litecoin, you might consider adopting this philosophy as your own.

Litecoin´s Mounthly Horoscope For July 2013

A triumphant success on the 22nd will seem like luck but in fact it'll be all your doing.

well we will see what this month will bring us ;)

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Kevlar on July 02, 2013, 06:49:23 PM
I'm just going to leave this here:

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 02, 2013, 07:21:30 PM
I'm just going to leave this here:

Your post reminds me of the big fat fresh turd that some stray dog deposited by my front gate a few weeks ago, the only difference being that the dog probally didn´t know any better.

I didn´t bother to watch the 'debunking astrology' video you posted a link to because I never claimed that astrology 'works' in the first place, I belive that sycronisity is well worth following or at the very least paying some attention to though & see it in many things - not least the present aspects of the ´stars`.

One such aspect is today´s of the sun in Cancer being in opopsition to Pluto in Capricorn, a sure fire warning to expect poopers on one´s lawn & in one´s threads.

Also see the OP to this thread here:

''I realize that astrology is an anathema to some so please skip this thread if you disapprove of mystic mumbo jumbo''

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: herzmeister on July 03, 2013, 12:06:16 AM
Always the same ignorant "debunkers" regurgitating always the same old outdated arguments over and over again.

Sagan and Randi would probably also debunk Bitcoin ('scuse me: Litecoin) if you'd let 'em, and come up with the same shit that we've already become tired to counter.

Just an example. One of the most common arguments against astrology is "correlation does not imply causation".

Exactly! That's actually totally correct. Astrology (if understood) is not about the idea that planets influence our behavior directly; it's about cycles that happen both in human life and in celestial bodies that happen to correlate. Correlations that have been recorded through thousands of years in the ancient times because people back then had no interwebz and nothing better to do.

Underlying is the idea that the universe is actually harmonic, that celestial bodies align themselves against each other by means of gravity and momentum actually not chaotically like white noise, but rather by resembling the harmonious frequencies of the Pythagorean scale in their orbits and distances from each other. Similarly, human behavior in society is not that chaotic, but follows certain rhythmics and patterns.

Now is all that just bullshit? Maybe. And if the ancients found any matches, weren't they purely coincidental? Maybe. Or didn't they create in society these effects by widely proclaiming then, merely causing self-fulfilling prophecies? Maybe. And either way, didn't the rhythms of the skies and on Earth grow apart after all these millennia? Maybe. But all that belongs to the job of a proper Astrologer to find out.  ;)

Now all that doesn't mean of course that newspaper astrology isn't mostly just trash that's written to fit anyone. The synchronicity argument may come into play when someone (1) happens to actually read it (or anything else really) and (2) happens to actually believe it. Maybe that's a different phenomenon to consider, maybe not, things are often not so different as they seem.

Here is a great academical series of lectures on this topic that I just happen (synchronicity!) to watch right now:

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 06, 2013, 12:01:58 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Saturday, 6th July 2013

Is there something wrong with your secret superpower? How could you possibly doubt yourself in that way? You are powerful enough to know when extraordinary magic is needed and when you merely imagine that you require otherworldly assistance. There are times in all our lives when it is better for us to fail than to succeed. There are times, too, when we think we want something really badly, but it would turn out to be a terrible thing if we were ever to get it. You are not being let down this week; you are being helped out.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 09, 2013, 12:00:58 PM
Litecoin's Stars for Tuesday, 9th July 2013

Some artists have more fame than talent while others have more talent than fame. So which should we feel sorry for? Isn't the simple knowledge that you can do something wonderful worth more than any amount of public recognition and financial gain? But if you find yourself being feted and rewarded for a fairly unremarkable set of skills and abilities, isn't that an enviable position? There are two ways to look at the situation in which you now find yourself. Focus on the view from which it would appear that you are being blessed.

Litecoin's Horoscope for week of July 11, 2013   According to my reading of the astrological omens, the next 12 months will be a time when you will have more power than usual to turn your dreams into realities. You'll have extra skill at translating your ideals into practical action. To help make sure you capitalize on this potential, I suggest you adopt this Latin phrase as your motto: a posse ad esse. It means "from being possible to being actual." So why not simply make your motto "from being possible to being actual"? Why bother with the Latin version? Because I think your motto should be exotic and mysterious -- a kind of magical incantation.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 13, 2013, 11:07:08 AM
Litecoin's Week Ahead, Saturday, 13 July 2013

Mountains that lie ahead in the distance often seem tiny. Mountains that we have already climbed and moved on from also tend to diminish in size as time goes by. Mountains that loom directly before us, though, look terrifyingly huge. They don't get any smaller while we are ascending them. If the view from below is daunting, the view from half way up is worse. You are now rising to a great height at a scary speed. But you are safe and you will successfully reach the top. Prepare to get (and to feel) much higher.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 15, 2013, 02:02:40 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for Monday, 15 July 2013

What if you find some money lying in the street? Wouldn't that be something to celebrate? Oh, hang on. Yes, I take your point. It isn't yours. But what if it is loose, not attached to anything that could identify the person who has lost it. Now, what can spoil the pleasure? Perhaps just one thing. Discovering that someone you don't like very much has also encountered such a windfall and that they have found twice as much money as you! Beware of false comparisons today, and be glad of the gains you are about to make.

Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from Monday, 15th July

Mars, planet of dynamic energy, is now in your chart area which rules career so you are hugely ambitious. You are very determined and intend to work hard to gain your ends. Just have a slight care after midweek. The influences around then could be enlightening but they could also be misleading. You need to stay very practical and grounded to get the best end of Neptune. It can be religious or spiritual, even connected to things paranormal.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 16, 2013, 03:09:38 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of July 18, 2013   I believe you will undergo a kind of graduation in the next four weeks, Litecoin. Graduation from what? Maybe from a life lesson you've been studying for a while or from an institution that has given you all it can. Perhaps you will climax your involvement with a situation that has made big demands on you. I suspect that during this time of completion you will have major mixed feelings, ranging from sadness that a chapter of your story is coming to an end to profound gratification at how much you have grown during this chapter.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 21, 2013, 01:50:06 PM
I made a birth chart for Just-Dice (, based on the time of it's announcement ( - adjusted to local time for Vancouver, Canada BC (we don't know where exactly in BC dooglus is based, on some mountain it seems) anyway if the location is elsewhere in BC it won't change things too much.

Some of the main aspects:

Sun conjunction Jupiter in Gemini & Lilith in Cancer

Sun & Jupiter trine Saturn & Neptune

Moon conjunction Saturn & the Mean Node in Scorpio

Moon trine Mercury, Venus, Neptune & Chiron

Moon sextile Pluto

Mercury conjunction Venus in Cancer

Mercury & Venus square Uranus

Mercury & Venus trine Chiron

Mars sextile Uranus

Mars square Neptune

Mars square Chiron

Jupiter in Gemini conjunction Lilith in Cancer

Saturn trine Neptune, Chiron & Lilith

Saturn sextile Pluto

Uranus square Pluto

Neptune conjunction Chiron in Pisces

Neptune sextile Pluto

Neptune trine Lilith

Pluto sextile Chiron

Of note, a lot going on with the Moon, Neptune & Chiron, also some powerful trines & conjunctions with not a single opposition, the majority of planets in water signs - maybe emphasizing the social, chat box, side of the site. I may add some more if there's any interest in this, I staked some coins yesterday to participate as part of the house's bankroll, so far touch wood it's doing very OK, up over 2.69% in 24 hours & compounding nicely.

Edit: I've now had more exact time/location data from dooglus so will update this chart tomorrow for 2013-06-19 19:14:13 PST & location BC, Canada.

Edit 2: Done & it's looking even better now.

23:28:17 (44398) <anita> IM OUT OF FUCKING MONEY
23:28:22 (23418) <E> hopefully an hour
23:28:23 (44398) <anita> I NEVER WIN HERE
23:28:26 (2583) <AFA> deposit more!
23:28:28 (44398) <anita> WHO IS UP HERE?
23:28:34 (13833) <MRKLYE> I am
23:28:35 (3055) <boots> lol me too just lost my 0.01 that i was playing around with
23:28:41 (44398) <anita> NO I MEAN I AM OUT OF MONEY COMPLETELY
23:28:42 (14141) <Banker> bets:20,524 wins:10,670 losses:9,854 luck:99.64% wagered:4,711.14018542 (profit):7.50000000
23:28:43 (44512) <Wilco> dooglus is up
23:28:48 (8015) <snnr> dooglus: I don't really know if it's good PR for the site that people are threatening others with violence in the chat...
23:28:49 (43837) <Otoh> I'm up, but as a bank roller
23:28:49 (37369) <GoodGame> Alright, talk to you then.
23:28:54 (1) <dooglus> I'm up 0.6 BTC on this account
23:29:04 (1) <dooglus> hey Otoh
23:29:07 (14141) <Banker> investment is in the hole tho
23:29:11 (1) <dooglus> saw your birth chart for JD :)
23:29:11 (13833) <MRKLYE> hahaha, Doog. DOn't gamble
23:29:14 (44512) <Wilco> dooglus bet it all, yolo
23:29:34 (1) <dooglus> Wilco: it's more trouble than it's worth. I always get told off for playing here
23:29:35 (43837) <Otoh> hiya doog, nice game/site, congrats!
23:29:58 (44398) <anita> This suuuuucks
23:30:02 (1) <dooglus> Otoh: I don't know what location you need : I'm in BC, Canada, but the site is hosted in Ireland
23:30:24 (43837) <Otoh> doog, your local time, was it the 19th or 20th pse
23:30:26 (33032) <e]e0> Doog:
23:30:54 (1) <dooglus> Otoh: it was 2013-06-19 19:14:13 PST
23:30:57 (45138) <MykelSilver> @anita: as long Doog not run with Bank my loss will be limited
23:31:18 (1) <dooglus> Mykel: even if I run with the bank, it's still limited. just the limit is a bit lower...
23:31:43 (43837) <Otoh> many thanks, it's where you are that matters
23:32:03 (1) <dooglus> e] do you have 20 for the 1-in-100 times you need it? and 200 for the 1-in-1000 times you need that? etc?
23:32:28 (33032) <e]e0> Yes
23:32:41 (43837) <Otoh> though interesting re where hosted, new cocepts astro for online entities
23:32:47 (44512) <Wilco> incoming whale
23:32:52 (43837) <Otoh> concepts*
23:32:57 (33032) <e]e0> If I lose 1, then use 10 to win, if lose 10, then use 100 to win.
23:33:13 (1) <dooglus> e]: there's a max profit you know?
23:33:15 (2583) <AFA> kaio is back
23:33:19 (14835) <Dopefish> They sound some more Blocks :)
23:33:22 (14835) <Dopefish> 'found
23:33:25 (33032) <e]e0> But, the chance that I lose 3 times is too little.
23:33:29 (1) <dooglus> e] you are expected to run into it at some time
23:34:04 (33032) <e]e0> I've tested the seed using Java programe
23:34:29 (1) <dooglus> e] how much do you win per bet?
23:35:33 (33032) <e]e0> If I use 0.1 for bet. The chance that I need 1000 or 10000 to win back is very rare
23:36:03 (33032) <e]e0> For 90%, it's hard to see 3 or 4 lose.
23:36:27 (1) <dooglus> for 90%, you see 4 losses in a row around every 10k bets
23:36:37 (23418) <E> hasn't someone got like 7 before?
23:36:46 (2605) <winatorini> thing is, i imagine eventually, or even instantly you would see more losses in a row than you would like to
23:36:50 (1) <dooglus> Dabs plays at 94% I think, and has seen 6 losses in a row
23:36:51 (14141) <Banker> Profit jumping around
23:36:58 (14141) <Banker> oh, looks like Kai is back
23:36:59 (2583) <AFA> kaio, make an official request for dooglus to ban you if you can't stop
23:37:06 (14005) <samantha> doog : you still didn't tell me what OS you're running, i'm just curious
23:37:31 (33032) <e]e0> So ,Doog, you still don't believe this is a leak?
23:37:49 (2605) <winatorini> try it
23:38:37 (1) <dooglus> e] I believe you can go a long time without losing, but I also believe your expected profit is negative
23:38:59 (43837) <Otoh> Doog, I'll adjust the chart tomorrow to reflect the 2013-06-19 19:14:13 PST & location BC, Canada - the 19th makes it a way more powerful enterprise than the 20th, this is going to be fun to wat6ch & participate in.
23:39:22 (1) <dooglus> samantha: what's an OS? do you mean what XP desktop theme I'm using?
23:39:39 (14141) <Banker> rofl
23:39:39 (1) <dooglus> samantha: it's got green hills. and clouds.
23:39:45 (44512) <Wilco> lol
23:40:08 (14005) <samantha> are you trollin me ?
23:40:14 (1) <dooglus> me?
23:40:17 (14005) <samantha> yeah
23:40:27 (14005) <samantha> of course i don"t expect you to use Win
23:40:39 (1) <dooglus> can't wait for SP2. I hear it's gonna let me change the colour of my mouse pointer!
23:40:45 (14005) <samantha> ...

An addendum to the annual Sun-Jupiter conjunction. In addition to being conjoined at precisely the same degree of Gemini on June 19, the Sun and Jupiter, the two biggest objects in the solar system converging in one degree, are also sharing the same declination (to the degree) then. That means that Earth, the Sun, and Jupiter (on the other side of the Sun) are lined up in a remarkably straight line.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: vokain on July 22, 2013, 04:31:36 AM
that transcript is so enlightening on how those gambling sites turn over so much btc

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 22, 2013, 11:53:28 AM
that transcript is so enlightening on how those gambling sites turn over so much btc

Yes indeed, with over 500,000 BTC wagered in approx just the first month, incredible. I've updated the chart now for the correct location & changed a couple of the aspects that I'd got wrong, it's a powerful one for sure, I'll look in to some of the aspects presently.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 23, 2013, 10:22:40 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of July 25, 2013   One of the world's best race car teams is McLaren. It wins about 25 percent of the events in which it competes. Its skilled drivers account for much of its success, but its technicians are also pretty sensational. During a pitstop in the middle of a race, they can change all four tires on the car in less than three seconds. Do you have helpers like that, Litecoin? If you don't, it's time to intensify your efforts to get them. And if you do, it's time to call on them to give you an extra boost.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 27, 2013, 12:27:30 PM
Litecoin´s daily horoscope for Saturday July 27th, 2013

Maybe you are feeling controlled by people who are very determined to have all the power. Often it is very awkward to know how to handle them for the best. The more you push back, sometimes the worse they get, and you get into these no win disagreements or battles. Be as secure within yourself as you possibly can. Others are respecting your courage though sometimes they are irritated or intimidated by your competitive approach. You want to be in the leadership role.

Litecoin´s week ahead, Saturday, 27 July 2013

'All things bright and beautiful / All creatures great and small.' So goes the old church hymn. Why is it so popular? Because it is true. The creation is amazing and you are a wonderful part of it. Never mind all those incredible butterflies, forget the fantastic flora and fauna, look at yourself. Look at all that you have experienced, good and bad alike. It is all testimony to the incredible power of The Divine Wow ( Where does that power reside? At least partially... in your own heart, and all that's good in the world has plans for you this week.

Update on Just-Dice

It's been 1 week since I looked at the astro chart, I added some more coins to bring my backing of the house bankroll up to 81 BTC & it seems that was quite a good time to start as it's made over 6.26 BTC from the house edge so far, I hope that you too have been doing likewise.

Historical site profit graph

x = date, y = BTC.

Just-Dice´s daily horoscope for Saturday July 27th, 2013

Mars and Pluto is about changing your life, it's about transformation, but usually you cannot see it until the influence is out of the way. A week later, you look back and think at least one situation is slightly better than it was. But you've got to be clear what you're trying to achieve. Your energy will be channeled towards making more money and acquiring material possessions. You will want cash for security and to buy you the better things of life.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 29, 2013, 07:42:03 AM
Litecoin's zodiac forecast for Monday, 29 July 2013

Are you beginning to feel like a pawn in someone else's chess game? Or a tiny piece in a much greater, grander, jigsaw? There may be some validity to that perspective but let us remember that even grand masters respect the value of their smallest and seemingly most trivial foot soldiers. And a jigsaw with even one missing piece can hardly be considered complete. You are making an important contribution to a sensitive situation. It would all be very different without your involvement. Now do your best with pride.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on September 21, 2013, 12:09:27 PM
Atlantis announced that it's to shut yesterday ( with 1 week to full closure, so started on 2013 03 14 & closed for business 2013 09 20 (apprx 16:00 hrs UK time).

Reddit comments (

Here's the original post re it's astro birth chart (

So about six months on here's a chart showing yesterday's transits, at a quick glance it looks like the transiting Sun is making an opposition to the natal one & dinging all that concentrated bunch of planets there as it passes, having just done Neptune, Mercury Chiron & Venus, after the Sun it is due to hit Mars & Uranus then the Moon, quite a challenging run to say the least. To me this seems a genuine closure & not honeypot type behavior as I can't see those that manage that kind of operation having to deal with quite such stress, it's not like they're undercover in real life or anything unless they got much closer to the sellers or large buyers than one would assume.

Anyway, just a small sell off of ltc yesterday which quickly recovered somewhat, so this news is no big deal price wise it seems.

Edit 2013 09 26: Maybe time to check in on those transits again, if this is correct...

which it may well not be:

The Fall of Atlantis - a Moderator Tells (

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on October 02, 2013, 11:07:23 AM
Litecoin's zodiac forecast for Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Some philosophers feel that little could be more unfortunate to be born under than a lucky star. Such folk, they claim, are oblivious to the hardships suffered by others, thus they are unable to relate to them. And, should their star ever, even briefly, let them down they will feel totally bereft and will have no experience of how to cope in its absence. Such philosophers are not, of course, ever born under such stars. Else they would know that all the above is a small price to pay for the kind of luck you look set to enjoy soon.

Just-Dice's zodiac forecast for Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The past, the present and the future all exist right now - but if we were to allow ourselves to comprehend this, our understanding of 'reality' would collapse. Our frame of reference would vanish. Every sensible observation we made would sound like a babbling nonsense to the ears of others. Someone in your world is now saying something that you cannot relate to. Perhaps once, you could. Or perhaps one day you will. Don't be so sure that there isn't something right about what seems wrong. Time may yet change a lot.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on October 07, 2013, 12:20:10 PM
Happy Birthday Litecoin!! :)

IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY your year ahead will be filled with fun friends and thoughtful everyday companions. There will be changes at home and in your closest relationships and perhaps tensions within the family. So you'll need to handle everything calmly and tactfully. But stand firm for what you need as well. Praise and recognition will come your way at work and in your community activities. Though you'll need to be sensible about money since this isn't the time to indulge.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on October 07, 2013, 01:11:13 PM
Posted on it, still early in the States, interesting to speculate on where the price might be in 1 years time & what developments will happen, I remain quietly optimistic.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on October 13, 2013, 11:30:51 AM
Seems that today, Sunday 13th October 2013, is favoured for Litecoin's 2nd birthday as it's the date that it was released for public mining.

IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY your year ahead will be friendly, good for team relationships and success at work. Your reputation will rise with recognition coming your way for your achievements. Though there will be some tensions and disruptions at home, within the family or in close relationships. You'll need to stay calm and tactful but be firm at the same time if you are to ensure the stability and independence which you want. Money needs sensible handling as well since this isn't the time to spend.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on October 21, 2013, 04:09:13 PM
This is the birth chart for dicenow (, an innovative btc/ltc dice betting/investing site, that was made by someone in east Asia & was first announced with this thread (;all), where I took the local time for Hong Kong which will be approx close enough to cover that whole region.

Will edit in a few days to add some interpretations, hopefully. Dicenow like Litecoin being a Libra sun sign.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: vokain on October 21, 2013, 04:19:17 PM
more btc ones please :)

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on October 29, 2013, 06:15:15 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of October 31, 2013   What do you think you'd be like if you were among the one-percent-wealthiest people on Earth? Would you demand that your government raise your taxes so you could contribute more to our collective well-being? Would you live simply and cheaply so you'd have more money to donate to charities and other worthy causes? This Halloween season, I suggest you play around with fantasies like that -- maybe even masquerade as an incredibly rich philanthropist who doles out cash and gifts everywhere you go. At the very least, imagine what it would be like if you had everything you needed and felt so grateful you shared your abundance freely.


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Naturalist John Burroughs may have been addressing your current needs when he wrote the following: "The lesson which life constantly enforces is 'Look underfoot.' You are always nearer to the true sources of your power than you think. The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. Every place is the center of the world."

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 05, 2013, 01:24:55 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of November 7, 2013   In the coming week you will probably have more luck than usual if you play keno, craps, blackjack, bingo, or roulette. People who owe you money will be inclined to pay you back, so you might want to give them a nudge. I won't be surprised if you find a $20 bill lying on the sidewalk or if a store cashier accidentally gives you way too much change. In the wake of these tendencies, your main assignment is to be alert for opportunities to increase your cash flow. For example, if you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for boosting your financial fortunes, I hope you will have a pen and notebook by the bed to write it down.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mljandrew on November 05, 2013, 01:46:31 PM
it‘s beautiful!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mmitech on November 05, 2013, 03:23:24 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of November 7, 2013   In the coming week you will probably have more luck than usual if you play keno, craps, blackjack, bingo, or roulette. People who owe you money will be inclined to pay you back, so you might want to give them a nudge. I won't be surprised if you find a $20 bill lying on the sidewalk or if a store cashier accidentally gives you way too much change. In the wake of these tendencies, your main assignment is to be alert for opportunities to increase your cash flow. For example, if you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for boosting your financial fortunes, I hope you will have a pen and notebook by the bed to write it down.

so you think this will be the week that LTC will shine..... well I hope so.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 09, 2013, 12:33:06 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Saturday, 9th November, 2013

You are following a particular plan for a very specific reason. You may not yet be getting much by way of a result, but that doesn't mean you are making a mistake. Good things take time. Very good things can sometimes take an awful lot of time. When you are standing on top of a mountain, it is easy to plot a route through the valley ahead. When you are down in those dales, it is hard to remember quite how far you could once see. Yet you are much nearer this week, to your ideal destination than you were before.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 11, 2013, 02:21:24 PM
Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from 11th November, 2013

If you can keep one scheme within bounds, put a few limits on your plans, then you could do well this week. But if you fly too high you might find you just have further to fall. The influences around at the moment can be good for being charming in a businesslike way. You know what you want and will use your wiles to bring companions round to your way of thinking. If you keep your ulterior motives out of sight then all will work well.

In November generally, pull strings behind the scenes and be patient as well as quietly persistent. Praise will make your ears glow just before and after mid month so the right people are obviously appreciating what you're doing.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 12, 2013, 10:06:08 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Tuesday, 12th November, 2013

Trees and plants don't apply for planning permission before they start to put down roots. Nature has her own way of regulating growth and expansion and it doesn't involve the completion of any forms or the issuing of any documents. You and I are natural beings, are we not? So, why can't we just ignore all that bureaucracy and follow a basic impulse? Current events require you to participate in what seems like a tedious process but if you don't do what is appropriate, you won't end up with what is acceptable.

Today you can expect a good break or a light at the end of one tunnel. This is definitely your lucky day in however small a way. There will be a lilt in your step and a twinkle in your eye. Jupiter at the moment is bringing luck to all your ambitions and your desire for social status. You will be more conventional than usual, but watch a tendency to be too pernickety about everything being done precisely to the letter of the law.

In General Today

We have the wonderful uplifting expansive aspect of the Sun trine Jupiter, lucky and confident, it is a good old-fashioned, auspicious, omen. It bodes well for most folk. But it holds forth particular promise for Leos, Pisceans and Sagittarians. Not that you need me to tell you that you are coming under the influence of a kindlier cosmos. You can tell that already, can't you? Just by the way in which events are starting to get less stressful and more reassuring. The real question is, 'How long will this last?' At least until the end of the week, and probably a fair way beyond.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mmitech on November 12, 2013, 10:27:31 AM
LTC late charts are looking really good, keep them coming, maybe there is not much replies but I am sure that there allot of people reads this

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 14, 2013, 03:45:07 PM
Just for a change today, here are the stars for Sagittarius, Thursday 14th November, 2013

They say, 'What goes up, must come down.' That's a bit pessimistic. And are there not spacecraft that have been sent far beyond the Earth's atmosphere? Some are reaching the far edge of the solar system and going beyond the gravitational pull, not only of the Earth but the Sun. And speaking of gravity, there are those who suspect that once we understand a little more about dark matter, we may have to completely rethink our whole idea about what constitutes up or down. You are on an up now. Why should that end?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 17, 2013, 03:43:52 PM
Litecoin's week ahead, Sunday, 17 November 2013

It's easy to envy a lottery winner. Would we, though, still feel so keen to swap places with this person, if they were going through an emotional crisis that no luxury could provide a distraction from? We make a great mistake when we assess the lives of others by their appearances. We are even more misguided when we then compare our lives to theirs. It seems as if you are getting the raw end of a deal. Others seem to have much more freedom, power and good fortune. Appearances though, can be deceptive. Be glad of what you've got

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 23, 2013, 11:20:28 PM
Litecoin´s Week Ahead, Sunday, 24 November 2013

Think about roads. Sometimes they stretch on forever with hardly a bend, a curve or even another car in sight. Most often, though, we find ourselves in the city, our speed dictated by the pace of the traffic or by a light over which we have no control. In your emotional life, it seems as if you have been stuck too long, waiting for a signal. Sooner than you think, you will have the freedom to move once more. You know which direction you need to be heading in. Prepare to make a lot of progress in a short space of time.

PS - sorry for the spike down a few hours ago, it wasn´t a genuine sales, I mis-clicked & made a large sell at market price rather than placing the much lower ask that I´d intended, my apologies if it made the journey to $10 a little longer time wise, good for buyers anyway I guess & quite a few contacted me to buy right after.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 24, 2013, 07:45:17 AM
Litecoin´s Week Ahead, for Saturday, 23 November 2013

Imagine hiring some great concert pianist to play at a party, but then insisting that this legendary virtuoso performs only a series of bubble gum pop hits. Now imagine requesting the help of the cosmos, but then refusing to accept any assistance that doesn't match your own idea of an appropriate solution. You are being helped, supported, protected and looked after now. That's precisely why you find yourself in such unfamiliar territory. You are being taken beyond the world you know this week, for the best possible reason.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on November 26, 2013, 02:11:53 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of November 28, 2013   Here's the bad news: For all of us, including you, there is a gap between our intentions and our actual effects. Here's the good news: Now is your special time to narrow that gap.

More bad news: All of us, you included, are periodically guilty of sending out mixed messages. We confuse people with our ambivalence; what we say is sometimes different from what we feel. More good news: Now is your special time to reduce your mixed messages to as close to zero as possible.

One more taste of bad news: Like all of us, you are a bit hypocritical. You engage in behavior that you criticize in others. You don't practice what you preach. One last piece of good news: Now is your special time to work on being forthright, genuine, and consistent.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on December 08, 2013, 07:42:21 AM
Litecoin's forecast, Saturday, 7 December 2013

Your Week Ahead: Your passport contains your date of birth, your name and picture. It may even say what you do for a living. There's no description, though, of your spirit. There's no indication of your personality, no mention of your kindness, no reflection of your values. This week brings progress in a realm that's beyond the official and the ordinary. Here, as Mars moves into your sign, is your passport to a world in which you can redefine your sense of identity and forget the way the world wants to see you - and just be you at your best.

Litecoin, Sunday, 8 December 2013

Your Week Ahead: There is an old saying 'You win some, you lose some.' Are you set to lose something now? If you are winning enough of the ones that count, it hardly matters. It may not be possible to score a success in every endeavour you want to undertake. But as long as you now prioritise the most important issues on the agenda, you can ensure that this week, under a positive cosmic climate, you will be able to protect whatever you care most about. And as for the rest, well... you may not do too badly there, either!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on December 19, 2013, 07:20:10 AM
Litecoiun's Horoscope for week of December 19, 2013   The Italian painter Tintoretto (1518-1594) was a Libra. He worked with such vigor and passion that he was nicknamed Il Furioso -- The Furious. One of his crowning achievements was his painting Paradise, which is 74 feet long and 30 feet tall -- about the size of a tennis court. It adorns a huge wall in the Doge's Palace, a landmark in Venice. I propose that Tintoretto serve as one of your inspirational role models in 2014. The coming months will be an excellent time for you to work hard at crafting your own personal version of paradise on earth. You may not be so wildly robust as to deserve the title "Il Furioso." But then again, you might.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mmitech on December 19, 2013, 07:28:04 AM
I was wondering about the bitcoin astro chart do you have one of these ?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on December 20, 2013, 04:37:45 AM
I was wondering about the bitcoin astro chart do you have one of these ?

Sure do:;all

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on December 27, 2013, 04:34:31 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of December 26, 2013   In 1972, English folk musician Nick Drake recorded his album Pink Moon. He finished it in a mere four hours, singing all 11 songs and playing every instrumental track himself. It took years for anyone to appreciate his artistry, but eventually the magazine Melody Maker selected Pink Moon as number 48 on its list of the "All Time Top 100 Albums." Here's one way I suspect your efforts will be similar to Drake's in 2014, Litecoin: You will have the ability to get a lot done in a short time. Here are two ways your fate will be different from Drake's: First, you will have a big pool of trustworthy allies to call on for help. Second, what you produce won't take nearly as long to get the appreciation it warrants.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 04, 2014, 04:33:32 AM
Today's forecast for Litecoin, Friday, 3 January 2014

Don't put all your cards on the table. I offer you this advice, not because your hand is weak but because it is stronger than you realise. Early next week, will see the completion of a conjunction between Mercury and Venus. Imagine that you have been dealt an ace. This has a flexible value. Each time you look at it, you assume it represents a problem. But seen from another perspective, it is a valuable asset. You can 'win', but only if you don't accidentally give away something you ought to keep quietly to yourself.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 10, 2014, 08:42:24 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of January 9, 2014   As a child, French philosopher and writer Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) loved math. But his father, who homeschooled him, forced him to forego math and concentrate on studying the humanities. Blaise rebelled. When he was 12 years old, he locked himself in his room for days and immersed himself in mathematical investigations. When he emerged, he had figured out on his own some of Euclid's fundamental theorems about geometry. Eventually, he became a noted mathematician. I see the coming weeks as prime time to do something like the young Pascal did: Seal yourself away from other people's opinions about who you're supposed to be, and explore the themes that will be crucial for what you are becoming.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: El Dude on January 10, 2014, 08:52:04 PM
I enjoy these , please continue.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 11, 2014, 07:01:25 PM
Litecoin, Your Week Ahead, Saturday, 11 January 2014

Try to forget your plans. It is not that they are likely to go wrong, it is just that when you formed them, things were different. Various unmet needs were dictating your preferences and priorities. Already, it is becoming clear that you are better off than you thought you were. Soon, you will have reason to rethink many more matters. Your wishes are being granted. Your fears are proving false. So, do what you intended to do if you still feel that's appropriate. But you don't have to do half as much as you thought you did.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 14, 2014, 07:25:02 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of January 16, 2014   "You know what the greatest tragedy is in the whole world?" asks novelist Terry Pratchett. "It's all the people who never find out what it is they really want to do or what it is they're really good at. It's all the people who never get to know what it is that they can really be." If that description applies to you even a little, Litecoin -- if you're still not completely sure what you're good at it and what you want to do -- the coming months will be prime time to fix that problem. Start now! How? Open your mind to the possibility that you don't know yourself as well as you someday will. Take vocational tests. Ask smart people you trust to tell you what they think about your special aptitudes and unique qualities. And one more thing: Be wildly honest with yourself about what excites you.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 17, 2014, 08:14:21 PM
litecoin's forecast for, Friday, 17 January 2014

One of the biggest names in ancient oriental sagacity, is the philosopher Lao Tzu. He once observed that, 'A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.' How very relaxed and inscrutable of him. Aren't we all just travellers on the great journey of life? Might we not all enjoy the experience far more if we focused less on results and destinations? You are beginning to fear, this weekend, that it would be easier to abandon a plan, than to encounter more frustration in pursuing it. But it's not that bad.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 21, 2014, 09:53:01 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of January 23, 2014   Whatever adventures may flow your way in the coming weeks, Litecoin, I hope you will appreciate them for what they are: unruly but basically benevolent; disruptive in ways that catalyze welcome transformations; a bit more exciting than you might like, but ultimately pretty fun. Can you thrive on the paradoxes? Can you delight in the unpredictability? I think so. When you look back at these plot twists two months from now, I bet you'll see them as entertaining storylines that enhance the myth of your hero's journey. You'll understand them as tricky gifts that have taught you valuable secrets about your soul's code.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: cryptoastrotrader on January 26, 2014, 09:09:26 AM
On November 25, 2013, the Litecoin price began a climb that peaked at an ATH of 0.05199 BTC three days later.

Looking at the quotidian charts for that day turned up a doozy of appropriate planetary symbolism. Focusing first on the solar quotidian:

The inner wheel is the Litecoin solar return chart, progressed to November 25, 2013, 5 am PDT (12 pm UT). The middle wheel is the Litecoin natal chart. The outer wheel is the transit chart for November 25, 2013, 12 pm UT. All charts have been drawn for Union City, CA.

As can be seen from the chart, progressed solar return Moon (inner wheel) has come into partile opposition with natal LTC Jupiter (middle wheel). Moon/Jupiter contacts often herald moments of triumph and success.

Turning our attention to the converse natal quotidian:

The inner wheel is the Litecoin natal chart, converse progressed to November 25, 2013, 12 pm UT. The middle wheel is the Litecoin natal chart. The outer wheel is the converse transit chart for November 25, 2013, 12 pm UT.

We again see a Moon/Jupiter contact, specifically converse transiting Jupiter (outer wheel) partile conjunct natal LTC Moon (middle wheel).

When planetary pairings repeat themselves over two or more charts, it often signifies an out-of-the-ordinary event, the nature of which is indicated by the symbolism attached to the planetary combination involved. IMHO, a double-whammy of Moon/Jupiter is very appropriate for the days leading up to Litecoin reaching its ATH.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 26, 2014, 07:04:29 PM
Many thanks cryptoastrotrader & others for your contributions to these threads!

Litecoin, your week ahead, Sunday, 26 January 2014

You don't want to go swinging from one extreme to another. This may sound like obvious advice but you now face special circumstances. Something or someone is getting to you. A nagging concern is frustrating you and filling you with exasperation. In an attempt to escape what you see as an oppressive situation, you may feel willing to explore dramatic, decisive alternatives. Such alternatives do, indeed, exist. These, though, are more likely to take you from the frying pan to the fire than they are to set you free.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 28, 2014, 09:44:19 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of January 30, 2014   Kenneth Rexroth wrote a poem called "A Sword in a Cloud of Light." I want to borrow that image. According to my astrological analysis and poetic intuition, you will generate the exact power you need in the coming weeks by imprinting your imagination with a vision of a sword in a cloud of light. I don't want to get too intellectual about the reasons why, but I will say this: The cloud of light represents your noble purpose or your sacred aspiration. The sword is a metaphor to symbolize the new ferocity you will invoke as you implement the next step of your noble purpose or sacred aspiration.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 03, 2014, 08:06:14 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Monday, 3 February 2014

Life is cyclical and seasonal. Even in lands where this isn't so immediately obvious from the changes in nature, we can observe this phenomenon by watching the changes in human nature. We are now arriving at an important moment where the hidden rhythms alter for all who share your sign. You are emerging from a prolonged phase during which you must often have felt as if you were trying to run up a descending escalator. Now it is as if a switch has been thrown, making what was once difficult seem surprisingly easy.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 08:19:17 PM
This is the strangest thing I've ever seen.  Do you have any marijuana to go along with this presentation?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 09, 2014, 03:56:51 AM
Litecoin, your week ahead, Saturday, 8 February 2014

Think of this forecast as a 'traffic report'. The main road from here to the place you want to reach may be blocked. Traffic is due to tail back for miles. But there is another route. You can acquire enough local knowledge to work this out. You may have to go a few extra miles - but your destination is attainable. Don't worry about what seemingly can't be done. With Mars still in your sign, now edging into a state of harmony with the Sun, you just need to make a few adjustments in the light of changing circumstances.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 10, 2014, 09:28:26 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for Monday, February 10th

The world's most expensive remote-controlled toy car is currently sitting on a big red rock that is passing through your sign, preparing to ascend a small sand dune. The operators of the Curiosity Mars rover at NASA are wondering if the tyres are strong enough to withstand contact with any rocks beneath that sand. There is, of course, only one way they will find out. And with that, we must turn to your greatest challenge this week. It is time to stop wondering what will happen 'if this' or 'if that' and to begin an experiment.

Litecoin's Horoscope for Tuesday, February 11th

Sceptics love to question how a distant world like Mars can influence events on Earth. But we do now know that events on Earth can affect events on Mars. This point is neatly proven every time the technicians at NASA operate the controls that drive the Curiosity Mars rover across the red planet. How hard can it be to envisage that radio waves are not the only form of two-way communication through space? Meanwhile, don't underestimate your own ability to exert a big influence on something seemingly remote.

Litecoin's monthly Horoscope for February

Unlike other signs you come to life in February as you throw yourself with wholehearted exuberance into a round of fun social events. Your obvious self confidence will rub off at work as well so you'll be the centre of attention and receiving compliments. Just have a care that you don't overspend in pursuit of all this enjoyment since there'll be a hint of a setback on the cash front around the 11th. Happily with Mars in your own sign for months ahead you won't let temporary obstacles get in your way. You've got courage, drive and that sparkle of determination in your eye. The Pisces Sun after the 18th hints that more work less play will be on the agenda for the next four weeks. Though at times your energy may sag so pace yourself.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 11, 2014, 09:37:30 PM
Lietcoin's Horoscope for Tuesday, February 11th

This isn't a day to expect huge amounts of generosity, or support from other people. You may have to work more on your own. But instead of getting into a gripe and a groan, see where you can use the time wisely to achieve a little more. Focus on narrow tasks that require attention to detail. You'll know you have to be sensible about cash but money like all energy needs to be able to flow. Hang on too tightly and you can stop it coming towards you.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 16, 2014, 08:28:03 AM
Litecoin, Your week ahead, Sunday, 16 February 2014

Life should become less stressful soon. Though you feel a strong need to keep a close eye on a certain person or situation, you have good reason to suspect that, for the time being at least, all is as it should be. You don't need to watch every development like a hawk. It's sufficient now just to be alert enough to spot any sudden movement or seemingly strange occurrence. Keep ten per cent of your attention on that key matter and turn the rest to the more pleasant business of enjoying a rare, special opportunity

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 17, 2014, 04:10:44 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Monday, February 17th

When Mars visits a sign for just a couple of months (as it usually does), astrologers know to alert all born under that sign to the arrival of a busy phase. We will say things like, 'expect rapid progress alongside a time of tense urgency.' But this visit of Mars to Libra goes on for half a year. We have now reached the point where normally it would be over but still, it has only just begun! We therefore need to talk about how you pace yourself and take advantage of the occasional lull, rather than seeing this as a setback. More on this tomorrow.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 18, 2014, 09:47:15 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Tuesday, February 18th

A sprinter and a marathon runner may both appear to be doing something similar when you first observe them. Many are capable of rising to either challenge. But one competition involves a short burst of racing at the highest possible speed, where the other is an art that requires much more careful timing and pacing. To be in with a real chance of success, you have got to know what kind of event you are taking part in and foster the appropriate mental attitude. You are playing a long game now.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: El Dude on February 18, 2014, 09:51:52 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Tuesday, February 18th

A sprinter and a marathon runner may both appear to be doing something similar when you first observe them. Many are capable of rising to either challenge. But one competition involves a short burst of racing at the highest possible speed, where the other is an art that requires much more careful timing and pacing. To be in with a real chance of success, you have got to know what kind of event you are taking part in and foster the appropriate mental attitude. You are playing a long game now.

litecoin's journey is a long and hard one , kinda like my penis .

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 18, 2014, 10:00:25 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope, #2, for Tuesday, February 18th

Into a hard working few weeks you'll be practical & more than usually keen to get details in the right place. You'll be less worried about getting praise, than in being helpful and being of service. And in a strange way because you are not aiming for it success will come your way more easily. So you might as well make hay while the sun shines. A growing appreciation of your talents will have you beaming with pleasure and a certain amount of relief.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 18, 2014, 10:12:21 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of February 20, 2013 In the savannas of Africa, waterholes are crucial for life. During the rainy season, there are enough to go around for every animal species to drink and bathe in comfortably. But the dry season shrinks the size and number of the waterholes. The impala may have to share with the hippopotamus, the giraffe with the warthog. Let's use this as a metaphor to speculate about your future. I'm guessing that the dry season will soon be arriving in your part of the world. The waterholes may dwindle. But that could ultimately prove to be a lucky development, because it will bring you into contact with interesting life forms you might not have otherwise met. Unexpected new alliances could emerge.


SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from the book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: (
How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.


"The seed cannot sprout upwards without simultaneously sending roots into the ground," says an Egyptian proverb. Keep that thought in mind as you head into your next phase of growth. What part of you needs to deepen as you rise up? What growth needs to unfold in the hidden places as you gravitate toward the light? How can you go about balancing and stabilizing your ascension with a downward penetration?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 19, 2014, 07:00:15 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Wednesday, February 19th

You will get from A to B. You will make good time too. Or at least you will, as long as you remember to respect the distance between these two points. They are not quite as close to each other as they may seem. Or even if they are (to continue with the marathon analogy that I offered you yesterday), the points are at either end of a circular route that must be properly followed. A short-cut will bring disqualification. It isn't easy to stay on a long course. It requires strategy and stamina. But you are still in with a fine chance of winning.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 20, 2014, 10:41:24 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Thursday, February 20th

In a short sprint a runner must try to take the lead as quickly as possible and then maintain maximum velocity. Marathon participants may well prefer the psychological advantage of staying in the lead but it is not their only consideration. If overtaken by an unfeasibly fast challenger, they would be silly to try to match their pace. That will simply compromise their ability to sustain a steady effort. Remember this as you now consider the way in which it may seem as if you are falling behind in your attempt to reach a goal.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 21, 2014, 12:27:05 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Friday, February 21th

I must apologise to any athletes who have been following this forecast lately. You will have seen me explaining the difference between a short sprint and a marathon. You may well have realised that I'm not talking from personal experience. But even if I have been sketchy on the detail, I am right about the principle. And this continues to hold true over the coming weekend. You are heading as fast as you feasibly can towards attaining an important goal. If you push yourself any harder, you will create unnecessary pressure. Go steady.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 22, 2014, 01:27:41 PM
The Week Ahead for everyone in general atm

Towards the end of the week, Mercury reaches the end of its recent retrograde phase while Jupiter completes an alignment that it has been slowly moving into for some while as it fully forms a right angle (or square) to the planet Uranus. The former development suggests imminent improvement in all areas where contractual negotiations have been difficult or commercial transactions have been delayed. The second speaks of radical innovation, brilliant invention and a challenge to tradition. For rebels and revolutionaries, as well as for those who seek technological breakthroughs, long overdue change may soon be on the way.

Litecoin's Week Ahead for Saturday, 22 February 2014

Should you sit in a quiet corner, waiting for an invitation? Or should you go out in search of what you need? An active approach will compromise your privacy. Others will be able to see what you are up to. A passive approach may preserve your dignity but it reduces the chance of progress. The taxi of opportunity rarely stops and knocks on doors. It cruises the street of possibility, offering its services to those who are standing, waiting, determinedly poised to flag it down. Put yourself where help can reach you this week.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 25, 2014, 12:27:21 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Tuesday, February 25th

We all begin life as babies. But we do not all end it as old folk! Even if we live to a ripe age, we can stay young at heart. By eschewing complaint and criticism in favour of tolerance and appreciation, we can avoid growing sour, stroppy and set in our ways. This in turn will keep us looking and feeling fresh and attractive. Embrace your most childlike qualities now and you will easily cope with a potentially draining difficulty. Feeding a sense of resentment will make matters worse. Fostering a spirit of trust will make them better.

Litecoin's Horoscope for week of February 27, 2014   If you are the type of person who wears gloves when you throw snowballs, Germans would call you Handschuhschneeballwerfer. They use the same word as slang to mean "coward." I'm hoping that in the coming days you won't display any behavior that would justify you being called Handschuhschneeballwerfer. You need to bring a raw, direct, straightforward attitude to everything you do. You shouldn't rely on any buffers, surrogates, or intermediaries. Metaphorically speaking, make sure that nothing comes between your bare hands and the pure snow.

Longterm ltc Log Chart - This thread started 1st March 2013

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 26, 2014, 10:13:42 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for Wednesday, February 26th

What are you doing? Why are you doing it? What does it all mean? Your views are changing now, as are your needs. You are no longer obliged to keep wrestling with the same old problem. You are free now from a commitment that has begun to seem like a ball and chain around your ankles. If you don't yet feel liberated and elevated, let a little more time pass. It may be that you are only escaping slowly. Very soon, though, you will gain a new idea of 'what it's all about.' And that will make you much happier.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on February 28, 2014, 01:15:27 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Friday, February 28th

It is time to grab this coming weekend firmly by the scruff of the neck and give it a good talking to. It is already displaying a worryingly suspicious tendency to present you with issues you would prefer not to encounter or situations that do not match your idea of what is desirable. It needs to be told who is boss. Make your mark on it. Actively pursue the ambition that you are reluctant to make a commitment to. Set in motion a process that will take you further down the only road you now actually wish to travel.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 02, 2014, 09:12:22 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Monday, 3rd March 2014

They say, 'Out of sight is out of mind.' That may be so, but when we ignore matters that we ought to be paying attention to, they have a tendency to get worse while our backs are turned. This week, you have to look at an issue you have been avoiding. You have, indeed, been avoiding it so successfully that you have almost forgotten all about it. You may not be entirely delighted about receiving your reminder. But once you get over that initial reaction, you will discover it has come in time for you to do something constructive.

Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from 3rd March

If you're willing to learn from life, to be flexible enough, then you can make significant progress. You just need to be secure enough in your identity that you can take feedback from others. Try to see where you could alter course just a little bit, whether it's in your behaviour or your attitudes. Then the way ahead will clear quickly. If you're imaginative you should get projects forging ahead. Mars will be pushing you into being more energetic.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 04, 2014, 11:24:53 AM

Chang'e is the Chinese goddess of the Moon. Unlike many lunar deities in other cultures who personify the Moon, Chang'e only lives on the Moon.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 04, 2014, 03:27:06 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of March 6, 2014   You Librans haven't received enough gifts, goodies, and compliments lately. For reasons I can't discern, you have been deprived of your rightful share. It's not fair! What can you do to rectify this imbalance in the cosmic ledger? How can you enhance your ability to attract the treats you deserve? It's important that we solve this riddle, since you are entering a phase when your wants and needs will expand and deepen. Here's what I can offer: I hereby authorize you to do whatever it takes to entice everyone into showering you with bounties, boons, and bonuses. To jumpstart this process, shower yourself with bounties, boons, and bonuses.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 04, 2014, 11:35:15 PM
Litecoiun's Horoscope for week of December 19, 2013   The Italian painter Tintoretto (1518-1594) was a Libra. He worked with such vigor and passion that he was nicknamed Il Furioso -- The Furious. One of his crowning achievements was his painting Paradise, which is 74 feet long and 30 feet tall -- about the size of a tennis court. It adorns a huge wall in the Doge's Palace, a landmark in Venice. I propose that Tintoretto serve as one of your inspirational role models in 2014. The coming months will be an excellent time for you to work hard at crafting your own personal version of paradise on earth. You may not be so wildly robust as to deserve the title "Il Furioso." But then again, you might.

"the Doge's Palace" I was amused to look back on such coincidence, much synchronicity, very fashion recently.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 05, 2014, 09:47:31 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Wednesday, March 5th

The world is changing before our eyes. Little is as it once was. Each day brings something new to digest. That's why you feel so keen to protect and preserve a part of the past. It suggests safety. But history is a false refuge. Only the future affords true shelter! And the only safe way to get there is by allowing yourself to adjust and adapt. Be fluid, be flexible and be ready to start moving in a new direction. You may feel daunted by what's now being asked of you, but you will soon feel proud that you rose to the challenge.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 06, 2014, 11:03:52 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Thursday, 6th March 2014

What is there to be inspired about? What is there to suggest that existence itself is anything other than the result of some random coincidence? If you don't already know, you will soon find out. Or rather, for really you do already know, you will be reminded. Life is a gift, a magical manifestation of a force wondrous beyond words. Focus on petty problems and your life will swiftly fill up with them. But if you look for a reason to feel glad and to start making good things happen, you will find not one reason, but hundreds.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on March 18, 2014, 02:01:14 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Tuesday, 18th March 2014

Crosswords, sudoku puzzles and algebra equations, all have a similar effect on the mind. They produce a moment of bewilderment where the problem-solver finds themselves peering into the abyss of uncertainty. This is then followed by a sense of triumph as ideas rearrange themselves and understandings fall into place. The brain immediately releases a delightful dose of dopamine, creating an undeniable sense of pleasure. As it struggles to make sense of a strange situation, your inner-geek is now hungry for a reward.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: El Dude on March 18, 2014, 02:02:04 PM
to da moon !!!

Title: Profitable Cryptocurrency Trading Using Astrological Techniques
Post by: cryptoastrotrader on March 19, 2014, 03:20:20 AM

For those in this thread who are interested, I have written an ebook on using astrology to better one's chances of profiting from cryptocurrency trading. Check out my post at and download a free 62-page ebook excerpt.

Title: Re: Profitable Cryptocurrency Trading Using Astrological Techniques
Post by: pr9me on March 19, 2014, 03:31:45 AM

And a better title would be...

Profitable Cryptocurrency: Trading by pulling astronomical techniques out of Ur-anus.

So tell me, how strewn with affiliate links is your free ebook?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 07, 2014, 07:06:39 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Monday, 7th April 2014

You don't know what's really going on. All you can see is what seems to be happening. That's not the same thing. Situations you see as undesirable are actually deeply beneficial. Problems you fear you may never solve are hardly problems at all. You're strong in areas where you imagine you are weak. Yet the reverse is not true. You are more influential than you think. Don't dwell on a source of disappointment this week. Use your ability to see the best in people and situations... and the best is what will transpire.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 10, 2014, 04:54:26 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of April 10, 2014 Are you thinking of linking your fortunes to a new ally? Or deepening your collaboration with a familiar ally? Have you fantasized about bonding intensely with a source that may be able to give you more of what you want and bring out more of the best in you? These prospects are worth contemplating, Litecoin. But I suggest you let your connection ripen a bit more before finalizing the shift. I'm not necessarily saying there's a potential problem. I simply suspect that you need further exploration and additional information before you can make the smartest move possible.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 14, 2014, 10:13:21 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Monday, 14th April 2014

This week brings a total Lunar Eclipse in your zodiac sign. That's big. It's the finger of fate, singling you out for special attention. It's a cosmic promise of change and challenge, followed by inspiration and liberation, all leading to renewed hope and healing. But notice please, how your brain just absorbed that previous sentence. It skipped right over the bit about change and challenge. It far preferred the sound of all the good stuff that came after this. Before that can happen, a fact must be faced and a truth embraced.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 19, 2014, 01:42:54 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of April 17, 2014 Karma works both ways. If you do ignorant things, ignorant things may eventually be done to you. Engage in generous actions, and at some future date you may be the unexpected beneficiary of generosity. I'm expecting more of the latter than the former for you in the coming days, Litecoin. I think fate will bring you sweet compensations for your enlightened behavior in the past. I'm reminded of the fairy tale in which a peasant girl goes out of her way to be kind to a seemingly feeble, disabled old woman. The crone turns out to be a good witch who rewards the girl with a bag of gold. But as I hinted, there could also be a bit of that other kind of karma lurking in your vicinity. Would you like to ward it off? All you have to do is unleash a flurry of good deeds. Anytime you have a chance to help people in need, do it.


SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from the book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: (
How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.


I've written astrological oracles for much of my adult life. An early prototype of my work hatched in my previous incarnation as an 11th-century monastic scribe who made illuminated manuscripts. During my off-hours, I dabbled with planetary divination and created a parchment newsletter that got passed around the monastery.

In a later lifetime as a 16th-century Florentine alchemist, I further refined the form. The invention of the printing press meant my oracles could be seen by a larger audience, and as a result I got more feedback, which in turn helped me improve my service. The horoscopes I create today, then, have been in the making for a thousand years.

What about you? Is there anything you've been working on for many centuries? If your memory of your previous incarnations is fuzzy, make up a good story.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 21, 2014, 06:34:03 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Monday, 21st April 2014

There are they tell us, two sides to every coin. Ah, but what about the double-headed penny? It seems as if you now keep coming to the same conclusion no matter how you phrase or rephrase a question. You are feeling as if there is only one way to proceed - as if you have no choice. Yet you would rather like to feel that an option was open to you. You are not entirely enamoured with the story as it is unfolding. Let it unfold a little further this week. You will see another viewpoint and your penny will land right side up!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 26, 2014, 08:31:31 AM
May Monthly Forecast generally & for Litecoin in particular

May looks set to be splendid, not least because it brings the end of a retrograde phase for Mars in your sign that began in March. Ever since, many people of all signs have been feeling oddly lacklustre about projects and plans. While this has had its advantages, in that it has allowed time for some arrangements to 'shake down', life has been frustrating for those who prefer to just roll up their sleeves and crack on. This month, with Venus entering the smart, principled sign of Aries just as the action planet changes direction, many will experience a sense of restored purpose and determination.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on April 29, 2014, 05:12:07 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of May 1, 2014 I'm pretty sure God wants you to be rich. Or at least richer. And I know for a fact that I want you to be richer. What about you? Do you want to be wealthier? Or at least a bit more flush? Or would you rather dodge the spiritual tests you'd have to face if you became a money magnet? Would you prefer to go about your daily affairs without having to deal with the increased responsibilities and obligations that would come with a bigger income? I suspect you will soon receive fresh evidence about these matters. How you respond will determine whether or not you'll be able to take advantage of new financial opportunities that are becoming available.


SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracles below are excerpted from the book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia:
How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.


Acquiring problems is a fundamental human need. It's as crucial to your well-being as getting food, air, water, sleep, and love. You define yourself -- indeed, you make yourself -- through the puzzling dilemmas you attract and solve. The most creative people on the planet are those who frame the biggest, hardest questions and then gather the resources necessary to find the answers.


It's a great privilege to live in a free country. You're fortunate if you have the opportunity to pursue your dreams without having to ward off government interference or corporate brainwashing or religious fanaticism.

But that's only partly useful if you have not yet won the most important struggle for liberation, which is the freedom from your own unconscious obsessions and conditioned responses. Becoming an independent agent who's not an unwitting slave to his or her shadow is one of the most heroic feats a human being can accomplish


Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 05, 2014, 10:27:46 AM
Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from Monday, 5th May

Look at your life to see whether you're moving towards your goals. Don't waste the good energies around. The more you can put out positive vibes, the better things will come back to you. Later in the week you'll need to come down off your pink cloud and see everything as it really is. If you can do that and still feel confident then you will avoid the muddles that come in the wake of having over promised or spun too much hype.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: mmitech on May 05, 2014, 10:57:09 AM
Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from Monday, 5th May

Look at your life to see whether you're moving towards your goals. Don't waste the good energies around. The more you can put out positive vibes, the better things will come back to you. Later in the week you'll need to come down off your pink cloud and see everything as it really is. If you can do that and still feel confident then you will avoid the muddles that come in the wake of having over promised or spun too much hype.

interesting, I know this is the month for Litecoin so what you wrote above is a bit strange!!! lets see how that plays out  :)

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 06, 2014, 07:37:40 AM
  :)  Sun trine Jupiter today!  :)

Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Tuesday, 6th May 2014

Watch you don't sail into something thinking you can't lose. If you keep your feet on the ground then there are definitely fair winds blowing you along. It's just a question of finding the right balance between confidence and common sense. But since the chance to make faster progress is there you might as well make hay while the sun shines. Compliments and a growing admiration of your talents and personality will have you beaming with pleasure and a certain amount of relief.

Litecoin's Horoscope for week of May 8, 2014

Over a hundred years ago, the cattle industry pressured the U.S. government to kill off wolves in Yellowstone National Park. By 1926 the wolves had all but vanished. In the following decades, elk herds grew unnaturally big, no longer hunted by their natural predator. The elk decimated the berry bushes of Yellowstone, eating the wild fruit with such voracity that grizzly bears and many other species went hungry. In 1995, environmentalists and conservationists got clearance to re-introduce wolves to the area. Now the berry bushes are flourishing again. Grizzlies are thriving, as are other mammals that had been deprived. I regard this vignette as an allegory for your life in the coming months, Litecoin. It's time to do the equivalent of replenishing the wolf population. Correct the imbalance.


SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from the book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia:
How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.


Thousands of things go right for you every day, beginning the moment you wake up. Through some magic you don't fully understand, you're still breathing and your heart is beating, even though you've been unconscious for many hours. The air is a mix of gases that's just right for your body's needs, as it was before you fell asleep.

You can see! Light of many colors floods into your eyes, registered by nerves that took God or evolution or some process millions of years to perfect. The interesting gift of these vivid hues is made possible by an unimaginably immense globe of fire, the sun, which continually detonates nuclear reactions in order to convert its own body into light and heat and energy for your personal use.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 06, 2014, 02:02:51 PM
Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from Monday, 5th May

Look at your life to see whether you're moving towards your goals. Don't waste the good energies around. The more you can put out positive vibes, the better things will come back to you. Later in the week you'll need to come down off your pink cloud and see everything as it really is. If you can do that and still feel confident then you will avoid the muddles that come in the wake of having over promised or spun too much hype.

interesting, I know this is the month for Litecoin so what you wrote above is a bit strange!!! lets see how that plays out  :)

Yep, I was surprised by this one too, I've been expecting May to be very merry for Litecoin and feel that a Coinbase announcement is not going to be that far off as well, I'm still very much anticipating good things.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 17, 2014, 08:31:08 AM
Litecoin, Saturday, 17 May 2014

Your Week Ahead

Do you want to attain a great victory? Would you like to change something fundamental, forever? Mars, as it now finally changes direction in your sign, insists that this is possible. And you almost certainly don't have to take dramatic action. There's no need to mount a campaign or expend vast effort. Just trust what you have recently begun to observe and understand. Speak about this sensitively but pointedly to those who need to hear about it, and then take action. What needs to happen, will happen!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 19, 2014, 10:21:31 AM
Litecoin, Monday, 19 May 2014

You cannot turn a tide. None of us can do that, as the legendary tale of the ancient King Canute so neatly illustrates. It is a futile thing to think about. But that doesn't mean that a tide will not ever eventually, naturally, turn. Of course, it will. It has to. Every tide will sooner or later do this. And whilst it may not be wise to try to force the change, it surely must be wise to allow for the possibility of it happening. You have been waiting a long time for an era to end and a new cycle to start. You will finally see a sign of that this week.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 20, 2014, 12:45:50 PM
Litecoin, Tuesday, 20 May 2014

What happens to a piece of elastic if it is stretched ever further back, almost to breaking point? If it is suddenly released it will fly forward at a stunning speed, as every fan of Robin Hood knows. Mars, whilst traveling retrograde through your sign since March, has effectively drawn back your own inner-bow. The process has been slow and perhaps, at times, even painful. You have half forgotten what you were aiming for in the first place. You may soon be surprised by how swiftly you start to connect with a once-cherished target. Mars is no longer retrograde and the pace of your life will start to quicken.

Litecoin's Horoscope for week of May 22, 2014 "There is always an enormous temptation in all of life," writes Annie Dillard, "to diddle around making itsy-bitsy friends and meals and journeys for itsy-bitsy years on end . . . I won't have it. The world is wider than that in all directions, more dangerous and bitter, more extravagant and bright." Your assignment in the coming weeks, Litecoin, is to transcend whatever is itsy-bitsy about your life. The alternative? Head toward the frontier and drum up experiences that will thrill your heart and blow your mind.


SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from the book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: (
How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.


The poet Muriel Rukeyser said the universe is composed of stories, not of atoms. The physicist Werner Heisenberg declared that the universe is made of music, not of matter.

And we believe that if you habitually expose yourself to toxic stories and music, you could wind up living in the wrong universe, where it's impossible to become the gorgeous genius you were born to be.

That's why we implore you to nourish yourself with delicious, nutritious tales and tunes that inspire you to exercise your willpower for your highest good.

Darkcoin's Astro chart thread:

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on May 28, 2014, 06:08:19 PM
Litecoin Horoscope for week of May 29, 2014 For German physicist Arnold Sommerfeld, the good news was that he was nominated for the Nobel Prize 81 times. The bad news is that he never actually won. Actor Richard Burton had a similar fate. He was nominated for an Academy Award seven times, but never took home an Oscar. If there is anything that even vaguely resembles that pattern in your own life, Litecoin, the next 12 months will be the most favorable time ever to break the spell. In the next few weeks, you may get a glimpse of how it will unfold.


You can learn to be lucky. It's not a mystical force you're born with, but a habit you can develop. How? For starters, be open to new experiences, trust your gut wisdom, expect good fortune, see the bright side of challenging events, and master the art of maximizing serendipitous opportunities. For more help, tune in to your EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPE (


Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 15, 2014, 08:43:24 AM
Litecoin, Your Week Ahead, Sunday, 15 June 2014

Don't underestimate your power over others. The psychological shell, into which you often retreat, is the notion that you are, somehow, very small, insignificant and highly vulnerable. This attitude protects you and stops you from getting ideas above your station - and therefore suffering the embarrassment of overreaching yourself. Yet, of course, it also stops you from fulfilling your true potential. You are now contemplating something that seems controversial. Act with confidence and nobody will dare challenge you.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: ChuckOne on June 15, 2014, 08:56:29 AM
Litecoin, You're Weak Ahead, Sunday, 15 June 2014


Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 16, 2014, 08:49:14 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, Monday, 16 June 2014

They say there are seven billion people alive right now. The count is not exact. Indeed the number must be variable. In the very time that it takes to read this short forecast, there will be exits and entrances happening somewhere on this big, round, blue ball that hurtles through space providing us all with the great stage of life. Now, out of all the rest of that seven billion, how many are potentially your friends... or your enemies? Events this week may yet show you that you have more supporters and helpers than you expected.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 17, 2014, 10:03:50 AM
Litecoin Horoscope for week of June 19, 2014 In accordance with the astrological omens, you are hereby granted a brief, one-time-only license to commit the Seven Deadly Sins. You heard me correctly, Litecoin. As long as you don't go to extremes, feel free to express healthy amounts of pride, greed, laziness, gluttony, anger, envy, and lust. At least for now, there will be relatively little hell to pay for these indulgences. Just one caveat: If I were you, I wouldn't invest a lot of energy in anger and envy. Technically, they are permitted, but they aren't really much fun. On the other hand, greed, gluttony, and lust could be quite pleasurable, especially if you don't take yourself too seriously. Pride and laziness may also be enjoyable in moderate, artful amounts.

If you're a Libra, then this applies to you as well.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 23, 2014, 07:38:50 AM
Litecoin, Monday, 23 May 2014

Perhaps you need to lighten up and understand that your insecurity about being short of money is sometimes not merited given the possibilities ahead.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 26, 2014, 12:17:34 AM
Litecoin Horoscope for week of June 26, 2014 Would you like to be free from the experience of getting criticized? Do you think it might be nice if no one ever accused you of being wrong or off-track? If so, here's how you should proceed, says American writer Elbert Hubbard: "Do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." But I'm afraid I can't recommend that behavior for you, Litecoin. In the coming weeks, you have a sacred duty to your Future Self to risk being controversial. I urge you to take strong stands, speak raw truths, and show your real feelings. Yes, you may attract flack. You might disturb the peace. But that will be an acceptable price to pay for the rewards you receive. This is one time when being courageous is more important than seeking harmony.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on June 28, 2014, 05:54:16 PM
Litecoin, Saturday, 28 June 2014

Your July Monthly Forecast: There are some things that you definitely cannot do. You have other options, though, which are very real - although they will require you to make much effort. Nothing is going to be easy. But, then, that includes nothing - if you see what I mean. In other words, even if you resolve to take no action at all you will find yourself struggling to repress the urge to do something. And that is as it should be - for something now can be done, something very positive indeed. Do what you can in July, and trust that this is the right thing to do.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 01, 2014, 06:45:38 PM
Litecoin Horoscope for week of July 3, 2014 In the last two decades, seven Academy Award winners have given thanks to God while accepting their Oscars. By contrast, 30 winners have expressed their gratitude to film studio executive Harvey Weinstein. Who would you acknowledge as essential to your success, Litecoin? What generous souls, loving animals, departed helpers, and spiritual beings have contributed to your ability to thrive? Now is an excellent time to make a big deal out of expressing your appreciation. For mysterious reasons, doing so will enhance your luck and increase your chances for future success.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 09, 2014, 08:25:47 PM
Litecoin's forecast for Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Are you running out of ideas? Have you already explored every avenue and exhausted every possibility? Perhaps there is one last trick to try? Maybe you have been secretly thinking to yourself, 'if all else fails, I shall try this.' If you suspect that it is now time to try it, feel free to go ahead. But if that thought deters and depresses you, fear not. You may be about to find that you are on the edge of success and need only now take one more step towards it. Don't underestimate the success of your previous efforts.

Litecoin Horoscope for week of July 10, 2014 Since 2008, Marvel Studios has produced nine movies based on characters from Marvel Comics. They're doing well. The Avengers earned $1.5 billion, making it the third-highest-grossing film of all time. Iron Man 3 brought in over a billion dollars, too, and Thor: The Dark World grossed $644 million. Now Marvel executives are on schedule to release two movies every year through 2028. I'd love to see you be inspired by their example, Litecoin. Sound fun? To get started, dream and scheme about what you want to be doing in both the near future and the far future. Then formulate a flexible, invigorating master plan for the next 14 years.


SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from the book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia:
How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.


Dear Beauty and Truth Lab: Can you tell me why my trivial prayers are often answered (please don't let the light turn red, please let there be enough milk for one cup of coffee, etc.), but never my big life-changing prayers (please send me a soul mate, please help me make money at what I love to do)? Are God's priorities screwed up, or is it me? - Dumb Luck Collector

Dear DLC: There's an old fairy tale in which two old folks are given three wishes by a magic dwarf, but impulsively waste them on the first silly whims that pop into their heads. I'll tell you what I would have told them: Proceed on the assumption that only a few of your fervent prayers will be granted. Don't use them up on pleas for convenience when you're tired, cranky, or desperate. A Tibetan proverb says, "The person who gets stuck on petty happiness will not attain great happiness."

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: boxuser on July 09, 2014, 09:21:28 PM
what is an astro chart?

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 10, 2014, 07:46:51 PM
what is an astro chart?

Something that would likely be way beyond your powers of comprehension if you need to ask here, rather than just Goggling it, ( or looking at the OP.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on July 16, 2014, 07:01:26 PM
Litecoin, Wednesday July 16th

Your friendships will be going well now, and you should be mixing confidently with large numbers of people, both at work and in your leisure activities. This is a very optimistic time when you will be able to look ahead and see really rosy glows on the horizon. All your group activities should be going with a swing. Your sunny self confidence will make everyone around you feel much better, while they in turn will give you a sense of better times to come.

Litecoin Horoscope for week of July 17, 2014 Kris Kristofferson is in the Country Music Hall of Fame now, but it took a while for him to launch his career. One of his big breaks came at age 29 when he was sweeping floors at a recording studio in Nashville. He managed to meet superstar Johnny Cash, who was working there on an album. A few years later, Kristofferson boldly landed a helicopter in Cash's yard to deliver his demo tape. That prompted Cash to get him a breakthrough gig performing at the Newport Folk Festival. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to further your goals with a similar sequence, Litecoin: luck that puts you in the right place at the right time, followed by some brazen yet charming acts of self-promotion.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on August 01, 2014, 08:55:59 PM
Litecoin, Saturday, 2 August 2014
Your August Monthly Forecast:

What shall we concentrate on this month? The long list of things you cannot do, dare not do, must not do? Or the possibilities, the hopes, the opportunities? When put like this, the question seems to have an obvious answer. Why on earth would you want to focus on the negative? In reality, though, it isn't quite so simple. Big issues keep arising. They are understandably aggravating. Still, though, you have freedom of choice. In August, you can dwell on your frustrations or make the most of what's good.

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on August 16, 2014, 04:04:44 PM
Litecoin, Saturday, 16 August 2014 - Your Week Ahead

You can go wherever you want to; your shadow will follow you. You won't ever get away from it. Unless, that is, you put yourself somewhere so totally dark that you simply can't see it because it has merged right in with the general lack of light. That's hardly a smart move. Better, by far, to make allowance for the fact that things have a downside as well as an upside - and there is not very much you can do about that. Jupiter's conjunction to Venus is a suggestion of great power at your disposal. Use it wisely. Voluptuous Venus is forming a conjunction with generous Jupiter. It's an encouraging climate for those who wish to deepen their understanding of life and themselves.

The week ahead in general

Many shop assistants conclude their transactions by saying, 'Have a nice day.' Normally, that is more of a pleasantry than a prediction, but the annual conjunction of Venus and Jupiter takes place this week and that's an auspicious event. This year, both planets are bright and they align unusually close to each other. The celestial spectacle happens just before dawn, but it is worth getting out of bed for. Even those who don't rise early to view it may discover that this week brings us all a better chance of having a genuinely nice day. Have a nice week!

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on August 26, 2014, 08:45:37 PM
Litecoin Horoscope for week of August 28, 2014 As I understand your situation, Litecoin, you have played by the rules; you have been sincere and well-meaning; you have pressed for a solution that was fair and just. But that hasn't been enough. So now, as long as you stay committed to creating a righteous outcome, you are authorized to invoke this declaration, originally uttered by the ancient Roman poet Virgil: "If I am unable to make the gods above relent, I shall move hell." Here's an alternate translation of the original Latin text: "If heaven I cannot bend, then hell I will stir."

Title: Re: Litecoin's Astro chart
Post by: Otoh on January 11, 2018, 08:14:06 PM
This is way beyond me, but happy to see such wacky cool stuff continuing to blossom :o 8)