Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: somacoin on May 29, 2016, 10:41:07 AM

Title: Are you FREE?
Post by: somacoin on May 29, 2016, 10:41:07 AM
Do you feel free?

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: on May 29, 2016, 10:47:58 AM
Nobody is free in a zionist world.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: somacoin on May 29, 2016, 06:56:33 PM
Nobody is free in a zionist world.

I don't live in a zionist world

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: High Plains Drifter on May 29, 2016, 07:12:37 PM
If you don't have a job and don't have any money due to your own laziness then you are a slave to those who do have a job and money.  On a different tangent, I see plenty of people who are hopelessly enslaved to their little electronic device.  Kinda sad.  Put that thing down people and read a book or go for a walk

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: stonefree on May 29, 2016, 08:18:03 PM
first you gotta define "free" and "freedom" because everybody sees and feels it differently.

and to answer your questions, yes i do feel completely free. even though i have a day job my time is super flexible and i don't feel babysitted

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: vindicare on May 30, 2016, 03:10:34 PM
not totally because of self sufficiency problem like money its a big factor for being free.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Daisy14 on May 30, 2016, 03:26:44 PM
Do you feel free?

I'm feeling quite free at the moment. Maybe it's because I'm religious. ;)

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Seggbek Ur on May 30, 2016, 03:56:27 PM
I feel good. and free

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: gambino on May 30, 2016, 07:51:19 PM
I'm not free :)
I would like to sell the space on my forehead for tattoo advertising for 10 BTC per year

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: BADecker on May 31, 2016, 12:40:32 PM
first you gotta define "free" and "freedom" because everybody sees and feels it differently.

and to answer your questions, yes i do feel completely free. even though i have a day job my time is super flexible and i don't feel babysitted

Your feeling of being free is artificial. But, if you didn't feel free, but felt enslaved, that would be artificial as well.

Nobody is free except in one tiny area. That area has to do with how much faith in God he is freely willing to let himself have. Then, God takes the faith and adjusts all of life, including thinking, to match the faith of the person.


Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: MisO69 on May 31, 2016, 12:53:03 PM
first you gotta define "free" and "freedom" because everybody sees and feels it differently.

and to answer your questions, yes i do feel completely free. even though i have a day job my time is super flexible and i don't feel babysitted

Your feeling of being free is artificial. But, if you didn't feel free, but felt enslaved, that would be artificial as well.

Nobody is free except in one tiny area. That area has to do with how much faith in God he is freely willing to let himself have. Then, God takes the faith and adjusts all of life, including thinking, to match the faith of the person.


Sounds like god has a faithometer and heaven is hierarchical just like here. cool! can't wait... more enslavement.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Pkzone on May 31, 2016, 01:08:34 PM
Do you feel free?

I feel free even tho I don't have any real bucks that are disposable, I feel free because I can do in my life whatever I want and I am not limited by anyone, ANYONE! That's the freedom of being anonymous, I can say anything to anyone, none can mock me, none can kill me, none can do anything to me.

I run I2VPN only to spread this freedom in clearnet. :)

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Crazygreek on May 31, 2016, 04:58:15 PM
Yes, i am free and i can do what i want, but than i will answer for it for sure.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Kray on May 31, 2016, 05:36:04 PM
Yes i am free, and will always free

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: High Plains Drifter on May 31, 2016, 06:13:44 PM
Somebody with deep pockets please take Gambino up on his offer.  Gleb?

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Skylake on June 01, 2016, 04:21:52 AM
Do you feel free?

Im a worker not a free man like a boss

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: ibh98 on June 01, 2016, 08:46:28 AM

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: BADecker on June 01, 2016, 09:52:49 AM
first you gotta define "free" and "freedom" because everybody sees and feels it differently.

and to answer your questions, yes i do feel completely free. even though i have a day job my time is super flexible and i don't feel babysitted

Your feeling of being free is artificial. But, if you didn't feel free, but felt enslaved, that would be artificial as well.

Nobody is free except in one tiny area. That area has to do with how much faith in God he is freely willing to let himself have. Then, God takes the faith and adjusts all of life, including thinking, to match the faith of the person.


Sounds like god has a faithometer and heaven is hierarchical just like here. cool! can't wait... more enslavement.

Enslavement is here, not in Heaven. You are a slave to needing air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, etc.  Yet, because of the way you are built, those enslaving properties are the things that give you freedom if you have them.

You don't have the freedom to simply jump to the moon. But isn't this a good thing? Think of how many dead people there would be if we all had the ability to jump to the moon. People would die from exposure to the hostile environment of space. So, not having the freedom to jump to the moon is more like having the freedom to live a while longer.

Once you understand what freedom really is, then you might start to consider that cause and effect controls EVERY LAST THING IN YOUR LIFE, even your thinking, and the thing that you call free will. Way down deep in your soul, God has provide you with a touch of freedom. The only thing that you do in your freedom area is to decide on how strongly you are in favor of God. God controls the rest through cause and effect, based on your faith in Him, and, since He made everything, His free will which is truly free.


Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Ameer24 on June 05, 2016, 08:43:39 AM
Yes I am feeling free

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Ctn on June 05, 2016, 10:08:55 AM
Do you feel free?

yes ! free and single! it's good I like a lot ;)

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: crowschool on June 05, 2016, 01:16:11 PM
free from what? yes im free now because i dont have any partner.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: on June 05, 2016, 01:42:27 PM
feer is the degerous thing if you are love it ,bacause I don't belive good luck born with the feer

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: FinanceUS on June 05, 2016, 03:37:12 PM
Please make your question clear first.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: chocobeem on June 05, 2016, 05:57:10 PM
I  am too busy always

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: bilep on June 05, 2016, 09:23:52 PM
im not free....very bussy... :o

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: UliJonHoth on June 06, 2016, 04:52:37 PM
Vaguely, but with the awareness that that "freedom" could be taken away at the drop of a hat. The prison industry is one of the biggest money makers in the US, along with that the powers-that-be have a hard-on for getting everyone into the system via misdemeanors and felonies - I recently stopped and thought about how many people I know have been arrested at some point in their life - and these are regular, "middle class" types I'm talking about - when I was growing-up in the 70s/early 80s it would have been unheard of to hear so-and-so's wife or mom down the street being arrested and thrown-on probation but now, so many have dwi's, pot or recreational drug charges, various misdemeanors, especially in post-9/11 - "Patriot" Act is crazy.

Fear makes for easy politics. It both wins votes and primes us to give government more power at the expense of personal liberty. And that's certainly true when it comes to crime. With the possible exception of an incumbent mayor, politicians only benefit from exaggerating the threat of violent crime. Senators, Congressmen, and even governors are rarely held responsible when the crime rate goes up. But they do win votes by proposing new powers for police and prosecutors to bring it down.

The result has been a one-way ratchet effect on crime policy. We're perpetually expanding police and prosecutorial power, a process only occasionally slowed by the courts. Congress and state legislatures rarely take old criminal statutes off the books, but they're always adding new ones. A 2008 report from the Heritage Foundation estimates that at the federal level alone, Congress has been adding about 55 new crimes to the federal criminal code each year since the 1980s. There are now about 4,500 separate federal crimes. And that doesn't include federal regulations, which are increasingly being enforced with criminal, not administrative, penalties. It also doesn't include the increasing leeway with which prosecutors can enforce broadly written federal conspiracy, racketeering, and money laundering laws. And this is before we even get to the states' criminal codes.

In his new book, the Boston-based civil liberties advocate and occasional Reason contributor Harvey Silverglate estimates that in 2009, the average American commits about three federal felonies per day. And yet, we aren’t a nation of degenerates. On the contrary, most social indicators have been moving in a positive direction for a generation. Silverglate argues we're committing these crimes unwittingly. The federal criminal code has become so vast and open to interpretation, Silverglate argues, that a U.S. Attorney can find a way to charge just about anyone with violating federal law. In fact, it's nearly impossible for some business owners to comply with one federal regulation without violating another one. We're no longer governed by laws, we're governed by the whims of lawyers.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: leelial20 on June 06, 2016, 10:30:48 PM
I am free from studies

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Seodc on June 07, 2016, 04:09:20 AM
Do you feel free?
its relative, for my study yes free.
if my job im still working now

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Bitcoinbee on June 07, 2016, 04:21:10 AM
yup possibly free...

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: ramzifcb48 on June 07, 2016, 08:55:49 AM
I am busy in a lot of things all day,so i not free :'(

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: rayaodi on June 07, 2016, 09:10:53 AM
of course no

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Lindafgdf on June 07, 2016, 09:22:18 AM
I  am freeandfeel good. thank y

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: detzaw on June 07, 2016, 09:30:17 AM
Im not free every weekdays
Im free every weekends
Im free in my own ways
Im not free in comes with office decision

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: SusanFF on June 07, 2016, 09:39:13 AM
Yes i am free...

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: MargareTT on June 07, 2016, 09:44:10 AM
 I am  free
Yes I am feeling free

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Do1rothy on June 07, 2016, 10:23:46 AM
I'm not free
I need much money'

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: yunuzov on June 07, 2016, 11:51:46 AM
I don't feel free at all.
You need money to be free. I mean not that lot money. Just some money for no need to work for any other peple.
That would make you free.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: aloeva on June 07, 2016, 12:18:04 PM
im still busy now,
why? its because im have a lot of homework from my office..

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: janggernaut on June 08, 2016, 04:09:57 AM
nope, im busy with my school time n work, im will free on weekend. just curious why OP ask this question?

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: fanTeC on June 08, 2016, 05:14:03 AM
have to work

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Dan Yur on June 10, 2016, 09:25:04 PM
While I'm working I can not be free, work = slavery

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: bikjhi on June 11, 2016, 01:49:11 AM
yes,I like free,but freedom comes at a price as you know.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: TradeX on June 11, 2016, 02:37:34 AM
yes. im on holiday now.
but my friend ask to me to come here,, lol

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: bikjhi on June 11, 2016, 05:31:50 AM
Do you feel free?
You are free to make any decision in life, but you are not free from the effect of the decision made.Take responsibility of your life as you can't really run away from it. :-)

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: piterzujh on June 11, 2016, 05:36:46 AM
Do you feel free?
You are free to make any decision in life, but you are not free from the effect of the decision made.Take responsibility of your life as you can't really run away from it. :-)
Not free if working for money.

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: Herbet Fry on June 12, 2016, 01:47:03 AM
We slaves to the government. A lot of us are slaves to ourselves as well .

Title: Re: Are you FREE?
Post by: venusbit on June 12, 2016, 06:37:16 AM
yes im free now, for couple days im take holiday  :D