Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Moneroman88 on June 07, 2016, 01:01:34 PM

Title: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Moneroman88 on June 07, 2016, 01:01:34 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: doublebit21 on June 07, 2016, 01:03:23 PM
Its still not enough for me because it can still trace.. you need to use any kind of mixers service before you can be a anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Moneroman88 on June 07, 2016, 01:04:45 PM
Its still not enough for me because it can still trace.. you need to use any kind of mixers service before you can be a anonymous.

So you would not use Bitcoin for privacy sensitive transactions, would you?

Which cryptocurrency would you use for a need of such kind?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Sharma on June 07, 2016, 01:05:37 PM
I consider bitcoin semi anonymous since in most cases you'll need to identify yourself to an exchange in order to exchange FIAT to BTC and back, plus you'll need to identify yourself if and when you buy physical goods with bitcoin.
If you don't use tricks, the trace can be followed, and your history can be found out and coupled to your IRL identity.

That being said: i'm not doing anything illegal, so for me, the semi-anonymous propertys of bitcoin are good enough for me.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Mumbeeptind1963 on June 07, 2016, 01:08:24 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

It is enough for me because im just earning legal here but others didnt satisfy because i think they have illegal activities on bitcoin transaction to other bad guys. Why you dont want to track if your earning is legal. If you didnt want to track your Address just use Vpn so that the tracjer didnt track your location so that FBI didnt know how to find you.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ning_chang on June 07, 2016, 01:12:53 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Yes i find my bitcoin wallet anonymous. I can donate without knowing thats me,. But you can be located by the professional hackers , But still its anonymous for me

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Sharma on June 07, 2016, 01:16:19 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

It is enough for me because im just earning legal here but others didnt satisfy because i think they have illegal activities on bitcoin transaction to other bad guys. Why you dont want to track if your earning is legal. If you didnt want to track your Address just use Vpn so that the tracjer didnt track your location so that FBI didnt know how to find you.

AFAIK, it's actually pretty hard to find the ip of the one creating outputs, even without VPN. Your ip address isn't included in the tx, so it's allmost impossible for somebody to find the ip of the pc that was running a wallet and broadcasted a tx. the ip shown at, for example, is usually not the ip of the one broadcasting a transaction.
The reason for using a VPN (afaik) is to avoid services that generate deposit addresses, or other services that actually need to know your address logging your ip together with your address.

For example: if you create an account on a gambling site, they generate a unique deposit address for you and you deposit coins from an address you wish to keep private to this deposit address
=> without using a VPN, the gambling site knows your ip, and could potentially look up which input were used to generate an output to the deposit address coupled to this ip. This way, you can be traced. When using a VPN you avoid this problem.

second example: might actually log in their access.log both your ip and the bitcoin address you're checking. If the feds would analyse their logs, they could easily see which ip checked the saldo of which address at which time. This is also something you could avoid using a VPN

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: --Encrypted-- on June 07, 2016, 01:18:14 PM
it's anonymous enough for me. even more if you're going to count the many trusted services that can assist in making your bitcoins untraceable.

but I'm not into bitcoin because of the anonymity so my standard might be a little lower than those who are.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: michietn94 on June 07, 2016, 01:20:25 PM
As far as I still can use for transaction, it doesn't matter whenever it anonymous or not as long as I use bitcoin for good reason.
But for some reason, my goverment forbid bitcoin usage because it's anonymous. I do not find a great answer why they forbid them instead it can be use for investation

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Ardenyham on June 07, 2016, 01:23:57 PM
For me, bitcoin is not anonymous at all.. Every bitcoin wallets I used they asked me my email and some of them asked my phone number too (xapo).. then how we could say that bitcoin is anonymous.
every exchanging and trading sites also require these basic and personal information for verification process,. and now there are available lots of bitcoin credit/debit cards, which require your country, city and home address, these makes this even worst.
bitcoin is totally not anonymous now..

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Lauda on June 07, 2016, 01:30:07 PM
Its still not enough for me because it can still trace..
Tracing random numbers (e.g. amounts) or addresses won't do you any good.

you need to use any kind of mixers service before you can be a anonymous.
Not really, no.

I consider bitcoin semi anonymous since in most cases you'll need to identify yourself to an exchange in order to exchange FIAT to BTC and back, plus you'll need to identify yourself if and when you buy physical goods with bitcoin.
The term that is usually used is 'pseudo-anonymous', but your statement holds. Honestly, what did people expect? Completely anonymous coins are most likely never going to be available on regulated exchanges.

If you don't use tricks, the trace can be followed, and your history can be found out and coupled to your IRL identity.
Coupled by who? The only people that could potentially do that are the ones to which you've given your personal information to (e.g. exchanges). For everyone else, you are anonymous.

For me, bitcoin is not anonymous at all.. Every bitcoin wallets I used they asked me my email and some of them asked my phone number too (xapo).. then how we could say that bitcoin is anonymous.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Stop using online wallets already.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Moneroman88 on June 07, 2016, 01:41:49 PM
Your answers are very interesting, please keep them coming. I'm reading every single comment of you guys. Detailed and elaborated answers are particularly interesting. Also thanks to Lauda for correcting some mistakes.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: fortuity on June 07, 2016, 01:47:32 PM
Anonymity is not a problem for me and not something that attracts me, there is more about the opportunity to make money that make me like Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: unamis76 on June 07, 2016, 01:48:28 PM
Yes, the pseudo-anonymous nature of Bitcoin is enough for me. It is the perfect equilibrium between having enough privacy in my personal spending and having a transparent address where it can be seen how much and when did I receive funds.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: An0nym0us on June 07, 2016, 01:51:54 PM
As a general user bitcoin is enough anonymous for me, I am not using it for any kind of activity that needs to be hidden.I am using it as a fast and easy way to low payment transfer fees without any headache and bitcoin is perfect for my needs.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Bitcoinpro on June 07, 2016, 01:57:12 PM
Fud thread delete

Being anonymous was never the design of crypto

being a non printable asset is

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: hawkins on June 07, 2016, 01:58:36 PM
Anonymity is not a problem for me and not something that attracts me, there is more about the opportunity to make money that make me like Bitcoins.
yes, I think so too. anonymous or not is not important, because I only see bitcoin as a business is very promising and reliable. I guess that makes me love bitcoin and unconcerned with others

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: AngelDash on June 07, 2016, 02:01:01 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Yes, I want bitcoin is anonymous

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Sharma on June 07, 2016, 02:02:08 PM
I consider bitcoin semi anonymous since in most cases you'll need to identify yourself to an exchange in order to exchange FIAT to BTC and back, plus you'll need to identify yourself if and when you buy physical goods with bitcoin.
The term that is usually used is 'pseudo-anonymous', but your statement holds. Honestly, what did people expect? Completely anonymous coins are most likely never going to be available on regulated exchanges.
thanks for the correction... It's really warm in the office and i'm getting a bit sleepy. I couldn't remember the correct terminology :).

If you don't use tricks, the trace can be followed, and your history can be found out and coupled to your IRL identity.
Coupled by who? The only people that could potentially do that are the ones to which you've given your personal information to (e.g. exchanges). For everyone else, you are anonymous.
Well, i'm not talking about a normal guy tracking you down. I'm actually thinking in the lines of law enforcement.

I might be paranoid, but I think that, for example, interpol working together with local law enforcement would have a pretty good shot of tracking down somebody if they had enough knowledge to do this.
They could follow the trace of inputs/outputs and ask a judge to order the biggest exchanges/shops/online wallets to reveil their full logs (addresses, exchange logs, identifying info, ip's,...), they could potentially track somebody down.

This is just me being paranoid tough, i'm not doing anything wrong myself, but i strongly believe somebody with enough power (legally) and recources would be able to track somebody down unless they used tricks (like mixers over VPN).

I could be wrong tough, i have no experience using BTC for illegal purposes, so i never had to hide my tracks. I personally believe that when you use bitcoin for legal purposes, you will never be interesting enough for people to actually want to track your movements.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: daffaco on June 07, 2016, 02:03:46 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Yes, I think bitcoin anonymous for some people, to another people have different thinking

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: X-ray on June 07, 2016, 02:30:42 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Personally, for me bitcoin is anonymous. Bitcoin is better to secure my various data and transaction history. That's one reason for me to use and choose bitcoin to become my personal currency.Maybe some people are sure if bitcoin better to secure their privacy.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: RobinHoodster on June 07, 2016, 02:46:50 PM
Its still not enough for me because it can still trace.. you need to use any kind of mixers service before you can be a anonymous.
It is enough for me do I know that I am doing nothing bad with Bitcoin so I am good with the way it is. I am only here to try and make some money and that is it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Yakamoto on June 07, 2016, 02:59:19 PM
Bitcoin is more than anonymous enough for me, partially because I don't do much stuff on the dark web and also because I don't intend on doing anything criminal. Having a fairly random alpha-numeric series associated with my name is fine by me.

As for a number of other people though, I think they'd want more secure options.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: pereira4 on June 07, 2016, 03:13:01 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous enough. We see all those threads all the time about people speculating on amounts of money being moved, this is annoying for the person moving the money, I wouldn't like to see people speculating about transactions and trying to trace them somewhere.

We need to get rid of that with confidential transactions and by-default Coinjoined transactions, then we will solve the fungibility problem.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ObscureBean on June 07, 2016, 03:20:26 PM
Well, it's not nearly as anonymous as hard cash, literally everything you do using Bitcoin leaves a permanent mark in the system and can be tracked. Right now it's not too bad, we don't have to have our real identities associated with our addresses/wallets and transactions but I'm fairly certain that if Bitcoin goes mainstream the government will require some form of ID verification from everyone using it. Anonymity is not really a big deal for me though, I'm happy with Bitcoin the way it is  :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Hirose UK on June 07, 2016, 03:24:58 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
I think it's semi anonymous because we only don't need to give our identity to create wallet or earn bitcoin (legal way, I don't know how it works on illegal way).

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: pearl11 on June 07, 2016, 03:46:22 PM
Bitcoin is already anonymous and enough in making transactions for illegal activities around the web.
No one will try to make an illegal action if bitcoin is not that secure and anonymois.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: hasiramasenju on June 07, 2016, 03:53:14 PM
for me Bitcoin aren't fully anonymous because someone can trace my wallet address but i do not expect more for bitcoin even though not fully anonymous but with all the existing features in bitcoin that's enough for me

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: amiryaqot on June 07, 2016, 03:55:05 PM
I don't care about anonymity because i use bitcoin to send funds and it working fine for me, i know every transaction can be traced so that i never use my coins for illegal activities but it saving a lot of money for me to send funds, buy some stuff from online stores so that i am satisfied with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Jemzx00 on June 07, 2016, 03:57:28 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Well I can't say that bitcoin is too anonymous for your privacy of money but from most places of where you could put your money with enough privacy except banks, then i would definitely say bitcoin. By far all kinds of safe keeping for money bitcoin seconds banks.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: DodoB on June 07, 2016, 04:01:58 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

It certainly much more anonymous than other currencies,but people can still see your address and the location you sent the bitcoins from,so its not 100% anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Kprawn on June 07, 2016, 04:11:11 PM
Cash in your pocket is more anonymous than Bitcoin these days, with all of the 3rd party services requiring you to verify your real identity to adhere to the KYC/AML regulations. Some of the merchants

and services will not accept direct transfers, without the use of these 3rd party payment processors. So Bitcoin has become less anonymous than cash, IF you use it via these 3rd party services. I have

seen statistics being shown by these sites, showing how many people are buying Mc Donald's and takeout food with Bitcoin. It's scary to see where this is going...and what governments are doing to

Bitcoin.  >:(

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: jukka on June 07, 2016, 04:42:41 PM
i consider it as semi-anonymous. more anonymous than eg credit cards but not as much i would like to see.

still with its limitation, for me btc is the best option if i want to stay anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: jukka on June 07, 2016, 04:44:04 PM
Cash in your pocket is more anonymous than Bitcoin these days, with all of the 3rd party services requiring you to verify your real identity to adhere to the KYC/AML regulations. Some of the merchants

and services will not accept direct transfers, without the use of these 3rd party payment processors. So Bitcoin has become less anonymous than cash, IF you use it via these 3rd party services. I have

seen statistics being shown by these sites, showing how many people are buying Mc Donald's and takeout food with Bitcoin. It's scary to see where this is going...and what governments are doing to

Bitcoin.  >:(

i dont consider cash anonymous at all as you (normally) have to be present when using it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: SilverPunk on June 07, 2016, 04:45:48 PM
Yes ,i like being anonymous because it gives me freedom to use my money without tracing any transactions i do , but in sone poin it is also good to be not anonymous because i used only my bitcoins in a good way.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: raphma on June 07, 2016, 04:47:05 PM
i'm not buying drugs, running from CIA, so... yeah, bitcoin is enough to me  ;D
security and anonymity, if you now what you are doing bitcoin will do it well.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on June 07, 2016, 05:41:10 PM
To use it is anonymous enough but the only problem arise during exchaning it to real life currency. You need to provide all of your details to withdraw coin to bank or even you have to provide physical address to get physical bitcoin visa or mastercard to withdraw from atm.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Akupuniard on June 07, 2016, 06:09:34 PM
Nothing to hide, so i don't really care about anonymity, for people who using bitcoin in illegal ways it's not really safe enough. Need to use mixers and other stuff..

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 07, 2016, 06:19:23 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous. But there are plenty of altcoins that offer good to great anonymity.
However, for most of us BTC is just an asset and the fact it's not anon doesn't bother us much.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: bitbunnny on June 07, 2016, 06:22:21 PM
For average user, whowis not into some dark/criminal activity I think is anonimous enough.. Bitcoin can be traced, with more effort then usual fiat transactions, but still there is enough space for anonimity if you want so.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: gentlemand on June 07, 2016, 06:26:39 PM
Possibly not but I don't really care anyway. If I did then there are enough options and services that do allow you to fade away.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: vero on June 07, 2016, 06:34:08 PM
i think it's enough even though bitcoin was not full of anonymous and probably bitcoin should establish cooperation with some large companies so that the existence of bitcoin accepted.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: iamnotback on June 07, 2016, 06:42:55 PM

People using Bitcoin to move funds around thinking that if they've used a mixer then they are anonymous. They will be sad to later find out that all those mixers were compromised by meta data and/or infiltration. Bitcoin is a trap laid to entrap those who are easily duped on the technological capabilities. The only known technology that might be anonymous is Monero, but there are several problems to avoid: a) Monero allows overlapping rings, so via combinatorial analysis, your anonymity might be unmasked, especially if the rings were Sybil attacked, and b) your IP address was traceable across mixes. The mitigating actions are to mix Monero numerous times (other mixers can be infiltrated so don't use them!), and to not rely on I2P nor Tor, instead use an entirely virgin device that you never use for non-anonymous Internet activity and connect over an unregistered WiFi connection and far from your normal place of residence or work. And don't bring your smart phone nor GPS tracked vehicle with you while accessing the remote unregistered WiFi hotspot.

    “The G20 reiterates the high priority it attaches to financial transparency and effective implementation of the standards on transparency by all, in particular with regard to the beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements.  Improving the transparency of the beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements is vital to protect the integrity of the international financial system, and to prevent misuse of these entities and arrangements for corruption, tax evasion, terrorist financing and money laundering.

    The G20 reiterates that it is essential that all countries and jurisdictions fully implement the FATF standards on transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements and we express our determination to lead by example in this regard.   We particularly stress the importance of countries and jurisdictions improving the availability of beneficial ownership information to, and its international exchange between, competent authorities for the purposes of tackling tax evasion, terrorist financing and money laundering. We ask the FATF and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes to make initial proposals by our October meeting on ways to improve the implementation of the international standards on transparency, including on the availability of beneficial ownership information, and its international exchange.”

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Viyamore on June 07, 2016, 06:53:49 PM
i think it's enough even though bitcoin was not full of anonymous and probably bitcoin should establish cooperation with some large companies so that the existence of bitcoin accepted.
Yes ,but the good in bitcoin is not to easy to track any transaction made with it.that's why many use it as payment in illegal ways or things to buy.
Well i think that depends on a company that seen the possible profit in bitcoins in the future .someday that will happen many company will invest on bitcoins.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on June 07, 2016, 06:55:48 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Kill all the exchanges and we will have a anonymous environment .Of course that's not possible right,we need a trust able source to buy bitcoins.I feel bitcoins would be completely anonymous if those shit exchanges stop asking for documents to process transactions.You can actually avoid that ,buy it from peers or boycott the entire bitcoin to fiat money or digital money scene ,you can have the best possible anonymity one can ever image.

Its still not enough for me because it can still trace.. you need to use any kind of mixers service before you can be a anonymous.
Not really.If you haven't posted your addresses openly or leave any trace that a particular address belongs to you,coins are still anonymous.Your online identity can be easily traced back to your location details from the website.If you're not anonymous as a person on the internet,how'd you make your address anonymous anyway.

Possibly not but I don't really care anyway. If I did then there are enough options and services that do allow you to fade away.
That's true.If you don't actually care about it,why bother posting anyway ? Its one of the most important things of the bitcoin protocol to "not be caring about".

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ekoice on June 07, 2016, 07:07:04 PM
Bitcoin is anonymous to a partial level i guess but not much since you have to disclose yourself upon transactions and so far bitcoin is also getting so famous so it is no more very much anonymous currency.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Superways on June 07, 2016, 07:29:30 PM
With blockchain transactions we can trace any address to the end but this ends when the owner of the address do a deal(purchase etc) with another person and he transfers his bitcoins to another address or if he sell his coins on an exchange and after that it becomes harder to find the identity of the person using that specific address.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: MaritiJames3 on June 07, 2016, 07:59:03 PM
For me its anonymous enough because I do not do stupid things with it to be honest and you can still mix it right so its no problem..

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: zimmah on June 07, 2016, 08:00:38 PM
I dont need to hide my transactions, it's good enough for me.

It would be hypocritical to pay with debit cards/credit cards (which are even less anonymous, and then complain about bitcoin privacy.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Wendigo on June 07, 2016, 08:15:34 PM
Bitcoin is a toss between semi-anonymous and fully transparent. It's semi-anonymous because when I try to use one of the online Bitcoin exchanges my private info will be known upon withdrawal and probably will be leaked to some government institutions. After my identity is linked to my Bitcoin funds Bitcoin becomes fully transparent and everyone with the knowledge of following traces over the Blockchain could see what I have been doing. I don't have time nor desire to constantly run my coins through a mixing service so as to cover my tracks. For Bitcoin to be completely anonymous people have to only use websites that don't ask for personal information and don't use any exchanges or Bitcoin debit cards to withdraw funds and only seek private sellers. However I would like to say that for my needs Bitcoin is anonymous enough as I don't partake in shady deals nor do I purchase any illegal goods online so I actually don't care much about who has been stalking me.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Moneroman88 on June 07, 2016, 08:16:34 PM
Anonymity in Bitcoin, as I can see from this thread's participation, is a topic that is not to be neglected.
Private transactions are more important than ever and people are becoming aware of that.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: countryfree on June 07, 2016, 10:11:27 PM
I wish there was a "Yes, but could be improved" choice.
Anyway, BTC is quite all right, the real issue is with exchanges. I wish there shops somewhere where you could buy BTC over the counter and pay with cash, just like you do to buy a soda.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Moneroman88 on June 08, 2016, 06:57:05 AM
I wish there was a "Yes, but could be improved" choice.
Anyway, BTC is quite all right, the real issue is with exchanges. I wish there shops somewhere where you could buy BTC over the counter and pay with cash, just like you do to buy a soda.

I've added that option to the voting options just now. Thank you for the suggestion, I agree that my voting options have not been the best in the first place.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on June 08, 2016, 07:02:55 AM
Not for me. Waiting for CT+coinjont by default for everyone.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Snorek on June 08, 2016, 07:07:45 AM
Possibly not but I don't really care anyway. If I did then there are enough options and services that do allow you to fade away.
That's true.If you don't actually care about it,why bother posting anyway ? Its one of the most important things of the bitcoin protocol to "not be caring about".
Not caring is still a perfectly valid opinion and from what I noticed it is not that rare for people to 'not care' about bitcoin's potential anonymity.
I am not surprised that people are like that, after all we are living in the age when people are notorious for posting details of their private life on Facebook or Twitter.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 08, 2016, 07:08:10 AM
Anyway, BTC is quite all right, the real issue is with exchanges. I wish there shops somewhere where you could buy BTC over the counter and pay with cash, just like you do to buy a soda.

You are right, but it's only half of the problem.
I wish there will be places where you can buy and sell Bitcoin, in the same way you can buy or sell any country's currency. And if that's not the banks, then at least the proper exchanges could do that.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: MWesterweele on June 08, 2016, 07:13:42 AM
Yes bitcoin is anonymous enough for me.Registering  bitcoin wallets does not need any identity verification and addres verfication except some wallets like coins ph to add security on your account and stay protected.But if you're pertaining on transactions yes it is fully anonymous and even untracable at all,so you can ensure your safety o every transaction you will make

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: jak1 on June 08, 2016, 07:29:01 AM
bitcoin is not anonymous enough. but it doesn't matter for peoples who use it for buying/selling and using for legal things and activities, peoples who do illegal things and transaction can be traced with some ways,
so don't use bitcoin for shit things,

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: From Above on June 08, 2016, 07:29:19 AM
Moneroman, are you asking if Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because you would like to sell Monero to me? I would not touch Monero cuz it's inferior on every level


Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: groll on June 08, 2016, 07:45:24 AM
Bitcoin still anonymous for me,Bitcoin wallet didnt require id for verification its account not like Paypal. Paypal need verification to able to use its other feature.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: adibe on June 08, 2016, 07:48:09 AM
I think bitcoin anonymous is enough for me, because we no need verification or doing something to use bitcoin, not like paypal, you need verification your profile and credit card. it's not anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Faxmate on June 08, 2016, 07:48:46 AM
For me, anonymity does not matter too much. I bought things from online stores. They know my address anyway.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: jtipt on June 08, 2016, 07:49:08 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
yeah i think its good enough. Yes, i know its still possibly to back trace from blockchain but its pretty hard if you use multiple addresses and to be more anonymous use a bitcoin mixer. I am not doing anything "illegal" with bitcoin so I don't need to be worried much

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Doms on June 08, 2016, 07:49:18 AM
Anonymity is not the main reason why I am into bitcoin. I just like the technology and since I have no transactions in which I need to be anonymous about at the present, it doesn't concern me that much. What I want improvement on is the confirmation time, though. There must be a better way to make things more efficient.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: bitdumper on June 08, 2016, 07:49:49 AM
For me it is complete anonymous. You cant tell my address of cold storage wallets. Only my spending wallet addresses arr visible. No body knows how much i m holding. During tx don't include outputs from address tagged to you.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: wintermeasures on June 08, 2016, 09:15:47 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I think bitcoin anonymous enough for me, because I am dealing with bitcoin without being able to be tracked. But you have to use it addreas bitcoin only one of each transaction to keep your anonymous. Thank you

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: iamnotback on June 08, 2016, 11:28:52 AM
This comment:

It is not dumb that n00bs don't know the technology and game theory economics. What is dumb is when n00bs (such as the Bitcoin maximalist comments in this thread) think they know something about an issue that is far too complex for them to be comprehend without deep research that they are unwilling or incapable of doing. This is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

So many dumb comments in this thread by Bitcoin maximalists who will invent any excuse possible to remain in denial of the fact that

Applies to all of the following incorrect posts:

For me it is complete anonymous. You cant tell my address of cold storage wallets. Only my spending wallet addresses arr visible. No body knows how much i m holding. During tx don't include outputs from address tagged to you.

I just like the technology and since I have no transactions in which I need to be anonymous about at the present, it doesn't concern me that much.

I think bitcoin anonymous enough for me, because I am dealing with bitcoin without being able to be tracked. But you have to use it addreas bitcoin only one of each transaction to keep your anonymous. Thank you

yeah i think its good enough. Yes, i know its still possibly to back trace from blockchain but its pretty hard if you use multiple addresses and to be more anonymous use a bitcoin mixer. I am not doing anything "illegal" with bitcoin so I don't need to be worried much

For me, anonymity does not matter too much. I bought things from online stores. They know my address anyway.

I think bitcoin anonymous is enough for me, because we no need verification or doing something to use bitcoin, not like paypal, you need verification your profile and credit card. it's not anonymous.

Bitcoin still anonymous for me,Bitcoin wallet didnt require id for verification its account not like Paypal. Paypal need verification to able to use its other feature.

I don't have time nor desire to constantly run my coins through a mixing service so as to cover my tracks. For Bitcoin to be completely anonymous people have to only use websites that don't ask for personal information and don't use any exchanges or Bitcoin debit cards to withdraw funds and only seek private sellers. However I would like to say that for my needs Bitcoin is anonymous enough as I don't partake in shady deals nor do I purchase any illegal goods online so I actually don't care much about who has been stalking me.

I dont need to hide my transactions, it's good enough for me.

It would be hypocritical to pay with debit cards/credit cards (which are even less anonymous, and then complain about bitcoin privacy.

For me its anonymous enough because I do not do stupid things with it to be honest and you can still mix it right so its no problem..

All of the above comments are very naive and incorrect. Using multiple addresses and mixing servers doesn't necessarily make your identity unlinkable, as explained in the following quote.

And you say you don't need privacy, but when anyone can see what and when you've been buying things and publish that information loud and clear to everyone on the Internet, do you really want your grandmother to know you've been buying subscription to Playboy?

Do you want all of your finances to be public knowledge?

Credit cards and websites knowing your identity doesn't reveal your financial data in public. But BitCON does!

And it gets even worse if you are talking about obscuring your financial data from national security agencies, which also might have corrupt employees who use your information in illegal ways. Don't forget how the TSA employees were caught masturbating to the nude xray scans at the airports. Extortion is a possibility, tipping off criminal gangs as to your whereabouts and financial standing, etc...

People using Bitcoin to move funds around thinking that if they've used a mixer then they are anonymous. They will be sad to later find out that all those mixers were compromised by meta data and/or infiltration. Bitcoin is a trap laid to entrap those who are easily duped on the technological capabilities. The only known technology that might be anonymous is Monero, but there are several problems to avoid: a) Monero allows overlapping rings, so via combinatorial analysis, your anonymity might be unmasked, especially if the rings were Sybil attacked, and b) your IP address was traceable across mixes. The mitigating actions are to mix Monero numerous times (other mixers can be infiltrated so don't use them!), and to not rely on I2P nor Tor, instead use an entirely virgin device that you never use for non-anonymous Internet activity and connect over an unregistered WiFi connection and far from your normal place of residence or work. And don't bring your smart phone nor GPS tracked vehicle with you while accessing the remote unregistered WiFi hotspot.

    “The G20 reiterates the high priority it attaches to financial transparency and effective implementation of the standards on transparency by all, in particular with regard to the beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements.  Improving the transparency of the beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements is vital to protect the integrity of the international financial system, and to prevent misuse of these entities and arrangements for corruption, tax evasion, terrorist financing and money laundering.

    The G20 reiterates that it is essential that all countries and jurisdictions fully implement the FATF standards on transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements and we express our determination to lead by example in this regard.   We particularly stress the importance of countries and jurisdictions improving the availability of beneficial ownership information to, and its international exchange between, competent authorities for the purposes of tackling tax evasion, terrorist financing and money laundering. We ask the FATF and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes to make initial proposals by our October meeting on ways to improve the implementation of the international standards on transparency, including on the availability of beneficial ownership information, and its international exchange.”

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on June 08, 2016, 09:51:08 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I think bitcoin anonymous enough for me, because I am dealing with bitcoin without being able to be tracked. But you have to use it addreas bitcoin only one of each transaction to keep your anonymous. Thank you

There is much more to bitcoin anonymity, than just changing addresses. But using one address for each transactions is a good start.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Faxmate on June 22, 2016, 10:00:36 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I think bitcoin anonymous enough for me, because I am dealing with bitcoin without being able to be tracked. But you have to use it addreas bitcoin only one of each transaction to keep your anonymous. Thank you

There is much more to bitcoin anonymity, than just changing addresses. But using one address for each transactions is a good start.

When I receive funds for different sources, I use the different address. When I pay, I try to use a single address.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: talkbitcoin on June 22, 2016, 10:29:52 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

for me bitcoin is more than anything that can be anonymous.
it is a little because i do not care that much about the anonymity and as long as my identity is not revealed to the public or place that i send bitcoin i am happy about it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: carlisle1 on June 22, 2016, 10:43:47 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

Yes it is anonymous enough for me because it is impossible for a user to identify who are actually using a specific address and dont have an idea what is the exact amount of btc that users are holding but i guess they will still have an improvements for bitcoin .

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: barbara44 on June 23, 2016, 06:20:02 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

for me bitcoin is more than anything that can be anonymous.
it is a little because i do not care that much about the anonymity and as long as my identity is not revealed to the public or place that i send bitcoin i am happy about it.
Yes I think it is safe for me and anonymous too as my identification is not shown to anyone and no need of any personal details while making any wallets. So, it is easy to be anonymous as I believe protecting my identity is my freedom.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Herbert2020 on June 23, 2016, 06:24:34 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

bitcoin is more than anonymous for me.
i am not looking for 100% anonymity in bitcoin so i am fine with the current anonymity that bitcoin is offering. besides it is so easy to reach that 100% anonymity with bitcoin if i wish it so that is always an option like using a transparent mixer.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: shinratensei_ on June 23, 2016, 06:31:56 AM
This comment:

It is not dumb that n00bs don't know the technology and game theory economics. What is dumb is when n00bs (such as the Bitcoin maximalist comments in this thread) think they know something about an issue that is far too complex for them to be comprehend without deep research that they are unwilling or incapable of doing. This is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

So many dumb comments in this thread by Bitcoin maximalists who will invent any excuse possible to remain in denial of the fact that

Applies to all of the following incorrect posts:

For me it is complete anonymous. You cant tell my address of cold storage wallets. Only my spending wallet addresses arr visible. No body knows how much i m holding. During tx don't include outputs from address tagged to you.

I just like the technology and since I have no transactions in which I need to be anonymous about at the present, it doesn't concern me that much.

I think bitcoin anonymous enough for me, because I am dealing with bitcoin without being able to be tracked. But you have to use it addreas bitcoin only one of each transaction to keep your anonymous. Thank you

yeah i think its good enough. Yes, i know its still possibly to back trace from blockchain but its pretty hard if you use multiple addresses and to be more anonymous use a bitcoin mixer. I am not doing anything "illegal" with bitcoin so I don't need to be worried much

For me, anonymity does not matter too much. I bought things from online stores. They know my address anyway.

I think bitcoin anonymous is enough for me, because we no need verification or doing something to use bitcoin, not like paypal, you need verification your profile and credit card. it's not anonymous.

Bitcoin still anonymous for me,Bitcoin wallet didnt require id for verification its account not like Paypal. Paypal need verification to able to use its other feature.

I don't have time nor desire to constantly run my coins through a mixing service so as to cover my tracks. For Bitcoin to be completely anonymous people have to only use websites that don't ask for personal information and don't use any exchanges or Bitcoin debit cards to withdraw funds and only seek private sellers. However I would like to say that for my needs Bitcoin is anonymous enough as I don't partake in shady deals nor do I purchase any illegal goods online so I actually don't care much about who has been stalking me.

I dont need to hide my transactions, it's good enough for me.

It would be hypocritical to pay with debit cards/credit cards (which are even less anonymous, and then complain about bitcoin privacy.

For me its anonymous enough because I do not do stupid things with it to be honest and you can still mix it right so its no problem..

All of the above comments are very naive and incorrect. Using multiple addresses and mixing servers doesn't necessarily make your identity unlinkable, as explained in the following quote.

And you say you don't need privacy, but when anyone can see what and when you've been buying things and publish that information loud and clear to everyone on the Internet, do you really want your grandmother to know you've been buying subscription to Playboy?

Do you want all of your finances to be public knowledge?

Credit cards and websites knowing your identity doesn't reveal your financial data in public. But BitCON does!

And it gets even worse if you are talking about obscuring your financial data from national security agencies, which also might have corrupt employees who use your information in illegal ways. Don't forget how the TSA employees were caught masturbating to the nude xray scans at the airports. Extortion is a possibility, tipping off criminal gangs as to your whereabouts and financial standing, etc...

People using Bitcoin to move funds around thinking that if they've used a mixer then they are anonymous. They will be sad to later find out that all those mixers were compromised by meta data and/or infiltration. Bitcoin is a trap laid to entrap those who are easily duped on the technological capabilities. The only known technology that might be anonymous is Monero, but there are several problems to avoid: a) Monero allows overlapping rings, so via combinatorial analysis, your anonymity might be unmasked, especially if the rings were Sybil attacked, and b) your IP address was traceable across mixes. The mitigating actions are to mix Monero numerous times (other mixers can be infiltrated so don't use them!), and to not rely on I2P nor Tor, instead use an entirely virgin device that you never use for non-anonymous Internet activity and connect over an unregistered WiFi connection and far from your normal place of residence or work. And don't bring your smart phone nor GPS tracked vehicle with you while accessing the remote unregistered WiFi hotspot.

    “The G20 reiterates the high priority it attaches to financial transparency and effective implementation of the standards on transparency by all, in particular with regard to the beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements.  Improving the transparency of the beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements is vital to protect the integrity of the international financial system, and to prevent misuse of these entities and arrangements for corruption, tax evasion, terrorist financing and money laundering.

    The G20 reiterates that it is essential that all countries and jurisdictions fully implement the FATF standards on transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements and we express our determination to lead by example in this regard.   We particularly stress the importance of countries and jurisdictions improving the availability of beneficial ownership information to, and its international exchange between, competent authorities for the purposes of tackling tax evasion, terrorist financing and money laundering. We ask the FATF and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes to make initial proposals by our October meeting on ways to improve the implementation of the international standards on transparency, including on the availability of beneficial ownership information, and its international exchange.”
Well, I like your an explanation, and finally, bitcoin is not an anonymous, it always needs to be showed your address and people can show you financial on your wallet. it's exactly with publishing your financial.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: diodio5 on June 23, 2016, 06:44:02 AM
I think bitcoin anonymous is enough for me, because we no need verification or doing something to use bitcoin, not like paypal, you need verification your profile and credit card. it's not anonymous.
yeah the first to use bitcoin. You do not need to use any identity and that are the hallmarks of bitcoin? and you can also use a mixer so that people will not know the circulation of money. bitcoin address does not provide any identity and it makes you very anonymous #imo

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Enotche on June 23, 2016, 06:48:51 AM
Anonymity Bitcoin me is enough, because I have nothing to fear and skryvat.Da, I know that Bitcoin psevdoanonimen, but I do not care, I do not use it for illegal things.
If you are interested in a fully anonymous coin (such as a) you can take an interest for example coin "Monero", and the project "cryptonote" as a whole.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: pooya87 on June 23, 2016, 07:37:38 AM
the anonymity of bitcoin is the last thing that i think about. so i am happy with bitcoin being pseudonymous. and if one day i want to reach the full anonymity it wouldn't be very hard.

This comment:
... mixing servers doesn't necessarily make your identity unlinkable, ...

if the mixing service is good and has transparent rules and also if you add proper fee and interval you can easily make your identity "unlinkable"!

And you say you don't need privacy, but when anyone can see what and when you've been buying things and publish that information loud and clear to everyone on the Internet, do you really want your grandmother to know you've been buying subscription to Playboy?

this is a naive and incomplete comment, in this scenario my grandmother has know all my bitcoin addresses
here is the first problem because i am not announcing my bitcoin address to anyone who knows me personally what you see online as my bitcoin address is for my anonymous identity not me personally.

and checks all the transactions that i have made which is thousands of transactions, then checks the receiving bitcoin addresses in order to find out where i spend my coins.
then something that you are forgetting is that a service like playboy for instance doesn't give me 1PlayBoyMag..... as bitcoin address to send to. it is a random bitcoin address which is created just for me and in most cases these services are using something like bitpay which means i am paying it to bitpay and bitpay pays playboy so you won't know who i paid.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Divinespark on June 23, 2016, 07:40:19 AM
Not really, but then again I don't have anything to hide. That said, if there ever was a situation where I would want to protect my identity, I would look to other protocols like Z-cash that aim to provide complete tx privacy

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Jeremycoin on June 23, 2016, 08:11:05 AM
I think yes, Bitcoin is enough anonymous for me. Especially now that there is such thing called multi signature wallet, so people won't who is the owner of a specific address.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: asriloni on June 23, 2016, 08:13:03 AM
Anonymity Bitcoin me is enough, because I have nothing to fear and skryvat.Da, I know that Bitcoin psevdoanonimen, but I do not care, I do not use it for illegal things.
If you are interested in a fully anonymous coin (such as a) you can take an interest for example coin "Monero", and the project "cryptonote" as a whole.
yeah that's right,as long we don't doing any illegal thing,pseudoanonymous doesn't really matter,there's no police going to trace good people

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: delliaerd on June 23, 2016, 08:37:43 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

Actually, in my point of view anonymous is a additional features that can give me some advantages, I did't need exhausted to write my personal information in to bitcoin and when i using it. Also i think  anonymous be more secure for me. But if there is no features like that with bitcoin, personally it is not big matter anyway.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Supercrypt on June 23, 2016, 10:20:38 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
It depends on how you use bitcoins, if you use a permanent address and share it among people then surely people will trace you. But if you use different address or exchange's address then surely no trace is possible theoretically. Still you may miss some of foot prints some where, that may follow you accidentally. That is the power of public ledger, blockchain.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: rickadone on June 23, 2016, 04:51:27 PM
I think bitcoin anonymous is enough for me, because we no need verification or doing something to use bitcoin, not like paypal, you need verification your profile and credit card. it's not anonymous.
Right in that sense also no one can know the string of characters you gave him is yours or whose, I mean it is very much anonymous. Though I have seen some guys been traced, so yeah awesome that anonymous yet secured.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: RoommateAgreement on June 23, 2016, 05:04:53 PM
yes bitcoin is anonymous enough for me.

because i am not doing anything illegal and have no plan on doing such things. and also my bitcoin address is not linked to my identity so i am in fact anonymous! so nobody on the internet can not find me.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: nanonymousx on June 23, 2016, 05:34:03 PM
Yes Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me. I have dozens of addresses. You can trace all my moves, but I am not doing anything illegal, so I don't really care.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Lauda on June 23, 2016, 06:28:17 PM
But if you use different address or exchange's address then surely no trace is possible theoretically.
This is not true. It is possible, it is just much harder and requires access to more information.

Though I have seen some guys been traced, so yeah awesome that anonymous yet secured.
Bitcoin is actually pseudo-anonymous. Whoever is advertising it as completely anonymous is spreading partially-true information. Besides, nothing is 100% anonymous.

and also my bitcoin address is not linked to my identity so i am in fact anonymous! so nobody on the internet can not find me.
This is what makes Bitcoin anonymous enough. For those that need more anonymity there are other options such a mixing or anonymous altcoins. More improvements for privacy should come in the future.

Yes Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me. I have dozens of addresses. You can trace all my moves, but I am not doing anything illegal, so I don't really care.
No. Nobody can 'really' trace your moves as long as you don't publish your ownership of said addresses somewhere. They can track the transactions but would have no idea who they belong to.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: BCwinning on June 23, 2016, 06:31:48 PM
not even close enough

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Jasad on June 24, 2016, 07:33:34 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
i think bitcoin already anoonymous,its provenby address and transaction,bitcoin address normally haveno identifier,we can't trace wallet owner,and also we can't trace trnsaction owner,its why people love bitcoin. do you have plan to create another crypto that have good anonymous like bitcoin?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: carlisle1 on June 24, 2016, 07:39:44 AM
bitcoin still have its anonymity because it is possible to send and receive bitcoins without giving any personally identifying information.  it is complicated to others to identify who you are .

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: BTCLovingDude on June 24, 2016, 12:32:18 PM
i don't get it why people here are caught up in the anonymity of bitcoin and they are concerned about their anonymity! we have all been using other crappy services like paypal which had zero anonymity and was invading all kinds of our personal privacy and nobody cared. but since bitcoin is somewhat anonymous everybody is talking about it....

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: coinplus on June 24, 2016, 03:12:18 PM
For me it is complete anonymous. You cant tell my address of cold storage wallets. Only my spending wallet addresses arr visible. No body knows how much i m holding. During tx don't include outputs from address tagged to you.
And if you want to be even more anonymous then use some exchange site's address for example btc-e , like when you pay people will see bitcoins coming from many addresses and not just one.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Siftanfib on June 24, 2016, 03:17:17 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
No i don't want another anonymous crypto currency.
Bitcoin is more than enough for me to be anonymous, if we use it in the right way then no one can trace our identity, all we have to do is some homework and we will be safe.  ;D :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: eternalgloom on June 24, 2016, 03:18:52 PM
The anonymity aspect doesn't really matter that much for me, so I just voted yes.
Plus, I don't know how they could improve the anonymity even more, like Lauda has said, it's already possible to use Bitcoin anonymously.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Patatas on June 24, 2016, 03:25:19 PM
Yes Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me. I have dozens of addresses. You can trace all my moves, but I am not doing anything illegal, so I don't really care.
You don't get the point of this post ,do you ? Its about doing doing anything legally or illegally ,what if you simply want to anonymous on the internet ? Do anonymous transactions ? By having dozens of addresses ,you're anonymous already.Just letting you know.

i don't get it why people here are caught up in the anonymity of bitcoin and they are concerned about their anonymity! we have all been using other crappy services like paypal which had zero anonymity and was invading all kinds of our personal privacy and nobody cared. but since bitcoin is somewhat anonymous everybody is talking about it....
Yeah my bank has either or Paypal has questioned me where do I get the $10000 from last night I did a transaction.My answer ,I won them at a gambling game wasn't convincing enough for them,hence they blocked my accounts and stole my fuckin cash.That's why I want to be anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Barbut on June 24, 2016, 04:09:42 PM
I don`t know do we need more privacy then bitcoin offer to us now, for me everything looks good now. I play in several casinos, only two things are important to have valid e-mail address and bitcoin wallet address.

And I know there always will be extremist, so they can use tor, vpn, or any other service that provide 99 % or more privacy. I`m perfectly satisfied with what i have now, I dont use my id, othet card numbers.. I just enjoy in playing and earning, and I don`t have much to hide so for me bitcoin is anonymous enough.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: lienfaye on June 24, 2016, 04:10:23 PM
Bitcoin for me is semi anonymous. if you send money, the receiver would not know who is the sender of the bitcoin unless he/she is aware who is the owner of the address. but anyone can see the balance and all transactions of any address so its not totally anonymous. though i dont have a problem with that.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: bitcoincass on June 24, 2016, 09:41:26 PM
Yeah for me it is :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: shinratensei_ on June 24, 2016, 09:49:38 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
i think bitcoin already anoonymous,its provenby address and transaction,bitcoin address normally haveno identifier,we can't trace wallet owner,and also we can't trace trnsaction owner,its why people love bitcoin. do you have plan to create another crypto that have good anonymous like bitcoin?
Maybe bitcoin is semi anonym but it's can publish your wallet financial. you're right the anonymous of bitcoin only cover the personal identifier but not at all like your wallet financial,etc.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: MingLee on June 24, 2016, 09:51:30 PM
Bitcoin for me is semi anonymous. if you send money, the receiver would not know who is the sender of the bitcoin unless he/she is aware who is the owner of the address. but anyone can see the balance and all transactions of any address so its not totally anonymous. though i dont have a problem with that.
This is basically all you should need to know when it comes to Bitcoin, and all you should care about when it comes to your transactions. You don't need to know more about the other person other than their address so everything can go through fine.

If it was totally anonymous it would be fine with me, but a pseudo-anonymous system works fine for me. No-one should end up caring about it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: useless4 on June 24, 2016, 10:26:34 PM
Yeah for me it is :)
for me it is anonymous enough too also i dont use bitcoins nearly so i dont need a lot of anonymity

i think bitcoins provide more anonymity than any other currencies and it is one of the best pros

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Dajackal on June 24, 2016, 10:28:40 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous but if you use it properly it can be. Dont be fooled by the people who think btc in anonymous because it's not unless its used properly.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on June 25, 2016, 07:58:24 AM
Bitcoin is not anonymous but if you use it properly it can be. Dont be fooled by the people who think btc in anonymous because it's not unless its used properly.

That's true. The problem is that making btc anonymous is not trivial. Even theymos says  "it's very difficult to achieve today."

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Sweetbtc on June 25, 2016, 08:12:38 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Yes i find my bitcoin wallet anonymous. I can donate without knowing thats me,. But you can be located by the professional hackers , But still its anonymous for me

Bitcoin wallet anonymous is a great feature for donators (who dont want to disclose the identity), and gamblers (who dont want to show themselves ) and those who want to involve in illegal activities.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on June 25, 2016, 09:00:12 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Yes i find my bitcoin wallet anonymous. I can donate without knowing thats me,. But you can be located by the professional hackers , But still its anonymous for me

Bitcoin wallet anonymous is a great feature for donators (who dont want to disclose the identity), and gamblers (who dont want to show themselves ) and those who want to involve in illegal activities.

What do you mean? Which wallet do you use for making anonymous bitcoin transactions?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ajun96 on June 26, 2016, 08:56:02 PM
For me it is complete anonymous. You cant tell my address of cold storage wallets. Only my spending wallet addresses arr visible. No body knows how much i m holding. During tx don't include outputs from address tagged to you.
yeah I think even if you give me the address of your address. there will be no one who knows that it tends to your bitcoin address. you can use other bitcoin address because it would be very easy to make a new bitcoin address if you think it is less secure. you can use bitmixer to move your bitcoin to an address that is not known by tx

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: voztata on June 27, 2016, 06:44:34 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I think bitcoin anonymous enough for me, because I am dealing with bitcoin without being able to be tracked. But you have to use it addreas bitcoin only one of each transaction to keep your anonymous. Thank you

There is much more to bitcoin anonymity, than just changing addresses. But using one address for each transactions is a good start.
It is also good when you have to receive money from multiple people because then you can trace who paid how much and when. Moreover very good for people who offer services.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: yenxz on June 27, 2016, 07:06:12 AM
for me,anonymous of bitcoin just appear whe we want to trace address owner,its hard and almost impossible,its different with address of banks account,its traceable. and i think people will agree with mefor this statement.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: akosimakulit on June 27, 2016, 11:07:12 AM
The good thing about bitcoin is that is it anonymous. however with less charge is not valid to me at this point cause the exchange that we have locally is always charge at a premium price to buy the btc, so end up I pay a lot for those hidden fee. however, i really like the fast transaction with not much checking.  :) 8)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: outatime1 on June 27, 2016, 11:10:13 AM
I think it is anonymous enough. I'm not sure how you could make it more anonymous. In the case of Cryptsy and MGox, it is beneficial that the coins can be followed to see if they were stolen.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Woshib on June 27, 2016, 11:28:45 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Yes, I think Bitcoin is anonymous, but for those who still want more, there are options, tricks and Bitcoin wallets that allow even more secure.
And it will have to improve to attract more people to use the Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: TastyChillySauce00 on June 27, 2016, 11:31:27 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Yes i find my bitcoin wallet anonymous. I can donate without knowing thats me,. But you can be located by the professional hackers , But still its anonymous for me

Bitcoin wallet anonymous is a great feature for donators (who dont want to disclose the identity), and gamblers (who dont want to show themselves ) and those who want to involve in illegal activities.
there's no such thing lol,the transaction still can be traced through blockchain explorer so even invisible wallet will result useless as it only get your wallet invisible not your address

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: 2double0 on June 27, 2016, 01:08:43 PM
It is not anonymous, because if it would be, then we don't need to give our KYC documents in order to get approved on exchanges to trade.
This is not anonymity, and it is actually needed at some places, because if transparency is not there, then people may abuse the system.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: rickadone on June 27, 2016, 07:02:31 PM
For god sake, bitcoin is pseudonymous not anonymous.

If you don't know how to hide your identity, people or government could track you easily. Also, you can't be anonymous if you spend/use your bitcoin at places where you need to give your identity.
If you want to be anonymous while use bitcoin, you must use one time address, spend bitcoin at anonymous marketplace or use bitcoin mixer service.
That's the common misconception that many bitcoin users have, because most published articles would rather use the word anonymous than pseudonymous for the convenience of the readers, hence the misunderstanding happens everywhere.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: smho_16 on June 27, 2016, 07:24:52 PM
For me is anonymous as I rarely use online wallets which can be tied to my email address and can find who I am although even this is difficult if I decide to use a fictive email address. When I use desktop wallet no one knows that a specific address is mine, and in Multibit classic you can create as many new addresses as  you like without anyone finding out to who these addresses belong. I use bitcoin for good reasons but there are a lot who are using it for evil intentions and rarely we have seen someone getting caught using bitcoin for illegal activities unless they have showed their dirty doings for the public of  dark net, you can be caught then.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: quake313 on June 27, 2016, 07:31:40 PM
The average person does not need complete anonymity. Criminals will always find a way, they do it with fiat.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: HilbillyFred on June 27, 2016, 10:49:46 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous but if you use it properly it can be. Dont be fooled by the people who think btc in anonymous because it's not unless its used properly.

Its in all ways more anonyous than any other currency so about that there is no doubt in my eyes.
The fact that the bitcoin can be made untracrable and anonymous is a whole another story.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: pereira4 on June 27, 2016, 10:55:36 PM
It can be anonymous enough, but you need to take annoying steps like coin mixing and whatnot, which doesn't make it very user friendly. Once we have stuff like confidential transactions, it will be way better.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: bitcoinhopper on June 27, 2016, 11:35:05 PM
Its for me already anonymous enough because it has a great future and its also that it does not has fully be anonymous becaus that would also be not good.
If this was the case it will never be accepted globally..

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: groll on June 28, 2016, 12:19:57 AM
Bitcoin is anonymous for me. But I hope there will regulations so we can identify who owns such bitcoin account for security purposes. Due to the anonymous character of bitcoin users many scammers are scattered all over the net. They are not afraid of doing such fraudulent things even underage citizens have also started doing this things since they cannot be traced.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: AgentofCoin on June 28, 2016, 12:21:39 AM
Bitcoin is anonymous for me. But I hope there will regulations so we can identify who owns such bitcoin account for security purposes. Due to the anonymous character of bitcoin users many scammers are scattered all over the net. They are not afraid of doing such fraudulent things even underage citizens have also started doing this things since they cannot be traced.

Your name groll should be changed to troll.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Cyaren on July 04, 2016, 02:44:36 PM
It is.
If you can stick to some important rules you can really make yourself invisible why using bitcoin.
I like it a lot,no one have to know,its the only opportunity in today's  life.
There is no  other currency provides you something like this

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: takingthis4 on July 04, 2016, 04:14:07 PM
It is.
If you can stick to some important rules you can really make yourself invisible why using bitcoin.
I like it a lot,no one have to know,its the only opportunity in today's  life.
There is no  other currency provides you something like this

i think it is most probably not easy to actually be anonymous with bitcoin right now because you can easily track your bitcoin transactions on the block explorer i think

bitcoin is not too anonymous though i dont need it to be more anonymous than it is right now, i think that i will never need more anonymity with bitcoins ever though anything might happen

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on July 06, 2016, 04:52:22 AM
It is.
If you can stick to some important rules you can really make yourself invisible why using bitcoin.
I like it a lot,no one have to know,its the only opportunity in today's  life.
There is no  other currency provides you something like this

What rules?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Enotche on July 06, 2016, 05:47:22 AM
It is.
If you can stick to some important rules you can really make yourself invisible why using bitcoin.
I like it a lot,no one have to know,its the only opportunity in today's  life.
There is no  other currency provides you something like this

What rules?

One of these ready-made solutions - use TOR or any other methods to hide IP-address. If bitcoin transactions are carried out through TOR, there is no way to determine their origin (of course, if the TOR no vulnerability).

Another simple way to improve safety - the creation of a new address for each transaction. In this case, it becomes difficult to link the address to a specific person as this at least will need to make greater efforts. An increasing number of bitcoin wallets do this automatically, using hierarchical deterministic (HD) software.

Slightly more complicated way to ensure safety - the use of so-called mixers. There are many types of mixers, but they are all one thing in common: all users are using a mixer bitcoins to each other. Well Implemented "mixing" bitcoins greatly complicates the analysis of transaction networks, as well as "analysis of the spread." To secure the "mixing" of success can be done several times.

One example mixers - CoinJoin, which merges the inputs and outputs of multiple users in a single transaction, breaking thus the assumption that all entries belong to one person.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: romero121 on July 06, 2016, 05:54:14 AM
The anonymous nature bitcoin have right now is more than enough, because anyone can view others wallet but it won't describe that it belongs to a specific person. If a particular person's bitcoin address is known then the anonymity gets lost.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: noormcs5 on July 06, 2016, 05:57:25 AM
It is.
If you can stick to some important rules you can really make yourself invisible why using bitcoin.
I like it a lot,no one have to know,its the only opportunity in today's  life.
There is no  other currency provides you something like this

i think it is most probably not easy to actually be anonymous with bitcoin right now because you can easily track your bitcoin transactions on the block explorer i think

bitcoin is not too anonymous though i dont need it to be more anonymous than it is right now, i think that i will never need more anonymity with bitcoins ever though anything might happen

I will still say that bitcoin are Anonymous for us. Even we can track transaction  on the blockchain, but you will not get to know who is the owner of this wallet. To make it fully Anonymous you can use any bitcoin mixer service and it will be 100% Anonymous .

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Provably Fair Directory on July 06, 2016, 08:44:14 AM
don't need it to be anonymous, but it's just one of the benefits.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: rinhunter on July 06, 2016, 12:54:20 PM
Yes it is quite anonymous in the affairs of the transaction, but people still can see the balance on your wallet. Maybe if the system can be increased again this will be better. :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on July 07, 2016, 12:49:35 AM
don't need it to be anonymous, but it's just one of the benefits.

What is benefit? That is not anonymous, but pseduo-anonymous?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: jacktheking on July 07, 2016, 01:19:29 AM
One of the reason why I use Bitcoin is because that it is advertised as anonymous. Well, it is not really anonymous, one have to use a mixer to be anonymous - unless he/she never disclose any of his/her Bitcoin address before.

The fees for making a transaction and mixing is low enough. Hence, I feel that the extra fees imposed by many online mixers is good. In others word, I feel that it is cheap and easy to be anonymous with Bitcoin. And the anonymous rate is good enough for someone like me.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: krishna1 on July 07, 2016, 05:31:39 AM
Bitcoin is not anonymous enough for me because anyone can trace my address and payments with my address on the blockchain website.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Sharma on July 07, 2016, 05:33:46 AM
Definitely is. You don't need to verify anything and your account won't get frozen or banned just because you are not verified and there are literally no one watching over your transactions.

Unless you are a cybercriminal, bitcoin is secure and anonymous enough for me. I mean, even cybercriminals use bitcoins so. It really proves how anonymous bitcoin can be.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: HarryKPeters on July 07, 2016, 05:36:38 AM
Bitcoin is not anonymous enough for me because anyone can trace my address and payments with my address on the blockchain website.

In that case you can user a mixer service like bitmixer or cryptomixer. With those 2 services bitcoin is anonymous enough for me.
Perhaps even too anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: rphk on July 07, 2016, 05:47:48 AM
yes bitcoin is Anonymous for me , because it is easy to transact and reliable ,  so many sites accepts bitcoins and it is an new era  of digital currency  :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: uname on July 07, 2016, 05:50:53 AM
It is.
If you can stick to some important rules you can really make yourself invisible why using bitcoin.
I like it a lot,no one have to know,its the only opportunity in today's  life.
There is no  other currency provides you something like this

yeah I do not even know you have several addresses in the wallet, and I do not know where you come from? I think it has been proven that bitcoin fairly anonymous

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: worhiper_-_ on July 08, 2016, 08:42:28 AM
If you compare it to other "websites" and stuff, the anonymity it provides us with is close to perfect?
nevertheless we  will always welcome  improvements of it.
its doing a very good job on this , for me until now.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: sempak on July 08, 2016, 08:48:57 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I liked anonymouse. because with it I can transact safely. everyone can observe and monitor every transaction. This is useful for people using bitcoin to do business.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Hellacopter on July 08, 2016, 08:52:25 AM
Indeed Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because it's easy to make our trades and deals using Bitcoin without providing any personal info or data, so it's better than using the other currencies.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Mozdalifa17 on July 08, 2016, 09:29:14 AM

Indeed Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because it's easy to make our trades and deals using Bitcoin without providing any personal info or data, so it's better than using the other currencies.

Then why do you have a BTC mixer in your signature? Do you know why it exists/why its for? Do people here have any idea how schizophrenic they sound when Bitcoin and anonymous are put in the same sentence?  :D

Bitcoin mixer are better than using tor network to send or receive bitcoin .

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: asriloni on July 08, 2016, 09:31:20 AM

Indeed Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because it's easy to make our trades and deals using Bitcoin without providing any personal info or data, so it's better than using the other currencies.

Then why do you have a BTC mixer in your signature? Do you know why it exists/why its for? Do people here have any idea how schizophrenic they sound when Bitcoin and anonymous are put in the same sentence?  :D

Bitcoin mixer are better than using tor network to send or receive bitcoin .
lol,what the difference between using tor network and not using tor network when sending or receiving bitcoin,both still can be traced except you're mixing bitcoin so your transaction will be mixed until untraceable because it was mixed on the pool

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: tyz on July 08, 2016, 09:32:25 AM
It depends what you want to do with. To do ciminal actions, then the answer is no. To avoid getting tracked by the finance authority, then the answer is no, too. To buy stuff without give a payment provider all your personal data, then the answer is yes.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: jak3 on July 08, 2016, 09:34:25 AM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: pooya87 on July 08, 2016, 09:34:49 AM

Indeed Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because it's easy to make our trades and deals using Bitcoin without providing any personal info or data, so it's better than using the other currencies.

Then why do you have a BTC mixer in your signature? Do you know why it exists/why its for? Do people here have any idea how schizophrenic they sound when Bitcoin and anonymous are put in the same sentence?  :D

Bitcoin mixer are better than using tor network to send or receive bitcoin .
lol,what the difference between using tor network and not using tor network when sending or receiving bitcoin,both still can be traced except you're mixing bitcoin so your transaction will be mixed until untraceable because it was mixed on the pool

using TOR network is like an extra layer of anonymity that you can add to your process to make it harder by hiding your IP address. but in case of mixing coins i don't really see any reason why you should use TOR because the legit mixing services that are transparent shouldn't keep any log at all.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on July 08, 2016, 09:51:09 AM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing
bitcoin is quiet anonymous for me, it is possible to send and receive bitcoins without giving any personally identifying information. However, achieving reasonable anonymity with Bitcoin can be quite complicated and  it is impossible to obtain perfect anonymity.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: escrowboy on July 08, 2016, 10:44:10 AM
It depends what you want to do with. To do ciminal actions, then the answer is no. To avoid getting tracked by the finance authority, then the answer is no, too. To buy stuff without give a payment provider all your personal data, then the answer is yes.
Expect all you said to be a part of the bitcoin anonymity. You cannot separate it. You cannot tell people to avoid doing transaction in a criminal act because that's the reason they use it in the first place. Bitcoin anonymity come in good and bad actions.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 08, 2016, 10:50:42 AM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing
Why do you think that it is semi-anonymous?
It is not,if you know something about security like vpn's proxie's can make yourself almost invisible while using a bitcoin.
It is really a great this,and i thing that is enough for most people.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Red-Apple on July 08, 2016, 11:40:00 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

yes it is.
in fact, bitcoin anonymity is the least important thing for me. and i care about other attributes of bitcoin and anonymity is in the end of that list, some attributes like decentralization, and fast transactions, also low fees are more important to me than being anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on July 08, 2016, 11:48:53 PM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing
Why do you think that it is semi-anonymous?
It is not,if you know something about security like vpn's proxie's can make yourself almost invisible while using a bitcoin.
It is really a great this,and i thing that is enough for most people.

Have you even read

Or what bitcoin developoers say about bitcoin's anonymity, e.g.:

"There is no anonymity in Bitcoin. There is pseudonymity which is fairly simple to decloak by authorities. [luke-jr]"

and many more found here:

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: asriloni on July 09, 2016, 12:14:23 AM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing
Why do you think that it is semi-anonymous?
It is not,if you know something about security like vpn's proxie's can make yourself almost invisible while using a bitcoin.
It is really a great this,and i thing that is enough for most people.
vpn and proxies? it have nothing to do with bitcoin,your transaction will be traced,proxie and vpn only give affect to your IP not for your transaction and keep in mind even you're using tor version of online wallet it won't give affect,oh I think you'll not going to get it as it already explained everyday and you still don't get it

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: CasioK on July 09, 2016, 08:09:29 PM

Indeed Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because it's easy to make our trades and deals using Bitcoin without providing any personal info or data, so it's better than using the other currencies.

Then why do you have a BTC mixer in your signature? Do you know why it exists/why its for? Do people here have any idea how schizophrenic they sound when Bitcoin and anonymous are put in the same sentence?  :D

Bitcoin mixer are better than using tor network to send or receive bitcoin .
I believe if you use exchanges like btc-e and others where may people deposit and the withdrawals are sent randomly then also you mix your coins quite nicely, no need to pay the high fees of mixers.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ajareselde on July 09, 2016, 08:21:43 PM
Bitcoin isnt anonymous, but it server me well regardless. I'm actually backing up legitimate uses of bitcoin and being  transparent isnt an issue for me.
I value limited and controlled supply over all else,including anonymity. Money that can be printed infinitely should not have value, hence i choose bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: SirLancelot on July 09, 2016, 08:28:48 PM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing
Why do you think that it is semi-anonymous?
It is not,if you know something about security like vpn's proxie's can make yourself almost invisible while using a bitcoin.
It is really a great this,and i thing that is enough for most people.
vpn and proxies? it have nothing to do with bitcoin,your transaction will be traced,proxie and vpn only give affect to your IP not for your transaction and keep in mind even you're using tor version of online wallet it won't give affect,oh I think you'll not going to get it as it already explained everyday and you still don't get it
Okay, let me clear you guys out. Bitcoin is NOT anonymous nor it has ever been. It is pseudonymous which is somewhat different from anonymous. I am too tired of explaining it over and over so if you can just look it up, we'd appreciate it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: socks435 on July 09, 2016, 09:26:29 PM
I think bitcoin is not still anonymous because anytime your transaction can be track but there is a 3rd party that you can use like bitmixer or crypto mixer that can not you track by someone.. So its not enough for me but there is a good service just like the bitcoin mixers..

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on July 09, 2016, 10:48:41 PM
I think bitcoin is not still anonymous because anytime your transaction can be track but there is a 3rd party that you can use like bitmixer or crypto mixer that can not you track by someone.. So its not enough for me but there is a good service just like the bitcoin mixers..

So you prefere to thrust a third party service for bitcoin use? What if they log ever mixing operation? what if they run with your bitcoins? what if they are feds honny pots? What if you get dirtier bitcoins than your own after mixing?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: shinratensei_ on July 09, 2016, 11:05:00 PM
I think bitcoin is not still anonymous because anytime your transaction can be track but there is a 3rd party that you can use like bitmixer or crypto mixer that can not you track by someone.. So its not enough for me but there is a good service just like the bitcoin mixers..
The anonymous of bitcoin just cover your personal data, but nothing for your wallet and tracking. the mixer bitcoin is helping someone to get out from this problem. because the bitcoin is published your financial wallet to a lot of people. I always using a mixer service to go out from this problem.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: traderbit on July 09, 2016, 11:09:56 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I would call it semi-anonymous, sometimes bitcoin is anonymous sometimes not, the difference is how you use bitcoin, what are you buying/selling/trading then are you using any exchange which requires many different verification etc. For those that this that they are unsafe then they can use bitcoin mixers to increase the privacy level.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: aso118 on July 10, 2016, 02:27:10 AM
I think bitcoin is not still anonymous because anytime your transaction can be track but there is a 3rd party that you can use like bitmixer or crypto mixer that can not you track by someone.. So its not enough for me but there is a good service just like the bitcoin mixers..
The anonymous of bitcoin just cover your personal data, but nothing for your wallet and tracking. the mixer bitcoin is helping someone to get out from this problem. because the bitcoin is published your financial wallet to a lot of people. I always using a mixer service to go out from this problem.

A mixer might be required just at the final step, before you convert bitcoins to fiat/use bitcoins.
Because of its pseudonymous nature, your real identity is protected until then.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ajun96 on July 10, 2016, 05:18:24 AM
It depends what you want to do with. To do ciminal actions, then the answer is no. To avoid getting tracked by the finance authority, then the answer is no, too. To buy stuff without give a payment provider all your personal data, then the answer is yes.
Lol if you buy stuff of course you must send your address and your real name? then where anonymous? You would not know if bitcoin used as currency for criminals. because there is no description for each tx id? so it is very likely they do it we do not know it because bitcoin is anonymous

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: bitgolden on July 10, 2016, 06:34:16 AM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing
Why do you think that it is semi-anonymous?
It is not,if you know something about security like vpn's proxie's can make yourself almost invisible while using a bitcoin.
It is really a great this,and i thing that is enough for most people.
vpn and proxies? it have nothing to do with bitcoin,your transaction will be traced,proxie and vpn only give affect to your IP not for your transaction and keep in mind even you're using tor version of online wallet it won't give affect,oh I think you'll not going to get it as it already explained everyday and you still don't get it
And can our IP be traced if we use blockchain wallets ? If we can not be traced when using blockchain then maybe blockchain is best, because its convenient and at the same time also anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: groll on July 10, 2016, 06:46:42 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I want a full transparency to bitcoins. I want that there is one official wallet address given to each individual. That wallet is recorded by the government. So in every transaction we can identify who are we sending bitcoins and who sent us. That way no more hackers and scammers. And also salary will go automatic to your wallet including the benefits or pension from the government.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 10, 2016, 07:00:18 AM
I dont like anonymousness of bitcoin,you may think why?
i dont because if someone will scam me,and he will send my money into his wallet,i wont track him out,
because this is almost not possible,i dont do anything illegal so i dont need to be anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Maesters1- on July 10, 2016, 10:12:30 AM
it's anonymous enough for me. even more if you're going to count the many trusted services that can assist in making your bitcoins untraceable.

but I'm not into bitcoin because of the anonymity so my standard might be a little lower than those who are.
i dont think so. if you are doing business with some one and consuming so much time then you must have to trust on him. and now it is working of years then how can we say that it is still anonymous for us .

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: naidray on July 10, 2016, 10:35:32 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I would call it semi-anonymous, sometimes bitcoin is anonymous sometimes not, the difference is how you use bitcoin, what are you buying/selling/trading then are you using any exchange which requires many different verification etc. For those that this that they are unsafe then they can use bitcoin mixers to increase the privacy level.
But basing on the nature of bitcoin, it is indeed anonymous since as long as you don't provide any other information on you, it will stay anonymous as they can not know you from your address unless you've publicly given your address.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Xester on July 10, 2016, 10:44:19 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

With hackers and scammers on standbye and increasing in numbers our bitcoins are always at risk. Annonymosity has long protected these online nefarious individuals from being caught and punished and that's why they are still doing it until today. Self identification should be associated or incorporated to all wallets so that all scammers and hackers may be easily identified. I'm against annonymosity its time for transparency.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: katrimans on July 11, 2016, 07:16:39 PM
It depends what you want to do with. To do ciminal actions, then the answer is no. To avoid getting tracked by the finance authority, then the answer is no, too. To buy stuff without give a payment provider all your personal data, then the answer is yes.
But it is always good to have a different address every time, because using a same address someone can easily get to you and hence know your details. Though if you are not a criminal nor hacker then may be you never need to mix your bitcoins in most of the cases IMHO.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: 20kevin20 on July 11, 2016, 07:25:02 PM
For me it is. I don't plan to buy drugs, guns or any other stuff that is illegal, I don't plan to do illegal things at all. It's just the price of BTC that amazed me since 2013 and got me involved in this cryptocurrency. It is secure enough for me, and I would like using it even as a main currency in my country. However, even if I see it as secure, easy to use and anonymous as I want, I would use it as the main currency just if I knew and if I was sure that it cannot ever stop. For now.. I'm happy with the physical money, the one I can touch, not virtual stuff :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Slark on July 11, 2016, 07:26:15 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

With hackers and scammers on standbye and increasing in numbers our bitcoins are always at risk. Annonymosity has long protected these online nefarious individuals from being caught and punished and that's why they are still doing it until today. Self identification should be associated or incorporated to all wallets so that all scammers and hackers may be easily identified. I'm against annonymosity its time for transparency.
If some random dude approached you on the street and asked for your money, because apparently there is amazing deal going on, and he is gonna invest your money,
and give you back 200% after a week, would you give your wallet to him? Because this is how most of bitcoin scams schemes look like.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on July 11, 2016, 10:25:40 PM
I dont like anonymousness of bitcoin,you may think why?
i dont because if someone will scam me,and he will send my money into his wallet,i wont track him out,
because this is almost not possible,i dont do anything illegal so i dont need to be anonymous.

So you want it to be less anonymous? What about your neighbour seeing your spendings and on blockchain? Or your employeer seeing how you sepend bitcoins you earned from him? Or what about kidnapper seeing that you have lots of bitcoins, as you seem to have your bitcoin tx even less anonymous than they are now?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on July 11, 2016, 11:11:24 PM
It depends what you want to do with. To do ciminal actions, then the answer is no. To avoid getting tracked by the finance authority, then the answer is no, too. To buy stuff without give a payment provider all your personal data, then the answer is yes.
But it is always good to have a different address every time, because using a same address someone can easily get to you and hence know your details. Though if you are not a criminal nor hacker then may be you never need to mix your bitcoins in most of the cases IMHO.
That's right, with using a different address every time is same means indirectly using a simple mixer for your bitcoin. you're right if someone can easily get to him and tracked his transaction but i think their personal data is always secure because bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Wapinter on July 11, 2016, 11:49:32 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Bitcoin is definitely anonymous as it doesn't reveal my personal information to receiver or sender unlike PayPal where even it is not the case.That said,I dont think one would need anonymity unless he is upto something illegal

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Posum578 on July 12, 2016, 12:10:11 AM
For me it is already enough, i use bitcoin for online purpose and when i transaction online like buying or selling digital goods i dont need to give my personal data unlike when use credit card.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Doamader on July 12, 2016, 01:10:03 AM
Bitcoins is all i ever wanna, besides being able to earn it for free, spending it and investing it, i dont like to anyone has plenty control and limit the funds i moove online has paypal has that power to control and know about it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Breakfastchief on July 12, 2016, 03:00:36 AM
For me, I like the idea of anonymity. It does have its pros and cons. 

Pros for me include not having to give out my personal information online.  That is probably the most important.  Also, the government doesn't need to know what I do online.  One point to note is that I don't partake in illegal activities, especially online, because  you will get caught eventually.

Cons include inability to get refunds from dishonest persons, no recourse to take if scammed, and no way to vet a particular person or organization.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: sobsitesearch on July 12, 2016, 04:02:46 AM
For me it is already enough, i use bitcoin for online purpose and when i transaction online like buying or selling digital goods i dont need to give my personal data unlike when use credit card.
That correct and i think credit card is much risky than bitcoin cause cashier or teller can copy your pin on the back of your credit card and can use it for online shopping while in bitcoin no one can use your bitcoin other than you that is why it is anonymous enough for me and also because bitcoin can do more thing that other currency can not do specially in transacting online.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Pro User on July 12, 2016, 07:10:14 AM
I think, in anonymous in bitcoin until I expose my BTC address to someone else. But still, bitcoin had no restriction creating many addresses. So, i remain anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: neonshium on July 12, 2016, 07:17:28 AM
i thought bitcoin is simi anonymus but anyway i love it. it make my privacy safe and a best tool for busness. i can show my static to others any my relatives will not interfare in my thing
Making it anonymous, transparent and even semi-anonymous is completely in your hand because you are the one who decides how to use/spend your bitcoins.  If you want to be anonymous simply use mixers, if transparent is your concern then use a single address.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on July 12, 2016, 09:34:45 AM
For me it is already enough, i use bitcoin for online purpose and when i transaction online like buying or selling digital goods i dont need to give my personal data unlike when use credit card.
That correct and i think credit card is much risky than bitcoin cause cashier or teller can copy your pin on the back of your credit card and can use it for online shopping while in bitcoin no one can use your bitcoin other than you that is why it is anonymous enough for me and also because bitcoin can do more thing that other currency can not do specially in transacting online.

But a lot of people is using a credit card to buy on online merchant and needed to require VBV to using this. but that's true if using CC is a very risky because before you want to use it you must checking the site you wanna to delivery with them. because many sites do not have a good security for their site.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: richkellj on July 12, 2016, 09:43:24 AM
For me it is already enough, i use bitcoin for online purpose and when i transaction online like buying or selling digital goods i dont need to give my personal data unlike when use credit card.
Well, that's what's bitcoin is created for. It doesn't care for the nature of the business (whether the transaction done is a good one or an illegal/crime). That's both an advantage and a disadvantage for bitcoin. Anyway, it keeps us from being always searched up by the government and the sellers.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: CryptoBjorn on July 12, 2016, 09:46:59 AM
Yeah Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because I have nothing to hide and think that this is already good enough for me.
If they want to make it even more anonymous then I am also good with that.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Wendigo on July 12, 2016, 09:56:47 AM
Bitcoin is anonymous as long as it stays online in the digital world and people don't try to exchange and withdraw their Bitcoins for cash. But even though the Blockchain can record every transaction you have ever done in your life, putting a name and address to your Bitcoin addresses and wallet is actually a very hard thing to do so in theory if you keep a low profile online your identity will be preserved in particular your Bitcoin finances. As I am used to using debit cards and PayPal on a daily basis I don't care much if the government will follow me around when I am cashing out Bitcoins or not because I have nothing to hide in the first place.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Dr.Osh on July 12, 2016, 09:59:13 AM
yes, I think it was quite anonymous to me, but I do not care about that. as long as I can still make bitcoin, it will be fine. although I am looking for my bitcoin as a side income, I think it is good enough, no matter whether it is anonymous or not. the most important thing I can still find and use, and it may be better bitcoin still be anonymous in my life  :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: 1Referee on July 12, 2016, 10:04:35 AM
I don't depend on the "anonymity" of Bitcoin. If I want to get that anonymity I just walk my coins through bitmixer and then everything is just fine.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: pereira4 on July 12, 2016, 10:14:55 AM
Not yet, but it will be once Greg Maxwell and the rest of Core devs are finally able to deploy all that nice stuff into the network, like confidential transactions, coinjoin in default payments, zkcp and the rest, we will be finally anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: dinda22 on July 12, 2016, 10:18:03 AM
yes for me pretty Anonymous, because Bitcoin address is not tied to the identity of the user at the protocol level. Also transaction is not bound either by the user's identity. but all transactions through Bitcoin network is completely transparent and can be tracked by anyone, without knowing who the owner of this address. so it can still be said to be anonymous.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: valta4065 on July 12, 2016, 10:19:07 AM
Well the only way to lose anonymity of btc is to give out your identity to a site selling it!

As long as you don't give out you ID to a site no one can know you ;)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Carlsen on July 12, 2016, 10:24:58 AM
To me it's anonymous enough.
Usually there is no connection on the first sight between my wallet and my real name.
That is enough for me. Of course if somebody is capable and has taime, it might be possible to make that connectin.
But who would be bored enough to do so? and why?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: emberbekas on July 12, 2016, 11:25:37 AM
Its anonymous enough for me. The only problem with the anonymous is when we try to convert it to our local currency. my local exchanger require me to give them my real data to be able to send the money to my bank account.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: From Above on July 12, 2016, 11:37:01 AM
Its anonymous enough for me. The only problem with the anonymous is when we try to convert it to our local currency. my local exchanger require me to give them my real data to be able to send the money to my bank account.

Why do u have to convert to Fiat? Is there no other ways for u to pay something other than in the local currency?


Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: BlueStackz on July 12, 2016, 02:02:51 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

yes it is.
in fact, bitcoin anonymity is the least important thing for me. and i care about other attributes of bitcoin and anonymity is in the end of that list, some attributes like decentralization, and fast transactions, also low fees are more important to me than being anonymous.
You might be glad but 20% of bitcoin users use bitcoins just for its anonymity and non reversible transactions. I think though yes there is no need for anonymity unless you are to keen to keep yourself hidden. But I prefer anonymity to avoid any unnecessary attractions and questions.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: chixka000 on July 12, 2016, 02:24:12 PM
yeah for months using of bitcoin i find it really good in terms of privacy issues this is what i really want about bitcoin if they will try to improve more service of bitcoin it would be great then but for now i cant say that i wanted more security service from it

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: pandalion98 on July 12, 2016, 02:51:24 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?
Provided that the user isn't stupid enough to let everyone know they own that address that was used to buy meth, it's pretty anonymous.

The only thing that breaks a bitcoin address' anonymity is its association with someone/something. If no one knew who owns that address, no one will know unless the user goes ahead and tells people he/she owns that address.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: escrowboy on July 12, 2016, 03:50:38 PM
Its anonymous enough for me. The only problem with the anonymous is when we try to convert it to our local currency. my local exchanger require me to give them my real data to be able to send the money to my bank account.
It is anonymous and it great for people to feel safe but if you want to make your account safer there's an option where you can add extra security on your account like adding recovery emails and 2-way verification. This helps your account to be more secure when hacked.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: serjent05 on July 12, 2016, 04:50:24 PM
For a regular non-techy people like me, bitcoin is anonymouse enough for me.  Since even if i  know the address of the  person used in sending me Bitcoin, I don't know the identity of that person.  Then with the use of mixer, that complicated things more.   It will only break if the site your associated with requires your full identity (well they keep it secret though).

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: BitcoinHodler on July 12, 2016, 05:09:00 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

yes it is.
in fact, bitcoin anonymity is the least important thing for me. and i care about other attributes of bitcoin and anonymity is in the end of that list, some attributes like decentralization, and fast transactions, also low fees are more important to me than being anonymous.
You might be glad but 20% of bitcoin users use bitcoins just for its anonymity and non reversible transactions. I think though yes there is no need for anonymity unless you are to keen to keep yourself hidden. But I prefer anonymity to avoid any unnecessary attractions and questions.

it is mostly the second part for most of us!
because the majority of the bitcoin users are not scamers so they are not trying to hide themselves from anyone and most probably never going to use any mixer ever.
instead it is more a matter of privacy and wanting to keep your finances private and only to yourself.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: SuperCoinGuy on July 12, 2016, 05:54:59 PM
Actually paper money is the ultimate anonymous method of payment because there is no trail left after the cash has changed hands while with digital currencies like Bitcoin there will be always hints and traces left online for people to trace back to the original owner. But anyways the degree of anonymity of Bitcoin is not a major concern unless you are making illegitimate deals or something haha. Bitcoin is anonymous enough for online gambling and dark web market shopping and for everything else there is a Master card  ;D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Bitcoinsummoner on July 12, 2016, 06:10:05 PM
Honestly its enough for me because if you dont want to track you from some one you can use 3rd party app like bitmixer that can prevent someone to track you.. bitcoin right now here in my country needs real information its not so anonymous but you can is crypto mixer or bitmixer to be anonymous..

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: GreenBits on July 12, 2016, 06:15:30 PM
Bitcoin is not really all that anonymous. The addresses protect you somewhat. But if you connect to the internet to make a bitcoin transaction, which is a duh, you are going to leave traces the average user doesn't know how to mitigate. A government (most governments) can probably index bitcoin transactions with metadata to figure out who you are very quickly.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: coinzat on July 12, 2016, 06:39:47 PM
bitcoin is not anonymous at all for me. it is like fiat for me but with a block chain recording all the transactions that were ever made. your identity will be revealed in some point while exchange or buying something online

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: 2legit2 on July 12, 2016, 06:50:15 PM
bitcoin is not anonymous at all for me. it is like fiat for me but with a block chain recording all the transactions that were ever made. your identity will be revealed in some point while exchange or buying something online
the same for me too, many think that it is anonymous but it actually isnt, because of that i sometimes use bitcoin mixing services in order to make it more anonymous

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Bitcoinbro on July 12, 2016, 07:34:05 PM
bitcoin is not anonymous at all for me. it is like fiat for me but with a block chain recording all the transactions that were ever made. your identity will be revealed in some point while exchange or buying something online
the same for me too, many think that it is anonymous but it actually isnt, because of that i sometimes use bitcoin mixing services in order to make it more anonymous

By default bitcoin lacks true anon features, but with the mixing services it makes bitcoin very anonymous, thing is hackers can use it freely too
Which is why bitcoin is getting negative PR.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: AioFox on July 12, 2016, 07:50:02 PM
bitcoin is not anonymous at all for me. it is like fiat for me but with a block chain recording all the transactions that were ever made. your identity will be revealed in some point while exchange or buying something online
the same for me too, many think that it is anonymous but it actually isnt, because of that i sometimes use bitcoin mixing services in order to make it more anonymous

I really like the motto "Be your own bank" you literally have total control over your bitcoins; no one knows how much you have and its not necessary tied to your personall information; i like this kind anonymousity. Otherwise referring to the popularity of bitcoin, i think more people should start using it more.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: greatr on July 12, 2016, 08:22:14 PM
bitcoin is not anonymous at all for me. it is like fiat for me but with a block chain recording all the transactions that were ever made. your identity will be revealed in some point while exchange or buying something online
the same for me too, many think that it is anonymous but it actually isnt, because of that i sometimes use bitcoin mixing services in order to make it more anonymous

I really like the motto "Be your own bank" you literally have total control over your bitcoins; no one knows how much you have and its not necessary tied to your personall information; i like this kind anonymousity. Otherwise referring to the popularity of bitcoin, i think more people should start using it more.

thats true, i really like that i can control all my money i have with bitcoins to be honest, bitcoin is anonymous enough for me as i dont need too much anonymity for my transactions

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: escrowboy on July 13, 2016, 10:53:54 AM
bitcoin is not anonymous at all for me. it is like fiat for me but with a block chain recording all the transactions that were ever made. your identity will be revealed in some point while exchange or buying something online
the same for me too, many think that it is anonymous but it actually isnt, because of that i sometimes use bitcoin mixing services in order to make it more anonymous

I really like the motto "Be your own bank" you literally have total control over your bitcoins; no one knows how much you have and its not necessary tied to your personall information; i like this kind anonymousity. Otherwise referring to the popularity of bitcoin, i think more people should start using it more.

Well who wants being controlled at their own money. Only banks doing it that's why I never put my money on the banks. Bitcoin is only thing that gives you a real freedom aside from your physical wallet.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ubitcoin on July 13, 2016, 02:35:13 PM
yes for me pretty Anonymous, because Bitcoin address is not tied to the identity of the user at the protocol level. Also transaction is not bound either by the user's identity. but all transactions through Bitcoin network is completely transparent and can be tracked by anyone, without knowing who the owner of this address. so it can still be said to be anonymous.
And if you do not want to get involved in all the technical issues and want to just make sure you are anonymous then better use a wallet services like XAPO ( or exchange like BTC-E) and hence whenever you deposit (or withdraw) you will get new bitcoin address.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Pab on July 13, 2016, 03:23:23 PM
Bitcoin is internet internet is not anonynmous,instead of public blockchain banks books are anonynmous
,you cant to do hide transaction,launder money wth bitoins,that is possible to do with fiat and banks

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: PeRo on July 13, 2016, 03:29:41 PM
Yes, Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me and in my opinion it is enough anonymous for everyone. You do not give any personal information or anything. You can be tracked down (a small possibility, maybr the goverment), but it is fully anonymous in all other terms. It is is not near transparent or something like that.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Sniper44 on July 13, 2016, 03:49:39 PM
yes for me pretty Anonymous, because Bitcoin address is not tied to the identity of the user at the protocol level. Also transaction is not bound either by the user's identity. but all transactions through Bitcoin network is completely transparent and can be tracked by anyone, without knowing who the owner of this address. so it can still be said to be anonymous.
And if you do not want to get involved in all the technical issues and want to just make sure you are anonymous then better use a wallet services like XAPO ( or exchange like BTC-E) and hence whenever you deposit (or withdraw) you will get new bitcoin address.

this is not a good suggestion ever to give anyone.
there is a general rule about bitcoin that says when you don't have the control over the private keys you don't really own the coins.
and on top of that you are suggesting an exchange (btc-e) which is the worst suggestion you could give because they can run away just like cryptsy and mtgox did.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Dudeperfect on July 13, 2016, 05:14:59 PM
Yes, for me bitcoin is still anonymous. My expectations about anonymity are related with security rather than privacy. If I am getting a secure environment for transactions and even if the details (about transaction, not me) are public, it doesn't matter a lot for me as I am still in secure environment. I prefer security rather than privacy and I am aware that these are two sides of one coin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: kryptqnick on July 13, 2016, 06:31:59 PM
Most of people voted for 'yes' and I think I understand them. I don't know anything more anonymous than btc, nothing with has the anonymity in its nature

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: CasioK on July 13, 2016, 08:58:36 PM
I don't depend on the "anonymity" of Bitcoin. If I want to get that anonymity I just walk my coins through bitmixer and then everything is just fine.
And maybe that's the reason we use their signature :P . Still I also feel that I do not need the anonymity feature because neither I am dealing with illegal stuff nor I am afraid to tell others how many btc I own :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: owm123 on July 13, 2016, 09:53:00 PM
Most of people voted for 'yes' and I think I understand them. I don't know anything more anonymous than btc, nothing with has the anonymity in its nature

Bitcoin is not anonymous (, it never was. It is pseudo-anonymous. However cash is more anonymous than bitcoin. So if you want anonymity, use cash. If want pseudo-anonymit use bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: mindrust on July 13, 2016, 09:55:25 PM
Yes it is. I don't do any crimes. I don't scam people, i don't steal money, i don't launder money, i don't sell drugs. I have no problems with people who track my address. Even if they do while i do some shady shit, i would find a way to stay hidden. Thanks god i don't do things like that.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Strongkored on July 13, 2016, 10:00:31 PM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

I think that was definitely anonimous bitcoin, but that makes no anonymous is wallet or provider. For example that allow other people to access other people's transactions, it is a thing that is not anonymous to me.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: redsun114 on July 14, 2016, 01:56:41 PM
Yeah Bitcoin is anonymous enough for me because I have nothing to hide and think that this is already good enough for me.
If they want to make it even more anonymous then I am also good with that.
Actually if so then the anonymity feature of bitcoin is not really required by you. Basically the question is suppose you want to stay anonymous for a particular transaction (in some case in future) then is this anonymous enough for you ?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: lixer on July 14, 2016, 08:34:02 PM
Its anonymous enough for me. The only problem with the anonymous is when we try to convert it to our local currency. my local exchanger require me to give them my real data to be able to send the money to my bank account.
Hmm that i very true, but if you are Indian then sites like Paytm have solved this, as you can easily make paytm account and get paytm cash for bitcoin from exchanger and then get money to bank from paytm at 4% only.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: jostorres on July 15, 2016, 08:13:03 AM
bitcoin is not anonymous at all for me. it is like fiat for me but with a block chain recording all the transactions that were ever made. your identity will be revealed in some point while exchange or buying something online
Not really, if you are careful enough or you buy things with a bit more attention then you will see that you are completely secure and anonymous. What I mean to say is when you need fiat for BTC then get a cash dealer and invite him to hotel, so he just see you once and then you dont know him, and same for him.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: bravehearth0319 on July 21, 2016, 04:53:06 AM
Its really fascinating for me while reading the different assesment of the member here.
All their opinions and concerns have their own point and nobody is wrong about their answer, So for me I do agreed to a person who commented here that it doesn't matter whether it is anonymous or not. Just important is as long as the bitcoins is very helpfull to each everyone of us we must go and move forward for what we are believing at in Bitcoins. ;)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: PhilPrime on July 21, 2016, 05:06:36 AM
still no. because it detect where the bitcoins came from especially when it from gambling site. in our country it is against the law. the btc wallet that we use will be ban we caught that the btc came from gambling site. :/

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: escrowboy on July 21, 2016, 06:37:00 AM
yes for me pretty Anonymous, because Bitcoin address is not tied to the identity of the user at the protocol level. Also transaction is not bound either by the user's identity. but all transactions through Bitcoin network is completely transparent and can be tracked by anyone, without knowing who the owner of this address. so it can still be said to be anonymous.
And if you do not want to get involved in all the technical issues and want to just make sure you are anonymous then better use a wallet services like XAPO ( or exchange like BTC-E) and hence whenever you deposit (or withdraw) you will get new bitcoin address.

this is not a good suggestion ever to give anyone.
there is a general rule about bitcoin that says when you don't have the control over the private keys you don't really own the coins.
and on top of that you are suggesting an exchange (btc-e) which is the worst suggestion you could give because they can run away just like cryptsy and mtgox did.
Does it mean having account in block is also not a good suggestion? Since it is an online wallet and most of us here doesn't even know how to setup a cold storage like pioneers of bitcoin do.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: goinmerry on July 21, 2016, 06:44:49 AM
I think it is still anonymous if it is just in your own computer. Now you want to cash it out. This is where it will start to bring out some of your information but not all of your profile. So there is still a privacy in it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: ObscureBean on July 21, 2016, 07:04:03 AM
People will think i'm weird for saying this but I think Bitcoin should be linked in some way to the Government and deposited in banks, this way Bitcoin will be insured by the Government. If it were like this it would be pretty transparent, which is fine for me, most people don't need anonymity. But then again most people don't want people to know what you've bought, it's kinda creepy.

It doesn't have to be Bitcoin, they can issue their own coin if they want to but the government operating on the blockchain would definitely be a big improvement, transparency being the key upgrade. Personally I'm not fussed about anonymity and I doubt most people would want to waste their time snooping in other people's affairs.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Kotone on July 21, 2016, 07:46:47 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

Yes. Bitcoin is Anonymous for me. Because you don't know whos holding that Address. You don't know exactly where they are. You don't know if how many is his/her total Earnings. But 1 thing is for sure, you know his/her transactions. But for me, Bitcoin is still anonymous. You can also use it to transact anonymously. Some other websites use this currency to anonymously transact using bitcoin to buy illegal items.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: LightPulsar07 on July 21, 2016, 08:13:39 AM
Yes Bitcoin is anonymous for me because no one knows whose address is in that transaction secondly you can make another
address to send a payment which adds to anonymity of bitcoin lastly no more personal details can be use to make online purchases
unlike debit/credit card.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Faxmate on August 03, 2016, 09:47:05 AM
Yes Bitcoin is anonymous for me because no one knows whose address is in that transaction secondly you can make another
address to send a payment which adds to anonymity of bitcoin lastly no more personal details can be use to make online purchases
unlike debit/credit card.

For my usage, as I only use the bitcoin for legitimate transactions, the bitcoin is anonymous enough for me.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin Anonymous Enough For You?
Post by: Sorrowfox on August 03, 2016, 09:51:30 AM
Would you, if asked, personally consider Bitcoin anonymous enough for your needs? Does it lack privacy features? Would you consider Bitcoin anonymous, semi-anonymous or transparent?

Do you want an anonymous crypto currency?

Well as for me, my answer is no. It still lacks anonimity for me. Specially in creating blockchain wallet where emails are required and also the name of the one creating. It still needs to be verified. Like here in our country, the blockchain wallet we have requires us to submit i.d and have video chat with them so they can increase the limit of our transactions.