Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Junko on June 10, 2016, 07:00:20 PM

Title: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Junko on June 10, 2016, 07:00:20 PM
What is the best way to respond to someone who is anti bitcoin?

For example, you are at a party or other social gathering or on a non-bitcoin related forum online. Your friends may be there as well as other mixed company. The subject of bitcoin comes up and there is that person or persons who pipe in with the usual: bitcoin is a ponzi, scam, not real currency, fake money, used by criminals and terrorists, will never become anything, will crash and become worthless, not secure, etc, etc and on and on.

If it is obvious they are truly against bitcoin, as opposed to someone who is just skeptical and unsure about bitcoin as many are, what would be the best approach. Should you even bother trying to address and refute each of their points? Would you do so more for the sake of others present who might be interested in a pro-bitcoin viewpoint? And if so, how would you go about it without appearing like a total fanboy or becoming unhinged and losing your cool?

Anyone have any ideas or can share their experiences with this situation in real life or on other non-bitcoin related forums? Mostly responding to someone truly anti-bitcoin when other people or members of a forum may be present or listening/reading as well.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: RealBitcoin on June 10, 2016, 09:55:37 PM
Who cares about them, they are probably just trendy mindless people who cant have a rational conversation about bitcoin with them.

They dont understand economics, finance, the monetary system? Why bother to convert them when they are that stupid?

They just go with the herd and have no sense of individuality.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on June 10, 2016, 09:59:54 PM
Let them have their opinion, just like with anything else.  People are going to disagree with things and aren't guaranteed to like the things you're passionate about.  So my advice to you is you don't really need to "respond".  If they want to debate, that's another story.  But if you're wondering how to go about convincing someone bitcoin is the best currency on earth, good luck.  I still don't understand why people spend bitcoin on day-to-day things.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: unamis76 on June 10, 2016, 10:05:28 PM
I just reply them something along the lines of "good luck with fiat and your bank" and be on my way. No time for toxic, uneducated and arrogant people in our short lives.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: European Central Bank on June 10, 2016, 10:07:42 PM
Why bother giving energy to someone who already lays out a set position? I ain't got time for that and if that's what they choose to believe then let them. Everyone else'll keep on rolling and they'll eventually eat their words.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: RealBitcoin on June 10, 2016, 10:14:32 PM
I just reply them something along the lines of "good luck with fiat and your bank" and be on my way. No time for toxic, uneducated and arrogant people in our short lives.

Definitely, thats my advice too.

Stop wasting your time on uneducated, ignorant, mindless people. Our time is much more precious than to waste it on people like that.

We can make bitcoin great with our skills and ambition, and there is no room for people who cant appreciate that.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: reRaise on June 10, 2016, 10:48:18 PM
Get educated how corrupt and criminal banks are, google it and tell him that.

Then tell him bitcoin pros see here

and if they still dont listen, then tell them to go fuck themselves.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: countryfree on June 10, 2016, 10:55:59 PM
Don't reply! Why should you? Everybody is free to have its own opinions and beliefs. Don't they teach tolerance in school?

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: _Miracle on June 11, 2016, 12:17:09 AM
"How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?"

It depends on the results you are looking for.
Do you want to debate, argue, alienate, simply state your experience with bitcoin or change the mind of a non-believer?
Who your audience is matters: are they technically inclined, interested in finance/economics, investments?
How about asking them why they feel that way and listen :-)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: sobsitesearch on June 11, 2016, 12:59:18 AM
You only need is to explain what is the benefits of bicoin to you and for the future then if he/she not listening to you then stop replying to them you only waste your time.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: lalala123456 on June 11, 2016, 01:06:09 AM
I usually respond with a link to a video explaining Bitcoin to start, then go off on a rant why its so good :P

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: mayax on June 11, 2016, 01:17:43 AM
Get educated how corrupt and criminal banks are, google it and tell him that.

Then tell him bitcoin pros see here

and if they still dont listen, then tell them to go fuck themselves.

I guess you don't own a bank account anymore and you pay all your expenses via BTC. :)

To all hypocrites, stop lying. All of you have at least one bank account, most of you use Paypal and other payment processors as well and BTC is just a way to make some pocket money . Yes, it's a real business for others but this is minority.  :)

In short, there is a lot of lie on this forum. Yes, maybe there are few BTC  fanatics but those who are saying that the banks are "bad", I challenge you to tell me how you live a decent life, how you can pay your food with BTC only. Remember that all the  "seeds/round 1, round two", "VC funds/investors" and so on are real money/capital injections made via banks.  Without these and the black market, BTC shit won't exist.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Monnt on June 11, 2016, 01:22:18 AM
"Good luck with inflation."
Is all I say and need to say. It either works or doesn't. It out doesn't, they're a lost a cause.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: rio3233 on June 11, 2016, 01:36:53 AM
Just stay away and let him be, because it's hard to explain to that people if they already anti about bitcoin. Just show them your wallet bitcoin and tell them the price of each bitcoin.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: someguy123 on June 11, 2016, 01:39:44 AM
Get educated how corrupt and criminal banks are, google it and tell him that.

Then tell him bitcoin pros see here

and if they still dont listen, then tell them to go fuck themselves.

I guess you don't own a bank account anymore and you pay all your expenses via BTC. :)

To all hypocrites, stop lying. All of you have at least one bank account, most of you use Paypal and other payment processors as well and BTC is just a way to make some pocket money . Yes, it's a real business for others but this is minority.  :)

In short, there is a lot of lie on this forum. Yes, maybe there are few BTC  fanatics but those who are saying that the banks are "bad", I challenge you to tell me how you live a decent life, how you can pay your food with BTC only. Remember that all the  "seeds/round 1, round two", "VC funds/investors" and so on are real money/capital injections made via banks.  Without these and the black market, BTC shit won't exist.

There's a lot of people who will actively use cryptocurrency wherever possible. I only pay for things with my bank or PayPal when I don't get a choice, or if I severely don't trust the seller (what's that? there's a risk this company has beyond shit customer service and RMA? PayPal can force their hand and get me my money back).

I currently pay for my domains, hosting, my phone bill, games (via steam and humble bundle), and computer parts (quite a few big retailers accept bitcoin now, inc. Scan UK for computer components and AdaFruit for various electronic kits) all with Bitcoin. Key reason being that I don't have to worry about the company leaking my credit card details, or sneaking recurring payments for no good reason, and it also means that I don't have my bank, or PayPal recording all of my purchases and sales, thus giving me privacy similar to actual cash.

The key reason to use Bitcoin, is that it's the closest thing to physical cash (unless you live in NYC...) for the digital world. I can pay for most things usually without the seller requiring any personal details whatsoever. (for example, if you pay for Steam or Humble Bundle with Bitcoin, you don't have to give any address, where-as PayPal and Credit Card both give the seller your full name and address, and sometimes your phone number). This is great because it offers much more privacy, and of course helps to protect you against identity theft.

You can't force them to change their mind, but you can quite happily say "I told you so" when their bank, or something like PayPal freezes their account for some stupid reason, or they become victim to credit card fraud, which is all too common because every time you make a purchase you're practically giving the key to your bank to that website.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: robelneo on June 11, 2016, 01:54:00 AM
The best way is to let them with their ignorance no amount of explanation can change them,when internet first made a buzz there are so many unbelievers,there will be many who will oppose,like it or not just go with your interest..

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Sniper44 on June 11, 2016, 02:39:46 AM
why do you even want to waste your time, let them stay in their own ignorance.
i have encountered such people in my life they are not only limited to bitcoin and being anti bitcoin. these people are stubborn as a mule and will never listen to any reason so just leave them be and don't waste your breath.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: RhodaGila on June 11, 2016, 02:53:08 AM
If you encounter such a situation, you try to stay calm in the deal do not rush and excitement.
Explain to them what is bitcoin bitcoin clearly and how it works, how to get it and so forth. Convey also how positive responses of others also figures on this bitcoin and also benefits if you have any bitcoin.
If that does not work you do not worry, leave it alone and show them that you can do anything with bitcoin.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Yakamoto on June 11, 2016, 02:56:26 AM
To be completely honest, there is no way that you will be able to sway a lot of the most adamant anti-Bitcoin opinions, sometimes you just have to choose whether or not it matters debating or arguing with others. In most instances, in my opinion, you can explain what you want but there isn't any point arguing with them beyond that. Just accept they don't like Bitcoin and move on.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: pooya87 on June 11, 2016, 03:11:22 AM
i would mostly keep quiet in response to such people when they are fanatically are talking about some topic, these people wouldn't listen to anything anyways so why waste my time on them!

but if you really want to answer you could tell them about how bitcoin works and why it is not a ponzi (you can google this for better answer than i can give you) and also show them how much better it is than using lets say PayPal instead.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Ryananda on June 11, 2016, 03:31:21 AM
I ignored them because there must be something like bitcoin. If we tell them to explain why did not like and make them into like I think it's very difficult. There are several factors that make them not like bitcoin.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: romero121 on June 11, 2016, 03:33:15 AM
I just try to explain all about the digital currencies and among that I describe the uniqueness of bitcoin. After this no matter they adopt or not, because it benefits him if used.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: BAGOBO on June 11, 2016, 03:40:34 AM
first i will tell them onemore time about bitcoin, and if their reactions still same ,its their problem not my bussiness,

because some people to narrowminded with negative thinking around them,they will realize when the time is come

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: ebliever on June 11, 2016, 03:44:40 AM
1. Find out why they are anti-bitcoin.
2. Address the reasons they are anti-bitcoin, in an honest, candid and humble manner.
3. Provide them with reasons to be pro-bitcoin.

For example, sometimes people say something like "it's a scam/ponzi" - just ask what they mean by those terms, and how it applies to bitcoin, and keep asking, until they realize they don't know what they are talking about. Then you can hit them with positives. In my opinion, one of the best ways to do this is to show the positives of bitcoin in the same category that they used to object to it. If they say it's a ponzi, talk about the way fiat is controlled by the Federal Reserve or other central banks, is deliberately manipulated to support politicians/curry favor, or enrich the aristocracy, and so on. Get them to realize, in other words, that it is not bitcoin that is corrupt, but their fiat.

Don't expect sudden conversions. Most people need time to reflect, and space to rethink things and admit they were wrong. If they start asking honest questions, that is a _great_ sign. It's when they are "telling" you that you need to overcome their objections. And by the same token, try to avoid pontificating too much, or using overly dogmatic language that cannot be justified. Admit that bitcoin is not perfect, just an improvement over fiat with room to grow better.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: drwtsn32 on June 11, 2016, 03:45:43 AM
Don't lose your cool. That is the most important thing.
People who say that things usually are the people who don't understand it.
And the reason they don't is because they have closed eyes to it.

If I were in a situation like that. I'll just have to try to change the topic so that I could get away from a very long argument.  ;D

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: ning_chang on June 11, 2016, 03:46:29 AM
Dont talk to a man that is anti bitcoin, Dont waste you energy talking to him, he is not worthy for your time. He will soon realize that bitcoin is important

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Cybertron00 on June 11, 2016, 03:47:46 AM
Well the best way to respond to that kind of people is to just let them express their opinions and you express yours too. When he responds to your opinion then state some facts why bitcoin is not a ponzi etc etc to prove that bitcoin is better than banks. That way you can sway many others too to use bitcoin.  8)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Luqman on June 11, 2016, 04:29:23 AM
Ignore them, it just wasting your time to response them. Trust me

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: MWesterweele on June 11, 2016, 04:35:42 AM
Just ignore them.Tell them what is bitcoin is and how you can earn and how many you already earn on it.Shot tem the legitness of bitcoins.Explain to them clearly why bitcoin are considered legit investment of money online now.But if they dont listen just go on by the topics and just be cool at your state.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: RawDog on June 11, 2016, 04:37:05 AM
Don't lose your cool. That is the most important thing.

What?!  Why is that important? I just tell them to go fuck themselves. Bitcoin is better off if the stupid people stay away.  Stop encouraging stupid people to get with bitcoin.  They will be forced into it in about 10 years. Bitcoin doesn't need throngs of idiots signing up.  This helps nothing at all.

Dont talk to a man that is anti bitcoin, Dont waste you energy talking to him, he is not worthy for your time. He will soon realize that bitcoin is important
Great.  Someone who gets it.  Hey Ning - How do you say 'go fuck yourself' in Chinese?

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: dimox on June 11, 2016, 04:49:38 AM
ignore them, in fact they do not know how lucrative bitcoin  ;)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Cyaren on June 11, 2016, 05:23:54 AM
What is the best way to respond to someone who is anti bitcoin?

For example, you are at a party or other social gathering or on a non-bitcoin related forum online. Your friends may be there as well as other mixed company. The subject of bitcoin comes up and there is that person or persons who pipe in with the usual: bitcoin is a ponzi, scam, not real currency, fake money, used by criminals and terrorists, will never become anything, will crash and become worthless, not secure, etc, etc and on and on.

If it is obvious they are truly against bitcoin, as opposed to someone who is just skeptical and unsure about bitcoin as many are, what would be the best approach. Should you even bother trying to address and refute each of their points? Would you do so more for the sake of others present who might be interested in a pro-bitcoin viewpoint? And if so, how would you go about it without appearing like a total fanboy or becoming unhinged and losing your cool?

Anyone have any ideas or can share their experiences with this situation in real life or on other non-bitcoin related forums? Mostly responding to someone truly anti-bitcoin when other people or members of a forum may be present or listening/reading as well.

Yeah, definitely. There are people that seems to not understand how the bitcoin system works but still wants to have a say on these subjects. Also there are altcoin supporters that think bitcoin is trash.

I think that it's them who are losing out, not you. You still believe in bitcoins and that is good. So yeah, ignore them and carry on like a man :D

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: justspare on June 11, 2016, 05:28:47 AM
I would just punch them in the face. But seriously, I would just ignore them and then carry on with my day. People who are Anti-Bitcoin are retarded. :)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Herbert2020 on June 11, 2016, 05:30:44 AM
the best thing to do is ignoring them. although it depends on the person who is saying those things, they may be wrong because they have been told so or read an FUD article in this case it is a good idea to explain to them but they may be wrong and also arrogant that is when you should just walk away.

Dont talk to a man that is anti bitcoin, Dont waste you energy talking to him, he is not worthy for your time. He will soon realize that bitcoin is important
Great.  Someone who gets it.  Hey Ning - How do you say 'go fuck yourself' in Chinese?

去他妈的自己 (thanks to google translate ;)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Wendigo on June 11, 2016, 05:34:19 AM
If I found out that the person I am talking with is really anti-Bitcoin and I am met with a lot of resistance from them I would just stop the conversation and find another subjects to talk about. It's very hard or almost impossible to change the opinion of people who have already made up their mind anyways so if you try to reason with them there is a chance that you will both get into a quarrel and you may end up looking like a jackass to your other friends presented at the party for example so my course of action would be to just stay away and don't get into trouble  ;D

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Jet Cash on June 11, 2016, 06:13:00 AM
Just ask them if they understand the differences between cash, virtual bank deposits and credit card balances. If they don't, then point out that they aren't in a position to comment on Bitcoin.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Labumi on June 11, 2016, 06:15:03 AM
I ignored them because there must be something like bitcoin. If we tell them to explain why did not like and make them into like I think it's very difficult. There are several factors that make them not like bitcoin.

true, all those who expressed dislike towards bitcoin. Could be classified as people who don't like it will be a challenge and the new thing. aka they just follow and always follow those who already use it.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: marcuslong on June 11, 2016, 06:19:30 AM
From me if your talking to someone that anti bitcoin i will snob it but if he will continue saying that this bitcoin is scam, scheme, i will depends it that this bitcoin can help wholeworld. If all people use it to earn many will gain profit so many people can buy their wants. So many people have business in their own .

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: MFahad on June 11, 2016, 06:21:58 AM
I just try to explain all about the digital currencies and among that I describe the uniqueness of bitcoin. After this no matter they adopt or not, because it benefits him if used.

Tell them the benefits of the Bitcoins and its advantages in a polite way. No need to argue. Ask them to try making a wallet and get  a feel for it. I am sure once they will start using bitcoins, their point of view will change and they will support bitcoins.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: thend1949 on June 11, 2016, 06:22:26 AM
From me if your talking to someone that anti bitcoin i will snob it but if he will continue saying that this bitcoin is scam, scheme, i will depends it that this bitcoin can help wholeworld. If all people use it to earn many will gain profit so many people can buy their wants. So many people have business in their own .

Mine i will punch him and said that this coin can help many people and i will introduce in all of the front of the people in that party that  this bitcoin can help me to buy my needs and want. And i will show their my bitcoin wallet and how much il earn per day so that they will believe to me and they will follow bitcoin and they will use it

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: safari88 on June 11, 2016, 06:26:12 AM
From me if your talking to someone that anti bitcoin i will snob it but if he will continue saying that this bitcoin is scam, scheme, i will depends it that this bitcoin can help wholeworld. If all people use it to earn many will gain profit so many people can buy their wants. So many people have business in their own .

Mine i will punch him and said that this coin can help many people and i will introduce in all of the front of the people in that party that  this bitcoin can help me to buy my needs and want. And i will show their my bitcoin wallet and how much il earn per day so that they will believe to me and they will follow bitcoin and they will use it

I just showed the results of a lot of money in front of them. I'm sure they will be pleasantly surprised with it and said that all this was the result of bitcoin

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Pursuer on June 11, 2016, 06:38:30 AM
what your response should be only depends on the person and the reasons that they might have for saying those things.
because I see two possibilities when I see someone talking against bitcoin:

- first are those who are really against bitcoin because they are banking shills and feel threatened by bitcoin's existence. so they are doing whatever they can to ruin bitcoin's reputation. even some are not even aware that they are shills.
- second are those who are scared of bitcoin because they don't understand what bitcoin is and how it works. especially by looking at the price movement.

the first group should be ignored because they will not listen to you even if you try and they have other purposes for what they say anyway.
but you can argue with the second group and see why they are saying what they are saying and you can even change their minds if they are really mistakenly saying those things.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: sulendra12 on June 11, 2016, 06:54:25 AM
Maybe i will share my profit from collecting bitcoin.
And how to spend it , for make those people will be envy .
Or if they are still stubborn , just ignore it and just doing your daily activities and share proof everyday  ;D

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: MTBTT on June 11, 2016, 06:59:31 AM
I did not really care about them. anyone got haters. so do not be too worried if bitcoin also have haters?
let's just say they have not had a chance to see bitcoin further. so they are not interested about bitcoin

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Enotche on June 11, 2016, 07:22:12 AM
I think we need to show the positive aspects and sides Bitcoins. It is necessary to bring positive examples related to Bitcoin world banks, big investors and traders. There is no reason not to trust them.
It is also necessary to put the example of the Internet. Previously, it too hated or did not trust him, did not see a future in it, but the look on the internet right now!

I think that to start with, and then the man himself already begin to be interested.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: ObscureBean on June 11, 2016, 07:23:12 AM
Well I am of the firm belief that anything that is truly worthy never needs to be defended. It doesn't matter the amount of negativity or naysay it amasses, in the end it'll always shine through. Whenever I encounter the type of anti-Bitcoin people you describe, I simply back off. There is no sense in trying to convince them, they are entitled to their stance. I only talk about Bitcoin with people who are curious/unsure/willing to learn about it.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: hermanhs09 on June 11, 2016, 08:10:28 AM
Tell them the benefits of bitcoin, and then they'll probably say "but..." this and that. That's the first sign up an anti bitcoin person.

I think just leave them alone. Everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion, and shouldn't be forced into believing in something that they don't wish to believe in. If they don't believe in bitcoin, it's their problem, not ours.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Edwardard on June 11, 2016, 08:26:25 AM
tell them about the advantages of using bitcoin and if they still dont listen what can u do? simple way is to ignore such people.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: hasiramasenju on June 11, 2016, 08:47:55 AM
for me i would leave them because could be useless to explain benefit of bitcoin for those who anti bitcoin because they will always underestimate bitcoin users but i think we must give them proof that not all bitcoin users are bad and bitcoin also not always be use for illegal activities

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: avikz on June 11, 2016, 09:22:16 AM
Silence is the best answer to them. Feel happy that they hate bitcoin because that gives you a chance to make most out of bitcoin.

Let them hate it while you enjoy the pure profit. Hold it for few years and buy something which even they can't ignore. Make yourself successful and they will fell jealous for sure.

Buy something expensive with your bitcoin which they can't even afford with fiat. That's how they will understand the value of bitcoin.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: blackmachinegun on June 11, 2016, 09:43:08 AM
Maybe i will share my profit from collecting bitcoin.
And how to spend it , for make those people will be envy .
Or if they are still stubborn , just ignore it and just doing your daily activities and share proof everyday  ;D
actually the anti bitcoin will shut their hearts to be attracted to the bitcoin. even if you give most of your profits to him
they will not join the bitcoin. they will feel proud to it so do not waste your money on it. just ignore it

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: barbara44 on June 11, 2016, 10:53:56 AM
Yes seriously I have been passed with a similar incident many times and during that I used to say them its also used by many millionaires of the world in there business and most of them runs in it, so who are you to say that ?? and simply smile on their face :)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: xuan87 on June 11, 2016, 11:10:42 AM
Yeah i met a bunch of people who hates bitcoin, they said bitcoin is used for corruption and killing people (used by terrorist), i will explained according to my experience, how bitcoin impact in my life if in the end they dont want to listen then its their lost
I also must accept the truth that there were bunch of people using bitcoin for bad things, HYIP, PONZI, money laundry, so i basically cant blame them for hating bitcoin

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: franky1 on June 11, 2016, 11:26:20 AM
the easiest way is to just link them to retailers that accept bitcoin
then link them to government documents that are getting into bitcoins
then link them to a food delivery service in THEIR area that accepts bitcoin and ask them.. "can i buy you a pizza"

once they know they can buy things to eat with it.. they usually quieten down. and see its not actually a magic unicorn, but real currency

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Moneroman88 on June 11, 2016, 11:30:23 AM
I don't argue with people who happen to be anti Bitcoin because they have their good or bad reasons to. I have my reasons to support Bitcoin. I'm not into missionary work, I don't like that.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: talkbitcoin on June 11, 2016, 11:42:50 AM
some people should really be ignored because it doesn't matter how much you try to tell them about their mistakes they would never listen and will always continue in their own wrong ways and will try to convince others about their wrong ways too.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: mindrust on June 11, 2016, 12:07:58 PM
Don't tire yourself. Nobody becomes anti of anything if they didn't hate them.

If you meet a person like that just change the subject. You use bitcoin, you like it, you use it because it is the cheapest option, it is anonymous, it is not regulated etc etc... That person probably don't know or don't give a fck for any of them. Just leave it.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: tyz on June 11, 2016, 12:12:57 PM
I would let it be. It is always hard to convince ignorant and closed minded people about something.
All I would say is: "Let's meet us in five years again when I come to the meeting with my new Lamborghini whereas you will come with your Fiat Punto"  8) Sounds a little arrogant but this it what such people deserve.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Jeremycoin on June 11, 2016, 12:49:12 PM
Try to explain them what Bitcoin really is, and if they still don't want to understand what you're saying. Then don't even bother to tell about Bitcoin to someone that don't even like it, just leave them alone or try to change the topic of the discussion.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: X-ray on June 11, 2016, 12:53:49 PM
just ignore them,people with such thinking has been brainwashed by themselves cause they're such a denial person,explain bitcoin to them is such a waste time cause they just consider its as a bullshit even you're honest,bitcoin still alive without them tho

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: mayax on June 11, 2016, 12:57:27 PM
Get educated how corrupt and criminal banks are, google it and tell him that.

Then tell him bitcoin pros see here

and if they still dont listen, then tell them to go fuck themselves.

I guess you don't own a bank account anymore and you pay all your expenses via BTC. :)

To all hypocrites, stop lying. All of you have at least one bank account, most of you use Paypal and other payment processors as well and BTC is just a way to make some pocket money . Yes, it's a real business for others but this is minority.  :)

In short, there is a lot of lie on this forum. Yes, maybe there are few BTC  fanatics but those who are saying that the banks are "bad", I challenge you to tell me how you live a decent life, how you can pay your food with BTC only. Remember that all the  "seeds/round 1, round two", "VC funds/investors" and so on are real money/capital injections made via banks.  Without these and the black market, BTC shit won't exist.

There's a lot of people who will actively use cryptocurrency wherever possible. I only pay for things with my bank or PayPal when I don't get a choice, or if I severely don't trust the seller (what's that? there's a risk this company has beyond shit customer service and RMA? PayPal can force their hand and get me my money back).

I currently pay for my domains, hosting, my phone bill, games (via steam and humble bundle), and computer parts (quite a few big retailers accept bitcoin now, inc. Scan UK for computer components and AdaFruit for various electronic kits) all with Bitcoin. Key reason being that I don't have to worry about the company leaking my credit card details, or sneaking recurring payments for no good reason, and it also means that I don't have my bank, or PayPal recording all of my purchases and sales, thus giving me privacy similar to actual cash.

The key reason to use Bitcoin, is that it's the closest thing to physical cash (unless you live in NYC...) for the digital world. I can pay for most things usually without the seller requiring any personal details whatsoever. (for example, if you pay for Steam or Humble Bundle with Bitcoin, you don't have to give any address, where-as PayPal and Credit Card both give the seller your full name and address, and sometimes your phone number). This is great because it offers much more privacy, and of course helps to protect you against identity theft.

You can't force them to change their mind, but you can quite happily say "I told you so" when their bank, or something like PayPal freezes their account for some stupid reason, or they become victim to credit card fraud, which is all too common because every time you make a purchase you're practically giving the key to your bank to that website.

you are living in a country like USA or UK(maybe) but many, many other people are living in other countries where BTC is not accepted anywhere :).

Yes, your credit card may be stolen or you can be scammed by someone who does not ship the item but you can make chargeback. It works, believe me.
Also, what do you do when your BTC is stolen? Nothing. You just sit and "cry" and then "you" come on forums whining that a hacker took your hard/easy work :)

BTC is for a niche and nothing more. it will never become more than that.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Searing on June 11, 2016, 12:58:11 PM
Made a thread and a poll on this. Feel free to post your results/efforts and how that all went over.

Anyway in the thread below you can see how I approach this now. (Cheerleader that I was for BTC in 2013 at over 1100 usd)

Now that the price is surging. Folk are coming out of the woodwork again to try to knock it down ..alas..

anyway the thread is below (feel free to take the poll also) (

Anyway will be interesting to see the poll results and how many folk have matched my experiences on this ride for how to respond my case since 2013

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: fireball4 on June 11, 2016, 01:04:59 PM
i think you should just say them that the fiat is actually worthless and they will be broke soon

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: aso118 on June 11, 2016, 04:51:34 PM
i think you should just say them that the fiat is actually worthless and they will be broke soon

That is false and would probably make you lose the argument.
It is no different from blanket statements like "Bitcoin is only used by drug dealers"

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Hazir on June 11, 2016, 05:06:44 PM
The best way to 'defend' bitcoin in times when you have to talk to people about it is to be quite knowledgeable about BTC yourself.
If people will throw at you some stupid arguments like, for example: bitcoin is a Ponzi - you have to know how Ponzi scheme works, explain difference, between Ponzi and Bitcoin's network etc.

Usually people who are anti bitcoin, have no idea what they are talking about. They repeat headlines of stupid media coverage heard somewhere.
Any logical arguments presented with confidence and logic is usually end of discussion.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: nanonymousx on June 11, 2016, 06:10:41 PM
No need to response, people have their own choices. It is perfectly normal different people have different view of Bitcoin, including hater and skepticals. Let is be, you know.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: erikalui on June 11, 2016, 06:13:37 PM
I choose not to argue with people who are arrogant and not willing to listen or debate on a topic. If they are just being negative about bitcoins, there could be ways to deal with them and unless bitcoins aren't banned in your country, you can still tell the ones who are anti-bitcoins that the currency is yet not ILLEGAL. It may be misused just like other currencies and people exist who exploit everything that has no trace eg: bitcoins and because of them, the currency is blamed.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: mkc on June 11, 2016, 06:15:45 PM
I choose not to argue with people who are arrogant and not willing to listen or debate on a topic. If they are just being negative about bitcoins, there could be ways to deal with them and unless bitcoins aren't banned in your country, you can still tell the ones who are anti-bitcoins that the currency is yet not ILLEGAL. It may be misused just like other currencies and people exist who exploit everything that has no trace eg: bitcoins and because of them, the currency is blamed.

True, there are some folks the argue for the sake of argument, they will never change their view of the topic even they lose the debate.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: rickadone on June 11, 2016, 06:34:38 PM
i think you should just say them that the fiat is actually worthless and they will be broke soon
Worthless, huh? Well goodluck with that buddy. I don't see that you're going to win an argument with that statement because that's just very, very foolish.

The proper way to respond to someone who is anti-bitcoin is to leave them alone. Don't fall prey to their provocations and let them be jelous of you earning profits from bitcoins.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Cryptonitex on June 11, 2016, 07:06:30 PM
Who cares about them, they are probably just trendy mindless people who cant have a rational conversation about bitcoin with them.

They dont understand economics, finance, the monetary system? Why bother to convert them when they are that stupid?

They just go with the herd and have no sense of individuality.
Wow, couldn't have thought to put it any better way, but so True.

Just don't bother with them if they just don't understand money at all.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Bestwishes745 on June 11, 2016, 07:43:00 PM
we should not have to harsh to them, as it is not good manner, but we should have to show them that how much we are benefiting with bitcoin, and have to show them that how easy is it to earn and to use, and I think with that they will start to use bitcoin.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Supercrypt on June 11, 2016, 08:03:42 PM
just ignore them,people with such thinking has been brainwashed by themselves cause they're such a denial person,explain bitcoin to them is such a waste time cause they just consider its as a bullshit even you're honest,bitcoin still alive without them tho
It's not true as bitcoins are used for criminal activities and time and again, it has been proved.
There are so many users on this forum who are scammers and frauds and it's mainly the people who deal with bitcoins who turn out to be criminals.

It's not the currencies fault but it's the truth because bitcoins can be owned by just anyone. These people don't even have a bank account or any payment processor that requires an ID proof and hence people who are anti-bitcoin have their own valid reasons.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: coinzat on June 11, 2016, 08:12:09 PM
You do not have to respond. leave him saying whatever he wants. all what he says can be applied on fiat nowadays. ie you can say it is also not a real money and it is used by terrorists and criminals as well. so there is no point from these accusations

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: lister storm on June 11, 2016, 08:13:47 PM
we should not have to harsh to them, as it is not good manner, but we should have to show them that how much we are benefiting with bitcoin, and have to show them that how easy is it to earn and to use, and I think with that they will start to use bitcoin.
well not all the people are benefiting out of bitcoins as there are some traders who lose money because of trading bitcoins at incorrect time so that would be kinda lie i think

i wouldnt tell them anything in my opinion, they would see what they missed when bitcoin became a world known currency that people will use all over the world daily

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: gtglener on June 11, 2016, 08:42:33 PM
someone is against bitcoin as they do not know about bitcoin or they have their own cryptocurrency to promote, so those people who have their own crypto currency it is impossible to redirect them to there or they will have their coins for the profit in future but hidden from public, and those who do not know about it, we should have to work hard to teach them about it.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: lienfaye on June 12, 2016, 02:45:08 AM
We cannot please everyone to like bitcoin as they have their own belief. i will just ignore them, its useless to spoke with someone if they only contradicts what i want to explain.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: clickerz on June 12, 2016, 03:39:55 AM
We cannot please everyone to like bitcoin as they have their own belief. i will just ignore them, its useless to spoke with someone if they only contradicts what i want to explain.

I will not entertain them, like you that you have to ignore them. Its a waste of time and effort explaining to them but they didn't want to listen or not even an open minded person where he is open to your or my ideas.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: MicroGuy on June 12, 2016, 03:45:18 AM
What is the best way to respond to someone who is anti bitcoin?

Never met anyone that was anti bitcoin, but probably best to avoid this person. It's okay to introduce people to bitcoin, but haters gonna hate.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: hermanhs09 on June 12, 2016, 10:36:11 AM
just ignore them,people with such thinking has been brainwashed by themselves cause they're such a denial person,explain bitcoin to them is such a waste time cause they just consider its as a bullshit even you're honest,bitcoin still alive without them tho

Yeah, I doubt you'll change their minds however you try to explain bitcoin to them. Some people just want to watch the world burn. They can't be bullied, bought or reasoned with.

Bitcoin will still be functional with these haters, and without these haters. They don't matter to us.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Viyamore on June 12, 2016, 11:17:19 AM
Best thing to respond for me is explaining them how and what bitcoin helps us gaving them a best idea to earn money on bitcoins will get them interested to it.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: coin_gambler on June 12, 2016, 11:27:55 AM
Best thing to respond for me is explaining them how and what bitcoin helps us gaving them a best idea to earn money on bitcoins will get them interested to it.
yeah though i doubt that they would get interested if they are against bitcoin, i would just ignore them and thats it

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Hazir on June 12, 2016, 12:56:58 PM
The best way to 'defend' bitcoin in times when you have to talk to people about it is to be quite knowledgeable about BTC yourself.
If people will throw at you some stupid arguments like, for example: bitcoin is a Ponzi - you have to know how Ponzi scheme works, explain difference, between Ponzi and Bitcoin's network etc.

Usually people who are anti bitcoin, have no idea what they are talking about. They repeat headlines of stupid media coverage heard somewhere.
Any logical arguments presented with confidence and logic is usually end of discussion.

Untrue. Far more *totally clueless* people on this forum than, say, r/buttcoin on reddit. And not just about bitcoin, but clueless about actual money.
I am not talking about competence of people nor I am trying to say/prove that everyone from Bitcointalk is totally skilled and knows everything about Bitcoin - that is simply not true.
What I am trying to say is: when you need to convey your logic about bitcoin to convince someone you NEED to be at least more knowledgeable that him.
In every topic: economy, bitcoin legal status, bitcoin history and principles of bitcoin network.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Bitware on June 12, 2016, 03:11:27 PM
What is the best way to respond to someone who is anti bitcoin?

Laughter, then pity. Or pity, then laughter.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: RoommateAgreement on June 12, 2016, 03:14:47 PM
Best thing to respond for me is explaining them how and what bitcoin helps us gaving them a best idea to earn money on bitcoins will get them interested to it.
yeah though i doubt that they would get interested if they are against bitcoin, i would just ignore them and thats it

that is true although it depends on why they are against bitcoin.
becasue sometimes someone is against bitcoin because he might be scammed or have a bad experience or even have read some FUD about it. so if you have the knowledge you should help him understand his wrong ways.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Denker on June 12, 2016, 03:15:11 PM
I don't do anything than showing some charts!
For instance although the price has crashed in 2014 and had been stagnant in the low 200s for a long time in 2015 the number of transactions went up constantly!!
And now I just show the price movement since end of last year.
That's all you need to do! ;)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: BellaBitBit on June 12, 2016, 03:23:23 PM
If you tell someone about Bitcoin and they are against it then it is best not to argue and let them believe what they want to believe as they will probably see later that they were wrong.  I do not get into Bitcoin discussion these days except with people in the tech industry that can understand.  You will wear yourself out trying to convince naysayers so it is a waste of time.  If someone is on the fence about Bitcoin I encourage them to start reading and researching.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: upsidedown75 on June 12, 2016, 04:47:21 PM
The best way to 'defend' bitcoin in times when you have to talk to people about it is to be quite knowledgeable about BTC yourself.
If people will throw at you some stupid arguments like, for example: bitcoin is a Ponzi - you have to know how Ponzi scheme works, explain difference, between Ponzi and Bitcoin's network etc.

Usually people who are anti bitcoin, have no idea what they are talking about. They repeat headlines of stupid media coverage heard somewhere.
Any logical arguments presented with confidence and logic is usually end of discussion.
You have mentioned it all. The best way is to explain them by giving them a brief of the claims they make.

Even gold is smuggled but still people never blame the metal and same goes with bitcoins. When we buy gold, there is no ID proof required and hence it's as good as gold if we compare the two. Media just wants to destroy the name of bitcoins.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: el kaka22 on June 13, 2016, 06:35:37 PM
Firstly, I would like to say that we need to respect their opinions.

Not all of them are wrong but they should be told that they can not judge a person just because he/she is using this currency. There are those who just use bitcoins to scam while those who are genuinely USING this currency for their
business or other legal activities.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: ImHacked on June 13, 2016, 08:32:45 PM
That is just easy.Just defend your thoughts about bitcoin and just support what you believe.Then if they dont want to belive you then it is their failure not yours

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: useless4 on June 13, 2016, 08:41:42 PM
That is just easy.Just defend your thoughts about bitcoin and just support what you believe.Then if they dont want to belive you then it is their failure not yours
i think you are right, but theres no need to make them believe in bitcoins because everyone can believe what they want

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: groll on June 14, 2016, 01:23:17 AM
The best way to respond to anti-bitcoin is to show your bank withdrawals. When i started gathering bitcoins at faucet my family is negative about it, they said that I am wasting my time. But right now when I showed them my withdrawals from bitcoin amounting to thousands of pesos they envied me.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Hirose UK on June 14, 2016, 03:04:31 AM
What is the best way to respond to someone who is anti bitcoin?

For example, you are at a party or other social gathering or on a non-bitcoin related forum online. Your friends may be there as well as other mixed company. The subject of bitcoin comes up and there is that person or persons who pipe in with the usual: bitcoin is a ponzi, scam, not real currency, fake money, used by criminals and terrorists, will never become anything, will crash and become worthless, not secure, etc, etc and on and on.

If it is obvious they are truly against bitcoin, as opposed to someone who is just skeptical and unsure about bitcoin as many are, what would be the best approach. Should you even bother trying to address and refute each of their points? Would you do so more for the sake of others present who might be interested in a pro-bitcoin viewpoint? And if so, how would you go about it without appearing like a total fanboy or becoming unhinged and losing your cool?

Anyone have any ideas or can share their experiences with this situation in real life or on other non-bitcoin related forums? Mostly responding to someone truly anti-bitcoin when other people or members of a forum may be present or listening/reading as well.

I actually never experienced this kind of thing. probably it's good not to respond what they say because they don't understand. just prove them that you can buy things with bitcoin.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Ryananda on June 14, 2016, 05:16:15 AM
What is the best way to respond to someone who is anti bitcoin?

For example, you are at a party or other social gathering or on a non-bitcoin related forum online. Your friends may be there as well as other mixed company. The subject of bitcoin comes up and there is that person or persons who pipe in with the usual: bitcoin is a ponzi, scam, not real currency, fake money, used by criminals and terrorists, will never become anything, will crash and become worthless, not secure, etc, etc and on and on.

If it is obvious they are truly against bitcoin, as opposed to someone who is just skeptical and unsure about bitcoin as many are, what would be the best approach. Should you even bother trying to address and refute each of their points? Would you do so more for the sake of others present who might be interested in a pro-bitcoin viewpoint? And if so, how would you go about it without appearing like a total fanboy or becoming unhinged and losing your cool?

Anyone have any ideas or can share their experiences with this situation in real life or on other non-bitcoin related forums? Mostly responding to someone truly anti-bitcoin when other people or members of a forum may be present or listening/reading as well.

I actually never experienced this kind of thing. probably it's good not to respond what they say because they don't understand. just prove them that you can buy things with bitcoin.
Absolutely I also have never encountered anything like it. Should we leave it alone and ignore this. Because maybe if we respond he will feel happy and continue to do the act.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Enotche on June 14, 2016, 05:18:53 AM
I thought, and maybe not at all costs to respond to those who is opposed to Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is growing successfully, fixed and included in the trust. And after a while, those who were against Bitcoin realize their mistake.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Doms on June 14, 2016, 05:34:26 AM
I think most of the people who bad mouth bitcoin are those who previously had bad experiences with bitcoin. Those who bought at $1000 when the price went back to $200. Those who were scammed and wanted to get big profits instantly. Those people who would rather blabber and say negative things are the ones who are the least knowledgeable about bitcoin. Bitter is the best word to describe those persons.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: serjent05 on June 14, 2016, 05:57:11 AM
I think most of the people who bad mouth bitcoin are those who previously had bad experiences with bitcoin. Those who bought at $1000 when the price went back to $200. Those who were scammed and wanted to get big profits instantly. Those people who would rather blabber and say negative things are the ones who are the least knowledgeable about bitcoin. Bitter is the best word to describe those persons.

I agree and moreover, those who just want to show how smart they are about stuff they really don't know.  This reminds me of my boss which asked me about bitcoin and after some explanation, scream that Bitcoin is a scam LOL, well, that it was made to fool people on making them believe into something that doesnt exist or untangible. This show how self-centered, retards people jump into conclusion without even knowing how to send BTC to other wallet claims that they know all about Bitcoin stuffs. But, well it will be a waste of time to explain everything when they have already jump into conclusion about something.  In this kind of situation all we can do is just respect what is the person's opinion and little by little show to him that what he believe about BTC is wrong.  Let time convince them how wrong their negative perception about bitcoin is.  FYI, you'll be safer this way  ;)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: gogodr on June 14, 2016, 05:58:08 AM
Tell'em like this. Bitcoin is taking over the world and you can either get with it or get out of the way but either way bitcoin is here to stay.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: SilverPunk on June 14, 2016, 06:13:09 AM
Tell'em like this. Bitcoin is taking over the world and you can either get with it or get out of the way but either way bitcoin is here to stay.
Hehe,they would realize it when it is became already popular in the world .i know some case they are investigating or watching how is bitcoin before they will ask how to do or to eacrn with bitcoins.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: gogodr on June 14, 2016, 06:14:01 AM
Tell'em like this. Bitcoin is taking over the world and you can either get with it or get out of the way but either way bitcoin is here to stay.
Hehe,they would realize it when it is became already popular in the world .i know some case they are investigating or watching how is bitcoin before they will ask how to do or to eacrn with bitcoins.

yes yes. because they are ashamed from not listening to you in the first place and buying when it was cheap for 2 years while you tell them all about it.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: Cyaren on June 14, 2016, 06:55:43 AM
Tell'em like this. Bitcoin is taking over the world and you can either get with it or get out of the way but either way bitcoin is here to stay.

Yeah, if you can't beat them, join them. But some people are extremely stubborn and just don't listen to genuine people that are willing to giving them some good advice that can be had.

I think just leave them alone, they'll suffer the losses, not us.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: CasioK on June 15, 2016, 12:22:45 PM
Firstly, I would like to say that we need to respect their opinions.

Not all of them are wrong but they should be told that they can not judge a person just because he/she is using this currency. There are those who just use bitcoins to scam while those who are genuinely USING this currency for their
business or other legal activities.
Like you said bitcoin ecosystem also has two possible sides. There are ponzis using this currency but there are also genuine trading websites using it. We can not ignore based on one side alone.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: greBit on June 15, 2016, 12:26:23 PM
Firstly, I would like to say that we need to respect their opinions.

Not all of them are wrong but they should be told that they can not judge a person just because he/she is using this currency. There are those who just use bitcoins to scam while those who are genuinely USING this currency for their
business or other legal activities.
Like you said bitcoin ecosystem also has two possible sides. There are ponzis using this currency but there are also genuine trading websites using it. We can not ignore based on one side alone.

Yeah every coin has two sides, one is good other is bad, you need be really smart before making any investments into it or else you will regret for sure.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: zodin on June 15, 2016, 02:19:35 PM
be positive. just listen to him. dont quarrel with him, just give him reasons and suggestion to study about bitcion. i think he will accet your thoughts/

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: dearbesz on June 15, 2016, 02:45:27 PM
those people telling  againts bitcoins is just nothing, instead of arguing with them just let them
be and say what they like to say,..... ;)

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: co5hike on June 16, 2016, 04:18:00 PM
those people telling  againts bitcoins is just nothing, instead of arguing with them just let them
be and say what they like to say,..... ;)

Exactly and why should we waste our time in listening to them, its better to invest that time in earning bitcoin and secure our future.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: helloeverybody on June 16, 2016, 04:22:06 PM
I was going to say it but it looks like its already been said, if someone is anti bitcoin then leave them to it and let them be left behind, In years to come they will realise the mistake that they've made and be wishing they had listened to you in the first place.

Title: Re: ? How To Respond To Someone Who Is Anti Bitcoin ?
Post by: tygeade on June 16, 2016, 08:58:58 PM
I was going to say it but it looks like its already been said, if someone is anti bitcoin then leave them to it and let them be left behind, In years to come they will realise the mistake that they've made and be wishing they had listened to you in the first place.

Yeah and may be they will be laughing at us at this stage then let them do whatever they want but they will surely regret in future and we will be having last laugh.