Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Jacques21 on June 18, 2016, 08:48:24 AM

Title: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Jacques21 on June 18, 2016, 08:48:24 AM
Just want to see what people's opinion is on  the matter.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: sadasa on June 18, 2016, 09:10:24 AM
Ethereum is still in the very early development stage. When bitcoin was in the similar status, it had several forks.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: jiefes on June 18, 2016, 09:22:49 AM
I read some posts like "code = law." Involuntarily I thought about "I, Robot" by Isaac Asimov and the reply: "Save the Child". We are now faced with the choice to follow the logic of the machine or behaving like men.  ???

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: ashkanb on June 18, 2016, 09:29:58 AM
i was reading this (

and there was this:
[4:15:37 AM] Mathias: Guys, I understand the stress you are all in at the moment.
But please keep the big picture in mind :
What we are facing is a crappy smart contract, and careless investors. This is their risk of investing without proper due diligence.
Don't risk the reputation of Ethereum as an independent, decentralized platform because of it by taking hasty measures like hard forks or roll  backs .
Doing so will create a highly dangerous precedent, giving political authorities an entry whenever required in the future!

and this:
[5:01:14 AM] Philip G. Potter: even a serious discussion about a rollback by eth overlords IS EVIL

Highly agreed!
DO NOT F%*K WITH ETH because dao failed!
i never gave two crap about dao; bought 400 in ico for giggles!
so happened i got bored & sold them day before yesterday!

from the moment i stepped into cryptos everywhere i looked it was written in giant red neon blinking letters.
"Caution: high risk investment; do not risk what you can't afford to lose!"

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: jiefes on June 18, 2016, 09:43:24 AM
i was reading this (

and there was this:
[4:15:37 AM] Mathias: Guys, I understand the stress you are all in at the moment.
But please keep the big picture in mind :
What we are facing is a crappy smart contract, and careless investors. This is their risk of investing without proper due diligence.
Don't risk the reputation of Ethereum as an independent, decentralized platform because of it by taking hasty measures like hard forks or roll  backs .
Doing so will create a highly dangerous precedent, giving political authorities an entry whenever required in the future!

and this:
[5:01:14 AM] Philip G. Potter: even a serious discussion about a rollback by eth overlords IS EVIL

Highly agreed!
DO NOT F%*K WITH ETH because dao failed!
i never gave two crap about dao; bought 400 in ico for giggles!
so happened i got bored & sold them day before yesterday!

from the moment i stepped into cryptos everywhere i looked it was written in giant red neon blinking letters.
"Caution: high risk investment; do not risk what you can't afford to lose!"

Do you believe crypto coins can survive without regulation? Regulation will have, whether we want it or not. But much better is this regulation to be implemented by the community, based on clear criteria and not by politicians. DAO opens the door to that and maybe that is the reason to be attacked.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: MisO69 on June 18, 2016, 10:06:12 AM
The only way for ETH now is down. Investors will not trust Eth smart contracts anymore. Without that it has nothing going for it.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: AlgoSwan on June 18, 2016, 10:08:22 AM
In all the madness surrounding TheDAO attack remember that the ethereumproject is bigger than one single smart contract running on it.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: cryptohunter on June 18, 2016, 10:11:05 AM
Yes do it.

Fuck all cheaters.. Take their funds away. All coins should have a voting system for this. Huge hacks and scams damage us all. Why let someone take 8million Eth for nothing and dilute our coins we mined and paid for. I see no issue at all with taking this persons coins away from him.

Would say the same if it was btc or ltc. Huge scams involving millions of coins can destroy the entire currency. If everyone votes and wants this cheater to have his coins frozen then good.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: killerjoegreece on June 18, 2016, 10:11:27 AM
Just want to see what people's opinion is on  the matter.

hard forks are always bad

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: ashkanb on June 18, 2016, 10:25:55 AM
Do you believe crypto coins can survive without regulation? Regulation will have, whether we want it or not. But much better is this regulation to be implemented by the community, based on clear criteria and not by politicians. DAO opens the door to that and maybe that is the reason to be attacked.

first of all, if i personally wanted regulation i'd've kept my fiat!!!
governments do more than enough regulation for my taste!!!
no need to have eth overlords reserve themselves the right to messing up a completely different entity because dao failed!
it was just one broken smart contract; the underlying system works!

secondly, dao was all about boasting self-goverence!
it couldn't deliver, it failed so what? move on, improve or whatever...
that does not justify a ethereum hard fork!
if a bank was robbed & money was stolen one does not go fucking with the currency!
you go try recovering the funds/compensating affected parties/improving your bank(system)

lastly, DO NOT F%&K WITH ETH!!! it's doin' just fine!

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: TheKoziTwo on June 18, 2016, 10:31:33 AM

The Colossus of Dao is empowered during the annual congress of Ether. The Ether knights lend him their magical forces. Holding so much energy, the Colossus is able to withstand all threats.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: btc_zero_sum on June 18, 2016, 10:37:37 AM

The Colossus of Dao is empowered during the annual congress of Ether. The Ether knights lend him their magical forces. Holding so much energy, the Colossus is able to withstand all threats.

the creators of DAO and the guy up here seems like have forgotten all principles of decentralization just because they are heavily invested
same as eth developers, as we can read in the chat, money > ethics as usual

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: sadasa on June 20, 2016, 03:24:20 PM

The Colossus of Dao is empowered during the annual congress of Ether. The Ether knights lend him their magical forces. Holding so much energy, the Colossus is able to withstand all threats.

the creators of DAO and the guy up here seems like have forgotten all principles of decentralization just because they are heavily invested
same as eth developers, as we can read in the chat, money > ethics as usual

If your money is involved, you will also ask for a fork to save 30% of the loss. Fortunately, we have the miners to decide.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: TheKoziTwo on June 20, 2016, 03:27:19 PM

The Colossus of Dao is empowered during the annual congress of Ether. The Ether knights lend him their magical forces. Holding so much energy, the Colossus is able to withstand all threats.

the creators of DAO and the guy up here seems like have forgotten all principles of decentralization just because they are heavily invested
same as eth developers, as we can read in the chat, money > ethics as usual

If your money is involved, you will also ask for a fork to save 30% of the loss. Fortunately, we have the miners to decide.
Wrong. I lost more than 1000 BTC on mtgox. Never did I ask for a fork.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: sadasa on June 21, 2016, 03:56:32 PM
For those who don't seem to get it, let me put it ELI5

Libertarian Bitcoiners are not the majority who love giving up freedom for centralized security, therefore, hard forks only make the DAO grow stronger!

Ethereum/DAO is the anthesis of bitcoin because in bitcoin, there are ransom cases.  Has there ever been a ransom threatened with ETH?

Bitcoin is for criminals and Ethereum is for Superheroes!

Case dismissed!

The DAO grows stronger while we speak!

The DAO grows stronger while you SLEEP!

True Meme!

May the FORK be with you!!!

Vitalik and Taul will get their money back, in fact, they shorted it, made money, bought it back after the crash, and are pumping it as "the good guy" because they can stop the criminals that use bitcoin!!!

The hacker just explore a known flaw in the DAO. He did not contribute to the general safety of the Ehteruem.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: BellaBitBit on June 21, 2016, 05:52:09 PM
Ethereum is still in the very early development stage. When bitcoin was in the similar status, it had several forks.

I go back and forth with using the fact that bitcoin forked several times but ETH is different and this is a direct attack prompting a possible fork which I do not think bitcoin had (correct me if I am wrong).  If it forks I am against a hard fork.  Hard forking in reaction to this attacker goes against decentralization.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: AgentofCoin on June 21, 2016, 06:30:54 PM
All the people who support a ETH fork are the biggest ETH/DAO bagholders.
As soon as the fork is finalized and their funds "returned" they will dump all their coins.

They are a plague upon the altcoin scene. They don't care about ETH/DAO, they invested to pump/dump it.
There is no way those ETH Whales are going to stay in the game, they want their money back and want out.

The ETH Bailout soon to come with bring ETH's destruction, not make it stronger.
The people who want the rollback are not true ETH believers, but it's destroyers.
The current ETH price and DAO price are being stabilized by gamblers and whales.

Beware what you wish for ETH miners/users.

Everyone else, grab your popcorn and watch the false prophet get dragged through the streets.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: SiNeReiNZzz on June 21, 2016, 06:56:07 PM
Just want to see what people's opinion is on  the matter.

Definitly YES! The "Hacker" has the Money not rightful deserved, i think...

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: iamnotback on June 21, 2016, 06:59:07 PM
No forks ever!

Charles, I don't think you sufficiently emphasized Bruce Fenton's points ( You provided a link that seems lost in a sea of the mix of historical storytelling with a smidgen of your self-aggrandizing verbiage, so I doubt most readers even read what Bruce wrote.

Crypto is Not Politics

I keep reading arguments about how The Will of The People ( should decide. And how this is the only fair and equitable way. And I am here to say this is 100% retarded bullshit and any one who repeats it ( (and nonchalantly dismisses this! (, is retarded.

What distinguishes the intention of Satoshi's block chain invention from the world we had before it, is that it eliminates politics. The technical reason is because due to the Nash equilibrium, then no one (not even mining nodes) have any fucking control.

If we destroy the Nash equilibrium with a 51% attack (aka fork) by not honoring the decentralized protocol, then we fall into a no-man's land of ambiguous interpretation and the brutality of the majority (

It is as simple as that. Either we choose to honor the code and protocol, or we go back to the depressing clusterfucked world we have before Satoshi.

Now the other problem is that BitCON is also becoming centralized because of economies-of-scale in mining. We haven't yet perfected Satoshi's invention. But that should not deter us from our ideals.

If you support forks, you violate everything Satoshi tried to do for the world.

No forks! No Blockstream forks either! Offer proof-of-burn if you want to propose new features on a new block chain, so that people are autonomous with their money.

And any arguments about empathy and intent in contract law are up against moral hazard which leads to the aforementioned clusterfuck of brutality. Don't reward retarded speculators for not doing due diligence and their derelict incapable developer idols, because they carry the mental affliction of those who want the clusterfucked world that existed prior to Satoshi's invention.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: EastSound on June 21, 2016, 07:11:12 PM
No forks ever!

In this world, word is very weak. You need to have some physical powers to be influential. In this case, you need to have mining power.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: iamnotback on June 21, 2016, 07:17:19 PM
No forks ever!

In this world, word is very weak. You need to have some physical powers to be influential. In this case, you need to have mining power.

Satoshi's design is flawed because it permits miners to vote (within the realm of profitability). I am working on a fix to that. I explained more (

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: EastSound on June 22, 2016, 08:41:16 PM
No forks ever!

In this world, word is very weak. You need to have some physical powers to be influential. In this case, you need to have mining power.

Satoshi's design is flawed because it permits miners to vote (within the realm of profitability). I am working on a fix to that. I explained more (

Are you going to make a coin or just propose a solution? Do you think it will be implented in a existing coin?

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: RealityTruth on June 22, 2016, 08:51:57 PM
Vitalik should roll back the whole blockchain. That's the only way ether can be saved.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Minecache on June 22, 2016, 09:05:11 PM
All the people who support a ETH fork are the biggest ETH/DAO bagholders.
As soon as the fork is finalized and their funds "returned" they will dump all their coins.

They are a plague upon the altcoin scene. They don't care about ETH/DAO, they invested to pump/dump it.
There is no way those ETH Whales are going to stay in the game, they want their money back and want out.

The ETH Bailout soon to come with bring ETH's destruction, not make it stronger.
The people who want the rollback are not true ETH believers, but it's destroyers.
The current ETH price and DAO price are being stabilized by gamblers and whales.

Beware what you wish for ETH miners/users.

Everyone else, grab your popcorn and watch the false prophet get dragged through the streets.
Read an article today that said at the time of the MtGox BTC heist had the attackers been known or the address the millions in Bitcoin disappeared to a fork would have been considered. Apparently over 6 propel committed suicide over MtGox. Now imagine the blood on your BTC Spoetniktard goon shill hands if the ETH community doesn't do what it votes for.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: AgentofCoin on June 23, 2016, 03:19:17 AM
All the people who support a ETH fork are the biggest ETH/DAO bagholders.
As soon as the fork is finalized and their funds "returned" they will dump all their coins.

They are a plague upon the altcoin scene. They don't care about ETH/DAO, they invested to pump/dump it.
There is no way those ETH Whales are going to stay in the game, they want their money back and want out.

The ETH Bailout soon to come with bring ETH's destruction, not make it stronger.
The people who want the rollback are not true ETH believers, but it's destroyers.
The current ETH price and DAO price are being stabilized by gamblers and whales.

Beware what you wish for ETH miners/users.

Everyone else, grab your popcorn and watch the false prophet get dragged through the streets.
Read an article today that said at the time of the MtGox BTC heist had the attackers been known or the address the millions in Bitcoin disappeared to a fork would have been considered. Apparently over 6 propel committed suicide over MtGox. Now imagine the blood on your BTC Spoetniktard goon shill hands if the ETH community doesn't do what it votes for.

I was there when Mt.Gox "went down" due to the so called "malleability issue" and
at no time did any Dev ever reasonably consider forking Bitcoin to return those coins.
That statement is absolute garbage and a revisionist history designed to justify what
the ETH miners and community are about to undertake.  

You and your fellow voters will soon see what a mistake it was to rollback or fork.
No important lesson will be learned here. Instead ETH will perish from a self inflected wound.

The ETH rich will vote to slaughter the ETH poor and the blood will be on your hands.
Majority vote is to get their money back, so they can dump and get out.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Spoetnik on June 23, 2016, 03:52:23 AM

Just shut it down NOW !

Mt. Gox fat ass had said publicly that he got hacked..
Later he had his lawyer announce publicly that he found 200000 BTC in his couch on a USB drive.

The Maleability bullshit was a poor excuse..

Just like when Cryptsy cried they were hacked via that IRC exploit + Luckycoin wallet.

AKA: weak cover stories for Owner theft.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: tokeweed on June 23, 2016, 04:14:03 AM
Just want to see what people's opinion is on  the matter.

If Ethereum does decide to do a soft fork, then a hard fork to return all investor funds.  Then they might as well do this for exactly that purpose and close the platform down right after.

Imo, it's better to start from scratch with a better platform minus the security issues, the stigma and the bad rep.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Minecache on June 23, 2016, 04:15:42 AM
All the people who support a ETH fork are the biggest ETH/DAO bagholders.
As soon as the fork is finalized and their funds "returned" they will dump all their coins.

They are a plague upon the altcoin scene. They don't care about ETH/DAO, they invested to pump/dump it.
There is no way those ETH Whales are going to stay in the game, they want their money back and want out.

The ETH Bailout soon to come with bring ETH's destruction, not make it stronger.
The people who want the rollback are not true ETH believers, but it's destroyers.
The current ETH price and DAO price are being stabilized by gamblers and whales.

Beware what you wish for ETH miners/users.

Everyone else, grab your popcorn and watch the false prophet get dragged through the streets.
Read an article today that said at the time of the MtGox BTC heist had the attackers been known or the address the millions in Bitcoin disappeared to a fork would have been considered. Apparently over 6 propel committed suicide over MtGox. Now imagine the blood on your BTC Spoetniktard goon shill hands if the ETH community doesn't do what it votes for.

I was there when Mt.Gox "went down" due to the so called "malleability issue" and
at no time did any Dev ever reasonably consider forking Bitcoin to return those coins.
That statement is absolute garbage and a revisionist history designed to justify what
the ETH miners and community are about to undertake.  

You and your fellow voters will soon see what a mistake it was to rollback or fork.
No important lesson will be learned here. Instead ETH will perish from a self inflected wound.

The ETH rich will vote to slaughter the ETH poor and the blood will be on your hands.
Majority vote is to get their money back, so they can dump and get out.
It wasn't considered because it wasn't possible as the BTC vanished.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: bones261 on June 23, 2016, 04:41:23 AM
Oh darn. I was hoping Ethereum was going to forego the forks and let the DAO wars begin. I was looking forward to this magical ICO token moon machine go out in a blaze of glory. It could have got really interesting. The white hats and black hats could have bloated the blockchain with millions of splitDAO calls, transferring ETH all over the place. This would have been the pissing contest to end all pissing contests. Guess I'll save the popcorn for the next Game of Thrones episode.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Spoetnik on June 23, 2016, 04:57:31 AM
All the people who support a ETH fork are the biggest ETH/DAO bagholders.
As soon as the fork is finalized and their funds "returned" they will dump all their coins.

They are a plague upon the altcoin scene. They don't care about ETH/DAO, they invested to pump/dump it.
There is no way those ETH Whales are going to stay in the game, they want their money back and want out.

The ETH Bailout soon to come with bring ETH's destruction, not make it stronger.
The people who want the rollback are not true ETH believers, but it's destroyers.
The current ETH price and DAO price are being stabilized by gamblers and whales.

Beware what you wish for ETH miners/users.

Everyone else, grab your popcorn and watch the false prophet get dragged through the streets.

Damn fucking right !

Which means this is all rather predictable as usual.


Just want to see what people's opinion is on  the matter.

If Ethereum does decide to do a soft fork, then a hard fork to return all investor funds.  Then they might as well do this for exactly that purpose and close the platform down right after.

Imo, it's better to start from scratch with a better platform minus the security issues, the stigma and the bad rep.


And next time launch it fairly with out the scammy ICO bullshit they pulled.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: bitcoinbox on June 23, 2016, 05:08:48 AM
it would be very interesting to list all the consequences (technical, financial, social and even philosophical) of a fork.
I'm not tech savvy but if someone can do it?

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: sadasa on June 23, 2016, 07:51:44 AM
Just want to see what people's opinion is on  the matter.

If Ethereum does decide to do a soft fork, then a hard fork to return all investor funds.  Then they might as well do this for exactly that purpose and close the platform down right after.

Imo, it's better to start from scratch with a better platform minus the security issues, the stigma and the bad rep.

The soft fork is almost certain. I am not sure about the hard fork. There is no voting about hard fork at the moment.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: spartacusrex on June 23, 2016, 09:56:36 AM
There is NO WAY they will not do the hard-fork, if they do the soft-fork.

The soft fork simply stops the attacker getting the funds..

The hard fork gets ALL the ETH back.

the first without the second is pure spite.



this whole thing is so disappointing..

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Minecache on June 23, 2016, 10:00:22 AM
There is NO WAY they will not do the hard-fork, if they do the soft-fork.

The soft fork simply stops the attacker getting the funds..

The hard fork gets ALL the ETH back.

the first without the second is pure spite.



this whole thing is so disappointing..
Yeah it's not pure spite attempting the heist in the first place. Maybe the attacker could be made a saint just to please all you BTC Spoetniktard goon shills.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: spartacusrex on June 23, 2016, 10:11:56 AM
Yeah it's not pure spite attempting the heist in the first place. Maybe the attacker could be made a saint just to please all you BTC Spoetniktard goon shills.

you may be one of the most disappointing elements of all this.

Just facile, short-sighted, narcissistic shit oozing from your every orifice. Grim.


I hold ETH. I love-d ETH. This is NOT cool.

It's ANTI-cool.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Minecache on June 23, 2016, 10:59:26 AM
Yeah it's not pure spite attempting the heist in the first place. Maybe the attacker could be made a saint just to please all you BTC Spoetniktard goon shills.

you may be one of the most disappointing elements of all this.

Just facile, short-sighted, narcissistic shit oozing from your every orifice. Grim.


I hold ETH. I love-d ETH. This is NOT cool.

It's ANTI-cool.
Yeah and what makes you and your opinion sacrosanct? I'll roll with the democratic majority and take the winnings or losses on the chin.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: spartacusrex on June 23, 2016, 11:04:12 AM
..democratic majority..

Is that what 'Do whatever Vitalik says we should do' is now ?

..and take the winnings or losses on the chin.

That's EXACTLY what you're not doing.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Minecache on June 23, 2016, 11:10:51 AM
..democratic majority..

Is that what 'Do whatever Vitalik says we should do' is now ?

..and take the winnings or losses on the chin.

That's EXACTLY what you're not doing.

I notice you didn't answer my question. Just strawman misdirection FUD from you. If you can't debate then don't expect others to debate with you. Goodbye.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: HCLivess on June 23, 2016, 11:15:18 AM
All the people who support a ETH fork are the biggest ETH/DAO bagholders.
As soon as the fork is finalized and their funds "returned" they will dump all their coins.

They are a plague upon the altcoin scene. They don't care about ETH/DAO, they invested to pump/dump it.
There is no way those ETH Whales are going to stay in the game, they want their money back and want out.

The ETH Bailout soon to come with bring ETH's destruction, not make it stronger.
The people who want the rollback are not true ETH believers, but it's destroyers.
The current ETH price and DAO price are being stabilized by gamblers and whales.

Beware what you wish for ETH miners/users.

Everyone else, grab your popcorn and watch the false prophet get dragged through the streets.

Damn fucking right !

Which means this is all rather predictable as usual.


Just want to see what people's opinion is on  the matter.

If Ethereum does decide to do a soft fork, then a hard fork to return all investor funds.  Then they might as well do this for exactly that purpose and close the platform down right after.

Imo, it's better to start from scratch with a better platform minus the security issues, the stigma and the bad rep.


And next time launch it fairly with out the scammy ICO bullshit they pulled.

I will buy some... @0.00000010
This is just a wake up call, just like the BTC price after 2013

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: spartacusrex on June 23, 2016, 11:25:42 AM


What makes my opinion sacrosanct ? It isn't.

But maybe the promise of an "Unstoppable", Immutable, Trust-Less, Contract Code execution platform does not mean what I thought it meant.

Seems pretty "stoppable" to me now. And mutable. And we have to trust Vitalik doesn't disagree with us (or he'll 'fork' us).

And.. oh forget it. If you don't get it, you don't get it.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Inasin on June 23, 2016, 12:07:18 PM
If the fork can take the money back from the hacker (thief), I shall support that and will support with my mining power.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Spoetnik on June 23, 2016, 03:39:13 PM
If the fork can take the money back from the hacker (thief), I shall support that and will support with my mining power.

Ok well answer me this then..
What if supporting the attacker NOW is far more profitable for you and the other miners ?
Are we still pretending to be "supporters" or are we coming clean with the profiteer agenda ?
Yes.. rhetorical.
I already know the damn answer  8)

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Minecache on June 23, 2016, 03:58:58 PM
If the fork can take the money back from the hacker (thief), I shall support that and will support with my mining power.

Ok well answer me this then..
What if supporting the attacker NOW is far more profitable for you and the other miners ?
Are we still pretending to be "supporters" or are we coming clean with the profiteer agenda ?
Yes.. rhetorical.
I already know the damn answer  8)
He doesn't have to answer anything to you BTC Spoetniktard goon shill.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Vivlore on June 23, 2016, 04:33:10 PM
If the fork can take the money back from the hacker (thief), I shall support that and will support with my mining power.

Ok well answer me this then..
What if supporting the attacker NOW is far more profitable for you and the other miners ?
Are we still pretending to be "supporters" or are we coming clean with the profiteer agenda ?
Yes.. rhetorical.
I already know the damn answer  8)

If you support the attacker, people will lose confidence in Ethereum and it is a dead coin. There is no long term mining profit.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: jmpFCE2 on June 23, 2016, 04:38:25 PM
it is forked and it will be forked harder , you ignorant troll

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: EastSound on June 30, 2016, 01:21:09 PM
it is forked and it will be forked harder , you ignorant troll

The soft fork was supposed to implemented. But there is a bug. So it will be delayed while a solution is to be found.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: sadasa on July 04, 2016, 11:53:00 AM
it is forked and it will be forked harder , you ignorant troll

The soft fork was supposed to implemented. But there is a bug. So it will be delayed while a solution is to be found.

Today is July 4 th, I checked the website, there is no new update.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: EastSound on July 04, 2016, 01:15:50 PM
it is forked and it will be forked harder , you ignorant troll

The soft fork was supposed to implemented. But there is a bug. So it will be delayed while a solution is to be found.

Today is July 4 th, I checked the website, there is no new update.

I heard that the problem with the soft fork attack vector is in the fundamentals in the Etherum platform.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Nimbulan on July 04, 2016, 01:35:17 PM
If the fork can take the money back from the hacker (thief), I shall support that and will support with my mining power.
well it seems to be a great idea to get back the stolen coins or do something that the person who hacked it wouldnt be able to spend the stolen coins and make a lot of free profit

i think ethereum shouldnt be forked for sure because all the people will not rely that much on eth then though thats not my business, i have never had any ethereum and i will never buy it

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: Vinnie Stanley on July 04, 2016, 01:42:11 PM
I feel the hacker should be paid his dues for his hard work and effort. Now if ETH hard fcks it then it will fall so hard and so fast and then the real panic will catch on and I will likely buy some towards its bottom because it will come back even after a mass rape. People enjoy it to much. Getting toyed with is exciting for the eth fan boys. I vote NOOOOOOOO

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: GreenBits on July 04, 2016, 02:37:31 PM
People enjoy it to much. Getting toyed with is exciting for the eth fan boys. I vote NOOOOOOOO

Lol, it must be the case, I have never seen a group of asset holders keep coming back for a beating like that. Well, maybe the HashOcean guys at the moment, with that refund bullshit. But if this thing hard forks, it's done (stick a fork in it done. See what I did there?).

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: MyLucky7 on July 04, 2016, 06:03:50 PM
it is forked and it will be forked harder , you ignorant troll

The soft fork was supposed to implemented. But there is a bug. So it will be delayed while a solution is to be found.

Today is July 4 th, I checked the website, there is no new update.

I heard that the problem with the soft fork attack vector is in the fundamentals in the Etherum platform.

Are you trying to say because it's fundamental it can't be fixed?

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: sadasa on July 05, 2016, 07:28:19 AM
it is forked and it will be forked harder , you ignorant troll

The soft fork was supposed to implemented. But there is a bug. So it will be delayed while a solution is to be found.

Today is July 4 th, I checked the website, there is no new update.

I heard that the problem with the soft fork attack vector is in the fundamentals in the Etherum platform.

Are you trying to say because it's fundamental it can't be fixed?

I think that is more like a question. I wonder if anybody knows the answer. There is no soft fork software now.

Title: Re: Should Ethereum be Forked Your Opinion (Poll)
Post by: spartacusrex on July 05, 2016, 10:55:08 AM
The problem is to do with the way 'gas' is handled in the EVM.

So by blacklisting certain addresses, it '..allows execution of EVM code up to the block gas limit without paying for gas..'

hmmm.. The coders have about 2 weeks left to 'fix/hack' it, before the DAO code will let the funds out.

It's really very interesting..

Humans vs AI.

For. Real.

'.. open the pod bay doors Hal.. '

'.. I can't do that Dave..'