Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Exchanges => Topic started by: cesmak on June 30, 2016, 09:01:13 AM

Title: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on June 30, 2016, 09:01:13 AM
Hello to all the community.

I want to present a program that i made, to automate the managing of poloniex coins lending, P.A.L.M. Poloniex Automated Lending Manager.
Who am i : I'm an old school cobol coder, and cryptocoins fan.
By some months, i'm playing on poloniex exchange with some currencies, on the lending section of the site.
But as my managed currencies has grown a bit (now i loan five currencies), the time to follow the return of the lending orders, and its managing, had a huge increase, auto renew function on poloniex is also so simple and is not the best choice, to use the site in an unmanned way.
So i decided to try to write a bot to automate all the investing processes.
I choose python scripting, as it was a long time that i want to learn that programming language. It's also a wide known language, with a big community, and with a lot of documentation and tutorials available on-line. I've started with the Python 3.4 release a few months ago.


Download link 1.6:

User guide download link 1.6:


Download link 1.5:

User guide download link 1.5 :

ScreenshotS 1.6 release

link to screenshot if image above not visible :

link to screenshot if image above not visible :

The program, at the moment, is an executable for Windows only, and don't need other softwares to be installed to run.


This is a minor upgrade.

  • Added button to save settings without exiting the program, before, setting were memorized only when "EXIT" button pressed
  • Added The ability to limit the amount to put in an order for every currency


  • New improved page for settings to make better decision on new loan insertion
  • Added more info on window page of active loans, with average rate, total invested, net interests and APR%
  • Bug fixes


  • Added a new section on the window of the program with buttons to open lists for your active order for every currency you use, and for the order book
  • Improved algo for the choice of the better rate to put new orders on book
  • Finally Yes ! we got a user guide, you can find all, better explained in a ten page pdf manual (link to download above)

The program is free, also if donations are welcome :) at : 16Cj6GBLpe67oiS3bCbP2ZuwSapWts7yTB (BTC only at the moment)

Future plans for developing in my mind :

- A daily report (probably in csv format) with the total balance of the day for every currency
- New views to see lists for your active orders
- Another entry field for every currency to put a value for an eventually amount to keep uninvested from the total balance, if, passing the time you need to accumulate some funds to be withdrawn
- A more sophisticated way to find the best rate for new orders, considering last "x" rates on order book and the amount in every rate to find better rate opportunity to place a new loan request
- Better customization of the currency to permit a wider choice of coins, not with three fixed coins as now
- User selectable for the minimum rate lower percent
- Minimize to system tray request
- Linux version

All the above are not in the priority order, but only as they comes to my mind.... priority suggestions are welcome.

If someone find an undiscovered bugs or want to make suggestions and advice, please post here in the tread, it will be greatly appreciated.

Users who are running the previous version (1.5) of the program, can copy from the previous version folder (polobot_1.5) the ini file in the new folder, delete the polo_bot16.ini originally shipped in .zip file, rename the polo_bot15.ini in polo_bot16.ini, enter in the program, compile values on the new six fields "Max. ord. amount" (For example 0.0) save settings, with the new button and then start using the program.

All program infos and "what's new", are on the user manual in pdf, you can download and read it.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section
Post by: cesmak on June 30, 2016, 09:05:21 AM
Known bugs

  • Fixed Sometimes the thread that checks the balances stops, i'm monitoring it to try to find what is causing it, probably a timeout in responses from the site...
  • At the moment is not possible to set a range days x-y in "loan duration" field, give an error when checking to find the first returning loan, only single number allowed
  • Sometimes UI displays a negative balance, it affects only the displayed data, not the correct managing of lending orders (Still investigating...)
  • UI display problem, on the box "1st loan return" date, not correctly calculated the numbers of days of the loan, take last loan, but don't check the duration

Possible problems

A user reported problem connecting to poloniex site if using a VPN to surf the web, so if you experience that the program don't update data on screen, and use VPN, that, can be the issue.

I just found that the minimum amount that poloniex sets for loans is not equal to all currencies, for example Clams has a min. ord. amount to 1 clam, (BTC is set to 0.001), i will check all the minimum order amount for every coin in lending section, and put a new set of controls in the next release to avoid invalid orders from the program, at the moment every user need to use the setting to manual adapt for every coin the minimum....

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: Blazin8888 on June 30, 2016, 11:35:16 AM
Cool program man, thanks for your hard work.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on June 30, 2016, 12:33:51 PM
Cool program man, thanks for your hard work.

Thank you ! Is a "working process" but seems (for a 1.0 release) in good shape... do you wan't to try it ? If yes send me a PM here and i will give you a link to download....

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: Nxtblg on June 30, 2016, 06:28:04 PM
Nice! Does it spit out the lending rates in a .csv file for charting, etc?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on June 30, 2016, 07:41:19 PM
Nice! Does it spit out the lending rates in a .csv file for charting, etc?

It's something that i can think about, if you will give me some more in depth analysis of what you want i can see to implement in an updated release, is only the beta 1.0 now working, so i'm open to new ideas and functions, please tell me more of what you will .....


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on July 05, 2016, 08:15:29 AM
Thread blocking issue patch, is under testing.....

Probably tomorrow i will release an updated program.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on July 07, 2016, 10:33:37 AM
I've uploaded on google drive a new version of the program, beta tester should download it.

Backup your polo_bot.ini before unzipping the new version, as in the zip folder there is also a base copy of it.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 07, 2016, 06:42:49 PM
Hello to all the community.

I want to present a small program that i made, to automate the managing of poloniex coins lending.

Who am i : I'm an old school cobol coder, and cryptocoins fan.

By some months, i'm playing on poloniex exchange with some currencies, on the lending section of the site.

But as my managed currencies has grown a bit (now i manage BTC, ETH and FCT), the time to follow the return of the lending orders, and its managing, had a huge increase, auto renew function on poloniex is also so simple and is not the best choice.

So i decided to try to write a bot to automate all the investing processes.

I choose python scripting, as it was a long time that i want to learn that programming language.

It's also a wide known language, with a big community, and with a lot of documentation and tutorials available on-line.

I've started with the 3.4 release a few months ago.

Now i reached a first beta bot program that is running by some weeks on my computer, without issues.

At the moment i wrote code only for the three currencies mentioned above (BTC, ETH and FCT), as looking on poloniex site, i saw that this three currencies, have good movements and interest rates, all the other altcoins are very low both in interests rates than in volume movements.

The program is also ready (if poloniex enable it) to the new LISK currency.

If someone interested in beta testing of this bot, and to help me (with suggestions) to improve it, a group of ten people are welcome.

I made an executable that don't need anything installed on the computer, to run, at the moment for windows only.

What you need to do, is to create an Api Key, with trading and withdrawals disabled, as the program don't need that functions, and as a protection, to you account, (my program is safe) but we don't know each other, so is the right choice not to give to a program made by someone else, the capability to withdraw funds.

You only need to edit the polo_bot.ini file (in the folder of the program) to add Api Key and Secret, to start using it.

Here is a screenshot of the program.

I will briefly explain all the parts in which is made, and how they will function :

the program has 4 independent threads that watches and follow a group of task, to reach the goal of managing the loans.

The first thread, enabled by the check button "Ck.balance" as the name suggests, it's a thread that keep updated the info part of the program, updating the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th columns, with the total amount of coins in loans, eventually free balance not invested in loans, the 1st rate in the "loan offers" order book, The total interest in active loans gained till now, and the column (for every currency) when will be returned the first (in time order) loan.

The second thread, enabled by the check button "Enab. orders" activate the function that put loan request on order book, it watches the "Free balance" column, and when the total free amount of coins is major of the "Min.ord. amount" (5th column of entry fields where you can customize the threshold to start sending a new order to book, (remember that poloniex put a minimum order limit of 0.001 coin to put a live order, at the moment i don't have a check procedure in input fields to verify this) it will read again what is the lowest offered rate and put a new order for the free balance at "rate - 0.0001%" with auto renew enabled.

The third thread, enabled by the check button "Ck. opens" watches your orders that are stil open, and if they remains in that state form more than a defined time (customizable by the entry field "Min.ts stop open o." it cancels the ordfer to permit at the previous thread to reissue an order at a new % rate (I use 10 minutes to abort an open order).

The fourth thread, enabled by the check button "Ck. auto" watches all you active loans, and for the loans with the auto renew active, checks the actual minimum offered rate of the order book, and if the rate of you loan is plus or minus the market rate added or subtracted by the % (customizable by the entry field "Delta +/-% auto 0|1" it toggles to off the auto renew.

This is done, as i have noticed that often, in the first minutes your loan is picked, happens that the loan is closed quite immediately, so i enabled the auto renew, because, if the rates on order book are still near the same, there are good opportunity that the loan request is picked up again, passing the time, often happens that the rates changes a lot, so keeping the auto renew active, will put your loan, in order book, in a position that is difficult to be picked up in a small time frame.

So if the price swing more than a percent, that you can customize, the auto renew will be disabled, permitting to the thread, that put orders on the book, to reissue a new loan order with a rate competitive in the rank of the book.

Also the loan duration is customizable with the "Loans duration" input field.

I put also a field to set the time zone adjustment to calculate the real date and time when the first loan returns, for every currency, as poloniex stores on your active orders only the UTC time, in the future i will automate the code to find your time zone and set this variable automatically, but hadn't time now in this first release.

In my first stability test, i came to a conclusion, not to go down the 10 seconds polling time for every thread, as there can be site or program delays, so it's better not to force the program to work with polling intervals of only a few seconds, also i think that there is no necessity, as the loan market don't move so quick as the trading market.

If interested in my program, please send me a pm here on the forum, i will send you a google drive link to download the .zip file with the program, ready to work (only need to edit ini to insert api key infos).

The program is free, also if donations are welcome :) at : 16Cj6GBLpe67oiS3bCbP2ZuwSapWts7yTB (BTC only at the moment)

Future plans for developing in my mind :

- A daily report (probably in csv format) with the total balance of the day for every currency
- Another entry field for every currency to put a value for an eventually amount to keep uninvested from the total balance, if, passing the time you need to accumulate some funds to be withdrawn
- A more sophisticated way to find the best rate for new orders, considering last "x" rates on order book and the amount in every rate to find better rate opportunity to place a new loan request
- Better customization of the currency to permit a wider choice of coins, not with three fixed coins as now

All the above are not in the priority order, but only as they comes to my mind.... priority suggestions are welcome.

As i stated before, the program is the first release for a python newbie programmer, also if i have more than 20 years of experience in developing business programs and suites. So could have some undiscovered bugs and also better possible improvements, suggestions and advice will be greatly appreciates.

If the program will reach a minimum interest, after a brief beta running with some other persons, i will setup a permanent and public site page, also with a minimum of pdf manual.

Installing instructions :

- Unzip the folder of the program in your pc
- edit the polo_bot.ini file to put api infos
- run polo_bot01.exe


A second screenshot with the bot fully active (with real data) in my 24/7 pc used also for staking wallets. It's a win10 pc, so the graphics looks different.

Jesus christ man!
I'm an atheist but i have to say that you just did goddamn good job!
I will use it surely,i trade at poloniex a lot and it is insane comfortable to have something like this,thanks!

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on July 07, 2016, 06:55:07 PM

I sended you a pm with link to download..... :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: lightyard12 on July 10, 2016, 05:10:57 AM
Can you(or a buyer) get a virus scan of the program? We wouldn't want to be sent a keylogger(or other virus) now would we?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on July 10, 2016, 12:39:41 PM
Can you(or a buyer) get a virus scan of the program? We wouldn't want to be sent a keylogger(or other virus) now would we?

Your request is legit, so i decided to make the link public, so you (and whatelse persons want) can download and check my program with an antivirus, to verify that all is fine.

I've added in the first post. , at the end of it, the link.

Edit for 1.1 release changes in first post layout

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on July 11, 2016, 08:01:21 PM
Release 1.1 is growing, window mask ready for the new version, with six fully customizable currencies to be managed...

here a screenshot of what will be.

At the moment i think to configure six currencies, and see what will be the performances of the threads that has to manage all the tasks.

Estimated time to complete the 1.1 release, between one to two weeks.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [BETA]
Post by: cesmak on July 12, 2016, 09:14:55 AM
i don't believe in myself :) i've completed the changes to parameterize the six currency in new release 1.1

Here is a working screenshot :

A couple of days of testing by myself, and i will release to the public.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Release 1.1 version]
Post by: cesmak on July 14, 2016, 08:30:07 AM
Release 1.1 available to download. Changes made on the first post of the thread to explain the new version.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.2 version]
Post by: cesmak on July 22, 2016, 08:21:06 AM
Release 1.2 available to download, updated the first post for link.

What's new in this release :

Added input column "Reserved amount" where you can put an amount that will be not invested in new loans to permit the exclusion of part of the capital, to transfer to other part of the site to trade or withdraw

When you put an amount in this column for a currency when some balance is freed, until you reach that amount, the part you specify here is not invested again.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.2 version]
Post by: cesmak on August 18, 2016, 08:59:15 AM
Working on Release 1.3, new features, added.

Now under test for some time, if all fine, soon i will make it public.

A new possiblity to choose the way for, how a new order rate is calculated, some new parametrizations, minor bug fixes, but i will be more clear when i will make the release public.

I don't know why now images of the screenshots are not visible, and why there is the message of invalid image in the posts...... i'm trying to resolve the problem....

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on August 21, 2016, 04:39:39 PM
Finally the release 1.3 is on-line, you can see all the new features explained on the upgraded first post.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: Vinny1987 on August 31, 2016, 12:01:54 AM
dude cesmak you're the man!!

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on August 31, 2016, 06:42:16 AM
dude cesmak you're the man!!

Thanks Vinny !  ;)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: dbnpoizned on September 02, 2016, 08:37:52 PM
 8) 8) thx so much cesmak,

i started playing with your bot, and has been great fun for a pleb like me (non-techie) to get it up and runnung, and appreciate the hard work...  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: anders lokka on September 02, 2016, 08:52:01 PM
Congratulations for helping community

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 02, 2016, 09:14:07 PM
Thank you for your appreciation dbnpoizned and anders.

For every issue write here and i will answer asap.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 04, 2016, 08:24:42 AM
A quick question to all users of my program. (Feedbacks appreciated...)

I've noticed that with the new logic of the weighted average to calculate the best rate to offer a new loan order, if the coin is in a situation of stagnation, low rates on orders, become harder that an order put on book will pick up in a small timeframe, (i saw it for example with doge, that at the moment (last week or more) has small movements), so i'm thinking of a small mod in the program to act in another way, this is the proposal :

Add a new input field to ask the minimum low rate where to change the bot behavior, and let the program act in the old way (use the lowest rate as base to set the new loan offer).

So, for example if i put 0.0050% as the input threshold, if the existent order book has rates under that value, the program stop using weighted average, and put a new order to the lowest rate minus 0.0001 as in the old version of the program.

Rate threshold modifiable by user, to set what you think is the best rate to use....

What do you think ?


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: dbnpoizned on September 04, 2016, 10:24:50 AM
Thx cesmak, well I am still a n00b on poloniex and not an IT guy but with a bit of playing I got the system up and running, now the bot is lending xmr and eth for me great. I've even moved some btc to let's the bot work with  8) 8)

Regarding the changes I haven't had that problem yet, but sounds like a useful update. :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: Yohoy on September 05, 2016, 09:28:46 AM
Hey cesmak,

Your program seems to work wonderfully, thanks a lot for your effort ! I sent a small tip your way, your're awesome for sharing this bot :)
I'm a bit of a graphic designer and I'd kinda like to design an UI for your program, as a small project. I have basically no knowledge in python nor in designing a GUI for a python program, so that would be a (fun) learning project for me !
Would that be okay for you ? Would I need something else than what's in the .zip you provided, or can I just start fiddling with it and see what happens ?

Thanks again for your work !

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 05, 2016, 09:41:08 AM
Hey cesmak,

Your program seems to work wonderfully, thanks a lot for your effort ! I sent a small tip your way, your're awesome for sharing this bot :)
I'm a bit of graphic designer and I'd kinda like to design an UI for your program, as a small project. I have basically no knowledge in python nor in designing a GUI for a python program, so that would be a (fun) learning project for me !
Would that be okay for you ? Would I need something else than what's in the .zip you provided, or can I just start fiddling with it and see what happens ?

Thanks again for your work !

Thank you For your appreciation and tip Yohoy, designing a new UI using another tool for python, probably means that the code to manage it, need to be rewritten, as i said before, i'm working on this program on my free time outside my job, cutting time from family, and home, at the moment i have a couple of others idea to improve the program, the release of the 1.4 version is near, probably some days, and this will lead new important features, but the new improvements, takes time, so at the moment, sorry, but i don't want to change the UI, as his simplicity, also if is not fresh, is a good point for users, but thank you for your interest, if, and when i will improve that side of the program, i will contact you for a collaboration.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: Yohoy on September 05, 2016, 10:09:18 AM
Hey cesmak,

Your program seems to work wonderfully, thanks a lot for your effort ! I sent a small tip your way, your're awesome for sharing this bot :)
I'm a bit of graphic designer and I'd kinda like to design an UI for your program, as a small project. I have basically no knowledge in python nor in designing a GUI for a python program, so that would be a (fun) learning project for me !
Would that be okay for you ? Would I need something else than what's in the .zip you provided, or can I just start fiddling with it and see what happens ?

Thanks again for your work !

Thank you For your appreciation and tip Yohoy, designing a new UI using another tool for python, probably means that the code to manage it, need to be rewritten, as i said before, i'm working on this program on my free time outside my job, cutting time from family, and home, at the moment i have a couple of others idea to improve the program, the release of the 1.4 version is near, probably some days, and this will lead new important features, but the new improvements, takes time, so at the moment, sorry, but i don't want to change the UI, as his simplicity, also if is not fresh, is a good point for users, but thank you for your interest, if, and when i will improve that side of the program, i will contact you for a collaboration.


No problem, I totally understand your point !
Looking forward to the next releases :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 05, 2016, 01:46:46 PM
THX , another user added  :D :D :D

I love Python , look how much CPU the program uses :  not even 1%   on my Intel I5 ;D

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 05, 2016, 07:34:13 PM
Recently I've been having the script stop working with the following error displayed in the console, as well as in the log:
PoloniexApiError: Rate must be at least 0.0001%.
It doesn't say for which coin the error is happening, and whenever this error happens, it seems to bring the bot down, as it stops lending. And this seems new, as I haven't changed any settings - any idea wassup?

For what i can see, the bot tried to put a new order with a rate below 0.0001%, do you changed the field "Min rate" to put a value below that 0.0001%, if yes put it again above or equal to that value to avoid this problem. I don't put any checking validation on input fields, so users need to care to not go under the various limits poloniex set up.


Edit : don't go under 0.0002% in field "Min rate" because, also if i apply for the min rate after applying that value, the program always subtract 0.0001, so min rate must be minimum 0.0002 to work.
Re-edit... 0.0001 is possible to be used.... i recheck after the subtraction if the rate goes under the min. rate and reapply the min. rate. so 0.0001 is fine.

I will put a check in a new release, not the next, as 1.4 is finished and under testing...

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 06, 2016, 06:16:45 AM
Recently I've been having the script stop working with the following error displayed in the console, as well as in the log:
PoloniexApiError: Rate must be at least 0.0001%.
It doesn't say for which coin the error is happening, and whenever this error happens, it seems to bring the bot down, as it stops lending. And this seems new, as I haven't changed any settings - any idea wassup?

For what i can see, the bot tried to put a new order with a rate below 0.0001%, do you changed the field "Min rate" to put a value below that 0.0001%, if yes put it again above or equal to that value to avoid this problem. I don't put any checking validation on input fields, so users need to care to not go under the various limits poloniex set up.


Edit : don't go under 0.0002% in field "Min rate" because, also if i apply for the min rate after applying that value, the program always subtract 0.0001, so min rate must be minimum 0.0002 to work.
Re-edit... 0.0001 is possible to be used.... i recheck after the subtraction if the rate goes under the min. rate and reapply the min. rate. so 0.0001 is fine.

I will put a check in a new release, not the next, as 1.4 is finished and under testing...

Great, thank you!  I did have it set lower than 0.0001, but then I changed it to exactly that: 0.0001, but still come across the error from time to time.  A restart usually clears it up.

Ok, i will investigate more, can you tell me what are the coins you are managing with the program ?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: TraderETH on September 06, 2016, 06:28:59 AM
It is nice updating, it will make comfort for traders who used fiture while trading on poloniex. Unfortunately i don't use fiture of margin trading because it is clash with my way of trading.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 06, 2016, 06:35:23 AM
It is nice updating, it will make comfort for traders who used fiture while trading on poloniex. Unfortunately i don't use fiture of margin trading because it is clash with my way of trading.

TraderETH, sorry but i don't understand exactly what you mean with your statement, my program is only made to create loan orders automatically for the "LENDING" section of poloniex, nothing more....
don't apply to the margin trading part or exchange trading part of the site.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: TraderETH on September 06, 2016, 12:30:23 PM
It is nice updating, it will make comfort for traders who used fiture while trading on poloniex. Unfortunately i don't use fiture of margin trading because it is clash with my way of trading.

TraderETH, sorry but i don't understand exactly what you mean with your statement, my program is only made to create loan orders automatically for the "LENDING" section of poloniex, nothing more....
don't apply to the margin trading part or exchange trading part of the site.
I mean i don't make lending section of poloniex, but it is nice informations and i am sorry about our miscommunication. I hope it is clear to explaining about my statement.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [NEW ! Released 1.3 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 06, 2016, 12:34:55 PM
It is nice updating, it will make comfort for traders who used fiture while trading on poloniex. Unfortunately i don't use fiture of margin trading because it is clash with my way of trading.

TraderETH, sorry but i don't understand exactly what you mean with your statement, my program is only made to create loan orders automatically for the "LENDING" section of poloniex, nothing more....
don't apply to the margin trading part or exchange trading part of the site.
I mean i don't make lending section of poloniex, but it is nice informations and i am sorry about our miscommunication. I hope it is clear to explaining about my statement.

Ok. thank you for your further explanation. :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 09, 2016, 06:57:16 AM
New important release..... 1.4 is on line, new features and a brand new pdf user guide.

Enjoy !  :D

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 09, 2016, 03:59:46 PM
I made a mistake in the setting up of the zip file, if someone downloaded the new 1.4 version before now (18:00 european time, 16:00 UTC) download it again, link updated with the correct zip version, now the program works, with the previous version before now, at launch the program give an error for a missing file, and closes.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 09, 2016, 07:02:25 PM
If have one suggestion if possible, to max the income from lending.

A extra setting for higher lending rates for longer time. (days)
When the rates are higher you want to lend it longer, and when it is lower a shorter time.

Aldo most times , you get the money back earlier.  but if the possibility would be there , for example

BTC 0.0555   max days 2        setting loan duration 2 days with min rate 0.0555
BTC 0.0666   max days 4         when rates come above 0.0666   i want to lend it out above 0.0666
BTC 0.0750   max days 10        enz
BTC 0.1000   max days 25
BTC 0.1500   max days 60       

I saw some crazy rates pass by, then i want to lend it out as long as possible.

Are there more users would like ti see this in upcoming releases?

Is it possible to program Cesmak?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: superbit on September 09, 2016, 07:09:50 PM
I really like the idea of being able to establish rates that you will lend out for longer days.

My other suggestion is just a minor display, it would be nice if beside the rate there was a column that displayed what the annual percentage was after fees.  Also if it could show what all my micro loans outstanding have my portfolio returning as a whole.  Again display this as a daily and annually (after fees)

It would be nice to see that I have 10 BTC currently lent out, earning 13.5% per year.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 09, 2016, 08:16:58 PM
I really like the idea of being able to establish rates that you will lend out for longer days.

My other suggestion is just a minor display, it would be nice if beside the rate there was a column that displayed what the annual percentage was after fees.  Also if it could show what all my micro loans outstanding have my portfolio returning as a whole.  Again display this as a daily and annually (after fees)

It would be nice to see that I have 10 BTC currently lent out, earning 13.5% per year.

Currently ( snapshot)  the rate is 0.0744 %   daily * 365 days  = 27.1 % yearly  ?      13.5%  is very low i am not offer that, min, set on 0.0600 %

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 09, 2016, 08:49:10 PM
mantas and superbit, thanks for your feedback, your ideas are interesting, i will take your suggestion and try to introduce something in the next release, i have to think a bit what could be the best way to introduce, this feature, i accept more suggestions, for example to try to find a balanced number of entries, in other words, we have to find / decide, how many bands/levels to implement 5, 10, how many ?

For your last statement mantas, to create the snapshot, the rate how do you thing has to be calculated, as a weighted average ? because you (when decide to take a snapshot) have a series of orders with different amount and different rates, so what is the "global" rate ?


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: superbit on September 09, 2016, 09:41:43 PM
mantas and superbit, thanks for your feedback, your ideas are interesting, i will take your suggestion and try to introduce something in the next release, i have to think a bit what could be the best way to introduce, this feature, i accept more suggestions, for example to try to find a balanced number of entries, in other words, we have to find / decide, how many bands/levels to implement 5, 10, how many ?

For your last statement mantas, to create the snapshot, the rate how do you thing has to be calculated, as a weighted average ? because you (when decide to take a snapshot) have a series of orders with different amount and different rates, so what is the "global" rate ?


Yes a weighted average would give you your portfolio snapshot, but like I said, it should give you the rate after the fees on your earnings so you have a true indicator of your annual return.

Then I would make a small column beside 1st low rate, and beside last order rate, that displayed the rate as an annual return.

As for lending bands for number of days I think 3 would be enough, no need to get carried away. 

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 10, 2016, 08:00:50 PM
mantas and superbit, thanks for your feedback, your ideas are interesting, i will take your suggestion and try to introduce something in the next release, i have to think a bit what could be the best way to introduce, this feature, i accept more suggestions, for example to try to find a balanced number of entries, in other words, we have to find / decide, how many bands/levels to implement 5, 10, how many ?

For your last statement mantas, to create the snapshot, the rate how do you thing has to be calculated, as a weighted average ? because you (when decide to take a snapshot) have a series of orders with different amount and different rates, so what is the "global" rate ?


Was just a example, a snapshot,  so yeh we could only know the yearly rate after one year, calculated, as a weighted average.
3 to 5 is fine to start with  x days    setting with min  rate 

so if lower then, lets say 0.0600%  max 2 days

Different question for the group:  Do you think that when all BTC in acc. is lended out, there safer, then in the trading account?
Suppose someone breaks in he cant move BTC immediately because there locked in the loans. 

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: superbit on September 11, 2016, 02:38:39 AM
If they hack into your account then I guess maybe it's safer because lent out BTC couldn't be transferred, but if the exchange is hacked there is no way to know.  As in bitfinex they just divided the losses across all accounts not the exact specific accounts that lost the BTC that was held.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: Spiffy_1 on September 13, 2016, 06:00:26 AM
I have two suggestions for the author of this amazxing program.  First, could we get a running tally of total interest since using the bot(probably storing a total in a text file), and setting a set amount of a coin to lend out? Example I only want to lend out .01 dash, so that I can have them come to fruition more often on a rotating scale.  We have a minimum, but not a maximum.  Thanks again for the hard work.  I'm quite enjoying this gem that you've created.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 13, 2016, 06:07:08 AM
I have two suggestions for the author of this amazxing program.  First, could we get a running tally of total interest since using the bot(probably storing a total in a text file), and setting a set amount of a coin to lend out? Example I only want to lend out .01 dash, so that I can have them come to fruition more often on a rotating scale.  We have a minimum, but not a maximum.  Thanks again for the hard work.  I'm quite enjoying this gem that you've created.

Hello Spiffy_1, thanks for your suggestions, i will take in consideration for the future release. A part regarding reporting for past activity, was in my mind too, and i will probably start to implement something with the 1.5 release, and also your second suggestion can be implemented too... i will think how to do at best.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: h3rlihy on September 13, 2016, 06:46:33 AM
Have not been using long but so far seems very good and could be a big time saver. Thanks cesmak :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 13, 2016, 06:55:47 AM
Have not been using long but so far seems very good and could be a big time saver. Thanks cesmak :)

Thank you H3..... :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 17, 2016, 01:03:41 PM
Lendingbot 1.4  does his job excellent, especially with the rates last 2 days!!!

I am lending out at 0.0990 % daily   

Wonder if this is a sort of tell!   We will see if rates go higher , must be because of traders take position.
So i would say there is a move coming up in the price of BTC. 

What does the group think?


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 17, 2016, 01:27:03 PM
The only think i can say is, that more people using automatic programs that try to take rates in the middle, (and don't use the auto renew function (manually) on the site), best is because rates stay less fluctuating, and if there is no hurry to put at first line a loan, it means that we will have better rates for investors..

BTC in particular in the last weeks have rates always above 0.05% and this is nice, but also it depends if the market is active or stagnant, at the moment is active and request for money is flowing, unfortunately when this flow stops or calm down rates goes down we can't do anything against this .....

This is my personal opinion.... :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 20, 2016, 08:46:45 PM
Started working on the new release 1.5, this is one of the first mod. i made :

Worked on the "Active loans" info window, (

Look at the bottom of the window, i've added some calculations, mantas, is what you asked ? is it ok ?


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: h3rlihy on September 22, 2016, 05:29:57 AM
Is that average weighted?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 22, 2016, 09:40:20 AM
Is that average weighted?

Yes H3 the average is weighted by the amount of the rate of every single loan....

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: greendesk on September 23, 2016, 12:13:25 PM
Hello, great work!

Keep it on! ;)


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 23, 2016, 12:45:55 PM
Hello, great work!

Keep it on! ;)


Thank You :)

Yes, i'm, in developing, of other new features and improvements...

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 23, 2016, 03:28:59 PM

Good to see , your busy on it.

I mean something different.

I would like to give a open loan offer,  when interest rates are higher , for example in BTC %0.0999    give it a longer loan duration, as when then interest rate is like BTC  %0.0666

So if there would be like 3 levels of interest %  with different Loan duration as setting

The setting could be like

setting 1    %0.0333    for 2 days
setting 2    %0.0666    for  11 days
setting 3    %0.0999    for   50 days

the program would select the matching loan offer with the corresponding duration on the current interest rate.
If the interest rate would be % 0.0689      the loan offer falls in setting 2 with a duration of 11 days.

Last week the interest rates in BTC were %0.1  and higher,   i would like to give it a longer duration against that kind of rates :)

Greetings Mantas

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 23, 2016, 03:36:09 PM

Good to see , your busy on it.

I mean something different.

I would like to give a open loan offer,  when interest rates are higher , for example in BTC %0.0999    give it a longer loan duration, as when then interest rate is like BTC  %0.0666

So if there would be like 3 levels of interest %  with different Loan duration as setting

The setting could be like

setting 1    %0.0333    for 2 days
setting 2    %0.0666    for  11 days
setting 3    %0.0999    for   50 days

the program would select the matching loan offer with the corresponding duration on the current interest rate.
If the interest rate would be % 0.0689      the loan offer falls in setting 2 with a duration of 11 days.

Last week the interest rates in BTC were %0.1  and higher,   i would like to give it a longer duration against that kind of rates :)

Greetings Mantas

About this, i'm working on it too.... in the next days i will post a screenshot of the new improved setting to manage loans, with some extra ideas...

looking trough the past posts, seemed to me, that you also asked to have the APR snap of the active loans....

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 23, 2016, 03:46:05 PM

The snapshot was more as example, to take from the current interest rate.

Below a picture of a active loan with 55 days and %0.4823 i put up on 16 sept .  When the interest rate was insane high in BTC.

We could let the program grasp that when there are more levels of settings .

Good to hear your busy on it, i am very exited :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 25, 2016, 11:52:46 AM
And here there is the first attempt design for a new page in the program, to manage more accurate settings, for every currency, as some users asked me more functionality.

It's only a UI first design, that still need improvements, no code is written to manage it at the moment. But i will explain how will function when complete, and ask for feedback. (

I have decided to have a single profile for every currency managed by the program.

For every currency five levels of inputs (columns) in which (based on 5 different levels of rates) you can set up the minimum order amount to be used at that level and the duration (days to give the loan)

I will put on first level an extra check to permit to leave zero in "min order amount" in this way a user can , for example, decide that under a certain % of rate he will never invest and keep coins idle (if they return from previous loans) until the rates turn up of that threshold. The other four levels permit to change also the number of days for the duration, or you can still use also the first level for that purpose

why i added also the minimum order amount ?

Because in this way i can implement the function to leave coins idle if under a certain level of rate, or, in case of high rates (for example), decide to use lower amounts to speed up orders also for low amounts.

An user in this way can decide, for example, to keep money idle if rate under 0.0050% to use bigger amount loans until rates are relatively low let say from 0.0050% to 0.0300% (for a capital of 5 btc in total, use 0.5 btc minimum to open a new position) and when rates goes from 0.0300% to 0.0700% permit more orders using a minimum amount of 0.3 BTC and above 0.0700% permit to create a new order just when there is 0.1 BTC idle....

This is what i'm thinking about this new feature.

Let me know, please, what you think about this. Thanks


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mexicantarget on September 26, 2016, 04:53:43 PM
I'm interested to use this tool, but there's an issue. Security.

What kind of stuff does your bot do? Do I have to share private API info?
How do I know your file isn't a malicious file?

Otherwise, looks great. I wanted to write a similar script, browser based :)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 26, 2016, 05:35:39 PM
I'm interested to use this tool, but there's an issue. Security.

What kind of stuff does your bot do? Do I have to share private API info?
How do I know your file isn't a malicious file?

Otherwise, looks great. I wanted to write a similar script, browser based :)

As another person asked me this in the past, all that i can say again is :

You can't trust me as you don't know me, but, what i can say, is that you have to use an API key not enabled for withdraws and not enabled for trading, and you can download the program and submit to antiviruses checks, and see what is the result, this is the only thing that you can do to trust me, at the moment the source code is not on github, so is not verifiable. I don't have, anything else to give you more trust, beside my history here on bitcointalk....

The program only manage the insertion of loans request on poloniex lending part of the site, and has no other functions. You can download the user guide, that explains better how it works, you find the link on the first post of the thread.

:) Cheers

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 26, 2016, 05:37:55 PM

Woow looks really good, exactly the feature to fine tune the loan offers, to make longer duration loans @ higher rates.

If you need a Beta tester, count me in.

Nice aspect is also the different settings per Currency,  other Coins have different rates then BTC , mostly lower.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 26, 2016, 05:40:40 PM

Woow looks really good, exactly the feature to fine tune the loan offers, to make longer duration loans @ higher rates.

If you need a Beta tester, count me in.

Nice aspect is also the different settings per Currency,  other Coins have different rates then BTC , mostly lower.

Thanks mantas, i've quite ended the real UI, probably in a couple of days i will start to develop the part of code to use the configuration infos just created, i don't know how much time will need, after that i will make some days of testing by myself, and if all is fine i will release the new version, but i think not before a week or two.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on September 26, 2016, 07:48:30 PM
UI Screens almost finished, the program now will have two tabs, one for the managing and statuses, and the second with all the settings, currency related. ( (

Now will start the hard part, coding, to manage it.....


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on September 27, 2016, 07:26:41 PM
looks good, happy coding, no hurry.
Looking forward.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mindragon on October 02, 2016, 03:20:25 AM
Looks Good. A few requests.

1) Minimize to System Tray?
2) System Notifications on end of loan / amount / interest, new loan / amount / interest

If you drop those two things in, I'll send a donation your way ;)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on October 02, 2016, 07:09:19 AM
Looks Good. A few requests.

1) Minimize to System Tray?
2) System Notifications on end of loan / amount / interest, new loan / amount / interest

If you drop those two things in, I'll send a donation your way ;)

Thanks for you interest, i have to learn if the language (python) has some features to do this, at the moment i don't know, i will do some research and tell you more.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on October 03, 2016, 10:58:44 AM
Coding for the release 1.5 is done, started testing, at the moment looks good, i will see the performances in the next days, and meantime, i will update the User Guide.

Estimated eta to release the new version : next week.


@mindragon, watched docs about your request, and how to implement in python code, need some time, as this is not a simple task to program on the code. i will add probably in the 1.6 release....

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mindragon on October 06, 2016, 02:45:08 AM

@mindragon, watched docs about your request, and how to implement in python code, need some time, as this is not a simple task to program on the code. i will add probably in the 1.6 release....

Cool. Thanks.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: Spiffy_1 on October 09, 2016, 07:16:09 PM
I dont know if this would be a wanted feature, but would it be possible to display current holdings and calculated interest per day/length of term in  USD or a selected currency?  Even if you compared it in house with poloniex usdt pricing for a rough idea would be great. 

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on October 09, 2016, 09:42:35 PM
I dont know if this would be a wanted feature, but would it be possible to display current holdings and calculated interest per day/length of term in  USD or a selected currency?  Even if you compared it in house with poloniex usdt pricing for a rough idea would be great. 

Thanks for your question, as you can see in this preview screenshot of the next release i made in a previous post, there will be for every currency a summary of the total lended amounts, with the weighted average interest, the 1 day total gains net (15% polo fees deducted) (based on the average rate) and the APR%, making calculations to convert in a fiat currency, can be good for USDT as poloniex can give the quotation, but where i will go to take quotations for other fiat ? In my opinion it will be a bit difficult, ok US$ are worldwide known, but (for example) i'm european, and having US$ has no meaning for me, i will prefer EURO, doing something like this could become, more a problem than a solution, for an end user taking the value and multiply for his fiat rate with a simple calculator, take no more than 30 seconds.... i will think more about your request, but at the moment i don't think that is viable.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on October 10, 2016, 05:50:51 PM
Hello to all.

Unforeseen family commitments, take my free time at all in the last week-end and for the next week too, developing of 1.5 release is ended, and the program is in test, with nice results, but i have no time to write the updated user guide, as changes are a lot from the previous release, i can't promise anything, but hope to release the new program, with the user guide, not before the 20th of October.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: mantas779 on October 10, 2016, 06:43:34 PM
Take your time, family is important,  ill keep checking this threat for your posts.

Gr. Mantas

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: antdee on October 17, 2016, 09:19:36 AM
Hi cesmak,

I was checking it out, is it possible to add more lines on the program so it can lend out all currencies available for lending in polo?
I tried adding more to the txt but didnt seem to work.

I thought that i could just open a duplicate of the program and set it up with the rest of the coins, that should work yes?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [Important new Release 1.4 version]
Post by: cesmak on October 17, 2016, 04:44:19 PM
Hi cesmak,

I was checking it out, is it possible to add more lines on the program so it can lend out all currencies available for lending in polo?
I tried adding more to the txt but didnt seem to work.

I thought that i could just open a duplicate of the program and set it up with the rest of the coins, that should work yes?

Hi antdee, the program is builded for a maximum of 6 currency at one time, never tried by myself to make a second copy of the program and run it, but i think that could work, create a full copy of all the files in a second directory, edit the ini file in the second directory adding the others currencies, and start a second instance of the program, as the program uses low resources, i think that will never pose problems of pc load with a second copy of the program working, only one thing i think you have to do, create a second api key to run the second copy, because could happens that two request will come at the same time, and this can make problems wit the api request on the site, if you configure a second api key you will be sure that they can run without interfere each other.

At the moment i have no plan to add more than six currency for a UI problem / dimension, in this way the program can run on older pc with low screen resolution, 1024x768 min. if i add more currency, i need a bigger UI screen window, and this will not fit on monitors of that resolution, needed smaller characters, but i think that reading smaller chars start to be hard, but i can think again, about this in the future...


Hope this week to start working again on user guide and release the 1.5 version.....

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on October 24, 2016, 07:48:21 AM
Hi to all, just release the new 1.5 release of the program, all in the first post of the thread, download links (program and user guide), and what's new....


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: mantas779 on October 26, 2016, 07:01:28 AM
Cesmak ,

Nice work, i will d/l and install it this evening when i am home.

Looks impressive, will come back with my experience.

BTC is going up and rates are on the move also, seems a good time for the new release.

Try Ripple,  rates move like crazy sometimes from 3 to 40%  on year basis !!  the new release is perfect to catch that kind of moves .

Greetings Mantas

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: dbnpoizned on October 26, 2016, 04:20:01 PM
great cesmak, got it working fine, very nice upgrade and proffesional user guide too.

i struggled at first because i didnt understand the order configs, but when i set the last field to = 0, then it started acting like the old bot, and now its working great.

i will send a slice of pizza in the post  8) 8)

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: Spiffy_1 on October 26, 2016, 06:10:28 PM
I Like the new functionality in your new release.  I'd like to make a suggestion in the order info box.  Can it be possible to click on the rate %, amount, duration, date and interest columns to sort them by descending/ascending amounts?  This is really nitpicking at this point, but it would be a nice option.  Looking foreward to 1.6. 

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on October 26, 2016, 07:54:06 PM
Thanks all for your comments after releasing 1.5 version.

@mantas779, thanks for you coin suggestion, i will take a look.

@dbnpoizned, i will investigate on what you said about, but i will need to ask you some more infos, didn't understand what field you set to 0.... i will catch you on pop.

@Spiffy_1, thanks for your suggestion for the order info box, i will check if it is possible to sort the columns, but i doubt, because python tk UI, is very simple and with low functionality, so can be that is not possible to implement, with this kind of user interface language.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: mantas779 on October 29, 2016, 03:17:29 PM

I run it now for a few days, seems to work fine, only today it came up with Free Balance with a (-)  sign  ?    - 10 BTC  while the free balance was 0.22195090
I it happens again ill make a screen shot.

so far thx for the new features. You really deserve a big pizza slice.

Gr. Mantas

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on October 29, 2016, 09:30:04 PM

I run it now for a few days, seems to work fine, only today it came up with Free Balance with a (-)  sign  ?    - 10 BTC  while the free balance was 0.22195090
I it happens again ill make a screen shot.

so far thx for the new features. You really deserve a big pizza slice.

Gr. Mantas

Yes, i saw it by myself, i've added some calculations to add or subtract amounts when a new order is done or when an order is cancelled, independently from the "real" reading of data that happens with the first thread cycle, i didn't found yet where is the problem, but when passes the first thread cycle (the one every 15 seconds in my screenshots), it reread all data from site and make correction of the amounts, it's only a display problem, that don't affect the real working part of the program, so no problems with new order... i'm investigating on it. Today also for a couple of hours in my running program disappeared (only on screen) data of the last two currencies, but orders flowed also if nothing was displayed, i think that the order thread is robust, and also with this small UI problems don't loose any opportunity.

I will update as soon as i have more info / solutions....


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on November 03, 2016, 06:24:09 PM
Found one of the two bugs on the UI, the one that stops refreshing data if a line of a currency turn to zero in invested orders. Still investigating the problem of negative signs, a bit harder to debug....

The modified program is under testing, probably i will release an updated 1.5 version in a few days.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on November 07, 2016, 07:48:23 AM

Just updated a new compiled version of 1.5 release.

For all users that downloaded the first 1.5 release, please update to this new version.

Link on first post of the thread.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: greendesk on November 16, 2016, 07:48:26 PM

Just updated a new compiled version of 1.5 release.

For all users that downloaded the first 1.5 release, please update to this new version.

Link on first post of the thread.


Great service! Thanks again for your hard work!


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on December 05, 2016, 02:56:19 PM
A quick update....

I'm sorry i don't have updates, in the last weeks my regular job took extra time, so nothing remained to make some develop for the next release.

but the project is active and live, and new features will be added in the future, probably with developing periods (between a release and the next), much longer that before.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: Monnt on December 07, 2016, 09:20:35 PM
A quick update....

I'm sorry i don't have updates, in the last weeks my regular job took extra time, so nothing remained to make some develop for the next release.

but the project is active and live, and new features will be added in the future, probably with developing periods (between a release and the next), much longer that before.

This seems to be a free deal for everyone , anyone can use the bot for their purpose , I understand that the computer must be on all times to work this so I wanted to clearify for people that the amount you make should not be lower than the amount you spend on electrcity if you have your computer open ONLY for this .

If you are on your computer for one reason or another and this is just a plus than its ok. I know this might seem obvious but I just wanted to make sure. Amazing bot and good luck with your phyton adventure , it is a really easy language to learn after a beast like cobol :D

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on December 07, 2016, 10:04:45 PM
A quick update....

I'm sorry i don't have updates, in the last weeks my regular job took extra time, so nothing remained to make some develop for the next release.

but the project is active and live, and new features will be added in the future, probably with developing periods (between a release and the next), much longer that before.

This seems to be a free deal for everyone , anyone can use the bot for their purpose , I understand that the computer must be on all times to work this so I wanted to clearify for people that the amount you make should not be lower than the amount you spend on electrcity if you have your computer open ONLY for this .

If you are on your computer for one reason or another and this is just a plus than its ok. I know this might seem obvious but I just wanted to make sure. Amazing bot and good luck with your phyton adventure , it is a really easy language to learn after a beast like cobol :D

Thank you for your comment, and your point about electricity... everyone have to make their calculation on how much is the capital invested and what is an average return and than can decide if it worth it or not, the extra power needed by the bot comparing to idle state of a pc is very small, no extensive resources, and so no extra power needed leaving a pc on with the program running, yes better not use a powerful computer only for this with high end GPU card that also if in idle will eat a lot of energy....


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: Spiffy_1 on December 20, 2016, 11:24:20 PM
I don't know if this is getting beyond the scope of this program, but is it possible to analyze trends in the lending market and possibly take out loans at a much lower rate when people lowball the market in order to flip them at a higher rate if it meets a profit factoring in poloniex 15% cut?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on December 21, 2016, 08:49:08 AM
I don't know if this is getting beyond the scope of this program, but is it possible to analyze trends in the lending market and possibly take out loans at a much lower rate when people lowball the market in order to flip them at a higher rate if it meets a profit factoring in poloniex 15% cut?

Hello, i don't understand completely your question, and what you need, can you elaborate more your statement, possibly with some example... for what i understood, i feel hard to implement this function, because to analyze trends, you need a db and store data to make some decisions, but this is very much harder to implement, and to deploy in the way i now create the installation procedure, that, at the moment, is very simple....

Another think that i don't understand in your statement is "take out loans at a much lower rate", the scope of the program (that work on the lender side) is to achieve good balance between highest loan rate (not lowest) vs. market rates and time, to explain better, the primary goal of the program is to offer a loan at a rate that is competitive on the market to be taken in a reasonable amount of time....

Hope i explained my point of view, the program is not for the margin part of the trading platform, but only for the lending side....

but better if you give me more infos.... thanks.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: Spiffy_1 on December 22, 2016, 12:08:12 AM
Sure, I'll attempt to clarify.  Your program is designed to offer loans and the lending api of poloniex can do loan offers and loan demands.   To simplify things I'd be looking to demand a loan at a set interest rate, and then be able to take the btc I get from my loan demand and turn around and offer it at a higher interest rate with the offer loan functionality of your program provided it is profitable after poloniex takes their 15% cut.  This adds a bit of risk but can still result in profits.  For example, I am  demanding a 1 btc loan at a very low rate of .001%.  We will say the average going rate is .018% so someone fills my demand and I immediately turn around and put an offer loan of .017%. Someone takes this offer and I begin to earn interest on my new loan while also paying interest towards my new debt. Since I'd make more than poloniex's 15% cut I profit.  At least thats in a simplified example.  Hope I explained and didn't confuse even more.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on December 22, 2016, 05:45:59 PM
Sure, I'll attempt to clarify.  Your program is designed to offer loans and the lending api of poloniex can do loan offers and loan demands.   To simplify things I'd be looking to demand a loan at a set interest rate, and then be able to take the btc I get from my loan demand and turn around and offer it at a higher interest rate with the offer loan functionality of your program provided it is profitable after poloniex takes their 15% cut.  This adds a bit of risk but can still result in profits.  For example, I am  demanding a 1 btc loan at a very low rate of .001%.  We will say the average going rate is .018% so someone fills my demand and I immediately turn around and put an offer loan of .017%. Someone takes this offer and I begin to earn interest on my new loan while also paying interest towards my new debt. Since I'd make more than poloniex's 15% cut I profit.  At least thats in a simplified example.  Hope I explained and didn't confuse even more.

Ahhh ok... yes now is more clear what you are thinking.... ok... i have to think about this, it's a request that need a discrete amount of work to be coded. At the moment no time to analyze in depth how can be implemented... but i will take a note about this and we will see in the future what can be done... the program now is not made to work on the other side of the lending book, but thanks for your interest in the program, follow this thread, and i will tell you something more in a few weeks...


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.5 version ####]
Post by: mantas779 on December 31, 2016, 06:39:01 PM
Sure, I'll attempt to clarify.  Your program is designed to offer loans and the lending api of poloniex can do loan offers and loan demands.   To simplify things I'd be looking to demand a loan at a set interest rate, and then be able to take the btc I get from my loan demand and turn around and offer it at a higher interest rate with the offer loan functionality of your program provided it is profitable after poloniex takes their 15% cut.  This adds a bit of risk but can still result in profits.  For example, I am  demanding a 1 btc loan at a very low rate of .001%.  We will say the average going rate is .018% so someone fills my demand and I immediately turn around and put an offer loan of .017%. Someone takes this offer and I begin to earn interest on my new loan while also paying interest towards my new debt. Since I'd make more than poloniex's 15% cut I profit.  At least thats in a simplified example.  Hope I explained and didn't confuse even more.

Can you also put up a loan demand manually on Poloniex ?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on January 15, 2017, 03:49:29 PM
Hello. just released the 1.6 version of the program, it's a minor update with only two small new functions.

The ability to save setting on the fly in the program without exiting, also interesting because in my case i've lost a configuration because Windows 10 in the night one day restarted system for OS upgrades....

And as requested in particular from user Spiffy_1 the possibility to set a Max ord. ammount, has he asked in this post :

VERY IMPORTANT, for users that upgrade from previous release, read in the first post at the end, how to import previous settings from release 1.5


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: potkas on February 10, 2017, 01:04:32 PM
Hi cesmak Im new to your program but i like it. I think you made a great jobb with it. And once i will even donate to you for that. I mean in the near future when i will have a bit more btc (im a bit low atm) as i really like it!  But i would have a question. Could i somehow disable the autorenew? I do not like the idea of it being automatically on. As it segments my loans sometimes. Sometimes really badly. I will explain how it happens! When you set your minimum offer you basically prevent the bot posting under that amount. But it happens because you sometime lend out the ammount in two different orders(or more) For the example lets say your minimum is 1btc (whish it was true by the way :P)  and lets assume your 1 btc gets split up betven loan A and B . Loan A gets 0.1 and loan B get 0.9btc . Then the loan A is closed after a minute or so and because of the autorenew its autoposted again even if its under your minimum... And then repeats several times and you end up with some wery small amounts... I would like to better get the auto renew disabled ... could you maybe help me how can i do it? im not a programer but if i knew where it is i could probably handle but i just havent got a clue :) thanx.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: antdee on April 01, 2017, 11:14:55 AM
does the bot get stuck lately for anyone else?

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: mantas779 on April 01, 2017, 03:46:13 PM
Yes, i have to un check / check the balance and enable orders boxes sometimes.

But it is running 24/7 in a PC , on a net work with to small bandwidth , i thought maybe thats the problem.  Extreme high upload ( when High end camera's are on)
Normally when i take the data of the network it runs fine.

I have 4 coins running

Look at the CLAM  interest!!!

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: antdee on April 01, 2017, 04:03:45 PM
Clam rates are beautiful indeed.
Problem fixed itself in the end, was probably problems from poloniex side,

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on April 01, 2017, 04:13:41 PM
Hi cesmak Im new to your program but i like it. I think you made a great jobb with it. And once i will even donate to you for that. I mean in the near future when i will have a bit more btc (im a bit low atm) as i really like it!  But i would have a question. Could i somehow disable the autorenew? I do not like the idea of it being automatically on. As it segments my loans sometimes. Sometimes really badly. I will explain how it happens! When you set your minimum offer you basically prevent the bot posting under that amount. But it happens because you sometime lend out the ammount in two different orders(or more) For the example lets say your minimum is 1btc (whish it was true by the way :P)  and lets assume your 1 btc gets split up betven loan A and B . Loan A gets 0.1 and loan B get 0.9btc . Then the loan A is closed after a minute or so and because of the autorenew its autoposted again even if its under your minimum... And then repeats several times and you end up with some wery small amounts... I would like to better get the auto renew disabled ... could you maybe help me how can i do it? im not a programer but if i knew where it is i could probably handle but i just havent got a clue :) thanx.

Sorry for the delay in answer, potkas, but didn't received from the forum, the warning in watchlist that someone posted on the thread, i'm sorry for this, only today with the new two posts, i found also your.

At the moment the autorenew function is coded on the program and there are no parameters to disable it when the bot put a new order on site.
you can minimize his effect in this way (is a workaround, not a solution), reduce the time in wich the bot test for autorenew function, 4th field of the "Polling sec.:" fields to 10 seconds, and put a Value in % in the field "Delta +/- % auto 0|1" to 0.01% in this way every small price adjustment will immediatelly shift the delta to a treshold where the autorenew function is disabled, and with a 10 second check it become much rapid.

I know is not the right solution, but can minimize your problem, i will take a note about your request, and add a feature to disable it in the next release, i can promise nothing about the time, because is a period in which i'm busy and don't have time to add new functions.

@antdee and @mantas779, i don't record any problem in my program running on my computer, can be an overload on poloniex server, or effectivelly a low bandwith connection problem.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: fedor3327 on April 01, 2017, 08:59:03 PM
Props to the author.
Running it like a charm, thanks for this great program. Will be sending a small donation soon enough.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: Spiffy_1 on April 14, 2017, 10:43:54 PM
Hope everyone managed to use this bot to make some serious interest when it was stupid high.  I had most of my btc above .2400.  That works out to over 54% interest rate return

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: DebitMe on May 10, 2017, 05:49:22 PM
I am having trouble getting doge to be lent out.  I was successfully able to get it to show up on my main screen and it pulls in the correct balance, but it won't lend it out and there are no other errors that I can see.  Any reason why this would be?  I have over 5 doge in my account, so it is above the minimum.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on May 10, 2017, 06:40:28 PM
I am having trouble getting doge to be lent out.  I was successfully able to get it to show up on my main screen and it pulls in the correct balance, but it won't lend it out and there are no other errors that I can see.  Any reason why this would be?  I have over 5 doge in my account, so it is above the minimum.

Have you put in the config page for the line of doge in every field "" (except the first if you don't want to lend under a certain %) the value 5 ?
Have you put a value above 5 in the "Max ord. amount" ?

Those are for sure the setting needed to permit to the program to work....


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: DebitMe on May 10, 2017, 07:01:36 PM
I am having trouble getting doge to be lent out.  I was successfully able to get it to show up on my main screen and it pulls in the correct balance, but it won't lend it out and there are no other errors that I can see.  Any reason why this would be?  I have over 5 doge in my account, so it is above the minimum.

Have you put in the config page for the line of doge in every field "" (except the first if you don't want to lend under a certain %) the value 5 ?
Have you put a value above 5 in the "Max ord. amount" ?

Those are for sure the setting needed to permit to the program to work....


I will try that when I get home today, thank you, if it is still having trouble I will post a screenshot with my config.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: potkas on September 03, 2017, 11:22:36 AM
Hi cesmak . Could i ask if it is possible to lend out more than 6 Currencies at once ? I would like to start doing it with some more . For now i would need 7 or 8 But if i add new currencies only to the config files itt wont add extra on the interface. Could yu tell me if it is possible and how could i do it ? Thanx in advance!

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: antdee on September 03, 2017, 04:52:39 PM
Hi cesmak . Could i ask if it is possible to lend out more than 6 Currencies at once ? I would like to start doing it with some more . For now i would need 7 or 8 But if i add new currencies only to the config files itt wont add extra on the interface. Could yu tell me if it is possible and how could i do it ? Thanx in advance!
Run a second instance of the program with the additional coins you want to lend. I had to create new API keys for the second instance.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on September 03, 2017, 05:48:28 PM
Hi cesmak . Could i ask if it is possible to lend out more than 6 Currencies at once ? I would like to start doing it with some more . For now i would need 7 or 8 But if i add new currencies only to the config files itt wont add extra on the interface. Could yu tell me if it is possible and how could i do it ? Thanx in advance!
Run a second instance of the program with the additional coins you want to lend. I had to create new API keys for the second instance.

The program has a maximum of 6 currency programmed inside, so is not possible to do as you tried, antdee's answer is the right one, you need a second api key and run in a second forlder a second copy of the program with the config file configured with the new api key and with a maximum of other 6 currencies.


Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: potkas on September 04, 2017, 06:03:25 AM
Hi cesmak . Could i ask if it is possible to lend out more than 6 Currencies at once ? I would like to start doing it with some more . For now i would need 7 or 8 But if i add new currencies only to the config files itt wont add extra on the interface. Could yu tell me if it is possible and how could i do it ? Thanx in advance!
Run a second instance of the program with the additional coins you want to lend. I had to create new API keys for the second instance.

The program has a maximum of 6 currency programmed inside, so is not possible to do as you tried, antdee's answer is the right one, you need a second api key and run in a second forlder a second copy of the program with the config file configured with the new api key and with a maximum of other 6 currencies.


Yep I was not even thinking about that :) But its simple , easy and elegant solution. Looks like a great idea :) . Thanks to both of you ! I will do this.

Title: Re: Poloniex bot program for lending section [#### new Release 1.6 version ####]
Post by: cesmak on September 04, 2017, 06:40:34 AM
Hi cesmak . Could i ask if it is possible to lend out more than 6 Currencies at once ? I would like to start doing it with some more . For now i would need 7 or 8 But if i add new currencies only to the config files itt wont add extra on the interface. Could yu tell me if it is possible and how could i do it ? Thanx in advance!
Run a second instance of the program with the additional coins you want to lend. I had to create new API keys for the second instance.

The program has a maximum of 6 currency programmed inside, so is not possible to do as you tried, antdee's answer is the right one, you need a second api key and run in a second forlder a second copy of the program with the config file configured with the new api key and with a maximum of other 6 currencies.


Yep I was not even thinking about that :) But its simple , easy and elegant solution. Looks like a great idea :) . Thanks to both of you ! I will do this.

You are welcome :)