Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: n8rwJeTt8TrrLKPa55eU on March 20, 2013, 04:23:19 PM

Title: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: n8rwJeTt8TrrLKPa55eU on March 20, 2013, 04:23:19 PM
Second hand via Twitter.  Maybe explains breakout and panic buying this morning.  Hopefully video eventually becomes available.

Al Gore: "I'm a big fan of BitCoin." @algore at @pymnts Innovation Project

Al Gore: "Regulation of money supply needs to be depoliticized.... especially as it applies to virtual currencies".

Quote from: campdoodles
Al Gore and Rush Limbaugh finally have something in common.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: TTBit on March 20, 2013, 04:27:38 PM
He is a big fan of the environment too.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: BTC Books on March 20, 2013, 05:26:53 PM
Always ahead of the curve...

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: kibblesnbits on March 20, 2013, 06:20:49 PM
"I am Satoshi."
- Al Gore


He's looking into a way to pay for carbon-credits with BTC, I'm sure.  Saving polar bears too, can't forget the polar bears....

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on March 20, 2013, 06:29:23 PM
  "During my time in the private sector, I took the
  initiative in creating the BitCoin."
- Al Gore

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on March 20, 2013, 06:38:23 PM
I think this is probably BS. On the other hand its very interesting if true, especially given what is claimed he said in that second quote. After Rush and the ClimateGate email leaker mention bitcoin, someone on the "other team" would need to mention as well to prevent the politicization of it.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Wekkel on March 20, 2013, 06:48:05 PM
He is a smart politician: always side with the winner  ;D

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Rincewind on March 20, 2013, 07:26:14 PM
I don't think Albert would be happy with Bitcoin if he realized how much the climate changed in my house with all the 5830s I've run.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: deeplink on March 20, 2013, 08:41:52 PM
"I'm telling you it's even bigger than Manbearpig! Listen to me, I'm cereal!"
- Al Gore

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Mike Christ on March 20, 2013, 08:53:46 PM
"I'm telling you it's even bigger than Manbearpig! Listen to me, I'm cereal!"
- Al Gore

Guys.  I'm totally being super duper cereal right now!

But really, Al Gore must be a pretty clever guy if he understands what Bitcoin is bringing to the world.  I'm surprised, as I've always envisioned politicians as dinosaurs with tiny, floppy arms, with vision so poor they can't see another few minutes ahead of them.

Are the two Paul's interested in Bitcoin as well?

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: DataPlumber on March 20, 2013, 09:13:55 PM
But really, Al Gore must be a pretty clever guy if he understands what Bitcoin is bringing to the world.  I'm surprised, as I've always envisioned politicians as dinosaurs with tiny, floppy arms, with vision so poor they can't see another few minutes ahead of them.
I'm not surprised.  Popular misquote aside, he did a lot to ensure the Internet was well-funded in its infancy, which required a lot of vision.  Now he sees Bitcoin and thinks it's going to be another game-changer.

Smart guy.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: wtfvanity on March 20, 2013, 09:14:16 PM
"I am Satoshi."
- Al Gore


He's looking into a way to pay for carbon-credits with BTC, I'm sure.  Saving polar bears too, can't forget the polar bears....

Shoot, I'll sell carbon credits for Bitcoins. 10 tons of credit for 1 BTC. PM me.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Mike Christ on March 20, 2013, 09:18:14 PM
But really, Al Gore must be a pretty clever guy if he understands what Bitcoin is bringing to the world.  I'm surprised, as I've always envisioned politicians as dinosaurs with tiny, floppy arms, with vision so poor they can't see another few minutes ahead of them.
I'm not surprised.  Popular misquote aside, he did a lot to ensure the Internet was well-funded in its infancy, which required a lot of vision.  Now he sees Bitcoin and thinks it's going to be another game-changer.

Smart guy.

Didn't know that!  This guy has serious vision, then.  If he had enough foresight to know what would become of the Internet, and he supports Bitcoin, it's amazing he didn't get elected.

But even the mighty defender of the Internet Ron Paul didn't get elected.  Fishy, fishy.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: DataPlumber on March 20, 2013, 09:37:30 PM
Didn't know that!  This guy has serious vision, then.  If he had enough foresight to know what would become of the Internet, and he supports Bitcoin, it's amazing he didn't get elected.
Some would say he did get elected.  [Clearly, their opinion didn't matter.]

He didn't support Bitcoin at the time, though.  Maybe that would have made the difference  ;D

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: mccorvic on March 20, 2013, 09:39:21 PM
He didn't support Bitcoin at the time, though.  Maybe that would have made the difference  ;D

If he had the ability to support bitcoin ~8 years before its creation he'd be a near god.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: DataPlumber on March 20, 2013, 09:46:35 PM
He didn't support Bitcoin at the time, though.  Maybe that would have made the difference  ;D
If he had the ability to support bitcoin ~8 years before its creation he'd be a near god.
I can't tell if you're explaining the joke or riffing on it.  DAMN YOU, TEXT, AND YOUR LACK OF INTONATION!

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: mccorvic on March 20, 2013, 09:49:59 PM
He didn't support Bitcoin at the time, though.  Maybe that would have made the difference  ;D
If he had the ability to support bitcoin ~8 years before its creation he'd be a near god.
I can't tell if you're explaining the joke or riffing on it.  DAMN YOU, TEXT, AND YOUR LACK OF INTONATION!

I was riffing it I think?  I thought the idea of a younger Al Gore saying "I invented the Internet...AND BITCOIN!" in front of a confused audience was hilarious.  He'd follow this up by saying "Also, remember to google my twitter feed or tumblr"

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Mike Christ on March 20, 2013, 09:52:00 PM
He didn't support Bitcoin at the time, though.  Maybe that would have made the difference  ;D

If he had the ability to support bitcoin ~8 years before its creation he'd be a near god.

If by God you mean Satoshi, you may be on to something ;D

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Severian on March 20, 2013, 10:29:53 PM
Al Gore: "I'm a big fan of BitCoin."

This is the most dastardly attack yet launched on Bitcoin by the powers that be. Throwing Al Gore at something is their way of getting people to stop liking it.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: nwbitcoin on March 20, 2013, 10:47:07 PM
Assuming its true, I think its one of the sort of quotes that can mean anything!

If Bitcoin takes off, he can prove he was ahead of the curve.

If its sinks, he can say that while he liked the idea, he knew it wouldn't work!

Its vague enough to not get into trouble - sign of a great politician! ;)

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: BTC Books on March 20, 2013, 10:52:13 PM
Assuming its true, I think its one of the sort of quotes that can mean anything!

If Bitcoin takes off, he can prove he was ahead of the curve.

If its sinks, he can say that while he liked the idea, he knew it wouldn't work!

Its vague enough to not get into trouble - sign of a great politician! ;)

But he's not a great politician, you know...

If he were, he would have won the selection of 2000, instead of just winning the election.

Smart guy though.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if his bitcoin holdings were into five figures.  Not at all.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Severian on March 20, 2013, 11:07:08 PM
Execute a pregnant woman? He has to think about it.  :P

MR. RUSSERT: Right now there's legislation which says that a woman on death row, if she's pregnant, she should not be executed. Do you support that? [Russert refers here to Title 18 U.S.C.A. Sec. 3596, enacted in 1994: "A (federal) sentence of death shall not be carried out upon a woman while she is pregnant."]

VICE PRES. GORE: I don't know what you're talking about.

MR. RUSSERT: It's a federal statute, on the books, that if a woman is pregnant and she's on death row, she should not be executed.

VICE PRES. GORE: Well... [chuckles]...I don't know what the circumstances would be in that situation. I know, it's an interesting fact situation. I'd want to think about it.

Tim Russert's Interview With Vice President Gore ( July 2000

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Mike Christ on March 20, 2013, 11:08:54 PM
Execute a pregnant woman? He has to think about it.  :P

MR. RUSSERT: Right now there's legislation which says that a woman on death row, if she's pregnant, she should not be executed. Do you support that? [Russert refers here to Title 18 U.S.C.A. Sec. 3596, enacted in 1994: "A (federal) sentence of death shall not be carried out upon a woman while she is pregnant."]

VICE PRES. GORE: I don't know what you're talking about.

MR. RUSSERT: It's a federal statute, on the books, that if a woman is pregnant and she's on death row, she should not be executed.

VICE PRES. GORE: Well... [chuckles]...I don't know what the circumstances would be in that situation. I know, it's an interesting fact situation. I'd want to think about it.

Tim Russert's Interview With Vice President Gore ( July 2000

Wait--if the waiting list to die on death row is longer than the length of a pregnancy...

Ah, forget it.  This is like the deflowering law.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: kiba on March 20, 2013, 11:10:03 PM
So for 9 months, she be allowed to live..but afterward, she will be executed and her baby adopted by a hopefully wonderful family?

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Mike Christ on March 20, 2013, 11:14:57 PM
So for 9 months, she be allowed to live..but afterward, she will be executed and her baby adopted by a hopefully wonderful family?

Optimistic, I see :)

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: WiW on March 20, 2013, 11:34:15 PM
I understand that as one who sees global climate destabilization as a serious issue makes me part of a minority on these forums, but I don't understand what all the Al Gore hate is all about. When a "climategate whistleblower" (don't get me started) takes bitcoin donations everything's okay, but when a seemingly very clever and intelligent guy supports bitcoin everyone goes nuts because he worries that we're all shitting in our own and only bed?

Even if you disagree with his politics concerns, which shows you have a hard time grasping complex systems or worse simply believing scientists, what's the big deal?? He's with you on the internet thing, and he's with you on the bitcoin thing. Give it a rest. Say thank you. Retweet it.

And while we're on it, can someone point me to where Al Gore claims to have invented the internet already??

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: BTC Books on March 20, 2013, 11:41:35 PM
Execute a pregnant woman? He has to think about it.  :P

MR. RUSSERT: Right now there's legislation which says that a woman on death row, if she's pregnant, she should not be executed. Do you support that? [Russert refers here to Title 18 U.S.C.A. Sec. 3596, enacted in 1994: "A (federal) sentence of death shall not be carried out upon a woman while she is pregnant."]

VICE PRES. GORE: I don't know what you're talking about.

MR. RUSSERT: It's a federal statute, on the books, that if a woman is pregnant and she's on death row, she should not be executed.

VICE PRES. GORE: Well... [chuckles]...I don't know what the circumstances would be in that situation. I know, it's an interesting fact situation. I'd want to think about it.

Tim Russert's Interview With Vice President Gore ( July 2000

I remember that; and I lost a lot of respect for Russert for trying to set that pathetic trap.  No reasonably astute politician would fall for it, and Russert deserved a serious upbraiding.

If Gore says he supports it, then he believes a fetus is a person and his pro-choice position is hypocritical.

If he says no, then he believes the state should kill the unborn at its discretion, without regard to the wishes of either society or the mother.

It was probably one of the lowest points in the career of an otherwise generally decent journalist.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on March 20, 2013, 11:42:10 PM
He didn't support Bitcoin at the time, though.  Maybe that would have made the difference  ;D

If he had the ability to support bitcoin ~8 years before its creation he'd be a near god.
The inception of a cryptography backed currency has being around longer. As much as I like bitcoin, what is important isn't the name but what it is.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: BTC Books on March 20, 2013, 11:43:22 PM
I understand that as one who sees global climate destabilization as a serious issue makes me part of a minority on these forums, but I don't understand what all the Al Gore hate is all about. When a "climategate whistleblower" (don't get me started) takes bitcoin donations everything's okay, but when a seemingly very clever and intelligent guy supports bitcoin everyone goes nuts because he worries that we're all shitting in our own and only bed?

Even if you disagree with his politics concerns, which shows you have a hard time grasping complex systems or worse simply believing scientists, what's the big deal?? He's with you on the internet thing, and he's with you on the bitcoin thing. Give it a rest. Say thank you. Retweet it.

And while we're on it, can someone point me to where Al Gore claims to have invented the internet already??

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Explodicle on March 20, 2013, 11:44:03 PM
I don't think Albert would be happy with Bitcoin if he realized how much the climate changed in my house with all the 5830s I've run.

Maybe Gore did this:

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: nootropicsforbitcoins on March 21, 2013, 12:54:11 AM
"I'm telling you it's even bigger than Manbearpig! Listen to me, I'm cereal!"
- Al Gore

Guys.  I'm totally being super duper cereal right now!

But really, Al Gore must be a pretty clever guy if he understands what Bitcoin is bringing to the world.  I'm surprised, as I've always envisioned politicians as dinosaurs with tiny, floppy arms, with vision so poor they can't see another few minutes ahead of them.

Are the two Paul's interested in Bitcoin as well?

Ron Paul had an interview about it just yesterday on The Stateless Man:

See 4:15 for mention and his thoughts.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on March 21, 2013, 12:57:49 AM
It makes sense that he is Satoshi! After all, he invented the internet.  8)

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Severian on March 21, 2013, 02:21:56 AM
I don't understand what all the Al Gore hate is all about.

Only speaking for myself, it's not just him. I have a severe prejudice against any narcissist in the public sphere sucking wealth from productive people. That would include pretty much every notable member of either party.

Gore in particular is a model specimen of the twisted aristocracy that is the American ruling class. He and his family have made fortune upon fortune in the oil biz yet he's seen as some kind of environmentalist by the less sophisticated.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: WiW on March 21, 2013, 10:21:03 AM
Gore in particular is a model specimen of the twisted aristocracy that is the American ruling class. He and his family have made fortune upon fortune in the oil biz yet he's seen as some kind of environmentalist by the less sophisticated.

Let's face it, all politicians from all sides of the spectrum no matter how they do what they do, by nature of the system are sucking wealth from productive people. When politicians are 100X wealthier than your average joe, it's not because they're 100X more productive. And there are loads of republican politicians talking about letting American "capitalism" take the reins when we all know American capitalism is "funnel money from the poor to the rich" (not from the unproductive to the productive).

(Disclaimer: I'm not American)

I don't know anything about his personal life, but let's grant you this. Suppose he did make a fortune in the oil biz. What does this ad hominem attack have anything to do with what he's saying? Let's say he personally actually emits more greenhouses gasses than the entire country, why would that have anything to do with the fact that he's now working to stop it and solve the problem??

Unless there is anyone on this forum who actually genuinely believes that global climate destabilization is not an issue (really??), then this is purely personal against Al Gore and I don't get it. So why is there such a stark contrast in these forums per the attitude to Al Gore and any other politician?

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: mccorvic on March 21, 2013, 01:57:32 PM
Did we ever get video/more info on this Al Gore thing beyond the reddit/twitter reports?  Would love to see video.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: elux on March 21, 2013, 02:06:11 PM
The early hours of’s The Innovation Project 2013 featured no shortage of star power. With Market Platform Dynamics CEO Karen Webster leading off the event with a unique take on innovation and the “Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffett offering his wisdom to the crowd, the bar was set very high for the event’s first panel. Fortunately, former Vice President Al Gore was up to the task, calling in live from London to speak about payments, innovation and his take on a concept he says he’s been developing for years: the Global Mind.


“When Bitcoin currency is converted from currency into cash, that interface has to remain under some regulatory safeguards.
I think the fact that within the Bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] … is actually pretty cool,”
Gore said.


Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Severian on March 21, 2013, 04:56:45 PM
Unless there is anyone on this forum who actually genuinely believes that global climate destabilization is not an issue (really??), then this is purely personal against Al Gore and I don't get it. So why is there such a stark contrast in these forums per the attitude to Al Gore and any other politician?

I'm an American. Bring up another politician's name and I'll probably have the same reaction. They're all buzzards.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: DataPlumber on March 21, 2013, 04:58:38 PM
The early hours of’s The Innovation Project 2013 featured no shortage of star power. With Market Platform Dynamics CEO Karen Webster leading off the event with a unique take on innovation and the “Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffett offering his wisdom to the crowd, the bar was set very high for the event’s first panel. Fortunately, former Vice President Al Gore was up to the task, calling in live from London to speak about payments, innovation and his take on a concept he says he’s been developing for years: the Global Mind.


“When Bitcoin currency is converted from currency into cash, that interface has to remain under some regulatory safeguards.
I think the fact that within the Bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] … is actually pretty cool,”
Gore said.

So he's smart enough to see what happens as people start exchanging dollars for Bitcoin, but hasn't quite looked forward enough to ponder a bitcoin-bitcoin economy outside of gov't oversight/meddling.  Maybe it's too uncomfortable for them to ponder?

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on March 21, 2013, 05:03:30 PM
Did we ever get video/more info on this Al Gore thing beyond the reddit/twitter reports?  Would love to see video.
Yeah, this has not been confirmed...Right?

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: elux on March 21, 2013, 05:10:20 PM
Did we ever get video/more info on this Al Gore thing beyond the reddit/twitter reports?  Would love to see video.
Yeah, this has not been confirmed...Right?

It has been confirmed.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Severian on March 21, 2013, 05:13:47 PM
So he's smart enough to see what happens as people start exchanging dollars for Bitcoin, but hasn't quite looked forward enough to ponder a bitcoin-bitcoin economy outside of gov't oversight/meddling.  Maybe it's too uncomfortable for them to ponder?

It's impossible for a professional statist to comprehend humans acting in the realm of commerce without the ever helpful and watchful government overseeing.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: meowmeowbrowncow on March 21, 2013, 05:18:58 PM

All I'm going to say is 'too big to fail' is failed capitalism in practice.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Richy_T on March 21, 2013, 06:21:29 PM

All I'm going to say is 'too big to fail' is failed capitalism in practice.

You misspelled corporatism.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: justusranvier on March 21, 2013, 10:12:09 PM

All I'm going to say is 'too big to fail' is failed capitalism in practice.

You misspelled corporatism.
You misspelled fascism.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: Richy_T on March 22, 2013, 01:50:49 PM

All I'm going to say is 'too big to fail' is failed capitalism in practice.

You misspelled corporatism.
You misspelled fascism.
I'd accept either :)

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: cbeast on March 22, 2013, 02:03:24 PM
Al Gore is driven by (as much as a politician can be) passion ( It's no wonder he sees the value of a Bitcoin driven economy.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: bitcoinperson on March 25, 2013, 12:54:22 AM

All I'm going to say is 'too big to fail' is failed capitalism in practice.

You misspelled corporatism.
You misspelled fascism.
I'd accept either :)

"Too big to fail" is central planning, not capitalism.

Title: Re: 2013-03-20 Al Gore: I'm a Big Fan of Bitcoin
Post by: TheButterZone on March 25, 2013, 01:03:41 AM
Al Gore is a sociopath you want to jump on your bandwagon.
Internet=Good for everyone, which is exactly why any proper government wants to spy on everyone using it to enhance liberty
Global warming/climate change/whatever you want to call justifying the waste of hundreds of trillions of dollars=Bad for everyone but those wearing golden parachutes who've sabotaged their own planes, figuratively speaking
Bitcoin=Good for everyone who wants economic liberty, which is exactly why any proper government wants to regulate and tax it into near-prohibition