Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: BitWhale on August 07, 2016, 12:11:53 AM

Title: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: BitWhale on August 07, 2016, 12:11:53 AM
I've yet to see anyone offer mass amounts of people the opportunity to do paid shilling for them. I'd imagine even if it was done in the privacy of private messaging or some other forum unknown to us, some where there has to be proof. You guys are good at digging, I'd imagine someone has something eh?

Im being completely honest and serious here. I'd love to see proof of this happening. Can anyone supply it?


Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Chris! on August 07, 2016, 12:17:19 AM
This should either be in Meta or off topic, I can't really decide.

Paid shill, shill, they're all the same. They have an agenda to take down a certain company/cryptocurrency and it's always obvious (because shills aren't the brightest/subtlest).

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Backside walkaround on August 07, 2016, 12:20:05 AM
I have seen similar accusations bandied about on 9/11 conspiracy sites.  All the time.  It's the most convenient way for a paranoid person to explain why someone doesn't agree with him.

However, on this forum in particular there may very well be shills for altcoins.  I don't think people are actually paid to do it, but I think developers may use alts to pump their own coins.  Or bash others.  But mostly people are just passionate about one coin or another, or one conspiracy or another, and just post because of that passion.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: BitWhale on August 07, 2016, 12:32:34 AM
ok cool, that's what I thought too. I agree that people tend to be biased by what ever they are holding in their wallets, but I hear people say stuff like this on nearly a daily basis:

why the fook do you bother posting on this site i just dont get it ??? you are a complete troll like seriously wise up wasting your time  hahahaha

The answer is easy, he is a paid shill... his only goal here is to spread misinformation and to bad mouth Bitcoin. Just have a look at the post history and the whole objective of his presence here is laid

They always say "PAID shill" which gives the impression that someone is actually paying for this service. lol. It cracks me up because its about as conspiracy theory as it gets. I've seen many people use this term, typically the same three dudes always fighting in the altcoin dicussions. Spoetnik, Minecache, and that other dude lol.

So now I am curious, I want to see an instance of actual paid shills. I'm sure if people are getting paid there will be at least one instance of it on the internet somewhere, possibly a disgruntled ex-shillployee?

and to the three dudes I mentioned, please don't take this as a personal attack (even though undoubtedly you will), I am merely curious.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: DooMAD on August 07, 2016, 10:50:35 AM
It's fair to assume the majority of such accusations are merely failed personal attacks.  People can't make a substantive rebuttal to an argument, so they attempt to discredit the opposition by calling them a shill.  I generally take it as a sign they've lost the debate.  It's unlikely there's much money changing hands just for someone to spout an agenda on the internet.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Carlton Banks on August 07, 2016, 11:09:00 AM
Currency is literally the most effective political tool that exists. You're trying to say that Central Bankers wouldn't be interested in either controlling or neutering Bitcoin? :\

If any internet discourse is going to attract shills, it's alternative currencies for which there is no effective reprimand based on law/force. The "paid" part is of course an assumption, but not an unreasonable one. Certain Bitcoin-coup shills were caught spending unusually long periods of time on for an ordinary human being with an occupation, let alone a professional shill (the Franky1 account, for instance, posted continuously for 24+ hours consecutively, implying multiple persons sharing the account). That's highly organised strategy, if the Frankies aren't getting paid money, they're working pretty hard for nothing.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Herbert2020 on August 07, 2016, 11:20:42 AM
one of the biggest case that comes to my mind is the altcoin and altcoin pumpers, you think ethereum got where it is right now based on being "good" no if you remember the beginning of it, there were numerous users spamming every corner of this forum and other places. and i am not surprised to find out that they were getting paid to do it.

because nobody goes around especially on reddit sending every person a personal message telling them eth is the shit and for free. they even replied you if you said something to them!!

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Lauda on August 07, 2016, 01:59:39 PM
It's fair to assume the majority of such accusations are merely failed personal attacks. 
You shouldn't make such assumptions IMHO since we practically have zero data regarding this in the Bitcoin ecosystem (as far as I'm aware of). Keep in mind that "paid shills" go back to the early days of the internet (I also recall a smartphone company doing this not long ago, not sure which one it was).

You're trying to say that Central Bankers wouldn't be interested in either controlling or neutering Bitcoin? :\
They most certainly would be. The people participating in the ecosystem are the most vulnerable part.

That's highly organised strategy, if the Frankies aren't getting paid money, they're working pretty hard for nothing.

Generally I'd say that it isn't easy to tell who may actually be a shill, but there are definitely many spread among the community.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: dogie on August 07, 2016, 02:33:10 PM
Yes. Absolutely, undoubtedly yes. Global labour is cheap enough that any westerner with any sort of vendetta can spend an inconsequential amount of money to harass people / organisations.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Amph on August 07, 2016, 02:34:05 PM
just don't confuse someone that has a different opinion on the matter with a paid shill, i see this lately

it seems like right now everyone is paying for posting even those without signature, there are other kind of signature campaign that pay you without the need to wear a signature, there are some users enrolled in them

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: suchmoon on August 07, 2016, 03:33:58 PM
I've yet to see anyone offer mass amounts of people the opportunity to do paid shilling for them. I'd imagine even if it was done in the privacy of private messaging or some other forum unknown to us, some where there has to be proof. You guys are good at digging, I'd imagine someone has something eh?

Im being completely honest and serious here. I'd love to see proof of this happening. Can anyone supply it?


Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: European Central Bank on August 07, 2016, 09:43:37 PM
one of the biggest case that comes to my mind is the altcoin and altcoin pumpers, you think ethereum got where it is right now based on being "good" no if you remember the beginning of it, there were numerous users spamming every corner of this forum and other places. and i am not surprised to find out that they were getting paid to do it.

I can absolutely believe this about alts and certain companies. wasn't the gold collapsing/ bitcoin up guy paid insane amounts to hawk some mining company? a vast amount of people here are gullible, greedy and corrupt.

what I do have trouble believing is the other accusation thrown around occasionally that people on here are paid by banksters and three letter agencies to disrupt this community.

I guess it's conceivable but the level of trolling is so pathetic that I can't believe anyone would pay someone for it.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: dogie on August 07, 2016, 11:43:13 PM
I've yet to see anyone offer mass amounts of people the opportunity to do paid shilling for them. I'd imagine even if it was done in the privacy of private messaging or some other forum unknown to us, some where there has to be proof. You guys are good at digging, I'd imagine someone has something eh?

Im being completely honest and serious here. I'd love to see proof of this happening. Can anyone supply it?


Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Quickseller on August 08, 2016, 02:59:50 AM
just don't confuse someone that has a different opinion on the matter with a paid shill, i see this lately
Although there are some instances of "paid shills" I believe them to be far and few-in-between.

I think the overwhelming majority of the time, a "paid shill" or a "sockpuppet" is simply someone who does not agree with a certain viewpoint, and instead of attacking the viewpoint, someone will simply claim they are a "paid shill" or a "sockpuppet" -- this is not unlike an ad hominem attack. (there are a lot more instances of people using sockpuppets then there that of "paid shills" although not all sockpuppets will vouch or side with their "owner")

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: eddie13 on August 08, 2016, 03:12:14 AM
What's the bounty for building a shill army?
MANI will have the biggest shill army of the crypto history. Make it happen.

Pay close attention..

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: ABitNut on August 10, 2016, 12:19:24 AM
just don't confuse someone that has a different opinion on the matter with a paid shill, i see this lately
Although there are some instances of "paid shills" I believe them to be far and few-in-between.

I think the overwhelming majority of the time, a "paid shill" or a "sockpuppet" is simply someone who does not agree with a certain viewpoint, and instead of attacking the viewpoint, someone will simply claim they are a "paid shill" or a "sockpuppet" -- this is not unlike an ad hominem attack. (there are a lot more instances of people using sockpuppets then there that of "paid shills" although not all sockpuppets will vouch or side with their "owner")

You heard it from the expert on sock puppets. Heed their advice.

I can understand that there are fewer "paid" shills since it's so easy to create some alt accounts and sock puppet all over the place.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: European Central Bank on August 10, 2016, 12:45:57 AM
I can understand that there are fewer "paid" shills since it's so easy to create some alt accounts and sock puppet all over the place.

considering how willing people are to debase themselves for pathetic amounts of btc on here, I can well believe they'd devote 24 hours a day of stirring if some alt developer gave them 1 satoshi. this place is filled with whores.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: suchmoon on August 10, 2016, 01:01:09 AM
I can understand that there are fewer "paid" shills since it's so easy to create some alt accounts and sock puppet all over the place.

considering how willing people are to debase themselves for pathetic amounts of btc on here, I can well believe they'd devote 24 hours a day of stirring if some alt developer gave them 1 satoshi. this place is filled with whores.

Proper shilling requires more skill than e.g. sig campaign spamming. Cheap ones would be worse than useless, would make a mockery of their shilling subject.

On the other hand many shitcoin shills are likely bagholders themselves, not needing any additional incentive other than their own delusion.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: ndnh on August 10, 2016, 02:15:53 PM
Everything exists.

Usually when some idiot vouches for a brand new site to get activity, he becomes a paid shill to others who post that to get campaign earnings.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Blazed on August 10, 2016, 03:11:20 PM
I doubt that most shills actually get paid. It seems that a lot of people that are into crypto get very emotional about it for some strange reason. I compare it to religious obsession they feel they need to push on others. I also think the term "FUD" is about as overused as "Paid Shill".

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: eddie13 on August 10, 2016, 04:50:44 PM
shitcoin shills are likely bagholders themselves, not needing any additional incentive other than their own delusion.

Yep they talked themselvs into an investment, they likely even truly believe in it. They want to tell you how great it is for one so they can justify it instead of looking like a fool for handing their money away, and for two if they can convince you too and you buy the value of the investment goes up and it becomes self fulfilling..

The ones that actually believe in what they are telling you are not so bad, though can be annoying..
The ones that you know are just trying to tell you some sleazy shit are the ones that piss me off..

I don't know if I've ever really come across any true "paid" shills, the cosest I think I've scene to that would be lower level members of dev teams and "insiders" with dev teams.

I am about 95% sure though that I have came across a pair of true "paid" fudders taking 12 hour shifts.. They were F'n pro's, they were good at what they did.. I think they were from Garza's fleet actually..

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Daisy14 on August 11, 2016, 10:34:45 PM
I don't know what 'FUD' means but I've heard people bash eth and litecoin most especially.

I think they are simply crypto-traders trying to pump their favorite coin.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: ReturnBits on August 13, 2016, 06:16:57 PM
It's a shill. No shills get paid, they shill. Lol
They aren't even real people, if they are its just one guy with a bunch of accounts so, no one to really pay.

Title: Re: Everyone keeps saying people are a "Paid Shill", is there any truth to this?
Post by: Lethn on August 14, 2016, 09:05:28 AM
There certainly are shills out there, you can tell them by the places but as others will likely say sometimes they can be just be speculators ( also nicknamed 'bagholders' ) who have an ulterior motive because they've lost out on their investments and are looking to try and get out by getting other people to bump up prices for them, they're pretty easy to spot though and aren't very subtle.

I will say though the OP brings up a decent point, people may have noticed I'm not posting as much on this forum as I used to and I was wondering why myself lately and I just realised it's because people have been getting very hostile lately. I'm not talking about politics or any of that shit, I actually enjoy chatting there still, however when it comes to discussing anything to do Bitcoin itself, investments or any other kind of services there is a huge amount of shit posting.

Sometimes it's newbies who are just hostile little cunts generally and often turn out to be scammers but also I've seen longer term members here who should know better than to throw accusations at people especially the ones who have been here far longer than them. It makes things very unpleasant around here and I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to have to put fingerpointing twats like this on the ignore list the same way I put stalkers, anti-semites and Muslim supporters all on the list as well because it's the only way to make the board pleasant again.

I think the biggest irony of these types of posters I've seen lately are the ones who go around accusing others of shilling and so on and they have negative trust on their accounts and are known scammers. Or better yet they go around claiming that other sites are scams and then post even more dodgy looking ones as recommendations you see this all the fucking time when there are newbies asking about investment.

The thing as well is, after doing research and I mean some real research into all the maths and such behind investing, I'm starting to wonder if a lot of people screaming about scams and shills actually have no fucking clue of what they're talking about and are just pissed that their $500 investment isn't giving them any decent return. Granted, there are a lot of scams in cryptocurrencies because it's so easy, however even in real investing speculators realistically need at least $2000 to make any kind of decent income.

When you're looking at dividends as well that number is going even higher, so like I said, it makes me wonder, especially when it comes to mining and you have people putting in only $10 and then screaming about what a scam it all is.