Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Pap0u on August 30, 2016, 12:49:44 PM

Title: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Pap0u on August 30, 2016, 12:49:44 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Pro Gamers on August 30, 2016, 12:55:13 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solve able by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and solve our issues?

Its so nice if satoshi back here and share knowledge to the community of bitcoin. But for my opinion this community is growing and we atre facing many changes, it means we should stand alone to the best of our ability for this community and do not depend to the founder for long.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: deisik on August 30, 2016, 01:05:44 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

And what would he do? In the first place, he shouldn't have left the Bitcoin development at all. Linus Torvalds is still there heading the development of Linux (being a "benevolent dictator" as he calls himself), and there is hardly a possibility of anything being close enough to what is now happening to Bitcoin...

If Satoshi showed up now, his appearance would only exacerbate the discord and disagreement reigning in the community at the moment

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Cuhua-hua on August 30, 2016, 01:07:05 PM
It is something a good friend. However I do not know what to do, because all the things that exist in the identity of satoshi not known by everyone and it will be very difficult to find. It probably could have been done, but I'm not sure that satoshi can help. Because maybe he had forgotten against the secret code to enter into the system the bitcoin or maybe he cannot solve the problems that occur. I hope that this can be resolved by either

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Pap0u on August 30, 2016, 01:14:05 PM
Bitcoin will realistically go to only two places; all the way down or all the way up. I am not sure what breakthrough will happen but Satoshi being the founder and understanding the principles clearly better than anyone might really be the only answer.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: sbtctalk on August 30, 2016, 01:24:29 PM
If Satoshi appears now and make any movements to his coins, I think the Bitcoin price would crash.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Pap0u on August 30, 2016, 01:31:17 PM
If Satoshi appears now and make any movements to his coins, I think the Bitcoin price would crash.

This isn't about his wealth or amount of coins he holds. It's about that we face serious developmental issues that we need to find a solution for quick.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: franky1 on August 30, 2016, 01:34:41 PM
satoshi already made his opinion known.

however we should not blindly follow one persons desire. or even a group of devs desires no matter what 'team' they are on.
that is a path to dictatorship.
satoshi recognised this and disapeared to try keeping bitcoin away from dictatorship.

however dictatorship appears to be returning. many people dont want to make a decision for themselves and want to be told what to do

core devotee's know this because they think the debate is about core possibly losing dictator control, to another team.. instead of the rational argument that there should not be any dictator control by any side. but instead a general agreement by the majority of all involved.

we should have clear and open OPTIONS and choices and allowed to freely choose the best option and have it only activating if there is a clearly large majority in favour for it.
its built into bitcoin already, miners wont change if there is a risk that they cant spend the rewards of the change. users wont change if there is a risk miners wont accept their new changed transactions.
so they/we need to be sure the change is positive and also majority accepted before it will even activate.


softforks for instance are not an open choice where people can opt-out and thus prevent bitcoin going down a one way street.
soft forks are more "follow the one way street as it turns direction"(by upgrading) or "put your fingers in your ears and close your eyes"(by not upgrading).

put it this way, nothing can stop a miner changing something in a soft fork today,..

those that dont upgrade are not opting out of an option. they are not preventing it from happening.. they are just deciding to sit back and not check new data because they dont understand the new data. so just blindly pass it on.

softforks should not be used for direction changing things. but just for small minor alterations/bug fixes.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: richardsNY on August 30, 2016, 01:36:49 PM
There is no point in waiting for Satoshi to return or at least give feedback on how to deal with this situation. The problem is that the developers and other high level Bitcoiners are not agreeing on the most important points, and probably never will if they don't put their ego's aside. That's why we have seen Bitcoin Classic and all other alternatives pop up. They were hoping to snoop away people from Core to their side.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: deisik on August 30, 2016, 01:44:36 PM
There is no point in waiting for Satoshi to return or at least give feedback on how to deal with this situation. The problem is that the developers and other high level Bitcoiners are not agreeing on the most important points, and probably never will if they don't put their ego's aside. That's why we have seen Bitcoin Classic and all other alternatives pop up. They were hoping to snoop away people from Core to their side.

That's why any serious open-source project out there has someone fittingly called BDFL (benevolent dictator for life), a person, typically a project founder, who guides the development of the project and has the final word in disputes and disagreements arising within the community...

It appears that democracy doesn't work very well in practice if implemented for real

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: yayayo on August 30, 2016, 02:01:32 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

I think it's a rather strange opinion to think that only Satoshi knows the solution for scaling Bitcoin. With Bitcoin he has given us a great gift, but he is not an omniscient god. Bitcoin has improved by several orders of magnitude since he left. So it's safe to say, that we have capable developers working at Core.

Also I don't understand your preposition: The "problems" with scaling and malleability are already solved by successfully implementing SegWit. Apparently you've obtained your perspective from media reporting, where the bigblock/anti-decentralization extremists are spreading their FUD without seeing the real progress that has been made.

So there is no need to pray. SegWit is ready and will be activated in one of the next minor releases. After all, Bitcoin is about cryptography, not religion...


Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: franky1 on August 30, 2016, 02:11:20 PM
that we have capable developers working at Core.

Also I don't understand your preposition: The "problems" with scaling and malleability are already solved by successfully implementing SegWit. Apparently you've obtained your perspective from media reporting, where the bigblock/anti-decentralization extremists are spreading their FUD without seeing the real progress that has been made.

So there is no need to pray. SegWit is ready and will be activated in one of the next minor releases. After all, Bitcoin is about cryptography, not religion...


segwit has not solved malleability.. yet
segwit is not ready..  yet

its not even activated..
please wake up.. ur dreaming, or maybe you own a time machine and came from the future

why have "faith" in something that is not changing the world this very moment. and is only promises at this moment.
atleast wait until the promises are delivered..

as you say its not a religion but you have blind faith in Core..
seems from many of your posts you have lost total understanding of decentralization and only want a dictator (12 corporoate paid devs with 90 spelll checkers to pretend to be open)

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: yayayo on August 30, 2016, 02:28:48 PM
segwit has not solved malleability.. yet
segwit is not ready..  yet

its not even activated..
please wake up.. ur dreaming, or maybe you own a time machine and came from the future

and you say its not a religion but you have blind faith in Core..
seems from many of your posts you have lost total understanding of decentralization and only want a dictator (12 corporoate paid devs with 90 spelll checkers to pretend to be open)

What you want belongs to the altcoin section of this forum. It is XTCoin/ClassicCoin/UnlimitedCoin/VerHearnAndresen-WhateverCoin, but it is not Bitcoin. You are either a paid shill or seem to have serious problems with information processing. Otherwise it is not understandable why you continue to spread FUD regarding the Core development team.

Most sane individuals can tell the difference between an intelligent solution and a silly one when given the opportunity to directly compare their advantages and disadvantages. It's pretty clear that SegWit is an intelligent solution, while Hearn/Andresen's-big block scheme is not.

Speaking about third-party commitments: Gavin Andresen was the guy, who willfully visited the CIA and other governmental entities around the time Satoshi left...


Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: ournem on August 30, 2016, 02:30:54 PM
hard forks for the sake of tech upgrade are fine, most everyone can agree to it and there are no competing chains.  hardforks for political reasons are just asking to split the network. 

the key will be learning how to hardfork bitcoin in a way that is done for the tech and not for the politics.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: franky1 on August 30, 2016, 02:47:38 PM
ya ya ya has really drank deep the sacred wine from the core religions glass..

he calls hardforkers "bigblockers" lol
hardfork =2mb bloat for 2x capacity..
softfork = 4mb bloat for 1.8x capacity

softfork doesnt need consensus(choice)
hardfor needs consensus(choice)

here ill make it simple 4mb BIGBLOCKER  2mb not bigblocker
here even simpler   2mb or 4mb.. which is bigger? even a 5yo cant get that wrong

so softfork = bigblockers and dictatators..

think rationally, think about bitcoin code and logic, not core devotion..
try to get your religious beleifs far away from your comments. only talk about logic, code and benefits

seems all the arguments against a hardfork actually apply to softforks if you stop your religious ideology and actually read some code and thought about it.

please stop taking the wine and bread handouts from your religion while standing in their church and instead look for the real information in the real world

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on August 30, 2016, 03:41:58 PM
Satoshi is creator of idea behind bitcoin actually idea of blockchain network. And we don't need him to come back to solve the current problems like scability and block size as there are enough devs behind who can do this easily, but as bitcoin is controlled by community so it require majority of community decision to do anything.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Pap0u on August 30, 2016, 04:20:29 PM
Maybe. No amount of devs though created Bitcoin before Satoshi's insight. He might have knowledge that others can not comprehend at the moment.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: jonald_fyookball on August 30, 2016, 04:41:40 PM
segwit has not solved malleability.. yet
segwit is not ready..  yet

its not even activated..
please wake up.. ur dreaming, or maybe you own a time machine and came from the future

and you say its not a religion but you have blind faith in Core..
seems from many of your posts you have lost total understanding of decentralization and only want a dictator (12 corporoate paid devs with 90 spelll checkers to pretend to be open)

What you want belongs to the altcoin section of this forum. It is XTCoin/ClassicCoin/UnlimitedCoin/VerHearnAndresen-WhateverCoin, but it is not Bitcoin. You are either a paid shill or seem to have serious problems with information processing. Otherwise it is not understandable why you continue to spread FUD regarding the Core development team.

Most sane individuals can tell the difference between an intelligent solution and a silly one when given the opportunity to directly compare their advantages and disadvantages. It's pretty clear that SegWit is an intelligent solution, while Hearn/Andresen's-big block scheme is not.

Speaking about third-party commitments: Gavin Andresen was the guy, who willfully visited the CIA and other governmental entities around the time Satoshi left...


Yes!  Anything not approved by Blockstream corporation is blasphemy!  Speaking badly of segwit or having an opinion not in line
with Blockstream is not Bitcoin!  And you're a paid shill or stupid if you disagree!!!


Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: ObscureBean on August 30, 2016, 04:54:22 PM
If Satoshi came back, it would not be easy for him to hide his identity. At the time he was involved in Bitcoin he was not famous enough for people to really try and track him down. But I suppose if he really wanted to, he could probably contribute/suggest ideas anonymously or using a different name.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Kprawn on August 30, 2016, 05:08:19 PM
We do not need him to come back to solve every little problem we have with Bitcoin. If you believed all the Big block doom, we would have died 2

years ago, and we still around. It's easy for all of these outsiders to make ridiculous predictions on the scalability and what needs to happen, but

they will not have to face up to people, when Billions of dollars goes down the drain, when this project fail, IF they implemented the wrong code.

I think some of them are doing this, because they are invested in other projects and needs Bitcoin to fail, in the hope that they might succeed.  ???   

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: krishna1 on August 30, 2016, 05:11:47 PM
It will be the best day if satoshi retuns but that is not possible and if he really does then also i do not think he will say that he is satoshi he will be anonymous and developera are growing day by day we will make it

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Lombard on August 30, 2016, 05:26:06 PM
the satoshi will never return because it would make the price go down as people would think he will sell his bitcoins

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: tyz on August 30, 2016, 06:01:40 PM
The current problems result through a missing consensus. Times have changed since Satoshi left the project. There are so many lobby groups in the meanwhile which have their self-interests. For that reason, there would not be a big impact if he would really return. It would be enough when he just releases his opinion to the current discussions.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Yakamoto on August 30, 2016, 06:11:16 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?
It's doubtful that he's going to come back in some great show of strength or whatever, and chances are we're just going to have to figure it out on our own. I don't know why you'd assume that he'd come and fix everything for us when we have the tools to sort it out ourselves. The only issue we have right now is getting people to not be retarded and figuring out some solution.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: crairezx20 on August 30, 2016, 06:15:04 PM
I think satoshi is out there he is just watching to us what is happening here in our forum he can not use the main account because i think he forgot because its a long time ago.. I think they are still developing bitcoin thats why bitcoin still alive as of now .

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Shiroslullaby on August 30, 2016, 06:20:15 PM
You need to honestly think of the type of person that created Bitcoin, and why they did it.  
They wanted an anonymous, decentralized monetary system.
They know enough about computers and cryptography to do serious programming. (So they have a way to make money already.)

This is not the type of person who did this to become famous, or get rich.
(Well maybe they realized they could make some money but definitely not to become famous.)

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Senor.Bla on August 30, 2016, 06:26:21 PM
You need to honestly think of the type of person that created Bitcoin, and why they did it. 
They wanted an anonymous, decentralized monetary system.
They know enough about computers and cryptography to do serious programming. (So they have a way to make money already.)

This is not the type of person who did this to become famous, or get rich.
They did this because it needed to be done.

plus a lot changed since he is gone. i do not know i he could help that much. it would just add another opinion. his opinion would surely have some weight, bur i do not know if he would be able to make the best choices. many would most likely try to influence him or use him for other reasons. i think it would bring more problems that help.   

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: mobilestrike on August 30, 2016, 06:30:58 PM
He will be more expert in any issue regarding bitcoin and crypto world, we really want hm to come back and support bitcoin, with that it will be more famous all over the world and will be more advanced in technology.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: calkob on August 30, 2016, 06:34:10 PM
Bitcoin is better without satoshi around.  if he was still working on bitcoin it would become all about him.  and to be honest with all the great things satoshi came up with it wasnt perfect early bitcoin was full of bugs and i think there is some really superior people working in bitcoin today.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: socks435 on August 30, 2016, 06:42:34 PM
I thought that satoshi is here but this is just a thread developers are still active as of now and i think that issue will be resolve..
This following year before block halving again..

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: drwtsn32 on August 31, 2016, 05:23:39 AM
Bitcoin has been very fine ever since he's gone.
I don't think we need Satoshi to solve these problems.
I believe there are already some contributors who understands the bitcoin very well even beyond what Satoshi has reached.
All these years we depended on them, so let's just go on with that.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: goinmerry on August 31, 2016, 06:48:30 AM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

He left a good thing to us. Let us just figure it out rather than looking for him again to just fix this things that maybe he did know would happen also.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Pursuer on August 31, 2016, 06:48:41 AM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

and what do you think satoshi should do? I think you are mistaking satoshi with god or a godlike figure :)

yes satoshi was the one who created bitcoin and is brilliant enough to come up with this complicated code and technology called blockchain but if we give satoshi's opinion more value than the rest of developers and also other people using bitcoin then we are centralizing bitcoin with our own hands.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: deisik on August 31, 2016, 07:34:34 AM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

and what do you think satoshi should do? I think you are mistaking satoshi with god or a godlike figure :)

yes satoshi was the one who created bitcoin and is brilliant enough to come up with this complicated code and technology called blockchain but if we give satoshi's opinion more value than the rest of developers and also other people using bitcoin then we are centralizing bitcoin with our own hands

As I already said, the return of Satoshi could only make existing disagreements stronger. On the other hand, the Bitcoin blockchain itself is the ultimate example of centralization. There is only one authentic instance of it existing at any given moment, and it seems quite natural and well justified...

So it might not hurt to have a central figure who would serve as an impartial arbiter in disputes or arguments within the community

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: davis196 on August 31, 2016, 07:39:03 AM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

There`s no need for Satoshi to return.

All the issues around bitcoin can be solved by the community and the developers.

We aren`t that desperate to pray for Satoshi to return.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: TheUltraElite on August 31, 2016, 09:20:07 AM
I don't think it matters even if Satoshi returns to the forum or not. What is done is done. His identity is lost and no one actually knows who he/she is in real life. I guess it was just a part of the anonymity that bitcoin provides its users with. I believe the bitcoin environment can develop even without the founder's help and it should not be very difficult for others to follow.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: deisik on August 31, 2016, 09:33:57 AM
I don't think it matters even if Satoshi returns to the forum or not. What is done is done

I'd rather say what's lost is lost. If someone loses his influence, there is no way back in most cases. But that's not what Satoshi himself seems to be looking for (provided he is still alive and doesn't rot in one of the secret prisons operated by the CIA). Remember where one of the Bitcoin lead developers went right about time Satoshi disappeared?

As cardinal Richelieu aptly noted, treason is only a matter of dates

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Clement Kaliyar on August 31, 2016, 01:24:43 PM
Satoshi is creator of idea behind bitcoin actually idea of blockchain network. And we don't need him to come back to solve the current problems like scability and block size as there are enough devs behind who can do this easily, but as bitcoin is controlled by community so it require majority of community decision to do anything.

If there is confusion and ego on the board,it is high time the creator present himself to sort these kind of issues, People do get selfish with the role they got considering they are the early adopters,that does not even mean you dont need the creator to indulge in the further developments.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: 20kevin20 on January 18, 2017, 09:12:21 AM
There are too many risks for him to ever reveal himself. He created this currency and vanished, leaving the project (probably) unfinished. There are altcoins that are getting updated and Bitcoin never did - it's like this since the release of it. But it was well thought so it could rise in time. It's used by criminals and the FBI, NSA and CIA are trying to control it but it doesn't always work. Revealing yourself as being the creator of a currency that's said to be used for criminal activity isn't a good idea, trust me.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: deisik on January 18, 2017, 09:38:11 AM
There are too many risks for him to ever reveal himself. He created this currency and vanished, leaving the project (probably) unfinished. There are altcoins that are getting updated and Bitcoin never did - it's like this since the release of it. But it was well thought so it could rise in time. It's used by criminals and the FBI, NSA and CIA are trying to control it but it doesn't always work. Revealing yourself as being the creator of a currency that's said to be used for criminal activity isn't a good idea, trust me.

So drug designers, gun inventors, game developers and their kind should always be hiding too?

I guess the mentioned types have wreaked more damage overall than Satoshi could ever do. After all, Bitcoin doesn't kill anyone nor does it turn them into drug or game addicts (there might be Bitcoin addicts, of course, as with almost anything). Though I know the message, with Bitcoin he threatened the very foundation of government itself, he delivered probably a devastating blow to one of its pillars, i.e. state money known as fiat. But Bitcoin still doesn't do any harm itself, so the authorities will have hard time explaining if they go after him or try to criminalize him

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: bravehearth0319 on January 18, 2017, 12:25:30 PM
If bitcoin right now is facing a lot of problems that is very normal, and in my opinion we don't need Mr. Satoshi for us to help or resolve the pending trials now about in bitcoin, because the value of BitcoinBTC became high without the help of the founder or creator instead the community of bitcoin had their unity to one another to patronize the unique system that bitcoin has.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Hydrogen on January 18, 2017, 12:35:18 PM
A lot of the issues bitcoin faces are like the y2k bug.

They're blown out of proportion.

Sometimes by those who want to takeover bitcoin or influence matters to suit their own agenda.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: talkbitcoin on January 18, 2017, 12:45:11 PM
A lot of the issues bitcoin faces are like the y2k bug.

They're blown out of proportion.

Sometimes by those who want to takeover bitcoin or influence matters to suit their own agenda.

i wouldn't even call them "Issues" because what you are referring too are mostly FUD that some people with clear agenda spread everywhere.

we are facing some issues with bitcoin, but there is nothing serious and nothing to worry about, but these certain people use it to their own advantage, and then take full advantage of lack of knowledge that some new users have and fulfill their agenda.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Mr.grin on January 18, 2017, 12:53:15 PM
I guess if a walkin problem can be resolved, and may be terminated due to some development that can not be overcome, perhaps we should go back to satoshi. Well, he knows how bitcoin workmanship, and I think he is the one who best understands about it. so, satoshi can solve the problem, by making bitcoin be better again.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: disconnectme on January 18, 2017, 12:57:40 PM
I don't think if Satoshi returns, he's going to hold any significant influence in the community except honourary presence. The landscape has changed significantly affect he left, this is not the Bitcoin community he left also he has  not been working on the project for a long period of time so his understand of the scenario will not be complete and will be wrong for him to rely on the noise in the news about his baby BTC

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: (altair) on January 18, 2017, 01:28:54 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?
Well I think that it is normal cause the number of bitcoin user is growing rapidly as it is becoming more popular this days,
So I think that we may encounter some issue and some delay's on our transaction ,
And maybe Mr. Nakamoto is already working on some updates for his cryto currency.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: xSkylarx on January 18, 2017, 03:12:39 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?
Well I think that it is normal cause the number of bitcoin user is growing rapidly as it is becoming more popular this days,
So I think that we may encounter some issue and some delay's on our transaction ,
And maybe Mr. Nakamoto is already working on some updates for his cryto currency.

Yes, the more bitcoin user the more it will be hard to mine, bitcoin will be more rare cause of its reliability than satoshi can make for it user. If bitcoin will agreed to my prediction in future it will transform to a fiat or to a rare value in crypto currency and the issue there will gonna be so easy since some user will think to quit cause of high demand. but let see what bitcoin do for our future and hope satoshi will be upgrading soon that will let us earned high like bitcoin do in trading.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: SONG GEET on January 18, 2017, 03:29:53 PM
There are too many risks for him to ever reveal himself. He created this currency and vanished, leaving the project (probably) unfinished. There are altcoins that are getting updated and Bitcoin never did - it's like this since the release of it.
Almost all of your comments above are invalid.
Satoshi actually remain with bitcoin project for provably long time and actually he have remained always anonymous from starting of the project but vanished later on to protect himself and bitcoin.

All altcoins are crap and there just to collect millions from ICO, they keep updating their wallets just to show that they are actively involved in improvement.

Bitcoin never did  ::) ??? Better you check how many updates bitcoin have got from community developers in past. We don't need satoshi to make small changes or even big changes to bitcoin network.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Assman on January 18, 2017, 03:32:26 PM
He's made his contribution. 

It's on the next generation of Cypherpunks to take it to the next level now.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: burner2014 on January 18, 2017, 03:38:43 PM
I strongly believe that he don't need to come back, we have a great foundation of blockchain and I don't think he just leave us with no stability.
But, if ever that if he really needs to come back it is fine, maybe if that happen it means there are things he wanted to innovate and to make it faster transaction.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: iram3130 on January 18, 2017, 03:44:33 PM
What can he do after returning? Does anyone even know where he is or what he is working on right now.?
He should have kept developing from the start. I dont think there is long future for Bitcoins if it goes like this.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: mrjoy15 on January 18, 2017, 03:49:44 PM
I don't thing It's possible to return of satoshi and if he really so nice.
According to the records,Satoshi left the project in late 2010 without revealing much about himself.I strongly believe if mr. satoshi is still alive, he is surely a great contributing to the development of Bitcoin though.Maybe he could solve about bitcoin transaction.Confirmation of any transaction need should be solved and fix the problem forever.In the case,It is necessary need to come back as "Satoshi" to aid development.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: cryp24x on January 18, 2017, 03:57:53 PM
I don't think Satoshi needs to return with his old pseudo name, I strongly believe if he is still alive, he is actively contributing to the development of Bitcoin.  And if in case he actually left the Bitcoin scene, I do not think that it is needed to have him back because I think the argument between the two group on which to implement will be solved and decided by miners  and we do not want those million of Bitcoins being moved and converted to fiat, do we?

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on January 18, 2017, 04:05:29 PM
I don't thing It's  possible to return of satoshi and if he really so nice.
I think it is possible but he will never do that as he know what could be the circumstances after that. Bitcoin market may get bleed if he reveal himself or move few bitcoin out of addresses which is known to be satoshi's bitcoin address.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: royalfestus on January 18, 2017, 04:20:45 PM
If the real satoshi shows up, I dont think he will have to do anything about bitcoin for now but he will be entice to produce a better version of bitcoin with a large size, anonymity and faster transaction. Am sure he wont be able to resist the enticement

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: dontryjustdoit on January 18, 2017, 04:32:00 PM
I would not be surprise if he was blown away by what has been built on top of bitcoin. He could not have seen this happening all these altcoins. He would probably be doing a lot of learning himself.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Juggy777 on January 18, 2017, 04:32:39 PM
When I first read the title and before the page was loading, I was so excited thinking that Mr. Satoshi is finally back, and then op says he wishes to ask him to return. But I feel it's bit to late for him to make a comeback and he won't have a magic stick that he can wave and fix it, he has done his bit it's time the community wakes up and tries to fix the problem it created and let the father rest now.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Slark on January 18, 2017, 04:36:38 PM
Actually what Satoshi did, I am talking about BTC creation and then later his total disappearance, was a great move.

This is the best way for people to learn not to rely on anyone's opinion, position or influence to fix community problems.

Imagine this scenario: Satoshi is with us, and he is steering bitcoin development - but for how long he could do this?

His whole life maybe, and then what, who will fix our problems? True strength of Bitcoin is its ability to survive without Satoshi.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: jcojci on January 18, 2017, 04:38:09 PM
If bitcoin right now is facing a lot of problems that is very normal, and in my opinion we don't need Mr. Satoshi for us to help or resolve the pending trials now about in bitcoin, because the value of BitcoinBTC became high without the help of the founder or creator instead the community of bitcoin had their unity to one another to patronize the unique system that bitcoin has.

at least we know who is mr. satoshi, the creator of bitcoin and maybe he could solve about bitcoin transaction that need more times to be completed and we know many of us have been complain about this. but again, i don't think that mr. satoshi will show his true identity, i guess he will be play behind the scene and fix the problem.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Loganota on January 18, 2017, 04:48:00 PM
Although Satoshi is a genius he is not able to solve everything by himself. Even if he was still here he would need help, some people have already helped him in development. Who knows, as they said above, he's here as another user trying to help? He would not need to come back as "Satoshi" to aid development.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: deisik on January 18, 2017, 04:57:30 PM
Actually what Satoshi did, I am talking about BTC creation and then later his total disappearance, was a great move.

This is the best way for people to learn not to rely on anyone's opinion, position or influence to fix community problems.

Imagine this scenario: Satoshi is with us, and he is steering bitcoin development - but for how long he could do this?

His whole life maybe, and then what, who will fix our problems? True strength of Bitcoin is its ability to survive without Satoshi

I have a different opinion on this

Though the conclusion is essentially the same, i.e. it was a wise decision on his part to leave the scene and vanish without a trace (let's assume that he is still alive, of course). The difference in our positions is that Bitcoin would still be independent of Satoshi, so such a situation could arise when he might have his say neglected and ultimately discarded since it is the miners who have the final say, not Satoshi or any other individual, for that matter. And I don't think that he would be quite happy with that if such an event should have happened (even though it is the nature of Bitcoin which he himself made it so). Obviously, he anticipated such a possibility and made up his mind not to get involved with this course of events in any possible way

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Victorycoin on January 18, 2017, 04:57:39 PM
I think satoshi is out there he is just watching to us what is happening here in our forum he can not use the main account because i think he forgot because its a long time ago.. I think they are still developing bitcoin thats why bitcoin still alive as of now .
I am thinking the same way too, because it is hard to totally let go a project as this and certainly not now that Bitcoin have become mainstream. He might have been making some contributions already and anonymously. I must say the community is better off not having him declare his identity, because first off, the authorities would come for him and that will leave a big blow on the price and future of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: st0nefish on January 18, 2017, 05:02:24 PM
With Bitcoin facing pending problems of scaling and malleability, developers are facing issues as whether to soft or hard fork Bitcoin. Are Bitcoins issues solveable by the current developers and community or must we pray for the founding father to return and help us as the only hope?

It is still unknown whether Satoshi is a single person or a community. Maybe he is still writing anonymously on this forum. Perhaps the current development team could be Satoshi.

To me, bitcoin should not be related to a single person. An idea that is not from a single person but from the community will be more successful.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: Lionidas on January 18, 2017, 05:07:42 PM
Now why would Satoshi want to become as revered as Snowden or Assange?
I doubt he would be anywhere he would want to be publicly noticed.
The technology is just too much for only one person to invent so I still believe it was a collaboration of many people's thoughts and ideas to make this invention of the past 8 years a reality.

Title: Re: Return of Satoshi
Post by: ruselbd on January 18, 2017, 07:51:13 PM
I think satoshi is out there he is quite recently viewing to us what is occurring here in our gathering he can not utilize the principle account since i think he overlooked on the grounds that its quite a while prior.. I think they are as yet creating bitcoin that is the reason bitcoin still alive starting at now