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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: bryant.coleman on September 26, 2016, 05:09:26 PM

Title: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: bryant.coleman on September 26, 2016, 05:09:26 PM
The following channels will be telecasting the debate LIVE (My favorite is Fox News):

* Fox
* Fox News
* Univision

80 million US viewers are expected to watch the debate, in addition to tens of millions of non-Americans. If you don't have access to Cable TV, then you can watch the debate live on the following YouTube channels:

* BuzzFeed
* CBS News
* Daily Caller
* Fox News
* Huffington Post
* Politico
* Telemundo
* Wall Street Journal
* Univision
* Yahoo

Fox: or
NBC News:

You can also watch the debate live on Facebook (ABC Channel: or Twitter (Bloomberg account:

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: saddampbuh on September 26, 2016, 06:06:21 PM
bought much red bull to stay up for this

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: mindrust on September 26, 2016, 06:23:18 PM
Ez victory for Donald. All he has to do is wait for Hillary to cough. If she makes any weird moves he won't even have to speak. He will win automatically. Actually he already won. I will just watch it because it will be very entertaining to see a crazy bitch against a real man..

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: sana6805 on September 26, 2016, 06:31:50 PM
Fox has to cancel my favorite Lucifer episode in favor for this two little devils debate.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Spendulus on September 26, 2016, 08:04:54 PM
Fox has to cancel my favorite Lucifer episode in favor for this two little devils debate.

(You heard it here first because I just made it up.)

If they had any sense they'd work this right into the Lucifer plot line.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: gentlemand on September 26, 2016, 10:26:23 PM
I don't really get why anyone gives a shit. They're all rehearsed up front and this is common knowledge. I suppose we can count on Donny to chuck a spanner in the works for a lark.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: CoinCube on September 26, 2016, 10:46:58 PM
I don't really get why anyone gives a shit. They're all rehearsed up front and this is common knowledge. I suppose we can count on Donny to chuck a spanner in the works for a lark.

Because most people feel that someone else can fix the world for them when the reality is they should be focusing on fixing themselves.

Quote from: Unknown author
When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.

I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.

Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: ph4nt0m on September 26, 2016, 10:55:59 PM
I don't really get why anyone gives a shit. They're all rehearsed up front and this is common knowledge. I suppose we can count on Donny to chuck a spanner in the works for a lark.

It's just another show. People like shows. That's how politics works these days. It doesn't matter anyway.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: tvbcof on September 27, 2016, 03:36:17 AM

Here's my post-debate analysis before my thoughts become polluted by reading the thoughts of others:

1)  Hillary performed surprisingly well.  I think that Trump won, but then I'm more familiar with the underlying concepts of his ideas since I've followed him a good bit by now.

2)  I had pangs of frustration about certain things Trump did or more commonly didn't do.  Trump deferred on savaging Clinton on a number of things which were fairly obvious to me.  Later it occurred to me that...

3)  This may be the first time that a lot of those on the Left have seen more than little clips of the monster Trump.  This was the time to be 'nice' for 90 minutes straight.  Many people will be questioning what all the fuss about him being a Hitlarian woman hating baby eating beast was all about and if perhaps it was a bit overplayed.  Seeds of doubt.

4)  At the very end Trump did a funny sympathy thing about the ads run against him.  I suspect it was in part a set-up for when he pulls the trigger and lets his own ads fly.

5)  Trump is doing fairly well in the polls and is on a good trajectory at the moment.  He and his supporters could be forgiven for feeling like he probably 'has this election in the bag', but nobody should ever get complacent.  It is a position where it may make more sense to play it safe and that probably does mean being fairly nice.

6)  I suddenly realized that Trump actually wants very badly for Hillary to do well in the debates and stay in!  If the Dems swapped Hillary out, it could be a real wild-card move and depending on the precision of the operation, it might not turn out well for Trump.  I'll again point out that many people will vote for Hillary with no passion or not vote at all and this cohort would be delighted to have an alternate to vote for.  Trumps best bet is to run against Hillary, and he has a shit-load of ammo which he kept safe and unused during debate #1 here.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: jstern on September 27, 2016, 04:29:14 AM
Ez victory for Donald. All he has to do is wait for Hillary to cough. If she makes any weird moves he won't even have to speak. He will win automatically. Actually he already won. I will just watch it because it will be very entertaining to see a crazy bitch against a real man..

I was completely expecting for something weird to happen with Hillary. Weak knees, coughing fit, wandering eyes. The fact that none of that happened made me feel like she won, because my expectations were much lower.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: jstern on September 27, 2016, 04:32:32 AM

Here's my post-debate analysis before my thoughts become polluted by reading the thoughts of others:

1)  Hillary performed surprisingly well.  I think that Trump won, but then I'm more familiar with the underlying concepts of his ideas since I've followed him a good bit by now.

2)  I had pangs of frustration about certain things Trump did or more commonly didn't do.  Trump deferred on savaging Clinton on a number of things which were fairly obvious to me.  Later it occurred to me that...

3)  This may be the first time that a lot of those on the Left have seen more than little clips of the monster Trump.  This was the time to be 'nice' for 90 minutes straight.  Many people will be questioning what all the fuss about him being a Hitlarian woman hating baby eating beast was all about and if perhaps it was a bit overplayed.  Seeds of doubt.

4)  At the very end Trump did a funny sympathy thing about the ads run against him.  I suspect it was in part a set-up for when he pulls the trigger and lets his own ads fly.

5)  Trump is doing fairly well in the polls and is on a good trajectory at the moment.  He and his supporters could be forgiven for feeling like he probably 'has this election in the bag', but nobody should ever get complacent.  It is a position where it may make more sense to play it safe and that probably does mean being fairly nice.

6)  I suddenly realized that Trump actually wants very badly for Hillary to do well in the debates and stay in!  If the Dems swapped Hillary out, it could be a real wild-card move and depending on the precision of the operation, it might not turn out well for Trump.  I'll again point out that many people will vote for Hillary with no passion or not vote at all and this cohort would be delighted to have an alternate to vote for.  Trumps best bet is to run against Hillary, and he has a shit-load of ammo which he kept safe and unused during debate #1 here.

I think Trump made a mistake in saying that he took advantage of laws to pay less taxes, or took advantages of laws and file for bankrupts. That will not sit well with those who have only seen little clips of him.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: tvbcof on September 27, 2016, 05:14:34 AM

I think Trump made a mistake in saying that he took advantage of laws to pay less taxes, or took advantages of laws and file for bankrupts. That will not sit well with those who have only seen little clips of him.

I disagree to some extent with the contention about taxes.  Everyone always pays as few taxes as practical.  This is not unlike the phony outrage over Clinton's BJ from Monica.  Most guys and probably only slightly fewer women can at least imagine themselves in a similar situation whether they admit it to themselves or not.  Phony outrage is simply not a strong hand.

On the bankruptcies thing, I believe that what probably is the case is that different projects are more risky than others and the investors demand and get better returns if/when the project pans out.  The success/failure of Trump projects actually strikes me as being quite good!  I've heard Trump allude to the fact that his investors are sharks and some of the most shrewd people around, but I've never heard him or anyone else try to explain the business to Joe Public.  Probably it is wise because, simple as it is in principle, most people wouldn't grok it.  Oh well.

When it came to taxes and occupations, I wanted to scream at the screen, 'Ask her how did a person who has no business at all but is part of what is ostensibly a 'charity' rake in $10,000,000 in 2015?'


I forgot to mention another observation.  There was a little bit of cheering and jeering from the crowd.  Hillary's biggest cheer came from a line about how she prepared for 30 years to be president or something like that.  The thing is, it was not a very good line.  It 'felt' to me like a response fitting a different and/or more harsh attack and one which was pre-planned to be cheered at.  That's just the sense I got.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: jstern on September 27, 2016, 05:27:01 AM

I think Trump made a mistake in saying that he took advantage of laws to pay less taxes, or took advantages of laws and file for bankrupts. That will not sit well with those who have only seen little clips of him.

I disagree to some extent with the contention about taxes.  Everyone always pays as few taxes as practical.  This is not unlike the phony outrage over Clinton's BJ from Monica.  Most guys and probably only slightly fewer women can at least imagine themselves in a similar situation whether they admit it to themselves or not.  Phony outrage is simply not a strong hand.

On the bankruptcies thing, I believe that what probably is the case is that different projects are more risky than others and the investors demand and get better returns if/when the project pans out.  The success/failure of Trump projects actually strikes me as being quite good!  I've heard Trump allude to the fact that his investors are sharks and some of the most shrewd people around, but I've never heard him or anyone else try to explain the business to Joe Public.  Probably it is wise because, simple as it is in principle, most people wouldn't grok it.  Oh well.

When it came to taxes and occupations, I wanted to scream at the screen, 'Ask her how did a person who has no business at all but is part of what is ostensibly a 'charity' rake in $10,000,000 in 2015?'


I forgot to mention another observation.  There was a little bit of cheering and jeering from the crowd.  Hillary's biggest cheer came from a line about how she prepared for 30 years to be president or something like that.  The thing is, it was not a very good line.  It 'felt' to me like a response fitting a different and/or more harsh attack and one which was pre-planned to be cheered at.  That's just the sense I got.

There's no problem in trying to use the available laws to pay as little taxes as possible. The mistake is how the average viewer will see it. Trump didn't explain it, he just said it's called being smart. The average viewer are going to assume that he's cheating the system, rather than him doing what everyone else does.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: SignificantOtter3 on September 27, 2016, 08:02:05 AM
Seems to me like Clinton won that hands down. Trump came across as rattled and uninformed, while Clinton made some good points. Neither are great options but Clinton is the lesser of two evils here. Not only would Trump alienate the US from the rest of the world, but he would also get nothing done domestically. He can't compromise or negotiate to save his life it seems. I guess you don't have to when you're dad loans you tens of millions straight off the bat.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Quartx on September 27, 2016, 08:07:39 AM
Hillary trumped hands down, trump was like a kid on a tantrum

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: zenitzz on September 27, 2016, 09:24:17 AM
I hope American voters will see through Hillary's theatrics and see her for the scripted, smooth talking, soundbite spewing, dishonest politician without accomplishments or an ounce of integrity she is.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: RealityTruth on September 27, 2016, 10:33:48 AM
Trump won clearly. Hillary lied all the time with her witchcraft devil suit on.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: ph4nt0m on September 27, 2016, 10:39:29 AM
Trump won clearly. Hillary lied all the time with her witchcraft devil suit on.

That's her normal behavior. Politicians lie most of the time, but she lies even when she hasn't to.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: audaciousbeing on September 27, 2016, 10:49:58 AM
Trump won clearly. Hillary lied all the time with her witchcraft devil suit on.

To me, its politicians will always have their ways whether Hillary or Trump one of them is getting the Oval and thats what matter and also judging that Trump won yesterday or Hillary nailed it yesterday is based on judgement depending on the side one is inclined to. The most important is at the polls. Will people remember the winnings at the debate, or they will just follow their emotions or inclination? That will be the deciding factor...

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: gentlemand on September 27, 2016, 11:25:11 AM
I was completely expecting for something weird to happen with Hillary. Weak knees, coughing fit, wandering eyes. The fact that none of that happened made me feel like she won, because my expectations were much lower.

The real Hilary was in the wings controlling her android from her death bed. You heard it here first.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Denker on September 27, 2016, 01:19:17 PM
Although I'm not american I watched the debate and here are my thoughts.

1) Moderator was biased as hell! No really critical questions for Hillary but obviously trying to roast Trump.Furthermore it seems Hillary knew what questions she would get asked. Imo totally scripted!
2) When Trump supporters started to applause and make a bit of noise the moderator intervened.
3) Clinton constantly attacked Trump and used all her avaiable ammo against Trump.
4) Althouh Clinton gave Trump several possibilties to counter attack her with a variant of her scandals, he did not.

What I think: Trumps plan might be to let the mainstream media debunking themselves. Even my brother whos english really isn't the best recognized how biased this whole event was.
Trump has saved all his ammo and I'm pretty sure he will use it in 2nd and 3rd debate while Hillary has nothing left and only could repeat the old shit from yesterday.
I would say first debate ended with a tie, with Trump not even being close to full throttle while Clinton used all of her ammo.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: igorokavg13 on September 27, 2016, 01:56:18 PM
Ez victory for Donald. All he has to do is wait for Hillary to cough. If she makes any weird moves he won't even have to speak. He will win automatically. Actually he already won. I will just watch it because it will be very entertaining to see a crazy bitch against a real man..
I wouldn't say that. I think that first debate for Hillary. What a smart person would vote for Trump? Except that Russia will help money. Then you will live in Russia !

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: ph4nt0m on September 27, 2016, 02:02:49 PM
Ez victory for Donald. All he has to do is wait for Hillary to cough. If she makes any weird moves he won't even have to speak. He will win automatically. Actually he already won. I will just watch it because it will be very entertaining to see a crazy bitch against a real man..
I wouldn't say that. I think that first debate for Hillary. What a smart person would vote for Trump? Except that Russia will help money. Then you will live in Russia !

Your English is so bad that you are from Russia probably. No need to argue who's smart and who's not here.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: UliJonHoth on September 27, 2016, 02:23:22 PM
Garrison's work lately has been cracking me up

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: criptix on September 27, 2016, 02:51:37 PM
I was completely expecting for something weird to happen with Hillary. Weak knees, coughing fit, wandering eyes. The fact that none of that happened made me feel like she won, because my expectations were much lower.

The real Hilary was in the wings controlling her android from her death bed. You heard it here first.

Im pretty sure atleast three people in this thread believe this as real.
Trump was an idiot and lost the debate hard. But he has the luck not to be judged as every other candidate because most of his supporters are delusional and biased as hell.

Trump was basically outright lying over half of the debate.

And i wasnt the only one thinking what the fuck is with trump. Is he really saying the moon is made up of cheese.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: hopenotlate on September 27, 2016, 02:57:47 PM
Giant douche vs turd sandwich debate  ;)

Memorable quote from this farsighted episode:

"What I Learned Today?

I learned that I'd better get used to having to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich because it's usually the choice I'll have."

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: tvbcof on September 27, 2016, 03:09:39 PM

I was completely expecting for something weird to happen with Hillary. Weak knees, coughing fit, wandering eyes. The fact that none of that happened made me feel like she won, because my expectations were much lower.

The real Hilary was in the wings controlling her android from her death bed. You heard it here first.

Im pretty sure atleast three people in this thread believe this as real.
Trump was an idiot and lost the debate hard. But he has the luck not to be judged as every other candidate because most of his supporters are delusional and biased as hell.

Trump was basically outright lying over half of the debate.

And i wasnt the only one thinking what the fuck is with trump. Is he really saying the moon is made up of cheese.

My strongest hypothesis at this point is that Hillary does indeed have some significant medical issues, but I was unsurprised that they could be controlled effectively for at least the duration of a debate.  Given the comforts which she enjoys in other related forums (stools, pillows, physical assistance, etc) she did impress me with her abilities yesterday, but again, low bar.

I have predicted for a long long time that Hillary will need to find a way to bail if she needs to face Trump in the general because she will lose badly.  When I made these predictions initially it was far from certain that Trump would not be stopped by the Republicans themselves who gave a pretty good effort here.  Initially I thought she would bow out for legal reasons associated with one of her many criminal activities.  Some months ago I switched to thinking that she would use a medical excuse.  And thus, that some of her more recent medical issues may have been 'for show' to a degree.

If I were Trump, my biggest fear would be that Hillary would indeed drop out.  I mean, one would struggle to find a more flawed candidate to replace her!  It kind of looks to me now like she is doing a 'smeagol & ring' and may try to stay with it.  It seems to be an inexplicable psychological given with some of these people (Nixon, Edwards, etc.)  If I were Trump, I would do whatever is necessary to keep her around...which is why I suggested earlier that that may be exactly what Trump and his team are doing.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: bryant.coleman on September 27, 2016, 04:50:27 PM
Almost every single poll is saying that Trump won the first debate (except the biased poll by CNN). Here is a summary of the poll results:

Now we are off to Longwood University, Virginia, where Mike Pence will be debating Tim Kaine. The moderator for this debate also (Elaine Quijano) is a pro-Democrat reporter (from the CBS News).

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: criptix on September 27, 2016, 04:58:22 PM
Almost every single poll is saying that Trump won the first debate (except the biased poll by CNN). Here is a summary of the poll results:

Now we are off to Longwood University, Virginia, where Mike Pence will be debating Tim Kaine. The moderator for this debate also (Elaine Quijano) is a pro-Democrat reporter (from the CBS News).

Online votes where you can vote as often as you want.

Like you really need to have brain cancer and additionaly be a mongoloid to really believe that trump won.


Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: shapeshiftscam on September 27, 2016, 05:07:43 PM
Almost every single poll is saying that Trump won the first debate (except the biased poll by CNN). Here is a summary of the poll results:

Now we are off to Longwood University, Virginia, where Mike Pence will be debating Tim Kaine. The moderator for this debate also (Elaine Quijano) is a pro-Democrat reporter (from the CBS News).

Online votes where you can vote as often as you want.

Like you really need to have brain cancer and additionaly be a mongoloid to really believe that trump won.


LOL, I didn't watch the debate, but i read the news says most people think Hillary won the debate. :D

Is the stat accurate?

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: criptix on September 27, 2016, 05:13:29 PM
Almost every single poll is saying that Trump won the first debate (except the biased poll by CNN). Here is a summary of the poll results:

Now we are off to Longwood University, Virginia, where Mike Pence will be debating Tim Kaine. The moderator for this debate also (Elaine Quijano) is a pro-Democrat reporter (from the CBS News).

Online votes where you can vote as often as you want.

Like you really need to have brain cancer and additionaly be a mongoloid to really believe that trump won.


LOL, I didn't watch the debate, but i read the news says most people think Hillary won the debate. :D

Is the stat accurate?

You should watch the vod. It is only a bit more then 90 minutes even though watching half of it would be enough to show what a idiot and lier trump is.

How can you go live on tv and lie with a straight face to over 100 million people - in fucking 2016 when even kids in africa have smartphones with internet access and can fact check everything you say in less then 5 minutes.

How did he even became candidate. It is incomprehensible for me.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Dizaster2015 on September 27, 2016, 05:40:33 PM
The first debate was won by Hillary ! Let's see how trump drank water. Lied so that her excitement constantly thirsty !

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Perle on September 27, 2016, 06:54:03 PM
I am for Hillary ! At the debate she was much more convincing. It worldwide you know and who will communicate with the trump? He should be treated, not presidential to go. Maybe when you lose for President of Russia will go.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: jstern on September 28, 2016, 03:25:57 PM
I was completely expecting for something weird to happen with Hillary. Weak knees, coughing fit, wandering eyes. The fact that none of that happened made me feel like she won, because my expectations were much lower.

The real Hilary was in the wings controlling her android from her death bed. You heard it here first.
Yeah, I was thinking about the possibility that it was her "Double." But someone might be her double because they look like her, but then what about sounding and coming up with answers like her.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: jstern on September 28, 2016, 04:48:37 PM
Seems to me like Clinton won that hands down. Trump came across as rattled and uninformed, while Clinton made some good points. Neither are great options but Clinton is the lesser of two evils here. Not only would Trump alienate the US from the rest of the world, but he would also get nothing done domestically. He can't compromise or negotiate to save his life it seems. I guess you don't have to when you're dad loans you tens of millions straight off the bat.

For the record, I think it was 1 million that his father loaned him.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Winter1986 on September 28, 2016, 05:01:00 PM
Defeated Hillary ! Trump was unable to give any decent answer. Such should not be allowed in politics. Against Russia sanctions are to be imposed, not to be friends with her!

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Tyrantt on September 28, 2016, 05:13:55 PM
I am for Hillary ! At the debate she was much more convincing. It worldwide you know and who will communicate with the trump? He should be treated, not presidential to go. Maybe when you lose for President of Russia will go.

I don't understand what did you want to say here:
He should be treated, not presidential to go. Maybe when you lose for President of Russia will go.
. If you ask me, I wouldn't like a war criminal, thief, liar and an ill person to be my president, also I wouldn't like my president to have 100+ body count on their name. But that's just me.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: yuiyuga on September 28, 2016, 05:20:01 PM
Trump won clearly. Hillary lied all the time with her witchcraft devil suit on.
And what Hillary lied? That trump didn't publish their income? Or that he said he doesn't believe in global warming?

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: bryant.coleman on September 28, 2016, 06:14:03 PM
Defeated Hillary ! Trump was unable to give any decent answer. Such should not be allowed in politics. Against Russia sanctions are to be imposed, not to be friends with her!

Trump did quite well, considering that the moderator was heavily biased against him and she probably knew the questions at least a day before the debate. Still, he was the honest guy out there, with Hillary lying every 30 seconds or so. Hillary's lies about the trade deals are going to cost her a lot of votes in the rust-belt states.

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: Spendulus on September 28, 2016, 07:06:28 PM
Seems to me like Clinton won that hands down. Trump came across as rattled and uninformed, while Clinton made some good points. Neither are great options but Clinton is the lesser of two evils here. Not only would Trump alienate the US from the rest of the world, but he would also get nothing done domestically. He can't compromise or negotiate to save his life it seems. I guess you don't have to when you're dad loans you tens of millions straight off the bat.

For the record, I think it was 1 million that his father loaned him.
For real estate in New York, that's a tiny, tiny amount of money. 

Title: Re: First Debate: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Post by: tvbcof on September 28, 2016, 07:33:08 PM
Seems to me like Clinton won that hands down. Trump came across as rattled and uninformed, while Clinton made some good points. Neither are great options but Clinton is the lesser of two evils here. Not only would Trump alienate the US from the rest of the world, but he would also get nothing done domestically. He can't compromise or negotiate to save his life it seems. I guess you don't have to when you're dad loans you tens of millions straight off the bat.

For the record, I think it was 1 million that his father loaned him.

For real estate in New York, that's a tiny, tiny amount of money. 

$14M was not even all that much money back in the day considering the success of the family.  Old man Drumpf wanted to make his kid work for it I guess.  Turning 14x10^6 into 10x10^9 is not to shabby even if it took years and there were some touch-n-go patches.

I actually expected a lot more dirt to come out on the Donald by this time, particularly as he played around with casinos.  So far, the only thing I heard was that he overplayed for some concrete to 'work with' the mob/union contingent once.  One would think that if there were a lot more, Hillary would not have had to dig back to 1973 when Daddy Trump was still kicking and everyone and there brother was getting sued by the feds for being mean enough to want their rent to be paid (which I suppose to be at the heart of the matter.)

It looks to me like it is possible to make bucks in the building business in two ways:

 - Low income residential, where being a HUD-linked crony capitalist is the way to succeed.

 - High income.  What Trump migrated to.

If you ask me, Trump figured out how to fairly tax the rich by observing that they would willingly pay absurd amounts of money to hit a little white ball around and chase after it.  That they will fly their private jets around the world to do so benefits a whole swath of citizens.  Kudos to him for doing it as 'right' as seems morally possible in our immoral world.