Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Febo on October 11, 2016, 02:24:29 PM

Title: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on October 11, 2016, 02:24:29 PM
Jaxx integration of Monero on all nine platforms.

Seems Monero is seeing as one of leading Cryptocurrencies by Apple and they partner it.

“Monero is a very interesting technology with a unique system that involves an additional level of nuance in terms of wallet integration. We are working on getting Monero connected to Jaxx as we speak,” said Di Iorio.  “We’ve been in regular communication with the Monero team and are looking at a three-week timetable, the end of October to early November, in terms of a launch.”

Meanwhile on the coinmarketcap:

UPDATED October 16th

Hey there Monero peeps. I wanted to take the time to introduce Decentral, Jaxx (and myself) to the Monero community.

As some of you may know, last week Jaxx became closer involved with your community as we both announced Monero is iOS approved as well as our future plans for XMR wallet support across all 9 platforms that Jaxx supports. iOS mobile & iPad, Android mobile & tablet, Chrome & Firefox extensions and Mac / PC / Linux desktop.

Jaxx has been in the works for over a year and a half now and officially launched this past June. In a nutshell, the vision for Jaxx is to create a default blockchain interface that's made for the masses (including those non-technical folk like my Dad) that allows everyone to manage and be in full control or their digital assets, and done in a way that brings together and provides support for the global decentralized tech / blockchain communities we admire for providing choice and value to the world.

To achieve our vision we're shooting to:
  • Be chain & platform agnostic - currently 7 tokens & available on 9 different platforms
  • Provide a similar experience across every device - need a wallet? d/l Jaxx, no need to find out how the user will be using it   first or which platform or device they have
  • Offer a simple, single, one-time back system - 12 words you can write down once and can be used to derive all keys for ALL tokens, identity systems, messaging systems we integrate with now and in the future
  • Be Extremely lightweight - we're just a few mb, no need to d/l the entire blockchain or even a SPV client
  • Allow users to be in full control of their keys & identity & communications - meaning we never want to take custodianship or have access to customer keys or funds, identity etc.
  • Be design-led and user experience driven - provide awesome user experiences, ie single screen design with everything you need on the main interface
  • Provide hardware support to enhance security - upcoming product Jaxx Ice Cube & support for other hardware solutions
    Never require users to provide ANY personal information (including emails)
  • Offer best in industry customer support - targeting 3 hour response times, and personal support via other channels for more delicate situations
  • Remove as many friction points as possible - we hate forcing passwords and usernames for starters
  • Ensure self-sufficiency by creating our own backend infrastructure for the communities / tokens we're supporting (nodes, relays, apis)
  • Ensure self-sufficiency by monetizing via various avenues - as afterall, we are a business first and people need to live, and right now, to live people need to be paid.
  • Offer visible and auditable code why not allowing for easy distribution of cloned maliciously copies of our products - code is available on our website and directly be inspecting the extension and android versions.
  • Partner with 3rd parties to allow for direct integrations into Jaxx. ie Shapeshift, Coinbase, many others to come.
  • Avoid situations where we would need to be regulated. ie since we don't hold customer funds or keys we aren't regulated. Meaning we can push off all kyc / aml work to our integration partners and focus on expanding Jaxx globally without worrying about regional rules and compliance.

Decentral is the parent company of Jaxx and is also a decentralized tech hub located in downtown Toronto. We are currently a team of around 20 full-time and contract staff. Decentral opened on New Year's day 2014 to provide a space where enthusiasts of decentralized tech could meet, work, and create cool shit. Since opening we believe Decentral has made some huge strides. We're proud to be the birthplace of The Decentral Project, Ethereum, Kryptokit, Rushwallet,, Jaxx,, Decentral Consulting, Cointalk, C4, the world's 2nd Bitcoin ATM & Toronto's first (which is still running strong btw). We're also the first home to the Bitcoin Alliance of Canada, Toronto Ethereum Meetup, Toronto Bitcoin Meetup, & Toronto Techno Crypto. As well, our client list includes Toronto Stock Exchange, RBC Bank, Deloitte and many other small and large enterprise clients and start-ups.

To date Decentral has hosted over 115 events including The Canadian Bitcoin Expo 2014 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre & associated Hackathon where Amir Taaki's Dark Market (Open Bazaar) emerged. Along the way we have educated many thousands on the positive and potential benefits blockchain and decentralized technologies provide. We are approachable, visible, and community and business oriented. All traits we recognize to be very important the space we are in, and especially important in the blockchain wallet space, as let's face it, even though we don't "hold" customer funds, we are still responsible for the software they rely on to manage said funds, and in the future, we're hoping their entire digital lives.
Decentral has learned a lot developing wallets over the past 3 years. in 2013 we first emerged as Kryptokit, launching the first ever chrome extension bitcoin wallet. About a month later just as Kryptokit was taking flight, Vitalik Buterin showed be the whitepaper for Ethereum, I dropped everything and spent the next 12 months founding that project, while doing minimal work in the wallet space except for pushing out, our html5 bitcoin wallet that works across many different platforms and devices.

So, how will Jaxx be helping to build our the Monero ecosystem? Aside from XMR wallet support we are also building our also creating the full infrastructure and redundancy systems for tokens we carry. The ultimate plan in the future is for individual users to run and tap into their own nodes should they wish to do so. The more control can be pushed off to the individual / user, and the less you have to rely on us the better, we say.

This new Monero infrastructure we're developing, the first part of it which should be deployed when we launch is designed to source data from our multiple nodes as well as any others available. (in a round-robin fashion) and select the best most accurate info to display and use for sending transactions. We're also determining how this infrastructure can be used to assist the entire Monero ecosystem as the complete structure containing nodes, apis, and relay system is unique and unlike anything available right now for Monero. We developed this massive infrastructure project which is and will be available for all our supported tokens because we realized what was currently available (a miss-match of token specific services) wasn't allowing us to add new token support efficiently and synchronously.

Now a bit about myself. I am the CEO and founder of Decentral & Jaxx, co-founder of Ethereum and have lived in Toronto all my life. I've been an entrepreneur and design junkie for 20 years. Prior to full-time blockchain (2012) I owned a geothermal drilling company doing commercial projects for Ikea. I've been in tech all my life building computers since age 8 (1984), on BBSes since the 1200 baud modem days (late 80's), designing website in the early 90's. I invested in Bitcoin (2012), Litecoin (2013) and Ethereum (2013). I currently hold all three as well as Monero and Dash and ETC and am looking to expand my portfolio with some of the new groundbreaking technologies Decentral has been identifying. All projects I've done in this space are self-funded (aside from Ethereum of course, although I did bootstrap a large portion of the project before the crowdsale). I own 100% own my current projects and believe efficiencies and leadership are paramount to providing great products and services for the public.

Earlier this year I became (part-time) Chief Digital Officer at the Toronto Stock Exchange, (a position I've just resigned from) in order to focus full efforts on Jaxx and the soon to be announced new project. This role at TSX and work with others industry clients has really given myself and Decentral an inside on how the current systems operates. From these engagements we've realized we have an amazing team at Decentral that's able to map out current processes and industries (whether it be municipal services, health care systems, banking infrastructure, etc.) and provide roadmaps for how these systems can be modernized using technologies such as bitcoin and other disruptive (and usually) decentralized tech.

My personal goal it to provide products and choices that enables individuals to take control of their lives. I'm a voluntarist, meaning I believe all interactions between individuals and groups should be voluntary and uncoerced, and believe diplomacy and short-term sacrifices can lead to much greater longer term gains and execution of grand plans. I'm also a huge proponent of privacy and security.

Regarding Jaxx, is our official site. There you'll find it a great resources ie FAQ and knowledge base and it's also the best way to get support for any of our products. Regarding support, Annie Lee leads that department and will be sure to help you with any tickets submitted once we launch our XMR integration. If you'd like to discuss potential business opportunities or integrations feel free to drop Rico Nassir a line at

Please always make sure you downloading our products from trusted official app stores or from our SSL locked site Jaxx. We control the distribution of Jaxx tightly as to do our best to ensure there aren't malicious versions floating around the web or on app stores (more about this in a future post)

That's it for now as this has taken up half a Saturday to put together. One last thing I want to mention is how great it is to work with the Decentral and Jaxx team every day in our office in Toronto. We've got some rockstars in the house and nothing beats direct interaction on a daily basis with the team and this is why we are as efficient as we are, and why I believe as we grow we will continue to maintain our efficiencies and continue to push out great products and services.

Looking forward to working much closer with the Monero community. We've penciled in XMR release for early November. Keep in mind though, "penciled".


Anthony Diiorio
Founder & CEO - Jaxx & Decentral
+1-888-650-3796 - Skype: a.diiorio
Decentral ( - Jaxx (

Update on November 12  2016 (

Hey Monero Community, Anthony from Jaxx here.
I wanted to take this time to provide another update on the progress of our Monero integration.
We targeted early November for the release... but failed. We hate not making our timing targets, it really sucks. Learning from the experiences, working towards better estimations, and hitting projections is something we'll consistently improve on. That being said, Monero integration has been a bitch. We're breaking new grounds here as we work to (and will) deliver a means for you to manage / send / receive XMR on 9 platforms with you in control of the keys... all done via a single backup phrase that can be used to derive the keys to all your digital currencies. You will also be able to buy / sell XMR directly in Jaxx via Shapeshift.
Here's where we stand on the integration. Fernando & Augusto (two of out token integration leads) have spent 80 hours doing the initial research, gaining an understanding of Monero transactions and developing the Monero client-side library. Fluffypony has been a great help and we truly thank him for his assistance. The library is 90% complete and should be ready this Monday. Because we missed our launch target, we decided to increase our Monero dev efforts and have reassigned resources to work on the required back-end infrastructure that can start as the library comes to completion. This part of the project is expected to take 40 hours (5 days) and will be worked on by another integration team member Ismael. Concurrently, Augusto will be working on general integration (expected 3 days), and also be responsible for testing and bug-fixing the back-end (expected 2 days). Once Augusto and Fernando have completed their work, it all gets sent to our CTO Chris and her front / middle (end) team for final tie-ins and implementation into Jaxx. This usually takes 1-2 days. Monero UI / UX assets have already been competed by Rahul and are waiting to be integrated by Chris' team. When this is all completed, it can be packaged, tested, and we can hit the release button.
The new estimated release date is the week of November 21st. I'll be pushing our entire team towards making the target. Please know that Monero is receiving 90% of our token integration resources and it is the priority for us. If it made sense to put 100% on the project we would, however, somethings just can't be moved faster with more resources due to required linear processes.
I'll ensure to keep everyone updated over the next many days.
Anthony Diiorio

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: YIz on October 11, 2016, 04:45:10 PM
Do you actually expect Monero to pump just because it was added in Jaxx?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: vlom on October 11, 2016, 06:56:37 PM
who cares what apple does with the App Store. Jaxx is nice. at last there is a gui wallet for xmr  :P

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: madawc on October 11, 2016, 07:35:15 PM
Congratulation Monero. But how will that affect on price ? This is now a question. Probably not.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Turbo2 on October 11, 2016, 07:56:58 PM
Congratulation Monero. But how will that affect on price ? This is now a question. Probably not.

Price is already rising, buy cheap while you still can  ;)

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Spoetnik on October 11, 2016, 08:00:44 PM
Dude come on ..that Apple line is total bullshit you know it  :D

Gimme a break you god damn shill  ::)

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: shyliar on October 11, 2016, 08:38:18 PM
Here's an article explaining why apple isn't on twitter and how not one of the accounts supposedly associated with Apple represent an official voice.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on October 12, 2016, 01:29:45 AM
Do you actually expect Monero to pump just because it was added in Jaxx?

Yes price will get stronger because of it.

who cares what apple does with the App Store. Jaxx is nice. at last there is a gui wallet for xmr  :P

Yes lots things come together with it.  
What I care is that Apple actually care of anonymity in cryptocurrencies.

Dude come on ..that Apple line is total bullshit you know it  :D

Gimme a break you god damn shill  ::)

Is not bullshit.
I thought Apple only care to make an autonomous cars, and give a shit about Crypto and will leave that to Microsoft. But this is a clear sign they care. And they will pick only best partners there are.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: bbc.reporter on October 12, 2016, 06:47:54 AM
It is not really big news and there is nothing special about it. Jaxx wallet also has other cryptocoins included in their Apple IOS app and it did not even affect them in any way. If you think this news will be the cause of another pump and rise in price I am afraid you are mistaken my friend. But it is still nice to see some cryptocoins included in an IOS app and approved by Apple.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: NeuroticFish on October 12, 2016, 06:51:14 AM
Things are building up slowly. Keep the good news coming, but don't expect each of them cause a pump.
And at some point, if nothing wrong happens, the price rise will continue. It happened to Bitcoin too, it happened with other coins too. Nothing happens overnight. Patience is the key.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Pursuer on October 12, 2016, 08:30:27 AM
from my search I found out that Jaxx is just a wallet!
so I guess this is really not 100% correct.

Seems Monero is seeing as one of leading Cryptocurrencies by Apple and they partner it.

it would be just like any other wallet or any other app that is available on their store. and has nothing to do with monero if you ask me.

and these things never have any effect on price.

I believe in monero's future but the current price drop is because of the pump that happened recently and now we are coming back from the bubble, and news like this may only raise the price a little at best.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: obit33 on October 12, 2016, 09:12:50 AM
from my search I found out that Jaxx is just a wallet!
so I guess this is really not 100% correct.

Seems Monero is seeing as one of leading Cryptocurrencies by Apple and they partner it.

it would be just like any other wallet or any other app that is available on their store. and has nothing to do with monero if you ask me.

and these things never have any effect on price.

I believe in monero's future but the current price drop is because of the pump that happened recently and now we are coming back from the bubble, and news like this may only raise the price a little at best.

well, you're right that Jaxx is a wallet, but apple seems te be a bit selective on which coins it allows on its appstore (via jaxx):

don't know why they wanted it removed though?
maybe because of the premine?
maybe because it doesn't comply with fincen regulation because of masternode scheme?

I just don't know why, and actually I'm still waiting for official confirmation from apple that they will accept jaxx WITH xmr to believe it's really true...

best regards

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Red-Apple on October 12, 2016, 12:10:34 PM
don't want to speak ill of XMR but your reasoning are all wrong. Apple allows any kind of crap on their store.
have we forgotten how many bitcoins were lost to fake bitcoin wallets on their store?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: obit33 on October 12, 2016, 12:13:00 PM
don't want to speak ill of XMR but your reasoning are all wrong. Apple allows any kind of crap on their store.
have we forgotten how many bitcoins were lost to fake bitcoin wallets on their store?

well, you're talking about applications... I'm talking about the crypto itself...

why was Dash refused in Jaxx by apple? you know?

best regards

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Daisy14 on October 12, 2016, 12:21:56 PM
Things are building up slowly. Keep the good news coming, but don't expect each of them cause a pump.

Well it looks there is a monero pump already looking at

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Red-Apple on October 12, 2016, 12:23:52 PM
don't want to speak ill of XMR but your reasoning are all wrong. Apple allows any kind of crap on their store.
have we forgotten how many bitcoins were lost to fake bitcoin wallets on their store?

well, you're talking about applications... I'm talking about the crypto itself...

why was Dash refused in Jaxx by apple? you know?

best regards

Apple's policy against cryptocurreneis is not clear and they never say anything about why they made any of these decisions.

they have also banned ether related stuff so i guess one of their reasons can be that they don't allow heavily manipulated coins.

and by the way the only virtual currency that apple has recognized officially is Bitcoin and they did it back in June 2014

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on October 12, 2016, 12:40:05 PM
It is not really big news and there is nothing special about it. Jaxx wallet also has other cryptocoins included in their Apple IOS app and it did not even affect them in any way. If you think this news will be the cause of another pump and rise in price I am afraid you are mistaken my friend. But it is still nice to see some cryptocoins included in an IOS app and approved by Apple.

Yes it is not a big news. But is still strange why it is published in so many newspapers then.

Apple's policy against cryptocurreneis is not clear and they never say anything about why they made any of these decisions.

Exactly. They never told anything about their criterias. Most likely to not reveal them to their competitors. Doing so did not give us clear picture how serious they take crypto. But partnering with Monero they proved they spend lots time thinking about it and made a good research.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: dinofelis on October 12, 2016, 12:53:19 PM
After their removal of DASH, one could have thought that they were against anonymous coins.  But Icebreaker was right: it is probably the financial structure of the DASH DAO and which put them off, given that Monero is more anonymous than DASH and is now accepted (apparently).

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: obit33 on October 12, 2016, 01:09:56 PM
there's also some discussion going on on the dash-reddit, with some good points:

especially the post by justonetheory:

I cannot vouch for this theory but it is another good reason to fund the dash legal review:

The critical aspect of this is the guidance that was issued by FinCEN in March of 2013. In order for a crypto currency to be compliant while at the same time avoiding the requirement of registration as a Money Services Business, and consequential AML/KNC requirements, the crypto currency must qualify as a "De Centralized Virtual Currency" under the guidance. This means that the block rewards have to go in their entirety to the miners and cannot be diverted for other purposes such as to fund development or marketing. If the block rewards are diverted in such a manner then those who are administering the diverted block rewards would be very likely be considered to be "administrators" or "exchangers" under the guidance, be required to register as MSBs and be subject to AML/KNC reporting requirements among other requirements. Ripple has already been subject to regulatory enforcement over this very issue. While I am not aware, at this time, of any regulatory action over this against Dash, the risk in that case likely remains very high. While this is specific to the United States, the reality is that the United States is at least for the time being, the world leader in financial regulation in particular because of the reserve currency status of the United States dollar.
ELI5: There may be some legal consequences for PoW cryptocurrencies that divert part of the block reward to anyone other than the miner.
I do not expect Apple to ever reveal the exact reason(s)

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: HeroCat on October 12, 2016, 03:08:23 PM
I can not find that Apple store will recognise any altcoin now, you can check link here But of course crypto will be implemented in online shops, like Monero, Litecoin, ETH.  ;D

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: x_zing on October 12, 2016, 03:26:18 PM
Congrats!!! :)

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: BrewMaster on October 12, 2016, 04:35:07 PM
I can not find that Apple store will recognise any altcoin now, you can check link here But of course crypto will be implemented in online shops, like Monero, Litecoin, ETH.  ;D

lol, that is true.

this is the first thing that came to my mind too, but it is because of what OP is saying in his post, it is misleading us.

it is not about crypto payment directly to Apple though! they don't even accept bitcoin.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Spoetnik on October 12, 2016, 04:50:55 PM
I can not find that Apple store will recognise any altcoin now, you can check link here But of course crypto will be implemented in online shops, like Monero, Litecoin, ETH.  ;D

lol, that is true.

this is the first thing that came to my mind too, but it is because of what OP is saying in his post, it is misleading us.

it is not about crypto payment directly to Apple though! they don't even accept bitcoin.

Misleading like how these guys bitched at me and negged me for my Monero French Police Fraud topic.  :D

See ?

They can do it but if i do they neg my ass hard !

See the hypocrisy yourself.. [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated] (

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Shiroslullaby on October 12, 2016, 04:59:30 PM
Title is a bit misleading.
Jaxx is just a wallet that was approved for the Apple store, correct?
This just means Jaxx is recognizing the currency. And Apple is recognizing Jaxx as a legitimate wallet it will allow to be hosted in the store.
(Correct me if I'm wrong here maybe I'm not fully understanding the story.)

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on October 12, 2016, 07:06:37 PM
Title is a bit misleading.
Jaxx is just a wallet that was approved for the Apple store, correct?
This just means Jaxx is recognizing the currency. And Apple is recognizing Jaxx as a legitimate wallet it will allow to be hosted in the store.
(Correct me if I'm wrong here maybe I'm not fully understanding the story.)

Jaxx have 9 platforms one of them is for Apple store.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: obit33 on October 12, 2016, 07:27:21 PM
Title is a bit misleading.
Jaxx is just a wallet that was approved for the Apple store, correct?
This just means Jaxx is recognizing the currency. And Apple is recognizing Jaxx as a legitimate wallet it will allow to be hosted in the store.
(Correct me if I'm wrong here maybe I'm not fully understanding the story.)

Jaxx have 9 platforms one of them is for Apple store.

And Apple threatened to remove jaxx-app if they didn't lose Dash for ios... Don't know what apple's reasoning behind the move was though

So Apple approves jaxx, but it seems only with support only for currencies Apple approves...

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: ArticMine on October 12, 2016, 08:39:39 PM
There are two fundamentally different issues here:  (1) Is highly reprehensible and Orwellian, (2) Is the perfectly normal and appropriate  behavior of a business in a free market.

1) First is that Apple uses DRM to prevent apps from sources other than their own store from running on devices they have sold and no longer own. This is an Orwellian threat to basic freedoms, civil liberties and human rights.  It is the reason that I am a very strong critic not only of Apple's business model, but more importantly of  DRM (digital restrictions / rights management, technological protection measures, digital locks, copy protection etc.). I am also a  even stronger critic of the oppressive actions of governments  by using national laws and trade treaties to protect DRM. DRM is fundamentally what turns in this case the normal decision of what a business chooses out of their own free will to sell or not to sell in their store, (2) below, into a vehicle for Orwellian censorship and oppression. I have covered this issue in the following threads  in particular as they relate to Apple's use of DRM to censor Dash:;all (;all);all (;all)

2) Why Apple may sell or distribute apps that support certain crypto currencies in their store. Selling or distributing anything implies a form of endorsement so there is obviously a form of endorsement of certain crypto currencies here. One possible theory that has been proposed is based upon my following post:


1) Regulatory compliance.

This is the elephant in the room in crypto currency and Monero is one of very few crypto currencies that has avoided some very serious regulatory compliance risks. The critical aspect of this is the guidance that was issued by FinCEN in March of 2013. ( In order for a crypto currency to be compliant while at the same time avoiding the requirement of registration as a Money Services Business, and consequential AML/KNC requirements, the crypto currency must qualify as a "De Centralized Virtual Currency" under the guidance. This means that the block rewards have to go in their entirety to the miners and cannot be diverted for other purposes such as to fund development or marketing. If the block rewards are diverted in such a manner then those who are administering the diverted block rewards would be very likely be considered to be "administrators" or "exchangers" under the guidance, be required to register as MSBs and be subject to AML/KNC reporting requirements among other requirements. Ripple has already been subject to regulatory enforcement over this very issue. While I am not aware, at this time, of any regulatory action over this against Dash, the risk in that case likely remains very high. While this is specific to the United States, the reality is that the United States is at least for the time being, the world leader in financial regulation in particular because of the reserve currency status of the United States dollar.

In summary one needs to keep one's hands out of the till, block rewards, in order to keep the regulator away.


If we consider the initial "allowed six" Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, The DAO, and now Monero the FinCEN theory is somewhat plausible as follows;
1) Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin and Monero would qualify under the FinCEN guidance as "De Centralized Virtual Currencies"
2) Ripple would qualify as "Centralized Virtual Currency" that has settled with FinCEN and become an MSB.
3) This leaves Ethereum and The DAO. Ethereum normally would not qualify as a "De Centralized Virtual Currency" because of the initial sale of Ether for Bitcoin would make the promoter of the initial Ether sale and MSB as an exchanger. There is in this case a loophole in than an MSB is not required to register until after six months. In the Ether case this MSB promptly dissolved after the initial sale effectively possibly avoiding the MSB registration requirement. This is the kind of legal loophole that companies such as Apple use all the time. Whether it turns out to be legal in the end is beside the point; what matters in the case is that Apple is comfortable with it. As for the DAO it was not around long enough to trigger the MSB registration requirement.

So there we have just a possible theory for those who wish to attempt to reverse engineer Apple's store vetting process.

Edit: I should make it clear that business should always have the right to choose what to sell or distribute in its own store. It is the use of DRM to block other stores that is the real issue with Apple.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: raves on October 12, 2016, 08:48:21 PM
There are two fundamentally different issues here:  (1) Is highly reprehensible and Orwellian, (2) Is the perfectly normal and appropriate  behavior of a business in a free market.

1) First is that Apple uses DRM to prevent apps from sources other than their own store from running on devices they have sold and no longer own. This is an Orwellian threat to basic freedoms, civil liberties and human rights.  It is the reason that I am a very strong critic not only of Apple's business model, but more importantly of  DRM (digital restrictions / rights management, technological protection measures, digital locks, copy protection etc.). I am also a  even stronger critic of the oppressive actions of governments  by using national laws and trade treaties to protect DRM. DRM is fundamentally what turns in this case the normal decision of what a business chooses out of their own free will to sell or not to sell in their store, (2) below, into a vehicle for Orwellian censorship and oppression. I have covered this issue in the following threads  in particular as they relate to Apple's use of DRM to censor Dash:;all (;all);all (;all)

2) Why Apple may sell or distribute apps that support certain crypto currencies in their store. Selling or distributing anything implies a form of endorsement so there is obviously a form of endorsement of certain crypto currencies here. One possible theory that has been proposed is based upon my following post:


1) Regulatory compliance.

This is the elephant in the room in crypto currency and Monero is one of very few crypto currencies that has avoided some very serious regulatory compliance risks. The critical aspect of this is the guidance that was issued by FinCEN in March of 2013. ( In order for a crypto currency to be compliant while at the same time avoiding the requirement of registration as a Money Services Business, and consequential AML/KNC requirements, the crypto currency must qualify as a "De Centralized Virtual Currency" under the guidance. This means that the block rewards have to go in their entirety to the miners and cannot be diverted for other purposes such as to fund development or marketing. If the block rewards are diverted in such a manner then those who are administering the diverted block rewards would be very likely be considered to be "administrators" or "exchangers" under the guidance, be required to register as MSBs and be subject to AML/KNC reporting requirements among other requirements. Ripple has already been subject to regulatory enforcement over this very issue. While I am not aware, at this time, of any regulatory action over this against Dash, the risk in that case likely remains very high. While this is specific to the United States, the reality is that the United States is at least for the time being, the world leader in financial regulation in particular because of the reserve currency status of the United States dollar.

In summary one needs to keep one's hands out of the till, block rewards, in order to keep the regulator away.


If we consider the initial "allowed six" Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, The DAO, and now Monero the FinCEN theory is somewhat plausible as follows;
1) Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin and Monero would qualify under the FinCEN guidance as "De Centralized Virtual Currencies"
2) Ripple would qualify as "Centralized Virtual Currency" that has settled with FinCEN and become an MSB.
3) This leaves Ethereum and The DAO. Ethereum normally would not qualify as a "De Centralized Virtual Currency" because of the initial sale of Ether for Bitcoin would make the promoter of the initial Ether sale and MSB as an exchanger. There is in this case a loophole in than an MSB is not required to register until after six months. In the Ether case this MSB promptly dissolved after the initial sale effectively possibly avoiding the MSB registration requirement. This is the kind of legal loophole that companies such as Apple use all the time. Whether it turns out to be legal in the end is beside the point; what matters in the case is that Apple is comfortable with it. As for the DAO it was not around long enough to trigger the MSB registration requirement.

So there we have just a possible theory for those who wish to attempt to reverse engineer Apple's store vetting process.

Edit: I should make it clear that business should always have the right to choose what to sell or distribute in its own store, it is the use of DRM to block other stores that is the real issue with Apple.

very informative writeup! thank you very much

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: dinofelis on October 13, 2016, 02:15:11 AM
There are two fundamentally different issues here:  (1) Is highly reprehensible and Orwellian, (2) Is the perfectly normal and appropriate  behavior of a business in a free market.

Thumbs up.  Well said.  Agree with everything.

So in the end, this is somewhat reassuring, Apple has nothing against privacy, but rather against obviously illegal financial constructions.   But I agree fully with your DRM stance.  It is one reason that I don't buy Apple products (or others) that enforce this too much - even though on the lowest levels, even Intel itself enforces such things now, but at least, OEM can, or cannot, make use of it.  As far as this will remain possible, I will always try to buy stuff that has the least of "lock in" possible, even though for low level stuff, this starts to become unavoidable.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: bbc.reporter on October 13, 2016, 03:59:17 AM
It is not really big news and there is nothing special about it. Jaxx wallet also has other cryptocoins included in their Apple IOS app and it did not even affect them in any way. If you think this news will be the cause of another pump and rise in price I am afraid you are mistaken my friend. But it is still nice to see some cryptocoins included in an IOS app and approved by Apple.

Yes it is not a big news. But is still strange why it is published in so many newspapers then.

Many does not mean big. Also it is better to have quality over quantity. The news of the darketnet markets Alpha Bay and Oasis was bigger than the news you have in your links right now. So what if Apple allowed a cryptocoin wallet that included Monero in their appstore.

Some other big news can also be a negative one just like the Oasis exit scam. It was not published in many websites but the effect was really big and it affected the price of Monero really badly.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: yelllowsin on October 13, 2016, 12:44:01 PM
Jaxx integration of Monero on all nine platforms.

Seems Monero is seeing as one of leading Cryptocurrencies by Apple and they partner it.

“Monero is a very interesting technology with a unique system that involves an additional level of nuance in terms of wallet integration. We are working on getting Monero connected to Jaxx as we speak,” said Di Iorio.  “We’ve been in regular communication with the Monero team and are looking at a three-week timetable, the end of October to early November, in terms of a launch.”

Meanwhile on the coinmarketcap:

Jaxx, really? the called "untraceable coin" using such a secure wallet :D. You should ask yourself why they cannot develop a real mobile wallet connected to XMR blockchain and you shall know where the rabbit hole is

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on October 15, 2016, 10:48:37 PM

Hey there Monero peeps. I wanted to take the time to introduce Decentral, Jaxx (and myself) to the Monero community.

As some of you may know, last week Jaxx became closer involved with your community as we both announced Monero is iOS approved as well as our future plans for XMR wallet support across all 9 platforms that Jaxx supports. iOS mobile & iPad, Android mobile & tablet, Chrome & Firefox extensions and Mac / PC / Linux desktop.

Jaxx has been in the works for over a year and a half now and officially launched this past June. In a nutshell, the vision for Jaxx is to create a default blockchain interface that's made for the masses (including those non-technical folk like my Dad) that allows everyone to manage and be in full control or their digital assets, and done in a way that brings together and provides support for the global decentralized tech / blockchain communities we admire for providing choice and value to the world.

To achieve our vision we're shooting to:
  • Be chain & platform agnostic - currently 7 tokens & available on 9 different platforms
  • Provide a similar experience across every device - need a wallet? d/l Jaxx, no need to find out how the user will be using it   first or which platform or device they have
  • Offer a simple, single, one-time back system - 12 words you can write down once and can be used to derive all keys for ALL tokens, identity systems, messaging systems we integrate with now and in the future
  • Be Extremely lightweight - we're just a few mb, no need to d/l the entire blockchain or even a SPV client
  • Allow users to be in full control of their keys & identity & communications - meaning we never want to take custodianship or have access to customer keys or funds, identity etc.
  • Be design-led and user experience driven - provide awesome user experiences, ie single screen design with everything you need on the main interface
  • Provide hardware support to enhance security - upcoming product Jaxx Ice Cube & support for other hardware solutions
    Never require users to provide ANY personal information (including emails)
  • Offer best in industry customer support - targeting 3 hour response times, and personal support via other channels for more delicate situations
  • Remove as many friction points as possible - we hate forcing passwords and usernames for starters
  • Ensure self-sufficiency by creating our own backend infrastructure for the communities / tokens we're supporting (nodes, relays, apis)
  • Ensure self-sufficiency by monetizing via various avenues - as afterall, we are a business first and people need to live, and right now, to live people need to be paid.
  • Offer visible and auditable code why not allowing for easy distribution of cloned maliciously copies of our products - code is available on our website and directly be inspecting the extension and android versions.
  • Partner with 3rd parties to allow for direct integrations into Jaxx. ie Shapeshift, Coinbase, many others to come.
  • Avoid situations where we would need to be regulated. ie since we don't hold customer funds or keys we aren't regulated. Meaning we can push off all kyc / aml work to our integration partners and focus on expanding Jaxx globally without worrying about regional rules and compliance.

Decentral is the parent company of Jaxx and is also a decentralized tech hub located in downtown Toronto. We are currently a team of around 20 full-time and contract staff. Decentral opened on New Year's day 2014 to provide a space where enthusiasts of decentralized tech could meet, work, and create cool shit. Since opening we believe Decentral has made some huge strides. We're proud to be the birthplace of The Decentral Project, Ethereum, Kryptokit, Rushwallet,, Jaxx,, Decentral Consulting, Cointalk, C4, the world's 2nd Bitcoin ATM & Toronto's first (which is still running strong btw). We're also the first home to the Bitcoin Alliance of Canada, Toronto Ethereum Meetup, Toronto Bitcoin Meetup, & Toronto Techno Crypto. As well, our client list includes Toronto Stock Exchange, RBC Bank, Deloitte and many other small and large enterprise clients and start-ups.

To date Decentral has hosted over 115 events including The Canadian Bitcoin Expo 2014 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre & associated Hackathon where Amir Taaki's Dark Market (Open Bazaar) emerged. Along the way we have educated many thousands on the positive and potential benefits blockchain and decentralized technologies provide. We are approachable, visible, and community and business oriented. All traits we recognize to be very important the space we are in, and especially important in the blockchain wallet space, as let's face it, even though we don't "hold" customer funds, we are still responsible for the software they rely on to manage said funds, and in the future, we're hoping their entire digital lives.
Decentral has learned a lot developing wallets over the past 3 years. in 2013 we first emerged as Kryptokit, launching the first ever chrome extension bitcoin wallet. About a month later just as Kryptokit was taking flight, Vitalik Buterin showed be the whitepaper for Ethereum, I dropped everything and spent the next 12 months founding that project, while doing minimal work in the wallet space except for pushing out, our html5 bitcoin wallet that works across many different platforms and devices.

So, how will Jaxx be helping to build our the Monero ecosystem? Aside from XMR wallet support we are also building our also creating the full infrastructure and redundancy systems for tokens we carry. The ultimate plan in the future is for individual users to run and tap into their own nodes should they wish to do so. The more control can be pushed off to the individual / user, and the less you have to rely on us the better, we say.

This new Monero infrastructure we're developing, the first part of it which should be deployed when we launch is designed to source data from our multiple nodes as well as any others available. (in a round-robin fashion) and select the best most accurate info to display and use for sending transactions. We're also determining how this infrastructure can be used to assist the entire Monero ecosystem as the complete structure containing nodes, apis, and relay system is unique and unlike anything available right now for Monero. We developed this massive infrastructure project which is and will be available for all our supported tokens because we realized what was currently available (a miss-match of token specific services) wasn't allowing us to add new token support efficiently and synchronously.

Now a bit about myself. I am the CEO and founder of Decentral & Jaxx, co-founder of Ethereum and have lived in Toronto all my life. I've been an entrepreneur and design junkie for 20 years. Prior to full-time blockchain (2012) I owned a geothermal drilling company doing commercial projects for Ikea. I've been in tech all my life building computers since age 8 (1984), on BBSes since the 1200 baud modem days (late 80's), designing website in the early 90's. I invested in Bitcoin (2012), Litecoin (2013) and Ethereum (2013). I currently hold all three as well as Monero and Dash and ETC and am looking to expand my portfolio with some of the new groundbreaking technologies Decentral has been identifying. All projects I've done in this space are self-funded (aside from Ethereum of course, although I did bootstrap a large portion of the project before the crowdsale). I own 100% own my current projects and believe efficiencies and leadership are paramount to providing great products and services for the public.

Earlier this year I became (part-time) Chief Digital Officer at the Toronto Stock Exchange, (a position I've just resigned from) in order to focus full efforts on Jaxx and the soon to be announced new project. This role at TSX and work with others industry clients has really given myself and Decentral an inside on how the current systems operates. From these engagements we've realized we have an amazing team at Decentral that's able to map out current processes and industries (whether it be municipal services, health care systems, banking infrastructure, etc.) and provide roadmaps for how these systems can be modernized using technologies such as bitcoin and other disruptive (and usually) decentralized tech.

My personal goal it to provide products and choices that enables individuals to take control of their lives. I'm a voluntarist, meaning I believe all interactions between individuals and groups should be voluntary and uncoerced, and believe diplomacy and short-term sacrifices can lead to much greater longer term gains and execution of grand plans. I'm also a huge proponent of privacy and security.

Regarding Jaxx, is our official site. There you'll find it a great resources ie FAQ and knowledge base and it's also the best way to get support for any of our products. Regarding support, Annie Lee leads that department and will be sure to help you with any tickets submitted once we launch our XMR integration. If you'd like to discuss potential business opportunities or integrations feel free to drop Rico Nassir a line at

Please always make sure you downloading our products from trusted official app stores or from our SSL locked site Jaxx. We control the distribution of Jaxx tightly as to do our best to ensure there aren't malicious versions floating around the web or on app stores (more about this in a future post)

That's it for now as this has taken up half a Saturday to put together. One last thing I want to mention is how great it is to work with the Decentral and Jaxx team every day in our office in Toronto. We've got some rockstars in the house and nothing beats direct interaction on a daily basis with the team and this is why we are as efficient as we are, and why I believe as we grow we will continue to maintain our efficiencies and continue to push out great products and services.

Looking forward to working much closer with the Monero community. We've penciled in XMR release for early November. Keep in mind though, "penciled".


Anthony Diiorio
Founder & CEO - Jaxx & Decentral
+1-888-650-3796 - Skype: a.diiorio
Decentral ( - Jaxx (

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Spoetnik on October 16, 2016, 02:07:18 AM
Story = Tony buys Monero.. pumps it with News announcement.
Cash's out  :D

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Untitled87 on October 16, 2016, 02:08:52 AM
Dude come on ..that Apple line is total bullshit you know it  :D

Gimme a break you god damn shill  ::)

u have a good point there my friend ...  ;)

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: newmz on October 16, 2016, 03:25:50 AM
There's a very funny response to Apple's attitude to Dash and to crypto wallets in general at the "Dash Detailed" YouTube channel. Hilarious actually if you think about Aplle the way that I do. Check it out here: (

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Litesire on October 16, 2016, 05:48:44 AM
Dude come on ..that Apple line is total bullshit you know it  :D

Gimme a break you god damn shill  ::)

You saw my PM, the day of reckoning is fast approaching.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: iCEBREAKER on October 16, 2016, 09:18:51 AM
After their removal of DASH, one could have thought that they were against anonymous coins.  But Icebreaker was right: it is probably the financial structure of the DASH DAO and which put them off, given that Monero is more anonymous than DASH and is now accepted (apparently).

Never mind Monero, even good old Bitcoin is more anonymous than DASH, so the "Apple hates our great privacy" excuse from the Dash cult enforcers didn't make sense.

Apple's problems with DASH are obviously more along the lines of the Instamine, centralized control, Madoffnodes, and stated intention to become a Visa-like DuffPay money services business.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Turbo2 on October 16, 2016, 10:27:51 AM
Wow, very cool development! Welcome to the club Tony and happy to have you and your team aboard  :)

Especially from Canada  ;D

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Wapinter on October 16, 2016, 10:45:05 AM
Apple have their own payment system will they kill it by promoting any crypto?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Spoetnik on October 16, 2016, 11:18:18 AM
Apple have their own payment system will they kill it by promoting any crypto?

I highly doubt they are threatened.

And enjoy your speculation as to WHY guys.. because that is all it is.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: iCEBREAKER on October 16, 2016, 08:04:20 PM
Apple have their own payment system will they kill it by promoting any crypto?

Bitcoin and Monero compete with central banks, gold, and cash, not ApplePay and Visa.

DASH can barely support a single soda machine, much less threaten Apple's and Paypal's money services businesses.

Wake me up when the Paypal app is banned like DASH from the iOS store, then that far-fetched excuse will be less implausible.

The simple explanation is Apple rejected DASH not because of generic crypto properties (disruption, privacy) but due to DASH's uniquely scummy problems like The Insta-Mine, centralized control, illegal Masternode HYIP, and self-promotion as an unregistered MSB.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: talkbitcoin on October 17, 2016, 01:09:31 PM
the interesting thing here is that even after 6 days from the start of this topic (this news) the price is even lower down to $5.99 = 0.0093BTC i have to say this but i think the monero rise is now officially over and we can no longer see 0.02BTC like before for a long time.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on October 17, 2016, 01:56:53 PM
the interesting thing here is that even after 6 days from the start of this topic (this news) the price is even lower down to $5.99 = 0.0093BTC i have to say this but i think the monero rise is now officially over and we can no longer see 0.02BTC like before for a long time.

Yes price wise it turned totally unexpected, but it seems only for me.
Maybe Monero turned into Bitcoin and more good news there is more price goes down.
And price will go up when bad news will come and will be least expected.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on October 27, 2016, 07:38:54 PM
Seems Jaxx says SoonTM (

Hey Monero community. Anthony from Jaxx here. XMR integration is chugging along nicely but definitely the hardest integration we've tackled yet. You see, Monero wasn't designed like anything else and we've had to literally start from scratch on this one. In the meantime we'll be continuing to release a couple other coins before we expect XMR to go live as we don't want to hold up our launch plans (15 coins be end of year) due to one coin giving us a hard time. Please know we're happy with the progress of XMR and don't see any roadblocks ahead, just need more time. We're still targeting early November for the release. Thanks for using Jaxx and for your patience as this has been a lengthier process than expected. Thanks also to Riccardo Spagni for the assistant and information he's provided. Cheers!

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: jeffthebaker on October 27, 2016, 08:32:53 PM
the interesting thing here is that even after 6 days from the start of this topic (this news) the price is even lower down to $5.99 = 0.0093BTC i have to say this but i think the monero rise is now officially over and we can no longer see 0.02BTC like before for a long time.

I think it's establishing a floor right now. I put in a long at .013 which sucks, but I'm confident Monero will surge at some point in the future once again. Unlike 99.9% of altcoins out there, Monero actually sees legitimate usage. That's invaluable in the altcoin economy.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: CoinBreader on October 28, 2016, 10:09:31 AM
well monero spiked cause of DM acceptance , hype is gone, for the those who longed above .01 just wait for the next pump again...

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Labumi on October 28, 2016, 10:15:06 AM
the interesting thing here is that even after 6 days from the start of this topic (this news) the price is even lower down to $5.99 = 0.0093BTC i have to say this but i think the monero rise is now officially over and we can no longer see 0.02BTC like before for a long time.

I think it's establishing a floor right now. I put in a long at .013 which sucks, but I'm confident Monero will surge at some point in the future once again. Unlike 99.9% of altcoins out there, Monero actually sees legitimate usage. That's invaluable in the altcoin economy.

Yeah it's something that will probably be realized properly. But not all currencies can last a long time, because they require the user to persist and if the monero mistake can make the most or most users then I'm sure it could worsen or desire we will will not materialize monero growth well. So we need a maid in sustaining growth monero

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Turbo2 on November 08, 2016, 12:51:28 AM
Looks like we are back up and running folks  ;D

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on November 13, 2016, 02:47:02 PM
Since good news push Monero price down, bad news push it up. Jaxx announced their second delay with their Monero integration and moved it for another 2 weeks.  
Apparently 90% of their resource need 2 months for Monero while few days for other coins. (

Hey Monero Community, Anthony from Jaxx here.
I wanted to take this time to provide another update on the progress of our Monero integration.
We targeted early November for the release... but failed. We hate not making our timing targets, it really sucks. Learning from the experiences, working towards better estimations, and hitting projections is something we'll consistently improve on. That being said, Monero integration has been a bitch. We're breaking new grounds here as we work to (and will) deliver a means for you to manage / send / receive XMR on 9 platforms with you in control of the keys... all done via a single backup phrase that can be used to derive the keys to all your digital currencies. You will also be able to buy / sell XMR directly in Jaxx via Shapeshift.
Here's where we stand on the integration. Fernando & Augusto (two of out token integration leads) have spent 80 hours doing the initial research, gaining an understanding of Monero transactions and developing the Monero client-side library. Fluffypony has been a great help and we truly thank him for his assistance. The library is 90% complete and should be ready this Monday. Because we missed our launch target, we decided to increase our Monero dev efforts and have reassigned resources to work on the required back-end infrastructure that can start as the library comes to completion. This part of the project is expected to take 40 hours (5 days) and will be worked on by another integration team member Ismael. Concurrently, Augusto will be working on general integration (expected 3 days), and also be responsible for testing and bug-fixing the back-end (expected 2 days). Once Augusto and Fernando have completed their work, it all gets sent to our CTO Chris and her front / middle (end) team for final tie-ins and implementation into Jaxx. This usually takes 1-2 days. Monero UI / UX assets have already been competed by Rahul and are waiting to be integrated by Chris' team. When this is all completed, it can be packaged, tested, and we can hit the release button.
The new estimated release date is the week of November 21st. I'll be pushing our entire team towards making the target. Please know that Monero is receiving 90% of our token integration resources and it is the priority for us. If it made sense to put 100% on the project we would, however, somethings just can't be moved faster with more resources due to required linear processes.
I'll ensure to keep everyone updated over the next many days.
Anthony Diiorio

Price is almost as it was before their announcement in October.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Piston Honda on November 16, 2016, 03:00:41 PM
the ONLY reason XMR is alive is because the whalebot pumpers on polo wanted to "wake up" on the last hype chance which they did......made a shitload of btc and SO many sheep are now bagholding. 

so, given it's just useless shit that WILL NOT be widely accepted...either you dump it (many already did)....or you hold and PRAY it see's another pump from the market makers.  withouth that it is dead.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Gahs on November 16, 2016, 03:30:46 PM
Looks like we are back up and running folks  ;D

Looks like we are going down the 0.0093btc again folks ;D

Don't ask why, check the charts.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Turbo2 on November 16, 2016, 05:49:20 PM
I think after researching recent events, I will be buying some more Monero...

Jaxx wallet coming in 2 weeks, integration with shapeshift, official UI wallet release before end of 2016, and January 2017 coming big privacy update (RingCT).

Then no privacy focused coin will even be able to compare with Monero....

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: deadpoolx on December 11, 2016, 11:50:25 PM
I think the currency is just going back to the levels at which it should be. This is good for the market because it brings a better balance, allows the entry of new investors and increases the traction for the next pump. They have good tech, and the community is quite active, so I see no reason for the currency not to reach new heights.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Spider-Goat on December 12, 2016, 07:03:52 AM
Monero will be worth $100 in 2017. Anyone want to bet me on that?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: martingaleloser on December 12, 2016, 08:48:12 AM
Is it possible xmr will be at 1 or 2$ soon. I want to buy some but I think this price is much to high. Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Altitude on December 12, 2016, 08:50:54 AM
Monero sucks ballsacks! Death to Monero and long live BTCD.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Actualiteit on December 12, 2016, 02:54:21 PM
Monero will be worth $100 in 2017. Anyone want to bet me on that?

Well, if BTC will be $50000 and Monero is still paired with BTC, yes Monero will be $100 :D

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on December 12, 2016, 03:24:02 PM
Monero will be worth $100 in 2017. Anyone want to bet me on that?

Well, if BTC will be $50000 and Monero is still paired with BTC, yes Monero will be $100 :D

Your math skills are questionable. Maybe try it again.

About price. Yes it is possible to be $100 in 2017, but question is will you sell at that point?  Or will you speculate it will go higher and miss the moment.  For sure it will not hit $100 and then never go down.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: martingaleloser on December 13, 2016, 01:32:25 AM
Monero will be worth $100 in 2017. Anyone want to bet me on that?

Well, if BTC will be $50000 and Monero is still paired with BTC, yes Monero will be $100 :D

Your math skills are questionable. Maybe try it again.

About price. Yes it is possible to be $100 in 2017, but question is will you sell at that point?  Or will you speculate it will go higher and miss the moment.  For sure it will not hit $100 and then never go down.

LOL. Monero @ $100 is a dream. At leats for 2017. Who knows what 2020 and beyond will bring.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: dinofelis on December 13, 2016, 06:17:51 AM
Monero will be worth $100 in 2017. Anyone want to bet me on that?

Whether one XMR is $2 or is $100 doesn't really matter, does it ?  The question is, will it be used to buy stuff ?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Actualiteit on December 13, 2016, 09:39:18 AM
Monero will be worth $100 in 2017. Anyone want to bet me on that?

Well, if BTC will be $50000 and Monero is still paired with BTC, yes Monero will be $100 :D

Your math skills are questionable. Maybe try it again.

About price. Yes it is possible to be $100 in 2017, but question is will you sell at that point?  Or will you speculate it will go higher and miss the moment.  For sure it will not hit $100 and then never go down.

how are my math skills questionable? Are you saying Monero is at a fixed rate with btc?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: Febo on December 13, 2016, 02:39:35 PM
Monero will be worth $100 in 2017. Anyone want to bet me on that?

Well, if BTC will be $50000 and Monero is still paired with BTC, yes Monero will be $100 :D

Your math skills are questionable. Maybe try it again.

About price. Yes it is possible to be $100 in 2017, but question is will you sell at that point?  Or will you speculate it will go higher and miss the moment.  For sure it will not hit $100 and then never go down.

how are my math skills questionable? Are you saying Monero is at a fixed rate with btc?

I meant exactly what I said. You miscalculate yourself with those numbers in that simple sentence you posted. Try it again.

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: smooth on December 14, 2016, 04:17:46 AM
Monero under $10? What the hell are you waiting for?

Title: Re: Monero under $8, while recognized by Apple as one of leading Cryptocurrencies.
Post by: densuj on December 14, 2016, 04:26:09 AM
Although monero's coin recognized by Apple as one of leading cryptoCurrency, there are no impact on monero's price, it will be under $8.
Except the Apple inc makes investment into monero with large of their money, it will make monero's price be increase over $8.
But i am doubt the Apple inc will makes investment into monero if they can not control it.