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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: swastik384 on December 15, 2016, 05:50:00 PM

Title: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: swastik384 on December 15, 2016, 05:50:00 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: MisO69 on December 15, 2016, 06:33:12 PM
Its not real.

Those idiots on youtube are just attention seeking losers.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Spendulus on December 15, 2016, 09:59:37 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.
No, it cannot be done.  If it could be done, I would already have moved all the gold out of Fort Knox into my private cave. 

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: trollercoaster on December 15, 2016, 10:02:11 PM
I don't believe we can move physical objects with the mind, I believe we can communicate though, in one dimension we have the mind, in another the physical.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: kodes88 on December 16, 2016, 02:23:38 AM
I know people often talk about telekinesis, telekinesis To me it does not make sense, and I've only ever seen people do telekinesis on video only. As long as I have not seen anyone do telekinesis directly in front of my eyes, I do not believe it. Because of human logic will not be able to move / move an object without touching the object, unless he blew the object. So I think there is no telekinesis. That is just kumupulan people who are looking for a thrill and makes a lie.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 16, 2016, 03:24:00 AM
Its not real.

Those idiots on youtube are just attention seeking losers.

oh trust me, once I was taking some really tough siht, I've concentrated so much on tht that I've started  moving small objects in the bathroom. Joking aside, that's the only thing that may be impossible in this world, but hey you can never know, this life might get more interesting if someone finds the force.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: wowanstrong on December 16, 2016, 11:46:29 AM
Its not real.

Those idiots on youtube are just attention seeking losers.

oh trust me, once I was taking some really tough siht, I've concentrated so much on tht that I've started  moving small objects in the bathroom. Joking aside, that's the only thing that may be impossible in this world, but hey you can never know, this life might get more interesting if someone finds the force.
From the point of view of physics, telekinesis is impossible. All examples of this phenomenon is a fake. Documented not confirmed any case. Telekinesis is like religion, it is not, but many do.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: The_prodigy on December 16, 2016, 11:49:50 AM
If you saw a video on youtubes don't believe on it it's actually fake and trying to get more views for theit adsense and money making techniques if you are familliar with deeoweb you can find a good answer there with this great question and i do believe those people who had it.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: leepfrog on December 16, 2016, 11:51:13 AM
yes i think it is possible to move things with your mind, i have seen someone do it as and when they where asked to.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: antonioa on December 16, 2016, 07:43:57 PM
I also saw a lot of information about telekinesis. But I believe that it can only do elected. This is not a train. It is, or at birth or not

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Seansky on December 17, 2016, 06:31:46 AM
Telekinesis is not possible, and it is never possible. I don't believe that it is possible because after all If it was very possible then someone must have discovered it by now, doing it for his own benefit. If it also was true, scientists will know about it and have proof of how telekinesis works. If it were possible though, I think it would be kept hidden by some chosen people for their very own benefit but the chance of it being possible was very low.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Slow death on December 17, 2016, 11:11:05 AM
Telekinesis is not possible, and it is never possible...

ha ha ha

you are wrong. How do you think Father Christmas brings your gift? ;D

It has the power of telekinesis. Or is it controlling gravity? :o

Leaving jokes aside.


 I do not believe that there are people with telekinesis, but I believe that in the future it is possible to have people with telekinesis. science is taking giant steps every day and people are ambitious, sooner or later some crazy scientist will do experiments in humans And with that we will have people with telekinesis.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 17, 2016, 03:57:52 PM
Telekinesis is not possible, and it is never possible...

ha ha ha

you are wrong. How do you think Father Christmas brings your gift? ;D

It has the power of telekinesis. Or is it controlling gravity? :o

Leaving jokes aside.


 I do not believe that there are people with telekinesis, but I believe that in the future it is possible to have people with telekinesis. science is taking giant steps every day and people are ambitious, sooner or later some crazy scientist will do experiments in humans And with that we will have people with telekinesis.

While we're at it: "If he's clever about it, and travels from east to west with the Sun, maximising his available night-time, Santa has about 32 hours to work with (assuming children sleep for eight hours, he has 24 hours plus those eight to finish). Travelling 342,510,000km in 32 hours equates to a speed of 10,703,437.5km/hr (6,650,807.72mph), or a little under 1,800 miles per second, assuming he takes no time actually to deliver the presents or stop for any comfort breaks. The fastest-moving man-made object in history, the space probe Voyager 1, manages a rather less impressive 10.8 miles per second."

Even with science I hardly believe it is in any way possible, since it would possibly have to involve gravity manipulation. Maybe on some rather small scale but anything like we've seen on jewtube, no.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: BADecker on December 18, 2016, 01:19:22 PM
The effects of telekinesis are possible, We don't, however, know if is the mind doing it, or what might really be doing it.


Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Daniel91 on December 18, 2016, 02:29:10 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

You are right, it's possible but not with the power of mind.
We are not only physical but also spiritual beings.
Our spiritual self also have spiritual mind and body.
With our spiritual mind we can control things around us.
It's by spiritual power or energy (Universal prime energy), connected with our ultimate origin, God.
It's pity that most people, because of our separation from God, can't feel it anymore. 

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Mometaskers on December 18, 2016, 10:23:29 PM
Most of those videos on you tube looked horrible. They're all obviously fake. I used to believe it's possible but now I don't.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Mometaskers on December 18, 2016, 10:30:48 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

You are right, it's possible but not with the power of mind.
We are not only physical but also spiritual beings.
Our spiritual self also have spiritual mind and body.
With our spiritual mind we can control things around us.
It's by spiritual power or energy (Universal prime energy), connected with our ultimate origin, God.
It's pity that most people, because of our separation from God, can't feel it anymore. 

The thought of Jesus chi palming all those greedy b*****s at the temple amuses me.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: crwth on December 18, 2016, 11:30:32 PM
If that's possible, I don't know what will happen to this world. You know that it's just an act right? Maybe some camera effects.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Vhawk23 on December 20, 2016, 03:24:51 AM
IMO telekinesis could be a thing that's possible to do, well, it is because of the "power" of our brain, even scientifically it's not proven that this kind of "power" from our brain could do things like that.

But again, my opinion said, that telekinesis is still possible thing to do...

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Dmitry.Vastov on December 20, 2016, 04:42:27 AM
Nope. I dont theres a person actually done this without applying some tricks. Either magic, i dont believe in magic because its just an illusion. Thats why illusionist not magician is what i always call them. Because its pure illusions ant tricks. Not a magic. Telekenis is not possible to anyone because of gravity. We cant manipulate gravity withourselves only. We need device in able to do telekenesis.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Mometaskers on December 20, 2016, 04:55:47 AM
There have been research on the subject but so far the results is that it's not real. Maybe we still don't have the technology to correctly measure it so I'm leaving it as a possibility. I wouldn't waste my time trying to research or develop it though.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: mr.bitcoinerf11 on December 20, 2016, 05:17:52 AM
the most real and wired thing is magic
the quarn can help me

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Chin Cheng on December 20, 2016, 06:54:17 AM
There have been research on the subject but so far the results is that it's not real. Maybe we still don't have the technology to correctly measure it so I'm leaving it as a possibility. I wouldn't waste my time trying to research or develop it though.
The fact is that science does not have an answer for everything and so skeptics wont believe what ever it is .I do believe in it because i do know that human minds have unlimited power and it is not easy to tap into that.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: BADecker on December 20, 2016, 09:37:50 AM
There have been research on the subject but so far the results is that it's not real. Maybe we still don't have the technology to correctly measure it so I'm leaving it as a possibility. I wouldn't waste my time trying to research or develop it though.
The fact is that science does not have an answer for everything and so skeptics wont believe what ever it is .I do believe in it because i do know that human minds have unlimited power and it is not easy to tap into that.

People are just barely figuring out the right questions to ask, so that they can determin how to look for the answers.


Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: NewBet on December 20, 2016, 10:12:16 AM
Your topic make me recalled a quote from a drama series...
“Everything in this world is magic, except to the magician himself"
No matter how real that video amazed you, trust me they have their trick, photoshop, helper hand, invisible thread or other.
Control physical object using our mind? I think we're overestimate ourselves, mind come from our brain and brain is just “brain"

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: youdacapt on December 20, 2016, 10:39:59 AM
There are a lot of indigo in the world able to make it real, but most of them do not show off to the public. If we look at the ability of telekinesis in youtube videos, most of them only use video editing tricks. Telekinesis can be trained to people who are not too interested in the things of the world, and for people who are fully confident with the level of mysticism. Want to believe it or not, some videos on youtube was true, but the soul must be completely clean of confusion and distrust.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 20, 2016, 11:55:31 AM
Telekinesis is a myth, and I was thinking that people were smart enough to realize it. Admit it guys, telekinesis exists only in sci-fi movies and comics. It does not exist in real life.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Red Fish on December 20, 2016, 03:01:33 PM
Some people in the world have this ability, and it is not possible to learn it. I read that one female did something like this many years ago, but telekinesis as such is not possible. 

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: yuiyuga on December 20, 2016, 07:45:34 PM
Some people in the world have this ability, and it is not possible to learn it. I read that one female did something like this many years ago, but telekinesis as such is not possible. 
All the witnesses of such phenomena say that they themselves have not seen but heard or read. There is no documentary evidence of this phenomenon. It is a myth. The same as religion. Everyone knows but no one saw.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Gasturcas on December 20, 2016, 09:07:12 PM
Telekenesis is a fiction. Telekinesis is not possible for anyone! Telekinesis, also called psychokinesis, or PK is the ability to move  objects through mind power. Many people believe on this because of viral fake videos circulating worldwide. This people only wants attention and earning a lot from views. The history of telekinesis is a history of frauds and fakery, both proven and suspected. Even many researchers studying psychokinesis admit that the data fall far short of scientific standards of proof.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Mersedes on December 20, 2016, 10:10:04 PM
Telekenesis is a fiction. Telekinesis is not possible for anyone! Telekinesis, also called psychokinesis, or PK is the ability to move  objects through mind power. Many people believe on this because of viral fake videos circulating worldwide. This people only wants attention and earning a lot from views. The history of telekinesis is a history of frauds and fakery, both proven and suspected. Even many researchers studying psychokinesis admit that the data fall far short of scientific standards of proof.
People are able to believe in miracles and not believe in reality. Many politicians now use it. The more improbable the lie, the easier it is to believe people. Telekinesis is a tale in which people believe and use the crooks.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: protokol on December 20, 2016, 10:15:34 PM
Telekenesis is a fiction. Telekinesis is not possible for anyone! Telekinesis, also called psychokinesis, or PK is the ability to move  objects through mind power. Many people believe on this because of viral fake videos circulating worldwide. This people only wants attention and earning a lot from views. The history of telekinesis is a history of frauds and fakery, both proven and suspected. Even many researchers studying psychokinesis admit that the data fall far short of scientific standards of proof.

Well put.

However I do think it would be pretty cool if, in the future we could use technological devices that somehow gave us the power of telekinesis.

People can control prosthetic limbs with electrodes embedded in their brains, and gamers can influence software through neural interfaces.

Perhaps one day a neural interface could be invented which produced an electromagnetic field that could allow the user to move and control metallic objects at will (like Luke Skywalker using the force to retrieve his light saber!)

Or even, in the distant future when more is known about gravity and its attributes, the same technology could be applied to move ANY object...

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: petsae on December 20, 2016, 11:11:17 PM
Telekinesis is not possible, and it is never possible...

ha ha ha

you are wrong. How do you think Father Christmas brings your gift? ;D

It has the power of telekinesis. Or is it controlling gravity? :o

Leaving jokes aside.


 I do not believe that there are people with telekinesis, but I believe that in the future it is possible to have people with telekinesis. science is taking giant steps every day and people are ambitious, sooner or later some crazy scientist will do experiments in humans And with that we will have people with telekinesis.


Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: jackg on December 20, 2016, 11:19:50 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

It cannot be done with the brain only as the brain is not that powerful (currently).
You could do it with things such as the internet and devices connected to it that you control. Also, there isn't an easy way to currently connect the brain to a computer without using things such as the movement of postural muscles to control devices.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: BADecker on December 21, 2016, 02:18:54 AM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

It cannot be done with the brain only as the brain is not that powerful (currently).
You could do it with things such as the internet and devices connected to it that you control. Also, there isn't an easy way to currently connect the brain to a computer without using things such as the movement of postural muscles to control devices.

The electric eel can give you a big jolt. The brain of man is way more powerful. If someone trained his mind to do like the eel... who knows what we could accomplish?


Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Indijanos on December 21, 2016, 02:39:15 AM
Do you think that magic and magicians are using real magic? Just like magic tricks, telekinesis videos are just an illusion or a simple special effect.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Wintersoldier on December 21, 2016, 08:25:47 AM
Do you think that magic and magicians are using real magic? Just like magic tricks, telekinesis videos are just an illusion or a simple special effect.
Yes, telekinesis can by simply compared to magics, always work through illusions. Yet, it is not easy to explain how or what tricks they did in their work. But one thing is for sure, humans don't have a power that is out of this world. There are just extraordinary people who can do incredible stunts but not that hard to explain how can they do that.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Karloff on December 21, 2016, 10:19:36 AM
Do you think that magic and magicians are using real magic? Just like magic tricks, telekinesis videos are just an illusion or a simple special effect.
Yes, telekinesis can by simply compared to magics, always work through illusions. Yet, it is not easy to explain how or what tricks they did in their work. But one thing is for sure, humans don't have a power that is out of this world. There are just extraordinary people who can do incredible stunts but not that hard to explain how can they do that.
I do not believe in magic. The scammers invest a lot of money in something that people have seen magic tricks and believed in the existence of supernatural opportunities, and then earn money on gullible people.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 21, 2016, 11:21:32 AM
Some people in the world have this ability, and it is not possible to learn it. I read that one female did something like this many years ago, but telekinesis as such is not possible. 

Do you have any proof for this? And why it is not possible to learn these ability? If people are indeed having this ability, then they might have learnt it from someone else, right?

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: ovvidiy on December 21, 2016, 03:13:02 PM
Some people in the world have this ability, and it is not possible to learn it. I read that one female did something like this many years ago, but telekinesis as such is not possible. 

Do you have any proof for this? And why it is not possible to learn these ability? If people are indeed having this ability, then they might have learnt it from someone else, right?
On earth there are very few phenomena which cannot be explained from a scientific point of view. Telekinesis is impossible to explore because it is not. A lot of good magicians do fancy tricks but it is only an illusion and they are quite explainable scientifically.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: drakker on December 21, 2016, 04:06:41 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

I don't know if I will believe it. But one time a guy gets the attention of people in the park. He has a small stainless steel rod and give it to the audience if it was realy a hard object and hard to bend. One of the audience drop it in the floor and I saw it and hear the sound of the steel. Then he told us that he can bend it just by looking at it while holding it by his left hand. Then the steel bend slowly. We were amaze how he can bend that hard object. We check the steel because we believe that he do some tricks. But it is really really hard. Even my friend cant increase the bend of the steel. How come did he bend it? All of us cannot believe what happened in front of us. Does he have a telekeetic power?

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: canah17 on December 22, 2016, 05:01:20 AM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

Well i believe in telekinesis but i really tried it many times but fails because i heard that you have to meditate first and train that meditate until you obtain "Ki" Ki means inner power of our body that flows around we cannot activate it yet because we have lack of training to have but until you obtain that Ki you can do incredible things with it not only telekinesis but you can punch thru walls and have the power to jump higher its very unreal to some people but they don't tend to learn it because they are busy of some reason but if you really learn it its possible. You just have to go a temple to to meditate learn from the elders who obtain ki they can easily teach you but you have pay the price because to not use it on other people just behave your powers :D Ki is real so telekinesis is real :D

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: ghostON on December 22, 2016, 06:34:40 AM
Of course not. What kind of question is that? Have you seen someone magically float thing around with is mind and without shitty strings attached to the object?

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: yuiyuga on December 22, 2016, 10:07:42 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

Well i believe in telekinesis but i really tried it many times but fails because i heard that you have to meditate first and train that meditate until you obtain "Ki" Ki means inner power of our body that flows around we cannot activate it yet because we have lack of training to have but until you obtain that Ki you can do incredible things with it not only telekinesis but you can punch thru walls and have the power to jump higher its very unreal to some people but they don't tend to learn it because they are busy of some reason but if you really learn it its possible. You just have to go a temple to to meditate learn from the elders who obtain ki they can easily teach you but you have pay the price because to not use it on other people just behave your powers :D Ki is real so telekinesis is real :D
I see that everyone who believes in God also believes in telekinesis. Probably these people tend to believe in miracles. There are convinced that there is neither one nor the other is useless. Here can help only a psychiatrist.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: pepethefrog on December 22, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
Some force must act on an object.

"Thoughts" are not a force.

Pepe is not going to be fooled by this rubbish pseudo-science.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 22, 2016, 11:12:08 PM
Of course not. What kind of question is that? Have you seen someone magically float thing around with is mind and without shitty strings attached to the object?

Have you seen magnets or even electro magnets? How does that siht work? :D

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: protokol on December 22, 2016, 11:38:04 PM
Of course not. What kind of question is that? Have you seen someone magically float thing around with is mind and without shitty strings attached to the object?

Have you seen magnets or even electro magnets? How does that siht work? :D

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Cactushrt on December 24, 2016, 12:36:10 PM
No. I dont think people can do the telekenis it's very impossible. How can a human do that by just the power of his mind? Maybe you are watching magics that's why you ask that only magician can do that telekenis.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Slow death on December 24, 2016, 01:04:14 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

Well i believe in telekinesis but i really tried it many times but fails because i heard that you have to meditate first and train that meditate until you obtain "Ki" Ki means inner power of our body that flows around we cannot activate it yet because we have lack of training to have but until you obtain that Ki you can do incredible things with it not only telekinesis but you can punch thru walls and have the power to jump higher its very unreal to some people but they don't tend to learn it because they are busy of some reason but if you really learn it its possible. You just have to go a temple to to meditate learn from the elders who obtain ki they can easily teach you but you have pay the price because to not use it on other people just behave your powers :D Ki is real so telekinesis is real :D

In short, are you saying that anyone can be super sayajin and do Kamehameha...

I don't know if I will believe it. But one time a guy gets the attention of people in the park. He has a small stainless steel rod and give it to the audience if it was realy a hard object and hard to bend. One of the audience drop it in the floor and I saw it and hear the sound of the steel. Then he told us that he can bend it just by looking at it while holding it by his left hand. Then the steel bend slowly. We were amaze how he can bend that hard object. We check the steel because we believe that he do some tricks. But it is really really hard. Even my friend cant increase the bend of the steel. How come did he bend it? All of us cannot believe what happened in front of us. Does he have a telekeetic power?

This is an interesting point, I always loved circus and see magic and until today I'm curious to know how a magician does magic?

I've also seen a magician in my country bend things that would be impossible for a person to bend.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: STFU! on December 24, 2016, 01:18:14 PM
simple..IF you believe on that,and has see it with your own eyesor better practise it..then it is real..but IF you don't believe it,never saw it just hear it from "The Bird singing"" then it is not Real.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Slow death on December 24, 2016, 01:50:31 PM
simple..IF you believe on that,and has see it with your own eyesor better practise it..then it is real..

In Africa people have something they know from birth. Ha ha ha

"Never say that you have superpowers, that you Levite and that you can speak with the spirits"

If you say you can do the things I posted above, you will be burned alive, well you may ask me, why do not people burn the healers? Oh ho, because the healers occupy a special place in the community and brainwash the people of the community and because of this if a person from the community goes to the healer to report that he saw guy X to levitate. the healer order: burn the guy X alive

Unfortunately in Africa we are very retarded.

but IF you don't believe it,never saw it just hear it from "The Bird singing"" then it is not Real.

Even if I could bend something with telekinesis, I would shut up and tell no one

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: beafheart on December 24, 2016, 07:02:47 PM
simple..IF you believe on that,and has see it with your own eyesor better practise it..then it is real..

In Africa people have something they know from birth. Ha ha ha

"Never say that you have superpowers, that you Levite and that you can speak with the spirits"

If you say you can do the things I posted above, you will be burned alive, well you may ask me, why do not people burn the healers? Oh ho, because the healers occupy a special place in the community and brainwash the people of the community and because of this if a person from the community goes to the healer to report that he saw guy X to levitate. the healer order: burn the guy X alive

Unfortunately in Africa we are very retarded.

but IF you don't believe it,never saw it just hear it from "The Bird singing"" then it is not Real.

Even if I could bend something with telekinesis, I would shut up and tell no one
All secret becomes obvious. This skill cannot be hidden. Sooner or later you will want to take advantage of his ability and someone will see it. Or there is a desire to use your gift into practice. Hide will not work, so if there is no evidence that means that the phenomenon is not.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: gabmen on December 25, 2016, 01:01:23 AM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

I know a lot of people are a bit pessimistic about this issue as it's leaning more on fiction than reality but there are cases wherein it cannot be explained and people actually are able to move objects without having contact. Also i' ve read about an article that humans actually use just a small part of our brain' s capacities so it is possible that we are capable of doing more than what we currently think we can

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: zikel on December 27, 2016, 10:56:22 AM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

I know a lot of people are a bit pessimistic about this issue as it's leaning more on fiction than reality but there are cases wherein it cannot be explained and people actually are able to move objects without having contact. Also i' ve read about an article that humans actually use just a small part of our brain' s capacities so it is possible that we are capable of doing more than what we currently think we can

I also believe that the ability of the brain are endless. If people have used it to full effect, they would long ago have been able to do all sorts of weird things.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Xester on December 27, 2016, 12:31:10 PM
Telekinesis is real. But do not imagine a person throwing cars using his mind or a person blowing other peoples brain since this are exaggeration and not happening in real life. Real Telekinesis is done only using small objects, but unlike other theories that the mind can directly move objects it is not true. The mind can only manipulate the energy surrounding us or release sufficient energy from our hands to move objects. A good example is the psi-wheel, a paper wheel, a practitioner uses his hands to move the paper and it is an evidence that the thing that moves the paper is the energy released through our hands.

Can we do this kind of things, are we capable? In theory all of us has the capacity but in different levels, some people can move small and light objects but majority can only move energy but its invisible to the eye. Only gifted people can make energy concentrated to push and move little objects.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: protokol on December 28, 2016, 03:11:00 AM
Telekinesis is real. But do not imagine a person throwing cars using his mind or a person blowing other peoples brain since this are exaggeration and not happening in real life. Real Telekinesis is done only using small objects, but unlike other theories that the mind can directly move objects it is not true. The mind can only manipulate the energy surrounding us or release sufficient energy from our hands to move objects. A good example is the psi-wheel, a paper wheel, a practitioner uses his hands to move the paper and it is an evidence that the thing that moves the paper is the energy released through our hands.

Can we do this kind of things, are we capable? In theory all of us has the capacity but in different levels, some people can move small and light objects but majority can only move energy but its invisible to the eye. Only gifted people can make energy concentrated to push and move little objects.


Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 28, 2016, 04:09:33 AM
Telekinesis is real. But do not imagine a person throwing cars using his mind or a person blowing other peoples brain since this are exaggeration and not happening in real life. Real Telekinesis is done only using small objects, but unlike other theories that the mind can directly move objects it is not true. The mind can only manipulate the energy surrounding us or release sufficient energy from our hands to move objects. A good example is the psi-wheel, a paper wheel, a practitioner uses his hands to move the paper and it is an evidence that the thing that moves the paper is the energy released through our hands.

Can we do this kind of things, are we capable? In theory all of us has the capacity but in different levels, some people can move small and light objects but majority can only move energy but its invisible to the eye. Only gifted people can make energy concentrated to push and move little objects.

So are there any documented proofs? I mean, it the digital era someone could record someone doing that or some tests could be run...

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: achow102 on December 28, 2016, 07:21:10 PM
Telekinesis is real. But do not imagine a person throwing cars using his mind or a person blowing other peoples brain since this are exaggeration and not happening in real life. Real Telekinesis is done only using small objects, but unlike other theories that the mind can directly move objects it is not true. The mind can only manipulate the energy surrounding us or release sufficient energy from our hands to move objects. A good example is the psi-wheel, a paper wheel, a practitioner uses his hands to move the paper and it is an evidence that the thing that moves the paper is the energy released through our hands.

Can we do this kind of things, are we capable? In theory all of us has the capacity but in different levels, some people can move small and light objects but majority can only move energy but its invisible to the eye. Only gifted people can make energy concentrated to push and move little objects.

So are there any documented proofs? I mean, it the digital era someone could record someone doing that or some tests could be run...

If such evidence is, they are strictly classified. People are not ready for this. Therefore, it can not be left open access

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 28, 2016, 07:33:51 PM
Telekinesis is real. But do not imagine a person throwing cars using his mind or a person blowing other peoples brain since this are exaggeration and not happening in real life. Real Telekinesis is done only using small objects, but unlike other theories that the mind can directly move objects it is not true. The mind can only manipulate the energy surrounding us or release sufficient energy from our hands to move objects. A good example is the psi-wheel, a paper wheel, a practitioner uses his hands to move the paper and it is an evidence that the thing that moves the paper is the energy released through our hands.

Can we do this kind of things, are we capable? In theory all of us has the capacity but in different levels, some people can move small and light objects but majority can only move energy but its invisible to the eye. Only gifted people can make energy concentrated to push and move little objects.

So are there any documented proofs? I mean, it the digital era someone could record someone doing that or some tests could be run...

If such evidence is, they are strictly classified. People are not ready for this. Therefore, it can not be left open access

So there are not.. if there are any evidenced proving this, there will be a whistleblower or maybe it would get published by some means. Untill then, it's just a special effect.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: BitcoinPicasso on December 28, 2016, 09:47:42 PM
Telekinesis is real. But do not imagine a person throwing cars using his mind or a person blowing other peoples brain since this are exaggeration and not happening in real life. Real Telekinesis is done only using small objects, but unlike other theories that the mind can directly move objects it is not true. The mind can only manipulate the energy surrounding us or release sufficient energy from our hands to move objects. A good example is the psi-wheel, a paper wheel, a practitioner uses his hands to move the paper and it is an evidence that the thing that moves the paper is the energy released through our hands.

Can we do this kind of things, are we capable? In theory all of us has the capacity but in different levels, some people can move small and light objects but majority can only move energy but its invisible to the eye. Only gifted people can make energy concentrated to push and move little objects.

I don't know about this. I seen a show where a friend of mine was asked to help the magician. He did some stuff with a spoon and other things, making them hot to the touch. He also managed to flip her eye glasses that she was holding in the palms of her hands. Right in front of all of us. But I think it was a trick and he just did it by grabbing a hair that was attached to the glasses frame. I just don't believe it even if I seen it.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: moriskarlov on December 29, 2016, 03:39:06 PM
Most likely telekinesis does not exist, Nadezhda Kulagina, famous in USSR, moved the ball from the Ping Pong using the power of her thought, but it was the anatomical feature of her sweat glands on her palm. She is like a snake shooting with perspiration. This is disgusting.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Berns on December 29, 2016, 08:58:40 PM
Most likely telekinesis does not exist, Nadezhda Kulagina, famous in USSR, moved the ball from the Ping Pong using the power of her thought, but it was the anatomical feature of her sweat glands on her palm. She is like a snake shooting with perspiration. This is disgusting.

or maybe it was the real telekinesis. But the government has decided to come up with an explanation that its disgusting

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: protokol on December 29, 2016, 09:46:47 PM
Most likely telekinesis does not exist, Nadezhda Kulagina, famous in USSR, moved the ball from the Ping Pong using the power of her thought, but it was the anatomical feature of her sweat glands on her palm. She is like a snake shooting with perspiration. This is disgusting.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: tanyao93 on March 21, 2017, 07:02:10 PM
Exist. Simple charlatans use strings, hair, water, air flow to move objects. And some years they train and accumulate energy in order to move objects without contact with them.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: bra4our on March 22, 2017, 05:57:23 PM
I believe telekinesis and even telepathy to be real. Its all about the practice involved in the whole thing. If enough believe and will power is put into the whole endeavor am certain its possible to achieve anything. I think wikileaks should show us leaks with things that the government keeps secret like aliens and people with enhanced abilities.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Challenger2015 on March 22, 2017, 06:22:30 PM
I believe telekinesis and even telepathy to be real. Its all about the practice involved in the whole thing. If enough believe and will power is put into the whole endeavor am certain its possible to achieve anything. I think wikileaks should show us leaks with things that the government keeps secret like aliens and people with enhanced abilities.
Once in Russia, the KGB conducted research to study this phenomenon and came to the conclusion that it is not possible. Have you ever seen a reliable example of this phenomenon? It's a hoax.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Adelajda on March 22, 2017, 08:23:03 PM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.
Everything you see in youtube is not real.It is only possible in fictional movies and not a reality.But there are many things that can be done with the power of mind but telekinesis is not a real thing that can be mastered.So do not worry about that ,think sane and have fun rather than being insane. :P

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: popcorn1 on March 22, 2017, 08:38:18 PM
How does your dog know your coming home ?..

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Kemarit on March 23, 2017, 08:04:50 AM
I don't think that telekinesis don't exist. I don't know how our mind can influence or manipulate object to move? But I remember when I was a kid I try to emulate those superheroes with telekinetic ability.  ;D Those that claim that they have they super ability failed when they are being experiment in a controlled environment. And I have read about, Uri Geller became the world's best-known psychic and made millions traveling the world demonstrating his claimed psychokinetic abilities including starting broken watches and bending spoons.  And how the amazing  James Randi, who has accused Geller repeatedly of trying to pass off magic tricks as paranormal displays.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: yellow1 on March 23, 2017, 10:18:39 AM
It seems to me  is not possible for anyone who do the people to make a telekinesis.They develops by open you mind and patience,they focus that things to do.I have s many saw that in videos maybe it is true..It is possible that a person with abilities and they spent more time and,concentration,and more practice.But i just only in videos but i not seen in personally.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: youdacapt on March 23, 2017, 10:28:43 AM
I believe telekinesis because i was able to do when i was child, i can move objects remotely only through mind and concentration. Unfortunately, this ability is lost along with increasing age. I read many telekinesis articles is a born talent, requires cleanliness and peace of mind, and can be trained by people whose intentions mastered supernatural powers (yoni phallus). I don't retrain this power, it's better to be normal and doing family activities and work as usual.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: evilgreed on March 23, 2017, 11:59:01 AM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

Don't get fooled by those tricks, well i don't think if its true or not but according to what i have read its one's person ability.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: bitmakerBR on March 23, 2017, 12:14:11 PM
Telekinesis exists, but not everyone can understand the principle of its operation. To understand the principle of telekinesis, you need to learn a lot about the very theme of transforing, and then you can and practice.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: jems on March 23, 2017, 02:07:18 PM
for me it depends on you if God give you  ability that ordinary people can't do like telekinesis its hard to Learn and apply becuse need a focus ,determination,yoga and trust to your self that you can do telekinesis. in youtube i think 50 50 i believe because other people use video editor to upload in youtube and make viewers to their channel

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: yishak on March 23, 2017, 02:10:01 PM
no it hasn't been proven. here is a quite from Wikipedia
" There is no convincing evidence
that psychokinesis is a real phenomenon, and the
topic is generally regarded as pseudoscience"

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: RJX on March 23, 2017, 06:17:04 PM
Telekinesis exists, but not everyone can understand the principle of its operation. To understand the principle of telekinesis, you need to learn a lot about the very theme of transforing, and then you can and practice.

That's right. It's like making two chocolate bars out of one chocolate bar by breaking it up in little pieces and then rearranging them. But vice versa. And with cutlery.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: bobbyps on March 24, 2017, 06:34:48 AM
telekinesis or something about using just little bit percent of brain power like lucy is only exist in sci-fi story, to make someone pay for it.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: dark_pride on March 24, 2017, 10:05:10 AM
telekinesis or something about using just little bit percent of brain power like lucy is only exist in sci-fi story, to make someone pay for it.

The human brain is capable of much. We need only develop and grow spiritually, work hard every day on ourselves and then we will be able to learn the secret possibilities.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: novemberwoah on March 24, 2017, 12:35:03 PM
Very interesting topic, friend. I've also been reading articles and books about telekinesis. In my opinion, there are two ways to play prediction, recognize objects energy of mind or transmit our energi of mind to object, so that it appears a miracle. Is it possible? Every people who thinking will expend wave energy, then if we recognize wave energy then we can know the mind of the object, but to sharpen it must have a strong focus level. Telekinesis will not happen if we are not diligent, it is easy to give up and do not believe. If can develop telekinesis maybe someone can create new magic to be interesting. I have not tried it, but I believe it could happen.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: gabmen on March 24, 2017, 03:38:35 PM
telekinesis or something about using just little bit percent of brain power like lucy is only exist in sci-fi story, to make someone pay for it.

The human brain is capable of much. We need only develop and grow spiritually, work hard every day on ourselves and then we will be able to learn the secret possibilities.

Yeah i've read a lot about that as well that we're just using a very small percentage of our brains and that what we can do once we get access to it's full capabilities would almost make us godlike. Telekenesis i think it largely possible even we can access a little more than we currently are able to and i believe that some people already can tap into this right now

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Podgor on March 24, 2017, 03:47:57 PM
I think we would have to get into secret government files.
There was definietly a project in US army involving people with paranormal abilities to "remote view" the targets.

About telekinesis, I saw a documentary about it that looks legit.
Seems like there were people who could do it, no strings since it was observed by scientists, glass was put on etc.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: AT-N-T101 on March 24, 2017, 05:17:13 PM
I think we would have to get into secret government files.
There was definietly a project in US army involving people with paranormal abilities to "remote view" the targets.

About telekinesis, I saw a documentary about it that looks legit.
Seems like there were people who could do it, no strings since it was observed by scientists, glass was put on etc.
To what extent the historical facts about the fact that occultism and other paranormal sciences were being studied by the known dictators of the planet were told the truth. They wanted to win, control and always be in power. Perhaps now someone is using or studying the same for the same reasons.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Podgor on March 24, 2017, 05:44:32 PM
I think we would have to get into secret government files.
There was definietly a project in US army involving people with paranormal abilities to "remote view" the targets.

About telekinesis, I saw a documentary about it that looks legit.
Seems like there were people who could do it, no strings since it was observed by scientists, glass was put on etc.
To what extent the historical facts about the fact that occultism and other paranormal sciences were being studied by the known dictators of the planet were told the truth. They wanted to win, control and always be in power. Perhaps now someone is using or studying the same for the same reasons.

The common belief among the elites seems to be much more than.
Some really smart people think they balive in aliens, gaining power from evil, hurting children etc.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: ice18 on March 25, 2017, 04:37:26 AM
It was featured on our local tv station weeks ago in our country seems too real, he can bend the spoon using his mind, he was able to transfer his mind power ability to another person and bend large nail, according to him his special ability was discovered when he was a child he even manage to read ones mind,

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: rokkiBalboa on March 25, 2017, 02:22:11 PM
It was featured on our local tv station weeks ago in our country seems too real, he can bend the spoon using his mind, he was able to transfer his mind power ability to another person and bend large nail, according to him his special ability was discovered when he was a child he even manage to read ones mind,

It's great to have such abilities. You do not need to do a lot of physical effort for hard work, but it's probably very energy-consuming.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: crwth on March 27, 2017, 06:20:55 AM
It was featured on our local tv station weeks ago in our country seems too real, he can bend the spoon using his mind, he was able to transfer his mind power ability to another person and bend large nail, according to him his special ability was discovered when he was a child he even manage to read ones mind,

It's great to have such abilities. You do not need to do a lot of physical effort for hard work, but it's probably very energy-consuming.
Those are just magic tricks. Those items that he showed, it's a gimmicked device, I didn't watch everything because it's just stupid to believe in that stuff. It's not real. Just don't try to spread cancer posts.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Xester on March 27, 2017, 09:08:02 AM
It was featured on our local tv station weeks ago in our country seems too real, he can bend the spoon using his mind, he was able to transfer his mind power ability to another person and bend large nail, according to him his special ability was discovered when he was a child he even manage to read ones mind,

It's great to have such abilities. You do not need to do a lot of physical effort for hard work, but it's probably very energy-consuming.
Those are just magic tricks. Those items that he showed, it's a gimmicked device, I didn't watch everything because it's just stupid to believe in that stuff. It's not real. Just don't try to spread cancer posts.

Not all people are good in one activity. A math major doesnt mean that he is also good in english and a martial arts experts doesnt mean he is good in academics. What I want to imply is that people have different specialization and this is due to or DNA. If we have athletic DNA then we can be good athletes and so people with telekinesis have the kind of DNA that allows them to move object with their own mind. Its all in the DNA, it is a gift.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: crwth on March 27, 2017, 09:13:55 AM
It was featured on our local tv station weeks ago in our country seems too real, he can bend the spoon using his mind, he was able to transfer his mind power ability to another person and bend large nail, according to him his special ability was discovered when he was a child he even manage to read ones mind,

It's great to have such abilities. You do not need to do a lot of physical effort for hard work, but it's probably very energy-consuming.
Those are just magic tricks. Those items that he showed, it's a gimmicked device, I didn't watch everything because it's just stupid to believe in that stuff. It's not real. Just don't try to spread cancer posts.

Not all people are good in one activity. A math major doesnt mean that he is also good in english and a martial arts experts doesnt mean he is good in academics. What I want to imply is that people have different specialization and this is due to or DNA. If we have athletic DNA then we can be good athletes and so people with telekinesis have the kind of DNA that allows them to move object with their own mind. Its all in the DNA, it is a gift.
I would really want to see those people, in the YouTube video above, it's certainly not real to me because I know some of his tricks and how it's done because I do magic tricks for entertainment purposes. If someone with a particular DNA that makes them control objects using his mind, then probably he is in the government by now being held captive or something. Just like the movies.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Casanova18 on March 27, 2017, 09:57:25 AM
This is nonsense. There is no evidence of the existence of telekinesis. People just make fake entries to increase views on YouTube or get downloads and earn money for predictions.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Malsetid on March 27, 2017, 01:25:13 PM
This is nonsense. There is no evidence of the existence of telekinesis. People just make fake entries to increase views on YouTube or get downloads and earn money for predictions.

Well it's easy to say that it's fake or it's real but we really can't know for sure. For me i believe that if a part of our brains are activated or we're able to use more percentage than what we're using, telekenesis is possible. I believe there are already people who are able to tap into a little of unused parts of the brain to do this. The human mind has a lot of capabilities, most we're not even aware possible

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Kotone on March 27, 2017, 02:16:14 PM
It is real how they invented that word if not exist ? No one will know that is telekinesis unless there are people who can proved that exist but for me i do believed on telekinesis not only in movies but in the real life.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Alexzap on March 27, 2017, 05:00:29 PM
It is real how they invented that word if not exist ? No one will know that is telekinesis unless there are people who can proved that exist but for me i do believed on telekinesis not only in movies but in the real life.
And there is the word "God"? God is also there and the word is. Science fiction writers very often think of something and represent it with made-up words. Then if the writer becomes famous then these words begin to live separate lives. Telekinesis is fantastic.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: EcoNorm on March 27, 2017, 10:12:10 PM
its not real, people are just looking to get your attention for views and in the end money, that stuff is a lie

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: coolcoinz on March 27, 2017, 11:59:12 PM
its not real, people are just looking to get your attention for views and in the end money, that stuff is a lie
It exists. We are using only a small part of our brains and there were people with supernatural powers, like mind readers, who after examination were found to be using more of their gray matter than a typical human. If we were able to awake that sleeping part of our brain we could most likely gain some additional skills like photographic memory and telepathy. Who knows, maybe even telekinesis.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Vod on March 28, 2017, 02:40:04 AM
Telekinesis is like religion - it's magic.

Magic does not exist.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: gabmen on March 28, 2017, 10:45:57 AM
its not real, people are just looking to get your attention for views and in the end money, that stuff is a lie
It exists. We are using only a small part of our brains and there were people with supernatural powers, like mind readers, who after examination were found to be using more of their gray matter than a typical human. If we were able to awake that sleeping part of our brain we could most likely gain some additional skills like photographic memory and telepathy. Who knows, maybe even telekinesis.

You're right. Telekenesis probably exists or probably not but i believe it what said about using just able to use a very small percentage of our brain's capacity. Who knows one day we may be able to tap into our brain's full potential and telekenesis is just a small portiin of what we can actually do

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: Casanova18 on March 28, 2017, 11:01:39 AM
its not real, people are just looking to get your attention for views and in the end money, that stuff is a lie
It exists. We are using only a small part of our brains and there were people with supernatural powers, like mind readers, who after examination were found to be using more of their gray matter than a typical human. If we were able to awake that sleeping part of our brain we could most likely gain some additional skills like photographic memory and telepathy. Who knows, maybe even telekinesis.

You're right. Telekenesis probably exists or probably not but i believe it what said about using just able to use a very small percentage of our brain's capacity. Who knows one day we may be able to tap into our brain's full potential and telekenesis is just a small portiin of what we can actually do
Telekinesis does not exist. You are talking about brain activity, but telekinesis is a physiological phenomenon and it does not apply to activities of the brain. Telekinesis is fantastic.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: bitbunnni on April 02, 2017, 12:49:47 PM
Telekinesis is like religion - it's magic.

Magic does not exist.

Magic is much closer than you think, it is in every action. Religion and magic have nothing to do. Magic on the contrary opens people's eyes to the fact that they are able to control reality themselves and telekinesis is one of the examples of supernatural abilities.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: bra4our on April 02, 2017, 03:54:35 PM
Well people can have spiritual abilities that includes telepathy and telekinesis. I believe such are abilities spiritually with pacts made with spiritual entities like demons.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: 00hash01 on April 02, 2017, 05:40:36 PM
Well people can have spiritual abilities that includes telepathy and telekinesis. I believe such are abilities spiritually with pacts made with spiritual entities like demons.

It is not necessary to be a demon to learn telepathy, telekinesis is a little more complicated. Telepathy can occur almost every person in the course of life, but he will think that this is just a coincidence.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: kodes88 on April 03, 2017, 05:41:31 AM
This is nonsense. There is no evidence of the existence of telekinesis. People just make fake entries to increase views on YouTube or get downloads and earn money for predictions.

I agree, I think telekinesis is something unreasonable. Move an object without touching it and without any tools are something that are beyond human ability. For me the videos showing the spread of telekinesis just engineering. I wonder what the intent, perhaps for fun, thrill-seeking, or to get as many viewers as possible. I think, telekinesis is impossible to do.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: GooCust04 on April 03, 2017, 08:52:01 AM
This is nonsense. There is no evidence of the existence of telekinesis. People just make fake entries to increase views on YouTube or get downloads and earn money for predictions.

I agree, I think telekinesis is something unreasonable. Move an object without touching it and without any tools are something that are beyond human ability. For me the videos showing the spread of telekinesis just engineering. I wonder what the intent, perhaps for fun, thrill-seeking, or to get as many viewers as possible. I think, telekinesis is impossible to do.

What the human brain can not explain is unreasonable and can not develop super-abilities. There are many people in the world with superpowers such as telekinesis, telepathy and even levitation.

Title: Re: Is telekinesis possible?
Post by: freedomno1 on April 03, 2017, 09:16:40 AM
I have heard that telekinesis is a process of controlling or moving objects with the help of mind only. Yeah, you heard it right from mind only not by touching that object. It's like having the superpower within you. There are also lots of video about telekinesis in YouTube. I haven't tried it cause i don't know it works or it will be safer for us.

Not yet but there is technology that utilizes brain waves in order to perform actions.
Creating fields and building enough tangible energy to lift an object using a brainwave and amplifying device is still in the area of Sci-Fi though.