Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: jacobmayes94 on December 17, 2016, 11:46:06 PM

Title: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 17, 2016, 11:46:06 PM
Before reading: check the timestamps, this is THE bullshitcoin, this is the fake one:

The above coin is a SCAM coin with a 92+% premine, unlike this one and copied some of this ANN post word for word. This had a fair launch and I am still only mining on a CPU when others have GPUs! Now, onto more bullshit.


Well well well. Welcome to the next thing in crypto! What you are about to witness, is the final completion and launch of the coin to crush all coins? It shall crush Bitcoin, who of course have a dedicated dev team. It shall crush Litecoin, the coin everyone says is DEAD while it has a stable development and a secure blockchain. Yes, I can dream and call bullshit, because that's what this coin is.

It shall indeed also crush those worthless coins that make out like they are the SUPER next big thing in crypto! Why may you ask? Because this coin IS! It is the most awesome, super duper coin. It does not hide its true being behind a mask to make a quick buck! It stands proud like the piece of shit it is : - )

You see, this coin is inspired from SHT. SHT will always be the original, real shitcoin. But I have decided to launch my own coin in hopes I can knock the real shit out, while I know shitcoin will live on and this coin will be the silver lined shit to SHTs gold. Both can co-exist, can't they? : - ) It will be like Bitcoin / Litecoin. Unlike SHT which has 100 trillion coins, I have 210,000. Why may you ask? Because SHT is common, BST is rare. You see, everyone shits, but to find bullshit is just a tad harder in cryptoland and I feel that both of these coins will suit.

I bring you.... BULLSHIT COIN! or BST. No, not British Summer Time, but bullshit.

Block Reward: 1 coin (I did tell you its going to be rarer than rocking horse poo, didn't I? Next big thing in crypto, better than the argos value mattress I bought, at any rate)

Total Supply: 420000 - IT IS RARE! OMG GUYS LETS BUY AND HODL!

Block time: 1 Minute - who doesn't love instant gratification in cryptoland?

Algo: POW / POS Scrypt - Need I say more? No not proof of work but proof of worth. Yes, it is worth so much! Proof of shit added.

Premine: PREMINE?! why would I premine BullshitCoin. Premine always smells of scam. No premine and no instamine. (Although I will premine 5 blocks to test that everything is working, these coins will go to the first user to post their wallet address after official launch, on the blockchain for everyone to see)

PND Scheme: This coin is not intended to be a pump and dump, but who knows what happens in cryptoland. TO THE MOON GUYS!

Block Halving: Every 105,000 blocks - If it reaches its first halving, I actually achieved something with it

Difficulty: Starting difficulty is 20k. I kinda want to make it hard to mine with a CPU, taking a good shit is not always easy, is it? But relieving when it finally lands in the toilet bowl, or the grass. Wait until the ASIC miners render it impossible to mine this. Most bullshit coins make one of their key selling points ASIC RESISTANCE! YEAHHHHH! Well guys, plenty of sha256 ASICs out here. Most here probably own an Antrouter or Block Erupter or a good GPU : - )

Hard Fork: NO FORKS! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, WE WILL BE PURISTS! WE WILL STICK WITH 1MB BLOCKS EVEN WHEN THEY ARE FULL! No following ETH! I do not share the same brilliant coding knowledge as the Bitcoin and Litecoin developers, and I will not be adding segwit to this coin.

So guys. The most awesome coin ready to hit cryptoland is in the making, slowly fermenting in the intestines of a bull. It will partner SHT, but unlike the ever increasing pile of SHT, it will be a small steaming pile. So why not start your own BST farm?

I intend 1 coin a minute to be minted. Instant gratification, in all shapes and sizes. No waiting around for transactions to confirm. Coinbase spendable after 5 blocks. Yes guys, FIVE BLOCKS! This coin is designed for instant gratification in mind.

WARNING: As always in cryptoland, speculation and hype is rife. DO NOT INVEST ANY MONEY INTO THIS COIN YOU DO NOT WISH TO LOSE! If people wish to trade this token, feel free. BUT IT IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME! I absolve myself of all liability for any losses big and small with this coin, and it is traded solely at your own risk.

With this in mind... HYPE IT UP GUYS!

If you wish to tip me the 'dev': 1EqmYVe2k35W2xnKM66GuVHmox5jahRsfP

Because it really was my own work, you know. Not ripping off Bitcoin and playing a few games with numbers. I worked my ass off to make this coin! Notice I am asking for tips in Bitcoin because my confidence in my own coin is not enough to accept pure tips in it!

Release: Soon

Lets begin the hype of an unreleased coin, and wait. See what BST can offer the cryptocommunity, be it faster payments anywhere better than the currently available coins BTC, LTC or PPC, No hardforks like ETH, Even more rare than UNO, just as shitty as SHT, to be the silver lining to SHTs gold. No locking up new blocks for a year against your will either, your coins are yours and always yours! I am working on this coin, but consider it potential vapourware until I release the client.

Once released mine away! Get in there before the difficulty rises, and before the halving. I have left long enough before the first halving to ensure everyone gets a fair shot at this :) Stay tuned guys.

Now for a coffee and to get some real work done : - )

Available for download:



Mining Pack:

Official Forum:

Put the conf file into the /appdata/bullshitcoin directory, and mine away with the provided bat file and minerd! Some antiviruses will pick up minerd as a problem, at least my Kaspersky did.

No source, the free version didn't allow that.

Now get stuck IN guys! Get mining! OMG HURRY!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: rustiv on December 17, 2016, 11:55:17 PM
sounds promising. any bounties?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: won99 on December 17, 2016, 11:56:25 PM
Stiil waiting for more detail information,,
Wallet  ?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 17, 2016, 11:57:35 PM
Seeing as I am not doing a premine, a tiny bounty of 0.001 BTC for a nice logo (coin and QT wallet) would be awesome. Or 1 BST when I am able to mine some after launch. No insane premining here. Not paying too much bounties even for world class design, a bullshit unfair rule, I know.

You will of course have to wait 10 minutes for your bounty to confirm, there is no instant gratification with Bitcoin.

Algo: POW Sha256 - Need I say more? No not proof of work but proof of worth. Yes, it is worth so much!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: Godson_Mansa on December 18, 2016, 12:03:51 AM
I Reserve all the BullshitCoinTalk Bounties.


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: puremage111 on December 18, 2016, 12:04:45 AM
Wow this coins seems agresive ohmy good luck tho

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 18, 2016, 12:19:26 AM
Just what it needs, aggressive hype to show it's dominance in cryptoland! Hyping is a key part of many crap coins. Aggressive hyping and marketing to show how awesome the coin is.

Notice many have begun to wise up now, the dopamine rush of a new AWESOME coin is now no longer what it used to be, Therefore, strong, hyped, fast and hard and also ***true***, as many people like the truth, it is what most unconsciously seek, ensuring a good flow of dopamine to their receptors. Also makes them more likely to invest, of course ;)

This coin shall be hyped to the moon and back, but it won't stop there. Most coins only go to the moon during their pump. Try the edge of the galaxy. Then there will be a dump, just like when you take a dump. No longer needed, expelled, but relieved as you hold your thick wads of cash for the simple act of taking a dump.

I am sorry to the devs of the serious coins out there of which there are very few, but your time is up. Move on guys and make way!

I will offer the following bounties:

0.001 BTC for a block explorer, 0.001 BTC for each logo for the QT wallet and coin, and some other bounties.

I personally shall secure the network with an antminer S1 with a single hashing board, but I will wait ONE HOUR after the coins client and software have been released to give it a fair launch. these miners long since had their day in Bitcoin when they were pushed out of cryptoland, so why not dust off the ole' S1 and secure the network that is the cause of all bullshit. We will reach a higher hashrate than most 'real' coins out there I am sure. What better way to burn 300 watts of power and watch the ole' electricity meter turn. Although if you are in a cold climate, it has some use I guess!


I do not get how the release of a new crap coin can make people just become pulled into it and sinking tens of thousands into the hype, almost like the devs put a spell on you:

If your don't believe you better get suppositious, ask my sisters (most shitcoins)

I put a spell on you... And now your mine (as I profit off my awesome creation)

Now Dance (mine), Dance (mine) until you die! (or become broke)

Disclaimer: The above movie is not bullshit, it is awesome (true) and being used to show the awesomeness of BST (bullshit of course)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: rokkyroad on December 18, 2016, 12:43:58 AM
What? No dapps, no smart contracts, no whitepaper, no webpage, no promises, no anonymity, no segwit, no ico, no premine, no hype, and no bullshit.

Sounds too good to be true. And that's a compliment.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: JariKriting on December 18, 2016, 12:47:15 AM
I think your not seriuos develop coin
this name bullshit coin, from name coin can't interest investor to buy or mining your coin
total suply only 210,000
and the thread not good face

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: pixie85 on December 18, 2016, 12:51:31 AM
I think your not seriuos develop coin
this name bullshit coin, from name coin can't interest investor to buy or mining your coin
total suply only 210,000
and the thread not good face
Sometimes even the shitties coins have their good day. At least he's being honest  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 18, 2016, 01:00:31 AM
I do aim to release a working  client for everyones' enjoyment. Someone is taking it seriously eh?

I am a pagan and feel that honesty, light and clarity is the best. So no bullshit, This coin is as honest as it gets!

It is currently fermenting in intestines so when it has been expelled, I will let you all know :) Anyone wish to create a logo for a small fee? ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: dollartrader on December 18, 2016, 01:02:15 AM
Just revive RIPO... ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 12:01:18 AM domain has been purchased and the seed node is up, client is WORKING!

I have used a free coin maker, thought doing programming was below me, why should I have to WORK for the money which is about to flow into my coin?! though I can do some programming (P.S, OOP was one area I struggled in, networking is my baby) I also used the coin maker to show how I can make an altcoin in a few easy steps and promise it is the next big thing in crypto!

You see, I made the coin in FIVE minutes. The windows and Linux wallet will both be available once I have set up the seed node.

But bullshit coin has not kept to it's promises. You see, like many of the bullshit coins and mining companies that does not keep to promises, this coin:

Will not use sha256. It will use Scrypt POW/POS proof of worth, and proof of shit together. Coin supply is 420,000. Still rarer than rocking horse poo! But I decided to up the number of coins because why should this coin shit on UNO as well? UNO was a good concept and at least it had a fair launch. Plus it gives more users who can have some shit. Starting difficulty is 1, another broken promise.

As I stated before, I promised this coin would be bullshit. The core promises of BST have been adhered to, I broke many key promises already, but in doing so I upheld the key promise of a bullshit coin, and the only difference is I am honest about it. Someone PMed me and offered a shit pool. I will take him up on his offer, under the condition we name it 'septic pool'.

The seed node is hosted on a piece of shit VPS with the lowest possible specs. If anyone wishes to volunteer a backup node for 10 BST to be pointed to then feel free to message me! I have two seed nodes in the code, although only one is up at the moment.

Available for download:



Mining Pack:

Put the conf file into the /appdata/bullshitcoin directory, and mine away with the provided bat file and minerd! Some antiviruses will pick up minerd as a problem, at least my Kaspersky did.

No source, the free version didn't allow that.

For those who wish to offer a block explorer, let me know the IP and it will be added to

First person to post their BST addresses will get the first 5 premined coins. Bullshit coin keeps to its promise of supplying bullshit coins to it's userbase!

I have premined 5 blocks.

Lets get this bullshit rolling guys!


if you wish to install this on a Linux server to host a node and/or a pool!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download
Post by: Frank Lefty Rosenthal on December 19, 2016, 12:13:32 AM
How stinky is this bullshit coin we speak about because the shit in my bulls pen smells raunchy. Is this some super stinky bullshit or what?

Frank Lefty Rosenthal signing out.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 12:14:51 AM
It is full of bullshit. First person to post their bullshit wallet address gets the 5 premined BST from me!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 19, 2016, 12:21:24 AM
It is full of bullshit. First person to post their bullshit wallet address gets the 5 premined BST from me!


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 12:41:14 AM
Sent! official forums are here!

Let this shit fly guys!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: dopecoindude on December 19, 2016, 12:43:32 AM
Sent! official forums are here!

Let this shit fly guys!


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 12:51:56 AM
Yup! Well lets get shit-stirring!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 19, 2016, 01:02:59 AM
some blocks are needed on the chain :D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 01:04:04 AM
Get mining some :D I have found a few blocks since launch :) Use the CPU miner there with the conf file :D or feel free to use a GPU or whatever as you see fit!


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 19, 2016, 01:09:44 AM
Get mining some :D I have found a few blocks since launch :) Use the CPU miner there with the conf file :D or feel free to use a GPU or whatever as you see fit!


im trying to mine with GPU but get " using work with lower difficulty than device supports"

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 01:10:24 AM
hahaha damn! Difficulty is too low??? bullshit!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 19, 2016, 01:17:38 AM
hahaha damn! Difficulty is too low??? bullshit!

nvm fixed it :D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: john1010 on December 19, 2016, 01:27:56 AM
I can't download the mining package, kndly upload it to another site, or just give me the config file.. thanks

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 01:30:01 AM

set this

minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:0827068242078d5ce9c850866

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: john1010 on December 19, 2016, 01:35:28 AM

set this

minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:0827068242078d5ce9c850866

Sorry im noob this kind of code, where i can put it? and what miner I suppose to use? thanks

my wallet: BJcE8RitNTftNHQHPmCtAFQEg8kG3CNsLA

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 19, 2016, 01:36:29 AM
but you own 210.000 BST yes? we are mining with a block reward of 1.00 bst

Damn your holding a lot

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 01:38:55 AM
I have 34 currently XD but I only have CPUs to mine on atm :D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: john1010 on December 19, 2016, 01:40:00 AM
I have 34 currently XD but I only have CPUs to mine on atm :D

Can u please send me the live link, I wasn't able to download the miner. Thanks

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 01:43:14 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: john1010 on December 19, 2016, 01:58:54 AM

Thanks I downloaded it.. kindly share your bat.file config, I can't run the minerd.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: DrSluice on December 19, 2016, 02:04:33 AM
Linux wallet works fast like greased lightening.

No mining in wallet. Where are the mining pool(s).

Waiting for some premined shit hurld my way. Thanks!


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: john1010 on December 19, 2016, 02:11:12 AM
How to mine this Bullshit coin? I have my cpu miner but don't know how to mine it, even your wallet doesn't have miners.. Kindly provide us the source how to mine your BULLSHIT coin..  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 02:12:25 AM

Thanks I downloaded it.. kindly share your bat.file config, I can't run the minerd.

minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:0827068242078d5ce9c850866

No mining pool yet, someone is going to set one up soon.

Create the conf file that is a few posts up in the appdata/bullshitcoin folder, bullshitCoin.conf

And then run the wallet and then the CPU miner. That is the command line to run it :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: john1010 on December 19, 2016, 02:29:32 AM

Thanks I downloaded it.. kindly share your bat.file config, I can't run the minerd.

minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:0827068242078d5ce9c850866

No mining pool yet, someone is going to set one up soon.

Create the conf file that is a few posts up in the appdata/bullshitcoin folder, bullshitCoin.conf

And then run the wallet and then the CPU miner. That is the command line to run it :)

I can't run the minerd.exe what command I suppose to run? Im using win10 64x

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: PollacoMan on December 19, 2016, 03:04:30 AM
Up front attitude,way to go bullshit coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 19, 2016, 05:26:49 AM

You see, this coin is inspired from SHT. SHT will always be the original, real shitcoin. But I have decided to launch my own coin in hopes I can knock the real shit out, while I know shitcoin will live on and this coin will be the silver lined shit to SHTs gold. Both can co-exist, can't they? : - ) It will be like Bitcoin / Litecoin. Unlike SHT which has 100 trillion coins, I have 210,000. Why may you ask? Because SHT is common, BST is rare. You see, everyone shits, but to find bullshit is just a tad harder in cryptoland and I feel that both of these coins will suit.

you say here you have 210,000

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: octavarium on December 19, 2016, 06:02:10 AM

Thanks I downloaded it.. kindly share your bat.file config, I can't run the minerd.

minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:0827068242078d5ce9c850866

No mining pool yet, someone is going to set one up soon.

Create the conf file that is a few posts up in the appdata/bullshitcoin folder, bullshitCoin.conf

And then run the wallet and then the CPU miner. That is the command line to run it :)

I can't run the minerd.exe what command I suppose to run? Im using win10 64x

try this

minerd -o -u rpcuser -p rpcpassword --coinbase-addr=youraddressbullshit

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 04:10:32 PM
Looks like my CPU barely finds blocks now, someone is using a GPU or two!

Out of 700 plus coins I have about 40, a fair launch.

Total bullshit :D now, how many coins does everyone have :-) don't bullshit a bullshitter now ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 04:13:35 PM
I would laugh if this gets listed on an exchange, i like that we have some dedicated miners shitting in the septic pool ahem securing the network ;)

A rare piece of shit cryptotoken, no worries about billions destroying the value, it's a piece of shit, but a rare piece of bullshit. Next step is to run our miners on biogas

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 04:20:15 PM

You see, this coin is inspired from SHT. SHT will always be the original, real shitcoin. But I have decided to launch my own coin in hopes I can knock the real shit out, while I know shitcoin will live on and this coin will be the silver lined shit to SHTs gold. Both can co-exist, can't they? : - ) It will be like Bitcoin / Litecoin. Unlike SHT which has 100 trillion coins, I have 210,000. Why may you ask? Because SHT is common, BST is rare. You see, everyone shits, but to find bullshit is just a tad harder in cryptoland and I feel that both of these coins will suit.

you say here you have 210,000

I meant that as the money supply, not how many coins I actually had, as in my coin has 210000 but I doubled it to 420000, i actually have about 40 coins as of today xD

This coin was launched fairly with no premine minus the 5 blocks I mined and gave away :-)

As I am waiting for my monero GPUs to arrive all I have is an i5 cpu to mine with hahaha

The blockchain will show my fairness :-) just like my zodiac sign libra :-)


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ZipEyes on December 19, 2016, 04:53:45 PM
Json_rpc_call failed.

Can somone tell me how to mine this with gpu.
Too complicated for me...

E: Got it mining but I still want to mine with GPU

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: octavarium on December 19, 2016, 05:06:01 PM

You see, this coin is inspired from SHT. SHT will always be the original, real shitcoin. But I have decided to launch my own coin in hopes I can knock the real shit out, while I know shitcoin will live on and this coin will be the silver lined shit to SHTs gold. Both can co-exist, can't they? : - ) It will be like Bitcoin / Litecoin. Unlike SHT which has 100 trillion coins, I have 210,000. Why may you ask? Because SHT is common, BST is rare. You see, everyone shits, but to find bullshit is just a tad harder in cryptoland and I feel that both of these coins will suit.

you say here you have 210,000

I meant that as the money supply, not how many coins I actually had, as in my coin has 210000 but I doubled it to 420000, i actually have about 40 coins as of today xD

This coin was launched fairly with no premine minus the 5 blocks I mined and gave away :-)

As I am waiting for my monero GPUs to arrive all I have is an i5 cpu to mine with hahaha

The blockchain will show my fairness :-) just like my zodiac sign libra :-)

i check wallet previousblock 1-8 block, and your not lie
no premine , what about exchange dev

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Redni on December 19, 2016, 05:17:15 PM
Walletbuilders  :-X At least once said that bullshit. In this case you can get to play.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 06:25:30 PM
That was the idea :)

I will sort out potentially an exchange for this coin, or an ability to exchange it for BTC ;) the fact people want this on an exchange says something!!!!

WARNING: Any money you invest in this coin is solely at your own risk, it is intended to be complete bullshit


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 19, 2016, 06:36:28 PM
This really a wallet builders coin? lol perfect coin name :) I actually hope this goes somewhere. Just to see a walletbuilder coin work lol :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 07:32:07 PM
I know right :-) I am in the pub at the moment and it's bullshit I can't pay in BST!

Anyone wishing to host a node let me know so I can have you as one of the official seed nodes!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: polde on December 19, 2016, 08:29:13 PM
I have setup pool, if some one can turn miner to it: (

Enjoy  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ZipEyes on December 19, 2016, 08:54:45 PM
I have setup pool, if some one can turn miner to it: (

Enjoy  ;)

Only invalids.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: polde on December 19, 2016, 08:58:20 PM
i see that investigating... will let you know when fixed

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: hentzikov on December 19, 2016, 09:05:02 PM
Wait a minute. Cannot be a true bullshitcoin with working wallets. This seems too organized..

So this isn't a shitcoin? I'm confused..  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: CjMapope on December 19, 2016, 09:10:41 PM
ooo i like this thread! :D

could it be true?!?! a casual, no promise shitcoin? 

where have you BEEN this year?!!? hahahah

midas mine some,   that wallet is TOP NOTCH!      ;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 19, 2016, 09:15:08 PM
My mate thinks we should name the pool the slurry farm when I get home I will add the pool address to ;)

I think the septic pool is good!

Happy to see a BST pool!

And yup, no promises, nothing but bullshit. Kinda got tired of seeing so many coins with the developers trilling how awesome they were, take that! This coin is the shit. SHT/BST will go in tandem like BTC/LTC


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: playersfun on December 19, 2016, 09:15:34 PM
my miner say: unrecognized block version : 6
what does it mean?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: James_H on December 19, 2016, 09:22:47 PM
Bullshitcoin if managed by people who are experts and have a good mission will surely be Awesome  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: polde on December 19, 2016, 09:30:33 PM
Now the pool is runing i have typo   :(

Be aware that now is Scrypt mining

"Will not use sha256. It will use Scrypt POW/POS proof of worth"

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 19, 2016, 09:34:13 PM
i solo mined over 1000 blocks so far :D

Still mining solo :D :D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 19, 2016, 10:49:59 PM
You happen to have the source? Else we'll be exchangeless forever. But hey thats Bullshitcoin for ya :p :) lol. no but seriously did u buy the source?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 20, 2016, 01:58:44 PM
I have sent an email to them requesting upgrade to a paid coin with the source! So I can buy the source... Then lets get it on an exchange! I am going to set up our official website, we have our official forums already :D

To the guy who mined 1000 coins, more than me still waiting for my GPUs and stuff to arrive, me the dev has 60 coins at present!

This launch was indisputably fair!

Once I get the source I am going to arrange some bounties for a proper logo, and that to the client and then we can upgrade everybodies' client!

Jacob :D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ZipEyes on December 20, 2016, 03:03:28 PM
Be careful with the pools , my personal experience is solved 700 blocks on Cryptomine pool and the payment is not received at all !!! the time was about 13 hours... (

I did receive my coins from here.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: octavarium on December 20, 2016, 03:13:36 PM
Be careful with the pools , my personal experience is solved 700 blocks on Cryptomine pool and the payment is not received at all !!! the time was about 13 hours... (

I did receive my coins from here.

Really wanted to work there ,but can't connect :-[
wrong pool

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: BitPotus on December 20, 2016, 03:21:41 PM
is this the same coin? (

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ZipEyes on December 20, 2016, 03:23:15 PM
Be careful with the pools , my personal experience is solved 700 blocks on Cryptomine pool and the payment is not received at all !!! the time was about 13 hours... (

I did receive my coins from here.

Really wanted to work there ,but can't connect :-[
wrong pool

It looks like there is only for the GPU ...

minerd -a --scrypt -t 6 -s 4 -o stratum+tcp:// -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
Make account first and then your worker etc.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: psyuni on December 20, 2016, 03:24:52 PM
please sir reserve translation

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ocminer on December 20, 2016, 03:28:09 PM
please sir reserve translation

to which language ? all ?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: BitPotus on December 20, 2016, 03:32:25 PM
There's another Bullshitcoin launched by Welshy9

Are these projects the same one or 2 different ones? (

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: robelneo on December 20, 2016, 04:28:30 PM
There's another Bullshitcoin launched by Welshy9

Are these projects the same one or 2 different ones? (

The other one is already in tradesatoshis I myself don't know which is which,this confusion will cause people to stay away from this two coins,the two devs should resolve it,anyway I'm not into any of these coins but interesting to see who will emerge between the two .

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: PCindy on December 20, 2016, 04:31:33 PM
total suply only 210,000
and the thread not good face

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: polde on December 20, 2016, 05:49:33 PM
Be careful with the pools , my personal experience is solved 700 blocks on Cryptomine pool and the payment is not received at all !!! the time was about 13 hours... (

I did receive my coins from here.

Really wanted to work there ,but can't connect :-[
wrong pool

It looks like there is only for the GPU ...

minerd -a --scrypt -t 6 -s 4 -o stratum+tcp:// -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
Make account first and then your worker etc.

Hey, it works also on CPU but i recommend GPU...

A see that you have 2 times locked account TakStar? I unlocked it for you  :)

THX for trust  all

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 20, 2016, 06:27:07 PM
solo mining for me is over now :)

Mined 1576 blocks so not to bad :D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: scam_exposer on December 20, 2016, 06:28:48 PM
Anyone mining this bullshit is an idiot.  This reeks of shit.  Why bother?
Stupid morons.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ZipEyes on December 20, 2016, 06:31:48 PM
Anyone mining this bullshit is an idiot.  This reeks of shit.  Why bother?
Stupid morons.

Point taken, move on.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 20, 2016, 08:46:11 PM
Anyone mining this bullshit is an idiot.  This reeks of shit.  Why bother?
Stupid morons.

Who cares what you think?? :D i dont haha

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: sxafir on December 20, 2016, 08:53:41 PM
Pool in cryptomine is other bulshitcoin.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on December 20, 2016, 09:25:19 PM
exchange ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 20, 2016, 09:57:16 PM
exchange ??? ??? ???

LOL 24hrs thats how long people wait before they shout exchange whahahah

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: AltPacino on December 20, 2016, 09:59:38 PM
I'm betting my house on this one... so better dont let me down... otherwise I will move into your place together with whole family!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: MirkoIta on December 20, 2016, 10:02:07 PM
wow a lot of bullshit flying around these days in the forum lol  ;D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 20, 2016, 10:31:45 PM
I'm betting my house on this one... so better dont let me down... otherwise I will move into your place together with whole family!

lol. The whole family right? brothers sisters, wife, kids, parents etc :p :) no bullshiting around with this one :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: SpaceTrader on December 20, 2016, 10:33:17 PM
funny coins popping out nowadays! It's hard to find some good ones among the crowd...

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 20, 2016, 10:36:41 PM
Looks like someone has copycatted my BST! BST/SHT are the real shit! Even copied much of my ANN post word for word but added a premine of 19%. Even more bullpoo.

Damn them!


Just so everyone is clear, their coin is not this one but a rip off of my coin name with a 19% premine. Bullshit!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 20, 2016, 10:47:04 PM
Do you even know what the word "honest" mean:

"hash" : "00000a99f11f2898d172aef6ff5edaa1bfe7889625d4ee01b34291eadbad6e59",
"confirmations" : 242,
"size" : 174,
"height" : 1,
"version" : 6,
"merkleroot" : "2b3d36e2dbac165d64a46e1c214368b712b4302b2630d03c8c80717c1a06f7a8",
"mint" : 44333333.00000000,  <<<THIS IS THE PREMINE>>>
"time" : 1482186832,
"nonce" : 1260716160,
"bits" : "1e0fffff",
"difficulty" : 0.00024414,
"blocktrust" : "100001",
"chaintrust" : "200002",
"previousblockhash" : "00000dbc3359b50f34ad26ce7f37f30b331d6bbe388fad5086b0dfa972131b4b",
"nextblockhash" : "000008a752a8f4774d74e063e209a1ab3841e2667fef2190bb48f77b0a96c97f",
"flags" : "proof-of-work",
"proofhash" : "00000a99f11f2898d172aef6ff5edaa1bfe7889625d4ee01b34291eadbad6e59",
"entropybit" : 1,
"modifier" : "0000000000000000",
"modifierchecksum" : "bc4b99b6",
"tx" : [

So you premine 44,333,333 BULLS against the 4,500,000 BULLS that will be mined in the POW phase, that is 92.6% premine
And if that wasn't enough you tell us your pool is 0% fee when actually you are charging 5% fee.

Here is a random block found by your pool (others blocks from your pool have the same structure):

"hash" : "0000000015b08f10737411ffac3a3a02390880e7026cc57c5e418f69c755c279",
"confirmations" : 70,
"size" : 290,
"height" : 168,
"version" : 6,
"merkleroot" : "477015bf08611ec5ef796629ac2f9b1c53c6c77eb9516cce2f27be6066c6e9e3",
"mint" : 450.00000000,
"time" : 1482197457,
"nonce" : 341884526,
"bits" : "1d008f1d",
"difficulty" : 1.78876546,
"blocktrust" : "1c9ee525a",
"chaintrust" : "1c7fef4118",
"previousblockhash" : "00000000564fe536a1af982f7824b84b4ee66b1af9b875dc5ea8599cfd4c5e8c",
"nextblockhash" : "000000004967373ecb3e7ca169db173f9479f4c5dfd7fb2fd83823faa1e4cdd0",
"flags" : "proof-of-work stake-modifier",
"proofhash" : "0000000015b08f10737411ffac3a3a02390880e7026cc57c5e418f69c755c279",
"entropybit" : 1,
"modifier" : "b881d5acb6aa7ea7",
"modifierchecksum" : "33c95dce",
"tx" : [

"txid" : "477015bf08611ec5ef796629ac2f9b1c53c6c77eb9516cce2f27be6066c6e9e3",
"version" : 1,
"time" : 1482197457,
"locktime" : 0,
"vin" : [
"coinbase" : "02a80004d689585808fabe6d6d8dc02a58fdd3f244eb618551de2731f022130837a5f12b47281bc f413251f739010000000000000017ffffe5001300000d2f6e6f64655374726174756d2f",
"sequence" : 0
"vout" : [
"value" : 427.50000000,
"n" : 0,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "0387f8797c795182987e7627a1cfc4311a3ae7e21348bb6d678497f362bcec8703 OP_CHECKSIG",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"type" : "pubkey",
"addresses" : [
"value" : 22.50000000, <<<THIS IS THE FEE>>>
"n" : 1,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ee2f1320a208566350adf1e1f6f8ba659457d86e OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"type" : "pubkeyhash",
"addresses" : [

Not to mention the missing source code.
I don't care your answer, I'm posting this as a warning for the other users you are trying to scam.

^ As quoted in the fake bullshitcoin, he had a PREMINE OF 19 % and hes trying to sell it, this is exactly the sort of thing BST was designed to beat and win! We win guys!!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: welshy9 on December 21, 2016, 12:37:49 AM

The above coin is a SCAM coin with a 92+% premine, unlike this one and copied some of this ANN post word for word. This had a fair launch and I am still only mining on a CPU when others have GPUs! Now, onto more bullshit.

Please refrease that premine to %19 you can check the source and see its 19%    in my announcment i missed a 0 on total blocks :) also see the pic below :) its a screenshot of the coin propertys from where it was made

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 21, 2016, 01:46:54 AM
updated :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: CryptoCypherCoin on December 21, 2016, 01:50:02 AM
Not feeling the name for this coin tbh with you

I do like the low supply though, eagerly awaiting more developments for this coin

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST
Post by: Moondreams on December 21, 2016, 02:59:02 AM
Seeing as I am not doing a premine, a tiny bounty of 0.001 BTC for a nice logo (coin and QT wallet) would be awesome. Or 1 BST when I am able to mine some after launch. No insane premining here. Not paying too much bounties even for world class design, a bullshit unfair rule, I know.

You will of course have to wait 10 minutes for your bounty to confirm, there is no instant gratification with Bitcoin.

Algo: POW Sha256 - Need I say more? No not proof of work but proof of worth. Yes, it is worth so much!

Just out of curiosity ... but you changed the algo?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Sourgummies on December 21, 2016, 04:14:54 AM

Amazing that this was available. Wonder whos going to come up with BEARS coin next.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: lanangejagat on December 21, 2016, 06:42:52 AM
Awaiting CRAP coin  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: HarryPorter on December 21, 2016, 10:53:13 AM
so is a good fun available here?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on December 21, 2016, 10:55:25 AM
Yeah I changed the algo in the final release, because I had planned sha256 then I decided to change it, mimicking the broken promises of many scam companies:)

To the person who says this coin is a scam, it is the very coin to xpose all scam coins! But your entitled to your opinion, free will n all :) I couldn't make this coin and purposely pump it, coming from a pagan who always works for the light, making something for that purpose at the expense of others is a very service-to-self and negative polarity! Honestly, the karmic implications of doing so are the equivalent of robbing someone of money... If one purposely pumps to trade, there are losers in that too!

Now onto the Bullshit coin:

To anyone else I am working on getting the source from them so we can look at an exchange, if not I use the source for a scrypt/pos coin and set the same parameters and consensus rules and genesis block hash so I can make it compatible. I never planned for that to be honest because I expected it as a fun token! I am interested in developing it further for fun! Even while it isn't, one can trade it privately or just give it away. I will when this is sorted get logos and stuff sorted out!

This coin is merely intended to be a fun to trade token. POW ends at block 100,000 I will admit I forgot to mention that. With a fair launch and distribution, POS will ensure a secure network! To make it POW all the way will require a hard-fork but no hard forks here! I feel fair launched POW/POS was the best option.

Vlad2Vlad will be proud, but his coin is the real shit. I will never try and compete with SHT.

CrapCoin would be funny, CrapCoin, - CRP.

Good on you for mining so many  blocks, the difficulty is close to reaching 1! I have mined about 70 on my CPU so far. I feel that waiting for diff to rise before properly mining makes this as fair a launch as possible.

This coin is merely for fun, but like any token, be it bitcoin, gold or silver I cannot choose what people tie value to!

As an investment, I implore people not to try pumping this coin for the sake of a quick buck as while there are winners in that trading there are also losers! and don't invest way too much this is intended to be fun, and shit! But, equally maybe it can become the new dogecoin! I am honoured, this is merely fun and to take a pick at those scamcoins. Consider this coin fun! I am honoured people wish to trade it to be honest, absolute bullshit! Sometimes we need some light humor, as the world of crypto has become very serious and in some ways negative polarity and people fighting for position, so this is for a breath of fresh air! I hope satoshi would be proud :D

For those interested in further developments, we have the forum as well! This is merely designed to be as rare as rocking horse poo for enjoyment! Shame this coin couldn't be used to pay for public toilet access ;)

With only 70 coins, I must be constipated! This does have hard coded seed nodes at and which can be changed if/when needed rather than a simple VPS IP which can be lost!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Moondreams on December 21, 2016, 11:08:46 AM
jacobmayes94 ...why  my wallet is not staking?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Sourgummies on December 21, 2016, 01:50:38 PM
jacobmayes94 ...why  my wallet is not staking?

Is your wallet on and unlocked? How long have the coins been in the wallet not staking?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: passiveIncome on December 21, 2016, 02:18:50 PM
why you stopped bulshitting already! Give us something more!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on December 21, 2016, 02:20:50 PM
where the exchange ??????????!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 21, 2016, 03:14:48 PM
where the exchange ??????????!!!!!!!!!!

lol always someone looking for an exchange. I got free coins, Exchange please. EXCHANGE I SAID EXCHANGE. lol :P

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Moondreams on December 21, 2016, 04:42:03 PM
jacobmayes94 ...why  my wallet is not staking?

Is your wallet on and unlocked? How long have the coins been in the wallet not staking?

ok ..  started

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: MaxUgly on December 21, 2016, 05:09:05 PM
I want to be part of this and mine but my wallet wont sync! Not connected to any nodes. I have had this problem with a lot of coins using qt wallets, but not all... Can anyone help?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: James_H on December 21, 2016, 05:18:42 PM
This project you develop alone or with team work?
Only to find out more about the your project , so that people are more interested in it

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ZipEyes on December 21, 2016, 05:39:53 PM
I want to be part of this and mine but my wallet wont sync! Not connected to any nodes. I have had this problem with a lot of coins using qt wallets, but not all... Can anyone help?

Are you sure your firewall is not blocking it.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: MaxUgly on December 21, 2016, 05:54:12 PM
Thank you! Doh!! lol

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 21, 2016, 06:25:32 PM
I want to be part of this and mine but my wallet wont sync! Not connected to any nodes. I have had this problem with a lot of coins using qt wallets, but not all... Can anyone help?

Are you sure your firewall is not blocking it.

Are you in windows? when that box pops up the first time you start the wallet are you making sure your making it avail to the network? (check you default system firewall/security settings) if your on windows and your not getting that box your sec settings are being chosen for you :(

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: MaxUgly on December 21, 2016, 06:35:15 PM
Yes, thank you both for the help. I must have missed it but that was the problem. I added a firewall exception and it works now.  I am mining on now.

So far I have found ccminer 1.8.3 by tpruvot@github the quickest on my gtx 960.  Does anyone know of anything faster for Nvidia, or is this as good as it can get for me right now?

I'm mining at about 280 kH/s. I know it is not that great but didn't build this PC with mining in mind and my electricity is flat-rated so anything is profitable.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 21, 2016, 06:41:32 PM
Yes, thank you both for the help. I must have missed it but that was the problem. I added a firewall exception and it works now.  I am mining on now.

So far I have found ccminer 1.8.3 by tpruvot@github the quickest on my gtx 960.  Does anyone know of anything faster for Nvidia, or is this as good as it can get for me right now?

I'm mining at about 280 kH/s. I know it is not that great but didn't build this PC with mining in mind and my electricity is flat-rated so anything is profitable.

ccminer is the best for nvidia cards. 1.8.3 is the newest as of right now but he did do a repo update like 4 days ago so there will be a 1.8.4 in a few days im sure

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 22, 2016, 05:10:55 AM
Short sale 1 BST = 50 BTC  ;D ;D ;D

Ill sell 1 for 25btc :p If only it was that easy. Alt coins dying left and right since btc is up.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 22, 2016, 06:21:40 AM
i have 1600 BST to sell :D

So make me a GOOD X-Mas offer :P hahah

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: nezto77 on December 22, 2016, 06:27:09 AM
where the exchange ??????????!!!!!!!!!!
if this coin is meant?

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 22, 2016, 06:54:07 AM
where the exchange ??????????!!!!!!!!!!
if this coin is meant?

No thats an other coin this coin is BST not BULLS

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Romiraz362 on December 22, 2016, 02:17:21 PM
Wallet is not working.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: HarryPorter on December 22, 2016, 02:57:14 PM
Wallet is not working.

All fine on this end, don't have a clue why you got this message.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: EpyxZ on December 22, 2016, 03:48:14 PM
Wallet is not working.

was this the first time you opened the wallet?(sometimes that happens when the wallet creates the chain for the first time in the datadir).

Does this happen every time you start the wallet? or just one time? have you tried to start the wallet again? Info info info

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: ZipEyes on December 22, 2016, 04:40:30 PM
Wallet is not working.

If you have that other bullshit coin (BULLS) wallet also this can happen.
Re-name it and open again.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Romiraz362 on December 23, 2016, 01:08:30 AM
Wallet is not working.

was this the first time you opened the wallet?(sometimes that happens when the wallet creates the chain for the first time in the datadir).

Does this happen every time you start the wallet? or just one time? have you tried to start the wallet again? Info info info
It happens every time.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: octavarium on December 23, 2016, 04:22:31 AM
Wallet is not working.

was this the first time you opened the wallet?(sometimes that happens when the wallet creates the chain for the first time in the datadir).

Does this happen every time you start the wallet? or just one time? have you tried to start the wallet again? Info info info
It happens every time.

noproblema 4 bullshit at the same time

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Klaasje on December 23, 2016, 10:03:48 AM
You need to give up the source so exchanges can start to review it... once they decide they want to


Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Steve Wozniak on December 23, 2016, 01:16:21 PM
Where to buy this coin? i would like to own some i only have SHA256 Asics

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Romiraz362 on December 23, 2016, 01:32:07 PM
Where to buy this coin? i would like to own some i only have SHA256 Asics
I WTS 100 BST for 0.2 BTC

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on December 23, 2016, 03:41:36 PM
Where to buy this coin? i would like to own some i only have SHA256 Asics
I WTS 100 BST for 0.2 BTC

100 BST = 0.15 !  ;)
100 BST = 0.14 !  ;) ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on December 23, 2016, 03:58:43 PM

there is no evidence of the pool

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: polde on December 24, 2016, 12:24:16 AM

there is no evidence of the pool

Sorry, I was away today Christmas and staff .... now payment is proceed!

Merry Christmas and happy mining with 0% fee to end of 25.12

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on December 25, 2016, 02:37:58 PM
Dev where the exchange ????!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Sourgummies on December 27, 2016, 10:34:34 PM
jacobmayes94 ...why  my wallet is not staking?

Is your wallet on and unlocked? How long have the coins been in the wallet not staking?

ok ..  started

You're welcome.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: forev on December 28, 2016, 04:26:50 AM
Hahaha this is the most BS* coin ever in the world of crypto.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Frank Lefty Rosenthal on December 29, 2016, 12:54:05 AM
Hahaha this is the most BS* coin ever in the world of crypto.

Welcome to the crypto life

Frank Lefty Rosenthal Signing Out.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on January 01, 2017, 08:26:17 PM
Dev where is the exchange??????!!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: MirkoIta on January 02, 2017, 10:17:27 AM
Dev where is the exchange??????!!!!

No exchange will add this coin if the source is not available.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on January 02, 2017, 10:23:31 AM
Dev where is the exchange??????!!!!

No exchange will add this coin if the source is not available.
So the coin is dead bledina !!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: MirkoIta on January 02, 2017, 10:31:39 AM
Dev where is the exchange??????!!!!

No exchange will add this coin if the source is not available.
So the coin is dead bledina !!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

You can still try to open an exchange thread in the Marketplace section of the forum

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Frank Lefty Rosenthal on January 06, 2017, 05:16:46 AM
You need to give up the source so exchanges can start to review it... once they decide they want to


But look. That's not stopping anyone from trying to buy and sell on the thread. Who needs an exchange anyway.

Frank Lefty Rosenthal Signing Out.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: MirkoIta on January 06, 2017, 05:02:33 PM
You need to give up the source so exchanges can start to review it... once they decide they want to


But look. That's not stopping anyone from trying to buy and sell on the thread. Who needs an exchange anyway.

Frank Lefty Rosenthal Signing Out.

True. Criptocurrencies are meant as a peer-2-peer medium of exchange and that's how also bitcoin started.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: Moondreams on January 06, 2017, 05:53:27 PM
we need exchange!!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on January 18, 2017, 11:39:47 PM
ATTENTION! That's right the developer did a runner for a while. Just like many crapcoins. I see the chain is kinda alive, at least i got a peer when i loaded my wallet up. As the seed node ran out with walletbuilder i will point the seed node domain to this coin. There will be no source or exchange, after all, it is a bullshit coin!

I hold only 33 BST as the 'dev'. Fairly launched but i as the developer offer no further software support other than a seed node, and a giggle in the forums! As most crapcoin devs can do nothing more than the initial code fork, most can't even code! (I am better at hardware than software myself, can fix loads of broken SMD components on a laptop, but like fuck can i code well!

If you guys wish to trade the coin, feel free to do it personally, that was the whole idea! I won't try and polish a turd by making the coin any better! A bull turd is still a turd, just an awesome one.

Sorry for all the bullshit guys.

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: olkah on January 18, 2017, 11:43:24 PM
ATTENTION! That's right the developer did a runner for a while. Just like many crapcoins. I see the chain is kinda alive, at least i got a peer when i loaded my wallet up. As the seed node ran out with walletbuilder i will point the seed node domain to this coin. There will be no source or exchange, after all, it is a bullshit coin!

I hold only 33 BST as the 'dev'. Fairly launched but i as the developer offer no further software support other than a seed node, and a giggle in the forums! As most crapcoin devs can do nothing more than the initial code fork, most can't even code! (I am better at hardware than software myself, can fix loads of broken SMD components on a laptop, but like fuck can i code well!

Sorry for all the bullshit guys.
Dev exchange where ??????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] - BullshitCoin - BST - Ready for download and mining! -
Post by: jacobmayes94 on January 18, 2017, 11:44:33 PM
No plans for an exchange I am afraid! It was intended to be a bullshit coin, so trading must be done between people, rather than an exchange. No quick pump/dump profit here although someone who mined 1k coins with his GPU has 1/420 of the total supply.