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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Tyrantt on January 03, 2017, 09:40:37 PM

Title: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Tyrantt on January 03, 2017, 09:40:37 PM
I've stumbled upon this article while scrolling through facebook and it got me rather interested.

As you can see, Mein Kampf has been reprinted and republished in Germany, 85.000 copies sold and it became the best seller.

"A year after Germany allowed the reprinting of Adolf Hitler 's hate-filled autobiography Mein Kampf it remains a bestseller. "

"Wirsching said many who bought the new version turned out to be readers interested in politics and history, not "old reactionaries or right-wing radicals"

Will something come out of this, something much bigger after the republication or it is just the for legacy that book holds?

Link to the article: (

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: valta4065 on January 03, 2017, 10:39:21 PM
Ahah that's a funny news you got here!  ;D

Well first we have to put this figures in context. 85k sells in a year isn't that much, especially in the first year of release and for a very well known book.
It makes something like... 0.1% of German population if I'm correct? That's not much ^^

But even without taking the context, I'd say that reading Mein Kampf says nothing about you, apart that you're either very brave or have dubious taste in literature (cause the guys was an incredible politician but a poor writer). I read a part of Mein Kampf years ago and it's easy to find it on the web. It was not because of my political inclination (which is clearly far left) but out of curiosity.

It's just that... You got to be a very special kind of stupid to find this book interesting or agree with it. It's incredibly repetitive, poorly written and without any logic. Really not a good book, even without considering the purpose of the work!

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: protokol on January 03, 2017, 10:50:33 PM
Interesting, I wonder how many of the buyers are reading the book to reinforce their own ideologies, and how many are reading it as a historical lesson, perhaps to learn from the mistakes of the past...

The fact that a version is being printed by a "right wing publisher", without the textual notes, possibly to normalize its arguments rather than to show the flaws in them, is also quite interesting (if a little scary)

It's worth mentioning that The Mirror is not a very reputable source, they are a tabloid newspaper that have certain ideas that they like to push upon the general population, to appeal to readers of a certain disposition. Not that I don't believe the facts in the story, just worth mentioning that many UK newspapers have a strong bias towards certain political ideologies.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: valta4065 on January 03, 2017, 11:02:19 PM
Interesting, I wonder how many of the buyers are reading the book to reinforce their own ideologies, and how many are reading it as a historical lesson, perhaps to learn from the mistakes of the past...

I'm afraid it's not really a useful source of historical lesson...
It's a bit like the "Guerre des Gaules" (War of Galia in English I guess?) written by Julius Cesar. It's just a propaganda book. The worst part is that contrary to Cesar, Hitler is a horrible writer and puts little to no historical facts.

The fact that a version is being printed by a "right wing publisher", without the textual notes, possibly to normalize its arguments rather than to show the flaws in them, is also quite interesting (if a little scary)

Oh! I didn't see this part!
Well... It's not a good thing of course. The good news is that you have to be actually completely retarded and already a fanatic to believe anything in this book.
You don't need textual notes to detect the flaws in his reasoning if you have a brain.

I'm not saying this as an insult, it's just that what he says IS actually stupid ^^'

It's worth mentioning that The Mirror is not a very reputable source, they are a tabloid newspaper that have certain ideas that they like to push upon the general population, to appeal to readers of a certain disposition. Not that I don't believe the facts in the story, just worth mentioning that many UK newspapers have a strong bias towards certain political ideologies.

I'm afraid that's perfectly true for... Every newspapers not only UK ones :/
That's the problem of private media owned by large multinationals.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Bibite on January 03, 2017, 11:17:00 PM
Ahah that's a funny news you got here!  ;D

Well first we have to put this figures in context. 85k sells in a year isn't that much, especially in the first year of release and for a very well known book.
It makes something like... 0.1% of German population if I'm correct? That's not much ^^

But even without taking the context, I'd say that reading Mein Kampf says nothing about you, apart that you're either very brave or have dubious taste in literature (cause the guys was an incredible politician but a poor writer). I read a part of Mein Kampf years ago and it's easy to find it on the web. It was not because of my political inclination (which is clearly far left) but out of curiosity.

It's just that... You got to be a very special kind of stupid to find this book interesting or agree with it. It's incredibly repetitive, poorly written and without any logic. Really not a good book, even without considering the purpose of the work!
85 000 books in a year is a lot ;in this days where people prefer buying virtual items (ebook, mp3...)

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: protokol on January 03, 2017, 11:22:57 PM
Interesting, I wonder how many of the buyers are reading the book to reinforce their own ideologies, and how many are reading it as a historical lesson, perhaps to learn from the mistakes of the past...

I'm afraid it's not really a useful source of historical lesson...
It's a bit like the "Guerre des Gaules" (War of Galia in English I guess?) written by Julius Cesar. It's just a propaganda book. The worst part is that contrary to Cesar, Hitler is a horrible writer and puts little to no historical facts.

The fact that a version is being printed by a "right wing publisher", without the textual notes, possibly to normalize its arguments rather than to show the flaws in them, is also quite interesting (if a little scary)

Oh! I didn't see this part!
Well... It's not a good thing of course. The good news is that you have to be actually completely retarded and already a fanatic to believe anything in this book.
You don't need textual notes to detect the flaws in his reasoning if you have a brain.

I'm not saying this as an insult, it's just that what he says IS actually stupid ^^'

I agree with you, but regarding the bolded part, this quote by the legendary comedian George Carlin is relevant:

Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

What a scary world we live in...  :D :-\ :'(

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: HabBear on January 03, 2017, 11:25:09 PM
I've stumbled upon this article while scrolling through facebook and it got me rather interested.

As you can see, Mein Kampf has been reprinted and republished in Germany, 85.000 copies sold and it became the best seller.

Will something come out of this, something much bigger after the republication or it is just the for legacy that book holds?

The scariest thing about this post or news is that you got it from Facebook. And likely from someone trying to scare the world over a news report that isn't all that scary. 85,000 books is a lot, but that perception changes when you consider who may have been buying the books or how this figure compares to the population of Germany.

If this is the first reprinting of the book in a long time, it's possible that every library or museum or University has purchased a copy or two for their collection.

The population of Germany in 2016 was 80.6 Million, so 85,000 represents just less than 1% of the population (if the books were sold to individuals only). 1% isn't an indication of a movement, it's a rounding error.

Last, as people who lived through Hitler's reign in Germany and Europe may tell you - if we don't learn from history, we're bound to repeat it. Hitler's ideology should not be forgotten, because if it si we may all succumb to its tyranny again.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: saddampbuh on January 03, 2017, 11:27:54 PM
the fire rises

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: protokol on January 04, 2017, 12:07:14 AM
the fire rises

Aha, I was waiting for Bitcointalk's resident Buddhist to show his face! How's life up there in your state of nirvana?

 ;D ::)

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 04, 2017, 12:11:29 AM
the fire rises

Aha, I was waiting for Bitcointalk's resident Buddhist to show his face! How's life up there in your state of nirvana?

 ;D ::)
ahahahaha xD

What's funny here is that I bet he never read Mein Kampf. I mean you can't possibly read that and think "yeah it makes sense".

But well we're talking about someone having a swastika as an avatar... And I guess it's not for the buddhist meaning ^^

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 04, 2017, 05:12:05 AM
I am sure that most of these copies were purchased by the non-whites. Mein Kampf remains extremely popular in some of the Asian countries, such as India and Mongolia. There is even a restaurant in India, which is dedicated to Hitler.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: bra4our on January 04, 2017, 10:19:28 AM
Citizens of Germany re disillusioned with Merkel Government thats why i hope facism doesn't rise again.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: gabmen on January 04, 2017, 04:34:42 PM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: chachaa on January 04, 2017, 05:06:09 PM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.
Putin provoked the crisis of exile in Germany to spoil the image of Merkel and destroy the European Union. View, now in Europe, in all countries enhanced the right moves. This wave can come to power, the Nazis.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Tyrantt on January 04, 2017, 06:43:12 PM
I've stumbled upon this article while scrolling through facebook and it got me rather interested.

As you can see, Mein Kampf has been reprinted and republished in Germany, 85.000 copies sold and it became the best seller.

Will something come out of this, something much bigger after the republication or it is just the for legacy that book holds?

The scariest thing about this post or news is that you got it from Facebook. And likely from someone trying to scare the world over a news report that isn't all that scary. 85,000 books is a lot, but that perception changes when you consider who may have been buying the books or how this figure compares to the population of Germany.

If this is the first reprinting of the book in a long time, it's possible that every library or museum or University has purchased a copy or two for their collection.

The population of Germany in 2016 was 80.6 Million, so 85,000 represents just less than 1% of the population (if the books were sold to individuals only). 1% isn't an indication of a movement, it's a rounding error.

Last, as people who lived through Hitler's reign in Germany and Europe may tell you - if we don't learn from history, we're bound to repeat it. Hitler's ideology should not be forgotten, because if it si we may all succumb to its tyranny again.

Well it was out like a suggested article for me, there are a lot more news portals on the internet that wrote on the same topic. Well as you can see, people are doing everything but learning from the past.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Tyrantt on January 04, 2017, 06:45:03 PM
the fire rises

Aha, I was waiting for Bitcointalk's resident Buddhist to show his face! How's life up there in your state of nirvana?

 ;D ::)
ahahahaha xD

What's funny here is that I bet he never read Mein Kampf. I mean you can't possibly read that and think "yeah it makes sense".

But well we're talking about someone having a swastika as an avatar... And I guess it's not for the buddhist meaning ^^

While a little off topic, doesn't this quote make you think of something? :D

" I mean you can't possibly read that and think "yeah it makes sense"

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Tyrantt on January 04, 2017, 06:49:04 PM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.

Those were my thoughts too, since it's been a year now since the book got republished. and this is, as much as I've understood, a special edition (whatever that meant). I'm not for the rise of nazism in todays countries but I am for something to be done, because now countries are losing their identity.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: sergeyzol on January 04, 2017, 07:58:30 PM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.

Those were my thoughts too, since it's been a year now since the book got republished. and this is, as much as I've understood, a special edition (whatever that meant). I'm not for the rise of nazism in todays countries but I am for something to be done, because now countries are losing their identity.
Your thoughts just the contrary. No identity is lost. Just so in the minds of people laid the ideology of fascism. I am sure that you can not explain how it lost identity! Exactly what happens hidden propaganda of fascism!!!

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 04, 2017, 09:40:51 PM
truth to be told i'm am one of the buyers  :)

The new release ("special edition") in book form has a scientific and educational reason. The book includes a lot of additional comments and information.
No uprising and a 4th Reich... yet.

But no need for much conspiracy when people already think that the EU is the new evil german plan for a 4th 1000 year old kingdom  ;D


here is the amazon link - feel free to support the german economy:


Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: iluvbitcoins on January 04, 2017, 10:27:44 PM
As said above, it surely doesn't have anything to do with 'radicals'

95% of people reading this book are reading it because it's a historic piece, not to strengthen their ideology

I myself have downloaded an e-book a couple of days ago to read while traveling, I only read 30 pages so far though, he's just starting to talk about Jews  :D

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Tyrantt on January 05, 2017, 04:10:37 AM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.

Those were my thoughts too, since it's been a year now since the book got republished. and this is, as much as I've understood, a special edition (whatever that meant). I'm not for the rise of nazism in todays countries but I am for something to be done, because now countries are losing their identity.
Your thoughts just the contrary. No identity is lost. Just so in the minds of people laid the ideology of fascism. I am sure that you can not explain how it lost identity! Exactly what happens hidden propaganda of fascism!!!

Well you know, when someone mentions a country and asks you what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that country. When you hear Germany, Sweden, Swiss what's the first thing that comes to your mind? I'd like as much of you to answer this question, thank you.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Tyrantt on January 05, 2017, 04:15:03 AM
truth to be told i'm am one of the buyers  :)

The new release ("special edition") in book form has a scientific and educational reason. The book includes a lot of additional comments and information.
No uprising and a 4th Reich... yet.

But no need for much conspiracy when people already think that the EU is the new evil german plan for a 4th 1000 year old kingdom  ;D


here is the amazon link - feel free to support the german economy:


ahah that "... yet." at the end of a sentance. :D Well I didn't have a doubt that it's because of it's value and the writer, since it has been approved to be republished one year ago? Or was this all a plan to return to the old glory, to gather up the people of Germany as one again? :D

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: gredisgold88 on January 05, 2017, 10:04:10 AM
I hate fasis And then I hope fasis goes to hell

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: btvlGainer on January 05, 2017, 10:18:25 AM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.

Those were my thoughts too, since it's been a year now since the book got republished. and this is, as much as I've understood, a special edition (whatever that meant). I'm not for the rise of nazism in todays countries but I am for something to be done, because now countries are losing their identity.
Your thoughts just the contrary. No identity is lost. Just so in the minds of people laid the ideology of fascism. I am sure that you can not explain how it lost identity! Exactly what happens hidden propaganda of fascism!!!

Well you know, when someone mentions a country and asks you what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that country. When you hear Germany, Sweden, Swiss what's the first thing that comes to your mind? I'd like as much of you to answer this question, thank you.
If at the mention of Germany really comes to mind is the memory of fascism, Sweden's Volvo and blonde, and Switzerland is a neutral country and I associate with banks and expensive watches.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 05, 2017, 12:37:15 PM
Citizens of Germany re disillusioned with Merkel Government thats why i hope facism doesn't rise again.

Have you heard about Newton's third law?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

It is naive to believe that the rabid pro-Muslim policies from Merkel, aimed at the extermination and enslavement of the natives will be allowed to proceed without any opposition.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Antibarcode on January 05, 2017, 01:28:26 PM
What was the reason to ban "Mein Kampf" years ago?

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: DimidoffVany on January 05, 2017, 01:55:17 PM
Citizens of Germany re disillusioned with Merkel Government thats why i hope facism doesn't rise again.

Have you heard about Newton's third law?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

It is naive to believe that the rabid pro-Muslim policies from Merkel, aimed at the extermination and enslavement of the natives will be allowed to proceed without any opposition.
Merkel is not Pro-Muslim politician. Just after the war the German nation had a large genetic problems because of attempts to create the Aryan race. The Germans were forced to let the Turks to dilute the genes. Maybe Merkel was also such motives.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 05, 2017, 02:39:34 PM
Just after the war the German nation had a large genetic problems because of attempts to create the Aryan race.

Which genetic problems? The level of genetic abnormalities in Germany is much lower, when compared to certain other nations such as Pakistan and Afghanistan. Even before the WW2, there were close to 90 million ethnic Germans. So there was a very diverse genetic pool available.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Klima on January 05, 2017, 08:37:28 PM
I am sure that the situation of migrants can push Europe to the extreme right side. Fascist slogans will be disguised as more cultural, but this is only a disguise. View like growing up in a world of nationalism. The tramp in America, too, won the right rhetoric.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: yugo23 on January 06, 2017, 01:08:33 AM
What was the reason to ban "Mein Kampf" years ago?

There was no very precise reasons. It was something a bit vague but the idea is that after WW2 everything linked to nazism was banned.
Nowadays it is still criminal to do nazi salute or to glorify nazism in any way or to support the ideology in most of European countries. You got to understand that this was the most important event in Europe of the modern history. People were terrified to the idea that it could happen again! Moreover, after WW1 everyone thought that it would be the last conflict so big and costly in life, and only a few decades after something even worse happens!! So after 1945 they were really afraid about WW3 and Cold war was not so far from that.

So they banned everything related to nazism in order to keep this ideology away from Europe. It worked pretty well and you have to be really a pitiful and stupid human being to be a Nazi considering the average education level. So i guess it's ok to see Mein Kampf back because people are educated enough now.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 06, 2017, 09:28:46 AM
I am sure that the situation of migrants can push Europe to the extreme right side. Fascist slogans will be disguised as more cultural, but this is only a disguise. View like growing up in a world of nationalism. The tramp in America, too, won the right rhetoric.

If the fascist slogans from the natives become acceptable, it is only because they feel that such methods are the only solution to stop or even slow down the impending Muslim takeover of their lands.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: yugo23 on January 06, 2017, 12:00:37 PM
I am sure that the situation of migrants can push Europe to the extreme right side. Fascist slogans will be disguised as more cultural, but this is only a disguise. View like growing up in a world of nationalism. The tramp in America, too, won the right rhetoric.

If the fascist slogans from the natives become acceptable, it is only because they feel that such methods are the only solution to stop or even slow down the impending Muslim takeover of their lands.

More like because they don't see who is the real responsible.
Because they don't understand how the system that they contributed to build is leading to only this solution.
How the colonization of Africa has still not finished.
How our regulated and planned deregulation of regions full of natural resources influenced this situation.

How, when you think about it, Muslims and immigrants still haven't done to us 1% of what we did to them. Wanna compare the number of deaths from terrorist attacks to number of death from our "interventions"?
You can decide to wipe them all. But don't act like you're the victim.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: TicTacTic on January 06, 2017, 01:00:52 PM
I am sure that the situation of migrants can push Europe to the extreme right side. Fascist slogans will be disguised as more cultural, but this is only a disguise. View like growing up in a world of nationalism. The tramp in America, too, won the right rhetoric.

If the fascist slogans from the natives become acceptable, it is only because they feel that such methods are the only solution to stop or even slow down the impending Muslim takeover of their lands.
No one is going to capture Muslim lands. On the contrary, these natives spread around the world. They choose for its expansion in the country with the highest level of comfort. They themselves do not want to work and can't.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 07, 2017, 06:56:42 AM
They themselves do not want to work and can't.

In the 1980s, most of the Muslim immigrants coming to Western Europe were hardworking. That is why Germany decided to import 2 million of them from Turkey as gastarbeiters. But the current generation has got spoiled by the leftists, who advice them against hard work. Also, they have become more religious than their parents, as a result of the Wahhabi funding from Saudi Arabia. 

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: RealBitcoin on January 08, 2017, 02:19:05 PM
Ah fuck this shit, dont tell me the nazis are coming back? What is this nazi zombie invasion?

There are plenty of fucking horrible problems in the world, and we dont need another one. Fuck this shit.

I had a bad day today, but looking at this just made me even more angry. Millions of people died in WW2 due to this bullshit evil nazi political movement.

SO I hope they will not get any power now.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: DimidoffVany on January 08, 2017, 02:29:56 PM
They themselves do not want to work and can't.

In the 1980s, most of the Muslim immigrants coming to Western Europe were hardworking. That is why Germany decided to import 2 million of them from Turkey as gastarbeiters. But the current generation has got spoiled by the leftists, who advice them against hard work. Also, they have become more religious than their parents, as a result of the Wahhabi funding from Saudi Arabia. 
I agree with you. Germany managed to gather on its territory all the scum from Syria and Afghanistan. Now they are not just expelled from the country. They will strongly discourage it. Soon they will catch on all over Germany.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 08, 2017, 02:30:36 PM
truth to be told i'm am one of the buyers  :)

The new release ("special edition") in book form has a scientific and educational reason. The book includes a lot of additional comments and information.
No uprising and a 4th Reich... yet.

But no need for much conspiracy when people already think that the EU is the new evil german plan for a 4th 1000 year old kingdom  ;D


here is the amazon link - feel free to support the german economy:


ahah that "... yet." at the end of a sentance. :D Well I didn't have a doubt that it's because of it's value and the writer, since it has been approved to be republished one year ago? Or was this all a plan to return to the old glory, to gather up the people of Germany as one again? :D

Arent you an east european? Why are you laughing?
If i remember correctly eastern europe got rekt pretty hard by nazi germany...

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: valta4065 on January 08, 2017, 03:05:32 PM
truth to be told i'm am one of the buyers  :)

The new release ("special edition") in book form has a scientific and educational reason. The book includes a lot of additional comments and information.
No uprising and a 4th Reich... yet.

But no need for much conspiracy when people already think that the EU is the new evil german plan for a 4th 1000 year old kingdom  ;D


here is the amazon link - feel free to support the german economy:


ahah that "... yet." at the end of a sentance. :D Well I didn't have a doubt that it's because of it's value and the writer, since it has been approved to be republished one year ago? Or was this all a plan to return to the old glory, to gather up the people of Germany as one again? :D

Arent you an east european? Why are you laughing?
If i remember correctly eastern europe got rekt pretty hard by nazi germany...

Those guys tend to have a very selective memory...
They actually believe that Nazis were great and united Germany only killing jews and homosexual.
They forget about the high number of Germans killed and tortured by their own government, the interdiction of numerous books and philosophical trends, the lack of freedom in general and freedom of expression or politics in particular, the fact that every German worked as a slave to the government without being rewarded in any way except at Berlin where most wealth was gathered...

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: sir.humus on January 08, 2017, 03:11:54 PM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.

Those were my thoughts too, since it's been a year now since the book got republished. and this is, as much as I've understood, a special edition (whatever that meant). I'm not for the rise of nazism in todays countries but I am for something to be done, because now countries are losing their identity.
Your thoughts just the contrary. No identity is lost. Just so in the minds of people laid the ideology of fascism. I am sure that you can not explain how it lost identity! Exactly what happens hidden propaganda of fascism!!!

Well you know, when someone mentions a country and asks you what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that country. When you hear Germany, Sweden, Swiss what's the first thing that comes to your mind? I'd like as much of you to answer this question, thank you.

What I think when I hear about:
Germany - Nazis, world war II
Sweden - Beautiful blonde girls
Swiss - clocks and cholcolate


Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Kvazimoda on January 08, 2017, 05:00:54 PM
I think people purchase this mainly because it was written by adolf hitler himself. Interests in the book most likely would be due to curiosity. I myself would like to have a copy and read through it but not because I agree with hitler or to look for something to agree on with the book, but simply to know about it's contents.

Those were my thoughts too, since it's been a year now since the book got republished. and this is, as much as I've understood, a special edition (whatever that meant). I'm not for the rise of nazism in todays countries but I am for something to be done, because now countries are losing their identity.
Your thoughts just the contrary. No identity is lost. Just so in the minds of people laid the ideology of fascism. I am sure that you can not explain how it lost identity! Exactly what happens hidden propaganda of fascism!!!

Well you know, when someone mentions a country and asks you what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that country. When you hear Germany, Sweden, Swiss what's the first thing that comes to your mind? I'd like as much of you to answer this question, thank you.

What I think when I hear about:
Germany - Nazis, world war II
Sweden - Beautiful blonde girls
Swiss - clocks and cholcolate

Unfortunately when Hitler came to power, the people supported him. Because he said what they wanted to hear and offered simple solutions to the problems. The fact that they are not legitimate and inhuman no one was interested.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: gentlemand on January 08, 2017, 05:16:47 PM
I had a copy of this once upon a time. It was the dullest fucking read I've ever come across in my entire life. How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: iluvbitcoins on January 08, 2017, 05:18:53 PM
I am sure that the situation of migrants can push Europe to the extreme right side. Fascist slogans will be disguised as more cultural, but this is only a disguise. View like growing up in a world of nationalism. The tramp in America, too, won the right rhetoric.

If the fascist slogans from the natives become acceptable, it is only because they feel that such methods are the only solution to stop or even slow down the impending Muslim takeover of their lands.

It is the problem we face

This 'multiculturalism' will radicalize Europe

It needs to be stopped

Only madmen will continue to support such an agenda

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 08, 2017, 05:28:27 PM
I had a copy of this once upon a time. It was the dullest fucking read I've ever come across in my entire life. How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Im pretty sure that this is the opinion of majority of people.
It is like really long rant about evil jews and the destruction of society.
Perfect for right wing nuts i guess :)

Btw. I dont think a lot of people actually read Mein Kampf in nazi germany.
It was more a book for the nazi elite.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 08, 2017, 05:56:31 PM
I had a copy of this once upon a time. It was the dullest fucking read I've ever come across in my entire life. How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Im pretty sure that this is the opinion of majority of people.
It is like really long rant about evil jews and the destruction of society.
Perfect for right wing nuts i guess :)

Yeah but it's so... Badly written!
I agree with Gentlemand, it's incredible that peopla actually read that shit xD
Not so because of the ideas. We still lots of nazism nowadays so imagine at a time of despair where it was normal and nearly healthy to be racist as fuck. But because the book is horrible. Makes no sense, poor vocabulary, horrible style...

Btw. I dont think a lot of people actually read Mein Kampf in nazi germany.
It was more a book for the nazi elite.

Ah no you're wrong here.
Mein Kampf wasn't read a lot... At the beginning.
But once Hitler took power it was a mandatory reading. For children and students of course, but also for normal people.
Germany had to print millions of Mein Kampf to send at least one per house. So that also the common people could be "educated".

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: igorokavg13 on January 08, 2017, 06:01:27 PM
I had a copy of this once upon a time. It was the dullest fucking read I've ever come across in my entire life. How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.
I also tried to read Mein Kampf but was not able to do it. Tedious boring and not interesting. The fact that this book has been printed and bought in such numbers says more about its symbolic meaning. You can read it on the Internet.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 08, 2017, 08:57:23 PM
I had a copy of this once upon a time. It was the dullest fucking read I've ever come across in my entire life. How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Im pretty sure that this is the opinion of majority of people.
It is like really long rant about evil jews and the destruction of society.
Perfect for right wing nuts i guess :)

Yeah but it's so... Badly written!
I agree with Gentlemand, it's incredible that peopla actually read that shit xD
Not so because of the ideas. We still lots of nazism nowadays so imagine at a time of despair where it was normal and nearly healthy to be racist as fuck. But because the book is horrible. Makes no sense, poor vocabulary, horrible style...

Btw. I dont think a lot of people actually read Mein Kampf in nazi germany.
It was more a book for the nazi elite.

Ah no you're wrong here.
Mein Kampf wasn't read a lot... At the beginning.
But once Hitler took power it was a mandatory reading. For children and students of course, but also for normal people.
Germany had to print millions of Mein Kampf to send at least one per house. So that also the common people could be "educated".

yeah you are right. It wasnt every household, but nearly 11 million copies were sold.
was a huge amount actually, but i guess a great part of the readers didnt went past page 10 haha

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: European Central Bank on January 08, 2017, 09:18:07 PM
i think it's probably the same as 'a brief history of time'. i'll bet good money that less than 5% of readers ever got past putting the book in a prominent place on their bookshelf to impress the ladies.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: valta4065 on January 08, 2017, 09:38:50 PM
i think it's probably the same as 'a brief history of time'. i'll bet good money that less than 5% of readers ever got past putting the book in a prominent place on their bookshelf to impress the ladies.

I don't want to know what kind of lady is impressed by this book...
I do hope that people who buy it will at least read it! The contrary would be... Abnormal and even dangerous. Having this book just to show off is the proof that your both a stupid human and of poor tastes. Wether if you read it at least you'll gain some experience and some insights of how Nazism worked and how they thought.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Klima on January 08, 2017, 09:49:20 PM
i think it's probably the same as 'a brief history of time'. i'll bet good money that less than 5% of readers ever got past putting the book in a prominent place on their bookshelf to impress the ladies.

I don't want to know what kind of lady is impressed by this book...
I do hope that people who buy it will at least read it! The contrary would be... Abnormal and even dangerous. Having this book just to show off is the proof that your both a stupid human and of poor tastes. Wether if you read it at least you'll gain some experience and some insights of how Nazism worked and how they thought.
The problem is that there are no bad things in this book no. If you do not know that it was written by Hitler do not pay attention to it. Than or Trump's rhetoric differs from rhetoric in the early Hitler. This is actually the rhetoric of the populists.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: valta4065 on January 08, 2017, 09:57:58 PM

As some people tend to believe that Mein Kampf isn't "that bad" or that if you don't know who wrote it it's not horrible or things like that.
So here are some of the most noticeable parts of Mein Kampf. If you don't see anything wrong with them, go talk to a psychologist

"The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland with the ultimate idea of bastardising the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate."

"The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end…spying on the unsuspicious German girl he plans to seduce…..he wants to contaminate her blood and remove her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew hates the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so that the Jews might dominate."

"Only an adequate large space on this earth assures a nation freedom of existence."

"We must eliminate the disproportion between our population and our area…… Some of this land can be obtained from Russia….. We must secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled."

"(The state) must see to it that only the healthy beget children; that there is only one disgrace: despite one’s own sickness and deficiencies, to bring children into the world; and one highest honour : to renounce doing so. And conversely it must be considered reprehensible to withhold healthy children from the nation."

"When you tell a lie, tell big lies. This is what the Jews do, working on the principle, which is quite true in itself, that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility…"

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: coolcoinz on January 08, 2017, 10:04:52 PM
What's wrong, it's just a book. People like to read, books are made for reading, I see nothing wrong in buying and reading Mein Kampf. All authors, even Hitler are worth checking out. If you've never read it you shouldn't have an opinion about it.

The problem is that there are no bad things in this book no. If you do not know that it was written by Hitler do not pay attention to it. Than or Trump's rhetoric differs from rhetoric in the early Hitler. This is actually the rhetoric of the populists.

There are, but it still makes it worth reading. Life isn't just unicorns and rainbows.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 09, 2017, 06:01:40 AM
How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Mein Kampf didn't had any contribution to the rise of the Nazis. Very few of the Nazis would have actually read the book. Many of them purchased it just to show their support to Hitler.

The rise of the Nazis can be attributed to the harsh treatment meted out to Germany, on the aftermath of the WW1.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: gabmen on January 09, 2017, 11:15:34 AM
How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Mein Kampf didn't had any contribution to the rise of the Nazis. Very few of the Nazis would have actually read the book. Many of them purchased it just to show their support to Hitler.

The rise of the Nazis can be attributed to the harsh treatment meted out to Germany, on the aftermath of the WW1.

Yeah i believe so as well. Add to the fact that hitler is a very charismatic leader and at that time, mist germans look at him with awe and inspiration. I've now read a couple of parts of mein kampf and i don't think i'd be able to finish the entire book as it doesn't at all generate interest aside from the fact that it was authored by hitler. I agree with others in this thread observed that it was a bit boring and dull.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 09, 2017, 04:12:47 PM
How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Mein Kampf didn't had any contribution to the rise of the Nazis. Very few of the Nazis would have actually read the book. Many of them purchased it just to show their support to Hitler.

The rise of the Nazis can be attributed to the harsh treatment meted out to Germany, on the aftermath of the WW1.

Indeed economical reasons were more important.
But don't underestimate the importance of philosophy and ideological fight.
Mein Kampf isn't a great book even for propaganda. But the fact is that other books were simply destroyed...
Let's not forget that one of the major crimes of Nazis was the destrucrion of cultural heritage, especially philosophy and historical refernces.

When you have nothing else than Mein Kampf... it does count...

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Seccerius on January 09, 2017, 04:45:34 PM
How it contributed to motivating an entire nation into becoming heartless psychopaths is beyond me.

Mein Kampf didn't had any contribution to the rise of the Nazis. Very few of the Nazis would have actually read the book. Many of them purchased it just to show their support to Hitler.

The rise of the Nazis can be attributed to the harsh treatment meted out to Germany, on the aftermath of the WW1.

Hitler came to power during the great crisis in Germany. He said what Germans wanted to hear . Now these politicians are called populists. Very similar rhetoric is now Trump. It scares me. Now America and Russia remind me of Germany and Russia before the 2nd world war.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: markj113 on January 09, 2017, 04:59:56 PM
Hitler came to power during the great crisis in Germany. He said what Germans wanted to hear . Now these politicians are called populists. Very similar rhetoric is now Trump. It scares me. Now America and Russia remind me of Germany and Russia before the 2nd world war.

The reason people like these are coming to power is that the existing politicans refused to listen to the people.

The old elite are pushing globalism and uncontrolled migration and the people of those countries have had enough.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 10, 2017, 09:16:56 AM
The reason people like these are coming to power is that the existing politicans refused to listen to the people.

The old elite are pushing globalism and uncontrolled migration and the people of those countries have had enough.

Exactly. And also, Trump would have never become the president of the United States, if the Democrats had refrained from hacking their primaries. He had absolutely zero chance of winning against Bernie Sanders.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: NyeFee on January 10, 2017, 10:36:01 AM
The reason people like these are coming to power is that the existing politicans refused to listen to the people.

The old elite are pushing globalism and uncontrolled migration and the people of those countries have had enough.

Exactly. And also, Trump would have never become the president of the United States, if the Democrats had refrained from hacking their primaries. He had absolutely zero chance of winning against Bernie Sanders.
To be honest, I think that tampering with the mail of the Republicans not strongly influenced by the choice of Americans. Americans just enjoyed the show which was organized by Trump and his populist slogans.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: SvenBomvolen on January 13, 2017, 10:25:09 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 14, 2017, 01:52:53 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 14, 2017, 02:08:37 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

Good stuff that the german economy looks better and better with every year.
We even have the problem that we dont know what to do with the 6++ billion federal tax surplus.
Even the municipality have some billions in surplus even though we have over a million refugees.

Someone is doing something wrong, just not sure if it is germany or not  :D

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: hamiltonik on January 14, 2017, 03:06:30 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

Good stuff that the german economy looks better and better with every year.
We even have the problem that we dont know what to do with the 6++ billion federal tax surplus.
Even the municipality have some billions in surplus even though we have over a million refugees.

Someone is doing something wrong, just not sure if it is germany or not  :D
I do think that the economy of the EU rests on the German economy. If not for Greece, the EU economy showed a significant growth. Error Germany that it is making little efforts to integrate Ukraine.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 14, 2017, 06:14:26 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

Wahou great. Your sentence was not only racist but also sexist well done.

And maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe a solution would be to put a decent minimum wage then?

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 14, 2017, 06:16:44 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

Good stuff that the german economy looks better and better with every year.
We even have the problem that we dont know what to do with the 6++ billion federal tax surplus.
Even the municipality have some billions in surplus even though we have over a million refugees.

Someone is doing something wrong, just not sure if it is germany or not  :D

Yeah they're doing something terribly wrong.

They're the first European Country in terms of precarity.
All countries say Germany is an "example" but it is not.
It is EXACTLY what we must avoid.
Germans are just mere slaves to the great companies, they have nearly 0 rights compares to French for example...

Yeah great there is no unemployment... Great... When you're paid shit and don't even know how much you'll work this week on Monday... It's really great...

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: KenR on January 14, 2017, 06:19:25 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.
Wait for a couple of more years and you would see Germany Becoming Germanisthan.They should chuck the refugees out before it's too late.Wouldn't take days for a new Hitler era to rise.This time they'd gas the muslims.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 14, 2017, 06:50:57 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

Good stuff that the german economy looks better and better with every year.
We even have the problem that we dont know what to do with the 6++ billion federal tax surplus.
Even the municipality have some billions in surplus even though we have over a million refugees.

Someone is doing something wrong, just not sure if it is germany or not  :D

Yeah they're doing something terribly wrong.

They're the first European Country in terms of precarity.
All countries say Germany is an "example" but it is not.
It is EXACTLY what we must avoid.
Germans are just mere slaves to the great companies, they have nearly 0 rights compares to French for example...

Yeah great there is no unemployment... Great... When you're paid shit and don't even know how much you'll work this week on Monday... It's really great...

It is not that bad.
We have minimum wage at 8.50€/hour (edit: since 2017 8.84€) but since schröder the worker rights were softened and deregulated in favour of companies.
In that regard french is definietly a step ahead i guess.

It is always a question between money and social rights.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 14, 2017, 09:58:05 PM
   I will suggest movie The wave, German true story, where in one school just from fun they start something that grows into big movement.
   Germany is full with Muslims, and in talk with some Germans I find they don't like them at all. Young Germans dont have work, its all going to refugees now. My friend uncle is 65 year old German, last summer he told us that he expect chaos in Germany in next few years, he think German people will rise against refugees.

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

Good stuff that the german economy looks better and better with every year.
We even have the problem that we dont know what to do with the 6++ billion federal tax surplus.
Even the municipality have some billions in surplus even though we have over a million refugees.

Someone is doing something wrong, just not sure if it is germany or not  :D

Yeah they're doing something terribly wrong.

They're the first European Country in terms of precarity.
All countries say Germany is an "example" but it is not.
It is EXACTLY what we must avoid.
Germans are just mere slaves to the great companies, they have nearly 0 rights compares to French for example...

Yeah great there is no unemployment... Great... When you're paid shit and don't even know how much you'll work this week on Monday... It's really great...

It is not that bad.
We have minimum wage at 8.50€/hour (edit: since 2017 8.84€) but since schröder the worker rights were softened and deregulated in favour of companies.
In that regard french is definietly a step ahead i guess.

It is always a question between money and social rights.

Thank you for making my point in the end ^^

I'm not saying Germany is shit, I tried to explain why this argument was completely stupid:

It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

I know Germany has a minimum wage, so what is the next step?
The next step would to ask yourself: between a migrant just wanting to work and feed himself and his family thus accepting illegal work for 2€/hour, and a company willingly breaking the law by employing migrants under minimum wage, who is to blame?

I'd say the company is more to be blamed.

For the situation in Germany, workers are very close to slaves. It's a choice between social rights and money yes, but my problem is that whole Europe and even whole world is saying Germany is "a model". No it is not. It has lots of problems, maybe a bit less than us but it's far from being perfect!!!

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: iluvbitcoins on January 14, 2017, 10:53:16 PM
I know Germany has a minimum wage, so what is the next step?
The next step would to ask yourself: between a migrant just wanting to work and feed himself and his family thus accepting illegal work for 2€/hour, and a company willingly breaking the law by employing migrants under minimum wage, who is to blame?

I'd say the company is more to be blamed.

For the situation in Germany, workers are very close to slaves. It's a choice between social rights and money yes, but my problem is that whole Europe and even whole world is saying Germany is "a model". No it is not. It has lots of problems, maybe a bit less than us but it's far from being perfect!!!

The solution would to be to increase inspections and penalties on companies employing illegal work force

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 14, 2017, 11:23:57 PM
I know Germany has a minimum wage, so what is the next step?
The next step would to ask yourself: between a migrant just wanting to work and feed himself and his family thus accepting illegal work for 2€/hour, and a company willingly breaking the law by employing migrants under minimum wage, who is to blame?

I'd say the company is more to be blamed.

For the situation in Germany, workers are very close to slaves. It's a choice between social rights and money yes, but my problem is that whole Europe and even whole world is saying Germany is "a model". No it is not. It has lots of problems, maybe a bit less than us but it's far from being perfect!!!

The solution would to be to increase inspections and penalties on companies employing illegal work force

Thank you? That would be the solution indeed.

Don't blame the migrants for taking your jobs.
Blame the companies for enslaving a poor and unskilled population.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 15, 2017, 06:12:21 AM
It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

I know Germany has a minimum wage, so what is the next step?
The next step would to ask yourself: between a migrant just wanting to work and feed himself and his family thus accepting illegal work for 2€/hour, and a company willingly breaking the law by employing migrants under minimum wage, who is to blame?

I'd say the company is more to be blamed.

For the situation in Germany, workers are very close to slaves. It's a choice between social rights and money yes, but my problem is that whole Europe and even whole world is saying Germany is "a model". No it is not. It has lots of problems, maybe a bit less than us but it's far from being perfect!!!

In this era of fierce competition, companies are forced to resort to illegal methods in order to survive. A company which employs legal workers at 25€/hour will not be able to compete against someone who employs the immigrants at 2€/hour.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: iluvbitcoins on January 15, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
It was expected. When the refugees are ready to work for €2 per hour, who will hire the native workers? These immigrants never pay any taxes, and their expenses are close to zero, as most of them are single men. On the other hand, it is not possible for the native adults to work for €2 per hour, as they have families to look after.

I know Germany has a minimum wage, so what is the next step?
The next step would to ask yourself: between a migrant just wanting to work and feed himself and his family thus accepting illegal work for 2€/hour, and a company willingly breaking the law by employing migrants under minimum wage, who is to blame?

I'd say the company is more to be blamed.

For the situation in Germany, workers are very close to slaves. It's a choice between social rights and money yes, but my problem is that whole Europe and even whole world is saying Germany is "a model". No it is not. It has lots of problems, maybe a bit less than us but it's far from being perfect!!!

In this era of fierce competition, companies are forced to resort to illegal methods in order to survive. A company which employs legal workers at 25€/hour will not be able to compete against someone who employs the immigrants at 2€/hour.

It is not the companies fault either, you should expect everyone to use anything they can in their own advantage

Blame yourself for not having regular inspections and sanctions for those breaking the law

It is your own fault, no one elses

That's what I always say to my fellow countrymen when they complain about the status of our country, it's the countries fault, they say

I say, no, my friend
It's your own fault, have you not voted for the same 2 parties that wreck our country and bring havoc to it for the last 20 years?
Have you not repeated your own mistakes all over again and voted for the same people who brought our GDP down the drain again and again, and you as a sheep keep voting for them and then complain "The country is fucked up", no, my friend, it is you who is fucked up, and you who fucked up our country

It is our own fault for everything the goverment does
Our own
And no one elses
Because WE chose them, and we ignored their mistakes and picked them to rule all over again

I'v gotten a little off-topic, but it's basically the same principle

It's not the companies or the migrants fault, it is Germany
Who must enforce the law, and not allow it to be broken
Which is currently happening..

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: SvenBomvolen on January 15, 2017, 04:11:20 PM
   Most of you are going off topic here. Headline is "85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016", why it is like that? Germans are not happy with current state of their country, and future for them is unpredictable. Muslim population in Europe is in rise in past two decades, I dont have anything against them but they carry their faith with them, their sheriat. How many jihadist are among them?
   I ran on one interesting comment, irony or not what will happen this years will determinate our future in Europe.
   "Europe is about to change into something great! Look how well muslim countries are doing all over the world! Just great!
    Stupidity, misplaced guilt and a sweet but overly naive disney-culture will be our downfall – and then Europe can be just as great as the other muslim countries! Wohoo!"
  From : Anonymous • 6 months ago

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 16, 2017, 06:22:10 AM
"Europe is about to change into something great! Look how well muslim countries are doing all over the world! Just great!

Yup... Europe is about to transform itself to Eurabia. France was always going to become a majority Muslim nation, even before the recent immigration spike. Some 20% to 30% of the population there is Muslim. Germany was the only major Western country which had a Muslim population lower than 5%. And Merkel changed that as well.

Now Germany can do wonders. Just like Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: valta4065 on January 16, 2017, 09:19:43 AM
  Most of you are going off topic here. Headline is "85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016", why it is like that? Germans are not happy with current state of their country, and future for them is unpredictable. Muslim population in Europe is in rise in past two decades, I dont have anything against them but they carry their faith with them, their sheriat. How many jihadist are among them?
   I ran on one interesting comment, irony or not what will happen this years will determinate our future in Europe.
   "Europe is about to change into something great! Look how well muslim countries are doing all over the world! Just great!
    Stupidity, misplaced guilt and a sweet but overly naive disney-culture will be our downfall – and then Europe can be just as great as the other muslim countries! Wohoo!"
  From : Anonymous • 6 months ago

Or simply Germans are curious about their past...
Mein Kampf is the simbol of a rather IMPORTANT part of Germany past.
I don't see why it shouldn't interest lots of people.
Doesn't mean they agree with it. I read Mein Kampf years ago when it was still illegal.
And I'm not really the nazi type...

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 16, 2017, 11:51:27 PM
"Europe is about to change into something great! Look how well muslim countries are doing all over the world! Just great!

Yup... Europe is about to transform itself to Eurabia. France was always going to become a majority Muslim nation, even before the recent immigration spike. Some 20% to 30% of the population there is Muslim. Germany was the only major Western country which had a Muslim population lower than 5%. And Merkel changed that as well.

Now Germany can do wonders. Just like Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen.

You're completely out of your mind.
Here is a good article concerning people like you.

France is indeed a highly Muslim populated country. No less than 8% of the population. 8%. Not 20 or 30. And 8% at the end of 2016 at the last estimations, so don't go like "it must have gone up".
And the vast majority of those 8% are not recent at all! They're the legacy of our colonial past! It's perfectly normal to have a huge number of muslim when you invaded and colonized the whole North Africa!

But sure, let's all cry on bullshit like "Europe is completley Muslim"...
Not a single country with 10% or more of Muslim but we're "invaded"...

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 17, 2017, 11:22:22 AM
Not a single country with 10% or more of Muslim but we're "invaded"...

I don't trust the official stats that much. In most of the cases, they count only the citizens. What about the recent immigrants who are yet to receive citizenship? Even if we count just the citizens, Brussels is 25.5% Muslim, and Blackburn is 30% Muslim. Imagine the state of these cities in 2050.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 17, 2017, 02:59:50 PM
Not a single country with 10% or more of Muslim but we're "invaded"...

I don't trust the official stats that much. In most of the cases, they count only the citizens. What about the recent immigrants who are yet to receive citizenship? Even if we count just the citizens, Brussels is 25.5% Muslim, and Blackburn is 30% Muslim. Imagine the state of these cities in 2050.

Brussel is a world city and EU capital.
70% of its citizens are foreigners. 40% of the belgiums muslims are living in brussel.
Additional most sources state a number around 15-17% of muslim inhabitants in brussel except of 1 that says 25.5.

Blackburn has nearly 30% of its inhabitants coming from india and pakistan. Only 69% are white british.
England is special because of their commonwealth system.

Now lets look at lebanon a muslim majority nation with close to 40% christians. Who would believe somethink like that to exist ::)

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 17, 2017, 05:08:38 PM
Not a single country with 10% or more of Muslim but we're "invaded"...

I don't trust the official stats that much. In most of the cases, they count only the citizens. What about the recent immigrants who are yet to receive citizenship? Even if we count just the citizens, Brussels is 25.5% Muslim, and Blackburn is 30% Muslim. Imagine the state of these cities in 2050.

How convenient...

So "official stats" are a no go but your vague feeling about how much Muslims are here is much better?

And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

Don't you see that what you're saying is a nonsense? It just doesn't work!

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: lokomotive on January 17, 2017, 05:12:21 PM
Say thanx to Merkel for this

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: dirokkl on January 17, 2017, 08:57:26 PM
Say thanx to Merkel for this
Merkel nothing to do with. She did what supposed to do by law. The trouble with Europe is that it is very much bureaucratic. While officials saw a threat from migrants, while thinking how to fight already began terrorist acts.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 18, 2017, 06:59:51 AM
And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: 13abyknight on January 18, 2017, 08:01:01 AM
Would've loved to get hold of a copy of this if I had a chance. I mean its an autobiography and its believed to have some great content (other than hate-filled violence and stuff) so yeah seems like a good buy.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 18, 2017, 10:43:18 AM
And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.

2015 germany had 82 million citiziens without refugees.

We have 2017 now.
Germany has 83 million citiziens with refugees.

Who is the retard?  :D

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: PetroffVany on January 18, 2017, 12:45:22 PM
And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.
And who said that will give them the opportunity to obtain the German nationality? They got the right to stay in the country until their country won't end the war. After the war they would be sent home. To catch them all will be very easy.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 19, 2017, 05:01:56 PM
And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.
Again you have your figures, coming from nowhere and without any source, and I have mine, the official ones, claiming that Germany took 140k applications

Of course it's already a lot, I'm not claiming Germany isn't doing its part and France should take a fucking example on that.
But no it's not an invasion, you're not going to reach 94millions of Germans in 2 or 3 years just because of migrants, only a retard would believe that  ::)

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 19, 2017, 05:03:32 PM
And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.
And who said that will give them the opportunity to obtain the German nationality? They got the right to stay in the country until their country won't end the war. After the war they would be sent home. To catch them all will be very easy.

The funny part is that their country isn't going to end the war as WE are the ones subsidizing...

YOU are responsible for this war
You helped producing the weapons, you gave money for terrorists and you trained them.
And when I say YOU I mean WE because I'm no different.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: wowanstrong on January 19, 2017, 05:09:59 PM
And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.
And who said that will give them the opportunity to obtain the German nationality? They got the right to stay in the country until their country won't end the war. After the war they would be sent home. To catch them all will be very easy.

The funny part is that their country isn't going to end the war as WE are the ones subsidizing...

YOU are responsible for this war
You helped producing the weapons, you gave money for terrorists and you trained them.
And when I say YOU I mean WE because I'm no different.
Firstly they were trained and supplied arms to the Americans. Why did they not flee to America , and in Europe? That's not the reason. These lazy do not want to work and want to live in good conditions. That's all they want.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 19, 2017, 05:15:48 PM
And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.
And who said that will give them the opportunity to obtain the German nationality? They got the right to stay in the country until their country won't end the war. After the war they would be sent home. To catch them all will be very easy.

The funny part is that their country isn't going to end the war as WE are the ones subsidizing...

YOU are responsible for this war
You helped producing the weapons, you gave money for terrorists and you trained them.
And when I say YOU I mean WE because I'm no different.
Firstly they were trained and supplied arms to the Americans.
Not only. Especially France and UK had a very important part in the weapon production and sales to terrorists.
Moreover, Germany consume hell lots of fossil fuel, where do you think they're buying it?
That's right, directly or indirectly from regions and governments controlled or in favor of Daesh.
Why did they not flee to America , and in Europe?
You dumb or what?
You got 15% chance of dying crossing the Mediterranean see, you want them to try to cross a fucking ocean?
That's not the reason. These lazy do not want to work and want to live in good conditions. That's all they want.

Yeah, those lazy piece of shit! Lazy asshole stealing our jobs!!! Oh wait... Isn't it a bit self-contradictory?

And 70% of refugees come from either Syria of Afghanistan, you do know WE are bombing the shit out of here and Daesh is cleaning what's left right?
This is not a question of being lazy this is a question of fleeing war! And that's why the problem is so new! It was a much less important problem 10 years ago!

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 19, 2017, 05:21:22 PM
Firstly they were trained and supplied arms to the Americans. Why did they not flee to America , and in Europe?

Neither the US, not the EU was involved in the initial phase of the Syrian war. The Sunni Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were the one who started this conflict. And they must be the ones who should house these people.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Mersedes on January 19, 2017, 08:25:00 PM
Firstly they were trained and supplied arms to the Americans. Why did they not flee to America , and in Europe?

Neither the US, not the EU was involved in the initial phase of the Syrian war. The Sunni Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were the one who started this conflict. And they must be the ones who should house these people.
I believe that it does not matter who started this war. War, too, is different. From small arms to fight in the city, and from the plane to bomb the city. However, I believe that Syria should be protected camps and civilians have to live there and not in Europe.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: LilibethSantos on January 19, 2017, 09:26:16 PM
I imagine some people would want the book as a collectors item or just because it is taboo. I doubt there is a Nazi uprising but it makes for great headlines.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: iluvbitcoins on January 19, 2017, 09:52:47 PM
Firstly they were trained and supplied arms to the Americans. Why did they not flee to America , and in Europe?

Neither the US, not the EU was involved in the initial phase of the Syrian war. The Sunni Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were the one who started this conflict. And they must be the ones who should house these people.

USA played their part, they didn't "start" the war

But they armed ISIS

Which is enough to blame them

And do you understand that only 1 million migrants came last year? Even if they were ALL active muslims (which is not the case) it would still make not even 0.4% of European population... How do you go from 5% to 30% with 1 million of migrants? Even with 10 millions for god sake!!!

In 2015, Germany received 1.1 million asylum applications from Muslim immigrants. Out of this, 430,000 were from Syria, 154,046 were from Afghanistan and 121,662 were from Iraq. 80% of the applications were made by single men. After family re-unification, we can expect this 1 million to climb to 6 to 8 million.

Total population of Germany is 80 million. That is 10% increase in Muslim population in a single year. It is obvious to everyone, with the exception of retards.
Again you have your figures, coming from nowhere and without any source, and I have mine, the official ones, claiming that Germany took 140k applications

Of course it's already a lot, I'm not claiming Germany isn't doing its part and France should take a fucking example on that.
But no it's not an invasion, you're not going to reach 94millions of Germans in 2 or 3 years just because of migrants, only a retard would believe that  ::)

It's still too much
I met a German guy recently who's planning to buy a house here in Croatia (Istria) because he thinks Germany will become a khalifat

Let's not debate if it has any basis on actual facts, but this policy is driving Germans away from Germany and driving in foreigners

I mean, if we neglect this

Taking adult males capable of fightning away from Syria (if they're not ISIS supporters, which they apparently aren't since we're giving them asylum in EU) is helping ISIS

We're taking away those who need to fight against them, and pay them food,shelter, transport, social support etc.
Isn't it cheaper to buy them AK47s?
And won't it be more helpful long term to give weapons to those who FIGHT instead of to feed, store and move around a bunch of people with a literally no positive long term effect except for keeping them alive (and killing their countryman along the way, since all the war capable men went to Sweden).

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 20, 2017, 12:09:40 PM
USA played their part, they didn't "start" the war

But they armed ISIS

Which is enough to blame them

The US sold weapons (such as the much-feared BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile) to its allies such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia. These allies passed on these weapons to the Free Syrian Army (FSA). When some of the FSA factions defected to the ISIS, these weapons ended up with the Caliphate. I don't think that you can blame the US for that.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Mersedes on January 20, 2017, 12:16:32 PM
USA played their part, they didn't "start" the war

But they armed ISIS

Which is enough to blame them

The US sold weapons (such as the much-feared BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile) to its allies such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia. These allies passed on these weapons to the Free Syrian Army (FSA). When some of the FSA factions defected to the ISIS, these weapons ended up with the Caliphate. I don't think that you can blame the US for that.
Of course not. Russian accused of other. Americans are to blame for the fact that I did not tell the rebels man-portable air defence systems. Russian is to blame for that support Assad and interfere with Syria to develop. I'm not talking about bombing cities.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: maku on January 20, 2017, 01:07:58 PM
Why do we discuss Muslims migration, ideological crisis in Europe and potential danger of Islamization of Germany in this thread?

I thought this is thread about Mein Kampf's recent rise to popularity. And to be honest it is not as  big deal as many of you think.

Mein Kamp was alway available in .pdf version, anyone with internet access can download it for free from first google link.

Suddenly when book was printed is become sensational news, but I think people bought it mainly because it is scandalous book and it is "cool" to have something like this.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 20, 2017, 05:40:08 PM

It's still too much
I met a German guy recently who's planning to buy a house here in Croatia (Istria) because he thinks Germany will become a khalifat

Let's not debate if it has any basis on actual facts, but this policy is driving Germans away from Germany and driving in foreigners

I mean, if we neglect this

Taking adult males capable of fightning away from Syria (if they're not ISIS supporters, which they apparently aren't since we're giving them asylum in EU) is helping ISIS

We're taking away those who need to fight against them, and pay them food,shelter, transport, social support etc.
Isn't it cheaper to buy them AK47s?
And won't it be more helpful long term to give weapons to those who FIGHT instead of to feed, store and move around a bunch of people with a literally no positive long term effect except for keeping them alive (and killing their countryman along the way, since all the war capable men went to Sweden).

You're argument is in a sense:
"We should better try to correct our past mistakes by helping the people in need to get back their freedom" right?
Yeah I agree, problem is that there is a reason why they no longer have their freedom. It's because WE took it away by financing, supplying and training terrorist groups.
You want to help them claim their land? Well maybe you shouldn't have taken it first...

Isn't it a bit too easy to say "ok guys I admit, we took your land destroyed your government and institutions but come on, now I regret let's take it whole back again k?"

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: hexitor on January 20, 2017, 05:58:42 PM
I don't understand that the german gouvernement allows the publication of Mein Kampf. But it's too incroyable that don't surprised the people after I thinks that there are just a little bit of people who share Hitler's opinion.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: daiyuba1971 on January 20, 2017, 06:01:04 PM
Why do we discuss Muslims migration, ideological crisis in Europe and potential danger of Islamization of Germany in this thread?

I thought this is thread about Mein Kampf's recent rise to popularity. And to be honest it is not as  big deal as many of you think.

Mein Kamp was alway available in .pdf version, anyone with internet access can download it for free from first google link.

Suddenly when book was printed is become sensational news, but I think people bought it mainly because it is scandalous book and it is "cool" to have something like this.

Why don't you think that the migrant crisis in Europe has caused a large increase in right-wing nationalists. This is the growth of sales of this book. Hitler's ideas are still alive and offer simple solutions to national problems.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Hydrogen on January 20, 2017, 07:40:56 PM
Europeans want to make europe great again.

The same way Trump promises to make america great again.

People will follow a leader who can give them that.

I think the answer isn't to censor mein kampf.

But rather to give people the kind of real leadership and reform they desire.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Perle on January 20, 2017, 07:45:08 PM
Europeans want to make europe great again.

The same way Trump promises to make america great again.

People will follow a leader who can give them that.

I think the answer isn't to censor mein kampf.

But rather to give people the kind of real leadership and reform they desire.
The Europeans don't want to do the great Europe. They think its great. For this reason, Europe is now suffering. Trump wants to make America great, and so how could he flirt with the enemy of America Russia?

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Hydrogen on January 20, 2017, 08:02:51 PM
The Europeans don't want to do the great Europe. They think its great. For this reason, Europe is now suffering. Trump wants to make America great, and so how could he flirt with the enemy of America Russia?

The reason people look to Hitler as a leader is.

They are desperate and have little hope.

That won't be fixed by censorship or banning a book Hitler wrote.

The only way to fix it is to give people hope again, something to believe in.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: ekaterina77 on January 20, 2017, 08:10:36 PM
The Europeans don't want to do the great Europe. They think its great. For this reason, Europe is now suffering. Trump wants to make America great, and so how could he flirt with the enemy of America Russia?

The reason people look to Hitler as a leader is.

They are desperate and have little hope.

That won't be fixed by censorship or banning a book Hitler wrote.

The only way to fix it is to give people hope again, something to believe in.
Adolf Hitler was indeed a leader. He spoke words that people want to hear. Very similar to what Trump said during the election campaign. Here is the answer to your question. People are to blame that come to power by dictators.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: ifightformerkel on January 20, 2017, 08:30:42 PM
I think it was a best seller because it has a very limited printage.

So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: TicTacTic on January 20, 2017, 08:34:35 PM
I think it was a best seller because it has a very limited printage.

So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.
This book can be read on the Internet. Once they buy it so for them it is not just a book it is a symbol. It is a bad sign. After the democratic reform can come of radical nationalists. It will be the same as in 1933.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 20, 2017, 11:29:50 PM
I think it was a best seller because it has a very limited printage.

So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.
This book can be read on the Internet. Once they buy it so for them it is not just a book it is a symbol. It is a bad sign. After the democratic reform can come of radical nationalists. It will be the same as in 1933.

This book couldnt be reprinted because the copyright holder didnt allowed it.
Every original could be shared, sold or bought without problems.
In 2016 the 70 years copyright duration ended and everyone can reprint it now.

The alt right dudes are going nuts again for nothing.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 21, 2017, 11:18:29 AM
Why do we discuss Muslims migration, ideological crisis in Europe and potential danger of Islamization of Germany in this thread?

I thought this is thread about Mein Kampf's recent rise to popularity. And to be honest it is not as  big deal as many of you think.

Mein Kamp was alway available in .pdf version, anyone with internet access can download it for free from first google link.

Suddenly when book was printed is become sensational news, but I think people bought it mainly because it is scandalous book and it is "cool" to have something like this.

Yeah you could download it but it was illegal ^^

Indeed Mein Kampf isn't such a big deal now. But that's why it's interesting: the ideology behind might rise. That's why we discuss immigration and Islam here, because Mein Kampf in itself is both useless and without any importance. But all that surrounds the book is!

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Karloff on January 21, 2017, 12:28:59 PM
I think it was a best seller because it has a very limited printage.

So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.
This book can be read on the Internet. Once they buy it so for them it is not just a book it is a symbol. It is a bad sign. After the democratic reform can come of radical nationalists. It will be the same as in 1933.

This book couldnt be reprinted because the copyright holder didnt allowed it.
Every original could be shared, sold or bought without problems.
In 2016 the 70 years copyright duration ended and everyone can reprint it now.

The alt right dudes are going nuts again for nothing.
The problem is not that the book was reprinted, but the fact that the idea that promoting this book recently enjoyed great popularity. It seems to me that this pushes the migrant crisis and the rise number of attacks.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 21, 2017, 04:28:10 PM
I think it was a best seller because it has a very limited printage.

So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.
This book can be read on the Internet. Once they buy it so for them it is not just a book it is a symbol. It is a bad sign. After the democratic reform can come of radical nationalists. It will be the same as in 1933.

This book couldnt be reprinted because the copyright holder didnt allowed it.
Every original could be shared, sold or bought without problems.
In 2016 the 70 years copyright duration ended and everyone can reprint it now.

The alt right dudes are going nuts again for nothing.
The problem is not that the book was reprinted, but the fact that the idea that promoting this book recently enjoyed great popularity. It seems to me that this pushes the migrant crisis and the rise number of attacks.

Explain me where you get that "fact" from?
The 2016 reprint is full of additional infos and comments.

Isnt it rather logical people bought it as a mean of historical research?
Else you would just buy the original or download it from the internet if you are a wannabe nazi.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: Sithara007 on January 21, 2017, 04:28:30 PM
The problem is not that the book was reprinted, but the fact that the idea that promoting this book recently enjoyed great popularity. It seems to me that this pushes the migrant crisis and the rise number of attacks.

At least in Germany, the migrant crisis had no effect on the popularity of Nazism. The neo-Nazi party (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands or NPD) has seen its vote-share declining in the 2015/2016 elections.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 21, 2017, 04:29:59 PM
The problem is not that the book was reprinted, but the fact that the idea that promoting this book recently enjoyed great popularity. It seems to me that this pushes the migrant crisis and the rise number of attacks.

At least in Germany, the migrant crisis had no effect on the popularity of Nazism. The neo-Nazi party (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands or NPD) has seen its vote-share declining in the 2015/2016 elections.

They are voting AfD now.
A lot of their voter are either alt right or neo nazis

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: mainpmf on January 21, 2017, 06:44:28 PM
I think it was a best seller because it has a very limited printage.

So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.
This book can be read on the Internet. Once they buy it so for them it is not just a book it is a symbol. It is a bad sign. After the democratic reform can come of radical nationalists. It will be the same as in 1933.

This book couldnt be reprinted because the copyright holder didnt allowed it.
Every original could be shared, sold or bought without problems.
In 2016 the 70 years copyright duration ended and everyone can reprint it now.

The alt right dudes are going nuts again for nothing.
The problem is not that the book was reprinted, but the fact that the idea that promoting this book recently enjoyed great popularity. It seems to me that this pushes the migrant crisis and the rise number of attacks.

Explain me where you get that "fact" from?
The 2016 reprint is full of additional infos and comments.

Isnt it rather logical people bought it as a mean of historical research?
Else you would just buy the original or download it from the internet if you are a wannabe nazi.
To be fair extreme right ideas get more and more popularity...
But don't know if the "nazi" idea will come back.
I think it will take another form. They won't wake up the monster, they'll just create a new one.

Title: Re: 85.000 copies of Mein Kampf sold in Germany in 2016
Post by: criptix on January 21, 2017, 06:52:07 PM
I think it was a best seller because it has a very limited printage.

So people buy a lot of these books and sell it on ebay like i see for very nice prices.
About 4-5 times higher than the original price.
This book can be read on the Internet. Once they buy it so for them it is not just a book it is a symbol. It is a bad sign. After the democratic reform can come of radical nationalists. It will be the same as in 1933.

This book couldnt be reprinted because the copyright holder didnt allowed it.
Every original could be shared, sold or bought without problems.
In 2016 the 70 years copyright duration ended and everyone can reprint it now.

The alt right dudes are going nuts again for nothing.
The problem is not that the book was reprinted, but the fact that the idea that promoting this book recently enjoyed great popularity. It seems to me that this pushes the migrant crisis and the rise number of attacks.

Explain me where you get that "fact" from?
The 2016 reprint is full of additional infos and comments.

Isnt it rather logical people bought it as a mean of historical research?
Else you would just buy the original or download it from the internet if you are a wannabe nazi.
To be fair extreme right ideas get more and more popularity...
But don't know if the "nazi" idea will come back.
I think it will take another form. They won't wake up the monster, they'll just create a new one.

I agree here.
Today you cant say far right = nazis anymore. We have people from all colors and ethnicities saying from themself that they are far right/alt-right. From slaves over blacks to jews and asians.